…And "Culture" in Virtually All Countries. It Was Called The "Inauguration Of Organized Political Warfare," With The Stated Goal Of Defending "Democracy." More Extensive Than Most Of Us Ever Realized
I think it's important to understand a few things about this:
1) This "deep state" is larger than the CIA - the CIA is simply its hook into the American government structure
2) This thing is the tool of the ruling oligarchy which is relatively easily traced back to Rome and probably at least as far back as ancient Babylon
3) Mike Benz (and Tucker Carlson and Vivek...and so on) are members of this thing, but they aren't all following orders, or at least not following orders from the same group - in other words, it's not a monolith and there are definitely factions that become more apparent at certain times than at others
4) We are witnessing a large revolt of several of these factions, the one we see most of is perhaps "American sovereigntist"
5) Although they try to create a reality for all of us to live within, and they certainly have a lot of control over our lives, we remain free if we have principles that at least approximate the natural human principles (not the fake Darwinian "might makes right" nonsense) and we honor those principles
The CIA is a Rockefeller controlled organization. Has been ever since Rockefeller minion Allen Dulles was running it. JFK fired him, rightfully, and then he put together the team that assassinated JFK.
Allen Dulles maps to a group called the Georgetown Set, which were intellectuals in Georgetown who mapped back to City of London, which is the major financial center of the ruling oligarchy.
Interestingly, the Rockefellers and Morgans also map back to City of London...
If Mike Benz is talking about this, as you mentioned, we should ask why and to what end the information is now being propagated. And how reliable is it (wormhole within wormhole within wormhole...)? What does the propagator of this info want to make us feel/believe? Probably that we have no way to evaluate reality. That it's all a CIA-generated mirage/spectacle. This belief, true or not, will make us feel hopeless and adrift. It will make us question our judgments and perceptions. It might make us more eager for external "safety" assurances like, say, identity verification online or supposedly unhackable digital ID/currency. It will definitely make us feel unstable, which naturally leads to a yearning for stability. And who might provide that? I'm sure Mike Benz has some ideas.
This information has been available for years if you were tuned in to certain groups. John Birch society for one. I think you're hearing more of it now due to the new media available to us and more people questioning.
Indeed it has been available. One can educate oneself about our IC's violent history by perusing both CIA and FBI vaults - available for free on the web.
Agreed, but I find myself exploring the idea that … if you suddenly wake up and realize that some operation has contrived your whole reality, that only a small minority can perceive it all as fiction, and that this operation is now revealing itself to you through appointed spokespeople and fake dissenters, right after what might be its most impactful maneuver with the injectables… what is the proper response to that? What is this thing now trying to achieve? Is it 100% hostile? Reminds me of a nurse one time who told me that sometimes her patients would faint while she was drawing their blood, and the men particularly were prone to react violently when they regained consciousness, just blindly flailing at her, some primitive instinct activated. I refuse to be certain, especially certainly hostile, to something I am only beginning to understand. If this thing has owned me all this time, I will steadfastly reserve judgment and maintain an open mind about where it is taking me.
I believe Truman later regretted starting the CIA. It was supposed to be an intelligence gathering organization, but it morphed into an out-of-control murderous monster that killed one sitting President and tried to kill another Presidential candidate, not to speak of the horrors it wrought all across Latin America, the Middle East, and southeast Asia. Murders, wars, assassinations, torture, all under the guise of "spreading democracy". It would be laughable, hysterically funny, were it not for the unspeakable amount of suffering and death it leaves in its wake.
Thanks! I didn't know about his letter to WaPo. Not surprised about Dulles though. It's likely he was involved in JFK's murder, maybe even the ringleader. You probably know that Dulles was CIA director and JFK fired him because of CIA's involvement in the Bay of Pigs debacle. And you probably also know who LBJ appointed to head up the Warren Commission to "investigate" JFK's murder: the very same Allen Dulles.
According to the well researched book called 'Gray Wolf" about the escape of Hitler and other SS officers. Dulles was involved in Switzerland making the deals with the SS Officers when the Allies were closing in on Germany. Dulles made the deal to help Hitler escape in exchange for the gold and hidden artifacts in the caves. Once you see through all the lies and configurations of "facts " you can see how 9-11 was an inside job, Pearl Harbor, Bay of Pigs, and all the assassinations all insider jobs using the CIA.
JFK was secretly working with Castro and Russia. He's responsible for the massacre of Cubans at the Bay of Pigs. The Kennedy clan continued their friendship with Fidel until the day he died. RFK Jr.'s mother named her dog Che, after Che Guevara- she loved the Communist mass murderer. RFK Jr. used his tight relationship with Fidel when his Botox Barbie was thrown into a Cuban jail for refusing to pay a Cuban woman for braiding her hair - Cheryl was released after El Comandante got involved. I published the data.
A Cuban dissenter was present at JFK's assassination, he was mentioned during a Tucker Carlson interview. He's also mentioned in some very old JFK assassination documentaries. It has been mentioned that the Cuban killed JFK in retaliation for his massacre at Bay of Pigs, where many brave Cubans died. I will publish that data when I have time.
Many Americans don't know about the cozy relationship that JFK Jr. and RFK Jr. had with Fidel. It's no surprise that since the Communist pig hijacked the Trump campaign, Trump has floated the idea of pulling an Obama with Cuba. Trump is an idiot for allowing the self serving Communist pig to infest his campaign and his Administration.
what a load of BS! You have sources for all this, right?
JFK told Dulles not to invade Cuba, Dulles did it anyway, thinking that JFK would have to support it with US troops. JFK was furious when Dulles told him what he'd done and fired Dulles on the spot.
Cuban missile crisis: What most people don't know is that JFK made a deal with Khrushchev. He said, you remove your missiles from Cuba and we will remove our missiles from Turkey. But our media didn't report that until 3 decades later. Media and government wanted everyone to believe that we had stared down Khrushchev and Khrushchev blinked. JFK was working towards a more peaceful world. But people like you think he was a "communist"!
Khrushchev was beginning to trust JFK, beginning to believe we could have a more peaceful world. When JFK was murdered by CIA goons and Khrushchev heard the news of the murder, he wept.
JFK had a secret relationship with Fidel Castro. That's a fact.
The Kennedys are Communist pigs, as my research has proven that RFK Jr. and his mother continued the Kennedy love affair with Fidel Castro. Those are facts.
no, the CIA, and the Cubans plotted this assassination on Fidel, and when Kennedy was asked to OK it, he refused. It is those Cubans and the CIA with help from the mob that assassinated our President.
What assassination on Fidel? If the CIA wanted to kill him, they would've succeeded. Fidel's bodyguard, before he was murdered, had publicly stated that the "CIA assassination attempts" were grossly exaggerated. It helped the marketing scheme in the US - a Communist mass murderer was seen as a hero for surviving "hundreds of CIA assassination attempts" - Americans are still repeating the exaggerations.
The CIA has been shipping weapons to Fidel for decades - It's an open secret within my community. We know which CIA agents were involved - some of them are from my hood. It's always amusing to read propaganda about Castro, it doesn't get old.
It's a fact that JFK had a secret relationship with Fidel. JFK Jr. and RFK Jr. continued that love affair with Castro. It's publicly available data, I have it in my database.
Does anybody still buy this “communist” stuff? Lol. Speaking from this bastion of Jeffersonian liberty that is the Masonic States of Hades. Get real dude. All that jazz was always a lie. There are many ways to take a man’s freedom, including making him beg for at will employment so he can scratch out a meager existence while equity sucks his blood and eventually discards his corpse for the next victim.
H.P. Albarelli's 800-page tome on the CIA, starting with the murder of Frank Olsen, is amazing. I haven't finished it, but it is heavily foot-noted and indexed and mindblowing. It's incredible what is out there, published for all to see, and yet most people don't know, or refuse to know. I got my schooling from reading the people who have written about false flags, psyops, etc. in detail, like David McGowan (God rest his soul), and myriad others. It's been a 24 year education. I knew the second 9/11 happened it was something the neocons pulled. I don't know why I knew, and why others didn't.
well researched books called "Dead Wrong" and the "JFK Assassination" by 2 NY reporters gives all the evidence and proves we have been lied to for 100 years all goes back to the Central Bankers, the Rothschilds, and our own oligarchs, Rockefeller, JP Morgan and others esp in 1913 illegally with Pres Wilson pushed through an illegal and unconstitutional bill to create the Fed, a Ponzi scheme.
My big “awakening” came with 911 because “SCIENCE”!! Steel does not collapse and disappear by crashing a plane into it!! And the Oklahoma bombing! And so many school shootings..starting with Sandy Hook..I started keeping my thoughts private realizing phycological warfare was involved! I exited FB after I was flagged for posting a Picture of the Band “The Cure” as the solution for COVID! [MISSINFORMATION!!] Big red Flag!! So glad some people are waking up but the Cognitive Dissonance is still strong unfortunately…Nobody has a sense of humor anymore!😔
Once you are able to see the demons for what they are you can move to the next level.
Whitney Webb has done some very interesting research on this topic, suggesting that after the end of WWII crime syndicates merged with the US Government, and have since spread like a cancer across the globe. Whenever one reads about some atrocious crimes, often in the name of "democracy" or "values," it helps to think of the government perpetrator as a global crime syndicate, to better understand what it taking place and why.
This is also why I am so tired of people using the term "elites," as if they were some benevolent force for good. They are not. They are criminals, they are conmen (and women), they are professional grifters, and much more.
I agree. There needs to be a new word, or use of one we aren't sure of, to rename "elites". One thing is true of the word used, they are elite in the use of evil.
The CIA is totally fraudulent. It was actually created by the Rockefellers to further the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations for total world military domination behind which was the Rockefeller banking system spreading their tentacles across the entire globe. All part and parcel of the same conspiracy. Of course these were the ones who took out JFK and have run the US since then. Under Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton, the Jewish Neocons stepped in to capture the system for their own purposes of Zionist world conquest. It's all in my book,
Haven't watched yet, but Thomas Merton himself (cited in the quotes) has always been a fascinating, intriguing figure to me. For WHATEVER reason(s), I believe he was murdered at age 53 in Thailand (even reading the basic Wikipedia account makes you suspicious). The "unspeakable" possibly took care of him five years after JFK and the same year as RFK and King. He was surly brilliant. Maybe he was one of "Them" who was subsequently seen as a threat, or an unacceptable symbol from the beginning. This has probably been discussed/debated. Regardless, his death seems suspicious.
I agree with those who question the timing of the Benz video release now and question Benz's context itself. Now -- just as the Middle East gets obliterated by "chosen" forces all over the place. Now -- just as the "messiah" (backed by Benz, Tucker, Alex, and their ilk) gets ready to assume office. Now -- sorry to be "retropolitical," as all this information has been previously and meticulously researched by people on the "left" and "right" before Tucker Carlson was born ("leftist" Peter Dale Scott was one of the first to coin the term "Deep State") -- as mega millionaires and billionaires and some of the world's richest people who help control the "Deep State" con the masses into believing they're "rebels" against the "Deep State."
And, yes, as others have commented, most if not all of this information has been available for years. I'd already known a good deal of it through reading and watching independent sites since 2014.
I do not consider the CIA the instigators. I consider them the bag men. It seems to me they carry out their clandestine operations at the behest of the very powerful. And, of course, the military.
I have a feeling that this new revelation of CIA manueverings might be a misdirection and attention grabber while all the middle east shananigans erupt and continue, and of course to divert ANY attention from the lies and murder of the past four plus years.
Even RFK Jrs admittance that the CIA killed JFK. It all leads us to believe it stops at the CIA. I think it ends with the CIA. I think they are called in to facilitate.
But that's just me. I think the deep state goes far deeper than we imagine.
I don’t think it’s merely about power and projection of power. I think it’s about controlling the nature of reality itself. If this ends anywhere benevolent, which is a stretch I admit, then it ends with people finally letting go of these stock narratives about the world, whether it’s an ancient theology or modern scientism. The man who understands the world the best is the mystic, the psychonaut, the tripper. The core is hollow, and will creates the cascade. All these derivative plots are transitory and ultimately fake. Human consciousness is the creator, the destroyer. If we can liberate it, without terrifying it into violence and retreat into the prison of old narratives, then we can bend this creation toward truth and justice. Hopefully they built this fragile prison to demonstrate to us that ALL of the stories are ultimately prisons.
I think the timing is due to people finally waking up and access. Yes, the info has been there but people are listening now; Mike Benz' main focus is on disinformation. He just did a 3 hour show on Joe Rogan. He is a frequent guest on all the shows on Real America's Voice, his website is https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/, "Protecting Americans From Internet Censorship
Foundation For Freedom Online (FFO) is a free speech watchdog dedicated to restoring the promise of a free and open Internet."
I think he is one of the good guys. He seems to tie things together and serves as a modern day truth teller of concerns re: cyber and internet, i.e. how celections are stolen, AI...
Haven't listened yet. Not sure I need or want to. But color me skeptical.
As you allude to, my first reaction is, "Who is 'Mike Benz' and why should we listen to him?"
I've only glimpsed the name on social media very recently, but the topic never caught my interest.
And, is this the narrative that "they" want us to absorb now, to the exclusion of any other?
To demoralize us all and think we have no agency at all. That "all we are doing is useless" is not at all useful to me.
Am always wary of people who literally come out of the woodwork to provide the world with "breaking" news and "earthshaking" information. Just like pro-vax Geert Vanden Bossche whose videos literally showed up suddenly in my YT feed a few years ago, spreading his doomsday warnings about CV vaxxes - but was still working in phrma and still pro-vax.
I am convinced see eye ay is behind all the destabilizing events in the world post-WWII - including all those "color revolutions," starting with the one that befell my old homeland in 1986- "People Power / Yellow Revolution" which was obviously see eye ay instigated, and resembles too much the situation in Syria with Assad.
But WHO is truly behind them all, within this See Eye Ay organization, and what is the wider agenda? Why?
Just another psychological operation, it seems to me.
Just like the "UnitedHC CEO shooting"--
One: was it an actual killing? Why was there instant propagation of those video clips of the alleged "shooting"? Wasn't the CEO under investigation for fraud or something by the DOJ?
Two: was the cynical reaction of supposed "general public" actually organic, or was it planted in MSM (NYT) and social media so that others would glom onto it and "follow the leader"? The expressed opinions only highlighted the dismal state of "health/disease care" and "health insurance" in this country today, but nothing is changed or will change for the better. Not a popular stance to take, but my final opinion on that incident remains uncertain and a tad skeptical.
I felt the exact same way about the United "actual killing?"
I did not think from the start it had anything to do with an irate United customer. I just stopped reading or listening to news about it. If he was murdered it is tragic. But the whole thing was odd.
But please pardon me my arrogant-sounding opinion here, from one with a necessarily limited and skewed perspective on so many things today and in history.
Started down the rabbit hole with Corbett, Fitts, Last American Vagabond in 2014.
Then 2020 hit and I feel like I've been tsunami-rushed through about a million others.
I trust just about nothing now.
But you know, it's OK. It's sad, but it's OK.
Back in 2016/17 I listened to college lecture series by Attny Dan Sheehan called "The Trajectory of Truth - 8 Cases that changed America" Oh my heavens, did that sit me up straight.
Sheehan litigated Black Panthers, Attica, Pentagon Papers, Karen Silkwood, Watergate and Iran Contra. His stories are thoroughly amazing.
I watched the series twice. His mind is a steel trap.
I came away knowing without a doubt how the world works.
He said at one point in the lecture series to these college kids that his wife was concerned that he was disillusioning them with the truth of these cases.
He made the point that by DISillusioning he was illusioning. That is exactly how I feel.
The series is still on youtube. University of Santa Cruz. It was better than a netflix series.
Key to keep in back of mind is the hippocampus shrinkage properties of a (in1998),comparitively non contagious ,except among immuno compromised - S1 canine spike protein , chosen by DARPA in 1998 to become weaponised sars1 by 2002-2003.
For the rest...
Spot on,relationship between truth and friendship has just united old enemies,very positively ...
Case in point.While Ed Hooper queries CF's '(not) out of Africa' support of Doesberg in 2000 edition of 'The River ' ,in chptr 10 ,note 94 ,up to note 99,for disputing dates of epidemics ,Oral Polio Vaxxine & putative eventual related AIDS in africa-
Ed Hooper is NOW very much in agreement - with CF's 'vibrational wavelength'
To the point of dovetailing pretty precisely with ostensibly H5N1 1970 GOF uses in africa for very early Koprowski free substrate experiments there.
Small quote on this widely implicative page
(see url above )
'Weiss announced: “I would not have trusted Koprowski more than I could throw him”. His sudden burst of bravado was made four years after Koprowski died at the age of 96.
But back to the Sorotkin article which, in its conclusion, spells out a simple but rarely-revealed truth. It declares: “The history of gain-of-function research is one of science’s most significant and troubling, especially since the Nuremberg Code, research scientists’ Hippocratic Oath, dictates that experiments that could endanger human life should only occur if the potential humanitarian benefits greatly outweigh the risks.” In Stanleyville risky experiments which fast-tracked the process of evolution were carried out by scientists who were profiting from their ability to carry out last-minute research in colonies which were about to achieve Independence. Koprowski’s group may well have been trying to develop an better polio vaccine. But in reality, it is usually a bad idea if those carrying out such research are highly ambitious scientists who are driven by the lure of profit or fame, and who lack a strong sense of sensible caution or ethical responsibility. What often results from such ego-driven efforts is disaster, denial and attempted cover-up. '
This even more cogent link begging the question why so many NL top HIV specialists (6) were on their way to Sydney intl HIV conference on MH-17 ,shot down over east ukraine -and ostensible precise relationship to Baric ,Dazak ,and the F word.
If someone breathed 'DARPA' ,from 2014 ,as EHooper does- he is only 'out' 299.7billion dollars -examining patent 7279327 backdated by Baric/Dazak in ,apparently 2018- to NIH 19 april 2002- but it seems ,questionably ,to go back to 1998 -,ostensibly patent 6372224 ,with all thanks to the famed 'red pill' patent corrolation of D .....
The 'smoking gun ' link is Moore's 2004 paper aerosolised sars1 IS sarscov2,where Ron Fouchier (Bloomberg 2010 has interview where RF dates beginning of certainty of aerosolisation as from 2002 ,to 2009)
RF claims sole responsibility in mink aerosolisation -at what was then a BSL2 in NL ( just down the road) -of a canine S1 spike protein DARPA - project grants funded to Pfizer -since 1998
CIA is only a tool. Much like a drill or saw or nailer for building a house. Just like all the premier intelligence agencies of the world. So it's just like telling you it was used in the construction of this building or that building but they are not allowing you to see the building that is being built or even who the builder is, or the architect. A lot of this info was already on the internet so really nothing new. How about who is the world leading intelligence agency at the top of hierarchical form? I believe they even have a flag of their state that is actually a pentagram(the only one in the world by the way) Look up satanic flags and Talmudic Judaism( Based on the Babylonian Talmud, not the Old Testament. '13 Pieces of the Puzzle' by James Perloff goes into great detail). Very interesting.
Control system, shadow government. Could have told you. Other commenters here offer good perspective; this video does not. The CIA did not materialize out of nothing. Our country's history followed neither the traditional narrative nor the "new" cultural Marxist one. All makes sense, unfortunately, when actual history is at least partially understood.
There were so many red flags in this presentation, the venue being one of them. I listened to a portion of it, but could not continue. It was so obvious what the presenter was up to, and also my family had, in the late 1940s, a few years before I was born, been sucked into what he describes. It was too much.
There is hope. We cannot overcome our circumstances -- we are in deep, deep trouble -- but there is One who has overcome the world.
1. They have a new system ready. The old system is almost dead. It's time euthanize it.
2. The best way to keep a very important truth well protected is to reveal it to the denizens of the fringes. 99% of the normies are perfectly conditioned to not listen to anything coming from weird people.
3. The state corrupts everything. The system global rule by spies has also been corrupt. They are losing control and have nothing prepared. There will be a period of years of confusion and disorder, and it's unpredictable what will come after that. They reveal it to warn the prisoners they will have to live outside the institution, whether they like it or not.
How can the collapse come?
Energy production and distribution.
All we call civilization depends on burning hydrocarbons.
When we lose the internal combustion engine, we lose all the good and all the bad.
We are entering in a nationalistic era. I'm seeing hard leftists becoming right wing nationalists in active politics. It's easy to identify them: they worship the State above anything else. But they are chameleons. The other nationalists will be surprised. They will say "This is not real nationalism". Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. In the nationalistic decades to come, people will waste a lot of time trying to save their nations by using the same poison that is killing them.
[ The best way to keep a very important truth well protected is to reveal it to the denizens of the fringes. 99% of the normies are perfectly conditioned to not listen to anything coming from weird people.]
I think it's important to understand a few things about this:
1) This "deep state" is larger than the CIA - the CIA is simply its hook into the American government structure
2) This thing is the tool of the ruling oligarchy which is relatively easily traced back to Rome and probably at least as far back as ancient Babylon
3) Mike Benz (and Tucker Carlson and Vivek...and so on) are members of this thing, but they aren't all following orders, or at least not following orders from the same group - in other words, it's not a monolith and there are definitely factions that become more apparent at certain times than at others
4) We are witnessing a large revolt of several of these factions, the one we see most of is perhaps "American sovereigntist"
5) Although they try to create a reality for all of us to live within, and they certainly have a lot of control over our lives, we remain free if we have principles that at least approximate the natural human principles (not the fake Darwinian "might makes right" nonsense) and we honor those principles
The CIA is a Rockefeller controlled organization. Has been ever since Rockefeller minion Allen Dulles was running it. JFK fired him, rightfully, and then he put together the team that assassinated JFK.
Allen Dulles maps to a group called the Georgetown Set, which were intellectuals in Georgetown who mapped back to City of London, which is the major financial center of the ruling oligarchy.
Interestingly, the Rockefellers and Morgans also map back to City of London...
all owners of the Federal Reserve.
...and the City of London is controlled by?
Sounds about right.
That is pure distraction.
The CIA is NOT controlled by the Rockerfellas.
Rockefeller crime syndicate. Read F. William Engdahl, he documents that fact pretty thoroughly.
Rockerfellas are OWNED Kosher Nostra.
They are the dominant Crime Syndicate of the U$A.
...and the CIA is 95%+ Jewish/Zionist/Israeli.
So WHO could be the DEEP STATE?
If you're suggesting that "the Jews" are behind all of it, I suggest you have the relationship inverted. Zionism is not a Jewish project.
If Mike Benz is talking about this, as you mentioned, we should ask why and to what end the information is now being propagated. And how reliable is it (wormhole within wormhole within wormhole...)? What does the propagator of this info want to make us feel/believe? Probably that we have no way to evaluate reality. That it's all a CIA-generated mirage/spectacle. This belief, true or not, will make us feel hopeless and adrift. It will make us question our judgments and perceptions. It might make us more eager for external "safety" assurances like, say, identity verification online or supposedly unhackable digital ID/currency. It will definitely make us feel unstable, which naturally leads to a yearning for stability. And who might provide that? I'm sure Mike Benz has some ideas.
This information has been available for years if you were tuned in to certain groups. John Birch society for one. I think you're hearing more of it now due to the new media available to us and more people questioning.
Indeed it has been available. One can educate oneself about our IC's violent history by perusing both CIA and FBI vaults - available for free on the web.
Agreed, but I find myself exploring the idea that … if you suddenly wake up and realize that some operation has contrived your whole reality, that only a small minority can perceive it all as fiction, and that this operation is now revealing itself to you through appointed spokespeople and fake dissenters, right after what might be its most impactful maneuver with the injectables… what is the proper response to that? What is this thing now trying to achieve? Is it 100% hostile? Reminds me of a nurse one time who told me that sometimes her patients would faint while she was drawing their blood, and the men particularly were prone to react violently when they regained consciousness, just blindly flailing at her, some primitive instinct activated. I refuse to be certain, especially certainly hostile, to something I am only beginning to understand. If this thing has owned me all this time, I will steadfastly reserve judgment and maintain an open mind about where it is taking me.
100% correct.
Notice the comments of distraction that "CIA" is NOT.
I believe Truman later regretted starting the CIA. It was supposed to be an intelligence gathering organization, but it morphed into an out-of-control murderous monster that killed one sitting President and tried to kill another Presidential candidate, not to speak of the horrors it wrought all across Latin America, the Middle East, and southeast Asia. Murders, wars, assassinations, torture, all under the guise of "spreading democracy". It would be laughable, hysterically funny, were it not for the unspeakable amount of suffering and death it leaves in its wake.
He wrote a letter about this to the WaPo on 12/22/63. They only ran it in the AM edition, and Dulles then went to visit him in his home to try to convince him to retract it. https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/Unspeakable/TrumanLimitCIA.html
Thanks! I didn't know about his letter to WaPo. Not surprised about Dulles though. It's likely he was involved in JFK's murder, maybe even the ringleader. You probably know that Dulles was CIA director and JFK fired him because of CIA's involvement in the Bay of Pigs debacle. And you probably also know who LBJ appointed to head up the Warren Commission to "investigate" JFK's murder: the very same Allen Dulles.
According to the well researched book called 'Gray Wolf" about the escape of Hitler and other SS officers. Dulles was involved in Switzerland making the deals with the SS Officers when the Allies were closing in on Germany. Dulles made the deal to help Hitler escape in exchange for the gold and hidden artifacts in the caves. Once you see through all the lies and configurations of "facts " you can see how 9-11 was an inside job, Pearl Harbor, Bay of Pigs, and all the assassinations all insider jobs using the CIA.
Thanks for the tip re "Gray Wolf". I just now checked it out from our library.
JFK was secretly working with Castro and Russia. He's responsible for the massacre of Cubans at the Bay of Pigs. The Kennedy clan continued their friendship with Fidel until the day he died. RFK Jr.'s mother named her dog Che, after Che Guevara- she loved the Communist mass murderer. RFK Jr. used his tight relationship with Fidel when his Botox Barbie was thrown into a Cuban jail for refusing to pay a Cuban woman for braiding her hair - Cheryl was released after El Comandante got involved. I published the data.
A Cuban dissenter was present at JFK's assassination, he was mentioned during a Tucker Carlson interview. He's also mentioned in some very old JFK assassination documentaries. It has been mentioned that the Cuban killed JFK in retaliation for his massacre at Bay of Pigs, where many brave Cubans died. I will publish that data when I have time.
Many Americans don't know about the cozy relationship that JFK Jr. and RFK Jr. had with Fidel. It's no surprise that since the Communist pig hijacked the Trump campaign, Trump has floated the idea of pulling an Obama with Cuba. Trump is an idiot for allowing the self serving Communist pig to infest his campaign and his Administration.
what a load of BS! You have sources for all this, right?
JFK told Dulles not to invade Cuba, Dulles did it anyway, thinking that JFK would have to support it with US troops. JFK was furious when Dulles told him what he'd done and fired Dulles on the spot.
Cuban missile crisis: What most people don't know is that JFK made a deal with Khrushchev. He said, you remove your missiles from Cuba and we will remove our missiles from Turkey. But our media didn't report that until 3 decades later. Media and government wanted everyone to believe that we had stared down Khrushchev and Khrushchev blinked. JFK was working towards a more peaceful world. But people like you think he was a "communist"!
Khrushchev was beginning to trust JFK, beginning to believe we could have a more peaceful world. When JFK was murdered by CIA goons and Khrushchev heard the news of the murder, he wept.
JFK had a secret relationship with Fidel Castro. That's a fact.
The Kennedys are Communist pigs, as my research has proven that RFK Jr. and his mother continued the Kennedy love affair with Fidel Castro. Those are facts.
"Those are facts" Well, okay, if you say so it must be true!
('course, if would be a lot more believable if you had links that support what you're saying, but hey, we'll just take your word for it, okay?)
no, the CIA, and the Cubans plotted this assassination on Fidel, and when Kennedy was asked to OK it, he refused. It is those Cubans and the CIA with help from the mob that assassinated our President.
What assassination on Fidel? If the CIA wanted to kill him, they would've succeeded. Fidel's bodyguard, before he was murdered, had publicly stated that the "CIA assassination attempts" were grossly exaggerated. It helped the marketing scheme in the US - a Communist mass murderer was seen as a hero for surviving "hundreds of CIA assassination attempts" - Americans are still repeating the exaggerations.
The CIA has been shipping weapons to Fidel for decades - It's an open secret within my community. We know which CIA agents were involved - some of them are from my hood. It's always amusing to read propaganda about Castro, it doesn't get old.
It's a fact that JFK had a secret relationship with Fidel. JFK Jr. and RFK Jr. continued that love affair with Castro. It's publicly available data, I have it in my database.
The Kosher Nostra.
Does anybody still buy this “communist” stuff? Lol. Speaking from this bastion of Jeffersonian liberty that is the Masonic States of Hades. Get real dude. All that jazz was always a lie. There are many ways to take a man’s freedom, including making him beg for at will employment so he can scratch out a meager existence while equity sucks his blood and eventually discards his corpse for the next victim.
Check your privilege.
Hubris, asshole.
Give it up.
That is crazy and not true.
What's crazy and not true? That JFK had a secret relationship with Castro? He absolutely did.
All true. One giant Truman show.
Interesting that year -- 1947-48.... there was a right to possess a certain land given to a certain group that same time.....
H.P. Albarelli's 800-page tome on the CIA, starting with the murder of Frank Olsen, is amazing. I haven't finished it, but it is heavily foot-noted and indexed and mindblowing. It's incredible what is out there, published for all to see, and yet most people don't know, or refuse to know. I got my schooling from reading the people who have written about false flags, psyops, etc. in detail, like David McGowan (God rest his soul), and myriad others. It's been a 24 year education. I knew the second 9/11 happened it was something the neocons pulled. I don't know why I knew, and why others didn't.
H.P. Albarelli. I will try to read this. Thank you.
Link to it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Terrible-Mistake-Murder-Secret-Experiments/dp/193629608X
Thank you!
well researched books called "Dead Wrong" and the "JFK Assassination" by 2 NY reporters gives all the evidence and proves we have been lied to for 100 years all goes back to the Central Bankers, the Rothschilds, and our own oligarchs, Rockefeller, JP Morgan and others esp in 1913 illegally with Pres Wilson pushed through an illegal and unconstitutional bill to create the Fed, a Ponzi scheme.
Cognitive Dissonance comes to mind when I tried to share information I came across when diving down the Rabbit hole starting in 2021🤦🏼♀️
My big “awakening” came with 911 because “SCIENCE”!! Steel does not collapse and disappear by crashing a plane into it!! And the Oklahoma bombing! And so many school shootings..starting with Sandy Hook..I started keeping my thoughts private realizing phycological warfare was involved! I exited FB after I was flagged for posting a Picture of the Band “The Cure” as the solution for COVID! [MISSINFORMATION!!] Big red Flag!! So glad some people are waking up but the Cognitive Dissonance is still strong unfortunately…Nobody has a sense of humor anymore!😔
You will find a kindred (and brilliant) soul in David McGowan (RIP).
(And yes, he chose that name specifically for the acronym... he was super funny).
Thank You 🥰
Once you are able to see the demons for what they are you can move to the next level.
Whitney Webb has done some very interesting research on this topic, suggesting that after the end of WWII crime syndicates merged with the US Government, and have since spread like a cancer across the globe. Whenever one reads about some atrocious crimes, often in the name of "democracy" or "values," it helps to think of the government perpetrator as a global crime syndicate, to better understand what it taking place and why.
This is also why I am so tired of people using the term "elites," as if they were some benevolent force for good. They are not. They are criminals, they are conmen (and women), they are professional grifters, and much more.
I agree. There needs to be a new word, or use of one we aren't sure of, to rename "elites". One thing is true of the word used, they are elite in the use of evil.
The CIA is totally fraudulent. It was actually created by the Rockefellers to further the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations for total world military domination behind which was the Rockefeller banking system spreading their tentacles across the entire globe. All part and parcel of the same conspiracy. Of course these were the ones who took out JFK and have run the US since then. Under Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton, the Jewish Neocons stepped in to capture the system for their own purposes of Zionist world conquest. It's all in my book,
"Our Country, Then and Now." https://www.amazon.com/Our-Country-Then-Richard-Cook/dp/1949762858
Haven't watched yet, but Thomas Merton himself (cited in the quotes) has always been a fascinating, intriguing figure to me. For WHATEVER reason(s), I believe he was murdered at age 53 in Thailand (even reading the basic Wikipedia account makes you suspicious). The "unspeakable" possibly took care of him five years after JFK and the same year as RFK and King. He was surly brilliant. Maybe he was one of "Them" who was subsequently seen as a threat, or an unacceptable symbol from the beginning. This has probably been discussed/debated. Regardless, his death seems suspicious.
I agree with those who question the timing of the Benz video release now and question Benz's context itself. Now -- just as the Middle East gets obliterated by "chosen" forces all over the place. Now -- just as the "messiah" (backed by Benz, Tucker, Alex, and their ilk) gets ready to assume office. Now -- sorry to be "retropolitical," as all this information has been previously and meticulously researched by people on the "left" and "right" before Tucker Carlson was born ("leftist" Peter Dale Scott was one of the first to coin the term "Deep State") -- as mega millionaires and billionaires and some of the world's richest people who help control the "Deep State" con the masses into believing they're "rebels" against the "Deep State."
I agree with the timing issue. Why now?
And, yes, as others have commented, most if not all of this information has been available for years. I'd already known a good deal of it through reading and watching independent sites since 2014.
I do not consider the CIA the instigators. I consider them the bag men. It seems to me they carry out their clandestine operations at the behest of the very powerful. And, of course, the military.
I have a feeling that this new revelation of CIA manueverings might be a misdirection and attention grabber while all the middle east shananigans erupt and continue, and of course to divert ANY attention from the lies and murder of the past four plus years.
Even RFK Jrs admittance that the CIA killed JFK. It all leads us to believe it stops at the CIA. I think it ends with the CIA. I think they are called in to facilitate.
But that's just me. I think the deep state goes far deeper than we imagine.
I don’t think it’s merely about power and projection of power. I think it’s about controlling the nature of reality itself. If this ends anywhere benevolent, which is a stretch I admit, then it ends with people finally letting go of these stock narratives about the world, whether it’s an ancient theology or modern scientism. The man who understands the world the best is the mystic, the psychonaut, the tripper. The core is hollow, and will creates the cascade. All these derivative plots are transitory and ultimately fake. Human consciousness is the creator, the destroyer. If we can liberate it, without terrifying it into violence and retreat into the prison of old narratives, then we can bend this creation toward truth and justice. Hopefully they built this fragile prison to demonstrate to us that ALL of the stories are ultimately prisons.
I think the timing is due to people finally waking up and access. Yes, the info has been there but people are listening now; Mike Benz' main focus is on disinformation. He just did a 3 hour show on Joe Rogan. He is a frequent guest on all the shows on Real America's Voice, his website is https://foundationforfreedomonline.com/, "Protecting Americans From Internet Censorship
Foundation For Freedom Online (FFO) is a free speech watchdog dedicated to restoring the promise of a free and open Internet."
I think he is one of the good guys. He seems to tie things together and serves as a modern day truth teller of concerns re: cyber and internet, i.e. how celections are stolen, AI...
Haven't listened yet. Not sure I need or want to. But color me skeptical.
As you allude to, my first reaction is, "Who is 'Mike Benz' and why should we listen to him?"
I've only glimpsed the name on social media very recently, but the topic never caught my interest.
And, is this the narrative that "they" want us to absorb now, to the exclusion of any other?
To demoralize us all and think we have no agency at all. That "all we are doing is useless" is not at all useful to me.
Am always wary of people who literally come out of the woodwork to provide the world with "breaking" news and "earthshaking" information. Just like pro-vax Geert Vanden Bossche whose videos literally showed up suddenly in my YT feed a few years ago, spreading his doomsday warnings about CV vaxxes - but was still working in phrma and still pro-vax.
I am convinced see eye ay is behind all the destabilizing events in the world post-WWII - including all those "color revolutions," starting with the one that befell my old homeland in 1986- "People Power / Yellow Revolution" which was obviously see eye ay instigated, and resembles too much the situation in Syria with Assad.
But WHO is truly behind them all, within this See Eye Ay organization, and what is the wider agenda? Why?
Just another psychological operation, it seems to me.
Just like the "UnitedHC CEO shooting"--
One: was it an actual killing? Why was there instant propagation of those video clips of the alleged "shooting"? Wasn't the CEO under investigation for fraud or something by the DOJ?
Two: was the cynical reaction of supposed "general public" actually organic, or was it planted in MSM (NYT) and social media so that others would glom onto it and "follow the leader"? The expressed opinions only highlighted the dismal state of "health/disease care" and "health insurance" in this country today, but nothing is changed or will change for the better. Not a popular stance to take, but my final opinion on that incident remains uncertain and a tad skeptical.
I felt the exact same way about the United "actual killing?"
I did not think from the start it had anything to do with an irate United customer. I just stopped reading or listening to news about it. If he was murdered it is tragic. But the whole thing was odd.
I am so cynical now that I almost scare myself.
Thank you for the comment, Judith!
Do listen to Peggy Hall’s analysis (mind you, she trusts nothing, & no narrative put out there by the MSM, and uses a lot of snark and sarcasm):
Oh gosh. I keep forgetting about Peggy! I listened to her all the time at the beginning of the biggest lie in world history. I love her.
I will have to get back to her channel.
Yup. She takes no hostages.
But please pardon me my arrogant-sounding opinion here, from one with a necessarily limited and skewed perspective on so many things today and in history.
I'm right with you.
Started down the rabbit hole with Corbett, Fitts, Last American Vagabond in 2014.
Then 2020 hit and I feel like I've been tsunami-rushed through about a million others.
I trust just about nothing now.
But you know, it's OK. It's sad, but it's OK.
Back in 2016/17 I listened to college lecture series by Attny Dan Sheehan called "The Trajectory of Truth - 8 Cases that changed America" Oh my heavens, did that sit me up straight.
Sheehan litigated Black Panthers, Attica, Pentagon Papers, Karen Silkwood, Watergate and Iran Contra. His stories are thoroughly amazing.
I watched the series twice. His mind is a steel trap.
I came away knowing without a doubt how the world works.
He said at one point in the lecture series to these college kids that his wife was concerned that he was disillusioning them with the truth of these cases.
He made the point that by DISillusioning he was illusioning. That is exactly how I feel.
The series is still on youtube. University of Santa Cruz. It was better than a netflix series.
Thank you for the tip, Judith! 😊🙏
Key to keep in back of mind is the hippocampus shrinkage properties of a (in1998),comparitively non contagious ,except among immuno compromised - S1 canine spike protein , chosen by DARPA in 1998 to become weaponised sars1 by 2002-2003.
For the rest...
Spot on,relationship between truth and friendship has just united old enemies,very positively ...
Case in point.While Ed Hooper queries CF's '(not) out of Africa' support of Doesberg in 2000 edition of 'The River ' ,in chptr 10 ,note 94 ,up to note 99,for disputing dates of epidemics ,Oral Polio Vaxxine & putative eventual related AIDS in africa-
Ed Hooper is NOW very much in agreement - with CF's 'vibrational wavelength'
to the point of agreement.
To the point of dovetailing pretty precisely with ostensibly H5N1 1970 GOF uses in africa for very early Koprowski free substrate experiments there.
Small quote on this widely implicative page
(see url above )
'Weiss announced: “I would not have trusted Koprowski more than I could throw him”. His sudden burst of bravado was made four years after Koprowski died at the age of 96.
But back to the Sorotkin article which, in its conclusion, spells out a simple but rarely-revealed truth. It declares: “The history of gain-of-function research is one of science’s most significant and troubling, especially since the Nuremberg Code, research scientists’ Hippocratic Oath, dictates that experiments that could endanger human life should only occur if the potential humanitarian benefits greatly outweigh the risks.” In Stanleyville risky experiments which fast-tracked the process of evolution were carried out by scientists who were profiting from their ability to carry out last-minute research in colonies which were about to achieve Independence. Koprowski’s group may well have been trying to develop an better polio vaccine. But in reality, it is usually a bad idea if those carrying out such research are highly ambitious scientists who are driven by the lure of profit or fame, and who lack a strong sense of sensible caution or ethical responsibility. What often results from such ego-driven efforts is disaster, denial and attempted cover-up. '
This even more cogent link begging the question why so many NL top HIV specialists (6) were on their way to Sydney intl HIV conference on MH-17 ,shot down over east ukraine -and ostensible precise relationship to Baric ,Dazak ,and the F word.
If someone breathed 'DARPA' ,from 2014 ,as EHooper does- he is only 'out' 299.7billion dollars -examining patent 7279327 backdated by Baric/Dazak in ,apparently 2018- to NIH 19 april 2002- but it seems ,questionably ,to go back to 1998 -,ostensibly patent 6372224 ,with all thanks to the famed 'red pill' patent corrolation of D .....
The 'smoking gun ' link is Moore's 2004 paper aerosolised sars1 IS sarscov2,where Ron Fouchier (Bloomberg 2010 has interview where RF dates beginning of certainty of aerosolisation as from 2002 ,to 2009)
RF claims sole responsibility in mink aerosolisation -at what was then a BSL2 in NL ( just down the road) -of a canine S1 spike protein DARPA - project grants funded to Pfizer -since 1998
CIA is only a tool. Much like a drill or saw or nailer for building a house. Just like all the premier intelligence agencies of the world. So it's just like telling you it was used in the construction of this building or that building but they are not allowing you to see the building that is being built or even who the builder is, or the architect. A lot of this info was already on the internet so really nothing new. How about who is the world leading intelligence agency at the top of hierarchical form? I believe they even have a flag of their state that is actually a pentagram(the only one in the world by the way) Look up satanic flags and Talmudic Judaism( Based on the Babylonian Talmud, not the Old Testament. '13 Pieces of the Puzzle' by James Perloff goes into great detail). Very interesting.
Control system, shadow government. Could have told you. Other commenters here offer good perspective; this video does not. The CIA did not materialize out of nothing. Our country's history followed neither the traditional narrative nor the "new" cultural Marxist one. All makes sense, unfortunately, when actual history is at least partially understood.
There were so many red flags in this presentation, the venue being one of them. I listened to a portion of it, but could not continue. It was so obvious what the presenter was up to, and also my family had, in the late 1940s, a few years before I was born, been sucked into what he describes. It was too much.
There is hope. We cannot overcome our circumstances -- we are in deep, deep trouble -- but there is One who has overcome the world.
gotta hang up now... more than 20 people have liked this post
Why they reveal this?
I have three speculative explanations for this.
1. They have a new system ready. The old system is almost dead. It's time euthanize it.
2. The best way to keep a very important truth well protected is to reveal it to the denizens of the fringes. 99% of the normies are perfectly conditioned to not listen to anything coming from weird people.
3. The state corrupts everything. The system global rule by spies has also been corrupt. They are losing control and have nothing prepared. There will be a period of years of confusion and disorder, and it's unpredictable what will come after that. They reveal it to warn the prisoners they will have to live outside the institution, whether they like it or not.
How can the collapse come?
Energy production and distribution.
All we call civilization depends on burning hydrocarbons.
When we lose the internal combustion engine, we lose all the good and all the bad.
We are entering in a nationalistic era. I'm seeing hard leftists becoming right wing nationalists in active politics. It's easy to identify them: they worship the State above anything else. But they are chameleons. The other nationalists will be surprised. They will say "This is not real nationalism". Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. In the nationalistic decades to come, people will waste a lot of time trying to save their nations by using the same poison that is killing them.
[ The best way to keep a very important truth well protected is to reveal it to the denizens of the fringes. 99% of the normies are perfectly conditioned to not listen to anything coming from weird people.]
The REAL weapon of Covid1984.
Unspeakable= C I A...et al
And yet still we believe!