Thank you so much for highlighting James Perloff, Celia. Jim is one of my dearest friends.

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This is one of the best documentaries I've seen exposing this conspiracy. It amazed me when I first saw it to learn that every war America has fought in the post civil war era up to present has been based on false pretenses. Thanks for making this available.

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Including the Civil War.

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Well that is true. Definitely were other factors causing that war too, just didn't involve Americans getting sent overseas to kill and be killed on falsehoods

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Thank you for informing us about this movie. It is incumbent upon all of us to get as much information out in front of as many people as possible so they become aware of the monstrous evil that is the world economic forum, and the overall concept of the New World order.

The leaders behind these entities are the greatest criminals the human race has ever produced.

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I'm discovering that this is not a new trend. Repost of a comment I made on another Substack last Sunday:

<<I read a couple of interesting passages this morning from "Tower of Basel," (2013) about BIS, the Bank for International Settlements.

"In 1946 he went public with his idea. [Swedish BIS economic advisor] Jacobssen gave a talk at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania with the grandiose title 'The Re-Education of Europe.' The German problem could be solved only as part of the European problem. Postwar Europe would flourish through diversity, but a new loyalty was needed, one which superseded mere national fidelity. Just as in the 1930s, the technocrats believed they knew best, although their ambitions were far more grandiose: the imposition of a new transnational financial, economic, and political structure, whether the people of Europe wanted it or not."

Here's another:

"There could be no return to the prewar system of nation-states, [John Foster] Dulles wrote in 1941:

'We should seek the political reorganization of continental Europe as a federated commonwealth. There must be a large measure of local self-government along ethnic lines. This can be assured through federal principles, which in this respect are very flexible. But the reestablishment of some twenty-five wholly independent sovereign states in Europe would be political folly.'

National sovereignty led inevitably to war, Dulles argued in 1942. 'The fact of the matter is that economic unity in Europe has primarily been held back by a small group of self-seeking politicians in every nation....Because a lot of politicians want to hold on to the trappings of sovereignty, are we to allow a condition to persist which makes recurrent war inevitable and which now, apparently, also inevitably involve our being drawn into such wars?'"

Both from Chapter 11.>>

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Says the a-hole that was a psychopathic toadie of the very people who caused all of those wars. And they weren't national leaders. They were the globalitarian, megalomaniac, Malthusian Parasites who are still promoting their destructive wars, including the extraordinarily dangerous proxy war with Russia using Ukrainians as chumps, food for the meat grinder.

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All egotistical delusional twats who frequently think they have a New & Improved Miracle Solution to stop all wars. Heaven help us. From President Wilson and his pal Colonel House to James "Mr. Compartmentalization" Conant, a key father from WW1 and WW2 of the US military-industrial complex he built for personal profits and power, all disguised as an illusory idea the "USA or they themselves are invincible" if they control the monetary supply and latest new weapon tech. Wrote about Harvard president Conant and his bio-chem warfare rule-the-world ilk. Look close at his face and the face of his "well meaning" close pal Alfred Loomis who bought half of Hilton Head Island in the Great Depression:


Meanwhile, the USA a few days ago says it's changing the orbit of its military mini-shuttle. Who knows what its payload is? Another super secret weapon system. Far too many people in the "compartmentalized" Pentagon think they can win any "real" war today with just electronic warfare and A.I. Unrepentant, delusional and insane bullies one and all just feeding the war rackets.

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“Meanwhile, the USA a few days ago says its changing the orbit of its military mini-shuttle. Who knows what its payload is?”

Rather than being governed by the consent of the governed and the sacred “rule of law” our institutions fake pretend we revere we are governed by a routinely redacted thoroughly opaque “none of your business, shut up, take the clot shot, hand over your money and sovereignty OR ELSE!, paradigm

Get sideways with the lawless rule of law and you’ll be sorry.

It is evolved to the point where now the criminality is written into the statutes. If an egregious behavior is becoming problematic because the peeps are bitching no problemo, just write a law to make it legal. Problem solved now shut up and mind your business.

Everything is routinely redacted (why is that? Why is it OK for EVERYTHING to be a secret no matter how trivial?), and everything is a secret for no other reason than “that’s what we demand now shut up and mind your own business”

I’m not an expert on these things but like everyone I can see what we all see. If you shut up and mind your own business your OK for a little while until they come after you even though you were minding your own business. How many millions of people were minding their own business when out of the blue they demanded you submit to needle rape or lose everything (for most people losing their income is not trivial). A screwed either way scenario. You’re just supposed to not ask questions and mind your own business. And if you don’t mind your own business they shut you AND your business up

Catherine Austin Fitts made me aware of FASAB Statement 56. Beyond my pay grade of course and just one of a Zillion examples. Basically it makes an accounting rule such that it is OK for the government to hide what they’re doing by effectively having 2 sets of books

How wonderful. Law in the pursuit of lawlessness. Lawmakers spending a lot of their time and our money making lawlessness lawful. Groovy. It feels like THAT is what we have. If you want to go all rogue and mass murderer on the excess lab rats that you feel need thinning and looting not a problem at all we got a law for that. It’s called EUA, Emergency Use Authorization, now go ahead murder loot and destroy till you feel sated because your safe and completely protected. BY LAW. If you challenge it or any other abomination feel lucky if you get a contemptuous brush off and such as “shut up and mind your own business”. If you’re not so lucky you will be COMPLETELY destroyed including your career your certifications and perhaps even lose your family as collateral damage

All perfectly lawful and done by the book

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Recall that Daddy Bush was always talking about THE NEW WORLD ORDER?

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Sandi that's right. Also one that many don't see, H G Wells wrote more than sci fi books, he also wrote nonfiction books on economics and society, one titled "the open conspiracy- a blueprint for a global revolution " and another titled " the new world order" this was around 1940.....it's been long in the making

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Thank you!

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So far, I've watched the section on false flags which I found both informative and frustrating. Informative because while I'd heard of the USS Maine and the Lusitania I didn't know a thing about them.

Here's the thing.


"False flag" is a propaganda term for the narrative targeted to those anticipated not to believe their "official" stories.

They know there will be those who won't believe their stories because they very obviously don't add up ... and deliberately so, that is their MO. Revelation of the Method.

We are always told how very suspiciously this, that or the other didn't happen prior to the event that could have pre-empted its occurrence. I mean they just trot that line out every single time whether it's the constables away from their posts in the Great Fire of London 1666 or NORAD going AWOL on 9/11 or warnings ignored at Pearl Harbor ... or the cache of weapons left undiscovered at Adam Lanza's house in Sandy Hook.



Did they want soldiers killed at Pearl Harbor?

Did they want to kill the crew of the Lusitania?

Did they want to kill the crew of the USS Maine?

Did they want to kill the crew of the USS Liberty?

Did they want to kill the people in the buildings on 9/11?


It's all about mind control.

It's like the guy said about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Nothing happened.

In many false flags things will happen ... just not the things or not the most important things they say happens. The buildings came down on 9/11 ... but they were evacuated cos guess what? fundamentally 9/11 was a demolition job and prior to demolition jobs they fully evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas ... and there ain't nothing that said that didn't happen on 9/11 other than alleged witnesses and loved ones giving fake testimony and images of those sporting pretty little bandages in DRILLS.

What happened at Pearl Harbor? This is what ChatGPT tells us about the allegedly damaged boats:


--- Of the eight battleships impacted during the attack only the USS Arizona was not salvaged at all - but guess what? - it’s used for memorial purposes (rather hilariously, the most frequent visitors to the Pearl Harbor memorial sites are Japanese). Of the remaining seven, six were returned to service (four within the same year) while the USS Oklahoma was sold for scrap.

--- Of the nine other ships impacted, the USS Utah was not salvaged but remains as a “war grave”. Of the remaining eight: five returned to service within the same year; two - after salvage of their machinery and equipment - were rebuilt and returned to service in 1943 while a fourth returned to service in 1944.

So they exploited the faked Pearl Harbour as a money-making exercise for decades, centuries even?? to come just like the 9/11 memorial sites.

Japan didn't bomb Pearl Harbor from planes but neither did the US. Any bombing was done from ground or sea but even that looks fake. I find it so hilarious. They show us so many planes ... but none of them dropping bombs and hitting target. Pearl Harbor, the event, was no less of a movie than any movie made about it. Same goes for 9/11. The footage of the buildings coming down is fake - yeah, hard to believe I know, I've only just come around to this conclusion myself after 10 years of dedicated study, although people worked it out years ago at least as early as 2010. But it's easy to understand why they faked it - the real thing ... would simply have looked too typical of controlled demolition for one thing.




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Thank you for this. I'm very ignorant about this stuff, so this is a good primer.

I love the part around 52:24 where a very long but partial list of prominent CFR members is given. I suppose I should be shocked, but almost nothing shocks me any more.

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Seriously, Celia, Thank you!

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I don't know if anyone has watched 'Shots - from eugenics to vaccines' but that is another eye opener. I'll try to post it to my substack and share it if able

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Thank you for this recommendation, Celia. I had not watched this film before.

I am familiar with a number of the stories but it is always good to get a refresher, and more details.

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love the history, hate the muzak. it's like a bad dentist appointment. the electronic zapping (as of mosquitos) is supposed to keep viewer alert? it scrambles my synapses. can't watch.

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Celia, always appreciate these great movie suggestions. Just love great film--turn on the projector and pass the popcorn.😊

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Also this video:

Stunning Short History - of Why the World has Gone Mad!, Ivor Cummins:


"This one is a keeper. Not much more than half an hour and you will be more educated on crucial history than 99.99% of people - on WHY we are where we are in the world. Am I wrong on this? DOWNLOAD here - and share everywhere! https://we.tl/t-Z999dgnDmQ

Dr. Nordangård's Rockefeller book: https://pharosmedia.se/shop#!/product... , and his stunning talk on this topic: • Stunning Short History - of Why the W... "

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he's got a talk on youtube from 2020 re Rockefeller https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tPJErpUMY_w

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link for Nordangard says error.

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Yes that is a Swedish site. His books are on Amazon kindle also:


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