I've lost my career, many friends, and contact with several family members in the past few years, because I love the search for truth and am not willing to pretend otherwise. It has me by the heart and won't let go; I'm smitten. I'm willing to follow the truth even if it leads me to the gates of Hell.
He said, concerning miracles, that we would do greater things than he had done. He also said the kingdom lies in the human heart. I think you are on the correct path. But the truth comes from the creator, and it will lead you away from hell, not towards it.
Time for a better class of friends and a new career. The truth sets us free, but many are unfortunately in love with their bondage. All the best and many blessings to you!
But that was then. Now is now and who knows what's changed in those two millennia that passed. He (Jesus) might be on a completely different tack now. I think we shouldn't be waiting for that saviour figure but instead find out what our own capabilities are...
Yeah. Pretty sure God doesnt appreciate being held to some words some group says he said 3000 years ago. Am I allowed to say with all due respects that God is able to choose each of us. He is free. There is no mandatory chosen people. I feel now I should tell this to my Jewish friends. I think my Jewish friends will say yeah I get that its fine. I mean is the Israeli government following the 10 Commandments? NO. So stop with cherry picking the Old Testement. No 10 commandments, no chosen people.
That's it. And at the time it was made clear they were chosen not for any attribute, only because it pleased Him to do so.
This whole side with the UN thing is just too brain dead for words.
There are evil Jews, but that in itself signifies little.
Biden is not a Jew Gates is not a Jew, Fauci is not a Jew.
This may come as a shock to you, but not every Italian is in the Mafia, either.
If siding with the UN weren't wacky enough, supporting Muslins is full on insane and suicidal.
Then there is the matter of the whole goofy scam that is yfe, Fakestinian Myth.
Land records were kept lihe anywhere else, and they show total Resident Arab
(Fakestinian) ownership totaled 3 percent, much of it purchased by migrant workers from surrounding nations out of the high wages the Zionists offered.
The claim 700 thousand lost their homes is technically true, but it would be more accurate to say they lost their tenancy as tenant farmers for foreign landowners.
Thems the breaks when you start a war you can't win.
But there are plenty of supremely ignorant Jew Haters to ensure no matter how loudly Arabs threaten genocide against Israel, no many how many times they start wars they can't finish, the Jew Haters will find ways to make it Israel's fault.
The land never belonged to the Fakestinians, they never had Sovereignty over the land and there is zero reason they should have it now.
This will keep building until Israel is completely overrun and Oct 7 repeated on a massive scale and only after it looks like all hope is gone,Christ touches down precisely where he ascended and the Mt of Olives splits, and the surviving Jews flee through the valley, and Christ, leading 144,000 Israeli troops will create a river of Gentile Blood up to a horse's bridle and a thousand miles long.
It isn't possible to be more firmly on the wrong side of history, and God,than you are.
If I were you, I would reconsider, but we all have free will.
My personal experience is that I am not on the wrong side of history - no matter - evil is in every person, you misunderstand me. A spokeswoman for the Iraeli gov was speaking on Morning Joe just the other day and she referenced the Jews rights to the land dated back to God's promise to them made 3000 years ago and she said "everyone knows." So, she must be ignorant too.
And that is exactly what Satan whispers in nonbelievers ears so they walk away from the everlasting Word!!! In this turbulent and evil world now, he and his Father are our only refuge and comfort!
"We’re losing our people, our bonds, our memories, our reasons to smile. I do not take this part of it all lightly. I can’t tell if I’m hurt, angry, sad, numb, or all four." Me too Celia.
of course! In fact, in early April 2022, only weeks after the start of the war, Ukraine and Russia were in negotiations to end it, they were very close to an agreement, and then the US sent Boris Johnson to Ukraine to tell Zelensky, no no no no, you cannot end this yet. So Ukraine pulled out of the negotiations and here we are a year and a half later, hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian men (and Russian men) and for what? For the bloody war mongers to have their way. These people are evil devil worshipers who want only destruction and death. They will get their just reward.
My distrust of the Western Mainstream tends to be radical, and when claims are made that seem to have their source in that same Western Mainstream, I remain dubious -- example: that there has been a war resulting in "hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian men (and Russian men) "
probably Col. McGregor, I'd have to check that. McGregor and Scott Ritter try to do unbiased reporting, unlike mainstream media which is pushing the US gov't narrative. There's a substack writer, Simplicius the Thinker, who writes in depth about Ukraine. I believe his numbers are a little lower than that. Also Moon of Alabama writes about Ukraine.
US gov't doesn't want true casualty figures to be reported because it would have been obvious from the get-go Ukraine is not winning that war, and cannot win that war.
An individual such as Col. McGregor can't possibly be the source for the verification of that claim, since it's impossible for an individual to witness and verify the deaths of "hundreds of thousands" of people -- particularly in a complex area of battle zones with security problems as Ukraine is purported to be. I.e., he would have gotten the verification from some other source. With massive events like this, we peasants are at the mercy of having to trust people -- or we can remain agnostic, which is what I choose to do.
I suspect you will not trust any source I give you, you don't trust MSM (nor do I, nor should anyone!), but you also don't trust independent media or journalists, so yes, you will remain agnostic.
Dima, at Military Summary Channel, opens with the case, presented at the command-level in Russia, that Ukraine has spent its credit-line, that which it can reasonably be able to service in the longer term, which is the fundamental reason that western funding, essentially war-loans, is drying up. This is the banker's approach to wars.
I see the potential counter-attack to the western/global financial regime (Russia's "real adversary", I believe) as being that the "Ukraine" will cease to exist as such, and all debt claims will be repudiated as "odious debt", by whatever political entities arise to replace "Ukraine", one of which is already Russia. The massive debts will be defaulted on, and the collateral, the lands, factories and people of Ukraine, will not be seized, because the "Ukraine" as a party will have ceased to exist, and foreclosure will not be possible against Russia and allied states. This will be another factor to hasten the collapse of the global $US financial regime.
Also, Dima says that Commander of Ukrainian Forces, General Zaluzhny, has said that the army needs 500,000 more soldiers. Zelensky balked, but seems to be accepting that today. However, it is politically impossible to carry out, so Catch-22 for the Zelensky puppet-regime...
Ukraine's Losses Are 383K Soldiers And 203 Billion Dollars. Military Summary 2023.12.19
Ukraine’s Intelligence Chief admits there are no More Troops without “Forced Mobilisation” The levels of force are already grossly excessive, and have been all year.
Ukraine = USSA. We/Me/You Will Reap what We have Sown. ProgreSSive-Bolshevik NWO Mother WEFer Demoncrazy & Collapse. Don't Ask For Whom the Bell Tolls .....
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
May God forgive them, but I won't, and don't seek forgiveness for myself either.
I don’t have anymore friends to lose after offending them by saying, “All lives matter” and not buying into the scamdemic. I have no regrets as I’ve learned sooo much about the world and relationships.
As an international management, formerly based in Japan, I witnessed expat friends buying into numerous global psyops. My memory tracks these back to Charlie Hebdo but I know there were many more. I found that any expression of skepticism in the face of completely implausible 'facts' resulted in the loss of friends until my social circle was whittled down to a few 'conspiracy theorists'.
I remain astonished that highly accomplished adults who shouldered substantial corporate responsibility would be taken in, over and over and over again by these Mighty Wurlitzer dramas. People who could not locate Ukraine on a map and who had zero personal ties to the region went emotionally ALL IN on this farce. I would like to think that something was learned, but the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
I'm glad you corrected that, I read it twice because it didn't quite make sense. Your comment is so true and very well written. You can edit your substack comments too. They don't make it obvious, it's rather stealthily hidden under those 3 dots (...) to the far right of the LIKED REPLY SHARE links. Click on the 3 dots and you'll be able to choose EDIT, and DELETE also.
Only second to the United States, Ukaraine was the home of the Iluminati where human and sexual slavery, organ harvesting, drugs and money laundering. Not that the local population was aware anymore than in the USA we are fully aware whet is taking place in this country. Remember the US DOD was operating 46 biolabs in Ukraine (for public health of course [death=heath]).
The Globalists didn't want to loose their control of Ukraine, but they have - yet, these misanthropes never surrender they just double down.
As is usually the case with major socio-geopolitical processes & events, there's the process/event itself, then there's the meta level of the consensus Narrative about it and the attendant, internationally coordinated behavior promoting/supporting the Narrative. Even though Mearsheimer continues to express his disagreement and his career hasn't been destroyed (much less his person), we can see the Mainstream marginalizes him and attempts to demonize him with the oldest (and still most potent) post-modern smear: "anti-Semitism". This meta level of the issue is why over the past 2 years, after being staunchly pro-Jewish for decades, I have become a moderate Anti-Semite myself. One could call it "the Kanye Principle":
1) Kanye West declares that Jews have inordinate influence to shut people down.
2) The Jew-captured Mainstream says "That's ridiculous and an expression of ugly anti-Semitism!"
3) The Jews shut down Kanye West, proving him right.
It's never really been about Ukraine. Sadly, it is just the patsy.
This is Biblical. Russia is going to destroy America (Babylon) according to the Scriptures.
For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon [AMERICA] an assembly of great nations [RUSSIA AND OTHERS] from the north country [OVER THE POLE]: and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows [HYPERSONIC MISSILES] shall be as of a mighty expert man [STATE-OF-THE-ART]; none shall return in vain [PINPOINT ACCURACY]. (Jer 50:9)
The criminal Bankster Psychopath Parasites are out to get Russia because they figure Yeltsin sold them the entire country for a few $billions in loans now they demand payment.
interesting interpretation. But when did Jeremiah live? Could these prophecies already have come to pass? Babylon could be Babylon, no? Or some other country. Could be America, but how many thousands of years has it been since Jeremiah? North country could be any country north of Babylon, etc. I think we're on the cusp of something big, but Christians (and others) have been thinking that for hundreds of years. I've been thinking it for decades now. Sooner or later the US will reap what it has sown (Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc.), but we just don't know when. This year, next year, next decade, next century??
"How safe does NATO make you feel? How about the European Union, or the Land Of the Free?"
Me? Feel safe? Not since I was playing in London bomb craters in 1955....
Not at any point.
Allow me to explain.
I was 3 when I climbed over our back wall and down into the deepest bomb crater in Islington, London. It was filthy but full of 'treasure' that I scrabbled through to build a ramshackle haven for my dollies to sit in and have a fantasy tea party.
I had broken china, shreds of curtains, wooden seats and a few wild flowers in what was once a pretty vase. I was naked, having been smart enough to strip from my clean clothes. Mum always sent me out to play in the garden with a warning, "Don't get dirty, Frances!" So I didn't.
Every day I would beg to be let out into the garden so that I could continue my treasure hunts.
When my mum found out about my excursions over the wall, she went ballistic while I cried, "Why not?" until she explained to me what a world war was all about. Being so young, I assumed that the entire world was full of bomb craters and all children had these havens of broken buildings to play in. By comparison, the manicured public parks were dull, uninteresting places.
I suddenly became delirious with a fierce fever. Everything was swimming before my sore eyes and my skin felt like it was on fire. I had developed Scarlet Fever and was very lucky to survive.
My dad explained, "Where you were playing was so far down in the ground that you were playing in the rubbish from London's distant past, Frances! There could also be unexploded bombs down there!" as he worked to build a barrier on top of the tumble down wall. My dollies remained in the crater, sitting at their tea table alone.
When I was 15 years old I heard about the war in Vietnam and I bunked the trains to go into central London and protest at the American Embassy. It was March 1967 by then.
I have been protesting against war ever since.
So no, Celia. I have never felt safe as long as mentally distorted, thoughtless men can decide to create contaminated and dangerous landscapes from toxic bombs which can dig up all the old diseases and blow kids sky high just for being curious.
“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship."
- Hermann Wilhelm Göring - (January 12, 1893 – October 15, 1946)
Celia, I know that this stuff can become overwhelming. I deployed to Iraq, where I saw the effects of embargoing food on an entire generation (think rotted teeth, stunted growth, etc.). I deployed to Afghanistan, where I saw the re-emergence of the opium trade, when it had been reduced 98% by the "evil" Taliban. Finally, I worked in DC at one of the entities running the whole scamdemic. I will not get started on what all I saw, but it would make you want to burn the whole place down. Suffice to say I wasted your taxpayer money like a boss. I wrote all of y'all a blank check for my life, and it was cashed for Skittles and grape drink. My position now is to echo Smedley Butler when he said that not once had he fought in defense of our freedom. Needless to say, it puts a damper on one's enthusiasm.
We were bound to lose friends over these operations. And I guess that's how it should be. People show their shallow understanding, and most of them will continue to do so, let them go I say.
I've lost my career, many friends, and contact with several family members in the past few years, because I love the search for truth and am not willing to pretend otherwise. It has me by the heart and won't let go; I'm smitten. I'm willing to follow the truth even if it leads me to the gates of Hell.
He said, concerning miracles, that we would do greater things than he had done. He also said the kingdom lies in the human heart. I think you are on the correct path. But the truth comes from the creator, and it will lead you away from hell, not towards it.
You may have lost much; but you have retained your integrity. Priceless.
Time for a better class of friends and a new career. The truth sets us free, but many are unfortunately in love with their bondage. All the best and many blessings to you!
Thank you! I don't regret any of it. Leaving a career I enjoyed and had spent twenty years on was the easiest major decision I've ever had to make.
But that was then. Now is now and who knows what's changed in those two millennia that passed. He (Jesus) might be on a completely different tack now. I think we shouldn't be waiting for that saviour figure but instead find out what our own capabilities are...
Yeah. Pretty sure God doesnt appreciate being held to some words some group says he said 3000 years ago. Am I allowed to say with all due respects that God is able to choose each of us. He is free. There is no mandatory chosen people. I feel now I should tell this to my Jewish friends. I think my Jewish friends will say yeah I get that its fine. I mean is the Israeli government following the 10 Commandments? NO. So stop with cherry picking the Old Testement. No 10 commandments, no chosen people.
Dr Naomi Wolf has an excellent article on this - kinda long but good. Covenants are not binding when broken... https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/have-the-ancient-gods-returned?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=676930&post_id=92730533&isFreemail=true
Such abysmal ignorance.
They were chosen to receive the Bible.
That's it. And at the time it was made clear they were chosen not for any attribute, only because it pleased Him to do so.
This whole side with the UN thing is just too brain dead for words.
There are evil Jews, but that in itself signifies little.
Biden is not a Jew Gates is not a Jew, Fauci is not a Jew.
This may come as a shock to you, but not every Italian is in the Mafia, either.
If siding with the UN weren't wacky enough, supporting Muslins is full on insane and suicidal.
Then there is the matter of the whole goofy scam that is yfe, Fakestinian Myth.
Land records were kept lihe anywhere else, and they show total Resident Arab
(Fakestinian) ownership totaled 3 percent, much of it purchased by migrant workers from surrounding nations out of the high wages the Zionists offered.
The claim 700 thousand lost their homes is technically true, but it would be more accurate to say they lost their tenancy as tenant farmers for foreign landowners.
Thems the breaks when you start a war you can't win.
But there are plenty of supremely ignorant Jew Haters to ensure no matter how loudly Arabs threaten genocide against Israel, no many how many times they start wars they can't finish, the Jew Haters will find ways to make it Israel's fault.
The land never belonged to the Fakestinians, they never had Sovereignty over the land and there is zero reason they should have it now.
This will keep building until Israel is completely overrun and Oct 7 repeated on a massive scale and only after it looks like all hope is gone,Christ touches down precisely where he ascended and the Mt of Olives splits, and the surviving Jews flee through the valley, and Christ, leading 144,000 Israeli troops will create a river of Gentile Blood up to a horse's bridle and a thousand miles long.
It isn't possible to be more firmly on the wrong side of history, and God,than you are.
If I were you, I would reconsider, but we all have free will.
My personal experience is that I am not on the wrong side of history - no matter - evil is in every person, you misunderstand me. A spokeswoman for the Iraeli gov was speaking on Morning Joe just the other day and she referenced the Jews rights to the land dated back to God's promise to them made 3000 years ago and she said "everyone knows." So, she must be ignorant too.
Sorry, I can't follow your line of thought.
I really can't guess how you think a Jew on TV relates to what I posted.
And that is exactly what Satan whispers in nonbelievers ears so they walk away from the everlasting Word!!! In this turbulent and evil world now, he and his Father are our only refuge and comfort!
"We’re losing our people, our bonds, our memories, our reasons to smile. I do not take this part of it all lightly. I can’t tell if I’m hurt, angry, sad, numb, or all four." Me too Celia.
I guess you missed the part about " The same today.yesterfay, and forever".
He allegedly said it, according to Constantine The Great, Sir Francis Bacon and other editors.
of course! In fact, in early April 2022, only weeks after the start of the war, Ukraine and Russia were in negotiations to end it, they were very close to an agreement, and then the US sent Boris Johnson to Ukraine to tell Zelensky, no no no no, you cannot end this yet. So Ukraine pulled out of the negotiations and here we are a year and a half later, hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian men (and Russian men) and for what? For the bloody war mongers to have their way. These people are evil devil worshipers who want only destruction and death. They will get their just reward.
Correct. War mongers are persons who worship money and influence. The worship of devils is left to those who worship them...
My distrust of the Western Mainstream tends to be radical, and when claims are made that seem to have their source in that same Western Mainstream, I remain dubious -- example: that there has been a war resulting in "hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian men (and Russian men) "
mainstream media is not reporting hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian deaths, they are reporting far less than that.
Where does that number come from?
probably Col. McGregor, I'd have to check that. McGregor and Scott Ritter try to do unbiased reporting, unlike mainstream media which is pushing the US gov't narrative. There's a substack writer, Simplicius the Thinker, who writes in depth about Ukraine. I believe his numbers are a little lower than that. Also Moon of Alabama writes about Ukraine.
US gov't doesn't want true casualty figures to be reported because it would have been obvious from the get-go Ukraine is not winning that war, and cannot win that war.
An individual such as Col. McGregor can't possibly be the source for the verification of that claim, since it's impossible for an individual to witness and verify the deaths of "hundreds of thousands" of people -- particularly in a complex area of battle zones with security problems as Ukraine is purported to be. I.e., he would have gotten the verification from some other source. With massive events like this, we peasants are at the mercy of having to trust people -- or we can remain agnostic, which is what I choose to do.
I suspect you will not trust any source I give you, you don't trust MSM (nor do I, nor should anyone!), but you also don't trust independent media or journalists, so yes, you will remain agnostic.
Dima, at Military Summary Channel, opens with the case, presented at the command-level in Russia, that Ukraine has spent its credit-line, that which it can reasonably be able to service in the longer term, which is the fundamental reason that western funding, essentially war-loans, is drying up. This is the banker's approach to wars.
I see the potential counter-attack to the western/global financial regime (Russia's "real adversary", I believe) as being that the "Ukraine" will cease to exist as such, and all debt claims will be repudiated as "odious debt", by whatever political entities arise to replace "Ukraine", one of which is already Russia. The massive debts will be defaulted on, and the collateral, the lands, factories and people of Ukraine, will not be seized, because the "Ukraine" as a party will have ceased to exist, and foreclosure will not be possible against Russia and allied states. This will be another factor to hasten the collapse of the global $US financial regime.
Also, Dima says that Commander of Ukrainian Forces, General Zaluzhny, has said that the army needs 500,000 more soldiers. Zelensky balked, but seems to be accepting that today. However, it is politically impossible to carry out, so Catch-22 for the Zelensky puppet-regime...
Ukraine's Losses Are 383K Soldiers And 203 Billion Dollars. Military Summary 2023.12.19
Ukraine’s Intelligence Chief admits there are no More Troops without “Forced Mobilisation” The levels of force are already grossly excessive, and have been all year.
Ukrainians tell MP they would give up citizenship to avoid conscription
Some 74% of men and 65% of women said they would opt to hand over their passports in Facebook surveys
Brilliant report. Thank you.
That and more is to be found here today. Thank You, Celia. :-)
I just inserted your "report" John.
Thank You, Celia. We are on the same page a lot.
Ukraine = USSA. We/Me/You Will Reap what We have Sown. ProgreSSive-Bolshevik NWO Mother WEFer Demoncrazy & Collapse. Don't Ask For Whom the Bell Tolls .....
If we actively resist, and do not consent, The Divine will not judge us "responsible", but I think it has to be heartfelt.
"If ... if ..."
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
May God forgive them, but I won't, and don't seek forgiveness for myself either.
Resitance to Tyranny is Obedience to God imo.
All the best to you and yours.
I don’t have anymore friends to lose after offending them by saying, “All lives matter” and not buying into the scamdemic. I have no regrets as I’ve learned sooo much about the world and relationships.
As an international management, formerly based in Japan, I witnessed expat friends buying into numerous global psyops. My memory tracks these back to Charlie Hebdo but I know there were many more. I found that any expression of skepticism in the face of completely implausible 'facts' resulted in the loss of friends until my social circle was whittled down to a few 'conspiracy theorists'.
I remain astonished that highly accomplished adults who shouldered substantial corporate responsibility would be taken in, over and over and over again by these Mighty Wurlitzer dramas. People who could not locate Ukraine on a map and who had zero personal ties to the region went emotionally ALL IN on this farce. I would like to think that something was learned, but the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
"management consultant"
I'm glad you corrected that, I read it twice because it didn't quite make sense. Your comment is so true and very well written. You can edit your substack comments too. They don't make it obvious, it's rather stealthily hidden under those 3 dots (...) to the far right of the LIKED REPLY SHARE links. Click on the 3 dots and you'll be able to choose EDIT, and DELETE also.
The edit option seems to not be available when one is using the Substack app.
Oh, that's good to know. I haven't used the app, aside from downloading and trying out the text-to-speech function briefly.
Only second to the United States, Ukaraine was the home of the Iluminati where human and sexual slavery, organ harvesting, drugs and money laundering. Not that the local population was aware anymore than in the USA we are fully aware whet is taking place in this country. Remember the US DOD was operating 46 biolabs in Ukraine (for public health of course [death=heath]).
The Globalists didn't want to loose their control of Ukraine, but they have - yet, these misanthropes never surrender they just double down.
Correct. Regarding US Department of Defense installations: List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy >>> March 11, 2022 >>> https://sharylattkisson.com/2022/03/list-of-ukraine-biolab-documents-reportedly-removed-by-us-embassy/ >>> There are a number of links included in the article...
Also: Is Ukraine Destroying Evidence of US-Funded Bioweapons Programme?
By Rhoda Wilson on March 7, 2022 >>> https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/07/ukraine-destroying-evidence-of-us-funded-bioweapons/
And: Russia exposes names behind US-backed Ukraine biological projects >>> January 30, 2023 >>> https://www.rt.com/russia/570716-russia-ukraine-us-biolabs/
Scott Ritter said the same thing in the excellent video at youtube.com/watch?v=l6y3l9xLBRs
As is usually the case with major socio-geopolitical processes & events, there's the process/event itself, then there's the meta level of the consensus Narrative about it and the attendant, internationally coordinated behavior promoting/supporting the Narrative. Even though Mearsheimer continues to express his disagreement and his career hasn't been destroyed (much less his person), we can see the Mainstream marginalizes him and attempts to demonize him with the oldest (and still most potent) post-modern smear: "anti-Semitism". This meta level of the issue is why over the past 2 years, after being staunchly pro-Jewish for decades, I have become a moderate Anti-Semite myself. One could call it "the Kanye Principle":
1) Kanye West declares that Jews have inordinate influence to shut people down.
2) The Jew-captured Mainstream says "That's ridiculous and an expression of ugly anti-Semitism!"
3) The Jews shut down Kanye West, proving him right.
4) The Mainstream pretends nothing happened.
The goal was (and is) to destroy Russia.
It's never really been about Ukraine. Sadly, it is just the patsy.
This is Biblical. Russia is going to destroy America (Babylon) according to the Scriptures.
For, lo, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon [AMERICA] an assembly of great nations [RUSSIA AND OTHERS] from the north country [OVER THE POLE]: and they shall set themselves in array against her; from thence she shall be taken: their arrows [HYPERSONIC MISSILES] shall be as of a mighty expert man [STATE-OF-THE-ART]; none shall return in vain [PINPOINT ACCURACY]. (Jer 50:9)
The criminal Bankster Psychopath Parasites are out to get Russia because they figure Yeltsin sold them the entire country for a few $billions in loans now they demand payment.
interesting interpretation. But when did Jeremiah live? Could these prophecies already have come to pass? Babylon could be Babylon, no? Or some other country. Could be America, but how many thousands of years has it been since Jeremiah? North country could be any country north of Babylon, etc. I think we're on the cusp of something big, but Christians (and others) have been thinking that for hundreds of years. I've been thinking it for decades now. Sooner or later the US will reap what it has sown (Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc.), but we just don't know when. This year, next year, next decade, next century??
My best friend is from Odessa.
We separated paths since Convid and of course Ukraine.
In these special times,we meet our soulfamiliy.
It seems cruel to loose friends, but we need to wake up.More than ever.
Lots of work to do.
"How safe does NATO make you feel? How about the European Union, or the Land Of the Free?"
Me? Feel safe? Not since I was playing in London bomb craters in 1955....
Not at any point.
Allow me to explain.
I was 3 when I climbed over our back wall and down into the deepest bomb crater in Islington, London. It was filthy but full of 'treasure' that I scrabbled through to build a ramshackle haven for my dollies to sit in and have a fantasy tea party.
I had broken china, shreds of curtains, wooden seats and a few wild flowers in what was once a pretty vase. I was naked, having been smart enough to strip from my clean clothes. Mum always sent me out to play in the garden with a warning, "Don't get dirty, Frances!" So I didn't.
Every day I would beg to be let out into the garden so that I could continue my treasure hunts.
When my mum found out about my excursions over the wall, she went ballistic while I cried, "Why not?" until she explained to me what a world war was all about. Being so young, I assumed that the entire world was full of bomb craters and all children had these havens of broken buildings to play in. By comparison, the manicured public parks were dull, uninteresting places.
I suddenly became delirious with a fierce fever. Everything was swimming before my sore eyes and my skin felt like it was on fire. I had developed Scarlet Fever and was very lucky to survive.
My dad explained, "Where you were playing was so far down in the ground that you were playing in the rubbish from London's distant past, Frances! There could also be unexploded bombs down there!" as he worked to build a barrier on top of the tumble down wall. My dollies remained in the crater, sitting at their tea table alone.
When I was 15 years old I heard about the war in Vietnam and I bunked the trains to go into central London and protest at the American Embassy. It was March 1967 by then.
I have been protesting against war ever since.
So no, Celia. I have never felt safe as long as mentally distorted, thoughtless men can decide to create contaminated and dangerous landscapes from toxic bombs which can dig up all the old diseases and blow kids sky high just for being curious.
“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship."
- Hermann Wilhelm Göring - (January 12, 1893 – October 15, 1946)
Celia, I know that this stuff can become overwhelming. I deployed to Iraq, where I saw the effects of embargoing food on an entire generation (think rotted teeth, stunted growth, etc.). I deployed to Afghanistan, where I saw the re-emergence of the opium trade, when it had been reduced 98% by the "evil" Taliban. Finally, I worked in DC at one of the entities running the whole scamdemic. I will not get started on what all I saw, but it would make you want to burn the whole place down. Suffice to say I wasted your taxpayer money like a boss. I wrote all of y'all a blank check for my life, and it was cashed for Skittles and grape drink. My position now is to echo Smedley Butler when he said that not once had he fought in defense of our freedom. Needless to say, it puts a damper on one's enthusiasm.
Gonzalo Lira was saying the same thing on Day One, too; and look what happened to him :(
What did happen to him?
Think of it like this: we lose some friends but gain others—that's been my experience, at least.
We were bound to lose friends over these operations. And I guess that's how it should be. People show their shallow understanding, and most of them will continue to do so, let them go I say.
This video never fails to be relevant to explain the insanity: