I have produced this statement to my friend Celia into a full Substack post


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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Mr. Coppolino, may I mail you a book on etiquette? Acupuncture can help with many imbalances and may lessen your sadistic traits.

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Do you feel that it is helpful and appropriate to try to demean someone by assigning a label to them based on nothing that you actually have any familiarity with?

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I am very familiar with Coppolino's latest antics, which are thoroughly documented in this Substack piece, and I am appalled by his behavior. I do not have a word strong enough to express my opinion of him. Where did he learn his manners? Cavemen had more tact, sensitivity and empathy. Why did Coppolino publicly shame Poornima? Obviously, he did not think how his action would affect Poornima's life and employment. Is she the most dangerous person in the US? Why is he not investigating lives of those people in FDA who authorized vaccines for infants? I read his defense that you posted. The fact that he has been unfairly attacked in the past does not excuse his behavior, but it may explain his need to take revenge. I heard the interview Poornima gave to Dr. Merritt. Yes, she was illusive about her educational background, but she said some something that stuck in my memory. She criticized quantum mechanics for giving too neat and quantifiable model of atoms, while chemical processes and and cells are messy. That piece of wisdom is more valuable than what Coppolino has offered to the world by exposing her lie.

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Poornima seems to be a very curious, well-read person. She shares a lot of information on a variety of topics, and that is very interesting to listen to.

However, she is claiming to have advanced degrees and to be an authority based on that, so her words carry a lot of weight.

Isn't it important to know whether she is speaking from that position of authority of one who has gained much knowledge and experience in the sciences, or if this information is coming from her reading of various topics online and coming to her own conclusions? Wouldn't you tell someone that you are not an expert while sharing what you've learned, so that they will not take your word as some sort of expert opinion, but instead would be encouraged to find out for themselves?

This is important, especially in the times that we are living in when there is so much floating around that we are supposed to blindly believe.

At the same time, you are also speaking as though you are in a position to know exactly what Eric is doing and why, yet based on what? You call this 'antics' and compare him to a caveman...for the purpose of disparaging him because you don't like what he has exposed?

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A doctorate does not give you any position of authority. There are many people with Ph.D.s who are struggling to find a job. What did Eric expose? He exposed that there is a vulnerable, lonely, marginally employed but well-read immigrant, who lives in her phantasy world. I do not know exactly why Eric has employed an international team to publicly shame a lab technician, and I do not care. I am not interested in psychopathologies. His actions speak for themselves. What a loser!

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Well, there are still quite a lot of assumptions here, without any basis in fact. Do we know that Poornima is 'a vulnerable, lonely, marginally employed but well-read immigrant, who lives in her phantasy world'? or even that 'Eric has employed an international team'?

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Poornima has degrees and widespread experience coming out of her backside (apparently). She will not be well known outside the online questioning groups. She should not struggle to get a job.

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That is exactly the description of an appeal to authority. So if you like logical fallacies, I guess you only listen to people with real degrees rather than use critical reasoning.

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I suggest that you might want to read my comment again, with a bit more care this time. I listen to people who are truthful and transparent about their backgrounds, regardless of whether they have degrees or not.

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this is so rude- why write this? how much time do you think we have left on this planet to demean hard working others- who are on our side? i am sorry to see a post like this

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Are you referring to Eric Coppolino's post? I too wondered why he would publicly demean others - who are on his side.

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Eric, I have been reading you for over a decade and there's a reason. Nobody gets my INFP brain that long. Love to you and Celia who are both, imho, doing something very interesting right now with this thread. I enjoy the feeling aspect and the logical aspect being trotted out in full and it's not happened before in this way. Thanks.

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deletedSep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022
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We do not yet how geoengineering will affect climate.

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The impact on climate of geoengineering, if any, pales in comparison to its impact on weather, and human health, and its potentially destructive uses. Those are immediate, and real, its impacts on climate are not, and likely unknowable due to lack of data, adequate models with which to analyze any data, if there are any, and the short time frames of such engineering in comparison to time scale of climate.

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Indeed, we do know that it already does affect everything terribly.

Hi Dennis, about that, please check out my new sky timelapse series ! New episode incoming, that should help verify how geoengineering IS already a reality.

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I'm not interested in time-lapses of the sky. I'm friends with Elana Freeland who has researched, and written about geoengineering in greater, more comprehensive depth than anyone.So far there is zero evidence geoengineering impacts climate. It impacts weather. My father is a brilliant academic professor of engineering whose research on the lack of evidence for anthropogenic climate change the IPCC was so upset about that, despite his decades-long distinguished career of top publications in bioengineering, econometrics, information theory, control theory, demography, the IPCC propaganda "scientists" wouldn't even review his paper or respond to its submission. He had to call an editor for the first, and only time in his career. Anthropogenic climate change is a scam.

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Who is Eric Coppolino? --- has anyone checked him out? -- I mean REALLY CHECKED HIM OUT?

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He's not standing on his experience, he's saying something that doesn't check out.

It could be a mentally ill person saying it and just reading it, it makes sense.

Meanwhile Wagh was not only saying what she found, she was saying she was part of things that she was not part of.

So do realize that it's ironic that you're twisting it on the messenger, just like the fing mass media does.

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Many people are saying that they were part of things that they were not part of. Why focus on Poormina? Why ruin he life? Perhaps, she thinks deeply but is not quite stable.

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Because she is likely a shill placed to undermine terrain theory. She was given a platform by many people who should have checked out her credentials. They either did not do their due diligence or were part of a deception.

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It could be that Eric is some form of controlled opposition. It could be that you are, Amber. It could be that I am. I've never met or spent any time with Eric, with you; none of us knows the other at all. That's how it is on the internet. This is uninteresting and obvious.

But that's not the point. The point is this: Why is Poornima Wagh apparently lying about her 2 PhDs?

For me, she appears to be lying about her PhDs and accidentally right about the non-existence of pathogenic viruses. The former calls her authenticity into question, the latter is a claim that is far older than Poornima's version thereof. Before Poornima, I was already persuaded by others – Lanka, Cowan, the Baileys, etc. –, as by the science I have checked, that there is no convincing evidence that pathogenic viruses exist. This far more important matter is entirely unaffected by the Poornima Wagh affair.

But, because the virus matter is such an explosive issue, we have to be very careful about how and why people claim what they claim in this area. As such, Eric, and anyone else for that matter, had every right to report as he has done on Poornima Wagh, regardless of whether or not he is controlled opposition of whatever variety. What I hope is that we are wary of each other in as neutral and non-aggressive a way as possible, with as much love and compassion as we can muster.

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Actually everything points to the White Houses's Eric being controlled opposition.

Sure he has the right to spread distractions (arguing characters instead of facts) and try to use their actor Poowag to try to discredit the debunked Germ theory.

It didn't work though and now people are onto his connection to the Oligarchy and use of mind control.

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Hes arguing nothing but facts. Have you read the above article? It is all on the table. Its all facts. Nothing to do with Wagh's character, past the fact she is lying about things. Whether he is the nicest man ever or Harvey Weinstein or somewhere in between, he is a recognized investigative journalist and he is doing his job.

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"It didn't work though and now people are onto his connection to the Oligarchy and use of mind control."

I don't follow your logic. How is Eric's "connection to the Oligarchy" relevant to whether viruses are pathogenic? I know very little about him. Does he claim that viruses are pathogenic? Or is he implying that because Poornima Wagh lied about her qualifications that any claims by others that viruses are not pathogenic should be dismissed as pseudo-science? I'm not picking up that message from him at all.

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I've seen one of his interviews with Mike Stone. Eric seems very intelligent and he's definitely a virus skeptic.

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He is not arguing that viruses are pathogenic.

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It's always fishy when some one comes out and attacks someone else personally when what they're saying to you seems to be a bullseye with the truth. If you want to kill the message just kill the messenger right? Destroy their reputation right? Just find any weak link and play on it—and magnify it until the truth again disappears from the collective mind of the people.

To me, (and to many others I’m sure, including Dr. Lee Merritt) her truth was more powerful than her.

Now in trots Eric Coppolino with the “destroy the messenger” tactic of the matrix controllers.

So, they found a weak link with her Ph.D. She even told us the committee hated her thesis and she couldn’t care whether they liked it or not or granted it to her. So there’s the murky process point. Who cares about that anyway because frankly it pales in comparison to what she was telling and revealing to us.

She was going against the grain in a discipline that had been hijacked by group think consensus and useless research.

There is nothing wrong with questioning the motive of the person who is casting the first stone.

This is not a time of neutrality. Pick your side with the matrix controllers or the truth as it hits a resonant chord in your own soul. It is clear Poornima Wagh was never on the side of the matrix controllers throughout her life because she questioned everything.

I’m going with her message of how they teach science—which is the same way Rockefeller hijacked the discipline of medicine and medical doctors.

Can’t we all at least agree here that we need a paradigm-system change?


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I don't get that impression, that Eric is trying to destroy her reputation. The point to me is that the message is more important that any particular messenger, such that where there is a potential stink, it's better to head it off before the actual bad guys try to tarnish the message with the tarnished messenger.

If she wrote two PhDs and both were somehow not granted or awarded, it is surprisingly naive of her to not expect that to come back and bite her, especially as this matter pertains to perhaps the most controversial claim there is right now, namely that viruses are not pathogenic. That claims has the power to stop Big Pharma and the Deep State in their tracks and then crush them. It therefore needs to be handled very carefully indeed.

None of this means I want the human being, Poornima Wagh, to suffer. But surely she was old enough to know the risk she was taking in raising her head so far above the parapet in this particular war, with the fact that she would be unable to prove she indeed holds two doctor titles out there to be discovered by anyone.

Please don't conflate neutrality with fence sitting, and please don't conflate science with certainty. I am for the truth, but not for fanaticism. But yes, I agree wholly with you that it is time for a deep paradigm change. The question is how to most effectively make that change seem attractive to the majority of people out there, rather than terrifyingly daunting. I've been failing in that endeavour since roughly 2009 when I first cottoned on that such was needed, so know how delicate all this is. Most people are frightened by change, prefer the devil they know, etc. Confronting people with information that upsets almost everything they thought they knew about a subject is a process that should not be treated lightly. As the saying goes, grass doesn't grow faster if you shout at it.

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Taking the lesson from the American Founders, we (The People-the Nation) need to start printing our own money. That's where the root of it all is.

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If you guys (I'm a Brit) could get something like that on its legs and running, that would be a very good start. But I would suggest an entirely new money system, though that's a whole other story!

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We follow the American Founders way and it works for everyone everywhere:


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I agree with you Amber about the need to question the White House's employee Eric on why he spread a story about someone that was lying selected to be easily discredited. It was to try to discredit the debunking of the germ theory. That is where alarm bells go off. Both these characters( Eric and Poor nima Wag) are dubious .

But seriously "Pick your side" is another Oligarchy meme ( divide and conquer us vs them ).

Pick the truth.

The paradigm shift needed is from fear to love.

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"pick your side" is in the context of Dr Zelenko's message: https://leohohmann.com/2022/07/01/dr-zelenkos-final-message-to-the-world-i-have-no-problem-falling-in-battle-this-is-a-hill-that-we-need-to-die-on/

Yes, but when you set the shift to "LOVE" -- as a complete system change, it is THIS:

http://undergod.love/ and this:

http://pppway.net/#Vision and this:


We can't get to the sleeping masses--all the aware people need to come together and get it going.

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

If thats what he says I'm not following his work especially not into following those who say pick a side us vs them choosing hate in action =war.

That is fear.

That is a contradiction to wholeness.

Love is not that.

The outer is a manifestation of our inner state.

This is where change ( love replacing fear through Self knowledge ) comes.

You dont need to "get" to anyone, nor can you change anyone (except through your own transformation.

Getting to yourself is the destination, only from there comes true communication.

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Getting to the crux of it, it is not about personalities, it is simply THE SYSTEM. It is The System that is killing us. Outer change of THE SYSTEM is more important than inner change.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Does an astrologer and a sex expert understand how you get "in silico sequences of “SARS-CoV-2" or someone else wrote the piece that he signed?

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Whomever Eric is or you are or I am, you can look for yourself on scholar.google.com and fine zero publications and zero published PhD theses (not even one) for the name Poornima Waugh. Do it yourself. I did this in April 2021 because she lives in my town and claimed to have done the research with 1500 lung samples from COVID patients that only turned up flu A and flu B. That story was already suffering from credibility issues, so to hear her claim it as her own got my attention. I did my own search for her name on google scholar and found nothing. When I asked her to provide evidence of her background, she never replied. The issue of her credentials is that it is the easiest thing to check out and verify. But it does not check out. So I will not give any credence to anything Poornima Waugh says. As it happens, I have a PhD from MIT in another field and I could find my PhD listed online and a few other publications I was an author on. Check it out if you care to. But the important point is, we do not know each other, so we need to vet claims that people make to avoid con artists, manipulators, and infiltrators. Don't be offended if someone checks out your claims, encourage others to not immediately assume everyone is telling the truth and get independent verification when possible. This way of behaving will make our movement for truth in medical science stronger.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

A White House astrologer.

And the NY times praise him .

Things are not looking good for Eric. This thing smells fishy .

This story is virus fraud propaganda.

Eric , tell your bosses you cant prove viruses are real by public exposing and discrediting an agent that doesn't represent the truth.

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Yes, I know him personally.

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having multiple rabbit trails that polarize and then compete for each other and sow confusion among the masses is a good way to escape for the criminals

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divide and conquer. the agents of chaos never sleep.


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That's a marvellous post. Thanks.

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Like the stab at Kirsch's manhood. Assume you are joking about the album cover as i heard that guy sued over that photo! Maybe it is you and you are serious about that bet?

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Divide, and conquer doesn't work at the fringes of lunacy Lunar looney tune assininity like the viruses don't exist crowd, the flat earthers, and the we never went to the moon nutter butter bullshit. It is an amusing side show though, and maybe The Truth Barrier could put in parenthesis (AKA Side Show BettyBob) because she has collected an amusing assortment, fairly small in number, of asswipe followers who seemingly suffer from prions in their brains they think don't exist because they have never been isolated.

The efforts to wage law fare, in which I am involved, on the criminal network that perpetrated the COVID19 Op, and numerous other serious efforts by intelligent activists around the country are having a remarkably positive impact on electoral politics, at all levels, municipal, state, and federal, medicine, and its practice, and administration, and in getting information widely distributed to the public.

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so many sacred cows created to control the mass mind... and those who create them once they become public truth can then be brought up and questioned so as to shock society.... then society can settle down into an even deeper state of hypnosis.

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Perhaps among your crowd of a segment of society it is settling down into an even deeper state of hypnosis, but among the crowd with which I work, there is not only an awakening but many concrete actions being taken to fight the socio-psychopaths waging war on humanity. What terrifies the socio-psychopaths is that they are small in number, and really, really dumb, and all it takes is a small number of people to drive a different agenda that is already rippling through humanity. Maybe you just don't see that because you're not involved with people who know how to move an agenda. Enjoy your hypnosis.

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that was a nasty response.... I've hit a hot button...maybe there is something you don't want to see...

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Oh, I'm so sorry, Karen, I didn't mean to get your girlie underwear all twisted up. When you put your big boy or girl pants on, and have the scintilla of guts needed to step out from behind "ultradarkmaga" fagga , then we can continue talking about the state of hypnosis you're under. Best of luck, Karen.

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it appears you are the Karen... why would anyone listen to you? remained trapped in your own box....

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Hi Celia,

I am sure harmony will come from this. You expressed how shaken you felt after hearing that someone you had listened to, who seemed to be honestly expressing themselves, had apparently being lying about verifiable things.

This is happening to all of us every single day in our online world where people and ideas pop up and down and come and go all the time. There is truth in what people say, though they may have completely different 'agendas' to us.

I think it's important to remember that 'they' totally control the narrative.

No wonder we find this unsettling and frustrating.

Perhaps we should all unhook. Jack out of the matrix for good.

I'm going to a no phones, no internet silent retreat next week, I was told to stop meat, dairy, alcohol, drugs, refined sugar, smoking and caffeine for a week before so the detox won't spoil my experience. I don't consume any of these things.

What I will find very hard is not looking at this dread machine every other hour!


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You hit the nail on the head, Jo. If it wasn't for the internet and smart phones, etc, many people would ever even know there was a problem, which isn't all good either but it's crucial to limit and know when too much is too much. Living as was intended, natural, among nature, simple, choosing joy and love, will bring more of the same to the world. It's just the way it works. Like attracts like and frequencies do manifest. I can tell you that in my part of the country one would never know anything is wrong or different. Nearly nothing in the last 2 yrs has affected me. Life has gone on as usual except for the few stores that required masking which I either ignored and went on in or decided that they didn't deserve my dollars and shopped elsewhere. Yes, I see the gas prices and this isn't the first time that has happened. Once you've lived many decades you see the rise and fall of all sorts of cycles. Is this one worse? Quite probably. Can it be broken into a million pieces? Absolutely. Do we have to do it through social media contacts and forums and the like? No. While that is a way to disseminate information all of the problems apply in spades as far as is it true? is it verifiable? is it propganda? has he/she been bought off? is this another dead end? and on and on and on. While there are those that say "we've already won", "good always wins over evil", and the like, we must maintain the proper thoughts and lifestyle and health for that to happen.

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Hear, hear! Instead of burying our heads in our smartphones and taking the worries of the world on our shoulders, we should all turn our attention inwards, where the real answers to the real questions reside. The online noise in which we swim is a conscious attempt to distract us from that one important task. Unfortunately, the distraction is both powerful and effective; but, once you are aware of it and recognize it for what it is, its spell is broken relatively easily.

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Pacifica Radio? I'll need a lot more than Coppolino on Pacifica, and from other sources, to put me off Dr. Wagh.

1.) Where is the reference sample of SARS CoV 2?

2.) Why take a jab that does not provide immunity nor prevent one from passing their flu-like condition onto someone else?

These questions have not been answered. The Covid Experience has been a con since day one.

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So the fact that she lied about her PhDs is not enough, because of Eric?

You're just like the mass media, attack the messenger, not dispute the message.

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That's right, Rob of Universe, Eric is not enough. I don't have enough information, on Dr. Wagh's alleged deceit, to dispute it. I haven't attacked Coppolino, so your "attack the messenger" line is not accurate (and frankly not very useful here, or delivered from a Debate podium). Regarding Pacifica Radio, I turned away from their roster of broadcasters, because I felt their message was too far left, FOR ME, in 1969 (!), during my college years in Berkeley and in LA 57-years ago, when I started my corporate career, during the era of merit-based hiring and firing.

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Pretty sure that, if virology is a scam, a degree in virology doesn't mean much.

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Who’s right. Who’s wrong. Who’s misrepresenting themselves. Who’s Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs. Like most, I want the curtain pulled back. The truth revealed.

While everyones opining, the COVID VAX train is chugging along on track… and arriving promptly in a town near you this fall. Stopping it is my biggest concern.

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Yup. The virus was just the fear pin in the grenade vaccines.

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Though I've taken all the prerequisite courses, I have no degree in software development or data science, yet that's what I do for a living. I produce excellent solutions. I also have no degree in English, but have tested above the 99.5 percentile. I have no published papers, but Poornima does: https://academictree.org/cellbio/publications.php?pid=247698

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But you don't pretend that you have those degrees. She did

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As I recall Obama claimed to have been born in the US but he was never castigated. Just saying that hundreds of higher up people claim all sorts of status and degrees and knowledge and experience that they do not have. I have no idea why Wagh said that or why anyone is making a big deal of it or why now Dr Merritt is under suspicion and all of the rest of the nonsense and it doesn't matter. Stay focused on the bigger issues and stay on the main highway.

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What is an appropriate punishment for pretending you have a degree?

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Perhaps you should be required to pay off the student loans of someone who did actually go to the trouble and expense of earning the degree and graduating?!

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

That people do not believe you if you say that rocks don't float in the air.

"They do too because you're a liar!"

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That's a different person (Purnima).

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deletedSep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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Yes, it's a different Purnima Wagh.

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In the latest Regis Tremblay interview of her, linked below, she stated there is only one other Poornima Wagh in the U.S., and that person is in Ohio (where the researcher listed on these published papers is noted to exist).

Poornima Wagh Takes The Stand To Defend Herself


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Waugh is a Scottish family name -- I would think highly unusual for India. I don't think it's unusual for Indian first names to be transliterated differently in different nations. But this is odds, not certainty. For all I know India has a lot of Waugh descendants from colonial days.

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Do a search on (Wagh, India) and you will see that it's an Indian name.

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This all seems like elaborate theater in order to discredit anyone who doesn't swallow the mainstream narrative horse s***.

Meanwhile, all we have are ad hominem and appeal to authority logical fallacies.

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I don’t think discovery of falsified academic credentials is tantamount to ad hominem.

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Of course it is. The most evil and stupid person on earth can say true things. You cannot prove that they are lying by attacking their character, their intelligence, their actions or their credentials.

It is always a logical fallacy. Critical reasoning has absolute rules.

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The take home here with this controlled opposition actor is discrediting a person does nothing to discredit the truth.

A person or a group is not the truth.

The truth is owned by no one.

Its not a patented Computer Generated "virus" haha.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

To make things more confusing, this person isn't trying to discredit the truth. He believes the same thing. Supposedly...

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I disagree after doing research on White house's man Eric( hidden in plain sight guys) . Eric is the Oligarchy's controlled opposition player spreading their narrative. Spreading the discrediting of actor( "poo wag") portrayed is the representative of the debunking of the germ theory.

Mind control 101, its a defeatist meme.

Their goal here was trying to discredit the truth though a personal discrediting of their own selected discredited actor.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

So these are two agent provocateurs arguing with each other? That does seem to be the case.

Conspiracy theory gets much easier the longer you study it.

Normally, I don't pay attention to the actors and can see the truth myself without help.

The only person I fully trust is Jon Rappoport.

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Mr. Coppolino’s details about Poornima’s fake degrees convinced me. She is a fraud or appears to be one (if the name is correctly spelled), and the worst damage to us is what Celia pointed out.

Unity is at stake here.

The fact that Poornima is a fake does not mean that the concept that the covid virus does not exist is wrong. Much less should the numerous doctors and scientists supporting that idea based on Koch’s postulates be placed in the same sentence with the fraudulent scientist. Poornima should be irrelevant, and a united front should stand.

Celia’s point is the most critical and infinitely more important than a probable plant from the dark forces that permeate our world today. Wagh’s job was to inject conflict, and she has succeeded so far.

But, you can end that now and focus everyone’s attention on the current war for our lives.

Most readers know the following steps, but I put them here as a reminder of what we should focus on now.

Koch’s Postulates:

(1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals;

(2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual;

(3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulate the disease;

(4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism.

“Koch’s postulates have been critically important in establishing the criteria whereby the scientific community agrees that a microorganism causes a disease.” (Segre, 2013)

If you disagree with the above postulates please state why.


Segre JA. What does it take to satisfy Koch’s postulates two centuries later? Microbial genomics and Propionibacteria acnes. J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Sep;133(9):2141-2. doi: 10.1038/jid.2013.260. Epub 2013 Jul 11. PMID: 23842116; PMCID: PMC3775492.

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Honestly, I'm not sure what my point was. My feeling was a familiar sadness, and a feeling something sacred was dying. Or maybe illusions. It feels just awful, but many say it is necessary. I don't know.

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The truth does not need unity... Unity is dangerous, because it leads to people who believe someone just because they are on their "team".

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You are correct. I was not clear. By unity in this context I meant it about the concept that there was never a corona virus. And, our unified stance is based on the Koch's' Postulates which are well established in scientific circles. Thus, there is no team to sacrifice for, there is only the belief whether postulates are accepted or not. I choose to accept them as a proven model to base our defense against the murdering of millions of people.

Moreover, the criminal forces at work want humanity to be divided and talking about anything but the fact that there is no covid isolate anywhere. (CDC, 2021)

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Was Poornima Wagh anywhere near the book depository or dealey plaza at the time of her dissertation defenses? How can we ensure she never works again in any field? When and where will they host her virology struggle sessions?

The agents of chaos never sleep. "conspiracy theorist!"


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So why is this accused sexual pervert, Eric F. Coppolino, so focused on Poornima Wagh? I also have an email from the Student Records office at the LSHTM and it does not say that Poornima never attended that school. It says they cannot release that information without a written, signed, mailed letter from Ms. Wagh giving the school permission to release her information. And she needs to write a letter for each and every person that wants her information from that school. That is a bit different than she never attended. I have been doing a lot of behind the scenes digging myself and as far as I am concerned Coppolino and his friends, including apparently you too Celia should spend your time going after the real criminals that are killing people and now will be killing our children. I smell a big fat rat in all of this and his fixation on her makes me believe he has a hidden agenda. Poornima made it very clear that she will never work in the science field again and that has been something she has known long before she did her interview with Regis Tremblay. The CDC took care of that for her just like the NIH did to Dr. Mikovits. I pray that India publishes the research paper from Poornima and her team. Coppolino also recorded a phone conversation with Ms. Wagh and published it without even the decency of asking Poornima if she was ok with that. That is dirty and low life. I listened to that entire conversation and he acted as if they were best of friends. Just in case you were not aware of his accused perverted behavior let me share some information. Anyone that associates with him is not someone I could ever respect and I am sure a lot of others will feel the same way. https://hudsonvalleyone.com/2018/08/04/metoo-comes-to-town/ I think we might have more to fear from Coppolino than Poornima Wagh. It appears you Subscribers have a lot more discernment than you seem to possess.

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Why would you attack a low-level fraud, when there are much bigger frauds roaming around killing millions? Poornima Wagh may have some issues that made her misrepresent her background, but she is no authority in the field, with or without a Ph.D., and in no position to do harm. I hope this public shaming will not make her unemployable.

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I used to read Eric Francis' (Coppolino) astrology blog years ago (I too am an astrologer) and it got so dark and sleazy I said no more. Then, it seems, out of nowhere, from the ashes of the fallout of the scamdemic, he's back on my radar...and the need arose to refresh my memory about why I stepped away from the gloom of that portal.

If this is the character of the "new improved journalism" we are in even deeper doo doo than I can fully imagine.



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Must be the Pluto return. He's truly boring.

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Interesting....the first link I shared (with EFC's "erotica"/penis images) from Planet Waves have been taken down and replaced with a different, much less visual representation of his erotica/porn centric astrology. That's a good thing, Eric. You'll be much more embraced as a serious journalist if we are spared, (as I/we investigate your background and proclivities) from viewing your private parts.

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Yeah, he looks like a dope smoking demented deviant to me but those are likely minimal requirements to be hired by the White House, in any recent administration, except for Trump's. Chris J Edgar Wray sent his Fascist goons to Mar a Lago on a panty raid, and Biden, a senile, demented sexually deviant, little-girl-groping, hair-sniffing, thug, with an IQ of 12, forced his own daughter to shower with him. Obama, a closet case CIA goon married to an ugly socio-psychopathic tranny set the bar even lower than the Clinton Skeevy Crime Family for entry into the WH.

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Reba, are you familiar with the amazing astrologer, the late, Ry Redd? How did you learn astrology?

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HI Dennis. I'm not familiar with him but I will have a look. As for your second question, it's a complex story which I will pass on sharing on this forum.

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Ry Redd's "Toward A New Astrology" is the work of a brilliant mind. Are you familiar with Edgar Cayce's work? Do you do readings?

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That's some interesting insight into the mental illness that is "gender non-conformity," and to the Zionist terrorist Ashkenazim anti-Semites who push that Marxist/Fascist idiocy in the public education system. It's all about victimhood, and that the mentally ill "gender nonconformist" who wrote it is such an opportunist that they wouldn't stand up for the truth, as they know it, about Eric is typical of the wacko professional victim crowd.

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Everything points to this woman being a fraud. She has the means to prove herself legit yet refuses. This does not represent the destruction of the Covid Expose movement, rather the opposite. I have no attachment to the outcome one way or another, but some of you do, and are obviously taking this personally, and engaging in character attacks against those questioning her. Emotional investment in a scientific position clearly skews objectivity.

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What a clustersneeze this all is ...

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