Go back to the very beginning of these illnesses. The gut issue begins with the food and drink both parents consume as well as the good foods they don't consume. It is connected to the vaccines given to people beginning within 24hrs of birth. It also is connected to cesarean births not vaginal births as well as not allowing the umbilical cord blood to completely drain into the baby before cutting.

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This is just misinformation and not helpful. There are so many different reasons people develop digestive issues and it’s very individualized. There are ways to reset metabolism and gut health. We want to strengthen our systems, organ and glandular function to create a healthy immune system that is not hyper-reactive to nutrient rich foods.


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An opinion is an opinion is an opinion.

Consider a different opinion, like "the immune system does not exist."

It's a bold opinion. Lots of people believe in the IS.

That's how this thing works: first you find something that lots of people believe in, then you check how strong is the evidence for it, and then you venture into the field of sophistical refutations of commonly held beliefs of the hoi polloi.

Another view on the IS: it's simply a detoxification system. The antibodies have been misnamed. They are reparation molecules tailored to fit the damage when and where it is produced. All damage is different, like all antibodies. So, there is a confusion in the standard view, that first comes an antigen (antibody generator, mind you) to attack us militarily, and then our also military minded self-correcting chemistry decides to play Wagner and exterminate the antigen by shelling those bastards with antibodies. In this other view, the antigen may cause damage, but the antibodies patch up the damage, instead of attacking the antigens, which simply degrade on its own.

This alternative opinion may very well be false. But it's a nice exercise to look at oneself while considering this other view: Do I feel angry, afraid? Is it fun, is it sad? Could this be true, could that be false? What would be needed to show its truth or falsehood? Do I know enough about this? Why?

These are normal questions that thinkers think during thinking time.

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May 16Edited
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Myths grow in a substrate of truth.

Habituation seem to be a real thing.

Perhaps the combined a that with a bit Nietzsche and then added PR foam, to make a capuccino theory, and a very expensive one.

Obviously, if germ theory was true, no one would be alive. They had to invent something to overcome that difficulty.

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I'd also like to draw your attention to the phenomenon of tolerance to poisons, also known as acquired tolerance or drug tolerance, refers to the reduced response to a substance or drug following repeated or prolonged exposure. In other words, as the body becomes accustomed to the presence of a particular substance, it requires higher doses to achieve the same effect initially produced by a lower dose.

There is a Lord Peter Wimsey mystery entitled The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club, in which the murder murders his victim by dining with him. The meal is laced with a lethal dose of arsenic. Both the murderer and the victim eat the same meal, but the murderer is protected from death because he has gradually built up tolerance by consuming small but increasing doses of arsenic in the weeks building up to the meal.

Are you suggesting that Dorothy L. Sayers would lie about drug tolerance?

Agatha Christie used a similar trick in the final Hercule Poirot story, Curtain. The Belgian sleuth laces the cocoa with a sleeping draught and shares a cup with the man he intends to kill. But Poirot has been taking the draught regularly for a long time so that it has little effect on him, while it puts the other man into a deep sleep.

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May 18
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You mean, "with immunity"? Go back and re-read your own statement. "No one is immune to any poison or bio-insult by virtue of being affected by it previously."

In this context, tolerance and immunity can be conflated without problems. If you are in contact with a pathogen or a poison and you tolerate its presence without developing symptomatic illness, then we can say that you are immune to its effects.

According to Paracelsus, the Dose Makes the Poison ... In other words, any substance—even water and oxygen—can be toxic if too much is ingested or absorbed into the body. In biology, immunity is the state of being insusceptible or resistant to a noxious agent or process, especially, but not exclusively, to a pathogen or infectious disease.

Take caffeine, for instance. It can be a powerful stimulant for people who a sensitive to it, or intolerant, in other words. But if you're a regular coffee drinker, you may have become immune to its energizing effects.

Or Angelina Jolie. A lot of guys are in love with her, apparently, but I am totally immune to her charms. But in this instance, immunity can't be equated with tolerance. I can't tolerate her, either.

And in London or DC, the Nigerian or Saudi Arabian Ambassadors can park their cars anywhere or drop litter on the pavement sidewalk without having to pay a fine, because they have diplomatic immunity. In this instance, the local authorities tolerate their antisocial behavior.

You didn't specify what kind of immunity you were referring to in your original claim, namely "No one is immune to any poison or bio-insult by virtue of being affected by it previously."

"Any poison or bio-insult, " you said. That's a very broad generalization that goes way way way beyond the context of "ostensible viruses."

Are you still standing by that original claim or would you like to modify it?

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Ignore the wetpaperbag. I do.

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The ancient Greek physician, Thucydides, one of the earliest advocates of the idea that people can build up "immunity" to certain diseases, observed that individuals who survived the Plague of Athens in the 430 BC became immune to a subsequent wave of the same infection in 427 and 426 BC and were able to care for the sick without being reinfected.

The symptoms of the Plague of Athens described by Thucydides included high fever, intense thirst, redness and inflammation of the eyes and throat, and the appearance of ulcers and sores, and the same symptoms appeared in the sick in both waves.

Of course, Thucydides may be been an early shill for the vaccine industry and the infection may have been some secret Spartan bioweapon for all I know. Or the whole story may have been made up by a modern spin doctor writing for the Rockefellers. The Earth may be flat and viruses may be small pieces of desiccated toenail clippings. You appear to be an expert on everything, so please give us the inside story on Thucydides, where he was wrong, why he doesn't exist, or why it doesn't matter anyway.

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May 18
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I don't know anything about the Plague of Athens for sure. I hope I didn't give the impression that I did. It allegedly happened about 2,500 years ago and I wasn't around back then.

Thucydides, the ancient Greek historian who chronicled the Peloponnesian War and wrote the influential work is widely accepted as being a real historical figure rather than a myth.

He could be mythical, but Thucydides is mentioned and referenced by other ancient writers who lived around the same time, including Plato, Aristotle, and Herodotus. These references provide external evidence of Thucydides' existence. Unless! Unless! Unless they are all mythical.

Thucydides' work displays a considerable level of detail and accuracy in describing events, places, and individuals of the time. His meticulous approach to recording factual information suggests that he was an eyewitness to the events he described.

Thucydides' work on the Peloponnesian War had a significant impact on subsequent historians and philosophers. His approach to historiography and his insights into politics and human nature influenced later thinkers, such as Machiavelli and Hobbes.

While I can't prove Thucydides existed, or that he told the truth about what he observed regarding the Plague of Athens, the overall balance of the historical records on which our current society is founded suggests that he did exist and that he was an honest recorder of events.

"How did Thucydides know it was the same infection?" The answer to that is that he didn't. And nor did he claim to know. He only spoke of plague and disease, NOT infection. While he offered a thorough description of the symptoms and effects of the plague, he did not possess a scientific understanding of its underlying cause.

In his writings, he described the physical manifestations or symptoms of the disease, such as high fever, intense thirst, redness and inflammation of the eyes and throat, and the appearance of ulcers and sores. He knew that different diseases had different symptoms, and he identified the symptoms of both waves of the Plague of Athens as being the same.

Thucydides speculated on some potential factors that might have contributed to the spread of the plague. He mentioned overcrowded living conditions, the influx of people into the city due to the war, and the strain placed on the population by the ongoing conflict as possible factors that facilitated the spread of the disease. However, these were speculations based on his observation and understanding of the situation.

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I used the term "infection" to describe the Plague of Athens, but I don't think Thucydides had such a concept. He used terms like "plague" and "disease" to describe the outbreaks of sickness that occurred in Athens. He described the symptoms and effects of the disease and chronicled its impact on the population.

However, his account doesn't delve into how the disease was transmitted or the mechanisms of infection. His focus was primarily on the social, political, and psychological aspects of the plague and its impact on the Athenian society, although he provided detailed observations of the symptoms and mortality rates.

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May 18
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I don't think that is necessarily true. Look at the history of variolation which is believed to have been done even as far back as the ancient Egyptians. (and maybe longer, because who really knows?) I am no fan of modern vaccines, and never plan to take another one--I don't even give them to my pets--but there is something to the theory.

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Advertising? Do you work with biotoxin mold patients with chronic inflammatory response syndrome?

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Methylation issues and detox pathways are very damaged. Other autoimmune issues too..

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It’s an underlying metabolic problem. Strengthening detoxification pathways through liver, gallbladder, and thyroid support so your body can metabolize properly is my focus. Micronutrients are key.

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Speaking of micronutrients, do you know shilajit? Do you consider it a product that avails micronutrients to people? Is it good for detox as they say?

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I have used it from time to time.

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I’ve heard of it. I don’t use it or recommend it.

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Thyroid ablated in 1993. Doing Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for biotoxin mold illness and non gmo gluten free diet.

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Do you take synthetic thyroid medication? If we consult, I’d be interested in your health history, how you’re doing now, what has helped, what supplements you take, your blood test results, your blood type, etc.

There’s no quick answer, quick fix, or one size fits all cure.

Stress/Autonomic Nervous System function plays a huge role as well.

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Thanks but my husband is stretched thin helping me do the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol, I can’t afford your services. I’m on n p thyroid hormone. Works far better than levethyroxin or synthroid for me. Many autoimmune issues including Lyme and morgellons ( that was very painful) leaky gut isn’t able to heal, taking pure resin cholystramine. Making progress though and I have some quality of life ( before this doctor, my 40’s and some of my 50’s was survival mode, no quality of life, just struggling through each day)

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I’m happy to consult if you’d like?

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oxalates and lectins - nature's defense mechanism. A mountain of research available that shows over time they absolutely cause gastrointestinal permeability - leaking microscopic toxins into the blood. Causing chronic inflammation. Ergo, autoimmune issues. For those reasons we find most cultures would ferment and/or cook for hours those plant-based foods. And also, without question animal based foods have the most complete amino acid profiles and highest nutritional value per cal. Even more important is the DIAAS - an index that shows which foods/nutrients actually reach our small intestine and thus absorption thereof. Personally, at 53 very painful joint issues and doctors recommending surgery on hip and shoulder and saying "but, you'll never have full range of motion in that shoulder again". Went primarily carnivore with heavy bone broth (bone marrow is insanely good for us) and no surgeries (two great sources were Sally Fallon of Weston A Price and Dr Cate Shanahan, former sports doctor for the LA Lakers). At 61 I outsprint and out push-up my mid-20s workers. Feels good.

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!!!!!!!!! Amazing. Thank you for your calm, clarity, and simplicity. Sounds like you have excellent copper levels, and I think I know why.


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Thanks for pointing out a not very obvious truth.....the Globalist crazies want us to stop eating meat because it's actually a healthy diet...k

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A preface to my note: [Sorry about the caps, I would use italics if I could - I'm not yelling.] It is so difficult to respond these days. I see so much suffering around me. Everybody is seeking something to alleviate their suffering, and some actually find some thing, which is not really just THE thing, but A thing, that happens to alleviate symptoms associated with THEIR biological reality. The electrical/nutrient needs for THAT person are a result of THEIR environmental factors and their historical burden of chemical and radiation poisoning, malnutrition, and trauma-- the only true root causes. The problem with dietary changes is the discrete narratives surrounding them and their lack of context. I have a family member who has sworn off oxyalates. And a best friend who thinks it's all about histamine. I personally used to monitor salicylate levels of food for one of my children -- strawberries made him crazy. It was true. But the strawberries weren't the problem. The problem was he could not digest strawberries. I have another child who went on a total elimination diet in order to cure ulcers. Why did making these changes work? Hyperactivity is not caused by strawberries! Stomach ulcers are not caused by wheat, gluten, dairy, peanuts, nuts, soy and shellfish! Now, this is where things get interesting. I have found four answers --four reasons why a person cannot properly digest an organic whole foods diet without experiencing one or more symptoms. 1) They have a foreign object in their body, usually metal, and the body is attempting (unsuccessfully) to deal with it. 2) They have an anaerobic area in their body resulting from a root canal, tooth extraction or other surgery--an area that no longer receives a rich blood supply. This area becomes 'An Area of Constant Concern' for the body. 3) They are truly malnourished (which is the case for many). 4) Their 'nervous system' is always on high alert; they are unable to find calm, which elevates one's overall nutrient needs. 'High alert' can be due to trauma OR the body detecting danger (I think all bodies are detecting artificial electrical EMF dangers.) Some people may have all four factors! For people who don't feel good when they eat meat, I have observed there is usually metal involved. Amalgams, tattoos, etc. My theory: The sulfur in meat and eggs increases natural detoxification pathways, which can never be successful when there is ongoing poisoning. Eventually, one becomes unwell when eating their ancestral diet, which is unfortunate. For those who feel best when they eat ONLY meat -- my observation is they can sustain this only for a short time. The increased b-vitamins and minerals get things going initially, and I think for some, detoxification becomes successful for a while. Either way, the person making the extreme dietary change is using a non-ancestral diet (compared to THEIR ancestors) to temporarily suppress symptoms (similar to the impact of a pharma product.) Eventually, the body will not be able to keep up, the excess minerals can wreak havoc (like too much of a particulalar B-vit for THAT individual) or scurvy symptoms will present (lack of vit C) or a million other things, due to non-ancestral behaviors in a non-ancestral environment. In the end, as in the beginning, we require a natural environment. For those struggling with past trauma, consider that perhaps your body could better come to terms if all else was ancestral. For anybody experiencing ANY health-related problem, turn OFF devices, turn off wifi, use hard-wired connections, ground daily (and overnight) and buy an EMF meter. You will not believe the invisible poisoning to which you are exposed. You may realize you need to move. (I did.) The only green zone in my previous house was the mold-infested basement, where I actually slept for a couple months prior to moving. Moving sounds drastic, but today's blanket poisoning is drastic. I am not willing to go along with society on this one. And I'm not willing to go along with alternative practitioners either. We cannot diet or exercise our way out of society-wide microwave sickness, v injury, ongoing propaganda, and ongoing poisoning from multiple, un-monitorable sources. To any amazing person who has read this entire comment... Please consider YOUR unique exposure profile and work to eliminate and minimize each potential factor WHILE you make the dietary changes that make you feel better today. -TH

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I go along with you 100%. Following the ancestral diet theme has made a difference in my dietary habits. I am a Weston Price-Wise Traditions follower.

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Me too. If forced to choose a single diet, that would be the one. I like your use of the word 'theme.' It sounds less dogmatic.

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People have a duty to listen to carnivore healing testimonials. They are stunning. They can change the world.

Weston Price was a big PART of the puzzle. He himself.

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Wow, great comment, particularly the closing observation about the impact of the various sources of injury which are alas, society-wide. Wise suggestion too.

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I, for one, do not eat raw vegetables, because of the digestive system changing as one gets older. I like nuts, but cannot eat many. After a trip to Europe a few years ago, I developed symptoms of IBS, so I stay primarily with a low fodmap regimen. Every body is different. I know you eat only meat, which surprised me, but you have to do what's right for your own body. Our bodies are miraculous and can function with limited diets as long as the foods are healthy, original foods, not manufactured or highly processed.

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Wait, so a one-size-fits-all approach is not a good one for diet? Next you'll be telling us that it isn't good for mystery-juice covid injections either, and where would that lead us to? People might even start to question public health directives, which would lead to anarchy and chaos; real wrath of God type stuff; the dead rising from the graves; dogs and cats living together.

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very interesting that your problems started after a foreign trip. I was diagnosed with IBS many years ago. I took an ALCAT test and scrupulously cut out all offending foods, and the difference was night and day, with results within a week. I used to have a neighbor that could eat any cooked fruit or veg, but nothing raw, can't remember the name of the disorder, but she said it was genetic. Since your problems started after a trip, have you considered you either picked something up, and could use a course of ivermectin, or your microbiome was altered, and needs a high quality supplement? I use both regularly (make sure to get reuteri in the mix), I also occasionally use glutathione powder and zinc carnosine for gut health.

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First question - who funds Sally Norton?

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I have no idea. What's your suspicion? She treats people who are chronically ill and writes books.

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I'm glad you have found a dietary path that works for you, Celia. Thank you for this resource. May everyone do their own research and eat the foods that bring them well-being. No judgments on anyone's choices. Beyond that, I try to keep an eye on who is marketing and profiting excessively from what (like makers of heavily processed junk food and drink) <3

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The late Andrew Saul, big promoter of vitamin C (although he refused to sell any supplement,) and of Niacin, and a few other things, explained a few times that oxalates were not a problem if one was vitamin c sufficient. The ascorbic acid (pure ascorbic acid) is supposed to prevent kidney stones.

Maybe he was wrong.

Look at gorillas and cows and elephants. Many oxalates there, because they eat leaves. Many leaves. The leaves also have some vitamin c (which other people argue is a constellation of molecules and "flavonoids" and whatnot.)

And cows probably get some illnesses because humans throw too much grain at them. So much grains all the time is unnatural. Leaves are natural.

And gorillas probably eat fruit, too, if they can find it. But root vegetables like sweet potato (which probably does not exist in nature and is only a domesticated plant) require cooking, and gorillas are not known to be chefs.

But, humans are different from herbivores. Even Andrew would admit that. Although he insisted that we looked more like herbivores than carnivores, and that meat-eating was only a custom.

But the easily verifiable fact is that we do very well eating crabs, and cultured milk, and meat with fat, and fish, and some birds, and fruits like olives and coconuts, and perhaps zucchini. This is a general observation.

Other things we eat are tasty, but, they are not so good for us.

I like my licorice root. Does it have many oxalates?

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I was saddened and shocked that Andrew passed at such a young age, especially as I was expecting him to reach at least 90. I don't recall reading what he died of. Given that he was a big fan of vitamins in mega doses, I am very interested in finding out the cause of death.

I did read a rumor that Big Pharma bumped him off. But it was only a rumor. And I would be very surprised to learn that he took any COVID shots.

But if he was a vax victim, as opposed to chocking to death on a mega-multi-vitamin, I suppose that would count as being bumped off by Big Pharma, wouldn't it?

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In the future his family and his friends may say something, and publish a video-tribute or something. The loss is very recent still.

He had a small community in a website called mewe. Maybe there's some information there.

I know he became a minister of some sort. There were a couple of videos of him with a distinctive clerical collar. He was fighting the spiritual war too.

This video is from 2022: https://odysee.com/@LMRSclassroom:f/andrew-saul,-phd,-overcoming-fear:a


Unrelated to this, there is also a video of Pablo Kelly, of keto fame, who had the worst brain cancer and he's still alive and healthy.


Pablo is an example of how to make something good of a bad situation.

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Here is my 73 year old, male, hard-earned wisdom. I agree that "Superfoods" is a broad term and it contains some not super foods. THere are more lies and partial lies out there than there are truth - a LOT More. At 73 I am a freak of health but 7 years ago I was getting my affairs in order after 25+ years of ".... chronic pain, the certainty of future pain, chronic sleep deprivation and hopelessness"<-- The words of a psychiatrist I went to in desperation who first said "You are experiencing what a prisoner of war goes through with...." (I don't believe in psychiatry because it focuses on biochemistry as though science knows what it is doing). I was THAT desperate.

In weeks/months, after learning TRUE wisdom, I was 100% healthy. How can that be? I learned the same thing from two sources: (1) Christ in the little known ancient document "The Essene Gospel of Peace" AND (2) from science - Dr. Satchin Panda (Salk inst). Both advised that eating after sundown is VERY bad for you. Christ often used the term "abominations of Satan" and Dr. Panda said these two staggering statements: "WHEN you eat is more important than WHAT you eat." and "Sadly it is better to eat an UNHEALTHY meal during the day because eating later in the evening turns even HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS food into junk (he explained that 'excess circulating glucose (ECG)" in the blood stream as the sun sets IS NOT REMOVED (pancreas goes to sleep and doesn't release insulin to get rid of the ECG) and that ECG causes inflammation ALL THRU THE NIGHT (unabated) until almost an hour AFTER awakening AND being exposed to LIGHT (THEN the pancreas wakes up and releases insulin). And what else did Christ have to say about about light - that the best time to connect with our SPiritual Father (God) was in the hour before sunrise and ideally amongst the trees where as the sun is rising they are producing oxygen and Christ said that one of the FOUr Angels of Healing is "exposure to air" ideally near trees.

So let's see who comments in opposition to Christ's words AND Panda's science. :)

So avoid modern foods at all costs for optimum health - eat organic and natural and locally sourced where you know how it was grown. As in Christ's time. MANAGE YOUR ECG every day. So no eating too close to or after sundown. Specifically allow for at least 6 hours, before sundown, if you eat meat. So meat is for breakfast and early lunch only BECAUSE digested meat results in ECG. and it takes at least 6 hours to digest. If you drink liquids with any meals esp'y meat it delays digestion further and "abominations of Satan".

So 7 years ago I was getting my affairs in order (I learned later my problem was INFLAMMATIONj that medical science say "is at the root of all illness")> YESTERDAY I ran a 5K ON A HILLY, GRASS cross country (poor footing) course (in 52 degrees and 14 mph winds in 24 minutes and 20 seconds - wearing 5 top layers and spandex pants and 7 lbs overweight. How much training had I done? For the past 6 months I had run 46 miles in total (1.7 miles PER WEEK/AVG which is nothing) No runner would say that is "training". Note that the National Master News Standard of Excellence in running a 5K is 27:40 for men age 70-74 HOWEVER that is for running on a flat track not grass and hills. And the SoE for men age 65-69 for a flat 5K IS exactly 24:20. On a flat track I know I can run at the SoE for men age 60-65 and maybe 55-59. With little training of ANY kind. I managed my ECG EVERYDAY with no "sinning" (as Christ used the term) "against the laws of life of our Earthly Mother". << His words not mine.

Folks, I am experiencing God's normal by design but 7 years ago suicide was an option - too much daily chronic pain. WIth no inflammation from late eating, I not only healed in weeks/month but my body performs at an unprecedented level - "God's normal by Design". Meanwhile I often heard from doctors "That's fairly normal for a man your age" and "We see a lot of that for men your age." Normalizing what is NOT God's normal as though "normal". With no inflammation from ECG near sundown, the exchange of oxygen from lungs to blood to muscles, organs, tissues and brain is not impaired. And in return the exchange of waste-product - CO2, lactic acid, etc is not impaired by inflamed tissue in the one-cell THIN endothelial lining of ALL blood vessels.

And what happens when a brain is deprived of sufficient oxygen from either (1) running or (2) having inflamed endothelial lining AND inflamed brain cells (i.e., the blood brain barrier does not protect the brain "from inflammation coming via the BLOOD" ---- blood pressure is increased to make sure the brain cells are getting enough glucose AND enough oxygen both of which are impeded due to inflamed endothelial lining.

Want a copy of the Essene Gospel of Peace?


To your health.

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So does this mean herbalists will become redundant? And naturopaths? 💔

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I did this same damage to myself. People should at least get both sides of the biochemical equation so they can make informed decisions on what they will eat.

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Steam your veggies before you put them in a salad....of course, don't steam lettuce...it tastes awful after that....carrots are actually more nutritious once they are boiled or steamed

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A source which can't spell "oxalate" correctly is likely not all that reliable. Sorry.

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May 16
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Gosh no.

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I don't mind being accused of pettiness; and in this case, I don't feel it is. Anyone who works in a technical field and deals with terminology every day just doesn't misspell it without being mocked.

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Anyone who types into a message box on a blog or a Substack, possibly using one of those irritating smartphone virtual keyboards, or possibly while nursing a baby or a cat on their lap, or more particularly anyone who is potentially dyslexic or a cacographer, and is criticized for making typos, would IMHO be justified in accusing their critic of being petty, fastidious, small-minded, mean, ignoble, shabby, ungenerous, niggardly, cheap, shoddy, parochial, or a hair-splitting nuisance, a complainer about trifles, a faultfinder, or an obsessive-compulsive nitpicker.

Although, personally, I wouldn't go as far as that. I would just keep replying to their posts, making sure I misspelled a few technical terms each time to give the expert something to say "Ahhhh" about.

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Hey, you be you; and thank you for the entertaining thesaurus on "pettiness"!

Still, you might ask yourself: was it a typo, or does it demonstrate a shallow knowledge of the subject being discussed? Looking at my keyboard, I see that the A and the Y keys are not close to each other, so not a common fat finger mistake. "Oxy" is familiar from "oxygen", so it's a natural substitution for someone who doesn't know much about oxalates but recognizes that the words sound similar.

I think it was said more succinct in my first post though. And to be sure, I don't know much about the subject either, other than that they're salts of oxalic acid. Dammit Jim, I'm a meteorologist, not a chemist/nutritionist.

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What are the chances I'd viewed this video before reading your newsletter? NONE! we've got to be so careful in what we promote Celia.

One commenter in the video said it perfectly. "It's impossible to have a dinner party these days and get 6-8 people around table like people used to. Everyone is fanatically and proudly avoiding something, be it oxalates, meat, diary (dairy), legumes, nightshade family, grains, starches, nuts, saturated fats, eggs and on it goes."

Glean information and do what's right for you...but the "truth barrier" without checking into things and promoting them is not your lane. Honestly. This is said in the Highest Vibration of Love....

If you recall....the Obama clip you removed was removed WITHOUT explanation...although you said "we" (which means you included yourself in the rest of the statement) "have scoured the internet for this clip that had been scrubbed from the internet" which was OBVIOUSLY bogus to a novice investigator--hey we all have made mistakes so that is a non issue-- but I "left" you for awhile although hi do enjoy your great ability and wordsmithing. Never did you apologize or at least acknowledge that what you were accusing Obama of in the expression of posting that clip was egregious at best and treasonous at worst. Not a word..simp.ly a removal.

YOU are a rockstar at wordsmithing and journalism...don't do like "them" and try to stay relevant by jumping from subject to subject would be "an advice" I'd offer for consideration.

In the Highest Vibration of Love and Peace....

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I recall posting a manipulated AI clip of Obama, realizing my mistake, apologizing and removing it. What are you saying of these things that I did not do? You're saying I simply removed it and did not apologize? I doing recall it was only up for a few minutes.

Are you saying I owe an apology to Obama? Are you 100% sure I did not address it, and apologize? Can you give me a time period?

I think you may be happier elsewhere, not on this Substack. And I'm neither a "rockstar" nor a "wordsmith." But this is a community and you are being obstructive. And you don't get facts right. And you're full of accusation. Here's a fact: I have been studying Sally Norton for over 1.5 years. Maybe 2. Have watched many interviews, over months, did NOT post them. Have had discussions with carnivore people who know her work…a lot when into this post.

Now—do you accept that you made a mistake?

I don't require an "apology." But since you don't trust me, may I ask with "the Highest Vibration of Love" that you consider leaving this place and finding people who live up to your standards better than I do.

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You "owe" no one nothing. Yes, I will leave your "community"--as you've suggested. IF the original post were available (which it is not) I could clearly articulate (by pointing to) what I meant by saying what I said. If you care to (I personally don't care to beleaguer this anymore) you can look back at what you posted which went like this "WE finally found this" - WE Celia means YOU too were looking for something that YOU knew existed and it was finally found Cosigning in this instance meant you endorsed the clip. That you agree. That you feel it has importance..etc. Would you agree with that. Had the clip simply been posted by you and you didn't say "We"...it simply would have been a post. Yeah. No? Response is not required, and I ONLY responded out of politeness. Didn't realize it was going to turn into a S Storm. In what I said....I didn't mean to be obstructive...but if I did...I won't again. I'm out as I do not feel being part of a community that when its author is challenged there is an attack Be very Well! As you yourself said not very long ago in one of your zoom sessions, "we are a community it stands to reason we will have differences as we are all different" - (not a direct quote but close enough) and yes, I agree!

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I love this reply Celia! You’re a Rockstar in my eyes. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!!!

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I wanted to delete my comment. Had I read it correctly I could have saved lots of words. Posting something means nothing. Cosigning it means a whole lot more! It was my ONLY issue. Conversation closed. I won't revisit it publicly. I love you--even though you didn't read and got your emotions into it and asked me to leave--based on something I didn't even say.

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Celia...I didn't say "I didn't trust you"...and I wish to give you a thoughtful reply...but we're in different time zones presently. No excuse, but I wrote this post "on the fly" and on the go and it is a little jaunty. Sorry to you and your audience. I promise i will reply...

one thing - you say "I'd been duped". Celia -we've ALL been duped. Quite frankly anyone who hasn't--hasn't been exposed to much, I'd venture to say...

My problem with the issue I speak was I felt I'd been duped. As you well know it's a fool who doesn't check what they hear see or even say. To find a journalist (which, I felt I had in you), that basically you don't fact check at every turn, and then for that journalist to put out something they co-sign, that you yourself know is BS (I did immediately and said - oh no...not Celia). It wasn't the posting of it..it was the cosigning of it...(in fact it is what made me double check it) - the attached annotation was...something like "they thought they scraped the internet of this but WE looked for it and found it [emphasis by me}. The minute you put WE means...well heck - you know what it means.

Has nothing to do with infallibility...lord knows I'm far from infallible...but you are SUCH a good journalist...and suddenly i felt that although I'm not new to this rodeo - I may have been duped. Think about it...long before "conspiracy theory" was a word for most of the johnny and janes come lately you've been one to receive documents that people now have at their fingertips in brown paper bag. You find a journalist who just may be legitimate and find she succumbs to the stupidest and most obvious video. OK - No problem...we're human. THANK GOD...but she CO-signed it. She said "We"...is she ...Is she...whaaat?

I actually hate doing this in public forum.

And as for the person speaking about the trolls in this comment thread...Pfft....

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This is kind of crazy. I co-signed WHAT? I do not undertand. What did I co-sign? I posted a fake Obama video from X, Tessa told me my mistake, I told everybody it was a composite/fake and took it down. Within minutes. Was my apology to my readers insufficient or my apology to Obama,a insufficient? What did I co-sign? I really do not get what you mean by "co-signed" it.

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KWEEEN, Are you there? You accused me of something and I could not recall the details so went and found the history.


Above is the link where I:

1. Informed readers I had been duped and that Tessa Lena had alerted me to it, that I had taken it down. I did not apologize to Obama, you are correct.

Who else was I supposed to apologize to?

Do you see now that you were incorrect when you said I "simply" removed it with "not a word?"

I am very confused. Please report back.

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You seem to attract a lot of trolls. Don't waste your time on them.

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Thank you for your feedback, Kween.

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A different look: you offer people information. Forget the ill-intentioned prefixes of mis- dis- mal-. Just information.

Remind people to be adults, to own their shit, and to make their own decisions and to earn their own learning from their own experience.

Many vegetarians and vegans sadly hurt themselves, and others, and are stuck in a wrong paradigm. They refuse to learn from their own experience. It's very common to all of us.

There is no need to have ideological fights. People want to be healthy. They try one thing. It fails. They learn. They move on to other thing. It's perfectly moral. It's the right thing to do. If you fail to see this truth, please think about it some more.

Meat is healthy and fear is unhealthy. It's simple. A dumb shark would understand it!

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