Dear Celia, I have sleepless nights myself, nothing I can say to help, the atrocities can be unbearable , but for him , how he is feeling, I can only imagine. At times I almost feel a numbness, a sensation of being frozen in a pain, for humanity. A beautiful poem . May we find solace, may justice prevail.
Beautiful Poem Celia. Thank you. Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I watch these beautiful videos between 10-20 min long. (previously known as Green Renaissance). The videos are beautifully shot, exploring the Infinite Beauty of Being Human. Their depth fills my soul. Hope it will fill yours too.
Absolutely love this. I was reading Milosz last night. He documented the WWII ethos and it’s particular fascism. The poems and the history certainly do “rhyme”!!!
"The Truth" - Personal statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Part 1
THANK YOU to all of you out there! Dear friends, comrades-in-arms and fellow human beings interested in the truth, for the first time after 6 weeks in custody I would like to personally and deeply thank everyone who has written to me. There are thousands and I read everything. ❤️🙏❤️
The trust in my seriousness as a lawyer and founder of the Corona Committee, in my intensity and the quality of my work and, above all, the positive energy conveyed to me in these letters are like an invisible lifeboat that will take me to freedom and allow us all to continue our work together. Because it's not over yet.
The corona pandemic was just a test run to find out what people will put up with if you panic them with psychological terror. Now more than ever, we need to take a closer look behind the panic propaganda. Now more than ever we have to find out what lies are being used to distort our past in order to recognize the truth. Only then will we be able to stop the evil and hold the perpetrators to account. Without justice, there can be no peace and no return to humanity.
This also applies to my personal case. Today, for the first time, I would like to comment on the accusations made against me publicly and by way of criminal charges. Because there is enough dubious and simply false information on the internet and in the mainstream to destroy my international reputation as a lawyer, but also as a person. Together with my team of lawyers, I will ensure that the WHOLE truth comes to light and that those responsible for this plot against me are brought to justice. They are the perpetrators. I will prove that.
In the next episodes of my personal statements, I will report on the background of the Corona Committee, why I - unfortunately - did not correctly recognize and classify warning signs, how my wife and I simply had our private house and savings taken away from us with the knowledge and active participation of a lawyer - and thus our entire financial existence, how the "Mexico plot" came about that led to my arrest and much more. Please listen to me.
Thank you for your reply to my question, Celia. Quite a tangled situation; I am withholding any judgments as different facets unfold. Blessings to you!
Wodarg is a traitor? How so? He it/was medical advisor to the Corona Investigative Committee and appeared to be friends with Fuellmich. But, I believe I did see a link titled such that he was working with Fischer and someone else against Fuellmich.
Thanks, bud. Love conversing with you. Perhaps I'm not so enthralled with Fuellmich as you are. I once was; but, my research time is now spent elsewhere.
Good question. Appears that no one is investigating her or talking about her. This is why I'm confused as to who's at fault here. If Larry Inn is right, she's done an excellent job of hiding her intentions. I want to believe Fuellmich; but, I don't think he's done an adequate job of explaining his defense. But, of course, he's an excellent attorney and his responsibility is not to us.
That went to Mr. Paré, but once we are talking: You might try and contact Farmer Jones (aka Alex Rahman, lawyer in Florida; Bitchute, and also on Patreon) who used to be in touch with Reiner. He is the legal eagle that could comment. I remember he did warn Reiner to be more circumspect in the past.
Hello Castigator. I don't recall us ever conversing. - I read about how he was snatched; but, it didn't much interest me; because, I will try to never put myself in that predicament. <g> -- But, if you would like to talk, I'm listening... (-:
Seemingly lines seem to cross here, but no harm done. Come to think of it, I believe we did exchange opinions on freemasonry in the past. Which is neither here nor there on this occasion.
So, he must be talking about his "private house" in Germany? -- What about his ranch in northern California, where he and his wife usually vacation and where I assumed he meant to move to if he and his wife were to relocate to the U.S.?
OMG you know nothing! First yes he’s talking about his Germany house. The ranch has been sold lately or almost! Reiner has lost his US visa. It was taken away from him months ago. That’s why he and Inka are in Mexico. US waited for him to get out of the country. When he left to interview Barry Trower in UK, he couldn’t reenter the country. They revoked his visa! ALL PLANNED! Are you following now????
I read that he and his wife had lost their U.S. visas; but, the article did not say the visas were revoked by the U.S. I took it that he and his wife had lost the visas as in "misplaced" them. The article did say he and his wife were in Mexico, waiting for new U.S. visas. I didn't read anywhere that his ranch was up for sale.
I haven't been spending time searching on Reiner Fuellmich for probably a year or more...not since Viviane got him kicked off the Corona Committee and Reiner came out with the video stating that he is in the right and she's a screwed up airhead Once he was kidnapped and jailed in Germany and his wife released, I've been waiting for a report on charges, possible bail, etc. Not much has been forthcoming; and, I'm following a lot of other equally important issues and prepping for the possibility of a massive EMP, food and energy scarcities, and personal safety. Those issues require lots of time.
Ok, first, I’ve been working closely with people on his team and that’s why I have information. Reiner had an american visa for 25 years which the US revoked last spring when he left the country for UK. He was never able to go back even if he’s a lawyer in California and has a ranch. That’s why he was in Mexico. NOW, the lost visas were Mexican ones plus their German passports that Reiner and Inka lost. There again, the informations coming out are not exact. They were waiting for new Mexican visas and German passports. What is probably sure is that Reiner was setup! He was kidnapped from Mexico and his wife was let go. Listen to her interview.
I listened to your interview with Greg Reese today while driving. It was insightful, informative, and helpful. I need to explore the Tesla stuff and Dave MacGowan apparently.
Thank you for link. And Celia, was so informative and helpful, for it made me realize how alike we all are, in this community, for the most part. The experiences , the realizations, our strengths, and knowing we are so much of a larger evolution process. As I study R. Steiner, and his teachings I know have saved me, in Christ, and it seems to me, most who are staying strong,. And in heart surviving, have realized our higher evolution.
Around a year ago he accused his coworker whom he did videos with of being a thief and a nutjob. He ruined her good name. He ended up being the one who was found to have stolen from the company. Does anyone else feel like it is possible that he is a charming liar who stole then project his theft onto his coworker then fled the country only to be caught when he finally came back? Does anyone else feel even the slightest pity for the women with the barette who he drug through the mud slandered with no proof? Why is he getting special treatment as if he is innocent and she didn't?
These are genuine questions not being sarcastic because I have dealt with many narcissists and this is very much what they do. Somehow they come out looking lily white innocent. I'd like to understand why people pity him for what he did and assume there is no evidence against him. If someone could do better than to just parrot the words, they took him to jail and he is innocent.
Didn't Viviane go public first? Was that ruining Reiner's name? Was that the way to go about it? If I have a company and we are operating in a beast war of continuation against NWO/Pharma etc, and I believe my colleague is stealing, what do I do? Make a video about it? Please explain to me how any of this is normal.
Because Fischer was taken by the Global satanic cult’s side like Reiner said. This is all done to shut him up! He holds all the cards in his deck. He’s a political prisoner. Please look at Elsa and I’s work on the Truth summit 🙏
My memory is that she went public first. I confirmed this earlier in the week by watching the interviews and videos on Odysee, in chronological order. My other memory is that her 'announcement' was very odd -- like watching a bad play. As an observer who has never talked to any of these people personally, and who has watched every ICIC video : 1) Since RF started ICIC, he has conducted over 80 interviews, the totality of which is an overwhelming and comprehensive education on tyranny. I am unaware of any Body of Work that comes close to this -- so many topics, so many perspectives. 2) Every day, I wonder: what happened to the evidence provided by Barry Trower regarding 5G and weaponization of frequencies? Why aren't these documents in the public domain yet? I think this is his most important interview to date. 3) Prior to Ms. Fisher's claim against Reiner, I became suspicious of a couple characters during the Lanka & Kaufman interview. This was when I realized that getting to the bottom of covid meant ignoring the foundation on which all pandemic fraud is built. My memory is that Reiner busied himself taking notes and was the only one with manners. I will have to watch that interview again. He appeared to me to be open to all testimony, which is why I continued to follow his work on
There are others who should be in jail and allowed to be free despite what has been proven. His aledged crimes seem minor in comparisons compared to the atrocities committed by the German and EU governments.
Let me get your answers straight you're saying he's innocent because you trust him. He is innocent because the first time you met him you knew he was a good person. He's innocent because he won cases which made him look good and got him money but atleast in some cases didn't actually stop the business from continuing what they're doing instead it allowed them to go to bankrupt and give partial payout to people who probably deserve a lot more - for instance his breast implant case didn't stop them from making silicone breast implants it just allowed the company to go through bankruptcy
What I don't understand is what this has to do with his being able to commit a crime himself?
You say he's innocent I don't see where your proof is coming from.
What I see is your personal opinion of him, your friendship, affecting your judgment.
If not then why do you think your personal opinion should affect my judgment?
How is your person opinion of his innocence, which has no basis in physical proof of innocence, answering my questions when what I'm asking for is proof and how people who have no proof are so certain of his innocence?
The money in question should be able to be tracked, from its first receipt to where it is now. Until this is done, there will be no proof. Why has this not been done? This is what I'm waiting for.
Vivian was accused of theft but nobody took her to jail I'm guessing because there was no proof. Suddenly the guy who accused her of theft is in jail and nobody cares about proof or why he got convicted and not her?
I'm not calling him guilty. I don't know anything except that in the same situation he tried to ruin her.
What if they investigated her and found out that she was innocent, he was the thief and that's why he's in jail?
I'm not a prosecutor and not in a position to forensically judge the case. What I am expressing here is support for my friend.
Question for you: You believe the German government took this so seriously they arranged on a RUSE to essentially kidnap Reiner and his wife at that Embassy in Mexico, then fly him to Germany…and that sounds normal to you? Not at all a political persecution? He called Viviane a "nut job?" Could you provide the link? She came out against him, first. I remember it vividly. It was not at all professional, and there was blood in the water right away. Something sinister seems to me to be afoot here. Why can't this money be traced, simply? Am I supposed to assume the GUILT of somebody I love and respect and consider a friend? What do you want from me exactly?
I haven't thought about this for some time; but, do you remember when Reiner said he and a few others were going to start a new health care system in Germany; and, I thought gave the impression that he/they already had funds to start it? Surely, the German authorities would have wanted to immediately put a stop to that. There may have been something else Fuellmich was planning which would have greatly irritated authorities, but it escapes me at the moment. I seem to recall him being very leery of some German authorities. Now, he sounds like some folks over there have collaborated to make him practically destitute.
I think this entire situation doesn't look good. I just remember him accusing her of theft and infering she is mental unstable, appearing to want her out. Then he says she has the account it seems like he is determined to throw everything onto her but I dont know what is truth. I just feel concerned that people are standing up for him not knowing. It would be nice to have more details.
That's right, you're guessing. Thank you for being honest that you are guessing. We are all guessing. And I posted a poem about friendship in tyranny, and censorship. If I am to be scolded that publishing poetry, I can warn you you won't be happy here. A lot of Russian poetry is coming soon.
You mentioned the money was supposed to go to prosecuting. Do you know why it didn't? Did they raise money for something and not follow through? Is that acceptable? Is it normal all the funds would be in an account under Vivian's name if it's meant to be used by attorneys? If she is deemed mentally unstable does that mean they all get off? Could it be so convoluted that he intentionally called her mentally unstable so she wouldnt be prosecuted if they were found out? I'm not sure of the laws on this. He is an attorney so I would think any actions taken regarding money would be handled with the upmost care not having accounts put in one person's name then blame her.
It concerns me that people who appear to be standing up for freedom arent actually doing what they said they would do.
I'd like to know who accused him formally if they have proof they presented. How much money are we talking about? Embassy in Mexico? Is Mexico a sanctuary country for criminals or people being wrongly charged? I thought he was put in jail as soon as he got back home, not taken into custody in Mexico
I wrote a comment just now (which has to be reviewed by the website before they will publish it) suggesting that Fuellmich's attorney be contacted as to Fuellmich's current status and whether he needs funds, etc. - My opinion is that contacting embassies is a comparatively waste of time. They are up against a legal system and need to address it via a legal approach; and, Fuellmich's attorney would be the best avenue, assuming he has one.
I’m Marie-Claude Joly mentioned in that article! I’m the one who started all this with my petition, my letter, phone calls and visit to the German embassy in Ottawa! I really do know what’s going on...well most of it.
Do people really want to free him without knowing whether he's guilty or innocent?
Have we gotten to the point where no matter what crimes we commit in the freedom movement, speaking out means we are innocent? And if so why didnt Vivian get this same treatment when she was being slandered without proof?
He can just take people's money and people are going to throw more money at him, give him a get out of jail free card? What if he is guilty? People are signing petitions without even knowing?
Is it possible, maybe even probable that he was accused by someone with specific knowledge of what's going on and we don't know the case so we aren't aware of it?
We’re definitely not being told the hole story. I’ve been involved since the beginning and there are pieces of the puzzle missing. One thing is sure, REINER FUELLMICH IS INNOCENT! The money from the sale of his house was stolen from him, he was set up by jealousy and to shut him up. The cabal is against him!!! We have to focus our energy to FREE HIM! Stop questioning his integrity! He started the Great reset! He gave 3 years of his life for humanity 🙏❤️🙏 HELP HIM! Can’t believe some of you are judging Reiner the innocent instead of evil Frau Fischer!
He was not vacationing in Mexico he was in EXILE! He’s US visa was revoked last spring when he left for UK and he couldn’t reenter! PERSONA NON GRATA IN US and GERMANY. I know everything so you should talk to me. I wrote the petition and what I say is true. Everything we do is approved by Inka Fuellmich. He finally sold the ranch for a low price and hasn’t gotten the money yet. It’s very complicated because he couldn’t enter the US anymore and now he’s jailed. Inka is left with all of this shit now! The firm and he and his wife’s bank accounts were ceased. The money from the sale of the German house was stolen! The attack on Reiner Fuellmich has been planned for a long time. When his US visa was canceled we knew it was international and that the worst was coming. Don’t worry, Reiner is not stupid. He’s brilliant! He has not been sitting around just doing Zoom interviews. The German authorities, by the way, are corrupt! They’re holding him because they have the power to do so! They’re holding him because he has all the cards to destroy the cabal! Reiner Fuellmich and his team of lawyers are working smartly!!!
Marie-Claude, thank you with all my heart. Thank you on behalf of us all. I will catch up as fast as I can on the details so far, and so will everybody here.
If all this is true I wish him luck the only things I've seen to base my opinion on has been him accusing Vivian of stealing and insinuating she's mentally ill then he ends up in jail.
Your story is very different from a lot of people. I think it would help if everyone got on the same page. Right now it seems like the story changes every time I hear it
The only part of the story that remains the same is he is somehow completely innocent and a victim.
Every time someone tells a story they add more things to it that he's being victimized with and it changes the last thing I heard
It seems like a lot of mixed messages. I hope it turns out that he is innocent but I still do not trust.
My story is one of someone working with his people! I’m telling the truth! Reiner accused Fischer because she was taken by the cabal and she’s guilty and evil! They’ve been planning to hurt Reiner for a long time!
I'm not saying that you aren't telling the truth. I just don't trust it. I don't see why I have to. Why I can't ask questions but I can see that I'm not welcome here so I will leave
I'm definitely NOT taking her side. I'm not taking anyones side. I've just had concerns and questions I don't feel have been answered and I also feel like there have been so many stories that keep changing regarding these people that I really don't know what to believe
I don't personally believe in people lifting others up to a place of a hero who cannot be questioned. Insulting me for not doing the same isnt endearing me to those who want to defend him.
You: "He ended up being the one who was found to have stolen from the company."
Me: I remain open about this, as I have not yet read what I believe is the entire story. Would you please point me to the proof that Fuellmich definitely stole from the company?
Okay. I don't know where within this thread would be the best place to post this; so, Celia, if you know of a better place to post these videos, please do.
The first is a video of Viviane Fischer accusing Fuellmich of "borrowing" Corona Committee funds. The person who posted this video at the first link below dated it as two months ago, but within the video, you will note it's dated 2022-09-23. The second link indicates that the video was posted 1 year ago, which roughly agrees with the 2022 date.
Reiner Fuellmich Stole €1 35 Million From the Corona Committee Viviane Fischer
This second video is dated November 28, 2023, and is Viviane Fischer being interviewed on The Dirk Pohlmann Show about the issue. She says that Fuellmich is in jail in Germany and has been charged with embezzlement of Corona Committee funds.
What happened with Reiner Fuellmich? Viviane Fischer is telling her side of the story.
I don't remember whether Fuellmich's video regarding the use and whereabouts of these funds was in response to being kicked off of the Corona Committee or in response to the first Viviane Fischer video above; and, I've been up far too long and am calling it a night. (-:
If you look at the last Corona Committee in which Reiner participated in (session 118 called The truth pact!) you can see, at the end, Fischer and Wodarg exposing their plan, their pact against Reiner! It was all meticulously planned to attack him. It’s a must see!!!
There is no proof. That's the point. Why are people writing adoring substacks and poetry for someone who is in jail?
Most people go to jail because there is some sort of proof. Someone brought it to the gov attention.
If the gov was out to get someone why not arrest barette lady when the accusations were flying? Instead they arrested him, the accuser.
I'm trying to understand how people know that there is no proof after he just got done accusing a Woman of stealing from the Company and now he suddenly innocent? He ruined someone's life with accusations and that was ok?
I feel like there are some double standards and I am concerned his accusations reflect more upon him than her
Aside from this I don't know the truth. I'm just someone looking at it and seeing it from my perspective. If someone wants to help me see it their way I'm open to that too
I understand you feel and believe all of those things. I'm sorry if my words were in any way infering otherwise or made you feel like I was insulting you or him.
I want truth and clarity and see none with this person. I wish it were otherwise
There is an interview out there that Reiner convinced me that he is innocent.Barette Lady (Vivian) did seem to have a legitimate beef, but after listening to the interview, I believe Reiner and I think he's being taken away from the job that he now cannot finish in jail. And Vivian (Barette Lady) may just be their decoy.
Threw her under a bus is a term used for a patsy, someone who projects their issues onto someone else to deflect the blaim from them. He ruined her good name then was arrested for exactly what he accused her of. Until you have proof otherwise that he is definitely innocent I'm telling you that this is what narcissist do. They charm people into thinking they are innocent while smearing the innocent one. I'm not saying he is guilty but I dont see how someone who slanders another person to ruin her good name then is thrown in jail for the exact thing he blamed someone else for is innocent.
Most people aren't trying to sue or convict the globalists in court.
We know they have a plethora of dirty tricks.
Look what they did to Ken Paxton; he was thrown out of his job and office with no notice on ethics charges over which he eventually triumphed, but it kept him from doing AG stuff for a year - valuable time, lost.
Now he's back, I imagine with a bit of a vengeance.
If you don't apologize for this word "adoring" Heidi Heil, I will have to ask you to leave. I am expressing solidarity for a friend. And I'm not "people," I am myself.
Right on Celia. And thanks for leading the charge in defense of Reiner, who is so obviously a target of the felons perpetrating the greatest crime in history. Godspeed, freedom fighter ~~ j ~~
What word would you have me use in place of adoring? In my view not waiting for some evidence of his innocence, not demanding it, for his sake as well as your friendship is concerning to me. Adoration is what i feel may at times blind people to others' flaws. If you were not friends you might look at it like I am. Then again I have a lot of friends here who I would never stand behind if they accused someone else of theft. ruining someone elses good name then put jail for the same thing. It might take being a family scape goat to see this as I do.
I dont think it's respectful to ask me to apologize for my choice of words. I'm not swearing at you or insulting you. You picked my words apart twice now rather than try to understand where I'm coming from or atleast respect my views, concerns and my right to use words I feel apply that arent rude you just dont like them.
You are so caught up in your personal problems that you don’t see straight! You’re not listening! I’ve been telling you everything I can to show you that Reiner is innocent. You don’t expect his team to tell you everything do you? You obviously have no confidence in yourself therefore you don’t trust anyone. We are Reiner’s friends, we believe in him and want to help him. I believe this is what Celia wants you to understand! You’re saying a lot about yourself when you said you stopped watching Reiner after he accused Viviane. You’re afraid of the truth! You missed a lot from ICIC interviews if you quit on Reiner. Therefore, you shouldn’t comment. I think writing to you is hopeless 🤦♀️
Slapping me in the face insulting me and telling me I should believe you because everyone else does isnt working.
This isn't about me this is about the fact that there are too many conflicting stories out there, that he's dragged someone through the mud already and now he's in jail claiming to be innocent and nobody seems to be putting up any proof except an interview of his wife. I don't think a wife exists who doesn't stand up for her husband if he's guilty of a crime pretty much every wife except maybe Jeffrey Dahmer would stand up for their husband. Ive even seen women whose daughters were raped by their father stand up for their husband and tell the daughter she's lying
I'm going to emphasize one more time I'm not saying he's guilty of anything
What I'm saying is the reason you're giving me for his innocence aren't reasons they are you cheer leading for him and drama stories people are telling pointing fingers. Until you can point me to something that actually shows evidence that he's been wronged
How dare you 🤬 Reiner Fuellmich is a hero! You must know nothing!!! She’s an evil person who turned on him because she was taken by the evil side! Reiner is honest and innocent 🙏❤️🙏
I never claimed to know but no one is above questioning. Take away people's right to question their heroes and you have a dictatorship.
How do you know she was "taken by the evil side?" Did he tell you? Did the heroes followers tell you? Why so much opposition for someone who has questions that are not being answered?
I know because yes he told us. We’ve known for a long time. You’re definitely not close to Reiner. If you were, you wouldn’t have doubts and be talking like this. You should look at our work on The truth summit.
I am different from you. I don't let people get close enough to make them into a hero. I don't allow anyone to be above questioning or reproach even people I am very close to and love.
As a child I grew up with a psychopathic narcissist grandmother who tried to kill their dog feeding it chocolate my mom saw her do it. She ended up killing my Grandpa.
Everybody thought she was an absolute saint. She could do no wrong. She never talked bad about others in front of people she would take on the role of allowing others to come to their own conclusions with the limited information she fed them to lead them to judge those around her whom she didnt like. namely she didnt like people who saw the real her and showed enough spunk to not back down to her.
She would tear me apart behind my back until my Grandpa finally told her to shut the fuck up. Stop talking bad about Heidi she has done nothing. My gramp was the quietest most loving person in the world when she wasnt around. I don't know what she was saying that got him to get angry but my mom told me about him defending me and soon after gram medicated him to death.
To this day I am so grateful he stood up for me, that he loved me so much but its painful this led to him being harmed by her.
My sister was the golden child and she grew up thinking that everything must be my fault because my Grandma said it's true. She was lavished with love. When I asked her questions like, do you remember gram coming into the room yelling at you, screaming you stole her glasses, only to find them hanging around her neck? She said no. I said do you remember her doing that with me? Yes. Do you remember her following me around the house yelling then getting gramp involved so he would punish me? Yes. It took her being open to my questions and not allowing gram to talk bad about me to see what was really going on but my Grandma still has everyone else convinced that I'm a horrible person. Most of my family. I finally got away from her then she followed us to California. It was a painful mess. She put both my husband and me through hell until he finally saw how she truly is behind all her sweetness and patient facade.
Reiner Fuellmich is not the psychopath! He’s been fighting them for a long time. I don’t trust people easily but I knew deep down inside that I trust Reiner, and that, the first time I was in contact with him. REINER IS TRUE, HONEST AND REAL 🙏
I'm not calling him a psychopath. I'm saying if he was - someone who bases their entire faith on a person by the first time they meet may not be seeing the whole picture
All I can say for a certainty is that the way people are talking about him who defend him they sound just like my people who defended my Grandma. Even my husband defended her until he saw what she was like. We were married for 20 years before he finally saw what she's like. He thought I was just making it up that she was cruel to me and talked behind my back.
She demanded that we get them a NEW car and pay for car insurance. She didnt want to drive our older car then she told everybody that we were stealing money from her because she agreed to pay the tune ups but mom refused to take it in. She was the one driving it. She made me and my husband and our autistic son come pick up the car and take it in. Then we brought gram the receipt. She paid and as soon as we left she told everyone we were stealing money from her that we somehow got money from insurance and stole from her. We took her into our home. I cooked meals for her waited on them hand and foot, went to the store daily and she told everyone I cooked tv dinners for her? I never cooked a TV dinner for them the entire time they were here. She doesn't say it in a way thats insulting to us she acts like poor Heidi doesnt know how to cook I understand it must be hard being her. In the meantime she is playing the victim and making me look horrible.
She told everyone we didnt let her talk on the phone but she was the one who refuse to use it. I asked her every few days, don't you want to call uncle and aunt. No.
As soon as my Gram moved next door to my mom we made an oath that if gram talked about any of us we would tell the other person we wouldn't just buy in to everything she said and we found out horrible triangulations that she was doing with us by making this agreement and none of us put up with it anymore it was the only way we were able to actually stay friends otherwise Grandma would have pitted us all against each other that's what narcissist do
I'm not saying he is one I'm just saying the last person to know if someone is a narcissist is someone who trusts them were initial impressions or how they seem to be so loving and sweet even when they talk bad about someone they make it sound like it's not their fault.
"Vivian is mentally unstable."
You have no idea how much a narcissist gets off on making everybody else look Crazy but them Anyone who even dares speak against them is turned into a villain because they know how to be charming
Again I'm not saying that's what he's doing but it's the impression I got from him and I have a right to have my own impressions and to raise my own questions not just put someone in the place of a Hero and act like he must be innocent that's my right to have my own views.
I usually sleep but I was processing a lot of things, not only Reiner, many things. It was actually night two of insomnia and it has to do with the evil of the HIV dissident implant/cointelpro faction (ie old agonies) and how people now today are "falling for them," to use a common phrase. It's not about which side is correct. One side us actually evil and I can prove it. They know what I have, that I have never published.
Lewis is alive and well. We lost Jack about a year ago, and he is buried in the backyard of what was Doug's house in Granby, CT. The house got emptied in a wild typhoon of activity I never want to go through again own this life, Doug sold it, and Doug is happily settled in another place in CT, with some assistance. I went back to NYC and now I'm in Granada. Lewis…I will update you soon. It's all good. Regards to Luna!
Please forgive me, Tom. I was generalizing. I should have wrote, depending on the level and potency of the THC. Research shows individuals experience cannabis differently. Very similar to consuming Pharma drugs, vaccines and illegal drugs..
Thank you for your reply. I will be more careful .
God bless you. I used to drink alcohol in high school, I quit drinking after smoking pot.. I graduated from high school 1969. I noticed smoking pot, there was no hangover. Pot made me mellow, beer made me aggressive. As the cost of pot increased, I quit. I learned how to meditate. Life was very stressful in the mid 1960s to the mid 1970s. Religion / Spirituality Matters. Amen Tom. Faith, Love, and Hope.
dear celia, i just finished reading colum mcCann's haunting novel, 'let the great world spin', pub 2009. i can't say why those stories told by that amazing author affected me so much but when i saw the comment here that says 'jail is everywhere' it came to me that anything, mainly any art, or any act of heart, is a kind of 'jail-break'. in that sense reiner fuellmich is free.
Having been in jail, I can ask, ...
What ,,?.
You ain't been inside yet? Why not?
Way I see it, I takes being inside, to really see that the jail is everywhere, like the skypainting today making rain tomorrow.
Why aren't you willing to go to jail?
I went , for you, so many times...
How can you understand what jail is, until they let you out, and then you see the jail is everywhere.
Grasshopper Kaplan
Everywhere except embraced by the great love of Christ-there is true freedom that no tyrant, no demon can take.
Dear Celia, I have sleepless nights myself, nothing I can say to help, the atrocities can be unbearable , but for him , how he is feeling, I can only imagine. At times I almost feel a numbness, a sensation of being frozen in a pain, for humanity. A beautiful poem . May we find solace, may justice prevail.
This is a fine advent calendar addition. Real and true. Thank you so much. Peace and rest on your day. ...and naps are great, too.
Beautiful Poem Celia. Thank you. Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I watch these beautiful videos between 10-20 min long. (previously known as Green Renaissance). The videos are beautifully shot, exploring the Infinite Beauty of Being Human. Their depth fills my soul. Hope it will fill yours too.
Absolutely love this. I was reading Milosz last night. He documented the WWII ethos and it’s particular fascism. The poems and the history certainly do “rhyme”!!!
"The Truth" - Personal statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Part 1
THANK YOU to all of you out there! Dear friends, comrades-in-arms and fellow human beings interested in the truth, for the first time after 6 weeks in custody I would like to personally and deeply thank everyone who has written to me. There are thousands and I read everything. ❤️🙏❤️
The trust in my seriousness as a lawyer and founder of the Corona Committee, in my intensity and the quality of my work and, above all, the positive energy conveyed to me in these letters are like an invisible lifeboat that will take me to freedom and allow us all to continue our work together. Because it's not over yet.
The corona pandemic was just a test run to find out what people will put up with if you panic them with psychological terror. Now more than ever, we need to take a closer look behind the panic propaganda. Now more than ever we have to find out what lies are being used to distort our past in order to recognize the truth. Only then will we be able to stop the evil and hold the perpetrators to account. Without justice, there can be no peace and no return to humanity.
This also applies to my personal case. Today, for the first time, I would like to comment on the accusations made against me publicly and by way of criminal charges. Because there is enough dubious and simply false information on the internet and in the mainstream to destroy my international reputation as a lawyer, but also as a person. Together with my team of lawyers, I will ensure that the WHOLE truth comes to light and that those responsible for this plot against me are brought to justice. They are the perpetrators. I will prove that.
In the next episodes of my personal statements, I will report on the background of the Corona Committee, why I - unfortunately - did not correctly recognize and classify warning signs, how my wife and I simply had our private house and savings taken away from us with the knowledge and active participation of a lawyer - and thus our entire financial existence, how the "Mexico plot" came about that led to my arrest and much more. Please listen to me.
Thank you. Yours, Reiner Fuellmich.
TY. How does Wolfgang Wodarg play into this?
All I know is he is said to have introduced Viviane to Reiner?
Thank you for your reply to my question, Celia. Quite a tangled situation; I am withholding any judgments as different facets unfold. Blessings to you!
He’s a traitor!
Wodarg is a traitor? How so? He it/was medical advisor to the Corona Investigative Committee and appeared to be friends with Fuellmich. But, I believe I did see a link titled such that he was working with Fischer and someone else against Fuellmich.
Dear God you have not been following anything! DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!
Thanks, bud. Love conversing with you. Perhaps I'm not so enthralled with Fuellmich as you are. I once was; but, my research time is now spent elsewhere.
That’s a shame because we need Reiner Fuellmich!!!
Good question. Appears that no one is investigating her or talking about her. This is why I'm confused as to who's at fault here. If Larry Inn is right, she's done an excellent job of hiding her intentions. I want to believe Fuellmich; but, I don't think he's done an adequate job of explaining his defense. But, of course, he's an excellent attorney and his responsibility is not to us.
Most of all, you should be interested in how he was snatched from Mexico. It is not about beliefs but about legalities.
Me? I am interested,
That went to Mr. Paré, but once we are talking: You might try and contact Farmer Jones (aka Alex Rahman, lawyer in Florida; Bitchute, and also on Patreon) who used to be in touch with Reiner. He is the legal eagle that could comment. I remember he did warn Reiner to be more circumspect in the past.
Hello Castigator. I don't recall us ever conversing. - I read about how he was snatched; but, it didn't much interest me; because, I will try to never put myself in that predicament. <g> -- But, if you would like to talk, I'm listening... (-:
Seemingly lines seem to cross here, but no harm done. Come to think of it, I believe we did exchange opinions on freemasonry in the past. Which is neither here nor there on this occasion.
So, what's up Castigator. Where are you in all of this?
Woops! Probably the wrong "REPLY" to click on.
I'm all for that...too messy...
He was kidnapped!
Believe Reiner! The truth is coming out! Read his recent letter!
Where's his recent letter?
Hmmm... Thanks (-:
So, he must be talking about his "private house" in Germany? -- What about his ranch in northern California, where he and his wife usually vacation and where I assumed he meant to move to if he and his wife were to relocate to the U.S.?
OMG you know nothing! First yes he’s talking about his Germany house. The ranch has been sold lately or almost! Reiner has lost his US visa. It was taken away from him months ago. That’s why he and Inka are in Mexico. US waited for him to get out of the country. When he left to interview Barry Trower in UK, he couldn’t reenter the country. They revoked his visa! ALL PLANNED! Are you following now????
I read that he and his wife had lost their U.S. visas; but, the article did not say the visas were revoked by the U.S. I took it that he and his wife had lost the visas as in "misplaced" them. The article did say he and his wife were in Mexico, waiting for new U.S. visas. I didn't read anywhere that his ranch was up for sale.
I haven't been spending time searching on Reiner Fuellmich for probably a year or more...not since Viviane got him kicked off the Corona Committee and Reiner came out with the video stating that he is in the right and she's a screwed up airhead Once he was kidnapped and jailed in Germany and his wife released, I've been waiting for a report on charges, possible bail, etc. Not much has been forthcoming; and, I'm following a lot of other equally important issues and prepping for the possibility of a massive EMP, food and energy scarcities, and personal safety. Those issues require lots of time.
Beautiful. Thank you.
An absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence.
There could be evidence that hasn’t been discovered.
Evidence that is deemed evidence, may be false evidence.
Ok, first, I’ve been working closely with people on his team and that’s why I have information. Reiner had an american visa for 25 years which the US revoked last spring when he left the country for UK. He was never able to go back even if he’s a lawyer in California and has a ranch. That’s why he was in Mexico. NOW, the lost visas were Mexican ones plus their German passports that Reiner and Inka lost. There again, the informations coming out are not exact. They were waiting for new Mexican visas and German passports. What is probably sure is that Reiner was setup! He was kidnapped from Mexico and his wife was let go. Listen to her interview.
I listened to your interview with Greg Reese today while driving. It was insightful, informative, and helpful. I need to explore the Tesla stuff and Dave MacGowan apparently.
do you have a link?
that's the link to the interview w/ Reese?
Thank you for link. And Celia, was so informative and helpful, for it made me realize how alike we all are, in this community, for the most part. The experiences , the realizations, our strengths, and knowing we are so much of a larger evolution process. As I study R. Steiner, and his teachings I know have saved me, in Christ, and it seems to me, most who are staying strong,. And in heart surviving, have realized our higher evolution.
Can someone please clear up a few things for me?
Around a year ago he accused his coworker whom he did videos with of being a thief and a nutjob. He ruined her good name. He ended up being the one who was found to have stolen from the company. Does anyone else feel like it is possible that he is a charming liar who stole then project his theft onto his coworker then fled the country only to be caught when he finally came back? Does anyone else feel even the slightest pity for the women with the barette who he drug through the mud slandered with no proof? Why is he getting special treatment as if he is innocent and she didn't?
These are genuine questions not being sarcastic because I have dealt with many narcissists and this is very much what they do. Somehow they come out looking lily white innocent. I'd like to understand why people pity him for what he did and assume there is no evidence against him. If someone could do better than to just parrot the words, they took him to jail and he is innocent.
Didn't Viviane go public first? Was that ruining Reiner's name? Was that the way to go about it? If I have a company and we are operating in a beast war of continuation against NWO/Pharma etc, and I believe my colleague is stealing, what do I do? Make a video about it? Please explain to me how any of this is normal.
Because Fischer was taken by the Global satanic cult’s side like Reiner said. This is all done to shut him up! He holds all the cards in his deck. He’s a political prisoner. Please look at Elsa and I’s work on the Truth summit 🙏
My memory is that she went public first. I confirmed this earlier in the week by watching the interviews and videos on Odysee, in chronological order. My other memory is that her 'announcement' was very odd -- like watching a bad play. As an observer who has never talked to any of these people personally, and who has watched every ICIC video : 1) Since RF started ICIC, he has conducted over 80 interviews, the totality of which is an overwhelming and comprehensive education on tyranny. I am unaware of any Body of Work that comes close to this -- so many topics, so many perspectives. 2) Every day, I wonder: what happened to the evidence provided by Barry Trower regarding 5G and weaponization of frequencies? Why aren't these documents in the public domain yet? I think this is his most important interview to date. 3) Prior to Ms. Fisher's claim against Reiner, I became suspicious of a couple characters during the Lanka & Kaufman interview. This was when I realized that getting to the bottom of covid meant ignoring the foundation on which all pandemic fraud is built. My memory is that Reiner busied himself taking notes and was the only one with manners. I will have to watch that interview again. He appeared to me to be open to all testimony, which is why I continued to follow his work on
I dont know.
Great questions.
I'm concerned about all of these people.
Ok, that's a start.
Are you ready to re-classify my publication of the poem as non "adoring?"
There are others who should be in jail and allowed to be free despite what has been proven. His aledged crimes seem minor in comparisons compared to the atrocities committed by the German and EU governments.
Those are good points if argued in a world where all criminals should run free. By this reasoning, no one would be in jail.
Goverments notoriously do not get convicted. I'm not sure 2 wrongs make a right
What about barette lady? It was ok he drug her through the mud?
The scale of the wrongs is not comparable. The proven criminals in this case are doing the prosecuting.
Again I understand but I have issues with this no one who is defending him will answer. No one has to but it would be nice.
We are answering! Are you listening?
Let me get your answers straight you're saying he's innocent because you trust him. He is innocent because the first time you met him you knew he was a good person. He's innocent because he won cases which made him look good and got him money but atleast in some cases didn't actually stop the business from continuing what they're doing instead it allowed them to go to bankrupt and give partial payout to people who probably deserve a lot more - for instance his breast implant case didn't stop them from making silicone breast implants it just allowed the company to go through bankruptcy
What I don't understand is what this has to do with his being able to commit a crime himself?
You say he's innocent I don't see where your proof is coming from.
What I see is your personal opinion of him, your friendship, affecting your judgment.
If not then why do you think your personal opinion should affect my judgment?
How is your person opinion of his innocence, which has no basis in physical proof of innocence, answering my questions when what I'm asking for is proof and how people who have no proof are so certain of his innocence?
The money in question should be able to be tracked, from its first receipt to where it is now. Until this is done, there will be no proof. Why has this not been done? This is what I'm waiting for.
I want to know why too.
I feel like we're not being told the whole story.
Vivian was accused of theft but nobody took her to jail I'm guessing because there was no proof. Suddenly the guy who accused her of theft is in jail and nobody cares about proof or why he got convicted and not her?
I'm not calling him guilty. I don't know anything except that in the same situation he tried to ruin her.
What if they investigated her and found out that she was innocent, he was the thief and that's why he's in jail?
I'm not a prosecutor and not in a position to forensically judge the case. What I am expressing here is support for my friend.
Question for you: You believe the German government took this so seriously they arranged on a RUSE to essentially kidnap Reiner and his wife at that Embassy in Mexico, then fly him to Germany…and that sounds normal to you? Not at all a political persecution? He called Viviane a "nut job?" Could you provide the link? She came out against him, first. I remember it vividly. It was not at all professional, and there was blood in the water right away. Something sinister seems to me to be afoot here. Why can't this money be traced, simply? Am I supposed to assume the GUILT of somebody I love and respect and consider a friend? What do you want from me exactly?
I haven't thought about this for some time; but, do you remember when Reiner said he and a few others were going to start a new health care system in Germany; and, I thought gave the impression that he/they already had funds to start it? Surely, the German authorities would have wanted to immediately put a stop to that. There may have been something else Fuellmich was planning which would have greatly irritated authorities, but it escapes me at the moment. I seem to recall him being very leery of some German authorities. Now, he sounds like some folks over there have collaborated to make him practically destitute.
I'm sorry Celia.
I think this entire situation doesn't look good. I just remember him accusing her of theft and infering she is mental unstable, appearing to want her out. Then he says she has the account it seems like he is determined to throw everything onto her but I dont know what is truth. I just feel concerned that people are standing up for him not knowing. It would be nice to have more details.
That's right, you're guessing. Thank you for being honest that you are guessing. We are all guessing. And I posted a poem about friendship in tyranny, and censorship. If I am to be scolded that publishing poetry, I can warn you you won't be happy here. A lot of Russian poetry is coming soon.
I'm sorry Celia. I should have stuck on topic.
You mentioned the money was supposed to go to prosecuting. Do you know why it didn't? Did they raise money for something and not follow through? Is that acceptable? Is it normal all the funds would be in an account under Vivian's name if it's meant to be used by attorneys? If she is deemed mentally unstable does that mean they all get off? Could it be so convoluted that he intentionally called her mentally unstable so she wouldnt be prosecuted if they were found out? I'm not sure of the laws on this. He is an attorney so I would think any actions taken regarding money would be handled with the upmost care not having accounts put in one person's name then blame her.
It concerns me that people who appear to be standing up for freedom arent actually doing what they said they would do.
I'd like to know who accused him formally if they have proof they presented. How much money are we talking about? Embassy in Mexico? Is Mexico a sanctuary country for criminals or people being wrongly charged? I thought he was put in jail as soon as he got back home, not taken into custody in Mexico
No due process, no trial…straight to jail.
Anything can happen if the whole Judicial system is CORRUPT.
All governments are corrupt.
Precisely. And those who are anti-Reiner, astoundingly, see nothing weird about this!!
You forgot extradition papers. Or perhaps you did not if there were none.
With regard to the following article:
An update, a petition, plus more from the INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVE to FREE REINER FUELLMICH
I wrote a comment just now (which has to be reviewed by the website before they will publish it) suggesting that Fuellmich's attorney be contacted as to Fuellmich's current status and whether he needs funds, etc. - My opinion is that contacting embassies is a comparatively waste of time. They are up against a legal system and need to address it via a legal approach; and, Fuellmich's attorney would be the best avenue, assuming he has one.
I’m Marie-Claude Joly mentioned in that article! I’m the one who started all this with my petition, my letter, phone calls and visit to the German embassy in Ottawa! I really do know what’s going on...well most of it.
Thank you. 🙏
This brings up more questions for me
Do people really want to free him without knowing whether he's guilty or innocent?
Have we gotten to the point where no matter what crimes we commit in the freedom movement, speaking out means we are innocent? And if so why didnt Vivian get this same treatment when she was being slandered without proof?
He can just take people's money and people are going to throw more money at him, give him a get out of jail free card? What if he is guilty? People are signing petitions without even knowing?
Is it possible, maybe even probable that he was accused by someone with specific knowledge of what's going on and we don't know the case so we aren't aware of it?
We’re definitely not being told the hole story. I’ve been involved since the beginning and there are pieces of the puzzle missing. One thing is sure, REINER FUELLMICH IS INNOCENT! The money from the sale of his house was stolen from him, he was set up by jealousy and to shut him up. The cabal is against him!!! We have to focus our energy to FREE HIM! Stop questioning his integrity! He started the Great reset! He gave 3 years of his life for humanity 🙏❤️🙏 HELP HIM! Can’t believe some of you are judging Reiner the innocent instead of evil Frau Fischer!
He was not vacationing in Mexico he was in EXILE! He’s US visa was revoked last spring when he left for UK and he couldn’t reenter! PERSONA NON GRATA IN US and GERMANY. I know everything so you should talk to me. I wrote the petition and what I say is true. Everything we do is approved by Inka Fuellmich. He finally sold the ranch for a low price and hasn’t gotten the money yet. It’s very complicated because he couldn’t enter the US anymore and now he’s jailed. Inka is left with all of this shit now! The firm and he and his wife’s bank accounts were ceased. The money from the sale of the German house was stolen! The attack on Reiner Fuellmich has been planned for a long time. When his US visa was canceled we knew it was international and that the worst was coming. Don’t worry, Reiner is not stupid. He’s brilliant! He has not been sitting around just doing Zoom interviews. The German authorities, by the way, are corrupt! They’re holding him because they have the power to do so! They’re holding him because he has all the cards to destroy the cabal! Reiner Fuellmich and his team of lawyers are working smartly!!!
Marie-Claude, thank you with all my heart. Thank you on behalf of us all. I will catch up as fast as I can on the details so far, and so will everybody here.
You can reach Elsa Schieder who you must know or me at 🙏 I live in Québec Canada. Thank you
If all this is true I wish him luck the only things I've seen to base my opinion on has been him accusing Vivian of stealing and insinuating she's mentally ill then he ends up in jail.
Your story is very different from a lot of people. I think it would help if everyone got on the same page. Right now it seems like the story changes every time I hear it
The only part of the story that remains the same is he is somehow completely innocent and a victim.
Every time someone tells a story they add more things to it that he's being victimized with and it changes the last thing I heard
It seems like a lot of mixed messages. I hope it turns out that he is innocent but I still do not trust.
If you don’t trust Reiner than get out of this feed 🤬 We don’t need your negativity nor your poisonous thoughts 🤬
I didn't realize this was his fan page and you aren't allowed to ask questions or have concerns here. Now that I know I will leave
My story is one of someone working with his people! I’m telling the truth! Reiner accused Fischer because she was taken by the cabal and she’s guilty and evil! They’ve been planning to hurt Reiner for a long time!
I'm not saying that you aren't telling the truth. I just don't trust it. I don't see why I have to. Why I can't ask questions but I can see that I'm not welcome here so I will leave
I agree with you 100%.
I'm definitely NOT taking her side. I'm not taking anyones side. I've just had concerns and questions I don't feel have been answered and I also feel like there have been so many stories that keep changing regarding these people that I really don't know what to believe
I don't personally believe in people lifting others up to a place of a hero who cannot be questioned. Insulting me for not doing the same isnt endearing me to those who want to defend him.
You: "He ended up being the one who was found to have stolen from the company."
Me: I remain open about this, as I have not yet read what I believe is the entire story. Would you please point me to the proof that Fuellmich definitely stole from the company?
Thank you Edmond.
Okay. I don't know where within this thread would be the best place to post this; so, Celia, if you know of a better place to post these videos, please do.
The first is a video of Viviane Fischer accusing Fuellmich of "borrowing" Corona Committee funds. The person who posted this video at the first link below dated it as two months ago, but within the video, you will note it's dated 2022-09-23. The second link indicates that the video was posted 1 year ago, which roughly agrees with the 2022 date.
Reiner Fuellmich Stole €1 35 Million From the Corona Committee Viviane Fischer -- 25 comments
Reiner Fuellmich Stole €1.35 Million From the Corona Committee -Viviane Fischer -- 123 comments
This second video is dated November 28, 2023, and is Viviane Fischer being interviewed on The Dirk Pohlmann Show about the issue. She says that Fuellmich is in jail in Germany and has been charged with embezzlement of Corona Committee funds.
What happened with Reiner Fuellmich? Viviane Fischer is telling her side of the story. -- no comments
I don't remember whether Fuellmich's video regarding the use and whereabouts of these funds was in response to being kicked off of the Corona Committee or in response to the first Viviane Fischer video above; and, I've been up far too long and am calling it a night. (-:
Thank you Edmond. I'll make a post out of this.
If you look at the last Corona Committee in which Reiner participated in (session 118 called The truth pact!) you can see, at the end, Fischer and Wodarg exposing their plan, their pact against Reiner! It was all meticulously planned to attack him. It’s a must see!!!
There is no proof. That's the point. Why are people writing adoring substacks and poetry for someone who is in jail?
Most people go to jail because there is some sort of proof. Someone brought it to the gov attention.
If the gov was out to get someone why not arrest barette lady when the accusations were flying? Instead they arrested him, the accuser.
I'm trying to understand how people know that there is no proof after he just got done accusing a Woman of stealing from the Company and now he suddenly innocent? He ruined someone's life with accusations and that was ok?
I feel like there are some double standards and I am concerned his accusations reflect more upon him than her
Aside from this I don't know the truth. I'm just someone looking at it and seeing it from my perspective. If someone wants to help me see it their way I'm open to that too
Because he is my friend. Because I believe this is a political persecution.
Because poetry is NON TRIVIAL.
Ask Stalin if you don't believe me.
I understand you feel and believe all of those things. I'm sorry if my words were in any way infering otherwise or made you feel like I was insulting you or him.
I want truth and clarity and see none with this person. I wish it were otherwise
There is an interview out there that Reiner convinced me that he is innocent.Barette Lady (Vivian) did seem to have a legitimate beef, but after listening to the interview, I believe Reiner and I think he's being taken away from the job that he now cannot finish in jail. And Vivian (Barette Lady) may just be their decoy.
Can you provide a link to that interview? -- Thanks.
I will try to find it.
Thank you for your response. It doesn't change my mind but I appreciate your view.
Can you elaborate on Vivian being a decoy please? He threw her under the bus...
Do you actually think that is exacting language? You're a woman of science! Threw her under a what? A bus? What does that mean, exactly?
Threw her under a bus is a term used for a patsy, someone who projects their issues onto someone else to deflect the blaim from them. He ruined her good name then was arrested for exactly what he accused her of. Until you have proof otherwise that he is definitely innocent I'm telling you that this is what narcissist do. They charm people into thinking they are innocent while smearing the innocent one. I'm not saying he is guilty but I dont see how someone who slanders another person to ruin her good name then is thrown in jail for the exact thing he blamed someone else for is innocent.
Nobody cares about the object displayed, namely what Tranströmer was trying to say here?
You are chronically cynical. Go stand over there.
Yes poet, you are.
Most people aren't trying to sue or convict the globalists in court.
We know they have a plethora of dirty tricks.
Look what they did to Ken Paxton; he was thrown out of his job and office with no notice on ethics charges over which he eventually triumphed, but it kept him from doing AG stuff for a year - valuable time, lost.
Now he's back, I imagine with a bit of a vengeance.
If you don't apologize for this word "adoring" Heidi Heil, I will have to ask you to leave. I am expressing solidarity for a friend. And I'm not "people," I am myself.
Right on Celia. And thanks for leading the charge in defense of Reiner, who is so obviously a target of the felons perpetrating the greatest crime in history. Godspeed, freedom fighter ~~ j ~~
What word would you have me use in place of adoring? In my view not waiting for some evidence of his innocence, not demanding it, for his sake as well as your friendship is concerning to me. Adoration is what i feel may at times blind people to others' flaws. If you were not friends you might look at it like I am. Then again I have a lot of friends here who I would never stand behind if they accused someone else of theft. ruining someone elses good name then put jail for the same thing. It might take being a family scape goat to see this as I do.
I dont think it's respectful to ask me to apologize for my choice of words. I'm not swearing at you or insulting you. You picked my words apart twice now rather than try to understand where I'm coming from or atleast respect my views, concerns and my right to use words I feel apply that arent rude you just dont like them.
You are so caught up in your personal problems that you don’t see straight! You’re not listening! I’ve been telling you everything I can to show you that Reiner is innocent. You don’t expect his team to tell you everything do you? You obviously have no confidence in yourself therefore you don’t trust anyone. We are Reiner’s friends, we believe in him and want to help him. I believe this is what Celia wants you to understand! You’re saying a lot about yourself when you said you stopped watching Reiner after he accused Viviane. You’re afraid of the truth! You missed a lot from ICIC interviews if you quit on Reiner. Therefore, you shouldn’t comment. I think writing to you is hopeless 🤦♀️
Youre right.
Slapping me in the face insulting me and telling me I should believe you because everyone else does isnt working.
This isn't about me this is about the fact that there are too many conflicting stories out there, that he's dragged someone through the mud already and now he's in jail claiming to be innocent and nobody seems to be putting up any proof except an interview of his wife. I don't think a wife exists who doesn't stand up for her husband if he's guilty of a crime pretty much every wife except maybe Jeffrey Dahmer would stand up for their husband. Ive even seen women whose daughters were raped by their father stand up for their husband and tell the daughter she's lying
I'm going to emphasize one more time I'm not saying he's guilty of anything
What I'm saying is the reason you're giving me for his innocence aren't reasons they are you cheer leading for him and drama stories people are telling pointing fingers. Until you can point me to something that actually shows evidence that he's been wronged
How dare you 🤬 Reiner Fuellmich is a hero! You must know nothing!!! She’s an evil person who turned on him because she was taken by the evil side! Reiner is honest and innocent 🙏❤️🙏
I never claimed to know but no one is above questioning. Take away people's right to question their heroes and you have a dictatorship.
How do you know she was "taken by the evil side?" Did he tell you? Did the heroes followers tell you? Why so much opposition for someone who has questions that are not being answered?
I know because yes he told us. We’ve known for a long time. You’re definitely not close to Reiner. If you were, you wouldn’t have doubts and be talking like this. You should look at our work on The truth summit.
I am different from you. I don't let people get close enough to make them into a hero. I don't allow anyone to be above questioning or reproach even people I am very close to and love.
As a child I grew up with a psychopathic narcissist grandmother who tried to kill their dog feeding it chocolate my mom saw her do it. She ended up killing my Grandpa.
Everybody thought she was an absolute saint. She could do no wrong. She never talked bad about others in front of people she would take on the role of allowing others to come to their own conclusions with the limited information she fed them to lead them to judge those around her whom she didnt like. namely she didnt like people who saw the real her and showed enough spunk to not back down to her.
She would tear me apart behind my back until my Grandpa finally told her to shut the fuck up. Stop talking bad about Heidi she has done nothing. My gramp was the quietest most loving person in the world when she wasnt around. I don't know what she was saying that got him to get angry but my mom told me about him defending me and soon after gram medicated him to death.
To this day I am so grateful he stood up for me, that he loved me so much but its painful this led to him being harmed by her.
My sister was the golden child and she grew up thinking that everything must be my fault because my Grandma said it's true. She was lavished with love. When I asked her questions like, do you remember gram coming into the room yelling at you, screaming you stole her glasses, only to find them hanging around her neck? She said no. I said do you remember her doing that with me? Yes. Do you remember her following me around the house yelling then getting gramp involved so he would punish me? Yes. It took her being open to my questions and not allowing gram to talk bad about me to see what was really going on but my Grandma still has everyone else convinced that I'm a horrible person. Most of my family. I finally got away from her then she followed us to California. It was a painful mess. She put both my husband and me through hell until he finally saw how she truly is behind all her sweetness and patient facade.
I trust no one.
Reiner Fuellmich is not the psychopath! He’s been fighting them for a long time. I don’t trust people easily but I knew deep down inside that I trust Reiner, and that, the first time I was in contact with him. REINER IS TRUE, HONEST AND REAL 🙏
I absolutely agree!!
I'm not calling him a psychopath. I'm saying if he was - someone who bases their entire faith on a person by the first time they meet may not be seeing the whole picture
All I can say for a certainty is that the way people are talking about him who defend him they sound just like my people who defended my Grandma. Even my husband defended her until he saw what she was like. We were married for 20 years before he finally saw what she's like. He thought I was just making it up that she was cruel to me and talked behind my back.
She demanded that we get them a NEW car and pay for car insurance. She didnt want to drive our older car then she told everybody that we were stealing money from her because she agreed to pay the tune ups but mom refused to take it in. She was the one driving it. She made me and my husband and our autistic son come pick up the car and take it in. Then we brought gram the receipt. She paid and as soon as we left she told everyone we were stealing money from her that we somehow got money from insurance and stole from her. We took her into our home. I cooked meals for her waited on them hand and foot, went to the store daily and she told everyone I cooked tv dinners for her? I never cooked a TV dinner for them the entire time they were here. She doesn't say it in a way thats insulting to us she acts like poor Heidi doesnt know how to cook I understand it must be hard being her. In the meantime she is playing the victim and making me look horrible.
She told everyone we didnt let her talk on the phone but she was the one who refuse to use it. I asked her every few days, don't you want to call uncle and aunt. No.
As soon as my Gram moved next door to my mom we made an oath that if gram talked about any of us we would tell the other person we wouldn't just buy in to everything she said and we found out horrible triangulations that she was doing with us by making this agreement and none of us put up with it anymore it was the only way we were able to actually stay friends otherwise Grandma would have pitted us all against each other that's what narcissist do
I'm not saying he is one I'm just saying the last person to know if someone is a narcissist is someone who trusts them were initial impressions or how they seem to be so loving and sweet even when they talk bad about someone they make it sound like it's not their fault.
"Vivian is mentally unstable."
You have no idea how much a narcissist gets off on making everybody else look Crazy but them Anyone who even dares speak against them is turned into a villain because they know how to be charming
Again I'm not saying that's what he's doing but it's the impression I got from him and I have a right to have my own impressions and to raise my own questions not just put someone in the place of a Hero and act like he must be innocent that's my right to have my own views.
Hi Heidi, who did you get this information from?
What information? I see gossip.
Condemnation without investigation.
Is this hearsay, rumor, or gossip to convict without evidence.
I haven't encountered an Alt-Elite yet who doesn't seem to be hiding something.
In what way are you encountering alt elites? is that people in this fight who have accrued money?
I encounter them in the main way they promote themselves, through social media to me as a consumer.
I grow cannabis and make pot brownies - fixes the sleeplessness I used to have...
No one has ever died from smoking or eating Cannabis.
I usually sleep but I was processing a lot of things, not only Reiner, many things. It was actually night two of insomnia and it has to do with the evil of the HIV dissident implant/cointelpro faction (ie old agonies) and how people now today are "falling for them," to use a common phrase. It's not about which side is correct. One side us actually evil and I can prove it. They know what I have, that I have never published.
Lewis is alive and well. We lost Jack about a year ago, and he is buried in the backyard of what was Doug's house in Granby, CT. The house got emptied in a wild typhoon of activity I never want to go through again own this life, Doug sold it, and Doug is happily settled in another place in CT, with some assistance. I went back to NYC and now I'm in Granada. Lewis…I will update you soon. It's all good. Regards to Luna!
Please forgive me, Tom. I was generalizing. I should have wrote, depending on the level and potency of the THC. Research shows individuals experience cannabis differently. Very similar to consuming Pharma drugs, vaccines and illegal drugs..
Thank you for your reply. I will be more careful .
God bless you. I used to drink alcohol in high school, I quit drinking after smoking pot.. I graduated from high school 1969. I noticed smoking pot, there was no hangover. Pot made me mellow, beer made me aggressive. As the cost of pot increased, I quit. I learned how to meditate. Life was very stressful in the mid 1960s to the mid 1970s. Religion / Spirituality Matters. Amen Tom. Faith, Love, and Hope.
dear celia, i just finished reading colum mcCann's haunting novel, 'let the great world spin', pub 2009. i can't say why those stories told by that amazing author affected me so much but when i saw the comment here that says 'jail is everywhere' it came to me that anything, mainly any art, or any act of heart, is a kind of 'jail-break'. in that sense reiner fuellmich is free.