Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I helped take care of the first recognized pediatric case of AIDS @ UCLA/Cedars-Sinai. Cedars-Sinai was located in West Hollywood and the gay community would come there to altruistically donate blood. The Neonatal ICU would use mass amounts of that blood for transfusions and so would a very large Thalassemia clinic. The neonates would develop AIDS and the Thalassemia clinic was essentially wiped out with AIDS.

Had the honor to meet and discuss the situation with Montagnier back in 1983/84.

Today, we know Dr. Burgdorfer didn't discover the organism that causes Lyme, which he is credited with, but he was a member of the infamous Lab 257 that was weaponizing what has become a plague that even today goes unrecognized, because essentially our government created it.

Gallo didn't discover HIV anymore than Burgdorfer discovered the Borrelia bacteria named after him. Wink, wink, nudge nudge... say no more.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

After reading Duesberg's book, "Inventing the AIDS virus", I was left with the thought that he was shot down not only because he fought the HIV scam, but also because he laid the blame for AIDS in the US/Western world on drug consumption (AIDS on places like Africa is a totally different thing, mainly malnutrition and poor sanitation) and that couldn't be allowed.

Not the place to go in depth here but connections between drug trade and CIA/gov are well documented.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Hi Celia. I can see from your posts how emotionally connected you still are to the HIV/AIDS Scandal. I feel the same way. Though you and I have never met face to face, I have followed you on and off for 4 decades now and as a fellow early “HIV=AIDS denier”, reading your reprint of John Lauritsen’s article on AZT has brought back the acute pain of outrage at what I was required to participate in by way of my profession and the grief of rejection by my friends for speaking out to them about the AIDS racket and unsuccessfully trying to warn them about AZT. I became an outcast to people I thought were my friends. Now, the resurgence of these Satanic perpetrators and the brazen scope of their lies and treachery has reignited the feelings of fear and anger in myself and I am sure in you as well. I believe I am suffering from PTSD and suspect you are too! The outrages you uncovered in your investigative work are soul wrenching. The personal losses of friends and associates who bought the lies left me with a hole in my heart and I detect that you feel the same way, Dear!

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I agree with David Rasnick, and I poke some good humoured fun at LM here;

'Prof Charmant at the Institute of An Infamous Frauster in Paris first isolated the Sweet-Pea Fairy. He said, while showing off his cute dimples, that of course they hadn’t been able to purify or separate the fairies from the rest of the plant, but that they had found some petals that looked very much like tiny hats and some spiky leaves that looked just like little bodices.' https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/we-cant-find-them-therefore-they

Christian Trustme writing in Euroflowers weekly said that someone had sent him some fairy dust made by the Eyebright fairy. He has patented a test for fairy dust so that you can find out if you have the Eyebright fairy in your garden.

Lady Anthonia Farquar at the Manor House, who has a lovely collection of Zinnias which she’s very proud of, says that the little fairies are responsible for everything bad that happens to your plants, even if you are not feeding and watering them properly. She recommends her patented anti-fairy powder and her proprietorial spray. They will of course kill the plant and everything else around it as well, but times are tough for the gentry. She has recently been getting some negative press and is retiring from society to spend more time somewhere else.

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Always appreciate these articles. You're such a talented (and timely) writer, Celia, and I'd love for you to participate in ... Calling All Health Truth Content Creators ... Massively Grow Your Audience by Hopping Aboard October’s TERRAIN TRAIN on Substack! https://solluckman.substack.com/p/calling-all-health-truth-content 🔗 Both content creators and consumers are urged to subscribe to and recommend as many Substack channels on this list as possible. This is a powerful way of making our voices heard (individually and collectively), changing public perception, and perhaps even turning “science” back into … science again.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Brilliant. I really appreciated your great work documenting the construction of AIDS, and then later, during the Silence when no one was able to say anything, I almost wrote to you a few times to see what was happening - to see if there was still a counter movement. And now here we are. Counter Covid opened the AIDS space again. Manyfold thanks for staying with it.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Did Kary Mullis really die of pneumonia?

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Dr. Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR test) has been saying it, Dr. Tom Cowan has been saying it, and even little ol' me has been saying it. Viruses are like cold and flu symptoms, they are the result of some sort of insult to our system, not the causative agents. From December 2020 - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/is-germ-theory-about-to-collapse

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

When I read RFK Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci," I was so grateful for his chapters on AIDS (and Peter Duesberg). About COVID-19, I recall thinking, OMG, we have seen this movie - a replay of Fauci et al's playbook from AIDS/HIV.

Celia - Thank you so much for your writings on AIDS years ago and now. So many of us would love to hear Peter Duesberg's thoughts and perspective on COVID-19, Sars-CoV-2, etc. You would be the perfect person to interview him!

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Celia, I have read your articles elsewhere re the AIDs/HIV trail--and your research is exemplary! Thank you for this article. When the smoke clears --if people are willing to think and analyze the facts--we will see the bioweapon dots connect with the NIH,DARPA,MIC,PharmaLords, and every corrupted politician receiving kickbacks! The players comprise a deep-stank octopus for sure!

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Question: When did the myth of "HIV" emerging from Africa actually begin? Do we have a Way Back machine that can pinpoint this part of the "HIV origin morphology"

As I recall, this all started several years after "AIDS" was originally classified as a disease among homosexual men and IV drug addicts in the modern western world. There was no mention of Africa for quite a while, and I think it was the late 1980's when the narrative of "African origin" was perpetrated.

But today that concept has become burned indelibly into the public's mind, to the point that it is accepted as "scientific fact." Thus, the early years of "where AIDS came from" changed, and the former epidemiology soon disappeared to be replaced with things like dry sex and monkey related origins. Basically it was a racist view right out of a scarry old Tarzan movie.

It was evident that by 1990 the bell-curve of new infections and cases were rounding and going into decline. (even as the CDC added new diseases to the list of "AIDS" diagnosis, but ONLY after HIV antibody testing)

So was that the reason why "African AIDS" was easily substituted as a distraction to cover the decline of AIDS in the US? (this was easy to do in Africa despite horrific health conditions, starvation and dilapidated economies which were very evident).

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber


For BOTH This Piece,

& The Earlier Rather Literate One.

Thank You on BOTH ! !

Again !

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I attended this year's Nobel Ceremonies, yeah right.

Anyway, I saw Al there & we discussed Ed, Al said of Ed, "He's definitely Electric, but don't ever Photo him. But I must admit, Ed has brought me to peace, with my controversial Universal Constant, G."

Then he stole a shrimp off my plate.

I stuck my tongue out at him.


Great Piece You Wrote !

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Unbelievable that this story is back in the public eye. I guess we never understood it at the outset. And it matters now because . . . ? Oh right, the same errors have been done. Science errors? PR errors? Do we really need to understand it now?

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Well DONE. Thank you for this.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The Nobel prizes are always given to State stooges.

Viruses( that dont exist ) are just another $cam.

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