I find it interesting how the European leaders have reacted to this. Do the European citizens also feel this way? It's been three years since the American people were lied to and propagandized relentlessly about Ukraine, and the Russian "special military operation". Thankfully, many of us knew the real reasons Russia was forced to act. And we knew the real reason the US deep state supported Ukraine with billions of our dollars, and we knew where most of it went.

Zelensky was arrogant and disrespectful, and received a magnificent smackdown from the double-team of Trump/Vance. I loved it immensely.

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Almost all the European leaders are just like Biden & Harris & the DemonRat party, all owned by the Malthusian Globalitarian Misanthropic Psychos in the Davos/Geneva/London Bankster cult.

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Trump is owned by them too.

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Ah, another 5D chess guy. To which I say, well we can play 6D chess and say the ruling cult is promoting the notion that Trump is really their guy, like you are claiming, in order to discredit him. Corollary: you could be working for the cult.

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Unfortunately many EU and UK citizens still listen to and read their mainstream media (BBC, Telegraph, Guardian, etc). I know traditional liberals (not extreme progressive woke types) and even people who describe themselves as right-right conservatives (not moderate conservatives) … who have been trained to HATE Trump, Musk, and now Vance so much, that they believe this Trump bullied Zelenskyy BS.

The only traditional liberals / moderates / conservatives from the EU or UK that I have witnessed who see the opposite are the ones on X and or Substack.

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Yes, the “bien pensant” euro elites are all pro Ukraine war, but if you talk to taxi drivers, shopkeepers, hotel workers, more ordinary citizens, there was a lot of grumbling for a few years, if only for the price of heat.

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Europe has too much invested in it to admit wrongdoing.

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Don't you think it could have been staged to give us all an excuse to continue the war, and the money?

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If it were staged, it would be to give us the excuse and reason to end the puppet government of Ukraine, and end the money laundering, imo.

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here's how Romania feels. EU puppets should be running for their bunkers


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We also know the "real" reasons are even more sinister than we imagine... However, these atrocities have been happening for millenia although many assume it ended back in Biblical times.

The European and US citizens feel what the media manipulates them to feel and it makes me mad. It seems like yesterday everyone was standing with Ukraine.

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As a Scot and therefore a European, I despair. I need to keep my trap shut in this stupid environment. But Zelensky fully deserved his humiliation. He continuously spoke over Trump, though I suspect he was very amped up. Tucker Carlson's interview with civil rights attorney Robert Amsterdam, no friend of Putin, blows the lid on what a nasty piece of work Z is or has become.

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Zelensky was a puppet of the US deep state regime, installed by the Maidan Revolution in 2014. The neo-con warmongers expected an all out war with Russia.

I have some Scottish ancestry, and I am very concerned about the state of things there, from what I have heard.

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Hear ya, it was an all staged event with the ever-changing Trump....Period

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Z is a sick guy, neither to be dealt with nor counted upon...The White House performance was out of it, totally.

The mark on president Trumps hand seems to come from the kind of needle when testing the blood, common measure.

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Yes, I heard that interview with Tucker talking to Robert Amsterdam. It was pretty revealing to hear how Zelenskyy and his ilk have arrested, detained and possibly assassinated many Eastern Orhodox pastors in Ukraine during all of this conflict.

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I think Trump lost his usual cool because he probably couldn't even believe the stupidity and defensiveness combo that Zelenskyy presented. I couldn't! I mean, even if you're right (which Z is not), don't be an ungrateful boor, don't talk over the others, wait until your chance to speak. These guys were not acting like statesmen - but Z was the worst. If you watch Putin, no matter how insulting his opposition, he sits quietly and waits for his chance to speak. Then he addresses all of the items. This is how someone with restraint and intelligence behaves, especially in high-stakes situations. Zelenskyy was never ready for prime time. Just a porn comedy puppet.

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I don't care much if Trump's scolding of the brownie Zelensky was staged or "real.". Everything in politics is as prepared as the piano of John Cage.

For me, it's very important to end this massacre. I'm tired that many young, innocent people are sent to the meat grinder because of the evil Austrian, Belgian, German and French politicians, just to name a few of the worst demons in this play.

All those older journos from hell who love war so much should go to any battlefield of the world and get blown up to smithereens. No one will ever cry for them, anymore than people cry for the death of a rat crushed by a garbage truck.

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Excellent reporting in volatile times, adding crucial context as always - thank you so much, Celia!🙏🏻♥️

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Driving that train, high on cocaine, Casey Zelensky you better watch your speed. 🎵 🎵

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The Ukraine Proxy War can be defined by: 1) Hundreds of Billions of U.S. Taxpayer money wasted/stolen. 2) Over a Million dead Ukrainians and Russians. This madness needs to stop! Trump tried to stop it but, the EU, NATO and the DS (using Zelensky as their puppet), want the Madness to continue. Visits this week by Macron, Starmer and Zalensky made that quite clear. Trump holds the “Cards” (U.S. Taxpayer funds) and tried to end the Madness the easy way but, Ukraine Proxy War Cabal has chosen the hard way.

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The people of the USA "need" alignment with the EU like a drowning man needs a ball and chain. When the EU and their bullhorn mouthpieces vent their hysteria over what we are doing, because it doesn't support their values or goals... that is PRECISELY where we need to be as a country.

The USA did not break free from the tyranny of the UK in order to become more like Europe. Their ways of life are what resulted in WW1 and WW2, now dangerously hurtling towards WW3. Their idea of "the free world" is a farce. They send people to jail over posts that insult politicians or go against the abject insanity of their tyrannical governance.

They flood their own countries with people that share none of their own values. Well, except for one, you guessed it, the United States of America. We are the one dissimilar way of life that they won't have! That is precisely because our brand of actual freedom puts their farcical pseudo-freedom bare in its hideous betrayal of humanity and decency.

Ask the EU lovers of diversity why it is that they won't help foreign countries become places that their own citizens do not want to flee!! While simultaneously importing the same barbarism into EU countries that have been rampantly destroying their own way of life.

It is utterly disgusting to watch the EU and their insistence on nihilism burning their own houses to the ground. We don't want and surely don't need to have any part of their suicide pact. If they must destroy themselves, we cannot allow the USA to support it.

Indeed, the cancer that has been festering in the USA has been the deep state establishment that has not only been a participant of the EU insanity but has been robbing taxpayers to fund it! We want a refund!! We want no part of it. Let them self-immolate on their own dime!

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And the only thing worse than the City of London is the demon ‘King’ himself. There are no European leaders, or they would have stopped this ridiculous charnel house a long time ago. They are all sitting around a table stuffed with the fruits of their largesse staring at each-other wondering what to do now that their bank account with the US is closed. Let them all eat cake.

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You are seriously “hitting it out of the park” these days Girl!

This had me seriously chuckling! So grateful to support you and your Substack.

“Pro-War Euro-Media filled with similar synchronized indignation, out of all context, like hysterical women whose wigs were pulled off in the market square.”

PS: listened to your interview with James Howard Kuntsler this week. It was great. I highly recommend all Truth Barrier ‘subscribers’ to take a listen!


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New EO: Drug test every person meeting with Trump and Vance.

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I too found Daryl Cooper's remarks about Churchill fascinating. His position accounts for a lot of serious question marks I had about Churchill. Galliopi for one. Yalta for another. And there are more. How does someone as notorious of a drunkard as Churchill actually command a war?

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Competent military and government bureaucracy

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I am English and have long thought of Churchill as a warmonger - I can’t separate the two words in my head. I believe he was blackmailed/bribed by the powers that be as he was a stupid gambler and so was heavily in debt, as well as being a drunk, of course. During the 1920s, as Home Secretary, he ordered the army to open fire on striking miners, so…One of the evil ones, but not part of the inner circle, in my opinion, being a drunken gambler.

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…so they threw their puppet under the bus…like they’ll do with Fauci next.

It’s called the “Cuomo Effect” - use em and theatrically discard them.

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WW3 was the plan of the US Deep State, CIA, Obama, & Susan Rice, et al, GB, EU and all WEF graduates. The COVID scam was a huge failure A world war was their next ploy to bring humanity into submission under the Globalist's One World Order. Thankfully, Trump continues to be their plot buster.

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Covid was a ginormous success. 99% fell for it hook line and sinker and lined up to be tested and then jabbed multiple times.

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On a global scale , jabs were nowhere near 99%. The failure part is that the world is aware of the globalist effort to depopulate the planet using mRNA jabs. People woke up. The WEF-WHO boondoggle failed

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I disagree. Most people are not aware of anything. They think the virus and pandemic was real, and that the vaccines work and were necessary. And 95% of people have no clue about the WHO or WEF, and indeed these puppet agencies are just fronts controlled by the cabal. And that's why nothing will change. The agenda moves forward.

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Two important points about Ukraine to know and remember. Zelenskyy ran for president as a peace candidate. He said he would end the civil war that had been raging in the Donbas. And, the ethnic Russian population in the Donbas petitioned the Russia parliament to intervene to stop the harassment from Kiev. The Russian Parliament voted to force Putin to "invade." True facts. Look it up.

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Thanks so much for going back through the earlier peace talks, and how Boris Johnson scuttled the 2022 agreement. I wasn't paying attention to the Ukraine war then so I missed all that. Well, it's going to be something to watch the EU and UK and Ukraine scramble to...what? To force the US and Russia into war? Not happening. We live in interesting times, indeed.

Shakespear, amazing words! Beautiful comparison. Who could possibly want this war to continue?

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