Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Youtube has deleted the film, but it can be accessed on bitchute here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TaVkv4FVuXcQ/

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I'm watching it now on YouTube

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I found the transcript to save time so I don't have to wade through scenes of cars driving through autumn foliage to background music etc. However, I quickly realized it's a morass of minutiae, parts of which may be interesting, but I ain't slogging through it to find nuggets. If a person is interested in the nuts & bolts recounted in stultifying detail of the NSA and bureaucratic impediments to the war on terror, this is your movie.

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I found it on YT too and just opened up the Transcript.

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It must be too hot for YT. In just four hours they've canned it.

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It's still on YouTube -- I just checked at 12:30 a.m. November 12

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I have watched it. There seems to be more bastards on this planet than most could ever imagine

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

FYI: hmmm, whether I'm logged into youtube or not, I'm able to play the youtube version:


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Thanks, we prefer Bitchute over WeCensorUtube

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I hate the digital age. I’m a Luddite who belongs in 19th century America. True, I’d bitch and feel overwhelmed there as well. But at least I could take a lot of walks in nature and not worry about being “spied on.” A pathetic government, the one that spies on one such as me.

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I love the label Luddite! Something so deliciously revolutionary about throwing a spanner in their works! I also delight in its cousin term saboteur, since the French peasant wearers of wooden clogs, sabots, allegedly also luddited the new fangled machinery of the factories.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

As a Southerner, or Southron as some say, I had to smile at your transliteration of your Daddy's accent. I have listened to recordings of him. He had a nice voice.

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I watched it a few years ago...and then again recently. Great man and a great story. So evil what they did to him and to our country by removing him.

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I didn't see this till just now. It's too late and I'm tired. I'll watch it tomorrow after I get home from church. I look forward to seeing it. Thanks Celia.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The Still Report interview is only 10 min and concludes no "secret" communication is secret so the best defence for the human community is to avoid trying to keep secrets.

Thanks for the film recommendation Celia, hadn't seen it - very enlightening, and depressing. Bill Binny and his crew, however, give me hope for humanity. It's just a steep mountain to climb back up every time the rock rolls down into the valley below...

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Implants? I don't understand. Were these spying implants? Just simply ones that started to act up when (say) flourescent lights weren't active? Or that when the lights were turned off, something started up (in the walls of his house or in the lights) that would cause resonance?

An interesting parallel was a story I read as a kid. Prisoners were given an implant and there were no walls. But the further you went from the prison, the more the implant caused pain. And there was an underground surgeon who would be paid to remove them so the people would go free. I don't recall the name of the story.

On a different note, I read "The Spy in Moscow Station", and the saddest part of the entire book was the bureaucratic backstabbing and infighting to get more influence with the president, or to increase a budget. The story is amazing! It was in the era of crypto that I was at when in the military. I understood everything being explained, and it was suspenseful and opened your eyes to how sneaky and clever the Russians were at that time.

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General Hayden, NSA


Michael Vincent Hayden

March 17, 1945 (age 78)

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Duquesne University (BA,


Trained in treachery by the Illuminati.

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There is no question that Bill Binney is a patriotic American and values human life and our Constitutional rights. There is no question that his Pantera design for Thinthread were technically far beyond anything that NSA/CIA and other agencies had. And there is no questions that his developments are now being used in the wrong hands.

But the real problem is that when terrorist attacks like 911 are so blatantly exposed by the forensics after the fact, we really don't need high-tech tracking (which we have in a massive abundance now) to arrest and try these criminals.

I question why Oliver Stone avoids the real issues of who was actually behind 911. The evidence of pre-planned demolotion has been proven and exposed now for years! Even Trump won't go there, though he has hinted that he knows. How about Rudy Giuliani? Robert Mueller was appointed head of the FBI just seven days before 911.

This technology is astounding. But the real problem is that we are NOT getting REAL about the obvious smoking guns and buildings. Why are Fauci and Gates not being arrested.

Bill Binney says he thinks DEW devices are targeting him, along with intimidation and other crimes.


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I knew this was going to happen. That was his perspective, THEN. The film is about a great American and the malignant state he gave his life to that crushed him.

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Right. Well he, Bill, is still doing great work. The background in the film you have brings out his credentials. Thanks Celia.

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Oliver Stone's son:

Director Oliver Stone's son says 9/11 was an ‘inside job’, Hezbollah are not terrorists, and Iran’s president is simply ‘misunderstood'

Sean Stone converted to Islam last year while working on a film in Iran


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Interesting. I have this yearning to visit Iran. From looking at that website, and watching the dances. It seems like the most magnificent place on earth. Oliver Stone's son is like Oliver Stone without the heavy stardom that blocks insight and access to truth.

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Years ago I read a sort of travelogue about Persia called "Vers Ispahan" by Pierre Loti (written circa 1900), who had quite an eye for unusual details, including his description of some annual festival where all the people gather roses outside the city then bring them in.

Sociopolitically, Iran may be a lot like Cuba, in that one gets two messages about it from those who claim there are few problems, then from the ex-pats who fled and some of whom become activists against the regime.

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Yes. Could be pressure too. After "JFK" and "Ukraine on Fire" Oliver and Sean, might be getting some flack.

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"I question why Oliver Stone avoids the real issues of who was actually behind 911. The evidence of pre-planned demolotion has been proven and exposed now for years! Even Trump won't go there, though he has hinted that he knows. How about Rudy Giuliani? "

Do you think some are just afraid to say who was behind it? Trump seemed like he knew the official story was not possible, but he'll never say more. I used to think Guiliani was in on it, but now I wonder if he's just completely brainwashed (most are). Cynthia McKinney was the only one in Congress who seemed to doubt the official story (she even had hearings on the war games) and then she was pushed out of Congress. I think there was an NJ Senator who also questioned the narrative, and then he got a scandal.

fwiw- The best documentary I've found on 9/11 is this one:

September 11: The New Pearl Harbor (Full Documentary by Massimo Mazzucco

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Lp81hoFneM4z/ (5 1/2 hrs destroys all aspects of the official narrative)

More on who was behind the operation:

9/11 Missing Links (USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11)


9/11 The Deception That Changed the World- Christopher Bollyn


9/11 Enemies Foreign and Domestic By Ed Hendrie



(Ultimately, I believe the banking cartel was behind 9/11 which was all about getting the global war of terror going and keeping the debt-based fiat ponzi scheme monetary system going)

I've done a deep dive into all the false flag terrorism (Israel is the master) and the list is endless. They've gotten away with all of them. And they will keep doing them because they work and most fall for whatever the fake media tells them. What a sick world we live in.

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Wow Sandra! Thank you for sharing these links! I saw 9/11 happen on live TV that morning. I had just started my day at work and everybody that I worked with was starring at the TV. I asked “what's going on?” Then I looked at the TV, it took me a few seconds to figure out what I was looking at! “Oh God that skyscrapers is on fire!” Then after a few minutes we all watched the second plane slam into the second skyscraper(I didn't know what the World Trade Center was at that time)😲 me and everybody else continued to watch! Then we all watched both buildings collapse! “Oh holy shit!😲 So in watching those 2 buildings collapse in real time on live TV all I could think and ask was “Ok! Those 2 buildings were empty, right? “Everybody got out of those buildings safely, right?” Me and my fellow co-workers were all in shock! None of us could concentrate and get any work done that day! We all sat by the TV and continued to watch. I told my boyfriend (husband now) what happened and that I watched it all happen on live TV! He was at work all day too and he told me that he heard all about what happened.

There used to be a video online when Bush,Jr. got told what happened that morning. Bush, Jr. was visiting a, maybe, 1st or 2nd grade classroom of kids when a secret service agent went up to him and whispered in Bush,Jr's ear what happened! I watched the look on Bush, Jr's face when he was told that. His facial expression was “oh shit, they did it!” Bush Jr. looked worried and like “ok how do I cover this up?” I'm not sure if that video is still available online now, it may have been scrubbed! But the look on Bush,Jr's face looked to me like he knew what was going to happen!

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I saw that video of W. Bush many times myself and asked the same question. "What did the President know and when did he know it???" My guess is that Bush was told "something big was coming" but he didn't get any details, so that he could claim "Plausible Deniability" not knowing exactly what was coming. He didn't have to act surprised or have a fake story to tell as a lie. He was not in the loop!

Now VP Cheney is different. I am convinced HE KNEW and was part of the plan, hanging out at the Pentagon. He knew that attack was coming!

I think every time I see his lying daughter, LIZARD, I think she should be grilled on the question of 911 and what here father did!

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Ummhmm! Possibly! It all stinks! LIZARD!😆 exactly! I believe that they all are lizards 🦎 Bush,Jr also refused to answer any questions about 9/11 too! He got pretty hostile with reporters asking detailed questions about what happened on that morning! Bush,Jr said things like "no, that's classified information!"

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Right. I think the cover-up of 911 is as vile and sinful as the rouge element that pulled it off. Think of all the people, including the media that "love and make lies." (Rev. 21: 27)

W. Bush has no excuse, nor Cheney and the man appointed to head the FBI seven days before 911, Robert Mueller. Then Giuliani, who was Mayor of NYC. Hillary, Obama, Biden, and the list goes on. And we know it's not just 911 as the only issue.

Is it possible that Trump wanted to initiate an American "Glasnost" which means an "open throat," where the truth comes out? I like to think so. But instead the LIES continue. We are in SERIOUS TROUBLE.

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I agree 👍 we are in serious trouble! God help us!

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Saw the first video.. very good. thanks

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Some good points, and thanks for the links.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Did your father work in the Fort Meade headquarters? I wonder how he ever knew to apply for his job? he wasn't in the military, was he? - Back at that time the NSA was the pinnacle of the intelligence agencies, which I suppose it still is. After all what agency could command the funds to build the Utah data center?

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I don't actually know. I had almost no contact with my father until I was 18, and his stories…I caught up as best I could.

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RemovedNov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Very likely someone in or close to the NSA learned he spoke Russian and they then approached him. He would have been in high demand. During the late sixties and early seventies, Russian was one of the 54 languages being taught at the Defense Language Institute West Coast Branch in Monterey, CA. Some soldiers scheduled to go to Vietnam were assigned to that schooling. Same thing for Chinese, which was the priority language at that time. No matter what service you were in, when you started learning one of those 54 languages, you were ultimately under the NSA.

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If one is to believe the incompetence of the powers that be detailed in this film one cannot at the same time believe the 9/11 was an inside job with the planting of controlled charges by mission impossible level nijna dwarves or whatever it is we’re supposed to believe.

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Yeah, Binney seems to be a whistleblower of bureaucratic incompetence, not of conspiracy.

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bureaucratic psychopathy.

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well, it seems he was tilting at bureaucratic incompetence and overreach (the latter including violations of freedom and laws) -- but none of that -- just using him -- necessarily rises to the level of a conspiracy. Reminds me of that 911 widow, Beverly Eckert, who criticized the 911 narrative to an extent, but didn't seem to actually cross the line into "Truther" from what I can tell.

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Sage calls it "Dolts Botching Shit"...it's a technique, a cover story, that lets the *next* round of " incompetence" spin up in the shadows.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

There are thousands of citizens in the u.s.a. and worldwide being targeted with electronic harrassement " direct energy weapons, Congress knows and won't act, I am a irish citizen, my targeting started in Chicago and followed me to dublin, Netherlands, Germany and now Thailand, I have brain hacked " mk ultraed" my health is suffering and running out of time,. This is a c.i.a. funded programme. Aka Havana syndrome. Please spread awareness. Targetjustice isvthe main support group for info.

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Patrick I believe you. I am in denial of my targeting. Even when I was near death in 2021 and had seen muddy boot prints in my garage apartment out in the countryside in Sharon, CT. Even when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called and said it may have been a DEW as I was working with him. (Fauci.) I was in so much pain I was begging God to let me die. An even worse targeting, in a way, was in 2008. I was about to testify before congress and receive an award called the Semmelweis Clean Hands Award, together with Peter Duesberg. All of a sudden, my mind imposed. Kapoof. Like a mushroom cloud. I could not find myself or my soul after that, the architecture of my mind was gone. I went through years of acute suicidal depression and two hospitalizations. I never ever had a plan and never ever would have done it. I'm not a satanist, I'm a follower of Christ. But it was a strong compulsion for years to believe I should be eliminated. That my son would be better off. All this total insanity, that I now realize may have been directed at me, not "me." In any case, I knew what to do, in my way. I'm an expert survivor. And hospital played a role, actually. I was a bit safer there. I never stayed on any SSRIs more than a few days. I am 100% cured, NOT suicidal, ever. I am grateful to God for all of these lessons. I never talk about this stuff. Or only in fragments, sometimes. Was I targeted? I guess so. Maybe.

OR, the experience of being despised, attacked, dragged to court, voodoo-ed, having colleagues and friends disappear and die, and having the aids vampires constantly drum beating for all of us to die, that was my belief about how my whole mind collapsed. That's more like gang stalking than targeting. I was definitely gang stalked.

On a lighter note:

I have tried everything under the sun to get my mind back. I have succeeded, I would say. Prayer is number one and connecting to what the Bible says. Reading it. Thanking God at all times. Not good times, all times. Doing Dr. Lee Merritt's anti-parasitic protocols. Following that, I can say that these are super effective: 1. methylene blue 25 drops 2 times a day 2. sea salt in water 3. ice baths 4. eliminate all carbs and sugar and alcohol and if possible coffee 5. b complex 6. high dose niacin 6. shilajit 7. motion, music 8. shungite. there is more. I don't want to be overwhelming. Do you have any pets, cats or dogs, Patrick?

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Well Celia, YOU are the VICTOR in the Messiah! All of us who have been praying for you and the work you continually do will stay at it! I thank God for you with your testimony and your alert reporting.

I should say: We live in times where evil surpasses anything we have seen before. I think most of us recognize that the great time of tribulation is near. But I also know that we have to guard ourselves from becoming too pessimistic and despondent. We need to rekindle FAITH that overcomes.

Satan does NOT own this world. People who believe that are like those who think Biden "legitimately won the election." These are lies.

"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof" Psalm 24:1. and Psalms 50:12; 89:11 and the earlier Psalms 2-5.

I can only conclude that the Lord loves drama, and just when satan's armies think they have complete victory, God destroys them like Pharaoh's army in the sea. I am tuned into watching to see the LORD move against this latest wave of demonic upheaval. The END is not yet. These battles are going to rock like waves. Watch and see. Something good and BIG is getting ready to happen--- as God arises for HIS name sake to punish the wicked.

As bad as things are, we must keep our faith.

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Majestic and right Steve. I'm happy to hear you believe in something "good and BIG" coming. And I love the idea that the Lord loves drama!

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Hi celiac, thanks for the response and apologies for my late response, no pets, I move too much, take care, pat

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fire burns faster than things can be rebuilt, a thief can steal faster than a person or nation can create or replenish,,,,, fire and thieves have a competitive advantage

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks Celia. Haven't watched this yet but he married Dr. Katherine Horton (another TI with a history of horrific secret tech barraging upon her). I've not heard of her for a long time and was only saying this recently.

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I also have been thinking about her. She went silent around the start of covid. I fear the worst.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

What a coincidence! I had just finished watching The Money Masters for a second time when I read your post tonight that included the short recent interview you sited.

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

such an excellent film. it's all there

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