Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I watch Matt Gaetz question the FBI guy and it was a joke. That guy was so smug and he knew he didn’t have to answer any questions. You could just tell by his demeanor he knew he was untouchable and did not care at all. I told my husband after watching it. We are so f…Ed ! No one is going to help us. They are all corrupted. Every last one of them. They laugh in our faces because they know we can’t touch them. I’d love to know who the wizard of Oz is! The man behind the curtain running this whole evil corrupt government. Not sure if anyone on here then saw Nadler trying to shut Matt up. Holy moly. Some guy was standing behind him trying to tell him what to say. The guy looked like he was completely incapable to talk. This is some scary stuff people.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Robert McNamara (1916 – 2009) was a leading Neocon that pushed the country into the Vietnam war. He was famous for saying: “I learned early on never answer the question that is asked of you. Answer the question that you wish had been asked of you. And quite frankly, I follow that rule. It’s a very good rule.” ( posted today by www.armstrongeconomics.com )

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I'm 75. I remember as a kid reading books about the FBI and thought they would always save the day against criminals. Now....they ARE the criminals. How that smug idiot (that knows he is above the law) can sit there and say that they don't know where the laptop is proves just how corrupt today's system is. The worst part is that ALL the alphabet agencies are now the enemy of the people and serve only the elite from behind the curtain.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Notice how they only lose Democrat evidence?

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Can I remind everyone that Bernard Kerik was the man standing behind Rudy Giuliano on Sept 11, 2001 instructing him through whispers to NOT use the word “explosions” in reference to the explosions sounding all morning throughout the Twin Towers. Kerik then went on to be big kahuna in the illegitimate Iraq War. Why would anyone trust his tweets or motives?

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Well, you know the old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” And the Deep State is not that creative and their playbook seems to work over and over because John and Jane Bagadonuts never seem to catch on. Anyone remember who “Deep Throat” was? If you can’t, his name was Mark Felt and he was the #2 guy at the FBI during Watergate, the #1 guy officially being Patrick Gray who was always acting director during his one year tenure. So Felt was really numero uno as Dick Cheney was acting president. Felt was in charge of deposing Nixon. They had already gotten rid of Spiro and ushered in Gerald Ford as VP, the House minority leader, a figure if one listens to MK Ultra former slave Cathy O’Brien, far, far darker than he was portrayed in the corporate media. Why the Deep State decided that it was time to remove Nixon is an area of conjecture among conspiracy analysts, but it may have something to do with opposition to institutionalized pedophilia,

I am still waiting for the FBI to locate Carlos Danger’s / Huma’s laptop which they confiscated from the NYPD. It’s video content in the “life insurance” folder purportedly caused grizzled 20 year veteran cops to cough up their donuts.

So this laptop is the end of the road for our demented Big Guy grifter, hair sniffing, 17 year old daughter showering presidente. I think it likely that the Camel will appoint a VP before she is forced to resign for a skeleton in her closet as was Spiro. Perhaps second rate sexual conduct with Willie Brown. The then unelected President, whoever that may turn out to be, will be the real reason for this entire kabuki.

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Perhaps Hunter Biden has been involved in sex trafficking? Perhaps we'll find out. Nothing would surprise me at this point. I now believe that Joe Biden is thoroughly corrupt.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Think of some of the ways the FBI has spent it's time in the last few years. Chasing down Lori Loughlin for paying some skell to help get her kid into USC. Going after assistant college basketball coaches who were greasing the palms of AAU coaches to help sway recruits' decisions about where to play. Sending multiple agents to investigate a NASCAR garage pull rope. All the while ignoring serious evidence of corruption at the highest levels of our government. This country is a joke.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

While I have nothing good to say at all about Biden and his team of scumbags, whenever I see the name of the "good guy" here, Rudy Giuliani, it reminds of his one year stint at my old law firm in NYC while Rudy was an aspiring mayoral candidate. So Rudy was given $600,000 in exchange for his promise to deliver serious business to the firm. The rule of thumb is you are paid 1/3 of what you deliver, so we can assume a promise on his end of about $1.8M. His office was right next to mine. All day every day, Rudy discussed campaign strategy with a succession of operatives and pals. No need for an actual campaign office with payment of rent. At the end of the year, Rudy had delivered zero client dollars and had billed 6 of his own. Yes, 6. Not a bad deal. I guess this is not more than gutter morality, and just what we should expect, no? Which is why I stopped voting over 20 years ago.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

It's just mind-blowing, although I shouldn't be surprised. Thanks for posting, Celia. I saw the clip of Gaetz with the FBI guy. They really REALLY tried to smear Gaetz last year, I recall. They must be super threatened by him. He seems pretty fearless, and they don't like that. The FBI is a freakin' joke. I was listening to Maria Farmer talk about bringing evidence of what Epstein was up to to them in 1995, and they ignored her. She had evidence! They refused to examine it. She's still trying, 28 years later. I am more convinced than ever that our 3-letter agencies were created to protect the power elite, not solve crime.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

It's quite simple really - the so called elites don't really give a crap, because they know there is no recourse. Instead of being subtle about it in the past, they now just put it all out in the open. It's a case of the "Whatareyou gonna do aboutit?" approach to public accountability.

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I think maxey is in neutral Switzerland licking swizzle sticks and parsing it out

I give the BidenHo six days more since I'd first predicted after the maxey article in life site news he'd be forced to step down in ten days

Sadly that leaves us she is no lady ScKamala. I mean sure she's a female, else Willie brown wouldn't have had done her....

But BidenHo will be 25thed to ovoid the void of his actual criminality, they'll claim he only lost his bowels, not his heart and soul and mind

They will avoid him being branded ha ha a traitor

But he is a treacherous leacherous liar traitor warmonger thief

Let's remember the Maidan false flag...

And the liberty

And the predisCog wtc7 from 9-11-01

disCog 1 from 3-11-2020

DisCog 2 war yookranium 2-22-22

Which is next ? Digital death money? Booster 7 of the hacksxxxxxxine?

Nuclear war ? More fake awards to advertise Harmaceuticals with a slap and an honour discharged...

Although AB 1993 has been forestalled in killafornia these folks will not repent nor relent....

Need to start an 12 steppers...

Antihacksxxxine anonymous

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Ron Johnson Asks FBI to Clarify Whether It Possesses ‘Material from Hunter Biden’s Laptop’ https://www.nationalreview.com/news/ron-johnson-asks-fbi-to-clarify-if-it-possesses-material-from-hunter-bidens-laptop/

If you notice the article was written Oct. 2020, FBI has had the laptop since 2019.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Garrett Ziegler & his small (yet dynamic) research team 'Marco Polo' began putting out detailed information on the laptop months and months ago. Their report on said infamous laptop will be released, fully, in the next short while (www.marcopolousa.org is their website, I'd suggest looking at it, if you haven't already.)

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

if you dont know by now how wickedly corrupt ALL govt agencies, as well as the entire USA system from education to law are well..theres no hope . Its been this way a LONG time now...start with the American Indian genocide, and just keep weeping. There is no justice even if they had the damn thing, corruption, and only Gods righteous judgement will cease it...we pray !

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

that's because it's here


disclaimer: haven't looked at the whole thing and there may be incredibly ugly stuff that you may not want in your possession

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