Aaaand.....Rafa has to go to ER tonight. He appears to have a broken front paw. Twice the size as other one and he's unable to put any pressure on it, so I'm taking him in.
I stopped taking my Yorkshire Terrier to the vet. Here in Pinellas County they have a vaccine schedule for dogs. I refuse to participate. I do however give her C60, an antiaging molecule. She is 14.5 years old and very healthy.
someone said that they are putting self amplifying replicon vaccines in animals and the package inserts do not mention negative side effects. The owners are not told that the vaccines are the replicon 'vaccine'. So perhaps always get assurances that the vet will only use classical vaccines on your pets.
Are you not familiar with C60? It is a carbon molecule in a 60 carbon configuration. You can find it mixed with olive oil, coconut oil, avacado oil or other oils. Lab testing with rats extended c60 rats lives double that of the control group. It is a super antioxidant and a detoxicant.
For carnivores, like dogs and cats, it would be better if C60 was mixed with beef tallow, pork lard, lamb/sheep suet, or similar animal fats that are a natural part of the ancestral diet of the ancestors of the carnivores we keep as pets.
Saturated animal fats are naturally far more stable than any oils that are liquid at room temperature, due to the molecular structure that makes them liquid. All the liquid plant oils, and fish oil, become rapidly oxidized if not frozen when fresh and kept frozen. Rancid.
Rancid, oxidized fats are so toxic that humans have an involuntary retching reaction to the odor. The so-called "vegetable oils" (which are actually made from seeds: soy, corn,canola, etc. ) are filtered, chemically bleached and de-odorized. This process does not stabilize the oil nor make it less toxic, but it looks pretty in the bottle, and doesn't reek.
Fruit oils, like avocado and olive oil, are not immune to oxidation, though olive oil resists smelling rancid longer than other oils.
Coconut oil and palm kernel oils are the exception, as the molecular structure that makes those oils solid at room temperatures also makes them resistant to becoming rancid. However, these oils, like all oils from plants. contain sterols & stanols which are similar enough to cholesterol that they may become incorporated into hormones, cell membranes, and other tissues, compromising their function. Sterols & stenols have been credited with 'reducing cholesterol;, but cholesterol is ESSENTIAL to animal life. Our brains are made mostly of fat, and are approximately 30% cholesterol. Before C____19, statins were the most profitable drug in history.
Dr. Paul Mason - 'Why your physician thinks cholesterol is bad '
Ideally, the fats our dogs & cats - and we - consume should come from animals raised on the land, fed the diets their species was designed to thrive upon, and never given anything artificial. No toxic chemical compounds as insecticides, or as de-wormers. No synthetic hormones- as implanted in most beef in the supermarket. Or the rBGH given to dairy cows in the massive industrial milk-production 'factories'. Ideally, no vaccines- and not given injections containing synthetic, modified mRNA, or other questionable 'contaminants'.
Let's support independent family operated farms in our area- while we still have a choice. Before we and our pets starve.
I am 72 and take it to head off aging. My doctor says I am healthier than most people my age.
But people really seem to notice it in my dog, who is 14.5 years old and has healthy coat and looks much younger than she is. Most are surprised when I tell them how old she is.
Cellia, I think these animal posts are among your most important to date. Perhaps it is the most effective gateway topic - perhaps folks can think through these issues with respect to their beloved animals, and then generalize their conclusions. People who decide to let their animals live out a natural life (and death) will not be likely to support the escalating end-of-life 'care' pathways. Again, killing caring. Or is it caring killing?
It's just insane to kill animals and humans for guidelines that some people have decided to publish and pretend it is sane thinking.No doubt, we are living in a terrible time of darkness.
Oh I don't care about Ivermectin. I care about Masons. Read Roger's comment again, to see why I found it so helpful. He's using analogies. The details about Ivermectin...another time. I don't think it's the devil. I think it helped a lot of people.
tim truth has some good videos on ivermectin so does nutrition detective with Garrett Smith and Kelsey Kenney. Ivermection is a pesticide. It works to stop symptoms by shutting down liver detox. At extremes of detox (like the DT's for alcoholics) that process can be life saving. Long term dosing at the high doses the Wellness Company recommends causes prion diseases. We have all been eating it for decades. Commonly used on and absorbed by livestock. Even wild animals get it from bait traps set to help the poor deer with their ticks and fleas.
I don't know if anyone here has noticed this trend, or has talked about it here, but I myself have noticed a mind-boggling uptick in dog ownership since 2020. It seems as if half, or a majority of people I now see outside, are inevitably walking dogs. I suspect that some of this could be attributed to the "lockdowns," but I also think this has to do with people not pair-bonding and having children in traditional ways anymore, at least in western countries. And even though I love dogs, I also ponder, for some reason, that "dog" is an inversion of "God" and wonder somehow if there is some connection to dog ownership going up, while belief in God (and traditional ways of human pair-bonding) is going down. Certainly the more extreme forms of animal rights, which elevate the rights of non-human living things above or equal to that of humans, often do hold (at least in the West) anti-supernatural, anti-Christian (or pre-Christian, animistic) sensibilities. I wonder if there is some relationship of people giving up on a Christian (or even culturally secular Christian) worldview, and returning, albeit unconsciously, to animism, with dog ownership somehow symbolizing that.
Or it could be that societal pressure has created a discouraging environment for "pair-bonding" and a lonely human craves a relationship that is unconditional and uncomplicated.
💯 % When one reflects upon Genesis 1: 26-28, one can clearly see how all of this is an all out assault on humanity and everything that G-d, in his unfathomable love and wisdom, has gifted to us.
“And G-d said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So G-d created man in his own image, in the image of G-d created he him; male and female created he them.
And G-d blessed them, and G-d said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’
It’s easy to see how the willful hatred and ignorance of G-d and his immutable, living word, is a hallmark characteristic of arrogant, latter day gods with a little ‘g’ and their hatred of humanity.
I've chosen to spend more time with my animals (dogs, horses, goats and chickens) for a very simple reason - the staunch "Christians" around me seem to be so arrogant that they can't accept any other expressions of faith that other populations of this earth embrace. These "Christians" have this stunning propensity for what appears to be human sacrifice in the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in supposed fulfillment of their religion's "prophesies" as they've interpreted from their bastardized version of the bible. Conveniently, they seem to believe that "Love thy neighbor as thyself" only refers to neighbors with the same bastardized version of the bible. Those of this variety can't wait to be "raptured "while they stand aside and let evil do their worst to other innocent creations of God. This sounds like a description that fits you. Maybe you might rethink your God because, at best, he's of the Synagogue of Satan.
Christ agrees with you, that being a Christian isn't about posing as one, but about shining the light of his Love and Truth in the world.
Jesus said over and over that everyone who claimed to know Him did not.
"By this shall (everyone) know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John13:35
"And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?
And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.
But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?
And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, (the Samaritans were hated by the other Hebrews in the area) as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
Luke 10:25-37
The people that the God of Abraham ordered the Israelites to wipe out practiced human sacrifice, including cutting of the heads off their own infants & young children and burning them to worship their god. An abomination to the Lord.
In nature and in the company of animals, a lot of us feel closer to God. Creation reflects the Creator. Animals can help us to be in the moment, and to re-connect with ourselves, and with "Nature and Nature's God" (as the Decl of Independence expresses it). Sharing an appreciation of nature & animal with others can help us to connect with one another.
There are people who put animals above people. Who even hate people, but love animals. It is sad, even heartbreaking to think about what must have happened to them to make them feel that way.
Other seem to hate the earth an every living thing on it- altering, warping, life itself on a fundamental level. In the name of 'saving' the earth, they destroy it and the life on it, often for profit & power, though they could accrue both without being destructive. What made them that way?
Chris appeared to be simply sharing personal observations and musings with us. Though we may have different experiences & have drawn different conclusions, and may have different ways of expressing those, it isn't clear why that post apparently took the Joyful out of your Heart. It is a challenge to find joy in a world where so much evil, as you point out, is being done, too much falsely in the name of God... but without tuning a blind eye to evil, may you find both peace & joy.
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
You're right. I've been extremely triggered anymore by any talk of Christianity and these claims that people are leaving the faith. My apologies to Chris.
Yep, sorry for that. I took up chicken farming this year (4th in my neighborhood,) and besides offering hours of amusing antics, they supply me with delicious eggs, and in case of emergency, roast chicken on the hoof.
there seems to be no protection against these terrorist measures, which are not justified. besides being unbelievably grotesque. it's despicable to sllaughter birds like this. and people do need their eggs. words fail me.
Regarding "antisemitism," does everyone remember when anyone who criticized Hillary Clinton was called a "sexist"? (As if the problem was her gender, rather than the fact that she is a deep state criminal?).
All of these words -- racist, sexist, ageist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe, even "conspiracy theorist" -- are slurs, made up to silence anyone who dares to ask inconvenient questions. Moreover, they are ideological filters designed to impose someone else's agenda on our judgement.
We don't need to ask whether something is "racist, sexist, etc.". We need to ask only if IT IS TRUE. If it is true, then no complaints can be made. "If the shoe fits..."
The fact that soon, any criticism at all of Zionism -- which many Jews strongly reject -- will be punished by law (see HR 6090, which will illegalize parts of the Bible) confirms that the word is a tool used by the powerful to muzzle the powerless.
By now, we should have learned that if they:
-- demand that you believe it
-- refuse to allow questions
-- censor you if you say it
-- persecute you if you resist
... it's a con.
The fact that people adopt the term and believe it is neither here nor there. They also wore face masks while driving alone.
On another note, any term so full of holes as "anti-semite" (Arabs are also "semites"; the rulers of Israel today are not "semites") should be rejected if only due to its linguistic imprecision. Imprecision in language will lead to chaos. The term has loopholes you can drive a truck through... and that is not an accident.
The irony is that none of this is about "race." The perps are both Jew and Gentile, and so are the victims.
The depopulation of domestic animals and pets is as corrupt as the old doctrine of utilitarianism. Sometimes this is explained to mean "the greatest good for the largest number of people." Too my mind, that's as conceited as the Tower of Babel.
I prefer a more down-to-earth variation, sometimes called negative utilitarianism: "the least harm to the smallest number of people." This does not sound as bad, but it's still conceited, because I can feel that a few layers behind those words there is a delusion of perfect knowledge.
The central problem of the institutional approach to urban life problems is the lack of moral realism. It gets worse when the obsessions of the city are transported to small towns.
A small city or town or village has its own rhythm. The rules of cities cause chaos in small places. And they are already a failure in cities anyway.
I think that at least the principle of localism should be always present. It's not a moral principle, but a pragmatic principle. And, beyond that, the concept of human rights is not only for desperate situations in a far away country. That concept should apply to normal life, everywhere. There are things that should never be political. It's never the business of rulers to say who can have children or how many, or what ambient temperature should be in your home, or how much water you use, or what pet you have.
Go to Google; type in ‘excipients in dog vaccines’ Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant that will ensure that the vaccine is carried throughout their body including transversing their BBB. Read the list, research each excipient. They apparently give small dogs the same dose as large dogs.
The vet food is absolute poison. Go organic, filtered water,
I say, since these people absolutely hate living organisms they should be shoved upon a space shuttle heading straight into the sun or a galaxy that has absolutely no life to alter or obliterate except for their own. I will keep saying this until it is done.
Thank you, Shona Duncan, & Celia for posting this! There are no words for this level of evil. We've all seen the bumper sticker with an animal paw print that reads, "Who rescued who?" 💕🐱🐶🐴🐰🐢🐿️! I think it was Chief Seattle who said that we humans would die of a great loneliness of spirit without the animals.
Surely the WEF will soon have universities with How to Kill Animals as important new learning categories and specialist subjects! Then, they can revolve into Human disposal classes.
It seems the WEF has already planned a 'Death By Date' scheme whereby the un-Elites amongst us will be told their termination dates, by evaluation and behavioural obedience scores. These will be related to WEALTH, BEHAVIORAL CREDIT SCORES, Cooperation with the New World Order (finding the best 'Grasses'.
This is why the DEADLY mRNA injections are used to de-humanise those who might rebel against Slavery which is planned for the way humans will be treated by the super-wealthy. As SLAVES!
That is why mRNA injections (called vaccines) are destroying humans ber design. No LIABILITY is essential to keep the minions in check and to believe the Vax Injuries, DEATHS are acceptable!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without DEADLY poisons in foods and mRNA injections.
Aaaand.....Rafa has to go to ER tonight. He appears to have a broken front paw. Twice the size as other one and he's unable to put any pressure on it, so I'm taking him in.
It will be a NORMAL experience, I already know.
I stopped taking my Yorkshire Terrier to the vet. Here in Pinellas County they have a vaccine schedule for dogs. I refuse to participate. I do however give her C60, an antiaging molecule. She is 14.5 years old and very healthy.
someone said that they are putting self amplifying replicon vaccines in animals and the package inserts do not mention negative side effects. The owners are not told that the vaccines are the replicon 'vaccine'. So perhaps always get assurances that the vet will only use classical vaccines on your pets.
Would that be a homeopathic, C60?
Are you not familiar with C60? It is a carbon molecule in a 60 carbon configuration. You can find it mixed with olive oil, coconut oil, avacado oil or other oils. Lab testing with rats extended c60 rats lives double that of the control group. It is a super antioxidant and a detoxicant.
For carnivores, like dogs and cats, it would be better if C60 was mixed with beef tallow, pork lard, lamb/sheep suet, or similar animal fats that are a natural part of the ancestral diet of the ancestors of the carnivores we keep as pets.
Saturated animal fats are naturally far more stable than any oils that are liquid at room temperature, due to the molecular structure that makes them liquid. All the liquid plant oils, and fish oil, become rapidly oxidized if not frozen when fresh and kept frozen. Rancid.
Rancid, oxidized fats are so toxic that humans have an involuntary retching reaction to the odor. The so-called "vegetable oils" (which are actually made from seeds: soy, corn,canola, etc. ) are filtered, chemically bleached and de-odorized. This process does not stabilize the oil nor make it less toxic, but it looks pretty in the bottle, and doesn't reek.
Fruit oils, like avocado and olive oil, are not immune to oxidation, though olive oil resists smelling rancid longer than other oils.
Coconut oil and palm kernel oils are the exception, as the molecular structure that makes those oils solid at room temperatures also makes them resistant to becoming rancid. However, these oils, like all oils from plants. contain sterols & stanols which are similar enough to cholesterol that they may become incorporated into hormones, cell membranes, and other tissues, compromising their function. Sterols & stenols have been credited with 'reducing cholesterol;, but cholesterol is ESSENTIAL to animal life. Our brains are made mostly of fat, and are approximately 30% cholesterol. Before C____19, statins were the most profitable drug in history.
Dr. Paul Mason - 'Why your physician thinks cholesterol is bad '
Ideally, the fats our dogs & cats - and we - consume should come from animals raised on the land, fed the diets their species was designed to thrive upon, and never given anything artificial. No toxic chemical compounds as insecticides, or as de-wormers. No synthetic hormones- as implanted in most beef in the supermarket. Or the rBGH given to dairy cows in the massive industrial milk-production 'factories'. Ideally, no vaccines- and not given injections containing synthetic, modified mRNA, or other questionable 'contaminants'.
Let's support independent family operated farms in our area- while we still have a choice. Before we and our pets starve.
Some info on this please?
I take Purple Power brand myself.
Interesting, never heard of it. What benefits have you noticed since taking it?
I am 72 and take it to head off aging. My doctor says I am healthier than most people my age.
But people really seem to notice it in my dog, who is 14.5 years old and has healthy coat and looks much younger than she is. Most are surprised when I tell them how old she is.
Cellia, I think these animal posts are among your most important to date. Perhaps it is the most effective gateway topic - perhaps folks can think through these issues with respect to their beloved animals, and then generalize their conclusions. People who decide to let their animals live out a natural life (and death) will not be likely to support the escalating end-of-life 'care' pathways. Again, killing caring. Or is it caring killing?
It's just insane to kill animals and humans for guidelines that some people have decided to publish and pretend it is sane thinking.No doubt, we are living in a terrible time of darkness.
Excuse me, but did we all just suddenly agree that ivermectin was awful?
I for one am not prepared nor inclined to just sit back and take "Agent Roger W"'s word for it.
The inclusion of this mention as a foregone conclusion has at least partly deflated my credulity re this substack.
Celia, what gives??
Oh I don't care about Ivermectin. I care about Masons. Read Roger's comment again, to see why I found it so helpful. He's using analogies. The details about Ivermectin...another time. I don't think it's the devil. I think it helped a lot of people.
tim truth has some good videos on ivermectin so does nutrition detective with Garrett Smith and Kelsey Kenney. Ivermection is a pesticide. It works to stop symptoms by shutting down liver detox. At extremes of detox (like the DT's for alcoholics) that process can be life saving. Long term dosing at the high doses the Wellness Company recommends causes prion diseases. We have all been eating it for decades. Commonly used on and absorbed by livestock. Even wild animals get it from bait traps set to help the poor deer with their ticks and fleas.
I would love to read more of your thoughts about Roger’s post. Eagerly awaiting this:
“I leave it here, and will write more on the subject in a future post.
“Masonic feint,” as a new term, coined by Roger, will help us a lot in the coming era.”
I don't know if anyone here has noticed this trend, or has talked about it here, but I myself have noticed a mind-boggling uptick in dog ownership since 2020. It seems as if half, or a majority of people I now see outside, are inevitably walking dogs. I suspect that some of this could be attributed to the "lockdowns," but I also think this has to do with people not pair-bonding and having children in traditional ways anymore, at least in western countries. And even though I love dogs, I also ponder, for some reason, that "dog" is an inversion of "God" and wonder somehow if there is some connection to dog ownership going up, while belief in God (and traditional ways of human pair-bonding) is going down. Certainly the more extreme forms of animal rights, which elevate the rights of non-human living things above or equal to that of humans, often do hold (at least in the West) anti-supernatural, anti-Christian (or pre-Christian, animistic) sensibilities. I wonder if there is some relationship of people giving up on a Christian (or even culturally secular Christian) worldview, and returning, albeit unconsciously, to animism, with dog ownership somehow symbolizing that.
Or it could be that societal pressure has created a discouraging environment for "pair-bonding" and a lonely human craves a relationship that is unconditional and uncomplicated.
💯 % When one reflects upon Genesis 1: 26-28, one can clearly see how all of this is an all out assault on humanity and everything that G-d, in his unfathomable love and wisdom, has gifted to us.
“And G-d said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So G-d created man in his own image, in the image of G-d created he him; male and female created he them.
And G-d blessed them, and G-d said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’
It’s easy to see how the willful hatred and ignorance of G-d and his immutable, living word, is a hallmark characteristic of arrogant, latter day gods with a little ‘g’ and their hatred of humanity.
I've chosen to spend more time with my animals (dogs, horses, goats and chickens) for a very simple reason - the staunch "Christians" around me seem to be so arrogant that they can't accept any other expressions of faith that other populations of this earth embrace. These "Christians" have this stunning propensity for what appears to be human sacrifice in the slaughter of innocent men, women and children in supposed fulfillment of their religion's "prophesies" as they've interpreted from their bastardized version of the bible. Conveniently, they seem to believe that "Love thy neighbor as thyself" only refers to neighbors with the same bastardized version of the bible. Those of this variety can't wait to be "raptured "while they stand aside and let evil do their worst to other innocent creations of God. This sounds like a description that fits you. Maybe you might rethink your God because, at best, he's of the Synagogue of Satan.
Christ agrees with you, that being a Christian isn't about posing as one, but about shining the light of his Love and Truth in the world.
Jesus said over and over that everyone who claimed to know Him did not.
"By this shall (everyone) know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John13:35
"And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou?
And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.
But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?
And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, (the Samaritans were hated by the other Hebrews in the area) as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.
Luke 10:25-37
The people that the God of Abraham ordered the Israelites to wipe out practiced human sacrifice, including cutting of the heads off their own infants & young children and burning them to worship their god. An abomination to the Lord.
In nature and in the company of animals, a lot of us feel closer to God. Creation reflects the Creator. Animals can help us to be in the moment, and to re-connect with ourselves, and with "Nature and Nature's God" (as the Decl of Independence expresses it). Sharing an appreciation of nature & animal with others can help us to connect with one another.
There are people who put animals above people. Who even hate people, but love animals. It is sad, even heartbreaking to think about what must have happened to them to make them feel that way.
Other seem to hate the earth an every living thing on it- altering, warping, life itself on a fundamental level. In the name of 'saving' the earth, they destroy it and the life on it, often for profit & power, though they could accrue both without being destructive. What made them that way?
Chris appeared to be simply sharing personal observations and musings with us. Though we may have different experiences & have drawn different conclusions, and may have different ways of expressing those, it isn't clear why that post apparently took the Joyful out of your Heart. It is a challenge to find joy in a world where so much evil, as you point out, is being done, too much falsely in the name of God... but without tuning a blind eye to evil, may you find both peace & joy.
"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Phllippians 4:7-8
You're right. I've been extremely triggered anymore by any talk of Christianity and these claims that people are leaving the faith. My apologies to Chris.
How DARE these people, these psychopaths, play God with our pets and wildlife. Words fail me this is so abhorrent!
I'm 70 and have been a happy pet owner all my life.
Am I the happy one or is the pet the happy one?
I'd like to think both.
My family and I all share the laughs and traumas involved in losing a family member and a pet is a family member.
Right on, both. Pets are like volunteer work. They take us out of, draw us away from our preoccupation with ourselves.
And, we should remember that unnecessary mass slaughter of livestock is already a frequent occurrence in the name of mythical viral infections.
Mass slaughter now in CA of chickens: Zero eggs available in stores. Highly suspicious. Empty shelves / pure Tyranny.
Yep, sorry for that. I took up chicken farming this year (4th in my neighborhood,) and besides offering hours of amusing antics, they supply me with delicious eggs, and in case of emergency, roast chicken on the hoof.
have you experienced this?
there seems to be no protection against these terrorist measures, which are not justified. besides being unbelievably grotesque. it's despicable to sllaughter birds like this. and people do need their eggs. words fail me.
I knew this would happen. Eggs are highly protective against C19 based on earlier reports discovered.
they're the most perfect protein + lovely fat & so many nutrients in yolk. plus they're yummy & great to bake with.
Regarding "antisemitism," does everyone remember when anyone who criticized Hillary Clinton was called a "sexist"? (As if the problem was her gender, rather than the fact that she is a deep state criminal?).
All of these words -- racist, sexist, ageist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamophobe, even "conspiracy theorist" -- are slurs, made up to silence anyone who dares to ask inconvenient questions. Moreover, they are ideological filters designed to impose someone else's agenda on our judgement.
We don't need to ask whether something is "racist, sexist, etc.". We need to ask only if IT IS TRUE. If it is true, then no complaints can be made. "If the shoe fits..."
The fact that soon, any criticism at all of Zionism -- which many Jews strongly reject -- will be punished by law (see HR 6090, which will illegalize parts of the Bible) confirms that the word is a tool used by the powerful to muzzle the powerless.
By now, we should have learned that if they:
-- demand that you believe it
-- refuse to allow questions
-- censor you if you say it
-- persecute you if you resist
... it's a con.
The fact that people adopt the term and believe it is neither here nor there. They also wore face masks while driving alone.
On another note, any term so full of holes as "anti-semite" (Arabs are also "semites"; the rulers of Israel today are not "semites") should be rejected if only due to its linguistic imprecision. Imprecision in language will lead to chaos. The term has loopholes you can drive a truck through... and that is not an accident.
The irony is that none of this is about "race." The perps are both Jew and Gentile, and so are the victims.
"... it's a con." - As are so many, many other things taking place in the world today.
The depopulation of domestic animals and pets is as corrupt as the old doctrine of utilitarianism. Sometimes this is explained to mean "the greatest good for the largest number of people." Too my mind, that's as conceited as the Tower of Babel.
I prefer a more down-to-earth variation, sometimes called negative utilitarianism: "the least harm to the smallest number of people." This does not sound as bad, but it's still conceited, because I can feel that a few layers behind those words there is a delusion of perfect knowledge.
The central problem of the institutional approach to urban life problems is the lack of moral realism. It gets worse when the obsessions of the city are transported to small towns.
A small city or town or village has its own rhythm. The rules of cities cause chaos in small places. And they are already a failure in cities anyway.
I think that at least the principle of localism should be always present. It's not a moral principle, but a pragmatic principle. And, beyond that, the concept of human rights is not only for desperate situations in a far away country. That concept should apply to normal life, everywhere. There are things that should never be political. It's never the business of rulers to say who can have children or how many, or what ambient temperature should be in your home, or how much water you use, or what pet you have.
Go to Google; type in ‘excipients in dog vaccines’ Polysorbate 80 is a surfactant that will ensure that the vaccine is carried throughout their body including transversing their BBB. Read the list, research each excipient. They apparently give small dogs the same dose as large dogs.
The vet food is absolute poison. Go organic, filtered water,
I say, since these people absolutely hate living organisms they should be shoved upon a space shuttle heading straight into the sun or a galaxy that has absolutely no life to alter or obliterate except for their own. I will keep saying this until it is done.
Thank you, Shona Duncan, & Celia for posting this! There are no words for this level of evil. We've all seen the bumper sticker with an animal paw print that reads, "Who rescued who?" 💕🐱🐶🐴🐰🐢🐿️! I think it was Chief Seattle who said that we humans would die of a great loneliness of spirit without the animals.
Story of my life . . . . . 5 years too late.
A call out to all us porch-sitters, if we're not going to step up for our kids then at least do it for our pets.
Surely the WEF will soon have universities with How to Kill Animals as important new learning categories and specialist subjects! Then, they can revolve into Human disposal classes.
It seems the WEF has already planned a 'Death By Date' scheme whereby the un-Elites amongst us will be told their termination dates, by evaluation and behavioural obedience scores. These will be related to WEALTH, BEHAVIORAL CREDIT SCORES, Cooperation with the New World Order (finding the best 'Grasses'.
This is why the DEADLY mRNA injections are used to de-humanise those who might rebel against Slavery which is planned for the way humans will be treated by the super-wealthy. As SLAVES!
That is why mRNA injections (called vaccines) are destroying humans ber design. No LIABILITY is essential to keep the minions in check and to believe the Vax Injuries, DEATHS are acceptable!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without DEADLY poisons in foods and mRNA injections.