Nov 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

When people tell you who they are, believe them. He is lucky to have found out who they are. People all over the world are finding out who their families are. Sometimes it is the people who are not related to you.

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Absolutely right. I’ve lost so many to covidia but I’ve gained a whole new family of sorts, a soul tribe awake to the whole plot.

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I’m not religious, but I think that’s what Christ said

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Matthew 10:

"34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…"

What Jesus means here is that through dissension in families, we will find out who people really are.

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And they are also finding out who their friends are or aren't. It's painful, shocking, and disappointing.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Oh my goodness, poor Doug. I recall a lunch date with my oldest friend of over 50 years. Local to me but not seen or heard much from her all of 2020. This was now May or June 2021. She had taken the 2 doses. We had arranged a lunch date, outdoor dining at my local hostelry which was literally a 3 minute drive from my home. As we got to her car, she said "Have you got your mask? Can't be too careful, can we?" As I'd not had any company for a year or more already, I just complied with her request. Not seen or heard from her since. Probably because I'm some health threat still. She's not the only one either. I never realised that I'd have to start afresh making new friends in my 60's and it's not easy when retired. One family member unfriended me on FB also. Anyone with the tiniest amount of critical thinking skills left must surely have some doubts, something niggling inside by now?

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NEVER comply with them. It fuels their self-righteousness. Cedes them the high moral ground. You own that. Don't ever forget it. We're in this mess because people who knew better wanted to just be polite and not offend, not make waves, go along to get along.

This is a story you tell as a victim. Stop being a victim. Take charge. They need to comply with us, the sane, educated ones. Or we'll be led to the slaughterhouse by fools because we were polite people. A polite society is rarely a free society.

Rude Americans. What we were known for...when we were most free. Not intentionally rude. But when we're right to protect our individual liberty we don't give a damn what others think. The awake, free people had better learn this quick. Or we'll all be politely bemoaning our enslavement or worse fate. Stand up to bullies. Or forever wimper in fear. Even if the bullies are friends or family.

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Couldn’t agree more. My husband and I refuse to support any business that turned us away during the worst of the lockdowns and conversely, loyally support those who showed respect for our non-compliance.

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I've become much stronger now and will speak out.

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Me too!!

This is WWIII as James Corbett said, no ore pussyfooting around.

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the people who treated you like dirt, can just be left where they are. they will be in the situation now where you once were, without friends, or with just people doing lip service. A few already hinted they miss my cooking. They will miss it for the rest of our lives

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...or worse, they might wind up in their arrogance by dying. time after time, reading stories of those who boasted in their arrogance by condemning others are now unfortunately dead. But by the Grace of God go I.

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022

I relate. In my mid- late 50' s. As my family of origin was preparing to attend an annual family reunion out of state ( 2021) after skipping the prior year due to lockdowns, my sister informed me that the majority of our relatives preferred that those attending be innoculated. I took that as a big "You're not welcome.".

She, my other sister and her family and my father attended. I never really felt I fit in anyways and this felt like the icing on the cake. Actually a confirmation to my gut sense all along. Sometimes we need to build our own families outside of "bloodlines". Same thoughts go with friends. Others similar to us are out there looking to join us with a refreshing appreciation. Can feel like a big shake up though.

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keep all of the addresses of their properties. You should be able to squat for a few years once they all die of their fake vaccines protecting them from the fake virus.

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😂😂😂 brilliant, imma quickly get keys from all my relatives

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good for you if you can pull it off. I was thinking a lock pick would be cheaper. Order a copy of the deed, take their identities after they're dead. Maybe suck up to them now, lie about your vaccine status, whatever it takes to have their property when they die. Maybe even be there when they die so you can bury them without asking for a death certificate and keep on collecting their retirement pensions and rents. It shouldn't be a waste having brainwashed family members.

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That's so brutal... And so called-for under the circumstances... Yep, the establishment drones want to deny they're killing anyone, so we can play along. My sixteen relatives have asked to not be disturbed, and have authorized me to handle their finances :-)

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What do THEY say? "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

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Oh I like the way you think!😉👍🏼

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LOL brutal.

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I wish I had more friends like Celia. Picking you up at 3:30 am and more telling you the truth !! The clot shot is all a part of the globalist takeover. Stand strong with God

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No, most people are undiscerning idiots even though a substantial portion of their family, friends or colleagues are dead or injured. In a perverse way the killers did society a favor by exposing how criminals corrupted most of our institutions, and by exposing how self-absorbed, and stupid many people are.

Many years ago I began paring back, and letting my friendships lapse. I stopped talking to all but a few of them. I stopped hanging out with all but one of my friends, and that was done very selectively. He's a young man who's a drummer so I'd go listen to his jazz trio play at a nice restaurant once in a while to hang out with him, and his band mates.

You might find if you read good spiritual literature and begin a seated breath meditation practice to quiet, and to get really firm control of your own mind, that you won't want to be around other people as much as you have in the past. It's likely to be a more fulfilling, and more productive use of your time than seeking friendships. Friendships are of the spirit anyway, and should happen naturally as a course of everyday human interaction of shared interests. Seeking them out is kind of like people so unable to interact normally with people that the seek sexual or romantic relationships on dating apps. I read a piece by a woman who wrote that people on dating sites were a lot like people at a shopping bazaar always looking for the next best thing. It's a funny, fitting analogy. I was only on Facebook because a woman I was with created an account for me without asking me. I long ago deleted my account because it's mostly news of the narcissistic and nutty on Facebook.

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Dennis, I'm so sure you're going to miss important opportunities by not having access to the advice of triple boosted mask wearing door knob wiping doofuses. You should maybe reconsider this rash strategy of yours.

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"... people on dating sites were a lot like people at a shopping bazaar always looking for the next best thing." LOL

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Many people confuse distracting themselves from their vacuous lives of misery, I think it was Emerson, or Thoreaux who wrote----"most men live lives of quiet misery---"" by pursuing sex, with loving someone which takes a great deal of love, patience, and sublimating one's selfish ego. Sites like Match, one of the first, Tinder, etc. are the sex distraction bazaar. You can be assured the "intelligence" morons from the Criminally Insane Asswipes run one of them as a front , and are using the data to profile, and thereby learn more about how to manipulate human behavior on a large scale.

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this is better than it was. I don't know whether the consequence was intended, but it's great now that the people we likely should have told to piss off years ago but were too polite are now insisting that we tell them to piss off. Seems like the NWO accidentally provided a good service.

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I had a similar situation. I met a friend for breakfast at a diner that didn't enforce/comply with the nonsense. She kept her mask on except to sip her coffee. She then left her mask on, hanging from one ear to eat her food. Eventually she removed it completely but fiddled with it. Time to leave, she puts it back on to walk out the door. That was August 2021. Saw her at a fundraiser in April 2022 where she completely ignored me. Oh well, her loss.

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I"m sorry that you felt you had to eat with a doofus. I hope it didn't happen a lot.

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Well, Celia, everything that happens, occurs for a reason. I am just glad that Doug finally chose not to get quackzinated or go to the hospital at the castrator's insistence.

I feel somewhat sorry for the cousin in a wheelchair, looks like she got to him a long time ago. And now she was doubling down about Doug getting the shot.......I would have high tailed it out of there so fast their heads would spin. But that's just me......

Just going to a hospital these days puts your life at risk.

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No, only a couple of times. One friend's husband has an organ transplant and she was and still is paranoid. She knew a very fit male jogger, he was part of her walking group. He apparently got ill and died. What treatmet he got I know not but he may have been given Remdesivir, Midazalam or put on a ventilator. Her husband is not making antibodies still after 4 doses. I do wonder how many spike proteins he's got now. I am also aware that all samples analysed by various independent scientists from around the world have not found any mRNA in any of the jabs, all brands. Instead, lots of other undisclosed ingredients which are all toxic. Seems quite obvious that if you have spike proteins from an alleged virus in your body which cannot be eliminated by body's workings, you should therefore get ill with same symptoms. He didn't. They say they go all over the body. I am such a conspiracy theorist now that I wonder if this is another red herring and some of these docs are all part of the psyop? Apparently it is extremely difficult to make large quantities because of the very delicate mRNA which is easily broken in large Vats or whatever they call them. Also, anyone think storing at -70°C odd? Home freezers make solid blocks at -18°C. More weirdness.

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I have troubie seeing beyond the mind-numbing stupidity of mind controlled morons who believe masks keep them safe. It's important to feel compassion for them, and I do, but the difference between a squirrel that gets killed or injured by a car, and a human injured by fear based mind control is the squirrel has no way of knowing any better so it's easier to feel compassion by realizing the animal realm is a really tough one. A human has great agency but there are many who don't exercise it much, except to eat, drive, and use the remote to change channels.

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We need to get Sandy Cheeks to teach the other squirrels how to dodge cars. Then when that's done, we can help all of the human doofuses end their existences and start populating the place with squirrels. What a great improvement that would be.

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Like button not working Dennis.

But here's a like from me.



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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

I noticed the like button doesn't work but I thought it was just a poor cell phone signal. BTW, I don't want to be in the big club. When I was in college I worked as a bellman at a luxury hotel. I loved that job, and I made alot of cash that I didn't have to pay taxes on to the filth that steals the fruits of our labor. The hotel entrance had 4 super heavy, thick glass doors that we had to stand by to open two of the inner doors for guests. George Carlin was in town doing a show. He went out for dinner. I opened the door for him. On his return he walked right up to my door, quickly side stepped it as I was about to open it for him, opened the one next to mine, walked in, and in his very humorous, deeply distinct voice announced, "I'll do my own door, thank you." He was a super humble, nice guy, and great comedian.

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Hahahahaha...now that I think about it, it hasn't! Thanks for making me laugh today!!

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If it's any consolation, your description of her behavior gave me a good laugh.

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At this point, what else can you do? I have a document where I list the absurdities of these people, my former friends and I know looking back that I will be shaking my head...

Two friends have daughters that couldn't carry their second pregnancies, one of whom works for Pfizer...

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The horror. Yeah, I stopped fretting about it. I've narrowed down my group of friends to those I can talk to without getting knee-jerk cult-speak.

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Yes!! I have two separate groups of new friends and 3 old friends. I'm so lucky. And the brainwashed have ceased to reach out anymore. Wiping my hands of them...classier than saying "I told you so", yes?

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Indeed! Just walk away. There may be a day when they come to their senses, so no use burning bridges.

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same situation here Markker. It is not easy but the new friends are out there ! don't give up ! I had thanksgiving dinner with friends that 2 years i never heard of, so it is possible even 60+

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"Anyone with the tiniest amount of critical thinking skills left must surely have some doubts, something niggling inside by now?"

One would have thought so but I just don't see it happening. Incredible.

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this might mean that Schwab is right about something, which is even more incredible

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Once again the fake "vaccine" against the fake "virus" has done its job. It's job is to show us who we need in our lives. Your friend's cousin didn't have the courage to make his wife shut up when he realized that she was run by fear. The fake "vaccine" and fake "virus" has enabled (I hope) your friend to see that in spite of the good qualities of his cousin his cousin's plus/minus statistic (see NHL hockey) shows that their relationship needs to change to only communications which don't involve the presence of his brainwashed wife. So no visits.

It's just like masks are a good thing because they make it easy to know how to avoid useless conversations.

I"m looking forward to the renewal of the mask requirement in the supermarket here in Europe. This time my response will be to go in there with no mask. Grab what I need, ignore the brain-dead employees telling me I need a mask and leave without paying anything.

I'm reminded of when a cashier didn't want to give me my change until I put a mask back on.

Now I will not give them any money unless they take their mask off.

I have such a good excuse for not paying. Since I only use cash, I don't want to get them sick, so it should be better for all concerned that I just leave with my new acquisitions.

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I read this to Doug and got him laughing. Me too. It's hilarious. Do it, and report back! It's almost 5 am and we are sitting here with some hummus and beets. I'm reading him comments from you all. I texted his cousin that he's deeply hurt and shell shocked. Stopped short of going off on him, because then they will make me the bugaboo. Cousin is blocked on phone. Doug seems 100% healthy btw. This utter insanity!

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You are a good friend! Love is love no matter what shape it is in, friend, spouse, sibling etc. This Covid religion has given people the license to treat each other in the worst way, out of fear. Without fear, people would brave death to give their loved ones comfort and care, instead of locking them up in a corner in their house, and "quarantining" them. One of my aunts proudly told me that she didn't made her husband stay in hotel instead of coming home because he worked outside of the home. For how long I don't know, I stopped listening after she said that. So cruel but fear is what rules in a lot of people. Fear and self righteousness.

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I tell my wife that masks ARE useful. They help us see brain dead nitwits from 50 yards away. I am past having sympathy for the maskers, even the elderly scared ones. My personal favorites, though, are the people wearing masks riding in a car by themselves. Special little virtue signaling snowflakes.

Doug's cousin's wife probably badgered him into getting his stroke shot. All of the vaxxed guys I work with in their 40s and 50s got them after pressure from their wives and mothers. The bastards really knew how to work that motherly protective instinct for the worst effect. Though this lady sounds like one of the really offensive needle nazi types who would be making everybody miserable some other way if not for the psyop.

Friends and family who place justifying their mistakes ahead of your right to make health decisions for yourself are better to have out of your life anyway. I swear I think these people know they are wrong and double down out of spite as if their determination to be right can make it so.

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Where I live (flyover country out west), the vast majority of the mask-wearers are the young. There are a few elderly, but mostly it's teens and those in their 20's. They've all been successfully brainwashed. The powers that be have captured a generation.

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Oh another great idea! 😉👍🏼😀

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Yep, this is a great split in humanity, right through the middle of families. I consider myself very fortunate that none of my siblings nor my mom got the shots, so I still have family. They killed my father with it, without anyone's consent. Evil really has possessed these people. And they really do want to force us into their death cult, and they want to block any and every possible escape, because their cult makes them feel safe, and free and healthy people expose them to burning light. At some point we're going to have to fight them off, because they're not going to stop.

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Oh David, I'm so sorry. Who can believe any of this?

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The sheep, the sheep believe this. Makes me sorry for actual Sheep to be compared to these brain dead humans

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Aunt scared to death alone in the hospital. Stepdad left alone in his house upstairs in bed, died. Stepmom in hospital, said there was no treatment for Covid, likely given Remdesivir, died. Mom, intubated, treated with unknown drugs, likely nearly blew out her fragile body, escaped the hospital, died at home a month later.....Regrets for not being there more, knowing what I know now, I would have stayed and never left her side....September 2019 , the “Standard of Care “ was already being practiced.

3 years later we all talk about what we are not going to put up with. However I keep imagining what am I going to do? How will I confront the manager at Trader Joe’s who was so incredibly rude to me and threw me out of the store? I feel like I should have a preemptive plan and go there and tell them there is no effing way I am going to shop in there with a mask on. Why should I be waiting till the inevitable? The quietly divided still have made their stand. I always think what T-shirt can I wear. What will make a statement? What song can I write that will change the world ? Now I’m thinking it should be headbands...... we need a plan.

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Tragic story, and not uncommon. I too regret not being there for my father, but we really didn't know the extent of the brutality that was coming. If I'd have known they'd inject him without our consent I would've taken him out of there by force if necessary.

Those are crucial questions that not enough people are asking or answering. People still think 'voting' will get us out of this. It's mind-blowing how naive that is.

Same exact experience with Trader Joes. They were the most militant, hostile people by far at any business I visited during the masking. I refused to mask, so I just stopped going there.

I too notice every day that nobody is even making a statement. I don't see t-shirts, caps, bumper stickers. I don't do it because it seems futile. I wonder what it will take. Maybe we're collectively telling creation that we need things to get far worse before we'll defend ourselves and our families...

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We knew. But we chose not to know. Because too many trusted the untrustworthy. Which is why the maxim below must always apply to infringements on essential liberty by those in positions of authority.

Principiis obsta and Finem respice

'Resist the beginnings' and 'Consider the end'

"How is this to be avoided, among ordinary men, even highly educated ordinary men? Frankly, I do not know. I do not see, even now. Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings. One must foresee the end clearly and certainly and how is this to be done, by ordinary men or even by extraordinary men? Things might have. And everyone counts on that might." (p.168)

They Thought They Were Free

The Germans, 1933-45

By Milton Mayer, 1955


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Trader Joe’s in Asheville, NC was also awful. I’ve never liked that store and only shopped there once or twice and never went back.

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Thanks. I think that's getting to the core of the problem; belief. We live in a human-created world based on beliefs, and we make them whatever we want. Very often they're not rational in an objective sense, but they help us cope and manipulate our human reality. And they often help us deny what's really happening; we spin the view so that we don't have to confront what is.

If we were a pack of wolves, or a lion pride, or even a herd of deer, we'd have recognized long ago that we are under attack by a hostile group and we'd either be savagely fighting to defend ourselves or we'd be running full-speed to find somewhere safe.

But no, we tell ourselves that we can just wait it out, blend in, and eventually things will calm down and we can resume life as we knew it. Clearly the attack is different, and we can see it's come to finish us off, but still we believe it won't be so.

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David Lamb wrote: "... But no, we tell ourselves that we can just wait it out, blend in, and eventually things will calm down and we can resume life as we knew it. Clearly the attack is different, and we can see it's come to finish us off, but still we believe it won't be so."

This description above is reminding me of an old film "The Garden of the Finzi-Continis" (1970) by De Sica, about a family who might have escaped their fate, but they waited too long in the hope that things would eventually calm down.

Sometimes lately as i watch this country (the U.S.) that i thought i knew and the world destroyed in a slow-motion train wreck called Build Back Better/the Great Reset, i feel like i am one of the Finzi-Continis hoping in vain for sanity to be restored.

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i remember that movie. was it based on a particular real life family?

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Our people were primed. Psychological priming. To elevate the oldest, weakest wolf to lead the pack. As a virtuous and enlightened, improved man. Making the whole pack vulnerable. Following weak leaders. To its annihilation.


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David, unfortunately you are correct. This is like a death cult in some ways not unlike the Branch Dividians. They fell for it unfortunately but one thing we must remember about two facets of humanity. One the need to be virtuous and heroic was exploited by the Covid agenda plotters and all the useful idiots. And now two, its a human thing to not want to hear bad news. I actually think this is part of what we are now seeing as those who have gone down this injection path, do not want to be know they made a big mistake. In some ways, it almost makes sense to not tell them the full truth lest they wake up too fast and die of fear. I confess, I think about that.

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It's not "like" a cult, it IS a cult. The mindless following is ritualistic, and no reasoning can reach these people. I think it's more like the Jim Jones massacre. There's convincing evidence of CIA ties to Jones and those events. I think it was experimental, to test methods for controlling group mind to the point of group homicide/suicide.

And I think the "virtuous" part is a misnomer. Real virtue and heroism isn't motivated by fear. These cultists are purely motivated by fear, not just fear of a fake 'virus', but fear of being rejected by the collective if they don't behave like a good drone. This is the reason for the 'cancel culture' as part of the larger psyop; making the drones very aware of what will happen to them if they step out of line.

It's not our problem if the truth causes them to jump off a bridge. I totally agree with Matthias Desmet that we must speak the truth loudly, and we must never stop regardless of the consequences. You do not want to witness what will come if the devils at the top perceive that the resistance has been defeated. We must get stronger and more resolute every day.

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"Makes them feel safe."

That's what a girl I know in real life said about masks on a Facebook post I put up with this article https://brownstone.org/articles/more-than-150-comparative-studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/.

She wears the damn things and thinks vaccines are safe and functional.

I feel sorry for her because I know that other than her blind spot believing the current narrative she's smart and even into alternative medicine.

I've been stunned by how many otherwise intelligent folks who didn't used to believe in industrialized Rockefellerian "medicine" have fallen for the koovid narrative.

Fear is a driver, I suspect

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I'm so sorry. The awake and the asleep do live as if in different worlds now. Those who are asleep are in a state of fear rather than reality or a place of logic. They are motivated to think that there's a simple solution like when a child turns to a parent to get a kiss and make it better. Since they are in their emotional brain (lower or limbic area) rather than the reasoning brain (higher or prefrontal cortex), they usually cannot be reasoned with. They are in a state of being "triggered." So sad.

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These people are gone. You have to cut them adrift, even though they are family. They're not coming back. If you remain attached, they will try to pull you down with them. Cut loose. It's the hardest thing you will ever do, but it's necessary if you want to survive. Connect instead with the people who can be saved and who saved themselves from this dreadful, evil spell.

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Honestly, they wanted him to get a vaccine right away, on top of a viral infection? Totally regardless of how effective or ineffective or harmful or harmless or studied or experimental vaccinations in general, and the current mRNA immuno genetherapy injections in particular are - Any pro vaxxer would have known that basic rule. Maybe not when they are in florid mass psychosis (to just cite the term, not necessarily endorse it because I have not yet read the book).

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This is horrendous. I'm so sorry. Mt family is split too. Half of my children have been needled. One daughter is seriously ill now with what she insists on calling long cvd (I can never bring myself to write the word) despite two of her 40 year old friends having had strokes in the past two weeks, and another formerly super-fit friend being unable to stand uprigh. One son says I ought not to say he ought not to have had the needles and that he is happy that the ones he cares about HAVE. Other son says I must not talk to him about it, or send him 'spam; and why haven't I had it yet. Yesterday my twice-v'd mother (she stopped after two) mother told me ow horrible I was to say I'd stay on the doorstep when I called, because I didn't want to catch anything form the flu injection she'd had two days before. I'd told her she ought not to have it at all, but at least not while she had the nasty 'cold' she'd already had for three weeks. Two nurses had come to her house to give it to her as she was too unwell to go to the clinic. She was really mean to me, and she's old and ill for Pete's sake so I'm trying to be nice, but on and on she goes about how mean I am to stay outside. I reminded her that it's only a matter of weeks since I HAD to stand on the doormat because for nigh on two years she wouldn't let me inside. She told me that was the same for everyone... (not my brother and his family though - they were allowed inside, having been injected. My brother has since been in hospital with kidney cysts and a suspected heart attack, and his wife collapsed in a cemetery).

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Oh my god. What a mess to try to navigate. No words but I hear yours, brother.

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It feels at times like we have split in to 2 different species. I don’t recognise these people as humans, they are mind controlled zombies & they terrify me

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You quoted my words to a tee. I consider these people my enemy. TPTB will be doubling down soon, so be prepared.

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With that stuff inside you technically you are not human. Try explaining THAT to them. Try telling them they have handed their genes over to a corporation.

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That scares the shit out of me more than starving to death.

What will these former divine human beings of God BECOME????

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I, too, have no family because I will never comply. We will make our own Family. God has blessed us with the Truth .

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

i'm so sorry that this destructive

brain washing has harmed your household too.

will these people ever look back someday and realise they were wrong!!??

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No, because they took a concoction that killed rodents prematurely; it should have been sold to the d-CON company instead of the medical community.

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Tell Doug he’s not alone…I was uninvited to my own birthday celebration last year with some friends who were having a party for a bunch of friends with December birthdays. Needless to say I don’t hang out with those losers anymore 🤣🤣 Stay strong and happy birthday Doug! You’re better off. 🎂💕

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Good one Erika.

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Brilliant term: "sudden onset hatred."

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

So upsetting to hear. I feel so sad for your friend. Celia you are a true friend for being so kind to be there and to support him. God bless.

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That's brutal. Sad... An enormous percentage of the population is never going to wake up.

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I agree. Most people are idiots.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

First off Doug’s cousin and the wife are imbeciles. Once youve got the thing no vaccine would do ANY GOOD WHATSOEVER! That goes quadruple for this useless shit! Secondly, and thats up to Doug, but I would stay in a hotel..

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