Hi Celia

Don't beat yourself up or try to explain your way out of it, you posted a comedic video that offended some, so what, forgive yourself, and move on, don't apologize for it, or let others opinions mold you.

I thank you for your posts, and for standing up for Good against Evil.

Be proud of your contribution, and I thank God for sending you!

Continue your good work!!!

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Thank you Shae. I just would not want to drive people away because something I posted was truly offensive or vile but I think this man is truly funny BUT has some kind of dark streak. I have exhausted myself..

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Here in NZ, the Security services compiled a list of things that neighbours and friends should look out for to see if any of their friends/relatives/neighbours were likely to be secret terrorists or subversive. The list included things like homeschooling, wearing braided hair, attending knitting circles, women wearing long dresses, and other such innocuous things. Voices For Freedom, a group started by three pretty dynamic women, immediately spoofed this nonsense and put out T shirts with the list on, and mercilessly ridiculed the SS claims....Good on them...

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really smart… laugh at it, because, what a joke… de-fangs the topic so that there can be discussion about how crazy the ‘🤡ideas🤡’ are

Humor = Best Medicine!

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a laugh a day keeps the doctor away ! Kitten that is so true !

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oh no ! I would be locked up richtaway. Knitting fan, long dresses, if I had kids I would homeschool them and if my hair were long I would have braids LOL. These people hate old fashioned virtues for sure.

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Well, I think you might be a little too hard on Dunnigan. I am a big fan of his since anyone who mocks Biden is someone that needs to be supported. And until you have seen Bill Maher’s celebrity gang bang you have not laughed (yes, very vulgar).

I have watched most of Dunnigan’s stuff for more than a year now and have never heard him refer to Sam Harris, so would not take the friendship comment too seriously. He is probably just trying not to make enemies (he also says he has nothing against Maher but ...).

As for Dore, love him. Less for his comedy than for his very principled outrage at the left hypocrisy he sees all around him. And Chapelle’s comedy combines humor with real insight - and courage. One of the greats.

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The introspection you shared astonishing! Thank you for taking the time to be sensitized and openly dive deeply into the observation of ‘vulgarity’. Not knowing much, I too was excited to share the video with others…

And paused…

Something in the ‘comedy’ made me pause.

Did I want to share this? Was it as clear as Chappelle or Vulgar?

I thought the latter and refrained.

You verbalized my reservations accurately… thank you.

Although a non-Jew…

I often ask myself… would Mel (Brooks) approve this? If not…

It’s not funny! 😌

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Wull I fer one 'specially loved the Jordan Peterson spoof, also not knowin' that Mista' HorridHarris was behind it... there IS truth in this hilarious "new" topsy turvy pro-fat absurdity that promotes donuts over diets. Ya gotta give yerself per-mission ta laugh at what's funny EVEN if it's a naughty pleasure... which includes material that at times kin be crude or in poor taste--not so much mean (Don Rickles pushes it a bit far fer me, Benny, Cesar an' Burns--not ta mention Bell Barthe & Toti Fields! are spot-on)...Humor kin be a leeetle wicked, no?/ nu? That's when you let out the embarrassed laff ye know is about something verboten--but laff ye do and it feels good! Something releases in them (as my grandma would say) "kishkehs" and this is GOOD! Everyone'll have a different onion (opinion, how'z them onions...) on this but Jewish humor--in real life too--IS unique--it's warm and crazy an' self-deprecatin' an' sounds like yer dad had it puhlenty an' passed it along. A blessing, no? Welcome it, no apolo-geez!

Even today, (as we are all Jews even us Jews lol) the entire plandemic story kin be summed up, they wanna kill us, let's eat! (Oh, and since bugs ain't kosher...do we Jews get a special pass on this one? Of course this WILL be asked! But ssssh, there's always Joe's Stone Crab, don't tell...crabs are not bugs when they have hollandaise!) I jest... sort of. I (rovin' crackpot an' outta work uninjected ham) love all types've humor but there IS truth in even the darkest humor and much of that dark-but-true ironic humor is, indeed, Jewish--so we all have to joyfully fress even in the face've nihilistic dee-saster, death, or seein' Shelley Winters in the Poseidon Adventure! (and every Jew that professes to have no appetite when there's arguin' or strife will sneak cheesecake at 3am guaranteed). This is life. We live it "in spite of" whatevah' So yup, they wanna kill us, we fight / fought/will fight back! Let's eat!

Take it as it comes--welcome the deep laughs! For those folks'r easily offended--whuther that's TOO easily depends--I'll say 'at todays world'a-woke takes itself WAY too seriously...nowadays thar's more LACK've humor than humor... so that gives us a little gap ta fill...

Fill it with something good! Here's ta raisin' a toast (rye, a little dry) to laughin'!

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PS Not sure if ya know Walter Bock (I like his writin' puhlenty, he's worth a good look-see!) but this short piece'a his in support'a Chappelle sez lots and sez it well. Made me think'a what you wrote...and made me wonder if "modern" humor / new generation overly-ASS-immolated Jews have LOST their traditional ability to laugh at themselves (lost purr-haps in joinin' the other woke-a-frieds...(now Woke-a-Freids?) "just to git along" (new tribe vs old one 'at thought girdles an' admitted to be bad at sports were funny....)

See if ya don't agree a bit...


I "poisonally" thought Chappelle's routine was a hoot!

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Everyone should check out comedian Tyler Fischer, who also does a Jordan Peterson impersonation

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Chapelle was hilarious until he started shilling for MSM fake news narratives. Your change of heart is contagious!

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I laughed even when he was shilling. It was very clear when he was shilling. Shostakovich wrote that symphony (5) that Stalin thought was a "rehabilitation" of a repentant true believer and audience heard as. a rebuke to Stalin. I need to listen to it and see if I can detect any of this.

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I briefly wondered if it was “fake” shilling. It seemed so incongruous.

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Me too. It seemed out of left field. Hoping it was fake.

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Do you have "colluding with Russians" in mind? He tried to come back full circle just like he did with the Kanye chain. That is an effective style of telling jokes. His prior praise of Trump was funny and genuine, so it was ok. But calling someone observably stupid (Walker) is not funny by itself. There was not any nuance in it. And he should not have discussed Ukraine.

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Yes, colluding with Russians and also Ukraine. I admit I stopped watching after that.

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C'mon; Kyle Dunnigan as Jordan Peterson was HILARIOUS.

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Yes, truly truly. Yes. I'm not changing my mind about that. BEST Canadian accent ever ever.

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Comedy is actually very simple. It’s basically all about surprise. When a comic ceases to say or do surprising things, they are no longer practicing comedy and become boring. As a Christian, I have mixed feelings about vulgarity, as the Biblical detective is to shun it. Which a lot of times vulgarity then makes a joke all the funnier. But when overdone, vulgarity usually ceases to have its humorous effect as it seems more gratuitous and part of the signs of comedic laziness. Also people will often laugh when in discomfort. Just because people laugh at you, doesn’t mean you’re actually funny.

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That Dave Chappelle monologue was possibly the most brilliant bit I have ever heard. He is so ridiculously smart.

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I thought his monologue right after the 2016 election was equally brilliant!

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Chapelles video är blockad i Sverige ;)

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No! Scary and sad. Were you unable to watch it?

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Opera has a free VPN so I just change to that browser when something is blocked here

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Melvin Kaminsky fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

Came home from the war, went back to Brooklyn, got a job writing for TV.

Then married a Broadway star, and made a few movies.

He's 98 now.

My favorite Jewish comedian.

Yes I know it's Stephanopoulos, but still a great interview with Mel, 3 yr ago.


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My perspective is that he has studied his craft well and is a grand practitioner in speaking truth to power.

The decisions he makes to speak out are not for the faint of heart. I could never do it myself and I appreciate that. What he has experienced in his personal life, and who his allegiances to are not of my concern. His points were well made.

I take his comments at face value…

what he said in a 5 minute dialogue was fascinating, mind blowing and pretty spot on… home alone comments and all…imho overall, the dude is pretty accurate!

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Dunnigan is funny, I don't care who he knows or doesn't know. It's a business, you have to network.

Chapel is funny sometimes...sometimes he's a drag. I'm not offended by anything that he says really, but when he says that 'in the end we learned that Trump probably was colluding with Russia' you have to wonder what shit he reads. I feel like I've heard better defense of how Trump's political star was born, not sure where though. Dave did manage to say it on TV, to their faces as well. I guess that that's worth something.

My favorite comedian of all time is Norm MacDonald. I'm not 100% sure why, it's not just the laughs. Watching his stand up makes me feel better. Bill Burr, Dave Chapel...most of the modern zeitgeist comedy just make me feel dark.

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I took the Sam Harris thing to be a bad sign since Harris is one of the force horsemen of the atheist apocalypse and that is not trivial. Have you listened to what that guys says? Jimmy Dore unpacked it brilliantly. YES about Norm MacDonald.

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I must have missed it, I'll have to go check it out. The whole Sam Harris thing just popped out of nowhere. I have no idea who he is. I still can't help but laugh at the Donnigan stuff.

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I have found humor to be very subjective. For example, can you believe that there are people in this world who do NOT find me funny?!

And, even more amazing, is how many of them are in my own family!

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ps. no I can not!

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I love you!

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Dale!!! That man you sent...last winter...the one...with the eggs. What was his name?? Can't wait to share that. That guys was a genius. Bibi and I both howled.

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Was it a person juggling five eggs? If not, I am afraid I might need a bit more information. (Please feel free to contact me privately if you like.)

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i think dave chappelle is the goat, but he still gets things wrong, talking about ukraine he failed to even mention that there are battalions of nazis, hes still a deceived lefty.

despite these things i still like him and his humour, you dont have to agree with someone 100% to enjoy their company/humour etc

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Comedy is born in the heart of tragedy. Humor comes from sadness, fear, anger, grief and trauma. Given the choice between tears and laughter we choose laughter. The Jewish people have understood this for thousands of years.

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that's what I wanted to say!

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