The WHO wants to euthanize them all, as they have symptoms of Bird Flu. " And what symptoms are those ? " - Well, they're happy and look suspiciously healthy. And, they're making these bleeping noises, cute actually. " I see. and what test did you use? " Oh, the standard, the PCR test.

" Oh, the one whose inventor said wasn't meant to be used in this manner." Precisely. We only use good science. " Yea, I saw how that mango got tested for Covid. Tested positive. Good find that. Someone might have eaten it.

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The test that suddenly was . . . no longer valid . . . https://www.globalresearch.ca/bombshell-cdc-no-longer-recognizes-the-pcr-test-as-a-valid-method-for-detecting-confirmed-covid-19-cases/5765179 . . . . and then sent out free to a lot of us here in the US . . . such waste.

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What happened to the CDC ? Did they somehow do something valid ?

( CDC - one of the many 3 letter government agencies that needs to disappear. )

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Can't quite make out what CDC is saying, what with the wadded wash rag and duct tape and all...

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They are trying to wipe out the food supply. Been working in chickens. Moving to other animals very quickly.

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I'm getting concerned. My wife sometimes calls me an animal.

I know, it's a serious situation, but this is a time out.

( It's just a ride, as Bill Hicks used to say. )

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Wonderful start to a Friday 👍

At first I thought it was Sanders complaining about Robert K…

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and you still eat these people?

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Why are they so damned delicious?

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I think you need a comma in there...or maybe not!

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That's funny.

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the cuter the face the tastier the meat!

same with pigs!

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Thanks Celia! Gosh they have a lot to talk about!

I can gladly show you how to download those videos and embed them in your articles (if you are unaware?) - just shoot me an email. (You can still include the source links under them)

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WILL DO. I need help with it. Thank you.

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Looking forward to working with you. It's super simple for most sites

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Where there’s life there ‘s Hope! Sweet!

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Nice one!!!

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The perfect antidote to all the troubles out there. Still waiting with hope for grandchildren, but lambs will suffice for now. I'll take 10, pleaw

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Wow! That's one way to cheer 😀 😂 😁yourself up! ⬆️🆙⤴️

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Baby lambs are a good surrogate when they run out of kittens, as per the video Celia posted two days ago,

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Where can I find instructions to how to use sub stack ?

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Awwwww. They're really tiny at birth. I have friends with a few, mostly for wool.

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