
Dear sweet Celia, with the pretty name, and endowed with inner and outer pulchritude, radfem fools would say to me "how dare you be so "sexissssss."

I am almost full Irish but have a dash of Scottish in me. I would not urinate on the best part of stooge starmer, or macron, or turdo, or biDUMB or ovomit. These all are useless idiot wasters of good skin and air.

Britain has been wrecked and is in fact now slave to fake males, DP's as my mother referred to them as, and wussie males. According to the scriptures, all fake leaders listed above are going to hell.

Is it wrong for me to feel affectionate towards real women or should I regress into the typeset of the nutless wonders of the LIEberal loon sect? Bloody hell no! But there exist sheeple male limp wristed loons who would and have sought to oppose the real man perspective that sex traffickers need to be executed instead of hidden in their establishment of inner sh*itty enclaves that push female genital mutilation and child bride slaves.

To the wussie bobbies and council clowns who ignored these abuses of girls/women, I impose that execution needed to be used on bangladeshi moslem males. I learned long ago how to cut throats in the process known as killing and processing farm animals for food. I am sure there are my counterparts in the country parts of Britain.

And for the cowardice of these bastards who refused to protect little British girls, they should be flogged with a whip imbedded with sharp bones, then cast into the gutter to live or die. How do such cowardly reprobates look into a mirror without puking, let alone attaining unto a decent erection?

Fake males I call them, and I have as much respect for these minions of cowardice as I have for the CYSTem that not only allows injustice but imposes it!!!! i have read that Britain is heading into a civil war. At last good news!

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...you are a lovely woman Celia, and I will not tolerate any disrespect I am aware of, being imposed on you.

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Thank you! As a 2d generation American hailing from Ireland (and Poland), it seems even in my Americanized, feminist-leaning ways, I always thought it was part of men's job to protect women. And the liberals invite them in to stalk, prey and perv on us. Glad always to hear real men - not wide-hipped (where the hell has THAT come from?), slim-suited soy boy wimps.

Have you seen the video of the clueless liberal woman wailing about not being able to find a REAL MAN? All the real men don't reside in liberal land, lady!

One of my recent observations was shopping at Macy's and how many women were accompanied by their husbands, who were actively picking out clothes or commenting on them, holding them up and "imagining" - something one never saw before the 2000s.

Make Men Men Again! (MMMA)

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Mary, we are on the same side of the street. I will scare the powers that be by stating I would die or kill for any woman who was in my company. Talk is cheap but it came down to that one late night decades ago when a criminal threatened a single mother across the street and I attacked him when he tried to instigate violence against me but left after getting up when I had knocked him down. He left and shouted he would be back to shoot us all. My wife was in the door way and there were three witnesses who heard the death threats . I asked her for a gun and she gave me a semi auto shotgun loaded with five shells.

Police were called and responded rapidly. My gun was unloaded and placed in the trunk of the police car. The criminal did not return and the witnesses were interviewed as was I and the officer then unlocked the trunk, handed me my gun and the five shells and then told me it was illegal to have a loaded gun in the city limits. (wink wink)

That is probably on file still or on microfiche in the police records but today the CYSTem would probably jail me and woke judges and prosecutors seek life in prison for me. THAT IS HOW F*CKED UP THE CYSTEM IS ANYMORE. Western nations screwed up with woke wankery and fools in blue uniforms in the ranks being men hating witches who think anyone GAF about their BS lecturing.

I had a go with a soy boy a few years ago who tried to interfere in the best interests of a woman with me and I mauled him, then got out of the eatery and made our way to my truck an down the highway with no problem.

I wonder how a man would live with himself if he failed to protect a woman from rape by DP perverts.

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But the CYSTem protects the criminals even though it is lawful for self defence to even kill if necessary. Here in Canuckistan we have the revolving door injustice where criminals are arrested then released. That is of the turdo and his assministration of head cases.

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Turdo has done a real number on Canada! I think you & Australia share fallen state status. It breaks my heart, as I grew up believing that Canada was one step ahead of us here in the US. Not so, not anymore. I read a very sad article written about this at Absurdistan (the author is a Canadian journalist). My God, what your country has sunk to. I was horrified by watching the trucker's strike and Turdeau's reaction to it. Just. Horrible. I hope by some miracle your country is able to reverse the damage!

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Mary, the USA is the greatest nation in the world and if it goes down so goes the world. The turdo was voted in because highly educated university people thought that it would be cool to legalize weed and because the female students thought turdie was good looking. The decade of LIEBERAL leftist loonyism aided by sh*tface guilbeault, bLIAR, mendocino, and other asswipes of the LPC ASSministration were total head cases.When you hear a slime minister say "the budget will balance itself you have to knowthe clown is a moron.

The turdo became a murderer and a treason criminal and should have been tried and executed for both. With Carney blarney in one can expect the same BS.

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I'm not sweet! Especially when I'm hungry. 😂 But thank you. I never thought my name was pretty. Is it? I should try to bond with it.

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Celia thanks. Tachyons. Everything is connected. I've been collecting sea glass for a few months. It has wonderful energies. A local collector much more experienced than me showed me a photo of his prized 'pirate glass' which seems a black stone, until a phone-torchlight is shone through it, to reveal that it's actually translucent green. https://bytheseajewelry.com/products/pirates-booty-black-sea-glass-ring-in-sterling-fine-silver-size-9-5.html

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I'm not sure how that line from Shakespeare, or Mr. Flynn's line about Macron and Starmer, should be interpreted. I need one of those annotated Shakespeare copies, with the dramatic lines on one page, and the explanation and translation of it, on the opposite page, I suppose. I'm assuming that he's suggesting that Macron and Starmer should go straight to Hell, and tyrannically torment the French and English people, on behalf of villainous Trillionaire Globalists, no longer ... But I don't understand what is actually meant by "o'er look".

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I'm a close reader of blogs. Bloggers write w/o the aid of a proofreader or any editorial assistance, so they inevitably write passages of nonsensical tosh and while that's excusable, given their hurried presentation, what's concomitantly annoying is readers never comment on the tosh. We see it. Something registers as wtf?, and that's it. Can't be bothered. On to the next blog. People will call me picayune. The author will be embarrassed. Whatever.

So thanks for noting that "o'erlook/overlook" doesn't make sense in the skeletal context presented. The proper context is that the Queen is commenting that York's head is now on a pole overlooking the town of York. (And thus so should Starmer's and Macron's.)

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Can anybody issue the correction? Sorry it stressed you so much. This is a free publication, except for those who volunteer to pay, so, it's me going faster than I should, being a one person news room. I liked the poetic resonance of the comment, and am proud of it. I think you're saying it does not "make sense" more than that it has typos? For a clarifier, Billy, I find myself unable to quite understand you, but I mean no disrespect.

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It was a great comment to include. It's my lack of familiarity with the Shakespeare line that caused the confusion. Billy's explanation made it all make sense. You could probably just attach it at the bottom of that post, using an asterisk.

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I'm going to hire a proof reader. What should it be corrected to?

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Thank you for the backstory... I needed that translation of the Shakespeare - to understand the analogy - even though I could kinda understand where he was going, anyways.

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Henry Vl part 3


 Off with his head, and set it on York gates,

 So York may overlook the town of York.

The Duke of York was defeated and his head spiked on the city gate with a great view. Margaret was not actually there, but Shakespeare likely pleased his Royal audience to embellish history, giving Queen Margaret this line from a placard that actually captioned the display. They did this instead of museums.

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One of my favorite British things was Monty Python, but no more:


Anyway, saying the City of London represents all of Britain is like saying Wall Street represents all of the U.S.

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Sad about Cleese. He saw through the jabs, so I had hopes he would reach sane conclusions from all his reading of history books.

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He saw through the jabs? Got any links?

History books? Sounds like maybe he read a couple of authorized biographies of Winston Churchill.

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Hello, Tommy, I just tried to open 2 links I'd archived, in which Cleese upheld the right to make one's own choices--basically anti-mandate. Hmm...they're no longer available on X.

The only link I have that still opens is this one, saying he required no proof of vax or PCR for his US tour:


"Last week, in response to a query from a fan asking whether proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test were a prerequisite to see Cleese’s upcoming U.S. tour, the comedian replied: “No, you just need a certificate promising that you have not attended specifically to be offended.”"

So...I dug a bit further...everywhere else, it seems, he gave pathetic tongue-lashings to "anti-v@xxrs" and the people on GB who cast doubts on the unalloyed goodness of the injections.

Though "anti-woke," Cleese does appear to go along with the official left agenda on everything else.

I confess, as an aulde Python fan, I erred--like the vapid Dr. Walenksy as she tried to excuse her proclaimed faith in the failed shots--on the side "of too much hope."

My comment on Cleese's books was meant as a jab--in the original sense of the word.

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yeah that sounds right.

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I hope it's true that something is brewing in the background. The UK needs a big whap upside its head to get its mind right.

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"Mirthless technocrats": a turn of phrase worth applauding:

*so* much succinctly conveyed with just two words. 👏😊

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in deed

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I discovered early on that Substack does less deamplifying and amplifying of comments than they do of posts. Still some, but less.

Proof of this is that you can't search for comments.

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Even your own comments!

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Yes, especially your own, that would be too useful to people. Search for posts exists but is very broken.

Substack is a democracy hall of mirrors, similar to Beijing allowing a democracy wall during Tienamen, but with social media features. It is intended to create the illusion of agency while preventing organization and harvesting data for AI.

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"FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE IS THE POLICY" says the inimitable Vic Sadot..who was murdered by the state goons and was discovered dead in his house. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbURDovv0UY

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Thanks for the celestial contact. I'll be giving his work a listen. I think it a shame that his berkleyy obituary tainted him with "social justice causes" while omitting all mention of his alleged state assassination.


But I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone, given it's the center of corporatist pedophilia.

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I have no idea if this really is "the center of corporatist pedophilia"....What evidence do you have that it is the said "center of corporatist pedophilia" ....shocking.

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why ever would you sputter thus?

Growing up in the cowboy country of the Rockies, I never realized how aggressively offensive queer harassment was until encountering a gang of fags in Balboa Park as a naive Navy recruit.

It is in that context when my reading of beat poets led me to the work of Ginsberg and his UC Berkeley NAMbLA rape gang. Despite unanimous moral objections from “straight” gay groups, the NAMbLA pedos found peer support in the o’bombya rump of the Democratic Party. That kinship translated into federal funding and legal cover.

If you intend to argue against the nationally infamous impact of those degenerate Berkeley criminal’s on students in local schools and in BSA troops then you will have to write a lot of challenge letters to leading internet search engine providers. Good luck. Meanwhile, those of us who are not depraved delusional communists will disregard any further fake outrage.

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" conscription by starvation was what drove the irish to join the British army, they had no allegiance to king nor kaiser but had families to feed.

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Hear hear Edward Flynn! Here’s to hope.

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the brits may not have invented punk rock but they sure as hell perfected it

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Well, high-fallutin (definitely a Southern expression)-sounding Brits can hold forth, as the literary world has seen, for nigh on centuries, but nicely-phrased rants aren't getting it done, as 10 Downing has proved, and sometimes blunt words are needed. I'm afraid you're due for a civil war -- to restore sanity (and law) to your islands. And you'll be fighting face-to-face with swords, knives, machetes and meat cleavers since YOU GAVE UP YOUR GUNS. I keep waiting for UK (and most of the rest of EU) to rise up and say, "NO MORE!" but so far, crickets. I'm amazed that certain Muslim gangs are still breathing, much less capable of an erection. Knives are silent in the night. I'm surprised these rapists aren't branded. You need a Boadaccia or even a deranged witch to lead. Obviously, the men aren't up to it; they are all in on it. UK needs a housecleaning. Stop talking (since the truth and the odd insult lands you in jail) and start doing. Once again, it's up to the women to get shit done. Just don't leave any fingerprints.

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All a woman really needs is a tent peg. (And a Walther PPK for backup).

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Judges 5:26 She reached for the tent peg, her right hand ...

Her left hand reached for the tent peg, her right hand for the workmen's hammer. She "hammered" Sisera, she shattered his skull, she smashed his head, she drove the tent peg through his temple.

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Thanks for the context!

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Good point! And thanks to Kathleen for clarifying the context! However, death is too good for those male indulgences. Living with the consequences of their barbarism is just, as their own culture mandates: cut off the right hand that reaches into the communal food bowl because the left is used to wipe their ass. Automatic societal rejection.

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Had to come here on the title even though it's that time that my shift ends.

My belief is that the note that Starmer handed to Trump in public declared, "You are on your own." As in with the death of the mum, the royals were leaving the transition to the outside world & were going to retreat into their own private hell.

Therefore, to answer the question: yes. That is my belief.

Cherish, etc. Nod's, et al.

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Being from the East Coast, I still call it sea glass, but living on the west coast many have righteously informed me they're called beach glass, because that's where you find them. So literal.

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not sure why I read that.

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