She will lose spectacularly and the ballot counting demons with boxes of preprinted straight one Dem votes will rescue her and then the machine algorithms will keep her a little ahead. Only a complete moron with no mathematical ability at all could see how blatant the steal was in 2020. It was mathematically impossible, not just implausible, for Biden get nearly every vote after 10:30 eastern, but only in the battleground states. The graphs show all of it. Not possible. Fake results with ridiculous and obvious fraud. Voting graphs don’t have straight vertical lines on them, yet the battleground states all did and all after dark. We are post-republicans now. The ENTIRE govt participated in it. Everybody.

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It's called a coup d'tat Bob. Never dreamed I would see the day but alas, here we are.

Once enough people realize that you cannot vote your way out of a coup, things get tricky.

Just glad to be in Texas, which is leading the way to abandon this sinking ship headed for the bottom. Here's to good people leaving a bad situation.

Best of luck, friend.

~~ j ~~



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Yes, Dr. Austin...so lucky my ancestors came down from Tenn and Ky in 1836, survived Goliad and here I am. Afraid we’ll need to do it all again but my friends and family are ready.

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Good to hear, Kemper ... hopefully they are all working to help leave this wretched mess created by the worst government in history.

As you probably know, the evil Lincoln did not "settle" the matter of Secession. Leaving an aggressor is a natural right and cannot be settled any more than the Golden Rule can be "settled."


Best of luck, friend. ~~ j ~~

"You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas." ~~ Davy Crockett



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The voting machines cannot be publicly audited, contain modems, and can change numbers while the voting is still happening. This was all proven before 2016. It's not the person who votes, it's the one who counts the votes, is all that matters.

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They are "obfuscation machines" designed to be too complicated for anyone to decipher the various cheating algorithms and manipulation. In short, they are "cheating machines."

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Exactly. For all we know, some 3rd Party candidate has won every election since 2000, inclusive. But we don't know, due to electronic vote-flipping. As long as the # of voters = the # of votes, it's undetectable, unless maybe you're making continuous screen-shots of the vote count as the numbers go on your TV....

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That's why I'm so glad that here in Wisconsin, we have paper ballots.

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Yes, it's absolutely mind blowing that such obvious criminality has been accepted as truth. I can't believe what I am seeing and hearing these days. What has happened to people's minds??? 😲

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Yes and other poisoning that's been going on for quite a while.

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Just consider what has been done to the food here in America. It seems all the poisons have been granted FDA approval………glyphosate, aspartame, excessive amounts of ADDDED SUGAR, and the list goes on.

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One of the most ignored forms of poisoning is the spewing of chemicals from the skies. Research has been done, for cryin out loud. It's known what is in our water and air. We can see them doing it. But only a minority of us believe it and have done our own research. CHD, RFK's substack or whatever it's called - he has someone else running it while he runs for office - finally has geoengineering articles/videos.

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I know, another form of cognitive dissonance. When chemtrails are pointed out, they say 'oh that's just vapour from the jet engines', despite the criss-cross patterns and interviews from pilots who vigorously deny the idea that it's caused by trails from vapour.

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I know. I've been working on getting the word out for several years. When I talk to young people in their 20s, it seems they are aware. But they say "what can we do?" There is this. https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1829068882965155887?fbclid=IwY2xjawE91ONleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHVV04VqYxt4122LIVBhAyE9xslb9XfK77hNjj7ODp7TLoqYrdIEPNwv8VQ_aem_0KwL_DmvX1hMXFr5q8vX_Q

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That's a rather good suggestion, not least because it could well be right.

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Mind control. Spell casting.

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If by chance she loses, by close or by a lot, you can almost be certain they'll be dishing the Nixon Trump treatment. Nixon won by the biggest margin ever and in 18 months he was ousted by lawfare techniques that are now the template on how to do it

In some ways I think this may be RFK Jr's penance (thank God) for what RFK senior partisans did to Nixon. According to "America's Untold Stories" YouTube channel it was about 60 remaining rabid partisan RFK lawyers who Nixon inherited who basically went 24/7 365 to take him out. They utterly HATED Nixon and having lived through that era it seemed as inscrutable then as Trump derangement is now. Partisan irritation is one thing, foaming mouth mental illness hatred is a whole other level. Saw it in Nixon's time see it now.

And they succeeded. It is gratifying to see that RFK Jr (so far) is not showing he inherited THAT part of the Kennedy legacy. Win at ANY cost has its own cost and that cost may be a disaster. Had the Kennedy's not been so ruthlessly "win at any cost" they would not have made LBJ VP even if it meant losing because LBJ was perhaps the most crooked of all time. Consort with snakes and snake things happen.

Who knows what would have happened. LBJ was selected EXPRESSLY to steal votes and had he not been made VP history may have been VERY different. Perhaps even, RFK & JFK may not have been martyred. Not good to have someone as ambitious and ruthless as LBJ salivating to be in the POTUS office

It is very encouraging to see that RFK Jr seems to have a line he won't cross. His moral center about things that count is refreshing.. After all, isn't the Kennedy Mythology about doing the right thing? If this unity move leads to anything close to what we are afraid to dream RFK Jr may restore the mythologic rep that the Kennedy's always had whether they deserved it or not. (despite his cultist family's disapproval)

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Nixon was thoroughly dishonest and slanderous and should've been stopped in California.

Watergate gave us the illusion Congress and newspapers would protect our integrity, but the temptations were too great, the prizes too rich.

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Agreed on all counts. Once a stolen election, always a stolen election. As RFK said, "No one has ever voted their way out of tyranny." These are dire times, and the steal 2.0 is already underway. The country is headed for absolute disaster as the warmongers gain momentum and hide all aspects of the truth and the dangers that lie ahead.

STOP THE STEAL! Do NOT let the globalist Dems rob us of our voices again.

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As a person who had voted Democrat for the prior 16 years, I saw what happened in 2020 and experienced something akin to trauma, watching the steal's success through January 2021. I don't think DJT would have continued staying in touch with his base/all of us, post Jan 20th 2021, and then declared his candidacy for 2024, if he thought there was no way to overcome a 2024 steal. He's a strategic brawler, and very very smart about it. Too many underestimate his Sun Tzu thinking and actions. To have another election stolen, (and this would be far more spectacular if accomplished, this time around, I think) would be far too humiliating for him and not worth it for him, if there wasn't a real chance of winning. In other words, I think there's hope, based on reality (which is still opaque a bit for me) that he'll win. And I've read that it's much more difficult to steal an election with a strong 3rd party candidate, so RFK Jr staying on the ballot in (at least) 40 states may also help stop the steal. Maybe MI and WI refusal to take RFK off the ballot will spectacularly backfire on any steal plans.

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In an abusive relationship and I want a divorce.

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Remember too, that if they introduce Fauxi’s killer West Nile Virus, or the dreaded m-pox at the heart of voting time, we’ll have a real sh** show on our hands.

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The type of person this style of manipulation works on really scares me.

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You know, I have recently learned that there is a cadre of people out there who believe the Earth is flat. Yes, not a spherical globe, but a flat disk...there's a channel on YouTube SciManDan where he debunks the videos posted by people who actually show "proofs" of their notions that are ever more moronic.

But I mention this because that topic is apolitical - and anyone with more than three working neurons between their ears can see through the "proofs" that these otherwise normal looking people show. So my conclusion is that some of us hairless monkeys' brains are just wired, well, to be stupid.

Now take that to the level of politics, where there are more subtleties and nuances than braying about the planet being a flat disk, and it kind of explains (to me at least) how so many folks think Kammy is anything more than an empty suit whose talent shines when she is on her knees, or even that the diapered potato was/is doing a decent job.

Of course, emotion has much to do with this - The Donald has managed (with huge helpings of help from the mainstream media) to so offend so many delicate souls that they will vote for anyone but him - as Elon Musk points out, not voting for Trump because you don't like him is like burning down your house because you found a spider in it - but again, rational sense is not in the quiver of the emotionally driven useful idiots (whoa re expertly controlled by the leadership of the left via their propaganda apparatchiks in the media, both social and mainstream.

Remember, the leadership of the leftists are quite evil, but they are not stupid - and they have been planning and working toward this end for decades.

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Chilling isn’t it?

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Steve, not Bob.

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A lot of people think the exact same thing about you guys. Crazy, isn't it?

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we know the 2020 election was stolen.... this would be even more obvious..... probably will precipitate some sort of revolution as the fraud becomes so obvious

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If by accident Trump gets elected (miracles could happen and the steal fails) you can be sure there will be impeachments and lawsuits filed by J6th

Because democracy and stuff

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Besides the spectacle rolled out for our distraction, Cant be Carrot Top, Carnival Barker for my savior, the source of money says otherwise….

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You'd think more facts would have come out in the last 4 years. Weird that it hasn't.

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The globalists evil doers do not care if you can read or write, as long as you jump when they say so you are presidential material. You don't even have to be aware of who or where you are or even what day it is. Fake Biden proved that. The poor democrats would vote for a broken vacuum cleaner if it said it was democrat. Looking at all the blank stares on their faces when asked by a reporter of Kamala's accomplishments the past 3 and 1/2 years should tell you the Globalist Luciferian cabal know America has been dumbed down past recognition. Sadly many republicans are not too far behind. Remember all the one's who rolled up their sleeves and could not name even ONE single ingredient in the euthanasia shot? We are here folks!

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But Rafa is getting better!

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Kamala's real polling numbers are NO Where near what MSM is reporting... not sure what they are but they are WAY below the BS MSM is reporting.. Martin Armstrong today on Zero Hedge has a computer program called Socrates that has been accurate in projecting winners in Presidential elections over the last couple decades and currently it says Kamala Cackle is tracking 10.8 percent.. which is coincides with 7% of US citizens Trusting their government today..

Not sure what treachery is up ahead with the Great Reset Mob but getting Kamala elected is a non starter.. They are angling for Marshall Law and postponement of the election... maybe a financial meltdown and plandemic simultaneously...? Let's remain Non-Violent Non Compliant... and

Let's pray for Kennedy Trump to stay alive...

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The scary thing (to me) is that no matter who ends up in the White House (legitimately or not) the opposing side will not accept the results (Democrats or Republicans). The losing side is NOT going to off into the sunset saying, “we’ll get ‘em next time…”. I don’t know if these means a Revolution is on the horizon or what, but it scares the ba-Jesus out of me.

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What makes you say that Democrats will not accept the results of the election?

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I actually said that NEITHER side (democrats nor republicans) would accept the results...because we are so divided!

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I’m just not seeing evidence of Democrats claiming that if they lose it will be because of fraud, stolen elections, etc. That is on the Republican side, and more accurately, Trump and his team. (Because many Republicans don’t believe that there was election fraud, of course, including those Republicans who were actually in charge of the elections!)

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Well, maybe you should open your eyes then lol!! Bye troll!

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It's too bad that you are unable to engage in a good faith conversation. I pointed out that I was unaware of current situations where the Democratic party is alleging that the election will be stolen. Instead of choosing to give me examples of where you are seeing that, you deflect. So, who is the troll?

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Endorsed by Melinda Gates!!!???


Just in case anyone was thinking Melinda got out of the Bill contract because she was "the good one" of the foundation. You know, because ... she did not want to be mistaken for or on board with all the stuff that bad guy husband of hers stands for. You know the guy who made her a multi-billionaire at the cost of some optics she didn't like

Nope it ain't that she's the good one. It's just that you can afford to quibble about details if the cost of it is freedom from that geek you married and billions of dollars to chase your dreams even if it includes the pool boy.

So now Melinda can throw down with bust out anti-America anti-Christian hate honkey Marxist commies because it's the feminist "I am woman hear me roar" thing to do or something. Medical harm is not enough when you can add to it Gulag America. So what if it helps to sterilize the next generation of women and insure that if they manage to have babies those babies may likely be chronically sick. They are AMERICAN babies after all and who would want American babies when there are much better babies from all over the world and from cultures that hate us and will put us in our place?

Yup Melinda is an altruist

On top of enabling medical tyranny she wants to go full commie tyranny so that the lab rats are in their cages where they need to be controlled and "cared for" by the elites so Melinda's and Soros' of the world can look down on the pathetic proletariat and feel good about themselves


Melinda supporting Kamala and all the globalist commie anti-democracy hate whitey stuff she stands for ... let's just say. I think we got our answer on Melinda. Not "the good one" at all. Not even close

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Remember when the long awaited vaccines were rolled out (warp speed), I remember shortly thereafter, Melinda was saying that she felt the first vax recipients should be the little babies in Africa. I knew at that point, the woman was worthless and dangerous!

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And yet the whole Democrat party that tends to support clot shots etc have somehow branded themselves as "not racist" but everyone else is not only a racist but also a supremacist.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's near impossible to see much daylight between the R & D parties which is why they're called the Uni party. Often the "differences" are optics and theater.

One of the fabricated "differences" is that the D party is not racist and of course the R party IS racist, almost as if they agreed on how to divvy up the villainy theater. As in "You can call us racist if we can call you commies .... Because that is what branding is all about. It is all Hollywood Madison avenue BS brought to you by the same people who hawked cigarettes by running ads like "Doctors agree, Marlboro's are the best, so relaxing you don't need to beat your wife" (or whatever nonsense they used to market coffin nails)

You got to hand it to the lefty branding folks, when you can hawk clot shot sterilizing death lottery injections to Africa first because "you need to help the little helpless impoverished underprivileged 3rd world babies (so much virtue) you have to see it as a triumph of branding. It's like telling lab rats "we used you first because you are the most elite lab rats". Almost like telling a convict at the gallows that you're hanging them to spare them the shame of living. So much virtue

Yet people buy it. Death lottery shots to Africa first because Melinda cares

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Yes sir, Ray.

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it always seemed by her slow reaction time that MG was doped. the heaviness of her sad flesh suggested meds. but she's way too rich and has not penned the tell-all.

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This truly sickens me. Its a big country out there. Are we going to actually concede to this horseshit ? I believed for my entire lifetime that this was a country of laws. What has happened? Is it the internet age, electronics? A I? It seems as if there is nothing actionable for the average person. And will all the millionaire and billionaires be happy with this? I believe its Klaus Schwab and his consortium , the WEF running it all. Unelected power mongers dictating their world view upon all. And they have the msm, the weather and the pandemic manipulators to achieve it. HARD TO ACTUALLY BELIEVE.

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The globalist Dems and their backers in the Uni-Party took over silently, funded by the Soro$$ foundations and their ilk in the WEF. Remember their motto: "by any means necessary."

There is nothing these demented, criminally insane monsters will not do. We need to defy them and resist their tyranny.

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Republicans, Christians and Intellectuals have got to stop burning precious fuel on hate, anger, disbelief and perfection, God’s or Intellect, and get as many registered, out to vote, working at polls and collecting as many ballots as possible to push back on this Beast.

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[Psa 37:7 KJV] 7 Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

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She isn't really -- it's all hype... BUT... they want the hype so that no one will contest the results of the election because they will point to all the headlines and "polls" when they steal it again. Charging Trump yet again is another ploy to hedge their cheating. There are plenty of ignorant and silly people who will vote for her. But if there is any truth to so many people adoring her then I am 100% for splitting the country in half and they can stay on their side. Better to wander in the desert than live under such evil people.

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it's the 'overlay' that obliterates and obfuscates a vision of reality

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That she is a nothingburger is more than obvious to anyone with a working brain (which, alas, seems to disclude so many Dems out there).

But as @NoOneKnows points out, should she "win" in November things may well get very heated.

And let us recall the old saying - one side has a bajillion bullets and the other cannot decide which bathroom to use.

I certainly hope things do not get that extreme, but I no longer seems like an impossibility.

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Chaos is the purpose of the installation.

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As I have said elsewhere, Cloward-Piven strategy in play

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Without question.

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Bob, I find it sad that you think it's appropriate to kill people who vote for a Democrat.

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Leap of logic much? I did not write that at all - merely pointed out that should things get too tense we may find ourselves in the midst of the old fashioned kind of revolution.

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Fair enough.

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no one is actually voting for this person. she is a public relations creation. a snow cone.

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snow cones were a mysterious treat I would beg for. the colors were dazzling. it was all sugar, pure poison. more thrilling than KH.

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Harris/Walz will be installed and it won’t be pretty. Musk held an instant poll on X last week. 2 million respondents. Over 75% for Trump. This is before the full effect of RFK Jr joining the Trump campaign. This is before Harris/Walz are exposed as not only incompetent but, for their Marxist policies. Buckle up for the Installation fireworks.

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What if the Biden theater troopers get all retired and get a new haircut and some new hair color to look fifty years younger, and then there is a semi-realistic funeral, and then CNN orders young people to cry like North Koreans when the Juche Leader died, and Mostly Harris does become POTUS before November?

I am already laughing.

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You are accepting the full throated lies that the media is throwing at you. The call on the money that the Biden/Harris junta has been sowing to those with their hands out from the hydrant of free national debt is being delivered.

It's not surprising that the amounts are obscene. The deal was already cut from the start. Welcome to the UCSA.

Unless, the people are not as stupid as we think.

Time will tell. Stop buying into the false hype. It's too obvious they are going all in to make you think what you are thinking, even though there is nothing of truth behind it.

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