Starmer is a fool. And Zelensky is a criminal. Trump and Putin will end this conflict ASAP, and Zelensky will be forced to "step down".

Why does the EU, Starmer, etc., think they need to prop up Ukraine? For what, or for whom? Where is their hate for Russia coming from?

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They have a whiff of possibly carving Russia up and grabbing its resources. They still do not take Putin seriously. Also, the money-laundering gravy train makes stops in the EU. Delusions of power and grandeur. Take your pick.

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Russia is RICH in many resources. They would like to get their greedy hands on Russia’s booty.

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Yeah, Napolean thought that way too.

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But THIS time it will work!


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Playing 5D chess is fine. But when it's the Rothschilds sitting on the other side of the chessboard, well, you better be Bobby Fisher with a bazooka:).

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As Eddie Izzard said - "Bad idea! Bad idea! Bad idea!"

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I'm still trying to work out what Eddie means when he says, "when I feel a bit girlie"? Being a girl, I've no idea what that means... He's really gone down in my estimation of recent. Shame

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Eddie considers himself a girl now. He is actually fine with any pronouns or whatever. He has always been up front about himself, juggling personal stuff with a career and living his life out in the public eye, as celebrities do. Madly talented, IMO, actor and comedian. I have loved him since Dress to Kill, and just am interested in whatever he does.

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They already have. Most oligarchs are Jewish.

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'Bankers': 'We bailed Trump out because he could be useful'



9/11 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience / & more Disaster Capitalism


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Trump is the classic controllable puppet. He also likes T-girls. Nuff said:)

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"Putin's got to go!" - Joe Biden. Failed regime change op that has destroyed the proxy, and now it's utter madness and farce. If I were Ukrainian I wouldn't want to die for that coke-addled fraudster, who needs the war to go for his own survival.

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This is the exact truth, and the globalists, and before them, the British Crown, have wanted to carve Russia up into tiny, easily controlled statelets, and divvy up Russia's multiple trillions in natural resources for themselves.

This has been a globalist dream for at least 2 centuries, with the Brits leading the charge.

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I believe hatred for Russia goes all the way back to the toxic Venetian Black Nobility, who fully infiltrated the UK in the 16th century.

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"Also, the money-laundering gravy train makes stops in the EU." 🎯 In fact, I suspect most of this "saved" USAID money is simply being redirected.

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Redirected is right.

01 Mar 2025

Trump Administration Uses 'Emergency' Powers to Rush Another $4 Billion in Military Aid to Israel


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The latter, clearly. Euro trash does not possess any intestinal fortitude, they let middle eastern scum run their own countries with domestic terrorism against women and kids. Paralyzed by fear of standing for freedom from tyranny, they cower afraid of their own self defeating history. Cowards repeat the convenience of history, brave men shake free of the shackles of mental slavery.

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All are NWO puppets, especially K. Charles. There been brainwashed., and/or evil and grabbing all the Millions that fall by the wayside for going along.

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My guess is that Zelenskyy has been promising the mineral spoils to all the leaders and they do not want Trump / the US to get it.

Celia, let’s not give in to dreaded thoughts. I prefer to hold hope that common sense will prevail, at least on the US side. Would be fine if we got out of WEF and UN and NATO. Sorry to friends in the UK and EU. Your ‘leaders’ …? Speaking of dreaded thoughts though. Really hoping Trump doesn’t fall for any soft diplomacy magic thinking if he goes to visit K Chuck.

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Thank you. I needed that--was a right mess of despair and anger yesterday.

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PS you’re doing great. My 90+ year old dad is reading your substack now.

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We are our own worst enemies. Doubts and fears create despair that in turn dispossess us of our power and strength.

Many today are disabled by any one of many DESTRUCTIVE factors we allow to assail us. I do not load myself with fear over the CYSTem corruption and its obstacles. All attacks on any who hold fast to the Truth will fail, if one just perseveres. My longest fight with the corrupt CYSTem lasted 11 years and ended in a victory adding $26,000. as a trophy I had insisted was mine. Officials on either side lauded me for my victory but it was not mine. It was Truth that won the day...it will be Truth using me once again that will lay waste liars and criminals in blue uniforms, corrupt prejudicially biased bigots of the CYSTem, as deal with them in their cowardly weakness, who discover the damned CYSTem will throw them under the bus to save its own wretched hide.

THe damned CYSTem does not like my anger, because it knows that is a huge motivational force and when it comes to their office door, there will be no place to run and hide.

One man with a persevering character fed by hatred of injustice and corruption can take on a whole army. I cannot lose because I do not fail to publicize the corruption and avarice of the CYSTem. I have won hundreds of thousands for innocent people who cannot take the duress involved in confronting the CYSTem and for that the CYSTem hates me and tried to take me down.

Their problem is as I said, one man can destroy a whole army. Easy. One needs only a skill at using a bow and arrow. Might take years but a shot that does not kill sends a message that they are not safe. Seeing their comrades die creates fear in the living. Understand if I do not qualify this as illustrative, a damned delusional cowardly bureauCRAP fool will cry like a baby to the corrupt pigs that I am preaching violence. The other side lies, and I have a sheaf of papers with dozens of names written down of those who fit the description.

Perseverance and dedication demands the initiative to continue until the injustice is publicized and already LECA is telling me all the details are private. Fuck that assholes. Since when do you corrupt bastards tell me I cannot fight in the court of public opinion to expose the cowards in the CYStem? You have no damned right. You lying yuppie fools made your bed, but I will not allow any of you to sleep in it.

I will destroy it and dozens of people because I will drag into the mess the real identities of the real criminals. Take your BS authority and prepare to take the same medicine you prepared for me. I will use the same damned "modus operandi you lying bastards tried to use on me.

No place to hide and I have even discovered in my investigations and interviews that I could take down a key player who is an adulterer and destroy his children, and most definitely him. These bastards have skeletons in their closets like others do.

So it is too rich for me to hurt little children but you tyler are hated by those who knew you even in your youth. You are a maggot, a liar, a criminal and I told you to your ugly damned face that "fucking with me is fine but fucking with my family will result in me taking you down, you pos lying bastard. I looked in your ugly arrogant face when I said that and miraculously controlled myself. You are one of several who will pay the price for your criminality, lies, defamation and treachery. How such a dishonest peckerhead like you became an OPP pig, is beyond me but you need to see what you already know about me, that I am not a soy boy and will always take things to the limit. I see your fellow liar and criminal died suddenly. Fancy that! I note your mother also died. Fancy that too you ling pos. Is that coincidental fuckhead? Read Proverbs chapter 6 and focus on the word abomination which God so happens to hate. For one who seems to relish bucking and f*cking, there is another thing I suspect you of and that is sucking, and cucking. You are a damned disgrace cowardly pos and you are my number one target who will face the derision of many. But somewhere along the line, you might understand that you best prepare to "meet thy God."

It is the opinion of the "counsellors" in my life that you are the worst pig God ever strung gut into and they believe as well that LECA is trying (as I was told years ago) to save your sorry ass. I have proof and believe as do MY COUNSELLORS that LECA is not honest but a front for two committees to protect f*ckheads like you. BTW LECA, I have a surprise for you and you as a group CYSTem entity can be exposed and can even be charged with CCC.

The confidentiality aspect to protect the identies of liars and pig criminals was NEVER agreed to by me, and you have already given me ample proof to expose you.

I am just going along for the ride but your history is not impressive and serious concerns have been expressed to me about LECA from others more versed in the machinations of the law. (officers of the court)

Try to understand I insist on justice and will fight hell itself to defend it. I am not your usual sheeple. I fear no man or animal. ( corrupt scum like Donna and Ruth who will answer and be exposed to the court of public opinion.)

The CYSTem is corrupt, LECA is a waste of time, ands tax payer dollars.

But the devil gets his dues old Claxton said.

Always Edward

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Completely understand that. Today I listened to Rogan and Musk podcast. Fascinating. And yeah, Musk probably is an alien. 🙃 But it made me laugh a few times.

Tonight I got on X and that’s something I think I need to limit! Ugh the world is mad, mad, mad crazy.

Been thinking of how Lent starts this week. I’m not super religious. But I am pondering something to give up for Lent. If it’s the most challenging thing? My phone. 😳 Maybe I’ll go easier and give up food.

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They're just following orders from their puppet masters and obviously getting wealthier by doing so. And many of the EU nations are already outflanking Russia in terms of being autocratic states-- they don't care what happens to their citizens in the slightest.

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They want that sweet sweet human trafficking $$$$ to keep rolling in. As well as all Ukraine's resources. But mostly they just hate Putin, and think they can beat Russia. Which is insane.

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Yep. Delusional the lot of them.

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Probably from the Rothschilds. They still haven't forgiven Russia for not giving them an oil and rail concession 150 years ago.

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Since Russia told the Khazarians they had to choose a religion and honor it or they would destroy them. They choose Zionism but, continued their same evil practices. Russia tried to destroy them about 100 years later but, they had been tipped off and were able to escape. Russia, Syria, and Iran are major obstacles to the new world order. That is the main reason for it all along with a huge long-time grudge to settle.

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A Khazarian terrorist group murdered the tsar of Russia Alexander the 2nd in 1881 (probably funded and controlled by the Rothschilds who hold long grudges) and then the Khazars wondered why they were kicked out of the country. Antisemitism, they cried. Same old story:).

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What I always say is…. In order for me to be anti-Semite, you must first be a real, true Jew

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The term "anti-semite" is anti-semantic:).

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Go ask people in Central and Eastern Europe why many of them despise Russia.

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Well that's understandable.

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You call yourself anti-tyranny, so I implore you to think about their side, as well, with their bad history of Russian influence in the past.

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Starmer is a NWO puppet. He does what he's told to do.

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In my view, there's a clear and unmistakable reason WHY Ukraine is such an OBVIOUSLY backward country. It's so imminently obvious to anyone who has actually visited or actually spent a considerable amount of time there, that I shall not elaborate here. Therefore, this is why I shall never believe that any amount of aid or money being pumped into said deplorable country, shall EVER improve it much if at all! So, the sooner any/all western nations recognize this and simply leave Ukraine to work out it's own problems, the better off the rest of the world shall be.

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Zelensky was groomed for his role since shortly after the 2014 Maiden massacre. They needed a morally degenerate comedic actor, have him play the president of Ukraine on a popular sitcom, and then run him as the only peace candidate in the election. Since the average person cannot tell the difference between a sitcom and "reality," he was a shoe-in. I think both he and Starmer both snorted up big time before they turned on the TV cameras today.

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Right. That Zolomoysky guy. How is his name spelled?

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Igor Kolomoisky, a Ukrainian-ISRAELI dual citizen and businessman aka oligarch. The FBI was watching him as he was laundering a lot of money into the US, buying old steel plants and office buildings in Pittsburgh and similar places. He got ripped off there, he'd pay $50 million for a building worth $20m, but I guess it was all about getting ill-gotten cash out of Ukraine.

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Zel was wired on something for sure. He probably had to visit Hunter before leaving to get some more.

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Yep. He's more puppet than Pinocchio ever was.

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Little Zelensky is not the one we should be concerned about, it's the scumbags that support him that are the most dangerous. Just like the scumbags here in America that voted for and support the Democrat/American Communist Party!

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Little zel was practically installed by Obummer back in 2014. Spread the democrapsy, spread the communism.

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Victoria Nuland, who has more chins than the Hong Kong phone directory. She might even be a he. Wouldn't surprise me - half of them are, likely including Usha Vance.

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Haha. Even “born as” could be very confusing for them.

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There are plenty of republicans supporting Zelensky and Ukraine. Are their voters scumbags too?

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When Lindsey Graham suggests they shouldn't be doing any further business with Zelensky then the sea change on Ukraine is complete-- there will be no majority support for them going forward.

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Because that faggot motherfucker has a lot to answer for regarding Ukraine

He’s in it up to where his testicles ought to be, but alas…

If it weren’t for scum like miss Lindsay, the Maidan wouldn’t have happened. He’s deep state all the way.

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Anyone who supports Ukraine has to be completely ignorant of what's actually going on there, how it started (in 2014) and all of the horrors committed there since it started. No matter what their political leanings are.

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Absolutely!! The zio-Nazis are proficient at erasing and replacing history.

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Their main historian is Steven Spielberg:).

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No, but the reps and Senators definitely are.

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Yes Sam, even republicans that support Zelensky and Ukraine are scumbags!

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You forgot to mention the worst of all the assassins.

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Only in this post.

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It’s the beginning of the end of NATO. And it’s for the best. The Globalist agenda requires WW3 but, without America, they can’t afford it.

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NATO is expanding. In fact the Ukraine war was probably a psyop to provide a plausible reason for Sweden and Finland to join. Solution. Reaction. Problem. Putin kindly gave NATO what it wanted:).

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If Putin didn't react he would have eventually found NATO in his bedroom.

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Here's the plan. Ponce around pretending to "Make Peace". Meanwhile, send Euro troops into Ukraine and do "something" to provoke a response from Putin. Invoke Article 5 of the NATO charter, and Boom, they think the US will have to commit troops and get sucked into another, idiotic European war. It's in the smirk on Zelensky's face. They think they have us cornered.

Not this time.

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I still can't shake the strong feeling that all of this (especially the entire Ukraine "war") is staged theater (with real violence and destruction), implemented only to further our destruction, and further great reset technocratic goals. I include in this theater whatever role "Trump" is playing during that entire "press conference"--a far too simplistic a presentation of whatever is going on there. "Zelenski" is literally giving a retarded Wikipedia article-like summary of whatever is going on in Ukraine "since 2014," which I take to be NOT a genuine picture of the Ukraine "war." "Trump" gets to play simplistic "I big strong man for peace" role, which I also take to be fraudulent based on everything that is occurring in Ukraine.

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It’s good you are ultra analytical and guarded because the theater can be multi-layered .

It’s like a complex script of a movie.

Or more aptly a magician on a stage with his prancing side kick who distracts your eyes and mind to her,

while the master magician “cheats and sets up his fake “magical” deception over there.

Many podcasters are also paid operatives to influence emotions on both sides.

They have studied human behavior for years and years (look into Tavistock institute and their history and present effect on many companies and even the military psyche), read Bernays book on propaganda .

Remain cautiously optimistic but guarded with the Trump bunch.

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I do indeed view them as black hand magicians of the highest order.

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He’s proven his “ I big man for peace” colors in his first term. WTF makes you think this will be different? Four years of world peace. But we can’t have that now, can we?

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I'm open to that of course. I just feel like whatever "peace" we experience is not due to "Trump"--or any other of the face players--actions. I feel like they do the bidding of other hidden-hand actors, and if those actors want someone to represent "peace," they represent "peace." If it's "war," then they do war. It's whatever works best to implement their agenda. I question not the events, but the motives for the event, and who actually controls the decisions related to the events. That was my point above. Black magicians gotta do what black magicians gotta do.

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Not that fake elections make much difference with the uni parties…

But the Starmer-led Labour Party in the UK only secured the votes of 20% of the electorate - 80% of the UK electorate DID NOT vote for the Labour Party.

Think about that when Starmer is talking about taking the UK to war…

What sort of voting system allows the vote of 20% to rule over the other 80%?

Labour received 9,708,716 votes in the last election. The total registered electorate was 48.2 million. This means 38,491,284 electors did not vote for Labour..


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But - can Starmer force an unwilling electorate to suit up and actually go to war.

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They’ve probably got away with it in the past…

But I wonder how far conscription would fly these days?

Hopefully not very far…

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Well, the Ukrainians have invented this new thing--vans with masked men grabbing men off the streets for the war front. Also raping the reulctant and tying them to poles with their pants down swearing allegiance to Ukrainian liberty.

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They debated the invasion of Iraq over here, got a bit too much resistance, so nowadays they just steam roller everything through.....Not that it really matters anyway the UK's 'democratic' system and justice system is complete bullshit (and always has been)

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Further to my previous comment…

The reference I provided notes the UK electorate is 48.2 million.

Total votes cast were 28,809,340.

Using the presumably rounded figure of 48,200,000 and subtracting 28,809,340 equals 13,190,660.

So around 13,190,660 eligible voters didn’t vote at all…

Why? Because they feel disenfranchised in this fake set-up?


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Not only Starmer and the UK. Youtube has a clip on the changed Swedish position and the new dangers with that....there also was some talks of a Scandinavian- Baltic agreement to attack Russia..

Let us just hope Trump keeps his head cool and t he whole proxy war just dies down.

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I didn't vote at all in the UK.....It's only for retarded , deluded and media worshipping whores....the sheeple type......Just kick myself for taking too long to realise it!!

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It's time the USA left NATO. Let Europe have the war they want, and deal with the consequences. We aren't going to bail you out of another, epically dumb war.

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I’m sure Starmer asked the citizens of his country for their opinion before committing THEIR sons, daughters, and whatever is left of their treasure to march into this fool’s suicidal errand.

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Not quite sure my math is right, but what UK is promising is like 1% or less of what the US already gave Ukraine. US gave like 300 billion plus and their promising 2.25 billion pounds. Whoopee. If the US stops ALL funding, Ukraine is done. It's the US funding that enabled it to keep going. Look how quickly Z turned on the US. Just take a look at history. What did the Nazis do to their own people?Threw them under the bus. They really are determined for WW3 though. Z reminds me of the fat puppy that pushes other puppies out of the way so it can go from teat to teat.

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The problem is the troops. that means NATO is attacking Russia...and according to article 5...the USA must join. Unless Trump withdraws from NATO immediately....or engineers a peace settlement or cease fire with Russia....leaving that little tyrant alone....and impeached by his country?? Maybe. What cluster fuck. Brought to you by Team Obama, the Uniparty, and the neocons....

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Article 5 is not a must join. That a false.

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it is? Well that's hopeful.

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Article V says the members of NATO may CHOOSE to intervene in hostilities upon another NATO member.

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😂 The fat puppy made me laugh.

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I feel sick too at the likelihood of a red flag event ( another strike on the nuclear plant for example) to drag the US into this war against Trump’s instincts and efforts. The propaganda war narrative never lets up in the UK where, unsurprisingly, a majority British public, who are kept ignorant of the history of NATO and the power play that has led to this predictable state of affairs, all support the underdog Zelensky and want to ‘stick it’ to the nasty evil Putin. Seriously, cheering on as if it was a game of football.

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"...to drag the US into this war against Trump’s instincts and efforts." - I'm starting to wonder about this. Trump wants to make peace with Russia, while simultaneously not discouraging the EU from continuing the war. In the meantime, $4 billion was just expedited to Israel for the next phase of the non-cease fire.

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Well said!

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Trump and his Zionist friends choose their wars carefully… America First

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Can it be widely recognized that Starmer is … or likely is … insane? His obsession with war is absurd. He is as irretrievably “woke” as the Biden administration. The obsession runs parallel with certain other obsessions. I’ll leave it there for now.

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Being raped as a child by the likes of Jimmy Saville produced tertiary wokeness in adulthood. Not joking. But how does that work?

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lol…don’t you just love it when foreign countries protest something, but they write their signs in English?

Especially love the foreign language headline with English written signs.

And what’s up with the American flag? At a protest protesting America?

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Yes. Sort of like entire undamaged passports found at the scene of a "terrorist" event.

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Oh the absolute horror - the US perusing a peace deal, or ceasefire, between Ukraine and Russia, while the little grifter from Kiev sabotages such efforts and scours the West for more donations towards an already lost war.

Utterly shameful behaviour by Starmer and the rest of the puppets - let’s see how the UK embraces the idea of their own being sent to battle.

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What a just “love” about these sleazy politicians, is they GIVE AWAY Money of their citizens that they DON’T have… they are in debt.

Where is this money coming from?

Just like Turdeau giving millions to Ukraine when his country is in serious DEBT shortfalls…

And USA too - our deficit is in TRILLIONS and yet our political class is giving away our great grandchildren’s money.

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How is the UK going to get their 20,000 boots on the ground into Ukraine? Reinvade Dunkirk?

Or maybe push them out of a cargo plane above Kiev, and the few remaining construction workers in the UK will have to wear red pumps to work.

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I keep laughing on this thread. And yesterday I was 100% unable to laugh. Thank you, all.

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