The TWO Most Powerful, Redemptive American Liberty Movements Are Now Joined, Like Two Dynasties, Each Completing And Expanding The Other. Some Speak Of Timeline Jump, Dare We Be Optimistic? Yes.
Celia, as I watched Trump introduce RFK Jr at the rally, and heard his words, heard him explain how they came to this agreement, then listened to the things RFK Jr said, I was extremely moved and brought to tears. Finally, leaders talking about the deep state and how they are poisoning us, and how they are responsible for all the assassinations, and that Trump will fully release the JFK files, and work with Bobby to Make America Healthy Again. I am happy that they have seen who the common enemy is, and will work together to destroy them.
Dave, there's nothing deep state about our food industry. There are a dozen common foods on the average American dinner table that are banned in Europe because of the levels of cancer causing pesticides and herbicides they contain. Why do "we" allow this? Because everyone in congress on both sides takes campaign money from these industries.
I disagree. I think they are all tied together underneath where the sun don't shine. But money vs honesty is the main issue, absolutely! Enforce the Oath of Office, and enforce the Constitution.
I respect that it is your opinion, Celia, on your substack, but I am appalled and frankly quite sickened.
From the man who brought you warped speed????
From the man who has staunchly allied with Israel and called the Palestinians the most pampered people in the world???
It's about time Kennedy talked about the pharma corruption because he all but deserted that message from the time he started his campaign - which sends me emails twice a day asking for money.
Mother of God.
I have written many times in comments that I thank God I started to listen to Kennedy in April of 2020. I watched and listened to every single interview on every single channel. I became a member of CHD. I bought his book, gave it to friends.
I applaud all of his past work and his yeomans work at CHD, along with all the others at CHD.
I attended his campaign announcement in Boston. Spoke to tv interviewers and said "GIve him a chance! Listen to his message!" Which at the time was about the systemic corruption.
This is all politics as usual and the fact that people cannot see that is beyond me.
This woo hoo is as bad as the woo hoo for Kamala on the other side.
I'm just stunned.
They both support Israel. Remember folks? The country with one of the biggest lobbying arms in the world?? Not one word of sympathy or defense for the Palestinians?
(and that is not anti semitism. that is anti ANY country having that much power in the United States of America. Will Kennedy stop THAT?)
Having been a libertarian for more than 50 years I've found that those demanding the "purity test" are children in adult bodies. They simply have not grown up.
Too bad she abandoned the 4 pillars of the GP by backing the big pharma/deathcare mutilation of children and the invasion of men into women's spaces. She's just another garbage candidate and the GP is a clown show esp after letting the "Lavender Caucus" take over.
A link? I spent months on the GP's facebook group page fighting it, a couple of years back. Only to be called a homophobe and racist by GP leaders (not Jill, she was busy ignoring it all and fence-sitting). My friend who was one of the GP founders in the early 90's along with her husband resigned from the GP and so did every other Green I know. What a disgusting party and Howie Hawk or whatever his name is, is a dumpster fire. The party is full of absolute freaks. Why anyone would vote for a Green is beyond me. They are like the Silly Party in Monty Python's sketch, except for that they support the mutilation of kids, which isn't really silly.
I voted for Jill Stein in 2016 because she was the peace-candidate.
I made and gave away 100 green-on-green "Jill Stein MD, President 2016" t-shirts, including one to her (small).
Why would somebody lodge a "protest vote" like that?
POTUS votes are and have always been a national opinion poll, with a state-level of elector selection, then the electors deciding who is to be president and VP in Washington.
I have always voted my conscience since 1976, and have never "picked a winner". We register our opinions, sometimes broadly, but sometimes narrowly, right?
I also voted for Barry Commoner, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich when I could, and Cynthia McKinney.
Protest votes are generally easy to understand at the upper levels, right?
Per your other post, thanks again for the transcript. Sins of MAJOR omission. Not a single mention in speech beyond alphabet agency acronyms about legal, scientific, and psychological criminality of Fauci, Birx, and others by name. Isn't going after them what "the people" wanted? Isn't that what RFK Jr. (correctly for me) wanted in his best selling book? No mention of vaccines (real or phony) as at least a factor in the children's health crisis? Otherwise, eloquent on overall health issue. Jill Stein would be just as qualified there. Good on Ukraine. Nothing probably most of people here didn't already conclude. Why hasn't Trump spoken in this kind of detail, anything beyond "I'll cut a peace deal in a day?" Why isn't Trump's unilateral withdrawal from the Iran agreement mentioned when talking about obstacles to peace? Why do we have to hear from RFK Jr. about what he and Trump talked about in private? What does Trump publicly have to say about how he'll use RFK Jr. in his administration, specifically?
As much as I agree with your critique of Trump and RFK Jr in many ways, (having tracked and exposed Fauci since 1992, almost as long as Celia has, since 87), I think what you have listed here are all things that didn't develop overnight. And they are not going to be fixed immediately either.
Honestly, are you being naive to think they would? I hope you do;t get me wrong, because believe your evaluations are top notch and valid. But I think seeing some light at the end of the tunnel is better than nothing right now, and with Harris and the massive train-wreck we are being threatened with is very real and evident.
This Titanic is not going to turn on a dime.. But things are changing and the American Public is starting to wake up to it.
We have to keep pressing for the change. If it is "politics as usual" we will expose that too. Harris and her ilk don't have a patent on political subversion. We will need to expose that time and time again with Trump and anyone else who fails us.
But this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Regardless of who wins the election there will be trouble and probably massive civil unrest. The more people who support Trump and JFK Jr, the more likely things will calm down and change. If this election is stolen again, there will be serious trouble for everyone.
Oh good Lord, I just wrote a long reply and hit some button on the keyboard which sent it into the wind.
In essence, I am just done. I wish I had hope, or a seed of faith. Honestly. But I don't.
I really think they are all owned one way or another.
When Trump and Kennedy state, unequivically - and then carry it out - that there will be no more lobbying or huge "donations" to political candidates or serving politicians by ANY country or foreign entity, or foreign corporations, then I will sit up and listen.
When they pull us out of every country that we are in and control, bring manufacturing back to America, clean up our act, our water, our air, put the focus on education, infrastructure and healthcare, then I will be interested.
But inspite of their rhetoric I don't believe they will.
I will never get over the Jimmy Dore interview with Kennedy, his remarks about Palestinians and his allegience to Israel. Never.
And Trump? Never took him seriously for a minute. Still don't.
I know I am in the minority. But it's all OK.
We are already IN serious trouble. The past 4 plus years has certainly proven that. Can it get worse? I suppose. Which is why I am going to stop focusing on my alcoholic parents (aka politics as usual) and focus on myself.
Israel is a propaganda operation. Our Overlords role that story out whenever they want to distract the populace from much bigger events. Don't be distracted. The reality is it is just a puny little country, with no resources, just a sandpit.
The CIA caused more death & destruction in Syria than Israel ever dreamed of. With the USSA illegally occupying more land (valuable land) in Syria than all of Israel including Gaza. Having massacred about a million people there and created a refuge crisis to Europe.
I will never be a Trump supporter, a position that I developed in the 80’s when I watched him destroy so many middle class contractors and suppliers by accusing them of ‘shoddy’ workmanship and refused to pay them. And if that wasn’t enough he sued them. He also blatantly lied to municipalities promising them projects in return for concessions to make his development projects possible. He got the concessions, the municipalities got nothing. When his spendthrift ways caused financial difficulties, he used bankruptcy as if it was a cost of doing business; not as something to be avoided. Surely, only ‘losers’ refuse to take advantage of bankruptcy multiple times. Then there is the incessant name calling and self aggrandizement, lack of empathy, morals etc etc etc. He is a man of little integrity and has no grasp of statesmanship. As far as I’m concerned, Bobbie Kennedy betrayed his supporters and those of us who were hoping to derail the 2 party system. We are back to the same old same old: a choice between bad or badder.
Trump got to the top in the sordid warfare of NYC building. every New Yorker knew it. I can well believe he left no underhanded gambit unturned. then the flimflam of gold veneering. and TV. repugnant, perhaps, but as nothing compared to the vicious bureaucrats bombing and maiming for profit.
No question about Trump's lack of integrity. However, he loves his country, unlike the fascist Dems. I'm a lifelong libertarian and will vote for Trump. Because the alternative will completely and unalterably destroy what freedom we have left.
We get to pick between two dumpster fires. Lucky us! I choose to just go about my business and ignore the Big Clown Show. Sure is fun watching the reactions to all this though... which of course the PTB have calculated and already know.
This is a vote for freedom or against it. Simple as that. Complain and yell and be upset all you want but Trump is the best chance for us to have time to make some changes. You will have no chance voting for anyone else. This is a game. To win, you have to strategize.
Also... unless you personally have experience with all the things you just listed... well... it sounds like sound bites from the press.
Unless you know him personally you cannot say he has no empathy. I happen to know he does. And there are many stories of his kindness and concern for the common worker.
But go ahead and complain - that is your right. :) Just be sure you are not bearing false witness or basing your beliefs on things you read in biased papers yrs ago.
Trump owns over 500 business entities worldwide, a handful of them have gone bankrupt - those are fantastic odds. His companies have fed many families. How many businesses do you own and how many families have depended on your money in order to survive?
I owned a Construction Project Management company - Trump opened the construction industry to women like me. He was the first to hire a woman to run his commercial construction projects.
Lawsuits between contractors and developers is an everyday issue in the world of construction.
Kennedy/Trump are just coming together for the next phase of operations. Namely, to out 'the deep state' as Satanic, and to convince the masses that Trump et al will clean it all up. So convenient isn't it! Just sit back and wait for them to do all the right things. Weeeee. It is just like a Hollyweird movie. Popcorn anyone?
It is ALL about Trump, and it is all about convincing the masses something will be done about the deep state. Wait and watch as Trump comes out and admits he knows the shots are/were dangerous, but that he 'had to' roll out Operation Warp Speed in order to out the deep state. Trump will be brought in as the messiah for ALL of the ills of the world.
LOL. I read your comment after mine. I think we're on the same page. It's a Hollywood movie. Pass the popcorn. That's the only good thing we'll get out of it all.
100% spot on. What a fun show they're putting on! I am just watching all the usual bickering, posturing, and know-it-all-ness from those who just KNOW their candidate will save us all.
I am glad that I've gotten to a place where I can treat it like entertainment. It's the biggest reality show going. The PTB might refer to it as a "live exercise".
At the risk of being the bad guy here, I would remind you all that the reaction on the right to Obama's 2004 DNC convention speech was very similar to what I am seeing across the board to RFKjr's speech. People, many conservatives, were floored! ...charmed! very impressed with the man, ready to pull that lever for D for the first time in their life.
While I agree this was a barn burner of a speech, it was still ...words. Just words. I have major reservations about this man, who even in the political climate on the ground when he first announced his candidacy as a Democrat (when he had all the choice in the world of running as an Independent or a Republican), made the calculated decision to align himself with the Democrat party - and their policies. Are we to completely forget about this flip flop? Are we to not even question his motives? Yes, he is anti-vax, wonderful! However, a man who would invest so many years of his life dedicated to the safety of children has held the position of 'abortion up until birth'. I cannot reconcile the two, can you?
I agree that on the surface the optics are attractive, but if there's anything I've learned about politics and those who chase after power, there is generally much more under the surface that doesn't readily meet the eye. I remain extremely cautiously optimistic, but .....I have serious reservations about what we're seeing versus what the true reality is. After all, he has made it clear he is not ending his campaign, only suspending it ..and he even stated outright that, while a long shot, there is still a chance he could win the Presidency. What is his true intent, what are his ultimate goals? And what about his stance on the second amendment? A rousing speech does not remove my concerns.
Cautious skepticism does not make you the bad guy, Rust. It’s the knee jerk “he’s controlled opposition” response that I believe Celia is objecting to. Your comment is quite measured and well thought out. Realism does not have to be the enemy of optimism; sometimes we need a dose of it as a speed bump to avoid rushing headlong into more disappointment. I’m totally with you on the contradictions in Kennedy’s stances on childhood health and abortion. I wonder if he’s just been a Democrat for so long that the abortion stance has been ingrained so deeply that he doesn’t see the absurdity of it. Still, I think he’s generally a good man, despite his being so misguided on fetal rights.
Obutthead is a liar, and a spy. He wasn't president because he isn't American. He got big bucks for helping destroy America. He is still getting big bucks. RFK Jr., though he has some views I take exception to, is blatantly honest. He just showed this nation how to be honest, and he has a big bone to pick with the deep state. I want to see him get his chance. They killed his father when he was 9 years old. That is part of his makeup. I was 14 when JFK was murdered, 15 when RFK was murdered. The deep state was the culprit, with Earl Warren there to run interference. He and all his commission should have suffered sentences for treason.
There is no intellectual rebuttal to one who believes that an unborn child is only a child once it passes through the birth canal (or born through caesarian).
Alternatively, you cannot reason someone out of a position they haven't reasoned themselves into.
Your response leaves nothing to work with. It's an extremely ignorant position.
Amen, amen,amen! I’ll take all the hope I can get. Over here in Michigan, I was torn between whom to vote for. At least that part of my life just got a whole lot easier. May God protect us, guide us, and let us live to see another day.
MI, oh my, MI is fucked. You have a Soros demon Governor, and that Benson person who is fully corrupt and supports rigged elections. The MI voter rolls are so padded in MI there are more on the rolls than there are eligible voters.
How could anyone in MI be "torn on who to vote for"? But voting harder will not overcome a rigged election. Let's hope Trump somehow gets MI in the win column.
You forgot our Attorney General.😊…..yes. MI is an uphill battle, and the people who count the votes all come from the same colony of cockroaches….so it might be a lost cause. “Torn on whom to vote for”, in my case, refers to my preference for RFK over Trump, because of character, integrity, personality and policy issues. Now that they are joining forces, I can pull the Trump lever in a couple of months and not feel as though I betrayed the one decent person running for President (RFK) whom I believe to be sincere and honest, although mistaken in some of his positions.
His speech started with "anti-war," which reminded me of "You Had Me From Hello"...I've been in a "fight in my head" with RFK, Jr. for not condemning Israel's genocide, BUT the fact he started his speech acknowledging the US's role in causing the war in Ukraine (and mentioning the unnecessary loss of Ukrainian and Russian lives) went a LONG way with me...HIs speech was wonderful (except for omitting mention of the Israel situation)...Perfect is not on the menu, but he said 90% of what I'd want to hear in a speech...Yes, reason for hope.
David Eric Grohl is an American musician. He is the founder of the rock band Foo Fighters, for which he is the lead singer, guitarist, and principal songwriter
All true but why do some of us hate him? His music, songs and singing are truly mediocre, yet he's pushed by msm in much the same way as Taylor Swift. His rock pedigree is as drummer from Nirvana which was the best of the grunge bands fronted by a great songwriter, Kurt Cobain. Kurt supposedly committed suicide, tho many suspect his wife Courtney Love arranged an assassination. Does Dave know something about this that he's not saying? Is that why he's getting a push?
All Dave Grohl does is push himself forward. I watched a lot of rock music documentaries--he's always in them. Motorhead--Grohl has something to say--oh I can't even remember all the others. Always hated Foo Fighters. Truly mediocre as you say. Grohl's an idiot and he knows nothing.
somehow- with the orange man who proclaimed that he is the 'vaxxinator' in chief- i'm supposed to believe or find some semblance in this statement? 'Knowing That I could Have Saved Lives Of Countless Children' is this a joke?? bobby will be 'booby' in chief- trump will throw him under the bus as he has countless others- including his J6 supporters- we have truly entered clown world. trump reneges on his promises- Bobby has lost his last shred of credibilty.
What a speech! Yesterday was the happiest day of my life—a sea change moment. Maybe our country is going to be okay after all.
When you’ve been though what I have it’s hard to trust, but there are forces at work that are bigger than each individual player. I knew the forces of good would gain the upper hand but didn’t know how. Yesterday the how became real. What a relief!
So RFK Jr. embraces Trump, and on and on the political theater production carries on......
Let's not forget all of this took place:
BLAST FROM THE PAST: Trump Calls Kennedy's Views on Vaccines "Fake"
In another shocking statement released Friday (April 26) on Truth Social, Donald Trump declared he would rather have Joe Biden as president over Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and referred to his "views on vaccines" as "fake."
In 2017, Bill Gates warned Trump not to set up a vaccine safety commission under RFK Jr.
In December 2021, Trump pushed back on Candace Owens over COVID-19 vaccines, telling her “I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines" and "people aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”
In July 2022, Trump told his supporters that he remains “proud” of his administration for doing a "hell of a job" with COVID-19 vaccines.
In March 2024, Trump said the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines "saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer" and bragged "YOU'RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!"
Let's try and focus here. It wasn't Trump who fired 20,000 US active duty soldiers for not getting the jab. That was Biden.
It wasn't Trump who oversaw the firing of tens of thousands of nurses who wouldn't take the shot or scapegoated millions of Americans who Biden blamed for fueling the "pandemic."
Yes Trump was proud of the "vaccine" they rushed out. It's also possible he's seen the light since the damage is now known. In the end, he never forced me or anyone else to take it.
Verifiable facts & inconvenient truths. A vote for Trump today, given all this indisputable evidence of his complicity with the "Covid-19" pseudopandemic and the clotshots, is a Stockholm Syndrome exercise.
Verifiable facts & inconvenient truths. A vote for Trump today, given all this indisputable evidence of his complicity with the "Covid-19" pseudopandemic and the clotshots, is a Stockholm Syndrome exercise.
Trump promised to release the JFK files BEFORE and did nothing. Trump and RFK support/bow before Isra-Hell. More theater and mind-fuckery. Nothing has changed.
This redeems my hope, to some extent. It also goes some way toward redeeming my respect for both men. Both men have confused me in the last few years. I am seriously considering voting for RFK, Jr. as I am in a very blue state and I doubt he is on the ballot and we are not a battleground state. We are in desperate need of a third party and I have been a solid third party voter since 1996. I went against my lifelong hatred of the Republican party and voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020.
I don't have to agree with everything. What I want is intelligent, capable leaders with integrity. Men with a moral vision and a commitment. RFK, Jr. offered that in full last night. Donald Trump also offered it in full. It's a cynical world but sometimes you just have to go with your gut.
Celia, as I watched Trump introduce RFK Jr at the rally, and heard his words, heard him explain how they came to this agreement, then listened to the things RFK Jr said, I was extremely moved and brought to tears. Finally, leaders talking about the deep state and how they are poisoning us, and how they are responsible for all the assassinations, and that Trump will fully release the JFK files, and work with Bobby to Make America Healthy Again. I am happy that they have seen who the common enemy is, and will work together to destroy them.
The new America First Unity Party.
Dave, I felt and reacted similarly, and was also brought to tears. Which is rare.
Really Celia, those Comedians brought you to tears...Hope you're joking !!!!!
Dave, there's nothing deep state about our food industry. There are a dozen common foods on the average American dinner table that are banned in Europe because of the levels of cancer causing pesticides and herbicides they contain. Why do "we" allow this? Because everyone in congress on both sides takes campaign money from these industries.
I disagree. I think they are all tied together underneath where the sun don't shine. But money vs honesty is the main issue, absolutely! Enforce the Oath of Office, and enforce the Constitution.
Oh my God, I cannot believe what I am reading.
I respect that it is your opinion, Celia, on your substack, but I am appalled and frankly quite sickened.
From the man who brought you warped speed????
From the man who has staunchly allied with Israel and called the Palestinians the most pampered people in the world???
It's about time Kennedy talked about the pharma corruption because he all but deserted that message from the time he started his campaign - which sends me emails twice a day asking for money.
Mother of God.
I have written many times in comments that I thank God I started to listen to Kennedy in April of 2020. I watched and listened to every single interview on every single channel. I became a member of CHD. I bought his book, gave it to friends.
I applaud all of his past work and his yeomans work at CHD, along with all the others at CHD.
I attended his campaign announcement in Boston. Spoke to tv interviewers and said "GIve him a chance! Listen to his message!" Which at the time was about the systemic corruption.
This is all politics as usual and the fact that people cannot see that is beyond me.
This woo hoo is as bad as the woo hoo for Kamala on the other side.
I'm just stunned.
They both support Israel. Remember folks? The country with one of the biggest lobbying arms in the world?? Not one word of sympathy or defense for the Palestinians?
(and that is not anti semitism. that is anti ANY country having that much power in the United States of America. Will Kennedy stop THAT?)
Here comes Ms. Purity Test, taking a page from Libertarians.
"That guy on stage agrees with 97% of my positions but because he's wrong on one imma start my own party and wreck him"
Having been a libertarian for more than 50 years I've found that those demanding the "purity test" are children in adult bodies. They simply have not grown up.
That's ridiculous, too.
If you're allluding to my comment, that's just ridiculous.
Trump said Israel RIGHTLY controlled Congress and asks if CHUCK SCHUMER has become a Palestinian. MAGA? or MIGA?
Yeah, this political-zionism and its entanglements is clearly the elephant in the room with the candidates who are not Jill Stein MD...
She has earned my vote again.
Too bad she abandoned the 4 pillars of the GP by backing the big pharma/deathcare mutilation of children and the invasion of men into women's spaces. She's just another garbage candidate and the GP is a clown show esp after letting the "Lavender Caucus" take over.
I don't know that to be the case.
I have looked at the platform; maybe not closely enough.
Do you have a link?
Hahahahahaa!!!! I just saw she supports reparations and BLack Empowerment? Can this be real? It was a quick google. Like I said: Clown party.
"Reparations" is problematic, as is anything other than equal rights.
Thank you.
A link? I spent months on the GP's facebook group page fighting it, a couple of years back. Only to be called a homophobe and racist by GP leaders (not Jill, she was busy ignoring it all and fence-sitting). My friend who was one of the GP founders in the early 90's along with her husband resigned from the GP and so did every other Green I know. What a disgusting party and Howie Hawk or whatever his name is, is a dumpster fire. The party is full of absolute freaks. Why anyone would vote for a Green is beyond me. They are like the Silly Party in Monty Python's sketch, except for that they support the mutilation of kids, which isn't really silly.
I voted for Jill Stein in 2016 because she was the peace-candidate.
I made and gave away 100 green-on-green "Jill Stein MD, President 2016" t-shirts, including one to her (small).
Why would somebody lodge a "protest vote" like that?
POTUS votes are and have always been a national opinion poll, with a state-level of elector selection, then the electors deciding who is to be president and VP in Washington.
I have always voted my conscience since 1976, and have never "picked a winner". We register our opinions, sometimes broadly, but sometimes narrowly, right?
I also voted for Barry Commoner, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich when I could, and Cynthia McKinney.
Protest votes are generally easy to understand at the upper levels, right?
Per your other post, thanks again for the transcript. Sins of MAJOR omission. Not a single mention in speech beyond alphabet agency acronyms about legal, scientific, and psychological criminality of Fauci, Birx, and others by name. Isn't going after them what "the people" wanted? Isn't that what RFK Jr. (correctly for me) wanted in his best selling book? No mention of vaccines (real or phony) as at least a factor in the children's health crisis? Otherwise, eloquent on overall health issue. Jill Stein would be just as qualified there. Good on Ukraine. Nothing probably most of people here didn't already conclude. Why hasn't Trump spoken in this kind of detail, anything beyond "I'll cut a peace deal in a day?" Why isn't Trump's unilateral withdrawal from the Iran agreement mentioned when talking about obstacles to peace? Why do we have to hear from RFK Jr. about what he and Trump talked about in private? What does Trump publicly have to say about how he'll use RFK Jr. in his administration, specifically?
Cards close to chest, revealed when opportune... Politics.
I don't quite follow your math...
That FRN pyramid, then...
It's surprising to me too... I guess people need a hero.
As much as I agree with your critique of Trump and RFK Jr in many ways, (having tracked and exposed Fauci since 1992, almost as long as Celia has, since 87), I think what you have listed here are all things that didn't develop overnight. And they are not going to be fixed immediately either.
Honestly, are you being naive to think they would? I hope you do;t get me wrong, because believe your evaluations are top notch and valid. But I think seeing some light at the end of the tunnel is better than nothing right now, and with Harris and the massive train-wreck we are being threatened with is very real and evident.
This Titanic is not going to turn on a dime.. But things are changing and the American Public is starting to wake up to it.
We have to keep pressing for the change. If it is "politics as usual" we will expose that too. Harris and her ilk don't have a patent on political subversion. We will need to expose that time and time again with Trump and anyone else who fails us.
But this isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Regardless of who wins the election there will be trouble and probably massive civil unrest. The more people who support Trump and JFK Jr, the more likely things will calm down and change. If this election is stolen again, there will be serious trouble for everyone.
Oh good Lord, I just wrote a long reply and hit some button on the keyboard which sent it into the wind.
In essence, I am just done. I wish I had hope, or a seed of faith. Honestly. But I don't.
I really think they are all owned one way or another.
When Trump and Kennedy state, unequivically - and then carry it out - that there will be no more lobbying or huge "donations" to political candidates or serving politicians by ANY country or foreign entity, or foreign corporations, then I will sit up and listen.
When they pull us out of every country that we are in and control, bring manufacturing back to America, clean up our act, our water, our air, put the focus on education, infrastructure and healthcare, then I will be interested.
But inspite of their rhetoric I don't believe they will.
I will never get over the Jimmy Dore interview with Kennedy, his remarks about Palestinians and his allegience to Israel. Never.
And Trump? Never took him seriously for a minute. Still don't.
I know I am in the minority. But it's all OK.
We are already IN serious trouble. The past 4 plus years has certainly proven that. Can it get worse? I suppose. Which is why I am going to stop focusing on my alcoholic parents (aka politics as usual) and focus on myself.
Thank you for your courteous response.
So Judith, are you saying you're gonna vote for Harris/Walz?
Absolutely not.
I'm not voting for any of them. It's all a big lie. A dog and pony show.
Israel is a propaganda operation. Our Overlords role that story out whenever they want to distract the populace from much bigger events. Don't be distracted. The reality is it is just a puny little country, with no resources, just a sandpit.
The CIA caused more death & destruction in Syria than Israel ever dreamed of. With the USSA illegally occupying more land (valuable land) in Syria than all of Israel including Gaza. Having massacred about a million people there and created a refuge crisis to Europe.
So what is the alternative?
Take care of yourself and don't worry about it. It's fixed anyway.
Vote for Jill Stein & Butch Ware
Don't bother voting then.
I will never be a Trump supporter, a position that I developed in the 80’s when I watched him destroy so many middle class contractors and suppliers by accusing them of ‘shoddy’ workmanship and refused to pay them. And if that wasn’t enough he sued them. He also blatantly lied to municipalities promising them projects in return for concessions to make his development projects possible. He got the concessions, the municipalities got nothing. When his spendthrift ways caused financial difficulties, he used bankruptcy as if it was a cost of doing business; not as something to be avoided. Surely, only ‘losers’ refuse to take advantage of bankruptcy multiple times. Then there is the incessant name calling and self aggrandizement, lack of empathy, morals etc etc etc. He is a man of little integrity and has no grasp of statesmanship. As far as I’m concerned, Bobbie Kennedy betrayed his supporters and those of us who were hoping to derail the 2 party system. We are back to the same old same old: a choice between bad or badder.
Thank you. I feel the same.
Have we suffered so much as a country that people really think this is the great victory.?
Who were these contractors? Can you name one? You said you "watched him" so I imagine it would be easy for you.
Trump got to the top in the sordid warfare of NYC building. every New Yorker knew it. I can well believe he left no underhanded gambit unturned. then the flimflam of gold veneering. and TV. repugnant, perhaps, but as nothing compared to the vicious bureaucrats bombing and maiming for profit.
"every New Yorker knew it"
Knew what? Spell it out for us. Everything you wrote just boils down to "trust me bro."
It's correct. I knew about all this in the 1980s and 1990s. Common knowledge. And I'm not even a New Yorker.
Well then, that settles it. Person whose knowledge of NY is watching Joy Behar and reruns of Seinfeld says Trump is guilty.
Well, I've never watched Behar, but I do love me some Seinfeld reruns.
Common knowledge? You mean what you heard repeated by someone? A news article? A disgruntled business adversary? Citations please.
Another one. Use the google. It's easy & free!
you're an adult perhaps and can look into this.
It's like all Californians know what a Hindenberg-level disaster Cackles Kamala is. Common knowledge.
Except we have proof. It's not hearsay.
LOL. What should we coin the opposite of TDS? Where Trump can do no wrong? That needs an acronym, too.
Trump also championed and still brags about Operation Warp Speed. Why do his supporters continue to ignore this?
No question about Trump's lack of integrity. However, he loves his country, unlike the fascist Dems. I'm a lifelong libertarian and will vote for Trump. Because the alternative will completely and unalterably destroy what freedom we have left.
We get to pick between two dumpster fires. Lucky us! I choose to just go about my business and ignore the Big Clown Show. Sure is fun watching the reactions to all this though... which of course the PTB have calculated and already know.
This is a vote for freedom or against it. Simple as that. Complain and yell and be upset all you want but Trump is the best chance for us to have time to make some changes. You will have no chance voting for anyone else. This is a game. To win, you have to strategize.
Also... unless you personally have experience with all the things you just listed... well... it sounds like sound bites from the press.
Unless you know him personally you cannot say he has no empathy. I happen to know he does. And there are many stories of his kindness and concern for the common worker.
But go ahead and complain - that is your right. :) Just be sure you are not bearing false witness or basing your beliefs on things you read in biased papers yrs ago.
Trump owns over 500 business entities worldwide, a handful of them have gone bankrupt - those are fantastic odds. His companies have fed many families. How many businesses do you own and how many families have depended on your money in order to survive?
I owned a Construction Project Management company - Trump opened the construction industry to women like me. He was the first to hire a woman to run his commercial construction projects.
Lawsuits between contractors and developers is an everyday issue in the world of construction.
When they start talking about investigating 9/11 then I’ll believe they are genuine.
Thank you. Thought I was the only one.
There are probably millions of us. Notice 46% of the US don't even vote, last I checked. We're the ones who know what utter bullshit it is.
Just like I said. The powers that be want Trump back in. Kennedy was tasked to help with the narrative.
Kennedy/Trump are just coming together for the next phase of operations. Namely, to out 'the deep state' as Satanic, and to convince the masses that Trump et al will clean it all up. So convenient isn't it! Just sit back and wait for them to do all the right things. Weeeee. It is just like a Hollyweird movie. Popcorn anyone?
It is ALL about Trump, and it is all about convincing the masses something will be done about the deep state. Wait and watch as Trump comes out and admits he knows the shots are/were dangerous, but that he 'had to' roll out Operation Warp Speed in order to out the deep state. Trump will be brought in as the messiah for ALL of the ills of the world.
LOL. I read your comment after mine. I think we're on the same page. It's a Hollywood movie. Pass the popcorn. That's the only good thing we'll get out of it all.
100% spot on. What a fun show they're putting on! I am just watching all the usual bickering, posturing, and know-it-all-ness from those who just KNOW their candidate will save us all.
I am glad that I've gotten to a place where I can treat it like entertainment. It's the biggest reality show going. The PTB might refer to it as a "live exercise".
The political game and actions of all politicians would be good entertainment if they didn’t have a macabre effect on our lives.
They're still funny. There's nothing you can do about it, so.
At the risk of being the bad guy here, I would remind you all that the reaction on the right to Obama's 2004 DNC convention speech was very similar to what I am seeing across the board to RFKjr's speech. People, many conservatives, were floored! ...charmed! very impressed with the man, ready to pull that lever for D for the first time in their life.
While I agree this was a barn burner of a speech, it was still ...words. Just words. I have major reservations about this man, who even in the political climate on the ground when he first announced his candidacy as a Democrat (when he had all the choice in the world of running as an Independent or a Republican), made the calculated decision to align himself with the Democrat party - and their policies. Are we to completely forget about this flip flop? Are we to not even question his motives? Yes, he is anti-vax, wonderful! However, a man who would invest so many years of his life dedicated to the safety of children has held the position of 'abortion up until birth'. I cannot reconcile the two, can you?
I agree that on the surface the optics are attractive, but if there's anything I've learned about politics and those who chase after power, there is generally much more under the surface that doesn't readily meet the eye. I remain extremely cautiously optimistic, but .....I have serious reservations about what we're seeing versus what the true reality is. After all, he has made it clear he is not ending his campaign, only suspending it ..and he even stated outright that, while a long shot, there is still a chance he could win the Presidency. What is his true intent, what are his ultimate goals? And what about his stance on the second amendment? A rousing speech does not remove my concerns.
Kennedy's candidacy announcement speech was a barn burner, also.
I was there. Quite excited and hopeful.
Not anymore. Not since his interview on Jimmy Dore last year.
It became politics as usual.
When they stop the Israel lobby in the USA then I will be interested.
My post yesterday: "Expect Truth From Liars"
Cautious skepticism does not make you the bad guy, Rust. It’s the knee jerk “he’s controlled opposition” response that I believe Celia is objecting to. Your comment is quite measured and well thought out. Realism does not have to be the enemy of optimism; sometimes we need a dose of it as a speed bump to avoid rushing headlong into more disappointment. I’m totally with you on the contradictions in Kennedy’s stances on childhood health and abortion. I wonder if he’s just been a Democrat for so long that the abortion stance has been ingrained so deeply that he doesn’t see the absurdity of it. Still, I think he’s generally a good man, despite his being so misguided on fetal rights.
People don't get tired of being bamboozled it would seem.
Right there with you.
Obutthead is a liar, and a spy. He wasn't president because he isn't American. He got big bucks for helping destroy America. He is still getting big bucks. RFK Jr., though he has some views I take exception to, is blatantly honest. He just showed this nation how to be honest, and he has a big bone to pick with the deep state. I want to see him get his chance. They killed his father when he was 9 years old. That is part of his makeup. I was 14 when JFK was murdered, 15 when RFK was murdered. The deep state was the culprit, with Earl Warren there to run interference. He and all his commission should have suffered sentences for treason.
you sound like a spoiled child refusing to eat yoghurt until it comes with pink marshmallows.
of course you can support abortion and be anti-child-maiming vax. you keep working on that one.
RFK Jr is simply doing his best.
His official group is called Children's Health Defense. Seems to me the health of an unborn child should fall under that umbrella, no?
Yes, I agree he is doing his best; the question is, best at what?
no unborn is not a child.
it's not an umbrella it's existential for the pregnant women who make their choices unaided by the impregnable men bystanders who walk away unscathed.
check out the work of CHD. it's so important.
There is no intellectual rebuttal to one who believes that an unborn child is only a child once it passes through the birth canal (or born through caesarian).
Alternatively, you cannot reason someone out of a position they haven't reasoned themselves into.
Your response leaves nothing to work with. It's an extremely ignorant position.
Amen, amen,amen! I’ll take all the hope I can get. Over here in Michigan, I was torn between whom to vote for. At least that part of my life just got a whole lot easier. May God protect us, guide us, and let us live to see another day.
MI, oh my, MI is fucked. You have a Soros demon Governor, and that Benson person who is fully corrupt and supports rigged elections. The MI voter rolls are so padded in MI there are more on the rolls than there are eligible voters.
How could anyone in MI be "torn on who to vote for"? But voting harder will not overcome a rigged election. Let's hope Trump somehow gets MI in the win column.
You forgot our Attorney General.😊…..yes. MI is an uphill battle, and the people who count the votes all come from the same colony of cockroaches….so it might be a lost cause. “Torn on whom to vote for”, in my case, refers to my preference for RFK over Trump, because of character, integrity, personality and policy issues. Now that they are joining forces, I can pull the Trump lever in a couple of months and not feel as though I betrayed the one decent person running for President (RFK) whom I believe to be sincere and honest, although mistaken in some of his positions.
His speech started with "anti-war," which reminded me of "You Had Me From Hello"...I've been in a "fight in my head" with RFK, Jr. for not condemning Israel's genocide, BUT the fact he started his speech acknowledging the US's role in causing the war in Ukraine (and mentioning the unnecessary loss of Ukrainian and Russian lives) went a LONG way with me...HIs speech was wonderful (except for omitting mention of the Israel situation)...Perfect is not on the menu, but he said 90% of what I'd want to hear in a speech...Yes, reason for hope.
It’s the children for me. The “village” has failed. “It takes” what I am reading about today.
Yes, very convenient and EASY and NONTHREATENING to talk about Ukraine. He has spoken out about Ukraine since he announced his candidacy. I was there.
This is nothing new. This is SAFE territory.
Fcuk Dave Grohl.
Sorry but he’s human scum
I hope he’s jabbed up the ass
And I get to read about him on MCM’s substack
mcm disowned grohl back in 2020. venomously
Poetic Justice.
Don't like Dave Grohl either. Who's MCM?
Mark Crispin Miller
Agree 💯
Somehow I kept reading "MGM", the movie company.
"A mind is a terrible thing..."
Specifically his “Died Suddenly” posts
Who is Dave Grohl?
David Eric Grohl is an American musician. He is the founder of the rock band Foo Fighters, for which he is the lead singer, guitarist, and principal songwriter
Grohl demanded band members get covid vax. It killed their drummer Taylor Hawkins.
All true but why do some of us hate him? His music, songs and singing are truly mediocre, yet he's pushed by msm in much the same way as Taylor Swift. His rock pedigree is as drummer from Nirvana which was the best of the grunge bands fronted by a great songwriter, Kurt Cobain. Kurt supposedly committed suicide, tho many suspect his wife Courtney Love arranged an assassination. Does Dave know something about this that he's not saying? Is that why he's getting a push?
All Dave Grohl does is push himself forward. I watched a lot of rock music documentaries--he's always in them. Motorhead--Grohl has something to say--oh I can't even remember all the others. Always hated Foo Fighters. Truly mediocre as you say. Grohl's an idiot and he knows nothing.
You completely glossed over Grohl's role as the drummer of Nirvana.
Seems the person had no idea so gave them a chance to see for themselves.
somehow- with the orange man who proclaimed that he is the 'vaxxinator' in chief- i'm supposed to believe or find some semblance in this statement? 'Knowing That I could Have Saved Lives Of Countless Children' is this a joke?? bobby will be 'booby' in chief- trump will throw him under the bus as he has countless others- including his J6 supporters- we have truly entered clown world. trump reneges on his promises- Bobby has lost his last shred of credibilty.
What a speech! Yesterday was the happiest day of my life—a sea change moment. Maybe our country is going to be okay after all.
When you’ve been though what I have it’s hard to trust, but there are forces at work that are bigger than each individual player. I knew the forces of good would gain the upper hand but didn’t know how. Yesterday the how became real. What a relief!
So RFK Jr. embraces Trump, and on and on the political theater production carries on......
Let's not forget all of this took place:
BLAST FROM THE PAST: Trump Calls Kennedy's Views on Vaccines "Fake"
In another shocking statement released Friday (April 26) on Truth Social, Donald Trump declared he would rather have Joe Biden as president over Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and referred to his "views on vaccines" as "fake."
In 2017, Bill Gates warned Trump not to set up a vaccine safety commission under RFK Jr.
In December 2021, Trump pushed back on Candace Owens over COVID-19 vaccines, telling her “I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines" and "people aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”
In July 2022, Trump told his supporters that he remains “proud” of his administration for doing a "hell of a job" with COVID-19 vaccines.
In March 2024, Trump said the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines "saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer" and bragged "YOU'RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!"
Let's try and focus here. It wasn't Trump who fired 20,000 US active duty soldiers for not getting the jab. That was Biden.
It wasn't Trump who oversaw the firing of tens of thousands of nurses who wouldn't take the shot or scapegoated millions of Americans who Biden blamed for fueling the "pandemic."
Yes Trump was proud of the "vaccine" they rushed out. It's also possible he's seen the light since the damage is now known. In the end, he never forced me or anyone else to take it.
Verifiable facts & inconvenient truths. A vote for Trump today, given all this indisputable evidence of his complicity with the "Covid-19" pseudopandemic and the clotshots, is a Stockholm Syndrome exercise.
Verifiable facts & inconvenient truths. A vote for Trump today, given all this indisputable evidence of his complicity with the "Covid-19" pseudopandemic and the clotshots, is a Stockholm Syndrome exercise.
Once again you have provided the most comprehensive collection of information on the subject that I have seen.
It appears that your perseverance and dedication are paying off!! A glimmer of hope seems to be appearing.
Thank you for the amazing work you are doing and have done!!
Thank you Dale. I think you give me too much credit, but thank you.
And I was trying so hard to give you exactly the appropriate amount of credit. I will try harder from now on. :-)
Trump promised to release the JFK files BEFORE and did nothing. Trump and RFK support/bow before Isra-Hell. More theater and mind-fuckery. Nothing has changed.
This redeems my hope, to some extent. It also goes some way toward redeeming my respect for both men. Both men have confused me in the last few years. I am seriously considering voting for RFK, Jr. as I am in a very blue state and I doubt he is on the ballot and we are not a battleground state. We are in desperate need of a third party and I have been a solid third party voter since 1996. I went against my lifelong hatred of the Republican party and voted for Trump in 2016 and in 2020.
I don't have to agree with everything. What I want is intelligent, capable leaders with integrity. Men with a moral vision and a commitment. RFK, Jr. offered that in full last night. Donald Trump also offered it in full. It's a cynical world but sometimes you just have to go with your gut.
Things are getting interesting.