When one considers all that we have learned in the past 8 years, it does make sense. We have so much more to learn. I was unaware of just how twisted and manipulated things were in the choosig of persons to run for public office. They are leverage and make deals to gain office. That is not right by any moral standard. We have had no voice in who is selected for public office. That is not how our constitutional republic was set up.
I heard that we used to actually vote for the VP, but somehow that got changed over the years. A lot has been changed over the years to subvert our Constitutional rights.
We did. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who served at VP with President John Adams that were of different poltical parties. John Adams was a Federalist and Thomas Jefferson a member of the Democratic-Republican party.
In my opinion, democracy is designed to always bloom into a totalitarian form. Whether we call it fascism or anything else is irrelevant, because that flower's stench corrupts anything.
This notion of "DEMOCRACY BAD" is very shocking and painful for many. They reject it away. But that is the truth. What good people want to see in democracy, which is justice and hard limits to worldly powers, is not there and was never there. Sadly, it was another swindle.
It is nonsensical to claim it was "designed to bloom into a totalitarian form". The founders of the US constitution tried hard to prevent that. They just didn't take into account the power of the concentration of wealth. Idiots have always ignored this fact and too lazy & stupid to put strong protections against the influence of wealth. Most of all a total ban on private money creation.
So no it wasn't a swindle. And it has been modestly effective and still is in some places. It just won't last without this: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance".
My opinion is yessensical. The framers of the US Constitution were extremely well read people. They studied everything from antiquity up to the catastrophic Spanish Empire. They knew very well that democracy suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks so much that only an enemy would defend it.
You could say that political freedom is DEFINED BY by having a limited Government. Limited means limited, not unlimited. A limited Government (and a limited anything else) has nothing to do with democracy, because democracy expands far away its borders. It always ends up in tragedy, historically speaking. An example: you cannot eat anything today that has not been politicized by democratic forces.
Bankers love democracy. Big companies, who abhor competition, love democracy. Anyone with money and power who wants protection worships democracy as a god. But there is no one without power without money who can use democracy to gain protection. Democracy is the source of all injustice and corruption of public life, and it probably causes balding in private life and genetics is a smoke screen for all the horrible things democracy does.
If you want freedom make sure to promote limits to power, and forget democracy.
Yeah, that's why Bankers keep telling us how terrible democracy is. Because they love it. Right.
Again, for the umpteenth time the US is a DEMOCRATIC Republic. Just as France is. You vote in your politicians & political parties. That's a democracy. What you claim a democracy is, does not exist on this Earth.
Bankers are happy to loan money to parties and control what the parties can say and who is allowed to go into which party.
Bankers also control the fourth estate, the press.
Bankers have absolutely no problem with the totalitarian aspects of democratic life, by which every possible action in every single second of your life is regulated by some obscure piece of legislation of some shameless committee.
Bankers are not victims of totalitarian democracy.
Ideally, a Republic is the exact opposite of a democracy. Bankers fear Republics. They promote Democratic expansion to destabilize Republics. And they cover their tracks with propaganda.
I'm sorry, you have been had for too long. A democratic form of government is never a limited form of government.
In the Democratic Republic of East Germany, female Olympian athletes were given hormones to make them shot the shot put farther away, as seen in this clip from a solid documentary youtu.be/YNYeEDpOEM8
The concept and practice of "democracy" has changed a lot over the centuries. The universal suffrage clearly shows that.
I recommend you to gain some information about the analyses of the renowned politologist Bertrand de Jouvenel, which is a key historian and theoretician of the XX century. Also, avoid the nonsense of Karl Popper about democracy and the open society. If you feel like it, study the classic of Alexis de Tocqueville, "Democracy in America," but bear in mind the historic period in which Author wrote, which was during the Restoration and just before several tumultuous revolutions.
After the Second War, nothing survived of "liberal democracy," much less of the "liberal republicanism" of the 1700s. There was only military dictatorships everywhere, disguised as "republics" and "democracies." That was complete horseshit!
You may be interested in the books of the American historian Anthony Comegna, on how Democracy (he is a democrat) was forever lost in America long before the Civil War.
That type of thing is common. It gives regional preference for electing a leader. Otherwise the high population density regions will choose the leader every time. This makes low population density regions want to vacate the union.
Much of that concentration of wealth could be contained IF all forms of lobbying were banned, about as easy as removing stripes from a zebra. I realize that the same people who create such legislation also design the workarounds. And those tiresome sophomoric smarty-pants spewing Republic vs. Democracy didactics don't stop to realize the distinction is meaningless when the vast majority of the electorate is disengaged from participation in government. An understanding of law (things like there's no such thing as a license to practice law) in its many forms should be paramount in education, starting at a young age.
That's right, ban lobbying, have 100% public funded elections, NO donations. Ban revolving door politics. You run for office you can never have another job in the private sector. Unless you're self-employed. A guaranteed government job is acceptable. An excellent pension. If you don't like that, then don't run.
I disagree. The founders of the US constitution were mostly freemasons and the constitution itself was a document designed precisely to centralize power by creating a centralized federal government, and eliminate God from governance. Sure they agreed to the compromise of the bill of rights as they knew full-well that the ever-increasing power of a central government could ride roughshod over those protections when convenient.
Nonsense. Show some evidence to back that up. Most countries lack such constitutional protections. Another nihilist with no solutions to anything. Just incessant whining.
@Lucy: 100% right on! I challenge any "democracy" spouting individual to find anywhere in the Constitution that defines the form of government as a 'democracy'. Article IV, Section 4. commands the United States to guarantee a Republican form of government to every state.
I was replying to the fake use of the word "democracy", and the constant drum beat of that stupid word in media and by the politicians. Hardly anyone calls them out on it... "our democracy...". The system is supposed to be a constitutional republic, but they have been whittling away at it since the beginning. 1913 became the worst year for the Republic (16th and 17th Amendments and the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System).
A representative republic is actually worse than democracy. It is cheaper to bribe, and easier to blackmail, a handful of representatives than a much larger number of citizens.
That's nonsense. It is a democratic republic. What are you talking about? Democratic is a means of selecting politicians & parties. Voting. Just because the President is selected through state electors, those are selected by voting. As are representatives and senators. Democracy ain't mob rule. And it ain't rule by the majority. If it were that then there wouldn't be one Democracy on Earth. Trudeau rules Canada with 20% of the votes of its qualified voters.
I don't believe it is democracy, per se, that is the problem (although it is not the solution either). There's nothing wrong with allowing people to vote on matters of governance.
The problem is the absence of God (and his church) who defines the law, and sets limits on what people are allowed to vote on.
There is equally nothing wrong with the separation of church and state. But separation of church and state has been interpreted as absence of church from public life and law, which is not the same thing at all.
The U.S. is a constitutional republic. We do use democratic principals, but that was left by the wayside a long time ago as our country was infiltrated by communists, marxists, fascists, etc. Add in all the lies we have learned in our education system. It was all done on purpose to keep us from learnig the truth. Well, the truth is being learned the hard way now.
Democracy means that fifty percent plus one can vote away rights considered to be inalienable and inherent - such as the right to keep and bear arms, or to speak freely on political topics. That's the reason why the Anti-Federalists fought so hard to have a Bill of Rights put into the Federalist framers' Constitution - see https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/just-for-the-record-antifederalist - so that these inherent and inalienable rights were made explicit. That's why we *don't* have "our Democracy" - that's Federalists talking. But since 1947, we have had a “double government”, one which is elected and runs a “clown car”, and a permanent - and actual - government which has existed since 1937 (see https://mises.org/mises-daily/revolution-was ) and whose ambit and powers have been codified into law since the Great Coup of 1947, the year of the establishment of the US National Security State and the final overthrow of Constitutional rule - the appearances remain so as not to upset the general public (those who aren’t in the Club) but the substance has been hollowed out and replaced by an entirely alien structure - see https://sites.tufts.edu/fletcheradmissions/files/2014/01/National-Security-and-Double-Government-by-Glennon.pdf which makes this whole debate about "democracy" a bit superfluous. The Government hasn't been restrained by the Constitution for at least 77 years - or at any time in the living memory of all but a minuscule minority of those now living.
BOTH Vance and his wife seem hand-selected from birth - or, at least, their very early years - for their roles. Origin story of Vance includes the miraculous trajectory from hillbilly son of a drug addict to Yalie.
@The Real Mary Rose: As I read @MrsSmithSaysSo's post, I was thinking exactly what you wrote! Eerily similar indeed. One could almost argue BHO as well, although his was a more privileged upbringing, but still he was "hand selected" and never held a real job.
All that I can contribute here, is that my spidey senses are going off and telling me that this is a “Bait and Switch” of monumental proportions. That Vance is connected to the Dark money from NASA, DOD and Silicon Valley and he will most likely implement the digital ID 1984 crappola taking us all to the opposite side of totalitarianism. It’s not good.
Great site you shared. Saw papa and baby Bush were on the list. Djt on the list as suspected member. Maybe the Vance pick is to have a solid pair.
“1946- Trump, Donald (Charles Savoie wrote, “Is Donald Trump a member of The Pilgrims Society? I believe so, same as I believe it about Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., Timothy Mellon, Matt Mellon II, Bill Dudley of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and on and on,….”
“Maya Harris also brings to the table membership in the CFR”
“Having a CFR member as her sister & campaign chair means a KH admin would very likely bring many CFR members into govt & into leading roles in policy formation process.
I knew they were liars when I heard people saying JD Vance had converted to Catholicism and then I watched an interview where they said they were raising their kids Hindu. That would never happen.
It says their 3 children were born in 2018, 2019, and 2022. It is almost impossible to believe that he would convert while in the process of having babies and not get them baptized in the Catholic Church. Also, it takes 1-2 years to go through RCIA before you can convert, so he would have started the process of conversion in 2017 or before. I just don’t buy that he would allow his children to be raised Baptist.
My Catholic father and my Protestant mother allowed the four children in our family to be raised either Catholic or Protestant. My older sister attended Catechism; but, eventually became Protestant. I chose Sunday School because I my favorite TV program, "Fury", aired Saturday mornings <g>. The other two of us chose Sunday School. All four of us were baptized, either in the Catholic Church or in the First Congregational Church. I understand that the Catholic Church contends that it is the one true church; but, if so, the present Pope should be excommunicated. He's a Satanist. (-:
I am sorry to hear that. Yes, I agree about Francis. He is a fraud. But we know Joe Biden is a fraud and impostor, too, but that doesn't mean we should throw out our constitution.
Why do you say, "...that doesn't mean we should throw out our constitution."? I don't believe I said anything about doing that. However, there are people stating that our constitution is no longer in force.
Actually, Catholics are very inter-religious & mix so very easily with other religions. However, it's the Protestants & Jews that are very single-minded against any mixture of religious practice, both in & out of the four walls of their church or synagogue.
But, a close Jewish female friend of mine's father told his son that if the son married a Catholic woman he was dating, he would say Kaddish for him. - The son did not marry the woman. (FWIW: The son's father and mother had both been in camps in Germany during WWII and neither had any relatives who made it alive through that tragedy.)
I take umbrage to your ignorant comment: My father was a devout Roman Catholic of Canadian French heritage; my mother was a devout Protestant Congregationalist of Scottish and English heritage. A priest on my father's side; a minister on my mother's side. My mother and my father attended their respective church every week. We children had our choice of Catechism or Sunday School, but we had to do one or the other and attend every week. There was no religious dissension within our family.
You are assuming what you have no reason to assume. When I was very young, I went to mass with my father, several times, until one day, they passed the offering four times during the mass. I had given all of my allowance on the first offering; so, I was utterly embarrassed that I had nothing left to give for the next three offerings. Right then and there, something told me that there was something very wrong with the Catholic Church and I never went to mass with my father again.
Are you some dumb fu_k? Put yourself in my place, being probably eight years of age or less. What would you think when an offering plate was passed around four times and people were putting money into it each time, but you were not? All churches services I had ever been in passed the offering plate only once. I thought it was greedy to be passing it four times. Take your rabid Catholicism and shove it.
Are you Catholic? I am. We do mix with others but we don't marry or raise our children outside of the church. Baptism is a sacrament, as is marriage. If he married his wife prior to his conversion to Catholicism, his marriage is illegitimate. And therefore he is living in sin.
To say that number of Hindus and Indians (whether Hindu, Sikh, Christian, or Muslim) has increased radically in San Diego over the past couple of decades (and even more so since 2020; it's astounding, to put it mildly) is a vast understatement. And all of them are involved in the Great Reset bio-tech garbage (which is completely supported by the money-handlers who are happily enslaving and destroying us), same as the vastly increased Mandarin-speaking Chinese population here. Pilgrim Society or not, these peoples "immigration" to the West is not organic and it is not being done to "improve America." It is being done to destroy the old America, the America of my ancestors (who were all "racists" and "white supremacists," as I am reminded by the MSM every five minutes), and to remake America (Canada is finished) into a globalist digital prison. I have no doubt that "Usha," who went to high school a couple of miles from where I now live, is fully bought-into this narrative, has also been conveniently inserted into the GOP race so we can hear more about "white supremacy" and get more "interfaith" prayers, and hear about how she's helping "Indian 'Americans'" becoming a "political force" and hear more about "Vivek III" and on and on and on. Whatever.
Likewise for Seattle. Bellevue--near Microsoft in Redmond--is overwhelming Indian and Pakistani. It is entirely done to undermine our cultural heritage, our constitution and our way of life. Remember when we fought wars to preserve our way of life? Odd, isn't it.
You claim that but dozens of others claim other "owners". Some people I run across swear up and down aliens are running the show. I mean you see all these UAPs flying around, almost daily. How would an alien race take over the Earth? It would be stupid and crazy to go Independence Day or War of the Worlds. Why not just find out who runs the show and Neuralink their brains into cyborg slaves?
In the end we are not privy to that information. What we do know is whoever is running things, their power comes from money creation. Take that away and you take away their power.
This connects Vance to Vivek Ramaswamy and Peter Thiel. It has to do with medi-care. I wonder if Vance in senate has disclosed this when voting on anything to do with medi-care especially funding. Wonder if this investment get anything from the fed medi-care budget?
Odd it is an .org, (ngo?). Tax reporting is far different than if a company, nice🙄
21 Sept 2021
Chapter Announces $17 Million Series A Round, led by Narya Capital and Peter Thiel
Or, perhaps, sometimes, when we are younger & far more dangerously idealistic, we end up sleeping with the enemy. However, as we age, we can become wiser. The Inter-Agency has many appeals. But, maturity will often override such pulls upon our base nature as we look to reality & truth for our lives to mean something. And, something for our children & their future.
Why can't Usha just be his wife and mother of his children? Why can't she grow into conservatism like the rest of us; especially of her parents who left the 3rd world to come to the 1st; legal immigrants are often far more patriotic than natural born citizens?
If we are to believe both VP Vance's words & subsequent actions, he became MAGA. Why not her? I can understand Chinese, Japanese, Russians, etc., acting as Sleepers. But, East Indian sub-continent folks? Nay, Lads & Lassies.
Your ideas are nice and wouldn't it be great if things worked that way....but there's evidence of dark dealings and reason for concern. Check out unlimitedhangout.com and corbettreport.com/nwnw562 for more background. Vance was born Bowman and has changed his name four times, add Ivy League Yale, a multimillion dollar book and movie, all before junior senator, before age 40 - all he needs is the Nobel Peace Prize.. His shady and swift rise to power resembles Mr. Fundamental Transformation and that is extremely disconcerting.
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow Vivek Ramaswamy’s Roivant Sciences Develops Clinical Stage Antibody to Prevent and Treat Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Patients with COVID-19 – Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
Vivek Ramaswamy, his fake World Economic Forum lawsuit-settlement, and full details of the big pharma racket that made his family millions - The COVID Blog®
I agree I don’t trust either. Vivek I thought was to polished and to much of a fast talker. I was poking around one day looking at Vance stuff and his Theil connections. I found the business info below. Then when I saw the cousin article it made sense about the business connections.
This connects Vance to Vivek Ramaswamy and Peter Thiel. It has to do with medi-care. I wonder if Vance in senate has disclosed this when voting on anything to do with medi-care especially funding. Wonder if this investment get anything from the fed medi-care budget?
Odd it is an .org, (ngo?). Tax reporting is far different than if a company, nice🙄
21 Sept 2021
Chapter Announces $17 Million Series A Round, led by Narya Capital and Peter Thiel
But what does it mean to become "MAGA"? Does it mean you are now a servile follower of Trump who may well be deep state, given his continued questionable appointments?
Good find Celia. Vance’s Theil and Ramaswamey connections were bad enough and now add in this, good grief.
Happy to be a paid subscriber as your work is worth every penny.
It is axiomatic that money finds power, and power finds money !!!
Yes, there are too many red flags on this man for my comfort. I just read an article though from Yuri Bezmenov saying how he was a "perfect choice"
When one considers all that we have learned in the past 8 years, it does make sense. We have so much more to learn. I was unaware of just how twisted and manipulated things were in the choosig of persons to run for public office. They are leverage and make deals to gain office. That is not right by any moral standard. We have had no voice in who is selected for public office. That is not how our constitutional republic was set up.
I heard that we used to actually vote for the VP, but somehow that got changed over the years. A lot has been changed over the years to subvert our Constitutional rights.
We did. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who served at VP with President John Adams that were of different poltical parties. John Adams was a Federalist and Thomas Jefferson a member of the Democratic-Republican party.
Interesting, thank you.
In my opinion, democracy is designed to always bloom into a totalitarian form. Whether we call it fascism or anything else is irrelevant, because that flower's stench corrupts anything.
This notion of "DEMOCRACY BAD" is very shocking and painful for many. They reject it away. But that is the truth. What good people want to see in democracy, which is justice and hard limits to worldly powers, is not there and was never there. Sadly, it was another swindle.
Every power structure ends up in tyranny because power only increases. It is never relinquished.
It is nonsensical to claim it was "designed to bloom into a totalitarian form". The founders of the US constitution tried hard to prevent that. They just didn't take into account the power of the concentration of wealth. Idiots have always ignored this fact and too lazy & stupid to put strong protections against the influence of wealth. Most of all a total ban on private money creation.
So no it wasn't a swindle. And it has been modestly effective and still is in some places. It just won't last without this: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance".
yes, I've always said that once you own Broadway and Park Place the game is over. you'd think more people would understand that.
My opinion is yessensical. The framers of the US Constitution were extremely well read people. They studied everything from antiquity up to the catastrophic Spanish Empire. They knew very well that democracy suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks so much that only an enemy would defend it.
You could say that political freedom is DEFINED BY by having a limited Government. Limited means limited, not unlimited. A limited Government (and a limited anything else) has nothing to do with democracy, because democracy expands far away its borders. It always ends up in tragedy, historically speaking. An example: you cannot eat anything today that has not been politicized by democratic forces.
Bankers love democracy. Big companies, who abhor competition, love democracy. Anyone with money and power who wants protection worships democracy as a god. But there is no one without power without money who can use democracy to gain protection. Democracy is the source of all injustice and corruption of public life, and it probably causes balding in private life and genetics is a smoke screen for all the horrible things democracy does.
If you want freedom make sure to promote limits to power, and forget democracy.
Democracy is just before tyranny.
Rothschild loves bankruptcy.
Rothschilds are the emperors of Earth and they have no plan to alter their status:).
God is the natural limit on man's power. Which is why Satan tempts man to lust after power for himself.
Yeah, that's why Bankers keep telling us how terrible democracy is. Because they love it. Right.
Again, for the umpteenth time the US is a DEMOCRATIC Republic. Just as France is. You vote in your politicians & political parties. That's a democracy. What you claim a democracy is, does not exist on this Earth.
Bankers are happy to loan money to parties and control what the parties can say and who is allowed to go into which party.
Bankers also control the fourth estate, the press.
Bankers have absolutely no problem with the totalitarian aspects of democratic life, by which every possible action in every single second of your life is regulated by some obscure piece of legislation of some shameless committee.
Bankers are not victims of totalitarian democracy.
Ideally, a Republic is the exact opposite of a democracy. Bankers fear Republics. They promote Democratic expansion to destabilize Republics. And they cover their tracks with propaganda.
I'm sorry, you have been had for too long. A democratic form of government is never a limited form of government.
Again with this fictional invented notion of Democracy. Name one country that is your Democracy. Do I have to repeat myself endlessly:
Democracy is when the populace elects its political reps and/or parties. Pretty simple minded. The US is a Democratic Republic.
Don't invent the meaning of words because it suits some ideology of yours.
In the Democratic Republic of East Germany, female Olympian athletes were given hormones to make them shot the shot put farther away, as seen in this clip from a solid documentary youtu.be/YNYeEDpOEM8
The concept and practice of "democracy" has changed a lot over the centuries. The universal suffrage clearly shows that.
I recommend you to gain some information about the analyses of the renowned politologist Bertrand de Jouvenel, which is a key historian and theoretician of the XX century. Also, avoid the nonsense of Karl Popper about democracy and the open society. If you feel like it, study the classic of Alexis de Tocqueville, "Democracy in America," but bear in mind the historic period in which Author wrote, which was during the Restoration and just before several tumultuous revolutions.
After the Second War, nothing survived of "liberal democracy," much less of the "liberal republicanism" of the 1700s. There was only military dictatorships everywhere, disguised as "republics" and "democracies." That was complete horseshit!
You may be interested in the books of the American historian Anthony Comegna, on how Democracy (he is a democrat) was forever lost in America long before the Civil War.
College of electors.
Yup! There's democ(k)racy for ya!
That type of thing is common. It gives regional preference for electing a leader. Otherwise the high population density regions will choose the leader every time. This makes low population density regions want to vacate the union.
The U$A has 2 government sponsored political parties.
Why does the govmnt sponsor the dems and repugs:?
Who elects the College of Electors?
Much of that concentration of wealth could be contained IF all forms of lobbying were banned, about as easy as removing stripes from a zebra. I realize that the same people who create such legislation also design the workarounds. And those tiresome sophomoric smarty-pants spewing Republic vs. Democracy didactics don't stop to realize the distinction is meaningless when the vast majority of the electorate is disengaged from participation in government. An understanding of law (things like there's no such thing as a license to practice law) in its many forms should be paramount in education, starting at a young age.
Recently this respected-by-me messenger came my way. The man is a clear thinker and maybe a good resource for those interested in knowing more. https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/blog/studying-law-where-do-you-start
That's right, ban lobbying, have 100% public funded elections, NO donations. Ban revolving door politics. You run for office you can never have another job in the private sector. Unless you're self-employed. A guaranteed government job is acceptable. An excellent pension. If you don't like that, then don't run.
I disagree. The founders of the US constitution were mostly freemasons and the constitution itself was a document designed precisely to centralize power by creating a centralized federal government, and eliminate God from governance. Sure they agreed to the compromise of the bill of rights as they knew full-well that the ever-increasing power of a central government could ride roughshod over those protections when convenient.
Nonsense. Show some evidence to back that up. Most countries lack such constitutional protections. Another nihilist with no solutions to anything. Just incessant whining.
I am the opposite of a nihilist.
And this interview makes the case well:
@Lucy: 100% right on! I challenge any "democracy" spouting individual to find anywhere in the Constitution that defines the form of government as a 'democracy'. Article IV, Section 4. commands the United States to guarantee a Republican form of government to every state.
You are confusing the political structure with the means at which politicians are selected. Two different things.
I was replying to the fake use of the word "democracy", and the constant drum beat of that stupid word in media and by the politicians. Hardly anyone calls them out on it... "our democracy...". The system is supposed to be a constitutional republic, but they have been whittling away at it since the beginning. 1913 became the worst year for the Republic (16th and 17th Amendments and the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System).
I do understand your point.
A representative republic is actually worse than democracy. It is cheaper to bribe, and easier to blackmail, a handful of representatives than a much larger number of citizens.
That's nonsense. It is a democratic republic. What are you talking about? Democratic is a means of selecting politicians & parties. Voting. Just because the President is selected through state electors, those are selected by voting. As are representatives and senators. Democracy ain't mob rule. And it ain't rule by the majority. If it were that then there wouldn't be one Democracy on Earth. Trudeau rules Canada with 20% of the votes of its qualified voters.
In effect Trudeau is an appointed puppet of the NWO aka the Rothschild dynasty.
Yup Democracy and Socialism is the same and a pathetic belief in the collective Wisdom of Individual ignorance !!!!
I don't believe it is democracy, per se, that is the problem (although it is not the solution either). There's nothing wrong with allowing people to vote on matters of governance.
The problem is the absence of God (and his church) who defines the law, and sets limits on what people are allowed to vote on.
There is equally nothing wrong with the separation of church and state. But separation of church and state has been interpreted as absence of church from public life and law, which is not the same thing at all.
The U.S. is a constitutional republic. We do use democratic principals, but that was left by the wayside a long time ago as our country was infiltrated by communists, marxists, fascists, etc. Add in all the lies we have learned in our education system. It was all done on purpose to keep us from learnig the truth. Well, the truth is being learned the hard way now.
Democracy means that fifty percent plus one can vote away rights considered to be inalienable and inherent - such as the right to keep and bear arms, or to speak freely on political topics. That's the reason why the Anti-Federalists fought so hard to have a Bill of Rights put into the Federalist framers' Constitution - see https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/just-for-the-record-antifederalist - so that these inherent and inalienable rights were made explicit. That's why we *don't* have "our Democracy" - that's Federalists talking. But since 1947, we have had a “double government”, one which is elected and runs a “clown car”, and a permanent - and actual - government which has existed since 1937 (see https://mises.org/mises-daily/revolution-was ) and whose ambit and powers have been codified into law since the Great Coup of 1947, the year of the establishment of the US National Security State and the final overthrow of Constitutional rule - the appearances remain so as not to upset the general public (those who aren’t in the Club) but the substance has been hollowed out and replaced by an entirely alien structure - see https://sites.tufts.edu/fletcheradmissions/files/2014/01/National-Security-and-Double-Government-by-Glennon.pdf which makes this whole debate about "democracy" a bit superfluous. The Government hasn't been restrained by the Constitution for at least 77 years - or at any time in the living memory of all but a minuscule minority of those now living.
BOTH Vance and his wife seem hand-selected from birth - or, at least, their very early years - for their roles. Origin story of Vance includes the miraculous trajectory from hillbilly son of a drug addict to Yalie.
Sounds a bit like Bubba Clinton, eh?
Yup. And BHO.
@The Real Mary Rose: As I read @MrsSmithSaysSo's post, I was thinking exactly what you wrote! Eerily similar indeed. One could almost argue BHO as well, although his was a more privileged upbringing, but still he was "hand selected" and never held a real job.
Great minds...Just posted "BHO" before I read this. Think BHO's handlers were his mom, grandmother, and the "uncle" who wrote porn (name escapes me).
:) That's right, I forgot about the "uncle". What a twisted world.
And those handlers worked for the CIA. Not even a secret!
FIRST COUSINS CONFIRMED: Vivek Ramaswamy and Usha Vance – Patriots for Truth
Doesn't he - or is it Dr Shiva - talk about the "swarm" of E Indian elites ? And, lest we forget, Ms Heiress's mother...
Not sure. I don’t follow Dr Shiva, haven’t heard him in ages. Prior to the R potus runners had never heard of ramaswamy.
There is a swarm. Look at the CEOs of tech companies. Now, some western country leaders (UK). It's a swarm for sure.
Small woild, ain't it?:).
Connection: Made!
Bit like the O bumbler. A nobody who nobody at all can remember from Columbia Law School.
The magical resume.
All that I can contribute here, is that my spidey senses are going off and telling me that this is a “Bait and Switch” of monumental proportions. That Vance is connected to the Dark money from NASA, DOD and Silicon Valley and he will most likely implement the digital ID 1984 crappola taking us all to the opposite side of totalitarianism. It’s not good.
Kennedy is the remedy!
Ah, the Pilgrims! You are digging deep! Timothy Geitner is a Pilgrim!
“Just one more question, Pilgrim. How far up your ass do you want my boot?”
― John Wayne
Great site you shared. Saw papa and baby Bush were on the list. Djt on the list as suspected member. Maybe the Vance pick is to have a solid pair.
“1946- Trump, Donald (Charles Savoie wrote, “Is Donald Trump a member of The Pilgrims Society? I believe so, same as I believe it about Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., Timothy Mellon, Matt Mellon II, Bill Dudley of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and on and on,….”
As is DeSantis.
On WarburgPincus, Anthony Blinken's biological father was one of the founders:
And Warburg helped w/founding of Federal Reserve and told the US Senate that we would have world govt:
“Maya Harris also brings to the table membership in the CFR”
“Having a CFR member as her sister & campaign chair means a KH admin would very likely bring many CFR members into govt & into leading roles in policy formation process.
I knew they were liars when I heard people saying JD Vance had converted to Catholicism and then I watched an interview where they said they were raising their kids Hindu. That would never happen.
Absolutely! What a lot of hogwash. Why would you convert to Catholicism then practice Hinduism alongside? I smell a rat.
Wonder when he converted to catholicism? Maybe just before getting polical.
It was in 2019: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/j-d-vance-becomes-catholic/
WTF???? Good find!
It says their 3 children were born in 2018, 2019, and 2022. It is almost impossible to believe that he would convert while in the process of having babies and not get them baptized in the Catholic Church. Also, it takes 1-2 years to go through RCIA before you can convert, so he would have started the process of conversion in 2017 or before. I just don’t buy that he would allow his children to be raised Baptist.
Does not sound right, smells fishy to me.
Thank you for sending the link. I saved it for future reference.
Me too! So much crazy information out there! Do these people think this information can’t be found, if it is legitimate?
Sorry I didn’t mean to say Baptist I meant to say Hindu. He wouldn’t allow his children to not be baptized.
My Catholic father and my Protestant mother allowed the four children in our family to be raised either Catholic or Protestant. My older sister attended Catechism; but, eventually became Protestant. I chose Sunday School because I my favorite TV program, "Fury", aired Saturday mornings <g>. The other two of us chose Sunday School. All four of us were baptized, either in the Catholic Church or in the First Congregational Church. I understand that the Catholic Church contends that it is the one true church; but, if so, the present Pope should be excommunicated. He's a Satanist. (-:
I am sorry to hear that. Yes, I agree about Francis. He is a fraud. But we know Joe Biden is a fraud and impostor, too, but that doesn't mean we should throw out our constitution.
Why do you say, "...that doesn't mean we should throw out our constitution."? I don't believe I said anything about doing that. However, there are people stating that our constitution is no longer in force.
Which Catholicism would that be? The Pope Francis version, or the Archbishop Vigano school?
Which constitutional republic should we keep, the Joe Biden one, or the Trump one?
Not catholic, but sure would not choose the pope anything.
Why are you deliberately missing the point? Obtuse on purpose or just stupid?
Actually, Catholics are very inter-religious & mix so very easily with other religions. However, it's the Protestants & Jews that are very single-minded against any mixture of religious practice, both in & out of the four walls of their church or synagogue.
Factcheck: False
Fact: Jews and Catholics are the most common interfaith marriages.
But, a close Jewish female friend of mine's father told his son that if the son married a Catholic woman he was dating, he would say Kaddish for him. - The son did not marry the woman. (FWIW: The son's father and mother had both been in camps in Germany during WWII and neither had any relatives who made it alive through that tragedy.)
Why the "LOL, OK"?
Where do I begin.
I take umbrage to your ignorant comment: My father was a devout Roman Catholic of Canadian French heritage; my mother was a devout Protestant Congregationalist of Scottish and English heritage. A priest on my father's side; a minister on my mother's side. My mother and my father attended their respective church every week. We children had our choice of Catechism or Sunday School, but we had to do one or the other and attend every week. There was no religious dissension within our family.
You may not have had religious dissension but your father should have taken you to mass. Very sad.
You are assuming what you have no reason to assume. When I was very young, I went to mass with my father, several times, until one day, they passed the offering four times during the mass. I had given all of my allowance on the first offering; so, I was utterly embarrassed that I had nothing left to give for the next three offerings. Right then and there, something told me that there was something very wrong with the Catholic Church and I never went to mass with my father again.
That is an absurd and illogical argument. There is no obligation to give any money to the church.
Are you some dumb fu_k? Put yourself in my place, being probably eight years of age or less. What would you think when an offering plate was passed around four times and people were putting money into it each time, but you were not? All churches services I had ever been in passed the offering plate only once. I thought it was greedy to be passing it four times. Take your rabid Catholicism and shove it.
Are you Catholic? I am. We do mix with others but we don't marry or raise our children outside of the church. Baptism is a sacrament, as is marriage. If he married his wife prior to his conversion to Catholicism, his marriage is illegitimate. And therefore he is living in sin.
To say that number of Hindus and Indians (whether Hindu, Sikh, Christian, or Muslim) has increased radically in San Diego over the past couple of decades (and even more so since 2020; it's astounding, to put it mildly) is a vast understatement. And all of them are involved in the Great Reset bio-tech garbage (which is completely supported by the money-handlers who are happily enslaving and destroying us), same as the vastly increased Mandarin-speaking Chinese population here. Pilgrim Society or not, these peoples "immigration" to the West is not organic and it is not being done to "improve America." It is being done to destroy the old America, the America of my ancestors (who were all "racists" and "white supremacists," as I am reminded by the MSM every five minutes), and to remake America (Canada is finished) into a globalist digital prison. I have no doubt that "Usha," who went to high school a couple of miles from where I now live, is fully bought-into this narrative, has also been conveniently inserted into the GOP race so we can hear more about "white supremacy" and get more "interfaith" prayers, and hear about how she's helping "Indian 'Americans'" becoming a "political force" and hear more about "Vivek III" and on and on and on. Whatever.
Same here in Austin
Likewise for Seattle. Bellevue--near Microsoft in Redmond--is overwhelming Indian and Pakistani. It is entirely done to undermine our cultural heritage, our constitution and our way of life. Remember when we fought wars to preserve our way of life? Odd, isn't it.
Agree. Look at how many CEOs and bigwigs in tech are Hindus and Indians. Look at Britain's PM. India appears to be making quite the global move.
There are millions of minions forming the pyramid of power but who occupies the capstone?
No Banksters are at the top of the pyramid. Always have been. Private money creation is the enemy of human civilization.
🤣😂 and who's money do they play with? Think again.... and read my article for further elucidation.
Whose money?!? They create it out of thin air and then rent it to us as though they did anything to earn that rent.
You love to blame the employees and ignore the owners. Why?
You claim that but dozens of others claim other "owners". Some people I run across swear up and down aliens are running the show. I mean you see all these UAPs flying around, almost daily. How would an alien race take over the Earth? It would be stupid and crazy to go Independence Day or War of the Worlds. Why not just find out who runs the show and Neuralink their brains into cyborg slaves?
In the end we are not privy to that information. What we do know is whoever is running things, their power comes from money creation. Take that away and you take away their power.
It is not that simple.
Great work.
It worked, I've just become a paid subscriber! Hope others can help to achieve your goal.
CF’s substack is one of my few paid and worth it to support some real journalism.
This connects Vance to Vivek Ramaswamy and Peter Thiel. It has to do with medi-care. I wonder if Vance in senate has disclosed this when voting on anything to do with medi-care especially funding. Wonder if this investment get anything from the fed medi-care budget?
Odd it is an .org, (ngo?). Tax reporting is far different than if a company, nice🙄
21 Sept 2021
Chapter Announces $17 Million Series A Round, led by Narya Capital and Peter Thiel
“Chapter was founded by Cobi Blumenfeld-Gantz, Corey Metzman, and Vivek Ramaswamy.”
Free Guidance from Licensed Medicare Advisors - Chapter
Ugh. Jew-puppets all. It's all so tiresome.
No one else gets beyond the first few rungs of the political ladder. Unfortunately.
Just keeps getting worse. They really are ALL CONNECTED. One Sick Group is Demons.
Or, perhaps, sometimes, when we are younger & far more dangerously idealistic, we end up sleeping with the enemy. However, as we age, we can become wiser. The Inter-Agency has many appeals. But, maturity will often override such pulls upon our base nature as we look to reality & truth for our lives to mean something. And, something for our children & their future.
Why can't Usha just be his wife and mother of his children? Why can't she grow into conservatism like the rest of us; especially of her parents who left the 3rd world to come to the 1st; legal immigrants are often far more patriotic than natural born citizens?
If we are to believe both VP Vance's words & subsequent actions, he became MAGA. Why not her? I can understand Chinese, Japanese, Russians, etc., acting as Sleepers. But, East Indian sub-continent folks? Nay, Lads & Lassies.
Your ideas are nice and wouldn't it be great if things worked that way....but there's evidence of dark dealings and reason for concern. Check out unlimitedhangout.com and corbettreport.com/nwnw562 for more background. Vance was born Bowman and has changed his name four times, add Ivy League Yale, a multimillion dollar book and movie, all before junior senator, before age 40 - all he needs is the Nobel Peace Prize.. His shady and swift rise to power resembles Mr. Fundamental Transformation and that is extremely disconcerting.
FIRST COUSINS CONFIRMED: Vivek Ramaswamy and Usha Vance – Patriots for Truth
Wow good article Basehound! What a find. Not surprising— I never trusted Vance or Ramaswampy
A little more Vivek to throw in the mix.
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow Vivek Ramaswamy’s Roivant Sciences Develops Clinical Stage Antibody to Prevent and Treat Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Patients with COVID-19 – Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
Vivek Ramaswamy, his fake World Economic Forum lawsuit-settlement, and full details of the big pharma racket that made his family millions - The COVID Blog®
I agree I don’t trust either. Vivek I thought was to polished and to much of a fast talker. I was poking around one day looking at Vance stuff and his Theil connections. I found the business info below. Then when I saw the cousin article it made sense about the business connections.
This connects Vance to Vivek Ramaswamy and Peter Thiel. It has to do with medi-care. I wonder if Vance in senate has disclosed this when voting on anything to do with medi-care especially funding. Wonder if this investment get anything from the fed medi-care budget?
Odd it is an .org, (ngo?). Tax reporting is far different than if a company, nice🙄
21 Sept 2021
Chapter Announces $17 Million Series A Round, led by Narya Capital and Peter Thiel
“Chapter was founded by Cobi Blumenfeld-Gantz, Corey Metzman, and Vivek Ramaswamy.”
Free Guidance from Licensed Medicare Advisors - Chapter
But what does it mean to become "MAGA"? Does it mean you are now a servile follower of Trump who may well be deep state, given his continued questionable appointments?
thank you, Celia. so important to keep this in mind. nothing here surprises me and yet it continues to make me sick to my stomach.
Pilgrims are a front for - drum roll, ta da da da, you flippin' well guessed it, brother - our old pals, the ROTHSCHILDS! Who da flip else?:).