When a NATO french interrogator ,now pub owner in Epinal , wanted to understand the strength and durability of various forensic dosages ,he took them himself ,in order to learn how to break serbs .
Attempted to convince , for an hour that, Arkhan is still alive - refugee border expertise aside .
He did not fail . Ceca's ( wife of Arkhan , a turbo folk singer) - castle is the fanciest of all embassies 1 ambassador Avenue in Belgrade .
Dutch AVID had incensed top police authorities by ennabling a 1989 escape from high security prison .
4 years BEFORE Vukovar .
Meaning Arkhan is/was a Shell /NATO asset .
Found it as disorientating as Lillian Scott Troy's attempts to stay alive .
Re, "Found it as disorientating as Lillian Scott Troy's attempts to stay alive", I never sensed she was in a struggle for her life, at least that wasn't revealed in that link I posted. Although given the toes she'd stepped on, it seems entirely plausible.
Those Brits were ever so gentlemanly, allowing her to sail home in 1919, never to return.
Her Irish views ,at that time could not easily be combined with surrogacy movement .
Having received unwanted long term destructive favours from 'Major ' Ian Watson ,posing as an anglican priest at Christchurch Amsterdam over 5 years ;
It was only in his recent obit. wherein DT mentioned 'Major General ' I Watson ,matching foto ,head of electronic intercepted traffic Northern Ireland Amsterdam ,Berlin .
I can't imagine how much money would have to be shoved at those people to get them to be so politically suicidal. However, the fun part is, it's their funeral. Politically or perhaps otherwise.
They probably needed Macron’s second EU emergency meeting to get that tweet just right. People have said Trump and Vance set this up. I say the opposite. EU set it up. Or at least they set up Zelenskyy in order to corner Trump.
Yeah, rank amateur being propped up by EU, Seweros and school and sent into professional battle armed with a spitball and thinking he is king (queen really) Kong. He not only had his lunch handed to him for the world to see, but he was bent over and fed hiney style. Complete embarrassment by pedo joe’s bosom pet.
They should know, attempt to corner a wrongly maligned man and gloat to his face with a little boy as vassal, feel the full bite of righteous wrath.
Sounds Like Third Rung Script Writing For A Disney Mermaid - Yes, I was thinking along the same lines. "Be Strong, Be brave, Be Fearless…" sounds more like the tagline for a beer commercial. 🍻
IF he ever was democratically elected, Zelensky has long ceased to have any 'democratic' claim to the title 'President'. He cancelled the election under the excuse of war, and his term ended on May 20, 2024.
The Ukraine constitution reported allows elections to be suspended under martial law, until elections can be held after a war ends. They may want to rethink incentivizing the person they elect as president to keep a war going so they can remain in power.
Especially when that person is also able to skim from the hundreds of billions in assistance- selling a tank here and a tank there, selling guns to drug cartels...
That said, didn't the US and the UK sign treaties with Russia and the Ukraine during nuclear disarmament? The Budapest Memorandum was one of those, in which the Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear weapons, Russia agreed to respect its sovereignty and borders including the Crimean peninsula, and the UK and US agreed to protect the Ukraine if Russia attacked or invaded.
He was never elected anyway. He was installed by the CI and A back in 2014 by Obummer after snipers killed over two hundred of the current administration of the time. So-called “spreading democracy”, ya know….
All of these EU-Davos-WEF alumni have been stroking Zelensky for so long, they are now addicted and can't quit even if they wanted. They are under the illusion that by feeding the Ukrainian monkey, WW3 will occur and the hopes & dreams of Gates, Soros, Clinton, Obama, Bush, & the EU cabal will finally result in The New World Order. They simply don't want Trump to achieve Peace.
they plugged the holes in their budgets with the "projected" interest of the seized russian assets. they NEED the ukranians to keep fighting. of course, their math was wrong and there's not as much interest as they think.
they also assumed a weakened russia would be defeated and balkanized so they could plunder it's resources. a massive case of counting your chickens before they, blah, blah...
During Clinton's inaugural speech he said the peculiar phrase "we force the spring" a number of times and this was attributed to witchcraft speak: (Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier (1995).
Bush said "a thousand points of light" several times which has since been associated with the Mothers Of Darkness Castle in Belgium.
There is a lot of Satanism in Europe, I have been studying it. The Conspiracy Files and The Paranormal Files on YouTube (same man) have fantastic videos and in the description of The Conspiracy Files video's you will find a link to all their references.
btw the Mothers Of Darkness Castle (Chateau des Amerois) is owned by Solvay who produce SSRI medication and Fluoride. It used to be owned by The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha a branch of the British royal family.
This is their Paranormal Files video about the Mothers Of Darkness Castle (Chateau Des Amerois)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYopQQULfV0 but plenty has been written about it, and videos on Rumble. You don't get to see inside the structure but there is some really alarming stories and legends surrounding it. They have those Spirit Boxes that pick up EMF's and translate them to speech. There is software 'text to speech' and 'speech to text', so I guess this is next level. If you want to delve further into that then I suggest John DeSouza's book The Para Investigators. His book The Extra-Dimensionals is fantastic too. He is a retired FBI Special Agent (counter-terrorism and paranormal) and the first season(s) of The X-Files was based on his case file notes.
This video is the Conspiracy Files video about the same castle, it is not as long, so there will be a link in the description to all their references: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvSZtIIHAZ4
Never forget that the fake-Jew Zionists are the same group as the Ashkenazi Jews, the Bolsheviks, the Soviets, the Nazi, and the current ones in control of the Ukraine. Maybe that will fit a few missing pieces of the very confusing puzzle together.
The Khazars originally lived in eastern Ukraine, although no doubt they artived there from elsewhere. Their reputation as liars and thieves remains intact:).
Z really is a Disney mermaid. I actually could see him doing that on stage and really enjoying it. But we won't keep that image for longer than a second.
I’m starting to think that if there’s going to be a Third World War in Europe it’s gonna be us and the Russians against this bunch of hapless stooges.
Make sure to limit your travel accordingly .
Plenty countries in the world where americans are still liked .
Just cant think of one ,right now .
Greenland? LOL
I like the cut of your jib! lol
Why do they want a big war and fought on their land?
Great question.
They don't and it's a fake war.
I tend to suspect as much. We got WAY more video coverage of Vietnam. In this age of smartphones - where are all the videos? of anything?
Try this kaleidoscope. The British, not to be confused with the English, own Israel. Trump is pals with Netanyahu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmWRyQVvcIg&t=68s
When a NATO french interrogator ,now pub owner in Epinal , wanted to understand the strength and durability of various forensic dosages ,he took them himself ,in order to learn how to break serbs .
Attempted to convince , for an hour that, Arkhan is still alive - refugee border expertise aside .
He did not fail . Ceca's ( wife of Arkhan , a turbo folk singer) - castle is the fanciest of all embassies 1 ambassador Avenue in Belgrade .
Dutch AVID had incensed top police authorities by ennabling a 1989 escape from high security prison .
4 years BEFORE Vukovar .
Meaning Arkhan is/was a Shell /NATO asset .
Found it as disorientating as Lillian Scott Troy's attempts to stay alive .
Re, "Found it as disorientating as Lillian Scott Troy's attempts to stay alive", I never sensed she was in a struggle for her life, at least that wasn't revealed in that link I posted. Although given the toes she'd stepped on, it seems entirely plausible.
Those Brits were ever so gentlemanly, allowing her to sail home in 1919, never to return.
Her Irish views ,at that time could not easily be combined with surrogacy movement .
Having received unwanted long term destructive favours from 'Major ' Ian Watson ,posing as an anglican priest at Christchurch Amsterdam over 5 years ;
It was only in his recent obit. wherein DT mentioned 'Major General ' I Watson ,matching foto ,head of electronic intercepted traffic Northern Ireland Amsterdam ,Berlin .
Puts him senior to fast and loose Brigadier 'handlers' of 'surviving 'IRA double agents .
I don't know what a "surrogacy" movement is. I only know her as having been a suffragette.
stems from Droight d'Signeur .
Pilgrim Society a surrogate thereof .
I can't imagine how much money would have to be shoved at those people to get them to be so politically suicidal. However, the fun part is, it's their funeral. Politically or perhaps otherwise.
Remember those words of encouragement, Ursula. You're gonna need them when the tide turns not soon enough.
It appears that all the EU leaders’ accounts have been linked to chatGPT.
All virtue signaling as is the case with clown world. 🤡
NO person in Europe voted for these people in the EU.
End the EU now.
couldn't agree more.
They probably needed Macron’s second EU emergency meeting to get that tweet just right. People have said Trump and Vance set this up. I say the opposite. EU set it up. Or at least they set up Zelenskyy in order to corner Trump.
the day before the meeting
the day after
Yeah, rank amateur being propped up by EU, Seweros and school and sent into professional battle armed with a spitball and thinking he is king (queen really) Kong. He not only had his lunch handed to him for the world to see, but he was bent over and fed hiney style. Complete embarrassment by pedo joe’s bosom pet.
They should know, attempt to corner a wrongly maligned man and gloat to his face with a little boy as vassal, feel the full bite of righteous wrath.
Other than that, it went well. 😎
Sounds Like Third Rung Script Writing For A Disney Mermaid - Yes, I was thinking along the same lines. "Be Strong, Be brave, Be Fearless…" sounds more like the tagline for a beer commercial. 🍻
These comments are a joke. A joke to play to a clown.
At 4% support in his own country, the clown better have a disappearing act.
IF he ever was democratically elected, Zelensky has long ceased to have any 'democratic' claim to the title 'President'. He cancelled the election under the excuse of war, and his term ended on May 20, 2024.
The Ukraine constitution reported allows elections to be suspended under martial law, until elections can be held after a war ends. They may want to rethink incentivizing the person they elect as president to keep a war going so they can remain in power.
Especially when that person is also able to skim from the hundreds of billions in assistance- selling a tank here and a tank there, selling guns to drug cartels...
That said, didn't the US and the UK sign treaties with Russia and the Ukraine during nuclear disarmament? The Budapest Memorandum was one of those, in which the Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear weapons, Russia agreed to respect its sovereignty and borders including the Crimean peninsula, and the UK and US agreed to protect the Ukraine if Russia attacked or invaded.
Yet no one mentions this?
He was never elected anyway. He was installed by the CI and A back in 2014 by Obummer after snipers killed over two hundred of the current administration of the time. So-called “spreading democracy”, ya know….
a USAID project
All of these EU-Davos-WEF alumni have been stroking Zelensky for so long, they are now addicted and can't quit even if they wanted. They are under the illusion that by feeding the Ukrainian monkey, WW3 will occur and the hopes & dreams of Gates, Soros, Clinton, Obama, Bush, & the EU cabal will finally result in The New World Order. They simply don't want Trump to achieve Peace.
they plugged the holes in their budgets with the "projected" interest of the seized russian assets. they NEED the ukranians to keep fighting. of course, their math was wrong and there's not as much interest as they think.
they also assumed a weakened russia would be defeated and balkanized so they could plunder it's resources. a massive case of counting your chickens before they, blah, blah...
During Clinton's inaugural speech he said the peculiar phrase "we force the spring" a number of times and this was attributed to witchcraft speak: (Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier (1995).
Bush said "a thousand points of light" several times which has since been associated with the Mothers Of Darkness Castle in Belgium.
There is a lot of Satanism in Europe, I have been studying it. The Conspiracy Files and The Paranormal Files on YouTube (same man) have fantastic videos and in the description of The Conspiracy Files video's you will find a link to all their references.
btw the Mothers Of Darkness Castle (Chateau des Amerois) is owned by Solvay who produce SSRI medication and Fluoride. It used to be owned by The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha a branch of the British royal family.
Thank you Shona, I'll check out that channel. The castles are so very creepy.
This is their Paranormal Files video about the Mothers Of Darkness Castle (Chateau Des Amerois)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYopQQULfV0 but plenty has been written about it, and videos on Rumble. You don't get to see inside the structure but there is some really alarming stories and legends surrounding it. They have those Spirit Boxes that pick up EMF's and translate them to speech. There is software 'text to speech' and 'speech to text', so I guess this is next level. If you want to delve further into that then I suggest John DeSouza's book The Para Investigators. His book The Extra-Dimensionals is fantastic too. He is a retired FBI Special Agent (counter-terrorism and paranormal) and the first season(s) of The X-Files was based on his case file notes.
This video is the Conspiracy Files video about the same castle, it is not as long, so there will be a link in the description to all their references: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvSZtIIHAZ4
Go, team!
Hows about helping create a constitution ,entirely free of USA , of Europe ?
Didn't think so .
Never forget that the fake-Jew Zionists are the same group as the Ashkenazi Jews, the Bolsheviks, the Soviets, the Nazi, and the current ones in control of the Ukraine. Maybe that will fit a few missing pieces of the very confusing puzzle together.
The Khazars originally lived in eastern Ukraine, although no doubt they artived there from elsewhere. Their reputation as liars and thieves remains intact:).
They are experts at morphing into other groups of people. Learn them, rob them, murder them, eat them, and then become them.
That is how they operate, yes.
Thanks Celia. You make me laugh.
yay! 🦆
Z really is a Disney mermaid. I actually could see him doing that on stage and really enjoying it. But we won't keep that image for longer than a second.