
We still have a problem with the "like" command so for now, I can't "like" (as a verb) comments, but I am reading them with great interest. This feels like the biggest story of the past 100 years to me. The totality of it. It explains the whole nightmare, the Club of Rome, WEF, Covid, Klaus, Harari (vegan or vegetarian) Greta—everything.

Here's a YT comment from Dr. Ken Berry's recent interview with Lierre Keith that was quite striking. To read COMMENTS under videos on the subject is to be totally astounded. All the time.

COMMENT below:


2 months ago

Great show.

I went carnivore 13 months ago. No more migraines, arthritis, chronic neuropathy, gum disease, lost weight, feel 29 not 49 and my whole outlook on everything is better.

BUT .... Every day for the last 5 years I was worried about coming home and finding my son dead. He came to me last month and said "okay, how does this diet of your work?" in days he was a changed man, he's only ketovore but I don't care. He eats high fat meat, loads of eggs and now goes to the gym 3/4 times a week. No more soy, no more oils, no pasta, no rice. I hope he will soon be carnivore but I don't push because now I don't worry about him killing himself everyday.

Thanks to people like you Dr Berry my son lives.


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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

"Like" works for me. Firefox browser, cache and cookies recently cleared, Windows 10 OS restarted.

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About globalist efforts to undermine meat which you mentioned in this comment Celia: I don’t remember which of his books but Buckminster Fuller wrote about the reasoning behind the ban on taking “the king’s deer” as depicted in the Robin Hood tales. He explained that during early phases of childhood it is imperative that you consume high quality protein for intellectual development and that a child could survive without but would be useful only as a dumb brute able to fight wars and work, easily controlled.

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Celia, you may have tried this--but when I couldn't like, I refreshed the page, hit like and it worked. I know you tried a bunch of things but that did the trick for me.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Celia Farber

"To eat no animal fat is to literally destroy your brain. Your brain needs fat. Your nerves, neurotransmitters, need the cholesterol sheaths for the very signals of functioning."

Once I had fully "cleaned-up my diet and and cleaned-up the water i drink and shower with", then, for example, eating a fatty, rare steak, makes me feel satiated, but NOT "bloated, irritated [stomach] full" -- like getting a hit of sunshine... I can FEEL the communion with the food.

Ever eat a freshly-killed wild game bird such as a pheasant or a grouse? When I ate the grouse (which, at the time, was shot four hours earlier -- in the already-harvested GMO-soybean field -- somewhere in western North Dakota -- amongst the nuclear missile silos...), i could feel the grouse meat imparting energy to my cells in real time. It was a religious experience. And, that night, I dreamed in color... The older I get, the more I understand the Indians and the Eskimos and the Cowboys....

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Try grassfed butter and cheese, Kerrygold and Dubliner. Omega-3s are in grassfed, but not cornfed dairy products.

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I had heard of Keith years ago and generally agreed with her about dietary matters. Good to hear she's still kickin'.

My own mom decided in her mid 60s to go vegan for ethical reasons. She went from working in her garden daily to barely being able to walk in just a couple years. She now has vascular dementia and lies bedridden in a nursing home.

We visit almost daily, and the strangest thing has happened. I had pleaded with her to eat some meat for years and she wouldn't listen. But as she lost her mind, she began to forget she was not a meat eater. I would reminisce with her about meat centered meals she would cook me as a child and how much I loved them. How much she loved cheeseburgers, etc.

I make out her diet form and began putting meat dishes on her menu, even though I had to fight my vegan cousin over it. I began preparing her a shake with liquid vitamins, extra b vitamins, whey protein and powdered beef broth, and MCT oil. Her health and memory improved dramatically. She went from a zombie to being able to carry on limited conversations.

Here's the strange part-- as her health and memory improved she "remembered" that she doesn't eat meat. She refused it when they served it and refused to drink the shake I made for her. She didn't trust me to not "sneak" meat in there somehow. And her memory declined and she became increasingly "not there". And so my wife and I began giving her animal products again, and she improved. This cycle has been going on for about a year now and I don't know how to break it.

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I think this will become a post too…astonishing.

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I wish I had taken before and after videos, but you don't tend to think of your mom as a science experiment. When I say zombie I mean vacant staring, inability to compose coherent sentences, not even remembering my name. And from that, being able to form the thought and say she distrusted me about sneaking meat into her diet?! The change was dramatic to say the least. And fairly rapid, less than a couple weeks to begin seeing improvement.

I can't say her vegan diet crippled her, I'm not a doctor. Who knows, maybe it delayed a fragility that would have popped up sooner. And I can't fully credit meat for her improvement, since I incorporated large doses of vitamins B-6, 9, and 12 after reading this https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/?s=Alzheimer%27s+vitamin+b&submit=Search by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a great independent thinker. I also incorporated MCT oil after reading the same article that BF posted below.

But I do know that when eating meat and taking the supplements I give her, she could carry on certain conversations and make you think she is perfectly lucid; when off meat and those supplements she is basically non-functioning.

It really saddens me to think what could be accomplished to help people if we could get away from the pharmaceutical paradigm.

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This ties in with what Dr. Hoffer said about vitamin deficiencies brought on by severe malnutrition, such as was suffered by many prisoners of war, and by alcoholics.

When POWs from the Pacific War were brought home to Canada at the wars end, many of them were emaciated and sick, and although they put on weight when normal feeding was resumed, in many cases they didn't return to health. Hoffer put some of these ex-soldiers on high dose niacin (3g per day) and they made remarkable recoveries. But if the niacin stopped, they relapsed. He argued that the malnutrition over an extended period had made them metabolically "niacin dependent."

The same story played out in the case of alcoholics. AA founder Bill Wilson took Hoffer's protocol and .....

Here's the story told better than I could tell it:

Bill Wilson decided to attend a parapsychology conference in New York City. It was there that the famed British Writer and AA supporter, Aldous Huxley, introduced Wilson to two esteemed psychiatrists, Abram Hoffer and Humphrey Osmond.

These psychiatrists shared with Wilson a promising new treatment for alcoholics and schizophrenics dubbed vitamin B3 or niacin therapy. He was fascinated by their research.

Wilson began ingesting a bomber's load of the nutrient, 3 grams daily, only to report that his lifelong battle with depression and anxiety lifted in just 14 days! Is that amazing or what? I mean, seriously, it sounds like something right out of an infomercial airing at 2 AM after the one for Tony Robbins' self-improvement materials. Here was an ordinary over-the -counter vitamin that when ingested in the proper dosage was a fast acting remedy for alcoholism, depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. And, as a side effect it helped lower the so-called bad cholesterol.

Wilson took immediate action and prescribed his miracle like intervention to AA friends who were described as educated. Others were said to be celebrities. According to Wilson, the results were nothing short of amazing.

Wilson was brimming with enthusiasm and forged on to share his knowledge with the doctors of AA. These were physicians who were alcoholics and therefore attending AA groups. But here is where the gauntlet began to fall and nothing was ever quite powerful enough to reverse the pattern.

The International Organization of AA, despite the fact that the members were appointed by Bill W, and he considered them friends, were not happy campers. Wilson, as they pointed out, was not a licensed physician and thus had no business extolling the virtues of vitamin therapy.


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Fucking doctors! My least favorite type of monopolist.

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Like you, I am a fan of Malcolm Kendrick!

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You and your Mom are in my heart.

Grandma Sandy (Canada)

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Thank you, Sandy.

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This is like a reverse Flowers for Algernon. Not to make light of your frustration.

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Oh, no offense taken. I remember loving that story as a young man.

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Am glad. Reading your comment also reminded me of my mother. Mom grew up on a farm and had always been a meat eater. As she was getting I'll, she had a doctor who told her everything she was eating was wrong. Suddenly Mom couldn't eat anything, especially meat. She felt suddenly that it was deeply inhumane. Some sort of psychological chord had been struck and I pleaded with her to eat. Made meals of old favorites, tried anything. It was futile, so depressing and mostly just sad. She died within the year, weighing about 86 pounds. There were several mitigating circumstances, however. It is always the mitigaters that catch you off guard.

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Sorry to hear that. My mom too is down around that weight, 93 the last time they weighed her. Same thing with her; always a meat eater and then just suddenly felt it was a horrible thing to do. Nothing could dissuade her. She is a Christian woman and I pointed out that even Jesus ate fish and lamb. It wasn't until she lost her short term memory that I could get her to eat meat again. It's sad and ironic that it helps her regain her memory only to disavow the very thing that's helping.

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It is terribly ironic. My mother was also deeply Christian. And the only thing I can think is that at root there must have been some terrible guilt about eating meat. My mother adored her farm animals--raised them for the fair--lot of 4H, etc. My husband was interested in raising pigs and Mom said, oh don't do it--you will fall in love with your pigs. (This while she was still a meat eater). There are photos of her riding her goat, her horses, etc. There is a family anecdote making fun of her younger sister who (herself in fact a vegan) fell to tears when she learned she was eating the family cow Blackie. My Mom's siblings loved to tell this story and laugh and laugh. But somewhere in there is the kernel of truth--which also goes to the heart of my own dilemma. We must feel terrible guilt over meat--and there must be a conflict that runs very deep in many of us. It may be that the reluctance to continue to eat meat is a way of coming to terms with death in the case of our mothers. Very interesting, and losing a parent is so terribly sad. My heart goes out to you.

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deletedJun 5
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Thank you. Greenmedinfo is a tremendous resource. It was instrumental in my including MCT oil in her diet.

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Joel Salatin. That's the guy whose name starts with "S" that you couldn't remember. "Everything I Want to Do is Illegal." Great book about farming in America! I was on the Macrobiotic vegan diet for almost five years in an attempt to heal Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, after reading the books by Dr. Sherry Rogers. Got breast cancer and too much arsenic from the brown rice. Tried to stay on this so-called ultimate anti-cancer diet after surgery almost killed me, making Macrobiotic food for myself and omnivore food for the family every day, even for Christmas dinner. But when deboning the turkey carcass on Boxing Day I started salivating with intense hunger, picked up a drumstick and devoured it. Felt wonderful almost instantly and slept through the night for the first time in several years. End of vegan diet. Start of disappearing the cancer that was supposed to kill me within 2-5 years if I didn't follow the burn-poison routine, without further medical treatment (but getting mercury-filled teeth out and chelating). That was 24 years ago. I grew up in rural Ontario where Dutch dairy farmers grew their own hay and silage, kept chickens, ducks and pigs and often a horse or two, named their cows, walked them with a dog to pasture every morning after milking and brought them back for evening milking, and did not take calves away from their mothers.

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Joel Salatin! That's right.

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Salatin has written many more books. They are how-to books about how others can farm like he does . Even if you don’t farm reading them will give you an appreciation for what he is doing. I visited his farm and took a 3day course, it was mind blowing for how comprehensive in an ecological sense his farm is. One anecdote is regarding the rotational grazing. We toured the fields and saw with our own eyes the truth of his books. There was the current pasture the cattle were in, adjacent to it was where they just were, it was empty. The empty pasture had been grazed to the nub and was covered with cow patties. Adjacent to the empty pasture was a pasture filled with chickens; they were tearing the patties apart and eating bugs like crazy. Next to that is the pasture the chickens just vacated and the plants previously grazed were springing up and there were no patties or evidence the cattle having been there. The smell that accompanied all this was that of real soil, no stench at all.

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Dr.Vandana Shiva is the world's strongest voice in bringing back harmony to agriculture.(since 45years)

Based on Ayurveda.

We are One Earth Familiy.

She invented the word:Poison Cartel.

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Goodness me! I first came across Lierre Keith in association with the Deep Green Resistance movement. Together with Aric McBay and Derrick Jensen, she co-wrote Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet, published in May 2011 which I purchased and read during 2013. Her ideas are radical and I liked them very much but, for some reason, her work did not attract much attention here in the UK. I lent that book out and never got it back.... infuriatingly!

Thanks for giving her some publicity, Celia! xx

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Lierre Kieth is probably blacklisted. She's managed to piss off some powerful lobbies. Unfortunately "Radical" progressives and other "anti-authoritarians" are very prone to manipulation.

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Celia, if you are not already familiar with Vandana Shiva you should be. Like you she is another voice of reason in an insane world.

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Celia you are transcendent in so very many ways and I'm humbled to share energies with you via the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics international group (Rumble.com/user/cbkovess).

We are grateful to whatever feeds us and nourishes nature, because we are part of these vibrations and frequencies.

All life is vibrating and changing, and yet still one.

Morphic resonance to me explains and exists more powerfully than zeitgeist.

We are water, and water is our guide.

Masuru Emoto and Veda Austin are helpful, to say the least.

In a spiritual war for the souls of our children it's the energies beyond the physical realm that we increasingly channel, and so enable the rising of human consciousness, and the defeat of Satan.

Love and gratitude, Alan x

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Thank you for always lending us and me your vibrancy, faith, and kind loving heart Alan.

I watch the water as it flows so fascinatingly through aqueducts and fountains and things through the Alhambra park where I walk each evening. I want to understand what they designed. The Moors. Because the forest grows way up there, above the city, and there will never be an end to the circulating water from the mountains, here, and the forests of the Alhambra will never thirst. I don't think I'm saying it right.

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Beautiful Celia.

You say it right to me. Infinitely so.

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Alan, beautifully said. Emoto and Austin ~ absolute wonders of this world.

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Yes! Thank you for your input to this topic.

Grandma Sandy

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people have been eating carbs for thousands of byears ... the difference today is " silent spring book by rachel carson " what is causing all the food troubles is " food water air is c o n t a m i n a t e d with " endrocrine disruptive chemicals ... they blame food that we are well adapted to because we been eating them for long time but not the monsanto chemicals and genetic modified food ...

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It's true that untainted crops would be healthier. And that we've had agriculture for thousands of years - approx 10K. In the timeline of human existence though, 10K years is just a blip, not long enough for our bodies to have adapted to anywhere near the large percentage of carbs we now are encouraged to eat.

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would you send me a link to your ascertation that thousands of years are not enough to adapt to carbs digestion metabolism ,,, i read that only carbs feed the benificial gut microbiome.... its the chemicals that are the cause of health problems

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It's been decades but I do remember it was Dr Ron Rosedale, whose dietary research/recommendations preceeded what's now called the keto diet. It's not that ancient humans didn't or couldn't eat carbs, it's that hunter-gatherers in most parts of the world would have eaten way fewer than has become the norm.

Carb molecules are smaller than fat molecules. Thus, they are more likely to get embedded in blood vessel walls (which, in bulk, leads to unhealthy inflammation and likely heart disease). Thus the body's innate "intelligence" digests carbs before fats, to avoid that danger. But if there are so many carbs that the mitochondria are satiated before the fat molecules ever get processed, not only does the fat get stored (we get fat), but with our current overload of carbs, there are many left over which can and do still embed in the arteries. Unless the body evolves to somehow avoid the resulting disease, and it hasn't in these 10K years, then it's necessary to eat more fats & proteins than carbs. Current opinion agrees with you that some carbs are necessary - the early proponents of keto sometimes claimed that all carbs are bad all the time. Apparently this is not true.

It's just that Big Ag with their food pyramid showing grains at the base is a lie so huge and damaging that it can correctly be called genocidal.

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PS I agree that toxins are worse than other suspects in killing us off. But I also believe that the carb/fat ratio (skewed, of course, by the same people who are doing the poisoning) remains an issue.

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our chemical damaged gut lining allows large molocules to enter our blood causing an immune responce to foriegn molicules inflamation ,that happens with semi digested protiens fats and carbs ... before antibiotics killed our carb sugar digesting benificial flora , then candida takes over and eates the sugars and multiplies causing all sorts of candida fungus problems .. inflamation is a correct response to foreign molicules cause damage , thats why people feel better on keto and protien diets because candida cannot digest protiens and fats ... stored fats and protiens are metabolized to blood sugar to feed all our cells as needed especially when we fast either intermittant fasting or other types

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The same people telling you to eat plants are telling you not to kill plants because of climate change.

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... and also condemning cows for farting methane. There doesn't seem to be much outrage about the move by the likes of Bill Gates and his occult worshippers to eradicate cows.

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They're also the same people promoting biomass, because clearcutting whole forests and burying them is good for sequestering "carbon".

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As a former clinician in a VERY Liberal leaning city on the West coast of ths U.S. I used to encounter vegans as clients all the time.I learned a lot by talking with vegans. First thing I learned is that they are the least informed people regarding nutrition. I can report, I never met a vegan who knew anything about plant, animal or human physiology. But of course they had bold claims of being "higher consciousness", eating the apex healthy way, and claims of being 'ethical'. It was not an easy task to listen to this countless times while at the same time watching my countenance.

There are many things wrong with a vegan way of eating, but one of the easiest ways for me to reach them deeply was when they clearly lacked cholesterol. Cholesterol is very healthy for humans (the entire paradigm on cholesterol taught to doctors is incorrect by the way). So when a patient would report hair loss, no libido and similar symptoms, I knew immediately they were well into their veganism. They needed raw eggs (ideally). Cholesterol is THE foundational building block of the steroidal hormones in the body. Period. I met exactly zero vegans who knew this however. This was just one big problem I noticed when seeing these people clinically. They had a FEELING you were wrong and that's the measuring stick they apply in life when determining the veracity of something. I find that it is quite often the people who are all pathos (feeling), and no logos, in life, who are the easiest to propagandize (this is very key to understand, in my opinion). Feelings are quick and easy to have and require no effort, whereas logos (logic) requires one to have read something, assimilated some kind of information.

They also were not informed on ruminant animals, and how they are designed to process plants, for humans. Nor on the realities of antinutrients and plants. Thankfully nowadays antinutrients is a hot topic online and there's lots of information out there. There's also many many former vegans now coming out about how disastrous their apex healthy lifestyle was for them. And there's good books like "Vegetarian Myth" which are also worth reading. This books, and others, delve deep into how many animals are killed when growing vegetables. I won't even both going into the junk food vegans and what a disaster they are.

Sad to see how few vegans make the connection to the NWO and who is pushing so hard for things like veganism; but it is quite tough to pierce through the veil of smug arrogance and narcissism many of them seem to carry. Same people pushing "the future is female" gibberish> When Bill Gates and his ilk support something, you just know it is anti-human. They just continue on with their extreme deficiency based lifestyle and claims of ethical superiority. Many seem to come from a background of eating disorders I also noticed. Ironically, with all of their required B-12 shots and other supplements, they are supporting one of the largest greenhouse gas producers - BigHarma.

There's so much more to say about how errant veganism is nutritionally. Veganism is very harmful for human beings. Feels like the word is spreading now, which is good to see. There's some great resources for information on antinutrients these days, here is a short list:

Dr Natasha Campbell McBride

Dr. Ken Berry

Dr. Georgia Ede

Sally K Norton

Weston A Price Foundation (also a great resource for vaccine info. - check out their quarterly journals online and the "vaccine update" section)

Dr. Anthony Chaffee

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Here’s more great info on the criminal act of vaccination:


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Can I get an AMEN?

Thank you for your post Chuck 👍

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AMEN Chuck! Just made a post out if it.

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Balance. And less gluttony might help..

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india has been vegi for thousands of years with agriculture you could know thats its monsanto chemical agriculture that is destroying the planet and us too .... good God please enlighten our darkness and help us all return / turn to goodness truth and love and enlighten us on how to deal with evil according to your gracious wisdom

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part of india has a large vegetarian population (south, i think), while the northern part eats meat. the vegetarian part of india has the same health issues seen with a lack of animal protein here: diabetes, copd, autoimmune disorders, etc. i can't remember if lierre talks about it, but i'm pretty sure it's in daniel trevor's book 'unholy trinity: how carbs, sugars, and oils make us fat, sick, and addicted'. monsanto is certainly a huge problem in agriculture.

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Estimates place India's vegetarian population at between 20% to 40%. The subcontinent also has a long history of habitat loss due to agriculture, the size of the human population and religious traditions that have prevented people from culling both wild animals (rats, for example) and cattle.

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I literally had this on my radar to talk about my experience as a vegan! I just mentioned that as one of my June articles: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/june-2024-preview

Can’t wait to dive into this article, but if I had the same idea and this article just got published, there’s something in the air then!

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Morphic resonance?

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You just might be right! Speaking of morphia resonance, here’s an article on the topic for those not familiar: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-morphic-resonance-field-of-the

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My dad farmed about 1,200 acres - about 60% pasture, the rest in wheat. My Grandpa and several of my uncles had separate farms. I worked on all of them.

Like so many farm kids growing up in the 50s and 60's I learned how to drive on a tractor. The first thing farm kids learn when driving a tractor is that they destroy everything in their path, including ground nesting birds like pheasant and quail, as well as the nests of numerous mammals like rabbits, badgers, skunks and so on. I've seen nests of baby rabbits get sliced to shreds by a disc.

There is also the destruction of all the critically important microfauna that depend on undisturbed soil to generate ongoing fertility in the soil. In this way tillage is slowly killing us as well... through malnutrition.

All life gets pulverized by plowing the ground. Folks, that ain't vegan.

The downstream effect of this is that predators also suffer loss due to a decline in prey species.

Then there is the greater issue of the loss of overall habitat for everything else that farming vegan/vegetarian food requires. Monocropping/tillage is the most destructive thing humans do to the earth. Prior to the arrival of Europeans, no plow had ever touched the soil of the Americas. The Indians of my region were aghast when they first saw farmers turning the soil with plows, exclaiming "They're turning the world upside down!" They were so right.

Plowing is so efficient at destroying fertility that they had to invent fertilizer to defray the cost to the soil. But mans version always falls short of Gods Divine plan.

All of this to grow plants to feed vegans and vegetarians on a massive scale for interstate and international trade. Veganism plays right into the hands of globalist food distributors.

Conversely, the pasture portion of our farm was the same as it has been for the previous ten thousand years, still supporting all of those native life forms, while maintaining fertility without the need for external inputs. The cattle we raised merely replaced the bison that once roamed that area.

Today, a number of farmers have replaced their Eurocentric cattle with native American bison.

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Kyle. WOW.

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There is a product that should unite all people in horror and shock: soylent meal replacements shakes.

No kidding, this is real.

Experts say that a soylent shake tastes like Fauci's ass, but no sane person trusts the experts these days.

In a totally unexpected turn, the website that sells this "product" claims that it helps cancer patients live a normal life.

As Kurtz would say, "the horror, the horror."

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