I remember, many years ago, "wondering" why Jesus didn't DEFEND HIMSELF. I understand now. It's a very profound lesson. Only communicate with consent and only give consent where something is what Marshall Rosenberg called "alive in the other." Everything else is just rapey.

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Yes, the Messiah was who he said he was, and he spoke the clear truth. But there were those in that society whose ears were stopped from hearing because of their vested interests, among other things. He had no need to "defend" himself from his accusers, arguing was pointless. If a person was open to hearing, then they heard. "Let your yes be yes, and your no, no".

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Jesus defended Himself to His accusers after His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.

There are other times as well.

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In a way. When Pilate questioned him he did not deny who he was. In the Garden, when the guards came with Judas to arrest him, one disciple did use his sword to defend Him, but was told to put it away.

Of course, He knew what was about to happen, and that it must be that way for the plan of Salvation to unfold. He always had the power to fully defend himself and resist his accusers, but he did not.

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Jesus defended Himself when He was brought before the tribunal for trial.

I didn't mean in Gethsemane but rather after His arrest in the garden during the trial.

There were other times as well. I'm not going to list them all here.

My point being, Jesus taught discernment. Not avoidance. He didn't shy away from the demon possessed nor did He attribute demon possession to everyone who disagreed with Him.

Discernment. If the Holy Spirit dwells within we have nothing to fear from any demon.

I think there's more danger in designating those who disagreed with me or anyone else as demonically possessed and I think history confirms this in atrocities like the inquisition and the burning of live humans at the stake for witchcraft.

If we limit ourselves to only those who agree with our own opinions and hysterically claim those who disagree are dangerous demon possessed people, we are ignoring Jesus' teachings to our own peril.

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Discernment prevents blind obedience.

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Hurray ! 🥳🍾🥂

I'm now a full member now! Hehehe ! It's silly but I have never paid for membership anywhere online before Celia's substack- not because I'm a cheapo so 'n so j'espère, I hope not! 😂), but I just never even thought to do it for some reason but because you are so prolific and I can FEEL how sincere and kind-hearted you are, I couldn't NOT be a full member!

I am absolutely delighted to support you 100% for real now, ma chère Celia!

Btw, I can't wait for the next zoom meeting ! I "eavesdropped" on 2 so far but felt guilty about not being a full member to fully participate - NOT that you didn't make anyone feel unwelcome of course!

OK, and now to read the above article... 😊

Bonnes fêtes à tout le monde from southern Belgium. 🌲🥳🍾🥂

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Ok just read it. And btw, I will send it to a sibling. He, as well as the others, could not "hear" my literal desperate attempts to warn them not to take the shots.

They all did (including my eldest daughter) - and several times over. 😭

It was (so far), only my brother who had the worst side effects: at least 3 major heart attacks back in October 2023.

Thankfully he survived but they gave him a stent. He is CONVINCED that we (his sisters - all Gen Xers) are at risk...despite the fact that NO ONE in our family (and it's VERY big) ever died of a heart attack - with the exception of our grandfather in 1969.

Even our eldest sister (thrice injected, no less...) asked him not to get anymore C19 shots as she finally really that there was a real link with myocarditis. ..

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It is too late for him. Just tell him to get all the jibberjabs.

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Thank you yes it all makes sense now. This post is very timely for me. It explains a lot!

As a follower of Christ I'm very much enjoying reading your posts. Thanks again.

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this guy had a solid spiritual foundation; "silence is your only friend" from one of my favorite 90s albums. guessing that considering the spanish connection, Celia, the two of you might be friends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RII-xfr_v8A

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He defended or replied to accusers plenty of times and remained silent plenty of times.

It's in the Bible. Examples of both.

He defended Himself after He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and brought before His accusers.

He remained partially silent when Pilate confronted Him.

I dislike when people disregard the totality of Jesus to make their point.

That is the epitome of creating God in one's own image.

Just because someone has a different POV or argues with you does not mean they are possessed by demons.

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"Never agree to “argue,” with people who are being controlled by demons they may not even be aware of."

This will be my new resolution starting today.... bless you, Celia! ❤️😘

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You have to be careful with " "never will" because we do not kbow who may snap out of their demonic thinking. I know I was trapped in it for most of my life, but the Roy Masters meditation exercise on YouTube really saved my life, or God through it really.

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This was the quote at the end of the article and it spoke to me..... I didn't take "never" literally... I took it as a warning more along the lines of to be careful/aware..... I will check out the Masters video... thank you!

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Is it this one.... there are a few.... 7 Minute Meditation - Guided Meditation by Roy Masters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D-RjlJ6vWw

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Yes that's it

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I miss his old radio show. The pdf "The Occult Significance of Hypnosis" is available online, and it seems to have been written by a student of his.

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The quote says "never".

And how exactly do you know if someone is controlled by demons they themselves may not be aware of?

I've listened to dozens of vidoes of the person whose channel is linked in Celia's article and this is NOT CS Lewis. It's that person's interpretation of what CS Lewis wrote. Read CS Lewis' books.

I find this seriously lacking in discernment. What's being said here is anyone who argues or differs in opinion is demonically possessed since your opinion is the truth and any other opinion must come from demons.

If anyone is only interested or can only listen to opinions that agree with their own opinions they are living in a dangerous echo chamber and will likely never grow spiritually or any other way. Stagnating exactly as Celia describes "evil".

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Again, like I said previously, the word "never", for me was not a literal interpretation... yes, I understand what "never" means but for me, I am going to stop getting dragged into endless debates from the brainwashed...and yes, they do seem to be taken over by demons and are unaware.... they talk down to you, berate, make fun of and they are the ones that are not able to hear or listen to any facts or evidence...... that's what I took from that quote... after almost five years of this madness, it's time I spent my time doing something more productive than getting sucked into the abyss by some of these demons.....

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Yes..me too.

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I don't think I'm proposing anyone allow themselves to get sucked into an abyss by demons.

I do hope that never happens to you.

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Yes, of course.... I just took that quote as a good reminder of the evil that does exist.... I appreciate your feedback... I also enjoyed this.... ❤️

One Million Tiny Ways To Stop The Madness

Walk away from The Strange Game. WALK AWAY. https://pirateeyes.substack.com/p/one-million-tiny-ways-to-stop-the

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When dealing with the demonic, in postings ones comments or in conversation... it's best to quote DIRECTLY from scripture when the commentator tries to 'challenge' you. Best is to Direct the questioner/ challenger to SCRIPTURE and NOT attempt to 'argue'. When Jesus was challenged by Satan on the mount, Satan taunted Jesus to turn stones into bread, Satan offered the WORLD ( the Political Rulerships) to Jesus if Jesus would kneel before him, Jesus did NOT argue, Jesus QUOTED SCRIPTURE. That is our best model! We are fighting sprits, principalities and powerful forces of darkess...


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You're right Vinnie. Thank you.

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I think this is the best advice for me. I tend to get sucked into “their” demonic vortex 🌀 way too often!

It's comical now that I am thinking about previous (retarded) exchanges. It was either people looking at my like I had three heads or watching the glazed veil drape over their eyes. The fear of truth is too much for most.

So. I vow to remain silent and listen. God reveals!

Thank you.

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Kat, ever so welcome...

Yes, they want to pull us in to their vortex of chaos to oppress and destroy our confidence in our faith. They have little response when quoted scripture...

Satan sure shut the heck up when he challenged Jesus!

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We can't relax and stop spreading the truth about Fauci forged Covid, the deadly vax, the depopulation exercise, the ultimate end SLAVERY game intended by the WEF's New World Order.

My fear is that people will easily 'forget', and think Covid is now history (and so it is) but the evil bastards who created it (Fauci & Co) have been feverishly preparing the next Scamdemic to get more mRNA poisons into those who might accept the DEADLY con!

So, I'll keep on harping on about the most egregious element of the Depopulation con - ZERO LIABILITY for Vax Makers.

Pfizer, Moderna, etc, use mRNA injections to create a planet full of Genetically Modified Sub-humans!

Unjabbed Mick (UK). Avoid corrupt medics brandishing poisonous syringes called 'VACCINES'.

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We can spread the truth - just don't be tripped up by feeling you have to argue/convince every demonic-riddled person who challenges you.

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Thanks, I simply state my opinions without trying to be too assertive, Some might be a little fragile and sensitive to accept my 'logic'. Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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chemical stalking networks, in place systems to fog their own area, series of land mine system out from connected tanks, and stand alone tanks. Industrial solvent liquid VOC, organic in VOC means the demons come out of people by forced poisoning/drugging. In this way monied interests can pay real actual demonic possessed chem-stalkers to do their dirty work and no one says a thing.

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Please understand there are other tricks being played. There are other ways to poison besides a needle in your arm

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I'm totally aware that aerosols, injected food, water and 'shedding' are all potential methods of us unjabbed surreptitiously being poisoned. Regards! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Two things come to mind here, Celia.

1) This interview with a demon possessed girl who has a meltdown at the name Jesus. She [edit demon] says they work through medicine and that the reason they needed to get everyone injection with the COVID vax was so that "Jesus couldn't have them": https://old.bitchute.com/video/2M3OEtnih5F6 [6mins]

2) For anyone who has been vaxxed, how to solve it: Modern Bibles Missing Matthew 17:21 - Is this the Trick to Recover from the COVID Injections? https://old.bitchute.com/video/dHwgte2MIn5e [1:28mins]

So they took out a verse on how to fix the covid killshot to your soul. Good news to anyone who was manipulated into it: There is a way out of this demon possession after all:

Matthew 17:21: However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

Mark 9:29: And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

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TriTorch, I watched most of it. Very troubling. Do you believe it is real? It seems real to me.

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I think it's real, it all fits together - the powers that shouldn't be social engineered a free reign to inject millions of people with _whatever_ they wanted, and they are as evil as they come.. I do not believe they squandered that opportunity, and likely went all in for maximum horrific outcome. If there's a way to inject demons, they likely found it and did so. (The reason for all the beeps was because back then you couldn't use the word "vaccine" in a video without it getting taken down and a strike put on your account.)

I'll put it this way, if it was fakes, that girl is one heck of an actor, and it still doesn't change my first paragraph.

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Fear is the mind and soul killer. Look what the jabbed ones did in fear to those who disagreed. Fear opened doors just as she says

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With a comment as good as that, I suspect you’ll like this, Urangu:

The Three Doors the Devil Uses to Enter Your Home: Revenge, Doubt & Fear, Disobedience

https://old.bitchute.com/video/RiLD7yjndpjh (2.5mins)

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Good points. So many things today are intentionally designed to remove belief from one's self.

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Yes. The "fasting"! They hate the children of light...

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Ok I’m intrigued. Will be watching this. Thank you. As usual, comments are gold. I follow several well-known exorcists. Their stories are mind blowing! They know better than anyone of the diabolical measures being taken. But God is good and He is victorious!

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Very interesting thoughts. And worthy in many (most?) cases.

I do offer another aspect to be considered.

I was one of those who had (despite a solid Catholic upbringing) dug in my heels in my late teens, dabbled in the occult, and mocked those who attempted to reason with me. I denied there was a God and scorned those who did believe in God as, "those who could not stand on their own two feet."

Yet, after many years, in 1980, I had a reversion to the faith. Why?

~ Well, there were those who had bravely remonstrated with me.

~ Next, was the (irritating to me at the time) good example of virtue and values in those who sought to keep faith.

~ Then, very importantly, there were those who steadfastly prayed for me: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, godparents. God answers prayers.

~ Finally, there was the "The Hound of Heaven," God, who loved me from before I was born. Poet Francis Thompson wrote in his superb poem, "I fled him who chased me down the labyrinthine ways of my own mind; and in the mist of tears I hid from Him." God never stopped calling to me, and repeatedly tapping on the door of my heart. I thought I was happy, but I knew interiorly there was a hole in my soul and at times I felt desolation. It was in a chapel at 3 a.m. that I opened my heart to the Hound of Heaven's call and finally felt peace and pure love flood into my soul. It has been a wonderful journey since then. Yet, I realize I could have kept my heart steely and resistant to His call.

So may I suggest it can be cumulative: the brave attempts to reason with others; good example of virtue and values; prayers and more prayers, and trust that God wants this person to return to reason, virtue and faith more than I do. We are made in the image and likeness of God. We are His children. He never stops calling us to HIm. There is always Hope, one of the three theological virtues.

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Thank you! It's really tough when one is almost always the "odd man out" and subject to condescension and harsh dismissal in conversation for not being such a great achiever by the person one is trying to reach out to. I've just been mum on vital topics on most occasions unless someone else present agrees with me on some important points. Perhaps I should just have regular Masses said for this person am stealthily trying to help revert back to the Faith, what with this person's longstanding solid opposition to a personal faith that spills over into their perspective on politics, society, etc.

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Teresa!!!! How are you doing? Lovely to hear from you here. You are doing great—remember that.

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I hear you.

I truly believe it is cumulative: Love, witness, prayers + more prayers, and trust in God.

St. Monica prayed 25 yrs for her son Augustine to find faith.

There may come a time when witness is shelved as there is largely no more to be shared. Pray and love.

Trust me when I say that while it seemed to others I was happy, I was quietly struggling. There was something missing and I would not admit that it was not accepting God in my life.

The rubber meets the road as death nears. Then the cumulative effect may kick in.

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Thank you. A beautiful outline of how to keep reaching past our own limitations and trust in God in all His ways.

This is at least part of the point of "Love your enemies."

Simply choosing to believe people who reject you are demon possessed is not good fruit.

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Well said and well done.

I love C.S. Lewis and am reading all his books related to Christianity now.

I watch the Woke Jacobin behavior now with wiser eyes. I was watching Charlie Kirk debate college students on various campuses (God Bless his patience), and some of them were screaming, spitting and having meltdowns - very demonstrably demonic. Demons enter when we usher them in. The professors that teach these kids are ushering in demons, especially those of degenerate-level stuff. Those kids need exorcising.

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Me, I don't have to argue, because most of what they offer are ad hominem attacks, and then gaslighting on why it isn't ad hominem to insult people. But I think the humans out there need to realize that there are barriers out there that will not be crossed again. Ridiculous restrictions and coercion will not be used to gain compliance about certain behaviors.

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I subscribe to Derek Prince YouTube and completely agree with him. Thank you for not being afraid to address this! Your courage is contagious!! We are definitely fighting a spiritual battle and we know God wins!

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To me, arguing or not would depend on the nature and degree of the ‘possession’ to use the old term. I think adults generally have accumulated some nasty masks in their psychic scar tissue.

I can take a bit of pain when trying to reach someone with positive qualities, yet whose mind is partially captured.

But you do have a point. Some people are so hurtful to deal with, it’s destructive to all but those with the training, plus a strong psychic constitution.

But still, in common situations, reaching out to the afflicted is a basic Christian tenet.

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Christians are the hardest ones to discuss/debate/wakeup/redpill/speak the truth over as we know it. I consider myself a Christian but find that my own family and relatives are the most indignant sort, not sorry in any way, have called me a conspiracy theorist for years and now it’s become a huge thorn in our family. I will not back down, shut up, be quiet, play nice, go away or be something other than the harbinger that I have always been. Constant rejection and that’s the price I pay, every single damn day.

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Erin, it's extremely hard and painful, I really sympathize. One day when it is too late they will realize what you were trying to do.

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Then you share your rejection with Jesus who was rejected by virtually everyone. Even those who said they loved Him. Like Peter.

It's cause for joy rather than resentment.

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Have you heard Rene Girard's commentary on Peter's denial? Very moving. I will find it and post it.

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Did I say I was resentful? Do you know my

full story? No, you do NOT. Do not insult my intelligence because if you do, I can play mind games ALL DAY LONG.

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I didn't say you were resentful. It was a statement of what I understand to be a universal truth and not directed to you, me or anyone, personally.

I'm not interested in mind games.

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I appreciate your balanced perspective. Most people are influenced by evil rather than possessed by demons.

I think it's childish and akin to fearing the boogeyman in the dark to give that much power to demons and demonic possession.

If the Holy Spirit is in your heart, demons have little purchase.

We all bear responsibility for our actions and to attribute disagreement with one's own beliefs as demonic possession is dangerous. Historically, this has led to many forms of evil itself. Like the inquisition and the burning of live human beings as witches to name only a few.

Jesus instructed us not to bury our gifts but to share them and multiply them without fear.

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Thank you, Celia!! I really needed to hear this today as I am dealing with several family members who clearly are overtaken!!! I’ve gotten flak for standing up to their horrible behavior and said enough is enough! Amazing that once rational relatives excuse this horrible behavior of theirs because they are siblings and a sister in law. I cannot. There is no speaking to them. They are worse than venomous snakes. I’ve been praying without ceasing.

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Think of them of having been vaxxed and their souls, their consciousness ensnared by demonic forces.

The covid shots attack their Hypothalamus making learning new info very difficult.

It's like these brain damaged people willingly stopped using their own brains to rely upon a SMART life devoid of all inner reflection or feelings in order to go along with the crowd.

This running along with the crowd syndrome is really bad as they have turned over their thinking to corrupt doctors in white jackets who tell them what to feel, think, eat,

There is no one home, though the lights are on.

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People are becoming so dependent on their smart gadgets like GPS or driving an EV car by self driving.

So instead of thinking for themselves they turn on GPS for directions, or ask SIRI or Alexa for answers. Most are too busy to do their own research, go online and stop using their SMART technology. (SMART aka AI)

Independent thinking will soon become a thing if the past.

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I can relate. I had to walk away from some of my family members which was heartbreaking for me. This happened years ago, then again 10 years ago. Devastating.

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So true Celia, and once one becomes aware that this is what really is happening to people, we can then realize that humanity at the heart is GOOD. Goodness and love are our natural states of being. It’s getting tiring hearing people call the most horrible actions of people “human nature”, no - these people are being manipulated by unseen demonic forces and don’t realize that they will still have to face the karma of whatever they say and do. That’s why learning to control ones own thoughts in a positive way is so helpful :-)

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"It’s getting tiring hearing people call the most horrible actions of people “human nature” - Agree 100%

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So...people are just hapless victims of manipulation by demonic forces? Who don't even understand there are consequences for their actions?

Poor little puppets? Wow.

So...this means you and I are puppets as well?

So..."The Devil made me do it." is the answer since we are all really good at heart and if left alone by demons would be expressing nothing but love and light?

So...no one needs to really take any responsibility for themselves but instead are victims of evil forces beyone their control.

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Thank you for playing “Devil’s Advocate”, Pi-Ra-Te. I see cuts on you already 🥷🏻

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I know demons exist although I have never been attacked by one. There are allot of demons in government and they know it, they like it, it gives them control they think. Tucker Carlson was attacked by a demon in his bed, it left scratch marks down both sides of his ribs. God bless you Celia and Happy New Year.

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I have been attacked, they used to attack me in my sleep. I woke up bleeding sometimes but it was because I had clawed my own arms fighting it off or punching walls.

One time, in 2020, one of them tried to kill me in my sleep, it was like…choking off my air or something with my neck and I could not move, at all. I could not even say "Jesus Christ," it had me that paralyzed in the pitch dark. Lewis and Jack, my cats, were on the bed. I kept focusing on just being able to say "Jesus Christ," and finally I was able to whisper it. The attack stopped instantly.

I hate demons more than I could ever express and they hate me too.

Let me just say that scientific "debates" are full of the most ghastly human demons imaginable. Portals.

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Im so sorry this has happened to you, I keep Holy water by my bed and I use it, I pray daily and I pray the Rosary.

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Same. Sleep paralysis.

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An easier way to understand it is that when we indulge in certain behaviors that are not what God would want, we usher them in. If you've ever had evil thoughts or did bad things because you felt to weak to stop them, that would probably be the demons.

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Naomi Wolf was also attacked and had scratches by demons.

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So did Tucker Carlson

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This is why I left my ex. "Deaf," insulting, resistant, an actor for the "good". In truth he was a conduit for demons, gained power because of them and did not want to let them go. So I let go of him.

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Very helpful. Makes sense of not casting pearls to people not willing or able to understand, bc they are

Possibly possessed. And why Christ does not answer Pilate. And why these last 4 years have been especially difficult when sharing what I’d consider as very obvious Truths. New Years Resolution to not argue with demons. Thank you and God Bless you, Celia 🙏.

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This was the reflection I wanted to make in the stream, for the most part.

I wouldn't have said demons, but chaos agents. Both are difficult to identify. Lewis does a very good job in this topic.

The germ theory debate needs a period of purifaction. The people who want the truth on that topic need to use silence to defeat the demons who took over the debate.

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