The pre-Socratic Greeks new the heart was the repository and essence of human consciousness. Not the brain. The brain is a sort of translating organ that translates our higher consciousness to this three dimensional realm. And in so doing it leaves us confused and half aware at best.

You are an extraordinary soul, Ms. Farber. Thank you for bringing light to the world.

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I loved the poem "The Chapel of the Heart"--so beautiful and timely--thank you. You all may have read or heard of this book already-- its called "The Emotion Code" by Bradley Nelson. Its a facinating read and teaches how we can clear the energetic walls that many of us carry around our hearts. I truly believe none of the emotional clearing work would even be possible without the atonement of Jesus Christ. He's there ready to carry those heavy, painful experiences and emotions for us when we're ready to give them to Him. He takes them and turn them into something beautiful.

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Dear beautiful Celia, I am moved by your sensitivity and grateful for the words we can all heed: I’m approaching my heart like a stranger I once knew, and trusting it.

Thank you for allowing us into that sacred inner space.....it's a rare privilege. Love, Renee

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Lovely article, poems, and photos. Happy Spring. NY is re-birthing.

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This is one of the most beautiful posts I’ve ever read. In this essay, I feel at home. I would read a book of these essays. “If we were able to hear our hearts, what might we hear, and following that, what might we dare imagine, however small?” Thank you Celia.

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Thank you. Beautiful.

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Nice thoughts, rhyme, Selena.

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Missed all this as yesterday was a driving day... Having gone through a serious "heart procedure" almost exactly a year ago, I hear you & hear "it"—my heart! The figure of the donkey or the horse—the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish has a very moving poem about being uprooted in 1948, fleeing as a child, & this question, addressed to the adults: "Why did you leave the horse alone?" And my friend Faraj Bayrakdar, Syrian poet who was incarcerated & tortured for 12+ years, when asked what his relationship to his body was like during torture, answered: "At moments, I would feel that the entity that was the most empathetic with me, the most intimate towards me, the most defensive of me, was my body. Luckily, my body never abandoned me, and consequently, periods of time passed in which I began to commiserate with it and apologize to it. In a way, I am also responsible for its torment. My love for my body was great, especially in the initial period of interrogation. It is my most loyal friend, and even while it complains to me sometimes, not to weaken or abandon me, but so that I commiserate with it—I felt towards it like the way Antara felt towards his horse." [legendary pre-Islamic warrior-poet].

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Good stuff, Celia. And Dr. Sheldrake has got it right about Morphic Resonance. IMO, morphic resonance is a substrate of Consciousness.

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Selena knows the allure of being alone and not having to please anyone. We will not be happy until we do not care what others think of us, and most people have two existences but show only one side to those they want to please and be accepted by.

The two existences are the fake existence and the real existence. We need to trash the fake existence and stop wasting time and energy on trying to pretend we are someone and something we are not.

The one who cares most about me once told me "You are a terrible man" to which I agreed but she then said, "but I still cherish you." Oxymoron? Not really.

Our own worst enemy is ourself, and the way to be happy is to not make ourselves slaves to what others think of us. It is an exercise in futility anyway. For people will think of you the way they want to and it does not matter if they are right or wrong.

All around us are lies and liars. Corruption and self serving greed. Avarice.

Insanity rules

T'is the bane of fools

But wrong or right

They want to fight

And condemn us all

But they will fall

Their vanity vile

The stench of bile,

But they never see

Save through dim eyes

All these I despise

And so should you

For there are few

Whose game is intense

And also immense

Who love the Truth

But in their youth

Embraced it tightly

The ones so rightly

Seen what goes on

From dusk to dawn

In the heart of mankind

I want to remind

All that will hear

And have no fear

To do what is right

Just stand and fight.

I am not a preacher but I have learned wisdom from scriptures about me, we, mankind, mostly blind. All is never as it meets the eye.

"And God looked and saw that the imaginations of man were on evil continually and it grieved God He had made man." "There are none righteous no not one." So when I read those plus many more I know He is speaking of me.

But I cannot in my mind think of two women here and others as well, but these two especially who I could but consider what I call "real women." They are Celia and Dr. J. (Dr Jessica Rose)

There are some in my life as friends and some as close friends "sans" romance but that I consider far better than I. Why is that?

It is because it is true. I read some blips from another woman (Ant Com) that were fabulous telling it like it was and she referred to "cowardly Christians" and she was right.

I can merely look around at people I know and friends and see them as better than I am. It is good to embrace the Truth before it kicks your ass in the reality it is because of pride we fall.

Understand that two people can be as one in mind and soul and spirit and meld into each the other making a dual escape alone. Selena may or may not have considered that but I dare say some of the most magic moments I ever spent was with one woman in particular in out of the way places where there were none anywhere near us. It was not romantic interlude moments but a meeting of the minds twixt two aware of the hurt, pain and struggles of each the other that created a euphoria of understanding dopamines cannot even approach unto.

I have spent my fair share of being alone in my earlier years and what Selena refers to in her words is real, and genuinely peaceful and even euphoric.

But of course we all realize that when we are alone at least we are in good company.

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Hearing Things

I hear voices

I believe

repeating voices

repeating voices

in good faith


as gunfire

triggered in

support of


giving voice

to lies

or truths

who can tell


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Sorry for all of the typos--I need to start wearing glasses when I type on my phone:)

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Did everyone see that The NY Times just ran its first-ever "vaccine injury story?"

I, for one, was not impressed.


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Apr 28Edited

While I was sorta half dozing off to familiar observations by Greg B. the polarities of ordinary life started fading into a dreamscape play that's as old as humankind, maybe older. I believe part of the reason for The Truth Barrier community is that most of us feel like we're caught up in an unavoidable drama where even giving written and spoken expression is better than remaining quiet. One might even call that voice the tyranny of the soul because we act as though we can't not do it. The mention of Don Quixote's horse and his hero as fool as tragic hero self is a metaphor for a temporal world that is yielding to the time as avenger or is it time as an equalizer known as eternity. In such a stage the reasons for all acts, large and small, good and bad will, although not in our lifetimes, eventually and paradoxically make sense. A hundred years from now none of this will matter. And yet I must pick up my sword and fight what I perceive to be the enemy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJB0nCv0qxk

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Apr 28Edited

Re the pigeon, he brought her tulips but she wanted roses. What's a pigeon to do! I saw in the yard today a large tom turkey displaying in full regalia get snubbed by a disinterested female. And our finch pairs who last year had two broods atop a corner pillar of our porch, after an initial visit, did not return to nest this year. These are difficult times, for birds too.

I'll watch some Greg Braden today. Maybe he has some answers.

Thank you for the poem.

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Great job in yesterday's meeting. 12+ meeting, wow!

I stuck around until 0100 here, which was 1900 EDT. I went to take a nap, and left the meeting running while half-asleep.

I got up three times to see what was happening. Ralp, Anna and Sam keeping' it real all evening. Big thanks all three of you!

I learned to pronounce Shioban, which I would phonetically describe as "shee-von'" but the letter "von" sounds like the name "Vaughn." I also learned that it's an Irish name, not just an internet moniker as I thought initially.

I will never understand the high variability of English and Gaulish consonants! (I think they write it wrong on purpose to confuse everyone and add to the mistery.)

I think I heard Celia's voice when she came back, but I don't know the hour (maybe 2300 EDT?)

It was great a meeting!

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