Best Olympic film was made by Leni Resenthal (sp?) in 1938 of the 1936 Olympics called "Olympia", held in National Socialist Germany. The GR8st (greatest) part of those Olympics is in Jesse Owns autobiography, where he talks about his treatment by Hitler & Germans. He didn't have to ride in the back of buses & when he saluted towards Hitler, Hitler actually waved back. He was treated like a hero. Most USA news media was already controlled, but it was in the Chicago Tribune. Thank you Colonel McCormick (owner of paper).

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Yes, I saw it and remember that part. I recall bringing it up (this more than 30 years ago) and it was a brief topic of conversation and then just fizzled away. Overall, agree things were controlled, but today it's on major steroids.

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Thanks for the films about these youngsters. I'm not ancient, but for some reason I was always taken by Ludmilla Tourischeva rather than by Olga or Nadia. Sober without being stern, but not robotic in the slightest. I've seen everything YouTube has on her, but if you ever come across a feature film or even a large compilation of her performances, feel encouraged to run it as a weekend treat for us.

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I too was a fan. Olga had that Pixie charm but Ludmilla drew me in with first her name then finished me off with her performance.

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My parents & grand parents got to see her live !

She is still loved to this day ! (Yes , am from Montréal & no i wasn't born 😉)

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I remember it well! We loved her ❤️ It was our olympics because I’m from Québec. All over the province, little girls wanted to be Nadia.

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I don't remember much from when I was nine, but I remember Nadia. Thanks!

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I remember watching her on the Olympics on TV way back when I was very young. She's about 3 years older than me. Had completely forgot about her and Olga, TBH. Great memories!

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Montreal Olympics!!! I was a wee thing in 1976, and attended with my cousin who lived in Montreal at the time. Back when the Olympics were magical. Nadia and Bruce!! We had the opportunity to see Nadia, but unfortunately couldn't score tickets for Bruce :(

This will be fun to watch--thanks Celia!

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Isn't it sad how the woke have ruined yet another human civilization cultural event? For centuries the games were played and multitudes watched, cheered, and dreamed. Now the uglies of man have been allowed to ruin yet another institution that was never theirs. How I loath the woke.

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Thank you for sharing this—I was a teenager when this young woman rocked the Olympic gymnastics and I remember watching. This was back when the Olympics were great family entertainment. Sadly, no more.

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Thank you very much. We were wonderstruck by her.

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Thank you once again.

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The '76 Olympics in Montreal; I remember it well. That's when decathlete Bruce Jenner was still Bruce Jenner and after Nadia there were no more superlatives. All those 10s may have launched the Age Of Hye.

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That's quite a mental set of exercises.

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having just slogged through the brouhaha of teamusa gymnasts, how great to get this mind-explanding glimpse at Nadia's personal triumphs and the political mania surrounding them. her face, her body, her composure, are otherworldly compared to the crass egomania on display in Paris. but looks like Romania was lifted back onto the podium for that bronze.

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Thank you.

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