God bless Gov DeSantis

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DeSantis is proving to do what he was voted in for. He is also gunning for the presidency, I'm guessing ;) . Nothing wrong with that. Heard Ben Shapiro already shopping around his name... it is heartening to see at least ONE elected official doing their job. That is for sure.

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Ya, just look what Israel is payin' him!

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They don't seem to be able to resist piling on with their knee-jerk talking points. I don't even really care about either DeSantis or Ben Shapiro, I don't like the latter at all, but my point is that he is an indicator of which way the conservative winds are blowing. All of these things can't be discussed by liberals, because they are so entrenched psychologically they can't discuss anything without it being personal.

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Like it or not, Israel is a US ally so, yeah. All politicians have to support them.

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Ya, right! The synagogue of Satan is our Ally.🤣😎 🖕🫵🔯🇮🇱🔯💩

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i$rahell is the enemy within, slowly taking control of USA for over 100 years.

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A few thousand years longer than that, bro!

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Who is the indicator ? Certainly not DeSantis?

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The instigators are, of course, the same, the satanic jews of the jeWnited Snakes of israHell!!

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I don't understand your question.

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Animals seem to be vastly more intelligent than people given them credit.

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What an amazing way to govern in America. Americans first!

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No one probably realizes that that part of NC that was hit by Helene is where our Govt has many top secret underground bases. I think they dragged their feet on this whole clean up due to possible problems concerning the bases or other hidden installations. The book by Mary A Joyce at AMZ is quite informative.

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That may explain the reason "officials" are turning away others trying to help, threatening arrest, confiscating supplies, etc.

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I live in Alaska, which is the tip of the spear in any war with China or Russia. And I can tell you definitively that if you hike into the woods on some of our military bases you'll find a lot of security for a bare patch of ground. This isn't on Ft. Greeley either. One would expect high security around the Missile Defense System. This is supposedly empty land that is secured with high fences topped with razor wire and patrolled by helicopters. So, I believe NC has hidden bases because I've seen evidence of hidden bases. Not definitive proof, but evidence enough to make you wonder.

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Yes, if you watch Earthfiles, Linda Moulton Howe has reported on the Black Pyramid (alien origin) and all the Top Secret facilities in Alaska. Many people go missing there also. Watch David Paulides, Missing 411. All of this ties together. Never Ever discussed by the MSM, of course.

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Also more and more land is being put "off limits" in the Western states because of Deep Underground Bases. They may say "we are protecting rare salamanders" but this is total lies. People need to wake up to what is going on.

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The Amazon ratings panning it (supposedly only 12% 1-2 stars out of 25 total, which means that all THREE negative reviews are included on the page out of 8 total reviews) offer no evidential counterarguments that the bases don't exist. Automatically, I'd want to know more about what DOES exist. I'm old enough to have seen the mainstream, star-studded "Seven Days in May" (several times) to pretty much guess there is something underground in the North Carolina mountains. Funny. Back then, it was "liberals" who (at least allegedly) warned of this crap. Now they're possibly/probably covering it up.

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If you were to read some of the books out, for instance, Ceres Colony Cavalier, and read Dr. Michael Salla, you would know more about what is going on. It may sound crazy when you read about this, but there is much truth there. Also I cannot recommend highly enough Richard Sauder's books on Deep Underground Tunnels and Bases.

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Very interesting…that makes the picture a bit clear here now…sent this link to my friends in Hickory NC and Spartanburg, SC!

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Yes I know it sounds crazy but there is testimony out there that there is a Stargate there in the subterranean bases. It's got lots of traffic. Watch Linda Moulton Howe and read Richard Sauder, Also Dr. Michael Salla. This stuff is true. The biggest confirmation is HOW the Governor of NC has responded. He is told what to say and do. This is control at the highest level. Explore new sources, there is much online.

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Yes! We listened to Governor DeSantis’s press conference and we were totally impressed with his command of the situation. He’s a true leader.

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Thank you Celia. I have lived in Florida all my life and never saw this strangeness with hurricanes.

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2002-2003. Several. 3 back to back. Severe

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2009 Frances plus Jean hi2 2 wks apart 2 miles from each other

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Yeah I remember one of them being pretty bad and they got us here in South Florida pretty good and they could have been manipulated too. Still, these storms are different in several ways.

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"chimney rock and lake lure...will be BACK and BETTER than ever"

only word missing is BUILD

once they open that syntactical pandora's box they can't keep it shut. all the middle managers are monarched

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The bottom line is Democratic politicians tend towards Marxism, incompetence and corruption. This is evidence every day and in many different ways.

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Sounds about right...

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Those cranes are God's messengers. Thank you for posting this, Celia!

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

in terms of the areas in North America wiped out in recent years by various crises - and there are more than you might expect -- there is a town in British Columbia, Canada on the west coast that was destroyed by wildfires (caused by ???). The town of Lytton. Now, government is preventing people from moving back to claim their land and re-build. They must pay up to $82,000 for archeological digs. The archeological digs are supposedly made necessary by the village’s location on a historic Indigenous site, as per B.C.’s Heritage Conservation Act.

"Three years after wildfire wiped out Lytton, residents can't rebuild due to costly archeological digs

As reconstruction of Lytton moves slowly along, residents are now faced with a new burden: they have to cover the cost of the mandatory archeological work"

National Post

Oct 09, 2024

Will they use this kind of excuse elsewhere too?

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There should be a pool of money for someone to rebuild to see if they don't change the goalposts.

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And Texas is having to endure Governor Bush-on-Wheels. Don't get me started on that dweeb. It's encouraging to see DeSantis taking (sincere) action BEFORE a disaster.

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As some reference to him, America’s Governor. Thank you, Governor, for what you do, and showing others how to lead, how to prepare, how to respond.

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Thank you so much, Celia for staying on this story because it is so widely underreported. Hopefully DJT will win in November and start turning this country around again and then maybe we'll get Ron DeSantis in '28 to continue righting the ship.

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I am a Floridian (not in Milton’s path, thank goodness), and I was heartened watching Governor DeSantis today. He was down to earth, knew exactly what was going on, and had a way forward for people in the path of the storm. I was surprised to find myself truly liking him.

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