God bless you Celia for this work

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OH NO - they have been instructed all right!!!

Instructed NOT to cover it! It’s only Christian’s being massacred and we don’t rate!!

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You're wrong. Alawites, other Shia Muslims, and "uncooperative" Sunnis also are. I don't think the Druze are. I believe they're even being protected -- by HTS and, gasp, Israel.

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It sounds like the new Islamist government is killing Alawites because they are not the same brand of Islam as those in power now. They are Islamists, this is what they do. They will also kill Christians, atheists, apostates, Jews, and anyone they feel is not sufficiently Islamic. Not surprised Al Jazeera is not covering it!

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"Islamist," or ISIS?

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My instinct has been noting that the only place of idealogical insemination is from churches - even the Methodist Church in Suburban New Jersey USA says " We are about to enter a civil war ." The Methodist Church . I have not been able to attend my Quaker service because of people that UTULIZE the gathering of the faith , to structure power plays that have nothing to do with the reason people go to gather together . Similar to having a thanksgiving dinner and serving koolaid . The reason this is becoming normalized is because society is no

longer creating a memory field , rather society seems to be focused on destructuring memory , so in contrast , the ONLY place memory field exists is inside of religious actions . This idea is a bit complex , but for example if the music is all rap , electronic beat and words you can't remember and do not relate to , brain shrinking "Music" , you leave the masses chanting two word simplications , that become weapons when spoken en masse . A wise woman told me once " Fashion First , then Religion , THEN Society " and until we stare at what the religions are being allowed to conform ignorant innocents via , we are going to be subject to the idiot standing on the pulpit . One reason why I have been very drawn to fashion to self express my truth , my identity statement -- and as well write new songs so as to grow brain , not reduce it .

I will try to say this simply : Bouncing off of a destructionist social memory base , we are easily formatted by belief systems of any kind at all .

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Does anyone have any doubts that this is what is planned for us over here, if we allow them to cement their control over our governments & institutions? No wonder they are doing everything possible to destroy peace & prosperity for the 99%, while stealing vast amounts of wealth for the ruling class.

“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 L.A. riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”

Henry Kissinger @ Bilderberg Conference, Evaians, France 1991

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Well at least Henry Kissinger is no longer around to terrorize people.

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Al Jazeera? They've supported the overthrow of Assad for 15 years. Where's freedom loving, independent "Assad sympathizer" Tulsi Gabbard?

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But how can they just IGNORE it?

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They've minimalized "covered" it the way the BBC does. It's a "conflict" with "Assad loyalists."

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What a shame those people did not secure a means to defend themselves.

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USA-funded machinations weakened the Assad regime. USA-funded Israeli offensives against Hamas & Hezbollah furthered destabilized the region. "former" (translation: reinvigorated) Al Qaeda terrorists with U.S. stamp of approval deposed Assad. current massacres in Syria = more blood on the hands of U.S. goons (Obama, etc.) who authorized, facilitated this overthrow. USA as stalwart champion of Democracy around the globe = maggot-infested horse manure.

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Anyone who can understand the ME over the last 100 years deserves a place in Heaven.

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Al Jazeera has still not reported it, as far as I can see.

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Amir Tsarfati’s telegram account provides a lot of context and is well worth checking out

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No worries, last I heard Israel is going to protect them, as if.

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The media landscape: al-Jazeera very good on Palestine, very globalist on most everything else. They have their own interests which are Gulf interests—anti-Iranian, anti "Axis of Resistance," & have done everything possible to divert from what is happening in Syria, spending days saying these were scuffles between remnants of Assad regime & new government etc. al-Jazeera has been instrumental in giving, as Pepe Escobar calls them, the "intersectionalist headchoppers" very positive coverage. The Cradle is good, al-Mayadeen generally, but it's a hall of mirrors. You have to follow lots of people on Twitter & then piece it together...

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Alewites are Shi'ite Muslims according to my research for the portion of my book, which is 4 chapters on Bashar al-Assad, who is a Sunni Muslim. The book is entitled The Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi: Victim of His Times ISBN 978-09725798-3-4 in which there are comments in https://arlenejohnson.livejournal.com followed by ordering information thereafter. Ships worldwide by yours truly. If you would like to order my book, be sure to send your physical address to me at a@truedemocracy.net You won't regret it, because it dispels the lies you have been fed.

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Please feel free to share this post and any other clips on Telegram or elsewhere with news media via their WhatsApp contact links. Following Woman’s Hour on R4 referring only to attacks on Assad loyalists / remnants in the Alawites community, I have been forwarding them posts and asking them to report accurately. One can but try …. Or more pressingly, one must try to give voice to the voiceless and provide witness to evil.

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