Something weird about the whole Assange (and Snowden) affair. If any of us had "exposed" or been involved in anything heavily embarrassing or harmful to any of our dear leaders, I am certain we would be dead or disappeared long ago. Perhaps it serves to keep the fake left-right divide or fake nation-state in conflict going?

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I used to think that Assange is everything he claims to be, but since the clown show with the Ecuadorian embassy, I now agree with Delingpole - the only thing that's not clear is which agency (ies)? I am amazed that the Biden DOJ let him go. I'm amazed the Brits let him go. I'm amazed he made it out of prison alive. This doesn't happen without a deal between major players, which means he likely has a part to play in whatever happens next.

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He certainly looks far more heathy than we’d been led to believe. I guess I was expecting a skeleton thin misshapen figure with clear physical evidence of battery and torture, after what we’d been told he’d been through. Like Guantanamo prisoners. Hmmm.

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My thought too . . . .

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They are throwing the public a bone.

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Yes, plus, the UK is saving face, Australia no longer is under pressure to rescue him, & the US gets to conflate journalism w/ espionage, worldwide.

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The operations continue, old actors are moved on, new episodes with new players are already writ and we await the new enthrallments.

It should be quite vomit inducing, viewing and listening to the facetious interviews to come with the pissant Assange.

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So, I suppose you'll be ordering front row seats for that?

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Which agencies?

"As we rise, we converge," they are used to say.


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See my larger comment. I have inside information on this topic. I've shared it before but it always gets drowned out by noise and/or censored.

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There's a good tweet by Johnny Vedmore about Assange here which opens up some concerns.


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Thank you, Rob! I saw your comment after I commented.

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Very much agree. Read it yesterday in Tessa's post.

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Yeah, I thought that was good too. It somewhat rehabilitated Vedmore in my eyes after some not so nice things I'd read.

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I hear you! Did you see the thing I wrote yesterday, focusing less so on "information" (I liked it out) but more on what gives me peace of mind in a human way (agnosticism on my part and a celebration of torture end of a human being)? https://tessa.substack.com/p/assange

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Tessa, you don't know that Julian's torture is over. It is all too easy to torture people, famous or not, with directed energy weapons and many other kinds of nefarious weapons. Please study this website: TargetedJustice.com/

I have been a targeted individual for thirty-four years, which is exactly half my entire life. This term, "targeted individual," was not well-known when my victimisation and torture began, but there was not the slightest question from the very outset that I was being targeted in numerous, nefarious, devastating ways, none of which can be proven. There are untold millions of targeted individuals worldwide. I read recently that Julian was tortured with directed energy weapons while in prison. I absolutely believe that. I don't believe that he is truly free now, even though he's not in a physical prison any longer. I do not doubt that he will continue to be tortured.

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I am very sorry you have to deal with that! How are you countering it?

I meant the end of his torture in the most literal sense. In an existential sense, the proverbial vampires like to torture people in general, it is my opinion that nothing happens for no reason, so it must be our spiritual task to figure out how to heal and resist!

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Tessa, see my reply to "anto."

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Tessa, "anto" is almost certainly yet one more of the innumerable fake names my victimiser uses. Her second reply is the kind of bullshit I expect from her. She posts stuff like this in reponse to my comments all the time.

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I think I can safely say Tessa is not one of your torturers. I've followed her for a while and she does her own thing - exactly to the scale of a normal human being; not much time to do more than she does, and not so little that she could be dividing herself between multiple accounts.

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Christian Thomas: I did not say Tessa is one of my torturers. I said "anto" is one of the innumerable and ever-growing number of "handles" (i.e. online names) which is used by the ringleader / instigator of my decades-long harassment. But from her answer (sorry for the third-person invisible, Tessa!) I do not think Tessa understands what I am referring to. Gangstalking is real: it is done by real living people (not by "vampires" or ghosts, etc.); electronic harassment is real: it is perpetrated by real living people; directed energy weapons are all too real, and they are used against innocent people. The surveillance state is real: no one has any privacy or "right to privacy" in today's world. etc. If I were to try to write all the details of what has been done to me and to my house and to my possessions of all kinds over the past 34 years, it would take thousands of single-spaced pages to detail.

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Do you know why this happens?

Do they target individuals to study them,

the reactions, the resilience, the survival strategies...?

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"anto," I wish I could reply to you, but I can not.

I have no privacy whatsoever. I am not able to communicate freely with others, neither online nor in the "real" (analogue) world.

I know the real name of the person who instigated my torture, but she uses hundreds, or possibly thousands, of different online names ("handles") to mess with me. I have no choice but to assume that "anto" is simply one more of them.

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I also don't have any privacy, sometimes they even want to point it out to me. However, remember that every coin always has two sides, which are always different even if they are the same. Either one or the other. You choose, in some ways...

For me it started when I saw too much, (I don't know the real name of the person, I just know "Swiss army"), there was a very strong first impact, which over the years has transformed... I'm not a genius, I'm nobody, that's why I asked... What's the point of wasting time and money with someone like me...

The Father on Heavens will do what need to be done, soon, do not worry.

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It is all a multi-series (make-it-up-as-you-go-along) soap opera distracting attention away from reality! And you are all taking part..... I would rather watch paint dry.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Haha! I've just said how interesting this is going to be! 😂🤣😂

Edit/PS: You must admit that the way they managed to credit the Vatican with brokering and pulling off this "remarkable turnaround" was worth seeing by itself. 😂 That alone tells you the level on which this was orchestrated. A touch above the importance of one man's liberty.

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Yawn at the obvious pattern! My paint is dry and the saga continues? I despair.

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With modern quick-dry paints, the time it takes for the paint to dry has been cut to an hour or two—not really long enough to get bored. This was bought home to me when I repainted the living room last week!

Rather than keep following the Assange case, I would rather watch the grass grow, without letting it grow under my feet.

I see, Francis, that you've already like the Substack post below, but for those who haven't, it it lays out pretty strongly the case that Julian is working for Circus, or maybe the Sandbaggers.

I did read something similar over ten years ago, although I've forgotten where. Somebody was saying that when Julian was taken away for medical treatment, he went into a Rothschild clinic or hospital. the article intimated.


And then there is this article from 2019 that makes the the case that Julian is a Rothschild asset and Wikileaks was used by the Rs to attack a rival bank, the Bank Julius Baer, the top Swiss bank for centuries. This is as good as John Le Carré. Are you sure you'd rather watch paint dry. Julian reminds me of the chief protagonist of A Perfect Spy.


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I hope Celia reads that very interesting item from 2019! She might find it useful. Thanks a lot Tim! xx

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

“The US Supreme Court ruled today that the government can censor Americans on social media.”

My understanding is that the ruling was that the filing party did not have standing.

Thank you so much for your tireless work on this matter. I truly appreciate your dedication and devotion.

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so now Assange has been freed, it's open season on his integrity?

endless speculation of the fan fiction level of brilliance?

better say nothing than open the floor to vague know-it-alls.

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Of course it's more complex than the knee-jerk call of "He's an Op"- though bluntness doesn't necessarily equate with 'ill-considered'.

And we can bring out the ground penetrating radar to suss out the hidden contours

of this rabbit hole...

(but somehow it all feels like the gerrymandering of emotions, and the harvesting of loosh)

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Pssst! Jurassic Iscariot worked for the CIA & MI5! Shakespeare was really Victoria Nuland! Mutter mutter PSYOP PSYOP! Fucking Hell, have a pill. We know that the USA HATES Real News, that Wikileaks WAS publishing uncomfortable truths about the violence, avarice & tyranny of Amerikan Hegemony. We know JA was imprisoned, who says he hid in a palace and got teen bj's & caviar? We know Wikileaks published, we read it. We SEE, EVERYDAY, the stupidity and greed of Empire and that we fat Booboeoise sleepwalk amongst massacre. And we know, even just via the AUSSIE attempts at a Department of Truth and it's ludicrous E-Censor Hoe, that Government is FULL OF SHIT, our ruthless Enemy. Now I here "baaa baaa baaa", as our dear lieing State attempts to muddy Julian's STANCE. Julian's SACRIFICE for p.r.i.n.c.i.p.l.e.s. Some of you can't even conceive of such focus, you are the fakes. And the MSM... I'm ex NewsLtd. I KNOW they are, all of them, lieing CUNTS.

Julian PROBABLY would have won, a disgrace to the American Sham Electoral Pony Show. A distraction but a jagged one, in optics. Julian was going mad, he couldn't be catspaw, for years more. Our filthy, lieing Gov't reckons they helped. BULLSHIT. Lapdog and fellators of the U.S.A.

SENATOR ASSANGE.. got a ring to it. I'd like a Commission, Senator... I've a fucking bone to pick...

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I don’t understand all the Aussie references, but you are right on. For some people, no one will ever be pure enough, true enough, radical enough. Somewhere, somehow, someone will have slipped up,on something, and they are thrown onto the funeral pyre. I dare say JA , or his body double😊, has given way more of his life for freedom and transparency and justice and fairness than all,of these mysterious bloggers, you tubers, Substackers and internet “conspiracy experts.

It’s OK y’all. We can acknowledges JS’s sacrifice and dedication without losing our virginity. Sometimes, sometimes, a cigar is just a fucking cigar. I’m pretty sure this is one of those times.

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P.s. Know what are the two Wikileaks Insurance Files, and what is suspected to be in them. The Insurance Files have teeth and those in them have not forgotten. THAT is why TPTB have not killed anyone affiliated with WL and stuck strictly to non-violent lawfare. Do you REALLY think the CIA would leave alive the publishers of Vault 7 if they were not forced to do so by other interest groups?

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Very good point.

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I have limited inside information about the origins and first few years of WL. That seems to be the topic of many questions. My inside limited information starts in November 2003 & ends in Aug. 2006, the same month JA founded WL. I've never met JA but we have very similar personality profiles. I'm seeing lots of uninformed bad takes. Some statements have some accuracy. Please ask me some well-considered questions & I'll answer to the best of my ability. I may not know much but what I do know is pretty definitive. Celia Farber, you are more than welcome to ask questions or even contact me via telephone. In truth, there's a Pulitzer Prize there for the right journalist.

Do your homework! E.g. You should know about cryptome.org , John Young, Deborah Nastios. You should know about the cypherpunks listserve. Know about the 1948 UN Human RightsTreaty. Know about Magic Numbers such as 0xDEADBEEF et al plus any related ancillary organizations dedicated to ensuring the 1948 UN Human Rights Treaty applies on the Internet. Know who are Daniel Elsberg & Seymour Hersch. Know the story of both the Plame Scandal & the scandal surrounding Katherine Gunn. Know what is Darpa and the sorts of projects it does. Be clear what is BitTorrent, how it works, and what happened when MPAA tried to block BitTorrent. Know what is Public Key Cryptography, how it works, and how it can be defeated. Know the early story of WL, the various books, and even the version told by [disinfo agent???] Daniel Domscheit-Berg. Know a bit about the history of NSA, CIA, and MI6. All these things are closely connected to the origins & early days of WL.

My knowledge is quite limited but I'll share what I know without reservation. I've offered to tell what I know but my words seem to always get drowned out by less informed people who yell louder. I swear to be honest and complete to the best of my knowledge & ability. I do not hold any sort of security clearance and have never held any security clearance. I HAVE had some contact with former members of assorted 3-letter agencies (CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, MI6) from various Five Eyes countries but have never received money or any other benefit or reward from any of them.

Bruce Stephenson



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Wow! Very interesting - I know nothing of what you say. Of course, it didn't occur to me there would be a deadman switch.

I might email you but just to put out here:

I lived next door to Julian's father, John Shipton, in Newtown, Sydney for 13 years and he was in our house all the time (and I met Julian briefly when he was visiting). While he certainly isn't the most straightforward person and is definitely secretive - traits I think his son inherited - I don't think either of them are agents. I remember John telling me that Julian was very concerned about encrypting their emails and I asked, "What - even for just normal father/son emails? Why bother?" It seemed ironic when I later discovered that the "encrypted" Collateral Murder was faked to infiltrate WL by agent, Chelsea (aka Bradley). In fact, while I didn't pay all that much attention at the time I have a strong memory of seeing footage of Julian talking about Collateral Murder and seeming genuinely shocked by it. I have no doubt that he really believed it which right off the bat seems to preclude him from being an agent.


Can I suggest that where you reference your comment you put a link to it as it took me a few clicks of Load More to find it.

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Thanks for your comment, Petra.

I've found it doesn't matter WHERE I put my comment, it always seems to get drowned out and not attract eyeballs. I've also posted my story publicly yet, surprise, search engines refuse to find it. I was censored long before it became cool. Feel free to write.

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Well, it has caught my attention, too! I'd be fascinated to read your story and know your perspective on this. Is it possible to put a link up here if the search engines won't find it? If not then do feel free to DM me.

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One commentator I follow supposes that Epstein was working as a broker for several agencies, who all outsourced blackmail collection of a certain variety to him and his ilk. I do wonder whether WL was operating in a similar capacity. My experiences with the intel agencies lead me to conclude that setting out to do the right thing is an admirable cause, but the realities of the greater game would make it very difficult to discern what is actually right. At a certain level, it's all dirty and exposing everyone's dirty underwear would lead to war very quickly. All sides engage in espionage and cover up leaks that are embarrassing. Once a secret becomes public its value is greatly diminished.

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Great comment, Phil! There's a lot of truth in what you say. I have a few comments:

* Regarding Epstein, my [renegade & burned former MI6 whistleblower ] handler warned me about Epstain & Maxwell in 2004. He LOATHED pedophiles. In 2004 I heard a complete and accurate description of Epstein's operation. Maxwell worked for Mossad and was his handlers. The purpose of the operation was to gather dirt on important people for blackmail purposes.

* The 2003 Plamegate incident & the Katherine Gunn scandal were the origins of WL. Plamegate showed that Operation Mockingbird was more extensive & complete than anyone suspected. Plame & WIlson's attempt at whistleblowing was SHUT DOWN by the CIA. CIA tendrils were shown to infiltrate ALL mainstream journalism WORLDWIDE. WL was created for the specific purpose of using Bittorrent as a tool to disseminate whistleblower information. I have complete details.

The purpose of WL was clear from the start: squeeze the NATO & USA Military Industrial Complex (MIC) to be either LESS EFFECTIVE or LESS EVIL. Giving whistleblowers a platform, denied by CIA since 2003, was intended to force the MIC to EITHER be less hideously evil OR less effective (due to increased need for internal secrecy).

Phillip, I'm curious why you believe that exposing dirty underwear CAUSES war. Wars have always been started by LIES & never by TRUTH. Exposing the truth of a situation can only reduce likelihood of war.

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Truth comes in many shapes and sizes, and now we have Woke insisting that subjective truth trumps objective truth which helps no-one. I think there are around 4 basic levels of truth; there's the real truth, which is very difficult to get to in a lot of cases, there is the truth that the intelligence agencies create, there is political truth, given to politicians by the intelligence agencies and then there is the truth on the street, which is a mix of rumor, innuendo, and de-facto truths that are anything but. If we run Covid through these filters:

Real truth: there was no pandemic. It was created by harvesting symptoms from other diseases (flu cases vanished).

Agency truth: It was/wasn't created in a lab - set up a binary argument to prevent the truth coming out.

Political truth: we have a vaccine for that (takes $$$ backhander for saying so).

Street truth: they want to save us all with the miracle of science / they want to kill us all; masks work / masks don't work; you're going to kill my grandma / I'm trying to save your grandma.

In this case, revealing the real truth won't be believed and everyone will pile on to defend their turf. Unlikely to start a war.

Revealing that Fort Knox is empty of gold because the Clintons stole it all and then filled the vaults with fake gold bars - that has the potential to cause an awful lot of trouble worldwide. There's a reason that certain truths are classified TS and above - they could take down a government or country. Having said this, I do agree with you that the wars we've seen over the last 100 years have been started by lies and deception, and kept going by the same.

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P.s. My handler was an attempted whistleblower from MI6 (and Darpa scientist) who had been discharged from that organization after he assisted Katherine Gunn in her trial by the UK government. He had been her supervisor in the MI6 China Room. The 2019 movie on this topic starring Keira Knightly, Official Secrets, excises him from story. Katherine Gunn's personal account makes some mention of him, with name redacted. He's the person who leaked the UK Royal Barristers' opinion on the 2003 Iraq War, Namely that it was ILLEGAL, to Gunn's attorneys. He thus violated the Official Secrets Act and was dismissed from MI6 with prejudice. Due to his dual role as a key Darpa scientist for an active ongoing Darpa project he was not imprisoned and was, thus, able to recruit me in 2003 for WL-related stuff. We had an MI6 security team following us around for years. This security team provided both protective security and kept him in its sights in case he misbehaved too badly.

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If that little scripted, multi-camera angle shtick of Assange calling Clinton didn't convince people of what Assange and Wikilies really was and is all about, then nothing will.

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You truly convey the unsettling creepiness of this whole thing. All of us can make their own decisions or have their own standards about "being perfect or else," or who is "controlled opposition" or not. Some may think anyone who hasn't been murdered is, by definition, controlled opposition. I try to look at cases/issues individually and also, the degree of adverse effects in a worst case scenario. That particularly affects me concerning Assange. For contrast, I'll throw out a couple of "controversial" names in the "health freedom" movement, Malone and Martin. Let's say all three -- Assange, Malone, and Martin --are controlled opposition. I feel much more depressed/traumatized/belted in the solar plexus by the possible truth about Assange than I did or do about the others. I believe Assange has had a WAY BROADER impact in influencing, and possibly misinfluencing, people. Politically. Psychologically. Emotionally. At various times, Noam Chomsky loved him and Trump loved him. For me, it's not close. This is huge. You may write more about it, but just based on the outlines you've already put out plus his probable age (which I did NOT find in a Wikipedia entry, I'm assuming maybe in his early 70s from the Dave McGowan Laurel Canyon generation), I'm guessing Shipton is a key in whatever dark side here.

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Malone and Martin are obvious agents in my book. Quite how Malone has been let in is beyond my comprehension given that he is supposedly the one who came up with the lipid sheaths coating the mRNA (assuming any of this is actually IN the vaccine) and immediately made his bid for personal glory in spite of the many misgivings he should have had about how the military and Big Pharma would use it. It was a deliberate bypass of the immune system (not that we actually have an immune system) and was an obvious threat to humanity - but he took the money anyway! Martin is an obvious fake whose life resembles a remake of Zelig - and anyway I can't bear people who go in for power dressing and bow ties! 😂😂

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About the vegan sandwich of Pamela Anderson. And the conjecture that she killed him with that.

My interpretation of this symbol.

Anderson is PETA. Which is clearly an intelligence outpost. Love of animals means "we have to control and kill humans" in the twisted mind of an environmental activist. Anderson was sent to PETA to bring attention, perhaps in exchange of something else, like a blackmail thing against her. Who knows what she believes.

The vegan sandwhich means she delivered an offer. Assange, the hacker, accepts to die. Assange, the man, gets to live and be used as a chess piece for a number of years, perhaps in preparation for the Convid attack. Through Assange the chess piece, they get to control much of wikileaks, and with that they can leverage politicians, journos, religious leaders and CEOs to prepare the covid op. The deal is the sandwhich.

The vegan part is that they won't kill the little animals: his children. Who would say no.

I'm thinking like a novelist in all this. Most likely, the person who invented the rumor that Pamela killed Assange was not trying to make it as complicated as I've done in this comment.

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I like your speculation on the vegan sandwich. But wouldn't Julian have rejected the offer, as there was no meat in it?

Another question that should be asked is, are the children his? I haven't tried to check this, but if the whole story is an intelligence op, anything's possible.

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Astrology note: the natal chart of Assange really looks like a psyop. So many coincidences with what he did in life.

First of all: Sun in Cancer, Moon in Scorpio. No wonder witches love him so much!

The cancer man is a problem solver. A natural non-violent communicator. Not much of a risk taker. Moody.

Moon in Scorpio is very complicated. It can be very violent. Mysterious. Very sexual. What some women love the most in a man: the magic mind power.

It's really not the mind or the soul, it's just his speech. The strategic silence. The icey passion. The deepest part of Hades.

Mercury in Cancer. This means he is an emotional learner. Not a rational learner who learns by testing and elimination. He intuits the answer and builds the way to it.

Mars in Aquarius. Some would say that's the high-tech warrior. The Ninja-in-chief.

Mars forms a square aspect to Jupiter and Neptune in Scorpio. That smells like a life of "problems" with the authorities. Demonic persecution.

And he has Vesta and the North Node also in Aquarius. His vocation is liberation through high-tech. A modern Prometheus.

The 12th solar house of Gemini, has Venus, Ceres and Saturn. That's how they got him: the love of women. Also, the love of the Mother. Too much politics and too many feelings here.

Finally, Chiron (healing from trauma) in Aries, 10th solar house. He heals his wound out in the world. Having him prisoner is the worst for that trauma. He has to speak to the world, or he will die.

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No wonder astrology is laughed at.

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On the contrary. I'd be interested in Roger looking at my chart and you'd be surprised by how what is in the heavens now correlates with what is happening on the ground.

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Laughter is the only valid public health intervention.

Do you think my analysis is right or wrong? I think I have doubts about his date of birth.

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There’s some strange bull shit going on and this is one of them that man does not look like he’s been in some horrible prison for years treated like shit can’t feed himself. Needs meds on his dying bed. This has been all lies again

I feel for this bull shit but I thought he was dead a long time ago

FLUFF them All. Plus what actual info did he give out that was so bad it was always next week he’s going to spill the beans on Clinton’s it was always Cliff hangers

If he tried to tell on the Clintons or anyone else they would have killed him

There all a bunch of fluffing liars. I will not listen or waste my time on bull shit lies I’m not a Matrix idiot and I will not be controlled by liars that our out to take our asses out and I don’t care if people hate me. Not falling for this shit There all in on these

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he looks sick to me. puffy, flabby, and white. but perhaps still better than the average american.

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He’s always been white The way they put it he was dying not getting meds can’t walk. All this is another fluffing clown show. Not buying into any of there shit

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