My friend is a black belt Gracie jujitsu player, and his two boys are elite wrestlers and jujitsu players. Both boys are 100% unvaccinated, and they wrestle and roll with hundreds of kids and adults every year for several years now. They are by far the healthiest and most vibrant boys amongst their highly vaccinated peers.

Funny how the unvaccinated are not contracting any diseases on the wrestling and jujitsu mats...

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I lived in NYC for 35 years … took a sardined subway to and from work, went to 100s of musical and dance events in stadiums and small clubs, danced the night away with George Clinton and PFunk, and had season tickets to Knicks and Mets. I never got the flu jab and never got the flu. In fact I rarely ever got sick at all. I tried to warn friends about azt but they thought I was crazy and got mad at me, just like with the covid scam. I’m 77 and don’t have any of the diseases that plague most folks my age. When I tell someone I’m my own example of how to be healthy they claim it’s my genes. Hardly anyone is willing to give me credit for having an open mind and doing my homework. I’m used to it by now.

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I grew up in NYC and went to university there, am as native new yorker as it gets and i too never took any vaccines and was never sick. meanwhile, in my tony apt building most everyone was getting sick after their DEATHVAX servings. i never wore a mask and the building tried to sue me out, and of course i lawyered up and left that Marxist state for good.

it hasn't been the old nyc i loved for a long time...

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Yes, I left in ‘98 and never looked back. Born in Brooklyn, schooled in Queens then in Manhattan for 35 years. It’s a shadow of itself, very sad. Knicks are pretty exciting right nOw ! Something NY to root for !

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Same. I have not had the flu since I was about 25 and I'm 60 now. I am also more active and healthier than most of my peers. I'm also thin - not obsese, not sugar-addicted, and I don't sit in front of the TV. I have a vibrant life and that is because I don't trust the UN-scientific yo yo's in charge and have not since I was in my 20s and discovered naturopathy etc.

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I got all the diseases I was vaxxed for as a kid. I also grew up in an extremely chaotic sick family. My appendix burst age 12 and @15 missed an entire semester of high school with mono…both maladies due to extreme stress and nearly starvation. As soon as I left there I got healthy, never got vaxxed no pharmaceuticals drugs, mostly healthy eating and homeopathy and herbs.

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I am so glad you were able to escape and get help! I got some of the stuff I was vaxxed for, although we were only getting a fraction of what kids now get back in the 1960s. So glad you figured out how to heal yourself. I had mono too, but didn't have a lot of symptoms. Starvation? Geeez. I hope you have been able to heal the childhood trauma emotionally as well. And I can't imagine what you went through with the burst appendix to top it all off. What neglect does... horrid.

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The virology and the germ theory scam is exposed in this video: https://odysee.com/@spacebusters:c9/biolabsgainoffiction:7

The contagion myth is also exposed for the fraud it is.

The controller's model is deception to generate fear resulting in control - it's repeated constantly to promote war, injections, etc, and too many fall for it. It's hard to break through the trance of our fellow human beings who have been hypnotised to believe the lies.

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The only times I get sick are when I’m under TRemendous stress…loosing my dog, maybe having to move.

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Make mine the P-Funk!!!

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Psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop !!!

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RemovedMay 15
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Considering the mental midgetry you manifest, I bet you are still infected.

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RemovedMay 16
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Good to hear that. So many sports programs stubbornly insisted upon the covid jabs as a prerequisite for participating.

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No Gracie jujitsu studio shut down during lockdowns, not even in nyc. They covered up the windows and shut their doors to outsiders, but trained daily and signed new students up as well.

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With fake slab jab shedding, I would stop wrestling.

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in 1976, i watched my cousin's wife spend a year in the wheelchair after taking the "swine flu" vaccine. you know, the one that was taken off the market and was the subject of a 60 minutes special back when you could still talk about such things? that did it for me.

i've also never had a mammogram, a colonoscopy or any other "preventative" (really, a word used incorrectly) cancer screenings, which let's be real, just keep you in the clutches of the medical system and afraid that your body might turn on you at any minute.

i've had plenty of raw milk (which they tell you will kill you but every generation including my grandmother's managed to survive and reproduce on it) and unwashed vegetables (grown in my own backyard- at 5 times the carbon footprint of vegetables shipped in from california! or so the WEF tells me) and i'd stack my health against that of any over sterilized 20 year old.

just for fun (and outrage) watch the documentary The Motivation Factor:


about JFK's high school physical fitness initiative and grieve for the country we lost.

born in 1953, i only had vaccines for polio, smallpox and TB and wonder if i would have have been better off without those few. i can only imagine children born after the disastrous 1986 childhood vaccine act which started a literal gold rush. in a single year i met 3 men in their early 20's, all vaccinated for chickenpox, who had shingles. i smell a connection.

if covid has a silver lining, it's that many parents who would have previously gone along with the childhood vaccine schedule, are now wise to the game. we could have an unvaccinated control group at last.

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I wish I had been awake to this when my children were born in the early 1990's. I have so much guilt and I'm angry at the pediatricians who push these unnecessary products on infants and young adults. I'm doing everything I can now to warn expectant and new mothers about the dangers of these products. I have hope that more and more people are waking up.

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Me too. I vaccinated my kids and would never do it again. I needed the Plandemic to open my eyes. No Covid shots for me and my family.

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No jab for me but my children got the shots. I begged them not to but my pleas fell on deaf ears. They thought they were doing the right thing. 😞

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I've known others in your position. It's heartbreaking, I'm so sorry.

My youngest might have also gone that way, I can't know. His dad is a pharma fool and doesn't question anything.

May your children be healthy. May the veil completely fall away and all those doing disastrous deeds loose their influence. ❤️ (It's a beautiful thought if nothing else)

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Thank you for your kind words.

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You're welcome ❤️

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Children should trust their parents over their doctor or their government. No one has more vested interest in children's health and well-being than their parents.

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Sadly a number of my women and men friends (who are not Jabbed), who have adult children, did not heed their parent’s warnings to not take the Jabs…and some suffered ‘injuries’. Some of the adult children think their Dad is a “raving, conspiracy theory, nut job” for having his ‘position’ on the Scamdemic and The Jabs. They may not say so to his face, but their silence and lack of communication with their Dad, pretty much says it all.

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My own salvation was assured by my varied clientele many who were and are medical specialists. Two virologists warned me to reject the jab and a woman professional also told me to not take it. I tend to listen to women and embraced her directives to my credit and advantage. The tip off was the medical community was and is divided and made me leery of the fake jab.

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The jab affects different people in different ways, and some not at all.

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Yes, a close friend had the same experience. It was traumatic. She said no way but both her kids got the jab anyway. The whole brainwashing caused brutal separations between people and families and friends, not to mention restrictions on visiting loved ones. It was a tragedy and still resonates. Not just conflict between the pro and anti jabbers but the ongoing physical catastrophes still unfolding from getting the jab. It’s a nightmare that never ends.

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I agree, there are so many people suffering. Thankfully both of my children will NEVER take another jab of any kind.

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Likewise, although we did stop the well checks, boosters and vaccines when my daughter was about 5 and my son was 2. They are both very healthy adults now, although my daughter does suffer from migraines.

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there are protocols for cleansing. Dr Judy Mikovits remains a vigilant, outspoken, and helpful promoter of healing. migraines can be devastating.

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Ironically, my sister who didn't vaxx her sons fell for the covid thing and was probably the worst militant adherent to the whole covid plandemic bullshit. I am positive she had her sons jabbed. I didn't ask because it makes me sick to think about it. So far they seem OK.

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the psychological effects of the blanket propaganda have not yet begun to be studied. there are so many odd variations. it's not our fault if we fell for the lies or caved in under the intense, non-stop nonsensical pressure. every rant like Rappaport's is fresh air, for which I'm grateful.

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Absolutely. For a specific target group, there was no escaping it. I had already been down rabbit holes for years reading about psyops so I started recognizing the pattern, and when Pompeo actually announced on live TV that it was a "Live Exercise" - a military term meaning just that - I was like, OK I now know this is a psyop.

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For sure.

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It's so curious she would do that.

The fear of disease and contagion runs deep.

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Yes it is SO weird. I thought at first she was just jumping on the Covid bandwagon for the grift - she and her hubs were able to quit their jobs and make more $$ sitting home doing nothing. But I'm not sure. She said weird things to other family members, and I just stayed away during that time.

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the fear of job loss, loss of face, social exclusion, not being able to travel or even drink a beer in your local bar, the list is endless... and they might bring it back.

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The thing is nobody who knows they are taking their life in their hands in being 'vaccinated' would cave to these pressures.

Death vs Job?

Death vs Going to the Pub?

One man told me he got the v so he could go to the pub.

Another told me he got the v so he could keep his job (which he lost later due to an on job accident)

Yeah they'll probably bring it back, I hear murmurs on insta about bird flu. (the certainty is incredible)

It's never ending.

But many have no idea of the harm and the devious stories they're being told.

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Death vs. College...

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They can flock off.

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May 15·edited May 15

Lots of people lied through their teeth about taking the jab, bought fake jab cards and never suffered the consequences of non-compliance. Western society is overflowing with liars.

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Everywhere but especially in politics, religion and education.

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you're not guilty. you were had. along with millions of others. it's heartbreaking, in endless variations.

we'll all be angry until justice is done and we awake from the nightmares.

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Plain truth presented plainly by the one and only - Jon Rappoport.

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May 15·edited May 15

Fact. Fauci was forced to admit there are no safety tests performed on the quackscenes. Furthermore, there has NEVER been a study on the effects of SEVENTY (accumulative) quackscenes being administered to a child by age 18.

God help them.

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By the grace of God I didn’t vaccinate my two children. I asked him if I should and he whispered “don’t do it.” That was 20 years ago. 🙏

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Study the Amish

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Revelations 18:23. For thy merchants were the great men of the earth, and with their sorceries all nations were deceived. Sorceries in Greek…..pharmakeia. (sp) That’s from 2000 years ago written by a man in a cave.

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Some things never change... love reading the stoics, they could be writing today and not change their content a whit.

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Correct!! They are ALL bad!! They are all industrialized sorcery.

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That’s why “unavoidably unsafe” was the basis used to legally vaccinate pharma against litigation.

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The whole concept of vaccination makes no sense.

Watching all cause mortality shows that vaccination is an intervention that throughout its history has conveyed more harm than good. It is fighting symptoms in lieu of the disease and in the process causing more harm than good. The cure has been worse than the disease throughout.


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yes, protecting the child is tantamount to preventing the child's immune system to learn to fend for itself.

the mind boggles. we've been and are still being so misled.

good luck everyone!

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That is an excellent analogy!

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Celia - Thank you for posting this short missive by Jon Rappaport. It's sad commentary on the evil we are confronted with and our horrible allopathic medical model - Rockefeller medicine. Unfortunately most doctors are trapped because they have invested years of training and money into their profession. They have a childlike belief that their professors told them the full truth about vaccines safety and efficacy. Consequently, either they mindlessly follow the poison needle schedule or they refuse to understand the horror because their livelyhood depends on staying ignorant. I used to do financial audits and it's clear to me that very few people audit their information sources for validity. If they did, the decievers would not get away with their lies.

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I think that doctors probably get a whole four hours of training on vaccines so they are uneducated…to say the least!

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I am pretty sure RFK, Jr. oversaw a 10-year study comparing vaxxed kids to unvaxxed - I believe the control group was over 1000 (I am going by memory here). The vaxxed kids were in vastly worst shape than the unvaxxed. There must probably thousands, maybe a million or more kids who are unvaxxed in this country. I have never ever ever seen a news study or report of those kids being sick. Wouldn't you think if vaxxes were so wonderful, they would make sure to showcase how sickly and unhealthy unvaxxed kids are? They could grab one and make an example.... but they don't, because they don't exist.

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I think it was Dr Paul Thomas who did that study

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Could very well be. I think that RFK, Jr's nonprofit published a big article about it.

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Consider this: prior to 2020, the number of people who would even read this truthful compelling piece would be minuscule. And because the pHARMa thugs who profit on deception and suffering realized they could take this ignorance to the bank with the mother of all shots to protect the sheep from the Stupid 19, they managed to convince or force billions of them to line up and take their poison. Reminds me a lot of the Jonestown massacre on a much greater scale. Fortunately they seemed to not understand that after this disaster, a large number of their victims would suddenly wake up and refuse any more of it.

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Agreed absolutely this madness must stop!!!

Thinking the only good thing that came out of the

“Pandemic” was the realization of people becoming

Vaxxine hesitant.

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thanks to the Plandemic, I went on the keto diet — ketosis and intermittent fasting saved me in so many ways.

the Plandemic exposed the evil bureaucracies that have strangled free, healthy pursuit of happiness in this benighted country (or is it a multinational, I forget).

it's bittersweet, but awareness is always prefereable.

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For every vaccine given a MD receives a monetary ‘kick-back.’ The more expensive the vaccine, the greater the monetary ‘kick-back.’

Treating symptoms prolongs profits……Managing symptoms prolongs profits…….

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have you seen DOPESICK on Hulu about oxycontin, its design and rollout, mercenary marketing, aka the opioid crisis? the series demonstrates step by step how the horror was/is done. this blueprint applies, literally, historically, to all the wonder drugs. they are money machines period.

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No,I did not see DOPESICK. Sounds interesting.

When a Psychiatrist writes a prescription for anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, etc., the Shrink will receive a monetary kick-back. The more expensive the drug, the more lucrative the kick-back….

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exactly. yes! and it's planned that way from before they've concocted the poison to be administered to the unwary.

my elder brother was a rag doll in the jaws of the medico-pharma-industrial complex decades ago. only now do I have a notion of what he and we were up against.

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We’re up against the WALL.

My sister is on Zoloft (SSRI) for years. Her husband's Health insurance drug plan is very good.

She didn’t know about prescription kick-backs, until I told her. She doesn’t care…….

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If she's been on Zoloft for years, it's no surprise that she doesn't care. SSRIs are well known for making their users feel comfortably numb.

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Thanks Tim. Her shrink is numb and dumb too.

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