That is the most comprehensive and informative collection of information I have seen on this subject anywhere!! Each day you reach new levels of amazingness and amazingosity!! As always, thank you so much for all you are doing!

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Initiation ritual perhaps, or just that they eagerly accept the offers of free travel and free vacations. Walz and others are fully compromised by the CCP when they do that. These are weak people who do not take their oath of office seriously. He has become a traitor to the US.

Any Congressman or State Governor who has ties like this with the CCP should be immediately relieved of their office.

I read that DC Mayor Bowser says Harris will make DC "the 51st state". In reality, DC needs to be shut down, closed, and the US Capitol moved to somewhere like Indiana or Missouri or Iowa.

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Agree. And same for free trips to Israel.

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More likely Walz is thoroughly corrupt and is doing business with the CCP and making money through corruption.

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Yes but it’s bigger than that. He is part of a team that acts through our “intelligence agencies” which don’t serve the people like they advertise but help a bigger power set gain leverage over all governments. We have to sift through what has been embedded in us: CIA and DOD good guy protectors; our govt is a “democracy,” candidates in office are just ordinary people being of service to the people, etc. it’s a military force posing as a country, placing their people in top positions to control the entire landscape.

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Rome doing as the Romans do.

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Communism was invented more than 100 years ago by haters of Christianity. It was a tool to institute godless oppression, and to kill millions of Christians. They achieved that in Russia and other countries. Today most Christians are worthless Christians or Zionist Christians. So, the most important threats to these haters of Christianity is Putin who is bragging openly that Russia is a Christian Orthodox. Take away the money and power of the Christianity haters, and you may begin to see peace on earth.

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Weird! ..Considering China has more Christians than many other Western Countries.

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Communistas have been infiltrating all areas and aspects of western cultures for years and years. They have been gradually turning things around in alignment with the goals of the Marxist agenda via their operative members and fellow travelers placed in strategic positions to carry out the incremental task of "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING AMERICA."

Critical mass has been reached and now they are coming out of the closet.

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👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻🎯🎯🎯… and for anyone who doesn’t believe it after reading as Dale Peterson states… “ the most comprehensive and informative collection of information I have seen on this subject anywhere!!“… (agreed!!!) … please watch the 2016 documentary “Enemies Within” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6048414/… Celia added weight to this clandestine communist infiltration operation going on in earnest since post war WW2 but certainly the focus to make America a communist country started earlier… since Obama’s commitment to “fundamentally change America” however, the trajectory has been in full swing. How people didn’t recognize the communist coup succeeding with never before in a so called free country with wholesale lockdowns, forced jabs or no jobs and masks mandates still baffles me… oh right… captured paid off corporate government media brainwashing…. 🙄

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Or just read or listen to James Lindsay. He breaks down the infiltration and methods piece by piece.

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If the enemies are within ..It's useful strategy to blame an enemy without, (China)

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Not "blaming China," but rather acknowledging that they 1) own our country; 2) are the model the WEF is using for their technofeudal & communistic plans in the west; 3) are complicit in installing that model. As I said, James Lindsay breaks it down well - without even mentioning China all that much. We don't need to - as you say, the west has taken the ball and run with it.

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China does not own your country RMR.. China is a Corporate Colony of the West.

It's true though that the WEF types see Chinezism as their preferred Method of Democracyism.

That will never happen in America though ..Your saving grace is your Redemptive Redneck quotient. ;-p

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Why is China colonizing the US then? If we are running them, not the other way 'round? But I agree, our redneck quotient is probably the most redemptive.

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It is very odd. How quick this pivot happened. IDK, I feel like 'they' know minds are simply unable to either remember, grasp, integrate (or some combo) information, and certainly not able to use it for new action. They don't appear worried - as you say - it's out in the open.

Some crazy tech spell we've underestimated? IDK. Can't explain it either.

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All overt revelation of the method now, I'm afraid.

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It's how the Pre-Columbian Indians maintained control ..

Sacrifices of their own, by their own; in front of the populaces' eyes...

And fear and self-preservation create Stockholm Syndrome in that populace.

How do you think Israel GETS AWAY with mass murder in front of the worlds' eyes?

The Pre-Columbian populace excused it by the convenient delusion of entreaties to the gods.

The Judeo/Christian populace excuses it (Israels Genocide) by the convenient delusions of Israels' self defense and six-million lies of history.

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Errrr! ........Stockholm Syndrome?

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er, uh, I think you missed perhaps the biggest CCXi commie asset in Congress/Wash DC… Senator Mitch McConnell and his Taiwanese wife, Elaine Chao (who was also Trump’s Transportation Secretary) who, despite her Taiwanese citizenship, appears to have a long ongoing relationship with business and CCP political entities in China. As far as I’m concerned, Mitch and Elaine are some of the CCP’s most effective and formidable embedded assets here America, doing the CCP's bidding all along. McConnell has served the CCP well to the point where the Repub Party just quietly rolls over and plays (?) dumb. Disgusting. Glad to see him go!

Take a peek…

Inside the marriage of Elaine Chao and Mitch McConnell, a political power couple who met later in life


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It's more that I have only just begun. And may have already run out of steam. McConnell is dreadful.

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Have you listened to James Lindsay at all? He's one former lefty who has broken down the entire postmodernist Marxist agenda in the most concise way I've seen. His site is New Discourses. You've probably read or heard him but if not, please treat yourself. Great work on this.

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Yes, he married right into a CCP dynasty. LOL.

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Which holler of Kentucky is Mitch from? Where are his kin?

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couldn’t tell you. But what I can tell you, due to his shrewd effectiveness in making damn sure nothing gets done in the Senate/Congress, ie, passing legislation that might just positively effect We the Main Street working folks, it seems to me his belligerence serves the commie China/globalist goal of slowly destroying America from within. Hmmm. Does Kentucky have a Chinatown… yet? I don’t know about you, son, but that sure as hell makes me holler! (yuk yuk yuk)

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Your not alone Celia, but it may feel that way sometimes! We have been illuminating the threats from China for several years now --including exposing the Whuhan lab involvement in the 2015 Gain of Function work on SARS. China is not the only threat to any freedoms remaining and that we want to regain, but it is a big one! Ginger Breggin

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Yes you have, Ginger. You have. I salute you for your intrepid research, stamina and courage. It's curious to me how reflexively Americans get sore and wounded when CCP's crimes are brought up. I could not be more lost.

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Modern China is as much a creation of The West ..as Hamas is a creation of Israel and the West.

China is not the problem Celia...'In God We Trust' is the problem.

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Gain of Function? Function of what?

A "virus" ?

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The deep state, and all who sail in her; have always craved for some form of Communist control.

Easier to manipulate and coerce the hoi polloi; the fabulously unwashed, the masses generally -

who need guiding and nudging in the proper direction. There are so many models already up and running to choose from: coronacircus, being a great example: Everybody do exactly what you're told,

for the common good. No one is safe 'till we're all safe [some of us are more safe than others].

It's a con, and Trump knows it, Larry fink, too. Central banks; all on board, UN, obvs. All the corporations, and the usual other suspects. The average punter in Amerika -- and the west,

per se -- only reallly cares about 'social status' and don't concern themselves with any kind of

'intellectual honesty'... We really are outrageously gullible, self centred, and easy to process..!!

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Chinese Communism is no threat to whatever ISM that controls America.

MAOs' Long March was actually financed and facilitated by the usual Western Suspects. ..With a literal POT OF GOLD waiting at the finishing line for the fat Celestial grub.

And its (Chinas') subsequent hi-tech industrialization was a Western Corporate/Government gig headed by Nixon and Kissinger.

If Americas group identity or glorious future is in a pernicious thrall ..it's because of Zionism, Judaism, Christianism and godamn Democracyism.

Don't wait for the isms and schisms that may or may not come .. Look to the ism in which you are already contained.

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Marxism, and fascism are just two sides of one coin. Ayn Rand was a lousy philosopher, and not much of a novelist either, but she was a keen observer of collectivist totalitarianism.

Rand was far too intelligent to get bogged down in left, right, Marxist, Fascist, liberal, conservative nonsense but she also had no idea how powerful the occult forces are, both right hand, and left hand paths, that operate in the shadows to influence humanity. They've been there for eternity.

Thus, not only are we in a spiritual war, but it is also one that is epic because it hasn't been this dire for humanity since Atlantis was destroyed by left hand path magicians. We're in a new kali yuga where all this evil is being put on obvious display for humanity to see. It's part of our spiritual evolution. Most are still asleep to it all, but even those who are still feel existential threat in their souls.

For a quick tour of the occult, and its prominence in Europe of the 16th through 19th centuries, particularly England which is where the fallen Venetian Empire transferred its operations of opposition to Renaissance rational enlightenment, think the Logos made flesh, these two pieces, linked below, are essential.

The first lays the groundwork of the Venetian bankers, and their evil plans. Newton didn't develop calculus, Leibniz did. Newton was a pawn of politcal power, and he was an alchemist. Leibnitz was an enlightened genius. They both played at the highest levels of society.

The second piece is about the occult ritual murders by Jack the Ripper. It involves the highest echelons of the British government of the late 19th Century.

The 19th Century is when the magicians brought their magic out to the public. The Austrian genius, and initiate, Rudolf Steiner, gets mislabeled by occult researchers as left-hand path, because those researchers never take the time to read his masive volume of work. He was a deeply devout Christian who released a great deal of occult information to the public. Those same researchers tend to lump HP Blavatsky, and others in to a pot of dumb devil worshipers. It's far more complex than that. Only Steiner explains the roles that Lucifer, and Ahriman play in the spiritual evolution of humanity. Lucifer is why humans have free will. It's difficult for brainwashed Christians to understand Steiner when he states that Lucifer, and Ahriman play essential roles in the spiritual evolution of humanity, and that ALL OF US will encounter both when we die, and that, in a sense, neither is inherently evil in that the evil comes from humans who do not recognize these spirits, and rather than rely upon a relationship they have developed WHILE ALIVE ON EARTH, which is the only place that can be done, with the Logos made flesh, not after one dies, and instead follow Lucifer, and Ahriman.



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Upfront qualifier: I'm not voting for Harris/Walz and I'm not an anti-Semite. (I know I've omitted other qualifiers I should proclaim). To the overall gist of this piece: long on hyperbole, not enough factual evidence.

*Walz first went to China right after college, shortly after Tianamen Square (considered a "color revolution" by several I respect, F. William Engdahl and others). It was a Harvard program. "Commie infiltrated?" Pretty shallow to not even acknowledge and contrast the presence and scope of something like the Jewish Agency for Israel and its "aliyah."


Or is the lack of mention and contextual comparison intentional?

* Doesn't say specifically, but, based on dates, it seems he went to China when a not "commie Democrat" was president; Bush the Elder was.

*Maybe I missed it, but I don't see links to the sub-sections of the CIA China Connection. But all the headings overtly state the nature of the assignments or whatever were AGAINST the CCP. Could Walz have been a double agent? Of course. If he was, did he pass nuclear secrets to China the way Jonathan Pollard did to the only democracy in the Mideast? Whose forever uncooperative handler from that same "Mideast democracy" was pardoned by MIGA (not a typo) Trump on Jan. 20, 2021, his last day in office?

*Walz lied about his military service. I tend to believe that. But he was IN the service, unlike Trump. And did he go AWOL, and lie about that, like Dubya?

*DUI -- Yes. Correct me if I remember wrong about Bush 1 doing the same. Not to mention his wife, who killed somebody.

*Trade missions -- Dirty but common. And were those economic hit men in Latin America (John Perkins) all "commies," too?

*In communism, "everyone is the same and everyone shares." Moronic. "We live in a democracy." Also moronic.

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That's a nice simpleton's story, and I don't trust anyone who feels the need to proclaim they're not an antisemite because they kow to Zionist propaganda, but, of course, it's not surprising the Tianamen Square uprising was a color revolution because Mao's revolution was one too, and it was run by Zionist filth.

It's of course quite irrelevant that Walz first went to China when the closeted homosexual abuser of children, and Nazi narco terrorist, GHW Bush, was POTUS. Apparently, the largely imaginary aisle in Congress still holds some significant meaning for you.

You're apparently far too naive, or just plain ignorant, to see that Trump has played the long game with Israel. You'll figure it out some day. Badlands covers all the details here on substack if you care to read their work.


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Diana West has written and lectured and been on podcasts over the past decade or so on the subject of communist infiltration. You can find her books, American Betrayal and The Thin Red Line on Amazon. She might be someone to interview if you can work it out. Here's a link to a recent podcast for anyone who might be interested.


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Yes she is stellar, and I have published some of her writings. And SHE was the first to understand and accept my essay "Virus Communism" in 2022. She read it out loud in a recording. I was honored and thrilled.

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Being a born again National Socialist (joo word Nazi) and I worked in China 1994 & 1995, China is NOT our enemy. China is not the enemy within. Chinese do NOT control the USA Congress. We do not send bombs to China to kill innocent civilians. Our enemy is i$rahell and the joo. What presidential & V.P. candidates supports i$rahell most? Regretfully, I voted for the S.O.B. in 2020. Thank Neptune he lost. 88&8's,Dave

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Excellent piece of writing. So much to respond to. But io keep it short, I am Larry McDonald now. And I share every one of Jimmy Dore's sentiments from that Tweet above.

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Walz a communist sympathizer? Sounds like Russian disinformation to me!!!

; ]

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