
The Idea Of A Virus

Is Itself A Virus.

Self- Replicating

In The Presence

Of A Susceptible Mind.

Until Proven

It’s Just An Idea After All.


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What if we are wrong on that and they exist?

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Then it would be nice to have scientific proof. But, truly, what would be different if viruses exist? You would still go about treating the body, hopefully, with protocols that support it rather than make it sicker.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Exactly. The only real cure for a viral disease is rest and letting time and your body (or "immune system") defeat the infection.

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I think we can argue virus vs no virus. Terrain vs germ theory. GOF is real or GOF is not real because viruses do not exist. There was a pandemic there was no pandemic. Rather it was mass psychosis.

Argue argue argue yada yada yada

Point is it is all irrelevant (in the big picture) and works only to serve the enemy. Nothing works for them more than everyone missing the point and fighting with each other while the enemy continues to press the assault

IMO the most salient issue is (there may be others I am sure)

WE ARE AT WAR. We may not know it but the enemy knows it is in a war and in a war the enemy will use ANYTHING that is to their advantage. So if they can get us to argue about virus no virus or germs no germs or GOF is real GOF is bs WHILE THEY CONTINUE TO LOOT CONTROL ENSLAVE AND KILL US, they win, gender is fixed gender is fluid. Whatever, as long as we are confused and arguing they win

As Dr Malone likes to say, 5th generation war is war where you have extreme difficulty identifying the enemy. Makes me think of the King Crimson line

Confusion will be my epitaph


To me that is the bottom line. We are in a war for our sovereignty and freedom and being a war the enemy will use ANYTHING to win including lies, confusion, starvation, shape shifting, mortal & economic attacks and coercion of every kind

You have to keep your eye on that ball. These are the "By any means necessary" folks and any kind of lie, truth. half truth kinetic or non kinetic means will be used to get the few to dominate the many

If we get so wrapped up in arguing virus vs no virus to the point that we can't recognize what team we are both (hopefully) on they win. We are the attack target and if the lab rats are fighting among themselves about relatively small picture things they win we lose

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So true! Silos within silos.....all a distraction from people all coming together, putting aside their individual identification with this camp or that and focusing on chopping off the head of the leviathan that is behind it all.

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True up to a point. Amongst non experts (most commenters) it is perfectly possible to be of good will and hold either position. I do not believe that that is the case for people who have spent a lifetime in the field of virology, or even any layman who has looked into it extensively.

And thus, at least for such people, a pro virus position is a good marker for that person being an enemy agent.

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BINGO, we have a winner! It's all a distraction from a genocide. Even the orange messiah is being used to divide and conquer us ...


Keep firing Ray, you're right over the target, friend. ~~ j ~~

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Considerable thought expressed by the author of the reply. However, there is a definite value to time, it is not a mere secondary thought. It sounds sensible to compartmentalize our thoughts and limit discussions to certain subjects, however that time element keeps barging into our thoughts. Yes, it would be nice to concentrate our efforts on a single or a few subjects, yet we don't have forever to attack our main enemies for what they are doing to us. Hence, we often have to cram lots of issues into small temporal spaces and accept some ragged edges to our deductions. I wonder what our enemies are thinking/talking about now. I'm sure we are "getting through to them" just as I'm sure they are getting through to us. It's war and sometimes things hit the fan against our abilities to deal with our own riddles. It's pretty clear that we've botched some stuff just as they've botched some stuff. We've got some great people, like Dr David Martin, working on some of the deeper aspects of this murderous plot against humanity. God and David Martin are a majority and that's not shabby at all. Keep plugging.

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Well duh! We know we are at war.

And surely in this war, the biggest tool we have to fight the enemy is to prove to the patriots that there are no infectious and contagious viruses?

Because the weapon they are assaulting us with is "THE VIRUS"

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I'm not so sure that the majority knows we are at war. The "we" on these threads is probably the infinitesimal minority (no criticism, I use the term "we" also, probably most of us do, but comparatively it is likely a small cohort. Am hoping to be wrong)

The enemy is in an all out highly funded war (funds & even our supportive labor stolen from us. We may have to pay our taxes but we don't have to bend our talents in service of our enemies. But realistically, the moral hazard of high pay is tempting).

Meanwhile the law abiding process-believing "we" is waiting to vote ourselves out of the mess using "the legal process" to get ourselves out. IN THE MEANTIME we are left with vax injured kids (oft times not even being fully aware of it) and vax harmed and looted relatives while the shape shifting enemy keeps exhorting us to "use the process & we will look after you". Just a stall tactic while our representatives continue to cash in and betray us

I'm not a civil disobedience activist but we have to know our boundaries and know when it's time to say "over my dead body"

Else we'll be strung along with process-nooses to the Gulag while "the process" keeps serving up "investigations" overseen by those at war with us. As long as Congress (just one example) is on the enemy's parole there really is no credible process. There is only delay tactics on the way to enslavement

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A comfortable appraisal of the situation I'm sure but, if we (us and the ignorant) are in a war, then we must fight their strategy and tactic with our own.

If their strategic lie is the existence of viruses, then we must counter that with the strategy of truth that viruses do not exist.

There is no survival in believing in virus and there is also no survival in indifference to virus existence.

Both beliefs are a defeat.

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How can you be so sure that you aren't among the ignorant?

And what makes you think that telling people viruses do not exist is an effective strategy?

Sir Humphrey Appleby famously explained that most people only need to know on a need-to-know basis. At present, they need to know that viruses are pathogens, evolving into an infinity of hobgoblins—sorry—variants, that can be dangerous or deadly, but fortunately scientists in white coats have sacrificed dozens of mice to produce a snake oil—be pardon—a vaccine that will make everybody safe and give us all a shot in the arm, so to speak.

That's all people need to know. And then you come along telling people that viruses don't exist and try to spoil everything.

But fortunately, the hypnotic spell most people are under is far too strong for them to listen to that message. Anyone who's had a cold, the flu, or chickenpox, or herpes, or shingles, or rabies, or a bout of norovirus is going to ask, "If viruses didn't cause that, then what did?"

And any explanation you care to give had better be more credible than the current nonsensus that tiny little viral particles that can accomplish their own reproduction by subcontracting the work out to the cells of creatures they infect, otherwise they won't buy it.

Just saying the magic word, Exosomes, won't cut it.

"Wos dat?" They will reply. "Just a fancy word for viruses?"

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I think that there is a very great deal of weight in the idea that the truth is our weapon. And it is more powerful than the lie, and thus we must insist on its use always and everywhere.

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I agree up to a point. But the virus is only one of their weapons, and definitely not the most important.

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I say in this context, (the Pandemics) the "virus" is their most important weapon.

Take its existence away with the truth and their entire house of cards falls.

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Their most potent weapon is propaganda. Through thick and thin, propaganda has paid them enormous dividends.

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Sure - but pandemics are just one in a long line of scares they have deployed. This same group have deployed one BS scam after another to justify their eternal thefts and limitions of our God given rights

- Malthusianism (yes - he was one of them)

- Nuclear weapons (really - nuclear bombs?)

- Space race

- Climate change

- War after war after war

- "Fossil" fuels and resource scarcity

These are/were all scams. If we take down the idea of viruses they will just rustle up another scam and unleash it upon us.

My own view, after much thought, is that the idea of which we must convince people above all else, is that Christ is king. Large numbers of true believing Christians spells the end of all their plots - not just one.

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Chaos and cosmos, disorder and order. It doesn't seem possible that order can spontaneously emerge from chaos. It seems that something else has to create the cosmos.

That's the whole point of the no-virus debate. People need to learn logic by practicing logic. By learning to use logic, we become less confused. We can then participate in the creation of order.

There are many other ways to learn. But the no virus theme is attractive. Now we are learning to not be jerks. As Jon Rappoport said in 2022: do not eat your own.

Also, learning about the things scientist do, and how they reason, takes care of a lot of fear.

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Sure, but J.R. still calls out b.s. when he sees it.

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Unfortunately, genetic damage/erasure/scrambling/negative alteration using CRISPr CAS-9 tech IS real and can wreak havoc within even a previously healthy, well-functioning system.

That's not, however, a purported 'virus causing an illness' issue but a genetically-distorting issue creating impedance/dysfunction/disaster.

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Genetic modification is the ultimate form of Eugenics. That whole thing is based on weeding out defective genes.

Imagine the power in CREATING defective genes? Imagine further the power of creating genes so defective that the self-culling is genetically embedded. If you spontaneously die &/or can't reproduce??? Eugenics problem solved

They aren't spending those billions of our money for nothing. Thinning the herd based on onerous Eugenics theorems has such bad optics. But if you can cause the genetic defectives to do the culling FOR you it works out so much better

IMO It's all about optics. For example the C19 clot shot scam. Injecting Clot shots and targeting other low level mechanisms that may cause "turbo cancers" so completely muddies the cause and effect phenomena. WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE OPTICS FANTASY.

If a killer could shoot you in the head while you're watching and leave you STILL confused about what you saw ??? How perfect for the killer

If you can kill MILLIONS/BILLIONS without people being sure what the hell is going on it's such a better optics situation compared to mass starvation (a fav of the commies) or smelly stinky horror show death camps (a fav of the efficient practical Nazi's)

How much better when you can inject the masses on the pretense of "the greater good" and the mass culling is so obfuscated that even careful "all cause mortality" statistical studies by world class statisticians does not make it totally clear that "IT IS THEGOD DAM DEATH SHOTS THAT ARE KILLING YOU"!

Optics is the game. If they can hide the truth from you and get you to pay for your own annihilation and your own burial while they loot everything you have...???

Welp, that's why they spend the big bucks to come up with these strategies. If you KNEW it was a death camp scenario you perhaps would resist. But if you are led to believe "Safe and Effective" and "for the greater good" you will fund it and willing march to the cattle car trains where a mortal gassing is waiting at the end

All while thinking you're doing the responsible thing

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What if we are wrong and god is a purple bunny from inner and outer space?

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Why would you waste time worrying about things which might exist but for which there is no evidence? Especially when people have extensively searched for the evidence and failed to find it.

There is an educational fable for children to teach them the folly of worrying about such things: "Chicken Little".

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this comment should go viral.

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SARS- CoV-2 …

Still Only “Poised” For Human Emergence.

Show Me A Poison

That Is Self - Replicating.

There Is No There - THERE.

Gain Of Function Is

Gain Of Failure.

“Poised”. Only “Poised”. Still Poised To Fail.

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SARS- CoV-2 …

Still Only “Poised” For Human Emergence.

Show Me A Poison

That Is Self - Replicating.

There Is No There - THERE.

Gain Of Function Is

Gain Of Failure.

“Poised”. Only “Poised”. Still Poised To Fail.

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I like the poem, but, apart from all else, what about snake venom and other toxins/pathogens, variously being produced within the cells of the genetically-engineered/disrupted body, in order to cause damage/illness/death?

Also, 'stealth' nanoparticles, with or without CRISPR CAS-9/similar capacity, containing damaging substances to be released upon entry or in response to some frequency and waaaay too much more that may or may not be involved in various cases of inflicted damage/disease/death due to this crazed obsession with Mad Scientism - proliferating among the most obscenely wealthy and reality-divorced - that is currently killing off planetary Life?

There have long been, and are now many more, plants genetically engineered to produce pesticides/poisons within themselves, now specifically intended to entirely replace healthy natural foods, just as the jabbed/shed-upon-unjabbed humans and animals are now producing poisons and structures within themselves, to replace their own health and life with suffering and death...

There are reasons why bioweapons were to be illegal and why genetic engineering should have been strictly limited to scientific inquiry toward a more informed understanding and contained, well away from ecosystems traditionally placed at risk from the addition of organisms not previously present and therefore disruptive to the entire locale, even without the genetic pollution factor added by GMOs - and by the toxic chemicals also applied to facilitate the GMO crop and other plants becoming a profitable monopoly-seeking disaster.

I would obviously like the 'Gain of Function'/nanotech/poisonings (including toxic frequencies!) and the censorship/propaganda-media

/'official' flooding, to all fail, and the warping of Life's genetics to fail along with it, but with so much damage done, it certainly seems to me to have taken its toll, with worse yet to come, if not stopped.

Some recovery might be possible, if it's actually stopped now-ish.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

martin's worldview is that decades of GOF research and meticulous planning set the stage for a deliberate release of the virus as a pretext for the deployment of a surveillance state hell on earth. he covered all this with mikki willis in plandemic 2 in 2022.

it would be interesting to see him debate this with sasha latypova or denis rancourt.

as we know from rancourt's work, a virus doesn't stop at the state line. as sincere as martin's tireless research into patents and shady virology seems to be, we have to tread very carefully so as not to enshrine dubious virological theories into legal precedent that will affect future prosecutions

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Martin says "every single person who took the shot became a manufacturer of the synthetic spike protein associated with the coronavirus model." At 13:24

The angle of the government regulating manufacturers (which is almost the same as "slaves" in the fascio-communist tyranny) is very interesting.

But what if the synthetic spike protein is not real? What if no one is producing it? What product is there to be regulated by the milking cows... I mean, bioweapon manufacturers that were coerced by Master Painter Hunter Biden's Dad, to become slaves?

Has anyone proved that transfected humans are producing the spike, or is that another psyop designed to crush people's souls?

There is a very subtle angle to this: human cells may not be producing spike, but the bacteria of the human colon may be the ones producing it. Perhaps the target were our commensal or symbiotic bacteria, not our "proper" cells.

I mean: who owns the gut flora? Is it Federal Prooperty now or property of each individual citizen?

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I believe Cowan et al say spike protein is a myth. It’s an artifact seen on slides and can be seen on slides before 2020, was the subject of an video I watched sometime ago. Whereas Jon Rappaport says the cells are “programmed” to create “spike” proteins but there’s no specifity, so that cells are pumping out random proteins

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The "SPIKE PROTEIN" was an aberrant lab artifact, produced by adding Trypsin (a solvent) to a culture, that dissolved the protein coat, giving it the illusion of spikes when viewed under electron microscope.

It is a visual artifact and completely bogus.

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Imagine a medical doctor arguing like this on the internet: "this vaccinated young man has internal bleeding because his body is constantly producing spike protein, which attacks the endothelium. I've seen many cases like this. It's terrifying!"

In your view, this hypothetical MD is:

a) partially lying, in the sense that he knows it's not the spike protein, and the cause of the bleeding is another thing

b) confused and deluded, because he misinterprets the data because he's been taken in by war propaganda

c) completely making everything up, including the patient, and he is just repeating what his handlers taught him to say, and he knows everything is a lie

d) trying to collaborate in a complicated legal strategy, that tries to achieve some kind of compensation for the victims, so he has to lie for a good cause, sorta

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e) All of the above.

Medical doctors are a broad church of different psychosis including attempted mitigation of their own histories.

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Medical doctors are no different to anyone else. Most absorb and accept the foundational ideas which they are taught without question.

Questioning comes later, and only for some. And that is true for men in every profession.

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I thought trypsin was an enzyme.

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It is. With the capacity to dissolve certain proteins.

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Good to know:).

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I like the argument from Professor Scoglio: just isolate the protein. It should be easy to find.

By doing that you can prove to people they have been posioned to create that thing, and if you cannot prove spike, then you can stop abusing them to death with nonsense like genetic modification of human cells.

Fear is the real disease. La paura, as they say in Italian.

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habeas corpus. Bring the accused before the court.

Prosecuting the absent or nonexistent with bullshit theory after bullshit theory is trial by bullshit.

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Damaged proteins and they build up more when the lipids clog shit up...

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If spike protein is a myth, does graphene oxide do the killing?

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Years before covid, before "spike protein", the lipids were found to be toxic.... Why did they go with multiple dose shots? Why are people falling for the spike protein while ignoring the real issue?

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."


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Till someone figures this crap out I'd say not submitting to needle rape of any sort is good policy. After all, no one really knows what is being injected, CERTAINLY NOT the recipient and even the injector does not REALLY know what's in that needle they've been tasked for a fee to inject in you. Full indemnification does not bode well for manufacturing quality control and since the target lab rats are irrelevant there is no reason they would not put in experimental contents as fits the DOD/DARPA contract. HowBadIsMyBatch.com does not exist because there is tight manufacturing control.

No one REALLY knows what will happen as a result of the injections.

When injections are coerced and uninformed it is the same as rape. Different syringe but conceptually similar

And Rape is Bad

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When you say "But what if the synthetic spike protein is not real? " it is tantamount to saying "But what if the feds are lying to us in order to play us? "

It is true that absolutely every statement ever issued by the government and it's military branch the MSM could be false and many statements are likely PROVABLY false

But one thing is incontrovertible FACT. They told us, or lied to us, whatever you want to believe, that the vax was causing the spike protein to manufactured IN OUR BODIES BY OUR BODIES.

However you want to slice it we are being deceived &/or manipulated for ill intent. That is what we need to keep focused on and let the argument rage about mRNA being real or not. I could see this playing out like the JFK/RFK assassinations. Everyone agrees they were assassinated, everyone knows it changed history and changed the world, But there will be those still arguing if it was Oswald along, the CIA or a combo of others. Just like the assassinations the inescapable fact is they happened for objective. Recognizing the objective is more important than all the minutia. And the objective right now seems to be to enslave & control us regardless of whether virus' or spike proteins are real or just imaginary boogey men.

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Good point.

But I worry about individual people.

Many believe they live with a curse, because of the shots they were coerced to get to keep their job, their home, or to be allowed to see their parents in a residence. These people are very damaged emotionally.

Just telling them "you are not producing spike, no one is, they just lied to you and keep lying to you, you can stop fearing now, you are free" is probably not going to work.

Certainly not if that is said by an anonymous, angry rescuer on the internet.

These people suffer from chronic fear.

I think this disperse group of people is very important. Their mental enslavement is an obstacle for many others.

Perhaps the simplest solution is to ignore them and declare them lost and beyond salvation, and move on. But as long as they are alive and terrified, the enemy will keep using them against you, even if you cut ties.

I'm not saying that this is a problem for you to solve. This problem is psychological and only them can figure it out. The best I can do about this is to ask questions and connect people to information. The people who approach. They have to come, they cannot dragged here to Conspirastan by force or guile, because they well guarded by censorship.

And guarded by commercial interest, too. For example, some people denounce certain shills who sell placebos to these victims. But these rescuers cannot even begin to articulate that there is no spike disease. They are too Machiavellian and underestimate the power of simply saying the truth.

And the other group uses a form of shock therapy that also fails, by telling people, "look, you were not coerced at all to get the poison, it was your decision, it's your sole responsibility, don't blame others, and just understand that you are suffering from guilt and shame, not from a permanent and recidivist chemical damage in you internal organs. You are free and healthy whenever you want to stop lying to yourself." That language will not persuade anyone.

My point is: the larger problem of global tyranny depends in part on individual redemption, and there is no unique solution to that.

here: youtu.be/kOFu6b3w6c0

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I see what you're saying and it is a real consideration. Those that took the shot, particularly the more anxious types understandably have a certain amount of angst about it. But we are all in the same boat, figuratively if not literally when it comes to the attack space. We are in the sights some get hit directly, some indirectly and some comparatively not at all. Although we ALL are affected by collateral damage whether we make the connection or not

They tried (and are trying) to get those who did not take the shot with the idea of "shedding". That way no matter the choice there is something to worry about. Or if they convinced you that you're in "the vulnerable space", IE older & perhaps metabolically unsound (porky). Should you take the shot and accept the clot & cancer & other risk or should you not take it and risk being downed by the big C19 as they threaten? EITHER WAY YOU HAVE TO MAKE A BEST GUESS AND LIVE WITH IT. Because virtually none of us REALLY know what's the real truth. Living with uncertainty is a spiritual thing

As to "shedding" (yeah it is probably BS but it was floated to keep everyone anxious). Perhaps your spouse took the shot. Perhaps you're single and out there on the loose, you have no idea if you've been "shed on" or not. Conceptually similar to AIDS. Realistically a very small number were at risk or affected but EVERYONE of that era who was not monogamous worried a bit or a lot (and even the monogamous worried if their significant other was out there on the loose). It was & is a well designed psyop. The idea is to mess with as many lab rat heads as possible.

At base it is a spiritual war. They're always trying to get inside our heads and mess with us. If you can make people crazy with worry or any other way you don't have to defeat them because they're already defeated.

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I've never had any shedding issues and I work in a physical job where almost everyone else was vaxxed.

I think it's part nocebo effect... If they think this shit can jump, ok fine but the amount you can get from being near someone is miniscule compared to a single shot directly bypassing the lungs or digestive system!

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Ironically I got "the COVID" very early on before the clot shot was even available. But I don't think I caught from anyone as I am almost a hermit and the people density here is low. Point is where did it come from? Honestly, if witch doctors can make people sick by terrifying them with spells to make them sick who knows what mass hysteria does to populations. Belief & fear is just another powerful trigger in the inscrutable response of "the masses"

The neighbor down the street in her eighties at the time (still around) I recall had been in the hospital because she allegedly had had COVID. I recall because I walk a lot and would chat with her and her family (very nice people) when they were outside as I walked by. She warned me off "don't come closer" (I always talk from the street and don't actually step on the property) but just the act of me moving a bit closer made her fearful. Sooooo much has changed in this sleepy ville since then. At any rate, if there is such a thing as transmissible covid there would be no wondering why an old lady surrounded by out and about family would get it

But I was and still am intrigued how I got it. I'm as near as it gets to being a hermit and walking alone is near as it gets to a social life for me. And yet, pretty sure I had covid. I am pretty healthy, RARELY get sick for more than 24-48 hours and even that is rare and minor. Maybe every decade or so on average. Maybe less. But I HAVE had the flu (or SOMETHING viral, if viruses exist) 2-3 times in my life and it was always a death's door sort of thing. Sudden onset, hi fever. REALLY sick for 3-6 days. I know what flu looks like

This thing they called covid was demonstrably different than the other "flu's" I had had except it came on fast. Low grade but a long time (about 10 days). I also tested positive. Pretty sure I had COVID if there is such a thing

The point is, where did I get it? Still wondering about that. You can put ricin in a subway and make people sick. Assume you could put things in the air to make people sick. But why the hell would something like that happen in my nowhere town? Unless it's the chemtrails? Honestly I don't dismiss anything. Just know we're being messed with and millions were coerced to take a "none of your business" injection. I haven't had a needle of any sort in over a decade so I have no idea ... Just know what I know and what I've seen

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Martin is on the establishment payroll.

Martin is a contingent, limited hangout.

So is Alex Jones.

There is no virus.

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What if Martin uses "virus" as a paraphrase, a proxy? As sort of some amorphous entity we might not have a good definition of? You really think you can write him off completely for this faux pas?

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faux pas my giddy aunt.

Martin is a grand filibuster ...He uses "viruses" "poisons" and other terminologies to one end.

To conceal the truth that viruses, as described and promoted by the medical mafia have justified vaccines and treatments for past generations.

He is vainglorious self-promoter and Fairweather main Chancer.

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Yeah that's why I'm perplexed why he says this bs. Why hype up GOF if covid was the flu rebadged and hyped up???

I can't tell if he's really ignorant or a shill.

All I know is that Gain of fiction is there to create fear about other diseases but the event itself did not show such an engineered pathogen!


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Alex Zeck had a good interview with Martin- wherein he showed his true (imo) colors..

search for it, watch it, and you be the judge

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Here here! Martin is a contingent, limited hangout.

His brief is to maintain belief in viruses by his "exposition" of frauds.

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A glorious conversation. Martin has never been grilled like that before in a podcast. Alec Zeck did a great job.

The conversation is a bit bumpy and some ears will be offended, but I'll leave the link here:


My favorite moment is when David Martin argues that they invented sheets of paper with that proportion of the short side to the long side to cause damage to the optical nerve so that people couldn't read. I mean, how does anyone come up with something like that?

I tried to read the fraktur typeface once, and I did feel violently patriotic for three seconds, but I just can't believe the sheet of paper story.

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thanks, Rogelio

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How about you providing the link to it? Is it the EP 40: Clarifying the Viral Narratives with David E. Martin one that "Agent Roger" linked below? I don't want to spend an hour and twenty minutes on it, if it isn't.(-:

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seems like the one

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Thanks. I viewed the entire discussion. I'd never heard Martin go so far back in history. That was superb!

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Here's the salient passage for me @29:16 to 29:43-

Dr. David Martin :

"Listen, my 'ROLE' in this entire 'PROGRAM'-just like my 'ROLE' in doing 'BIOWEAPONS' inspection in 2003 and 2005, and other times for the 'UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT'... my 'ROLE' is really simple,

my 'JOB' is to 'ACTually publicly 'BRING LIGHT' to facts that stand in controversy to 'OFFICIAL NARRATIVE' , the 'OFFICIAL NARRATIVE' and the 'FACTS' that are presented by me- 'ARE THE POINT ! " (emphasis & single quotes-mine)

Some might call this 'Revelation of the Method' of the 'Controlled Opposition' (but perhaps that's just me... ;) )

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I'm going to have to listen to this history lesson again and take notes...(-:

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GOF could also be a money laundering device, as well as ritual brainwashing of participating scientists

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Martin is on the establishment payroll.

He is one of them

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Isn't Latypova FIRMLY in the virus camp ?

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Not really .... She's saying it's toxins because there was never any pandemics, period!

She even looked up Russian records during the Spanish flu and there was nothing of such mentioned there.

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Martin's world view is that the United States is behind world depopulation plans and hopes. US citizens may only need to know ONE fact, that their country is behind this massive attempt at wholesale murder and depopulation. Until the nation as a whole admits to the nefarious forces from this country, we are just babbling. I have formerly had friends who would never, ever admit we are anything but perfect. Therein lies the denervating logic we claim to possess. We are captured by the nonsense and until it vanishes, we will think of ourselves as mankind's gift. It ain't so........

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Your points are well made concerning the "science" of virology. But this has never been about science.. Agree?

This is about tracking criminal activity, which is where the money and crimes are revealed.

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Isn't Sasha a "virus' exist" proponent? I am not 100% sure what the debate would be about. Perhaps virus' DON'T stop at state lines (if they exist) but maybe DEPLOYED bioweapons stop in a known semi-predictable field of effectiveness.

Virus or bioweapon posing as a virus or pure bioweapon with no germ/virus affiliation, it would be a pretty sucko bioweapon if it was completely unknown as to its expected field of effectivity.

If you deployed such a bioweapon with no known radius of effectivity it would be like pointing a gun to your head and telling the enemy you wish to attack, "stop or I'll shoot"

Perhaps we're in a beta test where they are establishing the "radius of effectivity"

After all, that's what lab rats are for

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Not really .... She's saying it's toxins because there were never any pandemics, period!

She even looked up Russian records during the Spanish flu and there was nothing of such mentioned there.

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I think everyone agrees on the big points

We were attacked/manipulated by a bioweapon/poison/toxin &/or pure fear that was amplified & manipulated in the moment to facilitate the real crime and the unambiguous attack with an agent in the form of a clot shot. The original events in the form of sickness & death (whether real or staged) may be ambiguous but there is nothing at all ambiguous about injecting the contents of a "none of your business what's in it" clot shot at the tip of a massive threat. An injection is as unambiguous as rape and the consequences of that injection and all the social engineered lockdowns and looting that have been built on that edifice continue to mount to this moment

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We may never understand the full breakdown of what's in the injections. Ultimately, it's just another diversion away from the main issue. I watched the entire video, and I was enraged. Anyone who watches it should be. And, that simmering rage and the absolute fatigue of all of the sh*t we've endured should be kept in handy reserve. I can't handle seeing one more person suffer or die or question their worth because of these monsters. No more beautiful hearts stopping because of the garbage they're peddling. All of the irreplaceable souls who left this earth too soon. Don't ever forget.

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Alex Jonestein and David Martinberg are controlled operatives, please tell me more about "viruses", the existence thereof and the reality of the spinny spinny ball hurtling thru the deep, dark "vacuum" (*cough) of space upon which we find ourselves. Don't get me wrong, like every operative they throw enough current reality in there, truth (such as it is) along with generous dollops of "baffle em with bullshit", that plays into and coordinates with the PSYOP that is this current human experience, that it does actually serve to be revelatory to anyone just now scraping the sleep from their eyes, as well as fulfilling the Psychopathy's requirement of "tell them what we're doing to them" - to keep said Psychopathy continuing its ceaseless march toward its goals. "Whenever the people need a hero we shall provide him." - Albert Pike, 33rd degree Freemason

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Thou shan't conflate topics, lest you'd be taken by an infiltrator. FE is bullshit. Germ theory criticism is a real topic.

Anyway, just try to be nice to people, please. Be humane, whenever possible.

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FE (flat earth) is indeed bullshit, although on the Flat Earth website they boasted that they had adherents all around the globe! GT (germ theory) is incomplete, and different people describe it in different ways. Bacteria are, after all, germs. And wheat is full of germ too. NV (no virus) has the smell of FE, or in other words, it has the whiff of bullshit. But......

I wish I could find a compelling "gotcha" fact that could help persuade reasonable people of the existence of viruses without requiring extensive scientific expertise. Unfortunately, the nature of viruses presents some inherent challenges in this regard.

Unlike bacteria, viruses are significantly smaller and cannot be directly observed with basic optical microscopes. Their visualization and study requires more advanced techniques like electron microscopy, which may not be as readily accessible to the general public.

However, perhaps an approach that involves showing the effects of viruses, such as the clear structural changes they can induce in host cells, could make the subject more accessible for lay audiences. If I see a suitable one, I'll share it.

Or perhaps a poll that finds 99% of virologists are convinced that viruses exist might sway the minds of those who are impressed by professional consensus. This is a higher figure than the percentage of the Catholic clergy who believe in God, apparently.

Ultimately, relying on appeals to scientific consensus may not be the most effective strategy when dealing with skepticism. A multi-pronged approach that combines accessible visual evidence, clear explanations of the underlying science, and an acknowledgment of the limitations of expert-driven arguments is probably a more balanced and effective way to engage with those who are skeptical of the existence of viruses. However, when they shout "Habeas corpus!" you have to answer "Quod in terra dicis? Ratio legalis numquam ad quaestiones huius naturae respondere voluit."

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Go watch this video, start at minute 50:00.


Jamie Andrews. He's at the center of the stage these days.

He is "creating" viruses from controls, that is, the soup minus the samples.

His electron microscopy pictures seem definitive proof that Lanka was right: the viruses are merely cellular debris from decaying cells of the culture. Viruses are a misconception.

Or, if you will, that scientists are mere humans and see what they want to see.

That's why we need real isolation, instead of cell culture. And that's impossible.

And, incidentally, doctors don't know any better than to keep alive for too long the big lies that hurt patients and increase the power of tyrants, so, even if the virologists concede their field is dead because its object of study has been falsified, I'm sure the MDs will keep up the ghost of the virus for many more years, causing much damage with wrong diagnoses and useless poisons.


I'm waiting to hear how the virologists and microbiologists in general try to demolish this new research. They asked for it. They said "the virus deniers should do their own lab research to convince themselves viruses are real." Now they've done it, and the "viruses" are there and they are not viruses cultured from any sample. Surprise!

They have to be careful, because by trying to attack the new research they may be end up destroying the entire field of molecular biology.

Wouldn't that be funny? That, by correctly using the scientific method on the field of microbiology, they end up disproving most if not all of the intellectual constructs of biochemistry that everyone is so proud of?

To avoid that catastrophe, maybe the experts choose to concede that viruses do not exist. Money-wise, DNA theory is worth more than virology.

My hunch is that if the Cathedral of Scientism has to sacrifice something, it will be the weakest part: virology.

Cicero was killed because tyrants want no challenges from anyone.

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Remember Plank's Principle?

(plagiarized from Wikipedia)

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it ...

An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning: another instance of the fact that the future lies with the youth.

— Max Planck, Scientific autobiography, 1950, p. 33, 97

Colloquially, this is often paraphrased as "Science progresses one funeral at a time".

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I think Jamie Andrews is doing a good job. Perhaps because he is a "layman", I can understand what he's explaining.

But I don't think his results prove that viruses don't exist. It certainly suggests very strongly that the conventional method of "proving" viruses exist does no such thing. And of course, it is impossible to prove a negative.

But what I want to know is, regardless of whether virologists and microbiologists are doing everything wrong, or even fraudulently wrong, why did I go down with a very specific flu (in terms of symptoms) after spending a few hours with somebody who was suffering from it? And why did I go down with typical very specific norovirus symptoms after my dog developed the very same symptoms during a trip the vets?

For reference, the dog doesn't use a smartphone.

I don't care if it was a virus that did it, or if it was something else, because I don't have an agenda to push, I don't "have a dog in this fight" , but on both occasions I definitely picked up something.

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Watching from minute 50:00. They said they are going to talk about Lanka, but a minute 52:00 there is another add, this time promoting one brand of organic muscle products and supplements and knocking everybody else's supplements.


But I will persevere, because no sacrifice is too great for art!!

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I'll watch this later today.

In the meantime, I'd like to share this on the death of Cicero. But it's not for the weak-stomached.

"All honest men killed Caesar....some lacked design, some courage, some opportunity: none lacked the will."

Cicero, Philippics (II.29)

On July 14, 44 BC, four months after Caesar's assassination and anxious over the unsettled state of affairs, Cicero fled to Greece. But, rebuked by his friend Atticus, who had asked him "Can you with honour, you who talk of a noble death—can you with honour abandon your country" (Letters, XVI.7), he quit his journey and returned to Rome on August 31. A meeting of the Senate was called by Antony for the next day to propose that an extra day be added to all public thanksgivings in Caesar's honor. Pleading exhaustion, Cicero did not attend and was assailed by Antony for his absence. When Cicero did appear the day after (in Antony's own absence), he delivered the first of what would be fourteen Philippics. Named after the speeches given by Demosthenes against Philip II of Macedonia more than three centuries earlier (Juvenal later called them divina Philippica, Satires IV.10.125), they argued against tyranny and for the restoration of the Republic.

Although more moderate than those that followed, Antony was angered nevertheless by allusions that he himself was a potential tyrant. The vitriol increased as the Philippics mounted in number: "What is more shameful than that he should be living who set on the diadem, while all men confess that he was rightly slain who flung it away" (Second Philippic, XXXIII.87). "What peace can there be, in the first place, between Marcus Antonius and the Senate? With what aspect can he regard you? With what eyes can you in our turn regard him? Who of you will not hate him? Whom of you will he not hate? Come, is it only he who hates you, and you him" (Seventh Philippic, VIII.21)? "When he thinks the death of Caesar should be avenged he proposes death not only for the perpetrators of that deed, but also for those who not resent it" (Thirteenth Philippic, XVIII.39). "I always took the same line before the people; and not only against Antonius himself have I always inveighed, but also against his abettors and agents in crime, both those here and those with him, in a word against the whole house of Marcus Antonius" (Twelfth Philippic, VII.18). And finally, a foreboding reference to Cicero himself: "Brief is the life given us by nature; but the memory of life nobly resigned is everlasting. And if that memory had been no longer than this life of ours, who would be so mad as, by the greatest labour and peril, to strive for the utmost height of honour and glory" (Fourteenth Philippic, XII.3).

Having allied themselves in a triumvirate, Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus did indeed set about proscribing their respective enemies. For two days, Octavian argued that Cicero's name should not be added to the list. But Antony was implacable, insisting that he be the first to be put to death (Plutarch, Life of Cicero, XLVI.5)— "together with his son, his brother, and his brother's son and all his household, his faction, and his friends" (Appian, Civil Wars, IV.19.1). Cicero was killed on December 7, 43 BC, aged sixty-three, his head and hands (having penned the Philippics) hacked off. The next year, Brutus and Cassius were defeated at Philippi and committed suicide—as did Antony and Cleopatra after their defeat at Actium eleven years later. Rome now would be ruled by an emperor.

Fulvia, Antony's wife, who had been married to Clodius, Cicero's implacable enemy, vented her hatred on the dead orator as well. Cassius Dio writes that, before the head and hands were prominently exposed on the Rostra (at the very place where Cicero had inveighed against Antony), she took the head in her hands and spat on it. Then, setting it on her knees, opened the mouth and, with pins from her hair, pierced the tongue that had argued so eloquently against her husband (Roman History, XLVII.8.4).

Proud of his own role in the murder, Popillius Laenas, the tribune who had been sent to kill the man who once had defended him in court against a charge of parricide, set up a statue of himself wearing a wreath, sitting beside the severed head of Cicero (XLVII.11.2). Antony was so pleased with the death of his "greatest and most bitter enemy" that he added a bonus to his reward of 25,000 Attic drachmas (equivalent to Roman denarii), multiplying it by a factor of ten (Appian, Civil Wars, IV.11.1, 19.20).

Philologus, who had been educated by Cicero and was a freedman of Quintus, Cicero's brother, also betrayed his benefactor, revealing his location to the pursuing Romans. He, in turn, was given up to Pomponia who, even though she and Quintus were divorced, forced the man to cut off his own flesh bit by bit, roast the pieces, and eat them (Plutarch, XLIX.3).

Quintus, who had been hidden by his son, gave himself up when he heard that the boy was being tortured to reveal the location. But he did not utter a word and the father, filled with admiration and pity, revealed himself and so was slain (Dio, XLVII.10.6–7).

As to Cicero's own son, he allied himself with Octavian and fought at the Battle of Actium. Co-consul when Antony afterwards committed suicide, he had the small consolation of announcing his death to the Senate, who took down the statues of Antony and made void any honors paid to him. "Thus the heavenly powers devolved upon the family of Cicero the final steps in the punishment of Antony" (Plutarch, XLIX.6).


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Plutarch was a vegan and he was kind obsessed with torture and nasty stuff. I think he also invented that story that the daughter of Cato committed suicide by eating coals. He wrote A LOT!

Many little stories of the past are at least as false and slanderous as the stories the journos fabricate today. In my view, it's best to regard most of them only as literary salt and pepper.

Mark Antony was a dickhead, by the way.

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here's my two cents, 72,000 murdered in Gaza funded by the American government. how does anyone hold hope that we can stop depopulation while they control the funding? give us back our taxes. defund the military. restructure healthcare. defund big Pharma.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Gates and the elite have been saying for years that vaccines are a BIG part of their depopulation program. It's our own fault if we refuse to believe them! While we are at it, for those that STILL believe the Covid virus scam, please explain HOW the elite were able to accurately predict 38 YEARS into the future the ACCIDENTAL release of a NATURALLY occurring CORONAVIRUS down to the EXACT YEAR and PLACE Wuhan, China that it would start. If that does not tell you the media has LIED to you from day one, nothing will. I smell a Coronavirus RAT!! Watch this... https://www.bitchute.com/video/mWcUoESRO0c5/

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Can’t wait. I love Dr Martin. I have a penchant for bright physicians who are able to explain things clearly. To do so requires a complete understanding of your subject. In addition, he has a delightful personality.

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Is he a physician? I thought he’s a lawyer

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He's a globalist, a new age cultist, a mason, and almost certainly an intelligence agent.

Best to ignore anything he says - which doesn't mean that he might not occasionally tell the truth about something, but his purpose is to deceive.

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You don't know crap about Martin. I would suggest you view the first 8.5 minutes of the following interview of Martin by Mike Adams:






Background starts at time=1:43 and watch for as long as you're interested in the conversation.

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Well you have your opinion. I have mine. Mine is based on

- his absurd bio which shows he spent his life working withing globalist institutions, NGOs including the UN itself, the world bank and various CIA fronts (including the well known Arlington Institute where he has been a board member since 2006 alongside various CIA agents including ex director James Wolsey) and deep state think tanks. Here is a small part of the deep state blurb from the old Arlington institute web-site via the wayback machine: "TAI committed itself to playing a significant role in facilitating a global transition to a new world that operates in a fundamentally different way from the past."

- his corporate (M-CAM) web site https://www.m-cam.com/about-us/ which is littered with masonic symbolism. The logo (top left) is a compass and square set within an M. Or you can click here and see the sun symbol https://www.m-cam.com/innovationalphaindex/.

- or you can just look at the eye of horus tattoo he sports on his shoulder.

- his pro-virus/bioweapon/fear campaign propaganda which is designed to offer you a false alternative to the mainstream which nevertheless locks you into the virus paradigm.

And posting a conversation with Mike Adams - another well known psywar operative - as evidence of David Martin's good guy credentials serves only to prove my point.

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I don't view Mike Adams as a Psywar operative. I see him as a successful food scientist who has done well enough to afford to construct his own platform, Brighteon; and, now spends a lot of time interviewing various people about subjects which often allow him to push his products on his followers. I get annoyed with him often, when he pushes fear to do this selling. That pisses me off. But, he is a very knowledgeable fellow.

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I'll see if I can dig up the evidence against him. I can't remember all the details now but I found it convincing at the time.

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What pro-virus/bioweapon/fear campaign propaganda are you referring to? Show me with a link or two. Martin holds that SARS-Cov-2 does not exist, as he reiterated in the interview with Alex Zeck.

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Adams is a bit dodgy himself:).

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See my replies to Horace.

I see Adams foremost as a very successful salesman selling his wares.

I do believe he should be more circumspect about how often cries "wolf", as he appeared to do with Jeff Nyquist regarding former Chinese Defense Minister General Chi HaoTian's 2003 speech, "“War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century”"; although I am now interested in where are the supposedly 1 million military age Chinese male who have entered the U.S. Adams and Nyquist had predicted that China would invade the U.S. prior to the November 2022 elections.

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He is not a physician. That "doctor" title is PhD.

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“Doctor” David Martin. You probably thought he was a lawyer because he speaks like an attorney and not like a physician.

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This fad of calling PhDs a "Doctor" is confussing and it's lasting too long.

People should just call PhDs "Professors" and reserve the word "Doctor" for actual clinicians and health practitioners.

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In Europe, PhD's ("Doctor of Philosophy") used to be more revered and considered more scholarly than MD physicians. It wasn't until MDs began earning far more money than most PhDs that the MD became more revered, especially in the U.S, where money rules. And, now, most commoners believe that MDs know everything about health and the human body, which for most MDs couldn't be further from the truth. MDs are not trained in research, unless they go on to do a PhD or later work with trained researchers. With regard to "vaccines", the four year MD degree includes maybe a half day of being taught: "This is the Childhood Immunization Shedule". Follow it." I had to explain to my very highly regarded PCP how an mRNA"vaccine" supposedly works.

Two times in my life, I have had to tell MDs that their diagnosis was wrong (one a colon surgeon; the other an orthopedist) and would be injurious to me. I then had to go to a different hospital and get an appropriate physician to do an appropriate test or test(s) to make an accurate diagnosis for subsequent surgery. And, I had an ear surgeon not do the exact surgical procedure we had agreed upon and I'm still suffering from his mistakes (should have sued him; but middle ear surgeries are fairly traumatic and I was exhausted).

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Wow! You did well in defending your health before those clueless people.


The money thing reminds me of a little joke that Stefan Lanka tells sometimes. The Ebola virus is said to be just a bit of genetic code with a little of a protein coating. It's almost naked!

But the Corona virus is said to have a full protein coating and a lipid layer and several proteins and all the bells and whistles. It's a virus in full regalia!

The joke is that the ebola virus is found in poor countries and the corona virus is a virus of rich countries, and that's how we know that viruses get dressed the same as the humans they see around.


I mean, medical doctors always have to adapt their stories to the target audience. They are used to have patients who desire nothing more from them than a good story.

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Better still, let's get rid of medical doctors altogether and go back to healers.

What are we going to do with Uncle Arthur?

Have him doctored like a tomcat?


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Lest we call DOCTOR Naomi Wolfe---Ms. !!

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Is he a physician?

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Nope, he's a lawyer.

Maybe he has other degrees, but he's not an MD.

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I do not believe he is a lawyer. Watch the Mike Adams interview of him above and he'll state much of his educational background.

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He is still pushing this gain-of-funciton(esque?) nonsense. He mixes truth with deception.

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his expertise is in patents. through patents he traced the development of illegal bioweapons. he doesn't promote Gain of Function, he follows the paper trail of its development in the legal documents recording the self-declared scientific breakthroughs that are the basis of profits for universities and corporations.

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He’s literally talking about how COVID was engineered in a lab. You can’t determine what has been made and deployed by reading patents. That’s absurd.

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I"m not sure what you mean, but a patent is proof of a claim of authorship, like a copyright. the gain of function was copyrighted by certain individuals and/or agencies like the CDC or FDA. this is the paper trail that proves, for example, that the mRNA injection wasn't created in a few months in 2021, because the technology was already documented through patents years beforehand.

deployment is a separate quesiton.

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I wasn’t talking about mRNA, I was talking about GoF pathogen nonsense.

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same difference.

in the film Plandemic 2, David elucidates the patents taken out in the 20 years (!!!) preceding the deployment of the bioweapon. it's a brilliant recitation, taxing for the hearer, but ultimately deeply satisfying in a terrible way. he's building a legal case, that's all he's doing.

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Several months ago I called in to talk on-air with Alex which I don't do very often. (it was probably at least 6 years ago that I called in live the last time) I recommended that he get Dr. David Martin on then, which he said he would try to do if they could get it scheduled, which had not worked out in the past according to Alex. Well he finally got David Martin on!

I hope this will finally start the momentum for a world-wide criminal investigation, which is FAR OVERDUE!

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I just watched (again, I believe) much of the interview between Alec Zeck and Martin, linked below.

It's rather astonishing the way David goes on for many minutes talking about the 17th and 18th centuries and the history of science when all Alec wants to know is David's opinion of a person-to person transmission of what we were told is a corona virus. David continually obfuscates that very basic question. He's done this in many interviews.

Then I came to 44:24. David says, "There is no crime in having a wrong thought; there is a crime in having a wrong act." I finally realized that with all his circumlocution, what he's really saying is -- "We can't prosecute Them for a Psyop; we can only prosecute them for actually breaking laws ON THE BOOKS. Which I suppose would take in all the lab stuff, GOF and whatnot, and he also mentions racketeering.

He does admit, when pressed, that he doesn't ACTUALLY believe that Sars-Cov-2 was causing illness. He also implies at various points that he doesn't care if the virus is real, it doesn't matter, what matters is the context in which the "crimes" were committed. But what does this tack do to people's sense of reality going forward? Is he for real--within his own sense of what he's doing? Or is he purposefully adding unnecessary compexity to our recent history?


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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

I'm watching that interview now.

David isn't obfuscating but clarifying the historical moment and context for the arrogant assumption that causality can be indisputably determined. interestingly, the context is religious. Lutherans being burnt by Catholics. this is a history I'm woefully ignorant of, but sounds worth tracking down.

David Martin says, "Causation, invented in 1663 by Gottfriend Liebniz, is an illusion of the intellectually lazy." I take this to mean that labeling a "virus" (which originally meant "poison") the cause of a disease ignores and denies all other possible causative agents. he goes on to say succintly, "bullshit" when Alex defines the modern-day concept of "virus." it doesn't get any clearer than that!

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It doesn't get any clearer...how much David Martin enjoys making any discussion far more complicated than it needs to be.

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he's certainly no Fauci.

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I think you bring up good points, at least in the context of the "lethal virus" vs. No Virus debate.

But which is easier to prove as a premeditated act of worldwide mass murder? 1.The paper trail that "follows the money" with names, motives and connections, or 2, The electron microscopy images that conclusively prove this "virus" exists, or does not exist as the proven pathogen that can be proven to continually cause the same "disease?" My thinking is that as long as we believe or expose the BS, they will continue to avoid any need for proof, which Fauci has done all the way back to 1984 with HIV. The public will never know who to believe, because they can't possibly verify the "science."

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

That's David's line of thinking and he also discusses in the above interview that the virus existing/not existing is not a legal strategy that would be "permitted" to be brought as a case in a U.S. court.

I think David's a brilliant guy, I just don't know what this type of strategy will do to our collective Reality moving forward. Nor do I know if I trust his motives. Maybe that doesn't matter.

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Well he has made some progress in places like the EU Parliament and other locations. I don't know about lawsuits he filed in the US, or what became of them.

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You must have missed his reference to the recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals opinion in HFDF v LAUSD that the Covid-19 injection products do NOT meet the legal definition of 'vaccine'. because they don't impart immunity to the recipient and they do not prevent transmission to others.

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That's about the Vax, I referenced what he said about a no-virus argument.

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More theatrics, diversions and half-truths.

More planned contingencies in support of bogus, non-existent viruses.

Bogus viruses natural and manmade.

More bullshit from Limited hangouts and virus gatekeepers.

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David Martin yet another Gatekeeper for the bullshit Germ theory , put there to halt CONvid and snakeoil sceptics slipping into the no virus camp.

Another clown like Kirsch and Del Bigtree

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I begin to realize his language might be too erudite for people to follow.

he distinctily refutes the reductivism of anything resembling "germ theory" in terms we ought to be able to grasp — he says, "bullshit."

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What's the consensus on David Martin? Good guy, white hat, whistleblower, controlled opp, CIA, all or none of the above? He seemed to pop up out of nowhere as a COVID expert. As with Malone, his stance seems to be that there is a Covid virus probably via Wuhan and that there was a "pandemic". I listened to him in 2020 and noticed that he seemed to deflect culpability away from Gates, CEPI, GAVI, Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, Pharma, and onto some other companies I'd never heard of. He may well be right - I don't know. We do know the US DoD had plenty to do with initiating this fakedemic and the vaccines (or biologic countermeasures) that followed.

Martin is an enigma - at least to me:).

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

you're misrepresenting what he says. maybe take notes while listening to him. he clearly says in this interview that Wuhan was a ploy to deflect attention from the U.S.-based bioweapons program.

and so on and so forth.

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Thanks Celia. will see it asap

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Thank you.

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Exactly 👍

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