There are times when being "a broken record" is needed, Celia, and this is one of them. I received the stack from Interest of Justice last night, reporting that a group of Republicans is fighting the US coming under the control of the WHO. These brave people are standing up to the Biden regime, and despite the fact that they can be referred to as Tea Party Patriots, we must stand with them, as they have clarity and purpose towards maintaining US sovereignty. I would never have thought in a million years that I would ever align with this group, but I listened to the video of them speaking outside the capitol yesterday and they are speaking up for American sovereignty and against the tyranny of the WHO and those in support of its policies.

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Most of us have 24-hour observers in our hands, pockets, and by our bedsides. They record what we say in speech and in writing, when we wake and when we sleep, where we go, who we associate with, what our interests are, etc. I don't believe for a second that they are not active even when we turn off all services or deny "them" access to the camera, microphone, location, etc. We have traded our privacy and independence for convenience.

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There's a sign in front of the NSA Utah Data Center that says "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear." It's on their website. https://nsa.gov1.info/utah-data-center/

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Think about Mao or Hitler having today's tech. Actually you don't have to. Plenty of successors.

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Thank you for this. Too few in the US are aware of the history of the Cultural Revolution. And we are indeed reliving some of it.

Relatedly-- and may this be cheering:

Speech by Dr. Jessica Rose at the Los Angeles Defeat the Mandates Rally, April 10, 2022

Dr. Rose mentioned it in her blog at


The entire recorded livestream is at


Dr. Rose appears at 6:37:37

The High Wire has also posted a clip of Dr. Rose's speech at:




MC: Please welcome via video immunologist and computational and molecular biologist Dr. Jessica Rose.

DR. JESSICA ROSE: Hi everyone. For those of you who don't know who I am, two years ago I was a personal researcher on my way to Australia to begin my career as a professional long boarder. Now I'm a ferocious advocate for truth, justice, and rights to life for all beings.

I want to start by quoting by Josephine Baker, French resistance agent, entertainer, and civil rights activist. In her speech at the March on Washington on August 28, 1963, she spoke just before Martin Luther King. Quote: "The government agencies in America were mad. They were mad because I told the truth. And the truth was that all I wanted was a cup of coffee. But I wanted that cup of coffee where I wanted to drink it. And I had the money to pay for it. So why shouldn't I have it where I wanted it."

Josephine was a powerful outspoken advocate for basic human rights. And although the subject matter may appear different on this day as we march, it is all rooted in the same ignorance. We must all be like Josephine Baker now. All we want is a cup of coffee where we want to drink it. Just a cup of coffee. No mandates.

The international efforts of many governments around the world to segregate people is not a new thing, but it should absolutely not be tolerated. Our sacred documents were written to protect us, the people, from having to succumb to tyranny, corruption, deceit, malfeasance, medical experimentation, and undemocratic impositions.

We are born free and we must live free, else there is no life.

Honor your unalienable rights. We are endowed unalienable rights: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And not necessarily because a document says so, but because our very existence dictates it.

It has been said that governments capable of securing unalienable rights are rooted in the people, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed.

Know that your governmental power is simply the derived power of the people, your power. Honor yourself, your perfect self, by always standing in justice and truth, just like Josephine did, now, and until they back down.

I thought long and hard about what I could say in conclusion to inspire you all. But then I realized something. You don't need to be inspired. You are inspired. You are the leaders of the future. You are the brave and the strong and the free, and you always will be. You have my unending support, and I have yours.

I know that some among you, including some of our esteemed speakers today, have been injured by the covid 9 injectable products. I also know you are also being ignored. But I assure you, not by me. I want you to know that in every moment of data analysis, in every interview, in every waking minute working on revealing the truth about this Covid 19 sh*tstorm, you are in my thoughts. You inspire me to continue when I feel the lights dimming. You are the candles in the darkness, and you matter. Today we will remind them again about you.

To close, I implore you all not to think about what you've lost in the past two years, but what you've gained. Think of all the amazing potential that we now have to build true and strong integral communities because of you.

I love you all, I urge you all to hug the person next to you. Let's put the human back in humanity.



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Dr. Jessica Rose's website is https://www.jessicasuniverse.com/

Her blog is Unconditional Jessica https://jessica5b3.substack.com/

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Was anyone spying on Mao himself? His immediate family? Whoever it was who ran the show/bullied everyone else? Surely it would take a lot of money to DO something like that, wouldn't it? Where might such money come from? Possibly, from the same Wall St. banksters who backed Trotsky? But WHY would banksters pay big bucks to wreak social mayhem? Possibly, to smear "socialism" in the minds of gullible Americans, most of whom have no clue that socialism, according to Marx, was merely DEMOCRACY IN THE WORKPLACE--you know, the place where most working-age adults spend most of their waking hours, as Prof. Richard D. Wolff explains. Who would be most likely to hate democracy in the workplace? Capitalists, perhaps? What if the nasty stuff the Stasi did in East Germany was also funded by Wall St. banksters, or even the CIA? (Is there a difference?) Meanwhile, this all sounds so familiar, in the wake of a few years' worth of "take the experimental shot, or lose your job"....

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"Sleep is not yet monitored in today's America..."

You sure about that? According to one survey, 15% of U.S. adults use sleep apps (25% use them in India & China). https://www.statista.com/chart/29518/share-of-people-that-say-they-have-used-sleep-monitoring-apps/ And that's just the volunteer vanguard--a percentage sure to grow as folk obsess about their sleep health the same way many have about counting steps.

If my smartphone (or my now un-plugged Alexa) can routinely dish me scary-accurate ads based on the daytime conversations I have in its presence (and who has not had that experience?) it seems that, if I keep it on by my bedside, it would just as easily be able to track what I say in my sleep... or whether I snore, and how intensely, and for how long, or telltale signs of tossing and turning...

...for whatever reasons.

Which is all to say that the fiendishly clever thing about Maoism's incursion into the West in the last decade or so, IMHO, is that, in the eager pursuit of convenience, we have done it to ourselves. Orwell was prescient. The only thing he got wrong was who pays for the devices, and how they get into our intimate, formerly private, spaces.

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Well, of course "an earlier poll found 85 percent believed “Mao's merits outweigh his faults!"

They are being polled in China!!!

So, if you think about it 85% is a low number. That's a good sign!

May the 15% stay safe.

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Celia, Thank you for sharing my essay and the wise introduction. The parallels are plain for those who look. Will enough look to prevent the worst?

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If you go for communism, socialism, liberalism, progressivism and Marxism, you might as well turn off the sun. The darkness of these isms is beyond death.

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I recall Eric Fromm's book, "Escape From Freedom", how Big Daddy/Big Mommy totalitarian systems have desperate appeal as an escape from the fear and dread of life. Such autocratic regimes provide society's soma, an addiction that relives the pain of the existential god is dead world. The belief in separation, that we are alone in the world, separate from God, from Life, from all of this exquisite and astonishing creation, sets the stage for demagogue "saviors" like a Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Deuterte, Lukashenko and the list goes on. This belief in nihilistic separation fosters authoritarian organizations like the WHO, CIA, FBI, CDC, NIH; technocratic predatory corporations like Amazon, Pfizer, Google; Ultra rich elitist power hungry institutions like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The World Economic Forum and the Club of Rome. We have often been complicit, but that must ending. A "new birth of freedom" is upon us. As Abe once said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time!"

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All sad and true - and for those who haven't read it, Kai Strittmatter's book "We Have Been Harmonized" essentially describes what the CCP has been up to in modern day China.

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The freedoms we have already lost are now "unattainable."

The freedoms we are about to lose are "unfathomable."

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I shared most of this recently on your post sharing a piece written by Diana West. But it also fits nicely under this Spirit of Maoism piece so I'll reshare it for new readers.

After the People’s Revolution in early Communist China its leaders, Mao, intentionally used infectious disease to get their population they considered to be sick and backwards to obey the state using "discipline" (obedience training) and shaped minds with inescapable propaganda efforts. In the book link below, the writer's (a CCP member) voice is approving of the process, reviews it as necessary, a beneficial endeavor. It describes how the operation was considered a true success when it moved away from the earlier heavy-handed disciplinary state police force to when the propaganda process had created conditions where people *wanted* to obey and do their part as good citizens without needing to be disciplined externally, called "internal discipline." Using infectious disease as the doorway to reframe the role of collective governance over individual concerns in the people's ("national's") minds.

This is a blueprint to transforming a society that worked for China. And thus far has been more successful in the West than even those who are following this blueprint could've imagined. This isn't to say that China is behind this "reframing" of society. Rather, those in this society who have set upon the fundamental transformation of our society have read and learned from this blueprint. As we must do in order to successfully oppose them.

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

Interesting chapters and sections for those wishing to do a deeper dive:

5.3 Discipline Imposed by Hygiene ["It's a public health emergency! You must comply! You must obey! You must sacrifice! Disobedience is selfishness!"]

8 State of “the People” [The Collective]

9.4 “To Combine Health Campaigns with Mass Movements” ["We're in this together! Together we can beat this!"]

10.3 The “Cleanness” of the State and Legitimacy Construction [Only "clean" people can legitimately function in society. The others are dirty. "Dirty Jews!"]

11 The Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Construction of Clean New People ["Do your part - wear the mask, get the jab!"]

12 A Farewell to the “Sick Man of East Asia”: The Irony, Deconstruction, and Reshaping of the Metaphor ["We're getting rid of our dirty, dirty people. We have a Final Solution."]

13.2 “The Higher the Education Level One Has, the Sillier He Is” [TRUE!!]

13.3 “Comments on Wearing a Medical Mask” [Symbolic display of virtuousness]

17.3 From “the Benevolent Medicine” to the “Formula for Money-Making” [TRUE!!]

17.4 One’s Life or Death Is Utterly Dependent on One’s Fate ["You really can't do anything about it. Some eggs gotta get broken. Won't matter if you're on the good or bad team, it's just your fate."]

19 A Public Country and Its Expansion [Collectivist governance vs. individualist rights]

20 The Logic of Disease Politics ["The pandemic isn't political! There's no "plandemic." We're just following The Science (TM)! You're a science-denier, selfish, conspiracy theorist, death cult." Sure. Science. As in "Political Science." A branch from the Social Science Tree. Right next to the Behavioral Science branch. Psychological mind-fuckery. Logical.]

23 A Nation-State? A Democratic State? [Nationalists vs. Globalists. And we know that Globalists categorize Nationalists as terrorists these days.]

From the book's official description:

"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."

My stack on this:


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See my profile pic? That's the symbol for "Taoism" which is, of course, the other school of thought from Asia (versus Buddhism). The Taoists have been responsible for many things including major contributions to martial arts and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

ALL of which is marginalized by the Chinese communists.

Although the communists continue to apply TCM in their modern hospitals, they have done so reluctantly with respect to any amount of spirituality that is a *necessary* ingredient of TCM and even traditional Taoist martial arts such as Xing yi chuan (which I have borrowed for my pseudonym).

The "shen" is the spirit. And anything outside of purely statist proclamations and purely non-spiritual secularism is vehemently denied by the Chinese communists. They don't want it because it goes against their "everything is the state" doctrine. They won't have anything to do with "shen".

I started my journey of learning about Taoist martial arts as part of the Shen Lung Tang Shao Tao association back in the '80s. That means (roughly) "Dragon Spirit" (shen lung) "China Hand Way" (Tang Shao Tao). It has enriched my life beyond what I can describe.

However, because of what China has become via the Maoists/Communists nobody wants to hear about it. Nobody wants to know that there is TCM medicine for every condition that has worked for thousands of years. Especially, after having been propagandized by Big Pharma and our current health establishment.

I am currently 100% "not Western medicine" and 100% TCM. I will live and die that way.

The real "disinformation", pushed by our medical establishment and greatly supported by Chinese communists is that TCM is "pseudo science" (despite being practiced in most Chinese hospitals to this day, just minus the spirituality).

Inexplicably, even people that don't trust the establishment, believe it. They have taken a great thing, a gift of nature and god, away from people. I wish people could somehow understand this.

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The only solution is not turning off the cell phone out of fear but standing up and proclaiming yourself and daring them to come round you up! We have a MUCH different culture than Maoist China, which had been through millennia of absolute monarchy, the invasion of Manchurians who enslaved them, a collapse of 4000 years of Dynasties, decades of Civil War, a brutal murderous invasion by the openly racist Japanese military and finally the overthrow of the Kuomintang (Chiang Kai Shek’s Western funded kleptocracy). With the West exhausted by WWII we were unable to mount a successful counter invasion of China and then they ejected every Westerner in a frenzy of paranoiac style “cleansing” in order to consolidate the country and brutally repress any opposition. China was a mess. Much like the French revolution they went on a “reindoctrination and execution” spree. By 10 years later Mao was failing and his wife and her political accomolices, the “Gang of Four” took over and set the “Red Guards” loose. Finally Deng Xiao Ping was sprung from prison and elected Premier while The Gang of Four were tried and executed. Deng opened the door to Nixon and the West to rebuild the Country. It worked. Not much is written about those times, at least not in English but the Chinese government has embraced paranoia once again as a Capitalist Billionaire class has grown up and is challenging the CCP ruling class. Jack Ma, billionaire founder of Alibaba has “disappeared” and Xi Jin Ping is purging his predecessors in the CCP as he tries to bring the country back to more “pure Communism”. So Maoism may work with some here but out history is much different…I believe we will weather this storm as long as we stand up and be counted!

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