First, a new reminder. GB News was on our side about covid but they are still full of shit! Rebel of Canada, same shit. What fkin truth do they care about? I think we need to realize that any group, even an "Indy" channel is still influenced.

The interviewer is an absolute idiotic boomer.

She doesn't even get it. She won't listen to him at all.

It's kind of why I think a lot of those who pretended to be pro freedom during covid ended up being total authoritarians again.

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The interviewer is an idiotic gen x-er, not a boomer. It's past time to stop all this divide-and-control generational animosity, something that didn't exist before the age of mass media. This suggest that such animosity is not natural, that we have been trained to react in this way.

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Well, I'm pretty much now not giving a shit about that . In some ways, having divisions brings up facts that have been ignored for a long long time. The resolution is what matters. But we need a discussion first.

I am Gen x. I liked RFK Jr a lot. But now he's sounding like a boomer when it comes to Israel. Why am I saying this? Because despite the numerous attempts to get him to really find the truth, he keeps on trucking with the fucking ridiculousness of asking me for contributions. I've heard that shit before from Bernie. I fell for it.

They all sell out because they're wealthy.

Tell me how they were able to raise families at their time with a single normal income, and the current generation is in debt with two incomes and remind me why they don't give a shit about us... I know... My father and others regularly think me and my siblings didn't start families and get houses because we are somehow economically dumb.

Same reason why rfk Jr thinks that giving cheap mortgages will fix the overpriced housing crisis... Boomers who have no clue about the economic issues.

And yes, many boomers didn't get this good package, but when I look at leadership today, I'm regularly ignored by boomers who are still in a dream world. The result?

They spend money on useless things but they're cheap and think that the problems are caused by those of us who work on the equipment. That's how I see RFK Jr and every other "elder" of our days, nothing like the elders of the past, who had real advice and solutions.

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Bernie isn't a boomer either. He's too old.

It wasn't the boomers who had it easy. It was their parents. The economy started tanking in the 70's before the youngest boomers were even in high school. There was the oil embargo (aimed, by the way, at countries that supported Israel in 1973), which led to the beginning of wage stagnation, downsizing and outsourcing. It's been going downhill ever since.

What you are describing has nothing to do with the year one was born and everything to do with the privilege one is born into. It applies across the generations. Roughly 80% of the wealth attributed to boomers is owned by the top 20%, most of them the children and grandchildren of those that controlled most of the wealth in previous generations. 50% of boomers have no assets because they worked as janitors, cab drivers, bartenders and waitresses, secretaries, store clerks, landscapers, and so on. (Just 26% of boomers went to college. That's went to college, not graduated from college.) They certainly aren't among the leadership. And yes, the leadership in this country is horrible, be they boomers (Shumer, for example), those who are too old to be boomers (McConnell, Pelosi, Sanders), gen x (Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, etc.), or Occasional Cortex and the rest of The Squad. It seems to me that the only people currently in Congress who aren't total sellouts are Rand Paul (boomer) and Thomas Massie (gen-x).

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The boomer label is being applied to use that demographic as a scapegoat. The globalists need an excuse for reapportionment. The boomers actually started the ecological concern groups and accelerated civil rights groups however misguided they may or may not have been.

The global bankers and the devaluation of the dollar are one of the main reasons for unaffordable housing .

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Nov 6, 2023
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From Britannica...

baby boomer

American demographic group


"Over the next 19 years, from 1946 to 1964, nearly 76 million babies are estimated to have been born, an increase of more than 50 percent over the population in 1945."

That is what is meant by the "baby boom". Note the dates... 1946 to 1964. The people born during that time were part of the post war "baby boom" and were therefore called "boomers". The youngest "boomers" graduated from high school in 1982.

The years for gen-x is 1965 to 1980 according to some sources (other sources extend gen-x to 1982), for millenials it's more or less from 1981 to 1996, with gen z described as those born sometime during the latter half of the 90s up to a year or two before 2010. It's all just a bunch of bs used to keep us divided by age and controlled.

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You're falling for all the instilled division even when you start off saying you don't care. Let me tell you this and I'll ask you to keep this in mind going forward. Not ALL groups of people think exactly alike. Not all boomers, gen-x, gen-z, blacks, whites, Christians, atheists, Jews, "Republicans" or "Democrats" or what ever demographics are at work. Putting ALL people in these silly boxes is one way the government has gained so much control. Their domination plans can't succeed if ALL people band together so they spend much time dividing us, so we spend so much time blaming other imaginary "groups" of people as "the problem" rather than the 1% globalists choreographing all of this. United We Stand, Divided We Fall - a pretty salient phrase right now.

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I agree.

We need to unite.

My problem is that many of the older generation that I work with at work tend to side with complacency for a good reason. They're facing retirement and don't want change or reform.

Even rfk Jr naively thinks that low interest loans can fix the housing crisis. Many of those that were lucky enough to get a house before the huge inflation in housing since the 00s cannot see the huge wall of ridiculous prices and the real reason: speculation. This is going by what my coworkers think. Until they can see that we have a lot more inflation than just gas and food, it's going to be hard to get any economic reforms.

That's why my annoyance got projected onto the boomers. They think that the rules of the game never changed.

I miss George Carlin who said, "it's called the American dream because you gotta be asleep to believe it"

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JFK Jr is a govt shill no matter how he wants to promote himself. He was born into wealth and continued down that path, benefitting from his family name. Every generation has had issues. I've lived through other wars, hostage crisises, sky high inflation, the gas shortages in the 70s and in '83, purchased my first mortgage (while being a SAHM w/2 kids under 3) at 18% interest while my inlaws were paying 3% interest on theirs. I never thought to blame them! Minimum wage was $3.35. We did without A LOT of things that are considered "neccessities" today. But bottom line, if people would stop blaming each other for their problems and start directing their anger towards those who are CONTROL of these issues, we might be able to solve some things. Until then, you're just playing their game.

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My issue is that those who were able to buy during normal prices, like many of my coworkers, act like everything is fine.

It's not fine when even two good incomes can barely afford the mortgage.

Also, I find it pretty ignorant that everyone is focused on inflation today as if the last 2 decades of housing, healthcare, and education inflation didn't exist.

Gas at 5 dollars a gallon today is not as expensive as it was in the 70s or during dubyas illegal wars. But Americans cry about gas and ignore the real drains like housing because I'll be honest, a lot of them profited from it.

But the sad truth is that even if their house prices rose ridiculously, when they sell they still have to pay inflated prices.

I feel like the way they hoodwinked people in the 80s and 90s to invest in wall street is what made a lot of that generation go along with the neoliberal economics that fked all of us.

If only they could see this, we could be on the same page.

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You dont seem to be able to identify who is a boomer. Are you so young that people older than you all look alike?

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Nov 6, 2023
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That boomer still thinks cannabis is horrible.

He's also pro genocide in the current war.

Just because he was on our side with covid, doesn't mean he has the big picture of how stupid things have become.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Nov 6, 2023
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Why? It's so much fun! And one hardly needs mass media to point out the startling deficiencies of Millennials and Gen Zs. Just a sideways glance at that lot and you can be certain that God plans to bring the world to an end. ;)

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They aren't the only ones who have those deficiencies. And the ones that you see on video or read about in news articles may not be representative of the majority. They certainly don't represent the young people in my life.

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Unless we have been through a similar technological cycle sometime in pre-history I think it's safe to say they are they the most enfeebled generation the world has ever seen. They can't do anything without an Uber, a Macbook or an app. Their practical limits start at using a tin-opener, changing a lightbulb or wiring a plug. They are intellectually stunted, terminally lazy and supremely entitled. Pull their string and they run through their undigested woke mantras like talking Ken and Barbie dolls. In short, they are the perfect fodder for the Klaus Schwab vision for a slave class generation, and are currently rolling out the red carpet for exactly that. Stupidity has never before been so richly embodied.

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Stupid does not have a generation.

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This one is certainly carrying its Standard. A legion of numbskulls and land whales marching for unisex lavatories and more nail bars.

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The young people I know are pretty damn insightful and know the score at a much earlier age than pre-internet generations. They may be fatalistic about the world but that is to be expected with what they are bombarded with 24/7.

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Exactly. The boomers, like my father, have had a society that allowed him to raise a family on one income.

It explains why they blame gen x, millennials, and z for being lazy.

But because they are getting screwed by the system, they're much less naive about things.

The final point to the powers that be... If you want us to comply, give us good things. No amount of propaganda or shaming from boomers etc will change why we feel like things are fked.

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Hey, Rob. I'm a (real) "boomer" and unlike your dad, I'm keenly aware of the terrible situation our children and grandkids are up against. You've pointed to the crux of the evil (two working parents yet still not enough to raise a family with any security, let alone have your own home). I have watched this scenario from its start, in the '70s, becoming worse with each decade. Your anger and frustration is fully justified IMO.

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Thank you and I'm sorry that I feel annoyance at your generation. I just see that there was a long period of people who now gaslight us. Thanks for not falling asleep and I intend to not fall asleep for the future.

I know even in my generation X, there's tons of sellouts or people that got lucky and never had to see how fucked up things are.

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It has already been pointed out that Esther McVey is a Gen X, not a boomer. As am I, yet I still think she is profoundly stupid. The problem with this lot stems from the fact that they are the product of three generations of absentee parenting; the boomers having their fathers lost or away in WW2, their children suffering from the divorce courts being opened to all and being plonked in front of the TV, and Gen Z subsequently having clueless and selfish parents (who also divorced). See my reply below for their other attributes.

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So you think that they're worse than boomers and cause that's God's plan?

Let me guess, you're a boomer.

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I have already said I am Gen X. I actually think boomers have an awful lot to answer for and started everyone on the path down this blind alley - though, in their defence, that was orchestrated by generations above them. Nonetheless they certainly saw nothing wrong with having their cake and eating it, switching their ethos from liberal hippydom to voracious capitalism to suit their own needs - usually at the expense of their children. They are certainly responsible for the financialisation of everything, which essentially spent all the future money.

My mention of God was intended to be amusing. But, yes, when it comes to deficiencies, they are worse than boomers.

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I remember well, the seemingly overnight switch of my generation, from hippie communes, to "dress for success" and glass and steel high-rise apartments. I felt alienated from both. Incidentally, some of my peers used to call such couples "DINKS" (double income, no kids).

We weren't all cut from the same cloth.

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That's lovely to hear.

Also fun that you figured out Covid straight away. So did I, but probably for completely different reasons. I actually screwed up a little because I initially thought it was a dry run and that they wouldn't see it through. The pinned comment on my Twitter account (currently suspended), which I think is June 2020, is when I realised they meant it for real.

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Yes and no. The people who went through the great depression weren't naive enough to sell out the future. They knew the system was corrupt.

Boomers saw corruption but were rewarded by it, with prosperity.

I used to hate millennials and Z. I thought they were the most naive especially during covid. But they face the economic bullshit every day, unlike those who already have their pensions or nest eggs that they don't have or cannot afford.

I see huge deficiencies in boomers. Rfk Jr is one of them.

Not just Israel. He thinks the housing crisis could be fixed by giving lower interest loans. Maybe it's because he's a rich fool. But he likes to talk like he wants to fix the issues today with none of the acknowledgement of how stupid things became with investments.

When it comes to economics, boomers are still just like our inept politicians that still think war is good for the economy.

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You think the Millennials and Gen Z didn't take what they were offered? Taking Ubers across town to sit in Starbucks with their Macbooks and iPhones, their student loans went straight onto the bottom lines of multinational companies in a bid to look cool and serious at the same time.

I don't know why anyone would think RFK Jr is anything other than a part of the system. Ditto for his uncle. You don't get dynastic inclusion in US politics without being fully signed up to the agenda. None of them has ever been on your side, let alone as fearless freedom fighters. That's entirely theatre - as was Dealy Plaza - but it's a myth that apparently still has legs.

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So, Boomers ruined your world? That’s it then. Get rid of them all because obviously, the younger generations should just get rid of them all and make you happy, right?

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Nov 6, 2023
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Yes, I am. Look out for all the "s"es where you think there should be "z"s. :)

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Nov 6, 2023
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I broadly agree with that but wouldn't have been able to put it quite so neatly. I also have grave doubts about the "Earth/5D Ascension" narrative being played out in parallel as an alternative. Also, my description wouldn't include Christ or people's souls as I haven't been a Christian for quite a while now.

My mention of God was meant to make people chuckle - rather than assume I was promoting the idea that we are in the End Times. I do actually think something going on, though, on a spiritual level. The brazen criminality of those in power and the stark polarisation we're seeing in populations, along with the numbers of those who are waking up, does look very much like a straight battle between good and evil.

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She's not paid to listen. She's paid to paint the narrative that her paymasters want her to paint. GB News is obviously Zionist controlled. It has recently employed that arch warmonger, Boris Johnson.

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Well said! Truly divisive. It might be more complicated, but that is certainly the effect. The confusion is that they WERE pro freedom, and did great work!!! I fear for otherwise excellent news platforms that are now..., what can we say?

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I've noticed that most of the Alt-Elites of the Alt-Mainstream are standing with Israel and insinuating that any questions about Israel or any concern for the Palestinians = anti-semitism.

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Part of the plan. Very reminiscent of Nazi Germany 1930s-40s. Defund the police, create chaos, call up the Brownshirts. It's already happening in other countries.

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the very last comments about "Keeping his cool , watching his language " exposes the interviewer as a psychological chess player , not an actual good interviewer - her goal was to get him to get upset , and her goal was to not get upset , because this is the game and how it is played . However , this is the same game that the two governments are experiencing , where the one is behaving atrociously , gets the other side to snap , and them blames them for bad behavior . He should have gotten up and walked out at the first question .

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Great clip. The initial question is an aggressive trap. Meant to corner the guest.. Sound bite hocks and shocks. Marketing, not journalism--I am thinking this also mimics the way intelligence agencies interrogate captives. Yikes.

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A far more interesting and intelligent question to kick off that interview would have been:

"What do you think of the question 'Do you condemn Hamas?'...?"

Had she asked that (and made sure not to put her foot in her mouth with gauche follow-up questions), she may well have avoided triggering all that needless & escalating drama.

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She wasn't there to get any answers. She was there to frame a narrative. If one has anything other than praise for that narrative, they are automatically the enemy.

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No doubt.

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When I do a podcast, I make it clear that it is a conversation among guests and myself as equals. I do not get to act like a prosecutor or a reigning judge engaged in one-way, shielded dishonest questioning and they do not get to use my podcast as a platform for grand standing. We are there to model intelligent, human conversation. This interviewer (the role is, again, already the problem) did not exhibit anything close to what we most need out of round-table discussions or one-on-ones.

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It's all one-sided. No chance for a serious conversation when 90% of people believe what they see on the news. It's only the news that is supposed to be shown.

Theater everywhere.

We have no idea what's actually going on anywhere unless we're there. And division is the goal.

Division between races and cultures and countries and sexes 5 religions.

Because it distracts from what's actually happening, and what the globalists are doing.

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right , what is actually happening is the WHO takeover of human rights in almost 200 countries , that is what is actually happening .

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And the massive corruption and TREASON of this administration that's being brought to light. Look over HERE!!!

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And even if you are there, it's easy to misunderstand what you are seeing:


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First of all, that woman is not any old regular 'interviewer'. She is Esther McVey, a British Tory politician serving as the Member of Parliament for Tatton since 2017. She is not free to speak the truth. On the contrary, she is honour bound to express the British Government point of view and we all know what that is..... don't we?

Basically, for those who live under a large rock, the British Government's point of view is WHATEVER the City of London says it is. It is NEVER the opinion of the British people. Not even close.

Esther McVey is asking the questions scripted for her and the answers she got were liable to drag her off script and into the real world, which is why she talked over her guest in such a rude manner.

It is also why she could not answer his question about what Israel is doing and enraged him.

Meanwhile, in the background, GBNews is running on weakened legs due to recent sackings and exposure for being every bit as 'establishment' as any other TV channel. Their licence to broadcast depends upon them toeing the line with OFCOM, the British regulator of communications.

You see?

Everyone (except that passionate young man) is obliged to perform like circus animals. There can be no semblance of honesty and decency in British media. It just won't be allowed to happen.

Our media is owned, shackled and shafted by the vicious Black Nobility who rule the roost and control everything on pain of some pretty heavy sanctions that could result in loss of livelihood at best, of life at worst..... I wish I was exaggerating, but I am not.

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At least my large rock has a good view.

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She answered him. Listen again.

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Don't be ridiculous Catherina. She did not answer him at all. She gave the scripted spiel.

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She did, you have tainted glasses on.

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"Israel has the right to defend itself" is the standard response following the script but how can that be an honest answer? It can't be. If someone attacks you, Catherina, do you then go and murder everyone who lives in the town where they came from? That is not self defence. That is revenge and savagery. My glasses may be tainted but at least I can see. You are blind.

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The "Israel has the right to defend itself" is akin to the scripted statement with respect to the Covid clot shots, "They're safe and effective".

I didn't save the link to it; but, there was a video the other day of politicians from around the globe stating precisely "Israel has the right to defend itself", one right after the other, just as there exist videos of supposed medical experts across the glove uttering "They are safe and effective.", which is a lie that has killed millions.

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So do people have a right to defend themselves? (BTW I think it very suspicious that Biden hopped on a plane and was paraded so the whole world can see he 'cares' about Israel. Quite the horrible evil to use to get to ones objectives. He is the same puppet shouting that I cannot have electrical power while he licks ice-cream surrounded by his luxurious comforts. )

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Listen to yourself - "If someone attacks you, Catherina, do you then go and murder everyone who lives in the town where they came from? " Is that 100% true or propaganda? Have you been there to know?

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I notice you avoided answering the question..... you couldn't because it would show the flaw in your support for Israel. 😉

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She's a deeply stupid woman who has been promoted on the back of the desire for populist appeal, declining academic standards and ubiquitous pandering to feminism in the media. A slightly earlier model of the lamentable Cathy Newman. Even if I wasn't awake to the media's role in propagandising their audience she would be a good enough reason to switch off the TV. It's worth noting that she's a member of the Privy Council and is therefore absolutely fine with the broad insider agenda for tyrannical rule.

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thank you for these observations

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It's my pleasure. :)

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I like to leave the sex of the person out , when they have lost touch with humanity . I like the word "Person" and then , when it is really bad " entity . "

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Jennifer: Perhaps... but a major revelation of the internet is that men and women are very, very different and that, while men can be 'feminized', women can't be 'masculinized'.

This is something that *every* civilization has recognized and worked around -- and in all cases the solution was the same (female chastity/modesty).


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Monsters are monsters , no matter what their body is like . A green monster is just as problematic as a blue monster . Let's leave the colors out of it , and just call a monster a monster . The reason why is in a world where misogyny is rampant , the "she's a deeply stupid woman " has no connection with the ability that is required to be a human being standing in a position of power making decisions that will affect other human beings . I think you know what I am saying , and there is an important reason for it , to not get sidelined with conversations like this one , when politicians are not held accountable for their actions .

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I love his answer. I don't think that the interviewer won. She lost, in my opinion, because those that are not in love with the official narrative, are on his side, as soon as he asks his question-- Do you condemn Israel? That is the question. Because he is right, evil is wrong on either side. The misery, fear,hunger, sickness, and death exacted on civilians is wrong, no matter who does it-- Hamas, Israel, Iran, the US, China, etc. And by the way Hamas' October 7th attack was ALLOWED by the Israel government-- how else do second rate fighters use hang gliders to penetrate the most sophisticated defense in the world? The Israel army and its intelligence is first class-- even the Israeli citizens think that their government betrayed them and let them get slaughtered.

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10/7 had all the earmarks of an Inside Job, seemingly to create a New Pearl Harbor so Israel could ethnically cleanse Gaza. That's what I thought until today, when my mind was changed by these two articles:



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Nov 6, 2023
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The borders surrounding Israel are manned not only by soldiers but by radar. This isn't the US/Mexico border-- which is breached daily. They would have been alerted right away if 2000 militants breached their borders, and it would have set off an immediate response-- if the Israel government wanted to squash such an offensive. You should look deeper into this. It took hours of death and destruction, before the government responded to the Hamas October 7th attack. This is what very few people want to talk about much less look into. The MSM lies so that we can have the start of WWIII. And so civilians can die (Palestinians and Israeli) , while people in safe countries (for now) inside their homes, write about their support for this army or that army.

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Nov 6, 2023
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No one thought the US would sacrifice 3000 innocent people to start a war in the Middle East either, but that's what happened. CIA created AlQueda. Mossad created Hamas. Netenyahu is on video admitting to funding Hamas. He's also on video (from the 90s) explaining his war plans and someone says - what will the Americans think? He says - Let them talk. 80% of America will ALWAYS support Israel, no matter what. It's a Telegram video, If you're on Telegram, I can send it to you.

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They both seem smart, able to contain themselves, and capable of having a nuanced conversation, if they wanted to. I don’t see the purpose of such “interviews” beyond provoking division and hyper-emotional response in viewers. In that sense, it is indeed a theatrical performance, forgotten immediately after the next crisis is promoted by the media a few minutes later. It’s an endless state of crisis actors in a never ending psychological war to divide and enslave us all. RIP Bill Coooer.

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What is a pity Esther is that you cannot express even fake sympathy for the loved ones this man I front of you has lost. He gave you several openings to show you even cared a little. The end of journalism is upon us. As well as humanity.

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for this desperately ( and deliberately ) fraught moment . . . it can be, and in propitious circumstances is, otherwise: watch, for instance, the conversation between Ilan Pappé and Gabor Maté from March 2022 ( available on you tube )

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Not specific, don't let the media think for you, they clearly don't know what they are talking about 99% of the time. We all need to start thinking for ourselves, using our god given common sense, and when it starts to smell like BS, it likely is. That might mean talking to real people with real experience, and turning off all the media.

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She is also a Conservative MP so parrots gov mantra and never answers questions. Don't know him but GB News is controlled op as they would not get air time. Talking at each other all through. More theatre so sheep pick sides.

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Absolutely awesome. Totally reflective of the real situation, truth and how it is not one sided and both sides are suffering and the media is disgusting on their bias manipulation to push the agenda of their owners, same as the bankers-same groups, healthcare, medical industry ALL controlled by same interests groups. EVIL SOBS - They don't care AT ALL about citizens. People in their view are there for them to exploit and used and gain from for their interests-power and depop. SHARED

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Ester wins. The jerk with the baseball cap worn backwards and the Arafat scarf around his upper body is a divisive cause actor dressed for Halloween.

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I don't understand. What do you mean? Do you mean it's all a show? If so I wouldn't necessarily doubt it.

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The patronizing at the end ... oh bother. She must be a psychologist. "And when they bombed you... how did that make you feel?" It makes you want to slap her!!! She thinks she won but methinks she lost.

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I saw a pic of Yasser Arafat, the Peace Prize winner, putting his arm over the shoulder of a terrified 10 year old Arab girl. She was strapped with a suicide bomb. Arafat was tipping $2000 to families who talked a child into going into an Israel park with other children, Jewish ones, and setting off the vest. Arafat was an evil monster. Sorry, Dude, you pathetic creep. You wore an Arafat scarf. I don’t buy your show biz. And Arafat kept a French girlfriend in a $2500 a night hotel suite in Paris. When he died he had a purported net worth of $2B. Money he had siphoned off from donations from around the world.

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You saw WHAT? I don't believe a word of your comment. Not a word. You have been loaded up with some HEAVY propaganda and now you unleash it on us? Disgusting!

That scarf, is not an 'Arafat' scarf. It is a traditional Palestinian scarf. I have one myself.

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It was a disgusting pic. Pure evil.

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I have never seen this image you describe. How do you know that the child was wearing a suicide bomb? I find that completely unbelievable. Unfortunately you cannot support your outrageous claim with an image so I can only assume that you were TOLD that the child was wearing a suicide bomb and you believed it. That only tells me that you are gullible.

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I am flabbergasted at how the very finely orchestrated propaganda is making people think they are supporting 'not evil' while they are now made to do just that without realizing. I would not be surprised if this whole thing was planned ( by Biden handlers included) to make the world hate Israel and have sympathy with evil. The killing of 'Palestinians' - (all Arabs chased into camps by Arabs those many years ago) is the making of the evil ones with a religion that can never be peaceful as they make converts with the sword and reward killing with the lie of so called going straight to paradise - is the hoax. It is evil, but the parents educating their children to become martyrs for evil are the ones to be blamed for what happens to their children. It is not a plane matter of 'Israel being evil killing innocent .....', it is much more complex. To me it looks like the objective is to get the world hating Israel and supporting their own destruction because this evil has infiltrated every area in the world - the real reason for creating refugees with the evil wars all over. The guy is quite bad mannered talking here to the media lady and an example of how they finely operate to make the 'other side' look evil.

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The Israelis ARE evil. They have been persecuting Palestinians since 1948. They murder, steal land and homes, torture innocents and terrorise a whole nation into running away. 6 million Palestinians worldwide would like to go home but their home has been stolen. Do tell me how you would react in those circumstances.....

The objective of corralling Jews into Palestine was evil.

The way that Israel educates its children to hate Palestinians is also evil.

The way that Israel ensures that every one of those children is conscripted into the army is also evil.

They are now committing massive war crimes, using white phosphorus on innocent people..... what should we call that, Catherina? It is evil and it continues because people like you think that collective corporal punishment is somehow justified. You are one helluva sicko.

Israel has been set up for annihilation but it will not be the Arabs who deal the final solution.

Read this and think, for once in your sorry life!


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You have much more research to do. History is not what you think it is. Have you read the manifest of Hamas? There is no Palestinian 'nation' - it is made up - these unfortunate people are used - Arabs living in the area were driven into camps by Arabs and Arabs prevented them from going back to their properties -Arabs around did not take them in, wonder why? Israel is still in unbelieve as was prophesied how it will be. But do not tell me I have to believe that an invented nation is robbed of their land when the whole evil situation was created to have what we have today.

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We all should do research. This is all part of a much larger plan. Many have been deceived for decades, even centuries.


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