Those of us who resisted are in for a heap 'o hurt in the immediate future as we watch friends and loved ones who blindly trusted, deteriorate and die before our eyes. Some days I can't bear it. My own family, my closest oldest friends. They just got hostile when I tried to warn. I don't think they will ever get it, do you? People generally die in the arms of their faith, no matter how empty the promise that captured them.

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I can relate. My brother recently talked about his wife having weird heart issues. If I’d merely mentioned , the possibility of it being a “side effect” it wouldn’t have gone well. Even they were open to investigating, her physician would likely be ignorant to it or too scared to investigate. It’s a f’ed up world - truly inverted.

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Look those in my circle that took it were warned. They caved to pressure, what ever pressure it was. Knowing full well that after taking it there was never a turning back. And now? Yep they have buyers remorse. Whats worse, whats criminal, is the pushing this poison on children. That there is a crime that I for one am unable to forgive. If given the chance, it will be FFF/22BOH for any and all that participated in this crime. So if you took the jab and you are reading this comment, aahhh you were warned, and in the PIT OF YOUR STOMACH you know it was a BAD IDEA the moment you felt that pin prick. sucks to be you.

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I found out this weekend that a friend, who called and tried to convince me to get the vaccine back in late 2021, who advertised the boosters he got on FB, just landed in the ICU for 6 days while traveling in Europe. Apparently it was a bad case of covid... I'm unvaxxed and haven't had it.

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Totally hear you.

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We are in a heap 'o hurt. My beloved passed away last Sunday from turbo cancer. It has been enraging and heartbreaking all the way. He had so much pressure on him and I couldn't get through in all the ways I tried; the psyop was too strong for him.

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So sorry you are hurting. Just know you aren't alone. We bear the suffering together.

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I was told it was a crisis of my faith in God that I believed an otherwise healthy pastor died of turbo cancer from the vaccine. Some people believe that every death is God's will. I don't.

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Remember when all leaders of the world's major religions said the Covid jabs were a gift from God? That's the moment I realized who they were really worshipping.

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I hear you. But I think it's worth saying that many of them were sincere. They were deceived.

I was mortified the other day to see a picture of me rollerblading on the boardwalk with a bandana mask around my face. I can't believe I bought into any aspect of this nonsense even for a moment.

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I never bought into any aspect but when ordered to mask up under threat of arrest for trespass and security escorting me from the grocery store in handcuffs, I complied. When trying to visit my elderly mother in a nursing home after Christmas 2022, I complied with antigen testing of saliva, hand sanitation and mask. They tried to prohibit me from entering because I was not jabbed, but I was able to produce a letter from my provincial legislator and printed government orders that clearly did NOT give publicly funded not-for-profit nursing homes the legal authority to deny entry to visitors and family caregivers on the basis of not having had 2 experimental gene jabs. It was news to them and made them very uncomfortable. I had to educate every new security guard about it every time I arrived to visit her. I could not believe that I was the ONLY one - of hundreds of family members visiting their loved ones there - who stood up against the illegal mandate. It is shocking to me that everyone else is so easily deceived and never questioned. My SIL is now dying of turbo lymphoma with untreatable brain cancer involvement because she was so 'sincere'. She was completely healthy before the jabs.

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Wow. Incredible. Thank you for standing up, doing the work, going to the trouble when you could have bought a stupid card. I'm so sorry about the cancer. If we all sat down to count the deaths... I had three just this past weekend. I pray your sister in law recovers miraculously.

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Give us the Rumble link please.

I uploaded a Paul Thomas snipet privately on my YouTube. Zero views. It was pulled within an hour.

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Video unavailable

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video not available any more.

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"which blocked me from downloading the images you see here, (on Chrome, but it worked on Safari."

Brave browser, highly recommend.


"No Lives Were Saved"

...would be a great meme/t-shirt/etc.

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What is also very tragic is after all the calls for arrests, prosecutions, jail, Nuremburg 2.0, executions yada yada absolutely nothing, nada, zip, jack shit has happened or looks like ever happening to address these obvious crimes. Essentially our governments are allowed to kill their citizens with impunity, so what I see is that we, the great unwashed, are mere chattel. In conclusion, we live (and have always lived) under a mafia, a criminal cabal and a luciferian / devil worshipping elite.

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Yes, we always have. Now, money will get you some power, lotsa money, lotsa power and so on...

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You're right. It's not like they haven't heard our pleas (Senator Ron Johnson, Christine Anderson, etc al), they are actively choosing to ignore us. Big pharma lobby money pays for very nice things.

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Denis Rancourt and Peter McCullough had a half-hour conversation about Rancourt's research, hosted by Jonathan Couey. After McCullough had to leave, Rancourt and Couey talked for a while longer.


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Thank you.

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From the horses mouth.

Awarded a Nobel prize for 17 million excess deaths. I would say the Nobel is just another political tool and science, as far as the general public is concerned, is dead. https://denisrancourt.substack.com/p/quantitative-evaluation-of-whether?utm_campaign=email-post&r=o12i0&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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We have had phone calls from over 15 friends in the last month suffering from Afib, heart attacks rare blood disorders, constant menstruation that doesn’t stop, and stokes. They call to speak with my husband, a doctor because they haven’t been able to get any medical attention. All were vaccinated.

One lady lost 5 family members who all dropped dead within 6 months after taking the jab. 3 were siblings in their 40s.

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It is an elementary principle of statistics that correlation does not prove causation. But something looks very suspicious here. Thank you for pointing this out, Ms. Farber.

Generally (and obviously) people don't simply drop dead in or near the prime of life. We would never have succeeded as a species had that been the case. Something is clearly wrong here. And it needs to be looked into. Sooner rather than later.

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I have the following note for “causation doesn’t equal correlation”:


Essentially, I think that phrase is a very convenient phase to us when the powers that be, don’t want us poking around into certain data.

By all means I understand the intention of it (can’t say everything is a causations), but I would argue that if there’s a causation, we only need to dig ever so much deeper to find the correlation, vs stopping the analysis - which happens more times than not

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Spot on. In a pharma trial where you are intervening with untried substances in healthy people, a correlation should all you need for full-stop.

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1000% agree! Couldn’t have said this better myself!

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If I can share an editorial comment/suggestion, it would be this: Substack readers need to become a part of the “10 percent (paid)” ... not the current 1 to 4 percent.

Just like our adversaries are tripling down on their lies and cover-ups, our side needs to triple down on our support of the people who scare them the most.

In my latest article, I expound on several key Substack metrics and present one easy “solution” that would help our side more effectively fight - and scare - our adversaries …

Please read and share if you happen to think like I do.


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This is interesting https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/treason-and-criminal-conspiracy-against?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

This is interesting. According to this, February 4th, 2020 Gilead partnered with China to begin testing Remdesivir. February 7, 2020 Fauci confirms a shipment of Remdesivir to China in an email to John Mellors. This is all before the lockdowns.

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It's just do devastatingly sad .

I am ready to bury my head in the sand.

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Since when have leftists cared about anything but depopulation?

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Excellent paper as usual by Prof Denis Rancourt et al.

It is clear the response by Gov was the cause of excess death.

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AND DEEP STATE WAR ON TRUMP (5 minutes) I made the first cut around 2017 & remastered it in 2021. Have events squared with the content? I believe so. If you agree & we HAVE a 2024 election, let's throw the crooks out. WHY THE SWAMP RATS MUST TAKE HIM DOWN! https://www.bitchute.com/video/b6XkAg5RVhvz/ Isaiah 41:10 NKJV Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'. -- RIGHTEOUSNESS https://www.bitchute.com/video/J25K2rZWPuSr/

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Until our election problems are addressed nationwide- mail-in ballots sent out willy-nilly, ballot harvesting, outdated voter rolls, no ID, internet connected electronic voting machines using weighted software algorithms, etc, etc, I don't look for any changes to happen. I work our local elections where these problems do not occur (with maybe the exception of the electronic machine software). There's nothing else I can do.

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https://denisrancourt.ca/page.php?id=12&name=videos Denis and his group have been looking at all cause mortality for a very long time. He has been saying there was no pandemic of a virulent pathogen for years.

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It was exactly what writer John Steppling said the first day of the lockdowns.. eugenics. I have known him and his work for 25 years and he is rarely if ever wrong about this crap of how to destroy the population so totalitarianism can reign supreme.

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