I'm glad your cats (and you!) are okay, Celia!

Since you were out of the loop a bit yesterday, I wanted to make sure you saw the bombshell (I only reserve that word for truly momentous information) document prepared by Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova and simultaneously released by numerous dissidents on February 4, the five-year anniversary of the EUA and PREP Act declarations that initiated the COVID operation:

• “The COVID Dossier”: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/the-covid-dossier

They compiled the military and intelligence community's global coordination of COVID messaging, propaganda, and policies—the most important takeaway being that COVID was not a public health event but a military and intelligence operation. The dossier presents a simple, fully linked list of the military and intelligence actions taken in key Western countries to unleash COVID tyranny and the democidal injections.

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Thank you Margaret. I will see to it first thing in the morning. Looks momentous.

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Thank you, Celia, and yes, it is already fireballing its way through social media. I think the mental shift from this being a public health event to a military operation may even wake up some normies.

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But poor Trump simply didn't know.....or was tricked.....but is also a 10 dimensional chess player at the same time! Amazing stuff.

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🤣 One of the commenters on my COVID Dossier post was propagating the notion that Trump saved humanity from FEMA camps through OWS. Talk about colossal cope, but apparently, it's a standard Trumpist talking point I hadn't previously been exposed to:


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Yikes. One of the things that has been utterly disappointing for me, is the lack of critical thinking and curiosity displayed by many Trump supporters. So willing to turn a blind eye, do mental gymnastics, allow cognitive dissonance to take over, etc. Its just back to us crazy people who tend to be able to see the kabuki theatre.

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#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Shannon Joy had Latypova and Lerman on her show yesterday talking about this dossier subject.


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I gleefully await the inevitable judgment and will pack a picnic lunch which i will enjoy while overlooking their demise.

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Somehow, I feel that all of this will eventually be directed at "us," at our destruction, at the diminishment of our lives. "They" will find a way to do so. I'm certain of it, sadly.

And I'm deeply ambivalent about "Elon" and Trump as well. As much as I despise Biden and Harris, I simply do not feel that any of these people care about "us."

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Agreed. Elon was an enemy of the right like five minutes ago. If Elon has a chance to sell out america first/maga/trump for personal benefit he'd do it in a heartbeat.

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Thanks, Celia. Scrapping USAID is long overdue. I've been to Haiti 4 times in the last 20 years, visiting grassroots groups in various poor neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince and in the countryside in the south--all working on their own initiative to support each other with small farms, businesses and schools, maybe with a little strings-free funding from kind individuals, maybe not. But they all expressed utter contempt and distrust for USAID, whose staff members would parade around in fancy SUV's but never did anything but sabotage people's efforts at self-determination.

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"...whose staff members would parade around in fancy SUV's but never did anything but sabotage people's efforts at self-determination." - Yes, the Clinton Global Initiative at its best. 🙄

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Yes! Haitians can’t stand the Clintons. Bill decimated local rice cultivation in the ‘90’s and Hillary fraudulently installed an unelected US puppet as president in 2010. And as you say the Clinton Global Initiative is a big boondoggle.

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I’m not okay with how Musk, Trump, etc are going about this. I feel like I’ve been betrayed big time. We’re in trouble. Big trouble. How can I support someone who gives an enthusiastic Nazi salute? Someone I didn’t vote for and was snuck in and given tremendous power. This is embarrassing.

USAID has done evil things and deserves to be reined in or eliminated, but there are legal, governmental procedures that can and must be followed. Funds for meals for poor seniors in my neighborhood were cut off on one of the first days. This is not how things are done.


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No one gave a Nazi salute. And if you think that's what he meant then do a search on it and find multiple other leftists doing the same thing.

There is no other way to do this. If you don't attack your enemy hard and fast, they regroup and plot and plan ways to stop you. No one gave him any more power than every other president has had these past decades..... If funds for meals were cut off that would most likely be due to the state program. If we had a DOGE for each state you would see more corruption. Check your govt sites to see where and how the money gets to the senior meals. Also... in these chaotic times... do not, do not, repeat things you hear. Urban myths spread faster than LA wild fires. Check things out at the source.

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The funding was cut from senior meals programs and Headstart because Musk & co changed something in the gov. computers. It was legally challenged and reversed soon after. This was all over the news. You didn’t hear? Government portals were also frozen. And it was a Nazi salute, which is different from waving or a raised arm in a still photo.

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It could have been a roman salute.....which would also not be the most wonderful thing in the world. Ultimately, only Elon knows what he was doing or trying to do. Why argue over things like this when we know he is a transhumanist pig?

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Look up a video of Herr Hitler doing a 'Nazi Salute'. It's one of the most elegant things possible and wonderfully fitting for such a cultured people.

What Musk did was crude and spergy. Not the same thing at all.

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Musks grunting was uncouth and he may not have been as “elegant” as Hitler, but it was a Nazi salute.

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Do the Nazi's clutch their hearts and then waves their hand and arm to the crowd? Wow, I never knew that was how the Nazi salute was done? Wow, showing the people he is grateful for their support is being a Nazi! I am so behind the times in being educated about the Nazis. And I thought I knew history.

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Amen! Well said

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You didn't vote for millions of people. You didn't vote for millions who act out all manner of illegal, unLawful acts. They are "employees" of the crime syndicate -- the largest and deadliest in history.

Many of these unelected unknowns live as parasites their entire lives. This includes living off the proceeds of theft called their "pensions" in retirement. They produced nothing their entire lives while enabling the destruction of lives and liberty. This is all the crime syndicate knows how to do.

All these millions. Millions you don't know, have never seen, and never voted for.

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This is just the tip of the iceberg at USAID and believe me a lot these politicians screaming about shutting down are on the take as well. Soros, WEF and so much more. Many of us have known USAID was corrupt for years but the moment you talk about a "humanitarian" organization they assault you.

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Indeed. USAID is just a drop in the bucket. They won't reveal and criticize their largest grifts. Besides, they will just keep on funding 20 million dollar dance classes in Africa through a thousand other outlets. No telling where all that money really ends up and in what pockets.

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Agreed! These evil entities would not be losing their collective minds if we weren’t over the target 🎯 ! Trump as President has the right / mandate for placing ppl in place to find/ dig/ search 👀 for all the fraud and corruption of many years past! And as for the idiots who think Elon is interested in “stealing “ our info???? How hard did you bump your head?? He has no reason and no interest in our pitiful bank acct! I have not always been an Elon fan. Not necessarily one now. But he is getting results! That is why DemonRats are upset!!! President Trump could ask Jesus to do the job and ppl would have kittens over it! 😤

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"No telling where all that money really ends up and in what pockets." - From the whining about closing USAID it's easy to see where the money is being recycled to.

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exactly. they'll fold usaid into state just like they moved bioweapons from defense to hhs

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In another era, wouldn't Samantha Power be guillotined?

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Rothschild jewish banking system might now need to fund its own zionist agenda by printing money out of thin air... this can still work forthem... whoever owns the vampiremoney creating system can do anything as somany are eager to sell their souls for money

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Yep we have a big worldwide money problem…it’s very corrupting.

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Odd all of a sudden USAID is all of a sudden a problem.

Odd Musk is being given so much power.

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Funding Color Revolutions around the planet, 24/7 IS A PROBLEM. As a matter of fact, the US has done TWO Silent Coups in Australia, easy 🤷 since your oligarchs own ALL our political parties...

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Sorry not a lot different here, but maybe politicians owned by oligarchs, pharma, industrial military and the country that is above all and cannot be criticized.

So sorry for what has happened to the Aussie people-since 2020. I have been saying since then Aussie is the experiment for the rest of the world.

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That’s a scary thought😳😵‍💫😡

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The Yarvin method we are witnessing and those in the Trump/Musk Trance cannot see the coup that is happening. Never thought I would witness the overtaking of the US. The Dems could never pull off this stunt while the masses slept.

Curtis Yarvin is associated and influential with several of Trump admin billionaire technocrats such as JD Vance, Peter Thiel, Mark Andreesen and Elon Musk.

05 Feb 2025

'Reboot' Revealed: Elon Musk's CEO-Dictator Playbook


July 2024

Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno-Authoritarian Ideas | The New Republic


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I'm guessing one of the coups you're referring to is Whitlam in 1975. What was the other?

2001 wasn't a coup - rather the two staged refugee boats in Aug and Oct (Tampa and Children Overboard) were coordinated around 9/11 to create a so-called "khaki election" where a sense of terror and threat favours the incumbent. For whatever reason they wanted the Libs back in for us to support the US in Iraq even though Beazley was obviously totally in on the boats too.


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Shorten, over Rudd, the oily Mandarin speaking, too close to our biggest customer, PM, whom Trump loathed.

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Who's PM?

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Now? Anthony Albanese, Labor Party. Also proud Founder & President of the Macarthur University Leon Trotsky Club. Coincidentally this info has been scrubbed from the net... His proudest nickname at Uni was "Trots". Ice picker no lies, chico!

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I'm afraid you speak a different language. What on earth does "ice picker no lies, chico" mean? How was Albanese's election a silent coup ... if that's what you're saying?

If I don't understand what you're saying as a fellow Australian not sure how Americans and people of other nationalities will.

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We woke up, all over, in a back room, of The White House...

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This is just more scripted theatre. Yes it looks like a huge win but they have to give the profane zombies some good stuff to keep them hooked in to the script. Meanwhile the real evil stuff happening in Gaza & the march towards techno Facism goes on at pace with most people completely distracted by the USAID story

If the powers that shouldn’t be didn’t approve of USAID being nuked then it wouldn’t be happening, it’s got nothing to do with the actors Trump & Elon

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The cat emergency is more interesting. Thanks for telling us.

It's a great thing Trump is making demon-crats cry by taking their moneys.

Raskin is a pirate.

Already in 2008 Ron Paul said the classic line: Foreing aid is money taken from middle-class Americans to line the pockets of the wealthy dictators in third world countries.

And he wasn't even the first. That idea was around well before 9/11 2001.

It's good that people get to know some of the truth. All of the "solidarity" industry is a huge sham, just like public health. There are people in some African nations telling the world "Please, stop sending help! Our dictator is killing us with your help!"

That's what those humanitarian senators were doing for at least forty years. Funding demons everywhere in the world.

Now people should think, not only basic things are expensive in the US, but the average US citizen is poorer than he should be because of what politicians have been doing for so long.

It follows logically that any new plan by politicians, like Digital ID, will also be a criminal scam. Put the WEFFIES in prison now, and spare yourselves from more corruption.

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Yes please ‼️👹IN PRISON NOW‼️😡

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...‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Matthew 25:21

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The money to Hollywood stars is suspicious for pedophilia bribes and expenses, dont'cha think?

It's Ukraine & Hollywood & millions of $US.

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When I see this stuff I often think about Catherine Austin Fitts' repeated mentions of

FASAB Statement 56


Best I understand it, it is an accounting rule enacted during the SCOTUS Kavanaugh hearing circus by our loving representatives that basically makes unethical/illegal accounting practices LEGAL because the clandestine deep state really needs laws like that

The Congress/Senate knows how to use distraction that's for sure. While we wring our hands over a SCOTUS nomination they enact a law that probably even a SCOTUS can't undo

Law making in the pursuit of lawlessness. It's genius. Make the illegal/unethical, LEGAL. Problem solved. One reason you need so many lawyers in government. Important to know what sorts of criminality need to be made legal.

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Her analyses are brilliant, in my opinion.

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I always perk up and listen when she's talking. She knows how money & government work.

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Feb 6Edited

Three quick thoughts:

1. Investigate 501c3s, yes!

2. Will be curious to see when (and if) all of the global color revolutions wind down, Georgia and Serbia to name just two.

3. It's humorous to hear politicians whining about Musk using 19 year olds to investigate, but never about 80-somethings still being on Congress.

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I honestly feel like a lot of this is just a distraction. Yes, it adds up but how much is wasted in "defense" spending? In total defense spending, far too much is spent in the first place. Now we have to do space games/wars to keep the spigot open.

And of course never mind the billions Musk has received of taxpayer monies to set up a satellite system to track our every movement....

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Project Mockingbird uncovered by the Church Committee in the 70s was simply traveling incognito all these years as USAID.

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Sending love and healing energy to your dear, sweet gatos, and to you, Celia. I hope they are healing well. Thank you for your stellar reporting, too!

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