China tried to enslave the world. Now the Chinese will free the world, or at least show the world that locking innocent people up is not the right thing to do. Thanks for sharing, and thanks to Rapoport.

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Satan tried to enslave the world. As Christ builds His church--His holy bride--inside of China (a kind of modern Egypt; and Christ's church there is much bigger and stronger than most imagine--just like Israel in Egypt prior to the Exodus) it would be marvelous to see these stirrings morph into a true and efficacious uprising, showing the world that locking His people up is wrong and, more importantly, that it will not stand.

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If the CCP and Globalists get their way, this is coming to America. Americans need to be methodically coaxed into Techno Slavery. Like slowly boiling frogs alive. Hopefully enough Americans jump out of the pot before it’s too late. The Chinese People have little to oppose the Xi Regime except pure numbers and courage. I pray for the Chinese People.

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Interesting! Last night I saw an 'ad' on YouTube, people having their hands scanned to enter a food store. One after the other, passing hands over a scanning devise and then moving through a turnstile. I could not believe I was seeing it right? Was it an ad for a movie? Something else? But imagery was freaking Orwellian on steroids.

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Rappoport has it right. Again.

The lockdowns are not the model. The Chinese protestors says it all. I will not listen to the news spewing otherwise. So stupid to do that.

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If JFK were alive he could give his famous "I am a Berliner," speech but change it from Berliner to Chinese. China is the model, we just haven't had it as completely implemented here yet. Europe, and the rest of the countries in the Five Eyes Fascist/Marxist totalitarian surveillance police state are laggards too, but we are armed, they are not.

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I watched a Klaus Schwab video recently praising China for its "progress." The problem for China now is that nobody wants to have children, and it is my understanding that the Chinese government is now monitoring women of child bearing years so that they can compel them to pregnancy. That is the next step. China is reintroducing "canteens" and "friendship stores" because they expect a collapse of the entire economy. Xi wants "common prosperity" and the way he's going to create it is to impoverish the entire country once again. I did a bicycle trip in China in 1982 and I can tell you that everyone was equally poor, living in unreinforced brick houses that would fall down in the slightest shake. And what I mean by poor is unimaginable in the world today. Back to the era of Mao, the great leap forward in which 70 million people starved.

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70 million

people starved.

Imagine. It's never really discussed in polite society. Not that I am ever near polite society.

70 MILLION people.

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I have friends (lefties) that 'protect' China at all costs in conversations, which has become so unbelievably surreal that I stopped talking to them. I can't understand how anyone thinks China's leadership is benevolent to its people.

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Wikipedia says 55 million, but Wikipedia is not a trusted source. It's like the Tangshan earthquake in 1976. Wikipedia says 250,000, but I have read sources who say that it was more like 750,000 who died. The CCP always underplays the negative in regard to China. Just like they hid the number of deaths from Covid in the first days of the pandemic, claiming far fewer deaths than was realistic.

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I used to read the Weekly Standard when Ashkenazim crypto Marxist/Fascist moron Bill Kristal was publishing it. It was mostly Zionist propaganda but did occasionally write extensive, worthwhile pieces. One of those many years ago made the case that demographics due to the one child policy, and a preference for male children, among other issues would lead to India surpassing China as an economic power. A maternal great aunt of mine was a missionary nun who learned Mandarin, and literally, at 21 years of age after boarding a train at Chicsgo,'s Union Station for San Francisco in 1931 hopped on a slow boat to China where she helped build, and teach at a school for girls. She wrote a memoir about her time there seeing baby girls tossed alive in to fields, a girl jumping in the school's well to commit suicide, people dropping their unwanted girls on the school's doorstep, being put in a Japanese POW camp under harsh conditions, and being kicked out by Mao in 1946. She was inland quite far from the city of Tsing Tao. She was an amazing woman. I remember her, and she died of breat cancer when I was around 6.

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Quite a story. I was in China 40 years ago going to villages with Chinese friends and I met a family with five daughters, a violation of the one child policy. The family kept trying to have a boy, but the last pregnancy was forcibly terminated by the CCP, the boy that they had wanted.

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That's heartbreaking.

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I was studying Chinese Medicine at the time, and we were invited to an execution. They used to hold them in big stadiums so everybody who could see would see. It was like the Chinese Superbowl. I chose not to go. It was not long after the Cultural Revolution, and everybody who could speak English would take me aside to tell me the horrors of that time. One of my teachers played the piano, but she didn't dare play for several years so she practiced on a table by laying out pieces of paper with the keys marked on them, a silent sonata to the night. One woman's husband was sent to the far north and she saw him once a year for a few days. In Xian, I met a martial arts movie star. She was teaching kids Kung Fu and she found a translator so she could talk to me. She lived in a one room flat even though there were billboards of her up on the street. She took me out one day and showed me. The translator was a national table tennis champion whose window of Olympic opportunity happened during the Cultural Revolution. When I met him, he was a coach living in the sports complex.

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After the inbred, sexually deviant, genocidal Ashkenazim fomented, organized, and executed genocide in 1917 Russia, they set their sites on establishing the Zionist terrorist state of Israel, and puppeting the sexually deviant Mao to surpass the genocide of Russians. The Asheknazim have never been welcomed anywhere they've wandered. Henry Ford, George Bernard Shaw, and Bertrand Russell all tried to warn Europe, and America who these inbred freaks are.


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One of the Twitter comments resonated with me: “ Interesting but unfortunately meaningless. Unless the protests turn into revolution, the ccp will simply wait it out.”

That seems be true in most powerful countries. People can’t protest forever. Govt would be smart to just wait it out.

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Please don't give them any ideas!

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I'm pretty sure the DoD has about 1000 strategists working on this on behalf of China, in addition to Xi's own crew. But I hear you!

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They have tracking apps on all the phones, and the police are now going after the protesters. It's part of the new surveillance society of China. They know where you've been at all times.

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Aren’t they smart enough to leave their tracking devices at home?

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Those devices are required because they contain the green pass which allows citizens to move in society. Without a green pass, you cannot go anywhere. The green pass is found in your phone and the phone tracks you.

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Yes but if you’re headed to a protest….

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Tucker is good but it’s more believable

when you see real live events that prove

what is really going on.

Thank you.

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Jon is top gun and I will listen to this podcast tonight, but there is something weird about masked people protesting.....

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Rappoport's podcast nails Donald Trump to a tree when he says that Trump handed his presidency to Anthony Fauci and allowed America's Doctor to decimate the health, wealth and will of our country right under his nose. America is waking up to how we the people have been sold out by weak and corrupt politicians for so long. Prosecute Fauci, Big Tech, the media and follow it wherever it leads. Hopefully Americans can show some fortitude here as the mainland Chinese are trying to do as well.

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Brilliant and important broadcast by Rappoport. Thank you for sharing this, Celia.

There is nobody better at pulling back the curtain and exposing the crimes and misdeeds of the media and the State.

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They are conditioning us.

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Fauci states, in his recent deposition, that China's lockdown policy was the inspiration for his American lockdown order.

Epoch times:


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Are we sure this is really happening?

I fell for all the social media propaganda which came out of China at the beginning of the pandemic - people collapsing in the street dying of covid-19, cleverly juxtaposed with western governments downplaying the risks so they could sucker into fear all the people who instinctively distrust their governments before pivoting on a dime and carrying the rest of the population with them.

Now there is another narrative coming out of China regarding brutal lockdowns and mass riots, supported by videos circulating on social media.

Should we just accept this narrative?

There's a strong argument that if we can see these videos it's because the CCP wants us to see them. I'm not saying that the narrative is definitely not true, but equally I'm not just going to swallow it hook, line and sinker either.

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All communists have evil intent. But the Chinese Government are one of the worst communist. They have terrorized their population for Eons.

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The protests are working.

America now has a pandemic of the vxxd.


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"J-Rap " Rocks !

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