A Roaring Success As Predicted, A Catharsis For The Big Apple, BUT—Rudy Giuliani Conflated Trump Support With Israel Support, And Attacked…Palestinians? Why?
"They" may have used Rudy Giuliani's crisis management center in WTC-7 to run the show on 9/11/01, at least the local show, and imploded all the evidence, along with the Enron inside-trading evidence accumulated there, at 5:20 PM, while the evening news was playing the scroll from earlier that day.
How could he have NOT been complicit, at least in the cover-up?
I recall over two decades ago seeing footage of Rudy and entourage on 9/11 doing a fast walk away from the towers with someone , possibly Rudy, vocalizing they had to hurry because that building was coming down in (20?) minutes. That told me then that he was in on it.
Coverup. He's far too stupid to be let "in on it". He's about as dumb, and wilfully so, as Larry Silverstein who was too ignorant to know that he shouldn't have said they "decided to PULL it" , a controlled demolition phrase. My guess is that Siliverstein knew enough to be complicit in letting the Mossad team in to rig the blast and I'm guessing Larry called Rudy to warn him and that's why he and his Emergency Management team ran out of the 23rd floor headquarters so fast that they left half eaten sandwiches and steaming cups of coffee to be discovered by those two guys that arrived late. Politicos and stooges like Rudy and Larry know enough to know not to know too much, It ain't healthy. Now in his dotage Giuliani believes what he has to believe – it's as twisted and pathetic and contemptible as that. And it's disgusting and it's frightening. Because those Likud psychos have nuclear weapons.
Mossad was the lead team that placed the explosives that brought down the WTC towers on September 11, 2001. (I downloaded the FBI report on the "dancing Israelis" so don't be telling me I don't know) That was a secret that could get even a big shot politician killed. But now it's that weird thing called an "open secret". So many people know it and yet the politicians at the top got to the top by pretending not to know it. Just like a previous generation pretended not to know who arranged to hit the Kennedy boys.
It's not real ignorance or stupidity or even insanity. But ultimately wilful ignorance leads to all three of those politically, economically and socially fatal mental illnesses. Power in Washington seems to have become the power to obey bosses.
It's still not permitted to say that factual truth, that Israel's covert agents blew up the WTC. Because the implication of it is that Israel took over the US government and is still calling the shots.
So the State Secretary of the USA – Tony Bliken, step son of Sam Pisar, Robert "CIA-MI6-Mossad agent" Maxwell's family lawyer – owes loyalty to his family above the loyalty to his country? He sure acts like it!
Problem is that the second most powerful nuclear armed nation on earth is being led like a dog by a tiny gangster narco-state because the gangsters that run it have nuclear weapons and yet they refuse to be under the orders of Washington.
It's a gangster culture from Tel Aviv to London to New York to Washington. But now the Godfathers in Tel Aviv are so sure they have played America for suckers that they are openly mass murdering civilians with US donated bombers, threatening to launch nuclear missiles and vowing to mass murder all of the natives of Palestine and as much as telling Washington to shut up and play ball because they are a bunch of schlepers. They are letting their soldiers murder unarmed civilians in hundreds using bulldozers to crush them to death – apparently because the IDF officers think that's fun. CNN has had to report it. Because it was all over the internet already. Because it was testified before the Knesset back in June.
So that don't smell too good as they used to say in the movies.
Nuclear World war Three would result if Whoever-the-fuck-thinks-he's "Israel" launches one of those nukes they don't have – which they have but don't have because stooges like Giuliani and Blinken can be made to say and believe anything. For a price, a damn cheap price.
So is Donald Trump going to put on the dog collar? I am worried about it because I live way too close to a a primary target city. So is Miriam Adelson the boss because of $100 million? If she is I'm worried about the world, like everybody ought to be because everybody is on GROUND ZERO! HELLO!!!
How much of a sucker and a schlepper and fool is America now? Are all of us people in the American empire, in the Nuclear Security zone – and that means Canadians like me too – really going to sit like pigeons on a hot wire while a New Holocaust is done right in front of our eyes? Not secret like the German Nazi Holocaust was, OPEN because now there's the internet! Human collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness – with all its primal fury – was never so real, never so empowered and yet unbridled, as it is now. And there is now the means to extinct the human species. Is a hundred million measly, inflated, near worthless American dollars enough to buy extinction?
We are being desensitized on many fronts. One example: More genocide in Gaza masqueraded as Israeli self-defense on any random day say the back pages of the newspapers, if at all. Response: Gee I hope that won't push the price of gas any higher. Puerto Rico gets insulted by the same camp who supports the SOB president who refused them emergency relief after much of that island's infrastructure was ruined by two hurricanes. Sexual innuendo in MGS by a fish out of water comedian who didn't belong on stage on a presidential campaign. And then Musk and company insult Harris by calling her the C-word. But the loyalists just roar approval; it doesn't matter what their idols say or do. You want decency, dignity? Go to a museum.
Obviously I was and I am extremely upset to hear that Giuliani made such remarks. I haven't listened to them. Apparently the gist was to the tune of, "We the Trump Team are with Israel and so are you and no matter how loathsome Israel wants to behave we are going to LOVE it even more than we love America because Israel IS America even more than America is America."
Yeah. I'm emotional about it. Did Giuliani bump Kamala Harris up just enough points so that the election will be tight enough to be plausibly fakeable? Because until I heard that Rudy G said that I thought Mika Brzezinski was talking nonsense about "hate" but then I heard about Rudy G.
Why would Trump allow Rudy to say that shit? Basically saying that if you thought Miriam Adelson had bought Trump and bought all of you 75,000 supporters you were RIGHT! Or did Trump not have control over Rudy? I don't know which is worse!
I know that I don't have a vote because I'm Canadian. And I am pretty sure a lot of 'Motor Voters' who are no more US citizens than I am WILL vote. And I hate that thought and blame Biden's handlers. But if I did have a vote I honestly do not know who I'd vote for. Maybe Jill Stein.
And I hate to feel this way. And I hate even more that I am justified by the facts to feel this way.
I love Rudy Giuliani‘s politics and he is a tremendous patriot and great leader for conservatism, but the thing I despise about this man is, he is a completely Zionist supporting Jewish supporting shill ,and thus his speeches often seem like they are about promoting war crimes.
I too wonder who in the RNC vetted Guliani's diatribe.
Celia questions whether 10/7 might have gone differently under Trump's watch.
If Trump had told Netanyahu, don't do it (stand down and facilitate the slaughter) would he have listened?
10/7 was the false flag rationalization for the subsequent murder campaign against the Palestinians. The Israeli military stood down for 7 hours while Hamas carried out their brutal slaughter. Retired Israeli military individuals have said as much. Last year I saw on Michel Chossudovsky ( globalresearch.org ) that there were close ties including money transactions between the Israel prime minister and Hamas.
Not errrrybody is a news junkie. Far from it. Some people actually play vidya and some even have dogs and a family.
OTOH, I think the vast majority of the leftist intellectuals who have made a career of this topic argue that it was the Hamas people who did it. They leave some room for the hypothesis of friendly fire, or that the IDF were shooting at the wrong crowd. Which is a bizarre hypothesis, anyway.
What you bring up, the HD, is possible, but difficult to prove.
The 3 Abrahamic religions all have cult/ occult sects within them if one does their due diligence through research. Most are touched by the New age movement in some form or fashion. Think for thyself. I don’t do the mystical thing.
Celia, I love your instincts. In the midst of merriment and glee, Giuliani's words were a long fingernail screech on a mega maga chalkboard. To hear the crowd applaud genocide and hate is demoralizing. Trump likely supports Giuliani's message. For this reason alone I did not vote for him. In my absentee ballot from abroad I wrote in Thomas Massie.
You voted for Harris then. Wasted vote. You have no idea what Trump thinks or will do about the mess in the Middle East, or who he supports. Giuliani isn’t very smart many times, and this was one of them. Good luck with your vote.
That is the same party-line argument I've heard since 1988- essentially, vote for the lesser of two evils. Perhaps, one is not incorrect to wonder whether a vote for the lesser of two evils is a vote for evil, nonetheless. And this post's discussion didn't even cover Trump's role in shepherding (and continuing to push) the genocidal Operation Warp Speed injection. Votes are free- no vote is "wasted."
“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
And continuing to call it the "China virus." FFS, it's the Fauci "virus" if it's anything. Outsourced final steps for the junk long in the making -- the needle.
The Mossad had a major hand in 9/11 and that Big Lie that has radically altered the entire globe continues unchecked. I find it next to impossible to even begin to participate in the charade we see today with that huge foundational lie going unchallenged. A society build upon lies simply will not stand.
Crawl back over to Conservative Treehouse or Fox News where your style of willful ignorance is appreciated.
Genuine patriots who have done some actual homework know the ugly truths about 9/11, and nothing Jim prints would be accepted by you anyway, so proving it to you would be impossible.
When Rudy G points to some group as responsible for something, it's a signal to dismiss who he is accusing and consider other more likely possibilities.
The voodoo Trump presidential limousine in Nov 22, 1963, style leaves me speechless.
It seems many large crowds will cheer most anything a person at a podium says - if they have been on a cheering roll for awhile.
Although, Kamala Harris seemed to get both cheers and boos as she spoke after Beyonce left the stage (when most at the stadium in Houston thought they were going to hear the pop singer give a concert).
Catherine Austin Fitts is saying the quiet part out loud - the war is a land grab, and a disproportionate response to Oct 7th.
You are right ... and Catherine Austin Fitts is spot on. A great lady proven so by refusing to cave and paying the price in the litigation wringer that 'they' threw at her.
Balfour announced in 1917 the upcoming land grab...made manifest in 1947...and has continued to this day by what Norm Finkelstein calls "the lunatic state."
There are no more proportional responses on either side. If Mexico had floated into Austin and murdered 100,000 Americans, which is the equivalent population sized death toll, I am quite sure a proportional response would be laughed out of the public sphere. It is a war for survival. Those get nasty. Lawn chair intellectualism describing proportional responses are irrelevant to those who are receiving incoming rockets and watching their family members in the south getting raped and having heads cut off. Nope, it won’t end until one side cries uncle and truly stops fighting for good. That may be another 100 years.
All orchestrated by the Zionist terrorist state of Israel no less against its own citizens. There's something about the genetic inbreeding, and deeply pathological culture of the nonSemitic Ashkenazim Zionists that founded Israel on rape, murder, pillage, and plunder to be the world's largest state sponsor after the U.S. that makes it an outlier in the world as the most pathological society in the world. It must be genetic, and cultural.
How about upping the ante to a million or two million (maybe more) for the death toll from the Endless Wars? And throw in C-19 bio-terrorism and the death toll maybe in the tens of millions? And then all the Death Shot injuries?
Said the man who destroyed it. Said the man who had no Constitutional authority for forcing the continuation of the Union with the States that wanted to secede.
Pretty sure it was the Democrats who held that 1939 Nazi Third Reich fundraiser at Madison Square Garden - which is why Trump chose it, no doubt. LOL. But lest we think Trump is a good choice, just wait. It's all engineered. Just as they all are.
All this useless debate... Energy that would be much better spent steeling ourselves for what's to come.
I watch the Trump mania with both understanding and despair. Who doesn't want out of the last four+ years of a crisis-a-day? But how can so many still not see that we've been deceived on multiple levels? How does anyone believe this "election" isn't just a show meant to placate Americans and distract them from where their attention should be focused?
My biggest concern is all of this worship of Elon Musk, whose main goal is to get us all hooked up on Neurolink. I mean, seriously... how easily duped people are, all the while calling others the duped ones. It's just so tiresome!
Yup. And how are they learning about how to hook up the brain? Monkeys! They torture moneys. They prod their brains. And you can bet they are using humans too.
It's sickening. And unsurprising considering the approval of death jabs for 6 month old babies.
Human and animal lives are of no value to the monsters.
There was a lab for many years on Plum Island, off NY state, where reportedly terrible experiments on animals were done. I read that it was being shut down only to find out that a new and larger "lab" is being built, in Kansas, I think. State of the art torture facility.
Anyone participating in constructing that place knowing what its purpose is has no soul.
Yes, the Musk idolatry is ridiculous. But it also applies to many others, including the now well-known doctors still on board with the "covid" lie (Kory, Malone, McCullough). They'll admit the jabs are bad, but "covid" was real. Same thing with Musk. He's (ostensibly) for free speech & human rights, but wants to chip our brains. Elevating these guys to hero status is what happens when people use MSM as their news source. There's no excuse for people not to dig deeper and spend time researching.
Agree completely. Covid was first and foremost a scam. It does not exist. People just started reporting flu that went deadly because now it had a new name and people were zeroed in on it - due to the global marketing campaign. I got a glimpse at the marketing campaign in early March 2020 and knew at that moment what a massive scam they were pulling.
YOU are awake Celia! What a great commentary! Thank you!
At 61, this is the first year I haven’t voted for a POTUS. I voted for Trump twice. I cannot vote for him for moral, and spiritual reasons. I do not support Israel, or the genocide of Palestinians.
This fact is so baffling to me. I can see the carnage of all kinds of health problems, and the people killed under hospital death protocols and everyone just soldiers on as if nothing happened. They won't go get any more shots though. The hockey games now all feature grotesque segments about cancer kids. Millions dead in this country, millions injured and lives shattered and we just shut up and take it.
If you are referring to Rancourt's 17 million 'extra' deaths in the 3 years following the unprecedentedly low death year of 2019 then it's been thoroughly debunked: by me.
It is embarrassing to suggest the all of these extra deaths (I make it 10 million but whatever) in 3 years were not caused ageing (as a population ages more people die, lockdowns, junk food, gym closure etc etc or the fact that 2019 was such an incredibly low death year.
Thank you Celia! And thank you for including a link to the Mike Adams podcast. You can’t advocate for children’s well being and stay silent or even encourage US funding of genocide and brazen massacres and psychological torture of children in Palestine.
Rudy clearly said what he did in hopes of persuading any independent Jewish fence-sitters to vote for Trump if they really want to defend Israel against its enemies. Whether it's MAGA doctrine is really not the point. The point is NO ONE becomes president of the U.S. without the backing of the Israel Lobby (in all its forms) and wealthy Zionist donors. The fact is President Trump was the biggest friend of Israel since President Johnson. He'll march the U S. into WWIII to "defend" Israel just as fast as Harris would. These are tremendously precarious and dangerous times for the whole world.
That's a hollow assertion not backed by facts. Trump didn't do much for Israel. He knows how to play the game. After all he developed properties in NYC which is crawling with Ashkenazim nut jobs. The deep state runs policies on Israel. Trump simply played along to get along.
Well, Dennis, I stand corrected. After four years of President Trump, in January 2020, Benjamin Netanyahu made a similar statement to mine but he described Donald Trump as “THE best friend that Israel has ever had in the White House”. (Emphasis mine.) Wow, Bibi thought Donald was even better than Lyndon who, after JFK was eliminated, radically reversed U.S. foreign policy, turned a blind eye, and allowed Israel to develop their nuclear arsenal! Yes sir, JFK was dead set against a nuclear-armed Israel, as was his brother Bobby. Didn’t work out well for either of those courageous men – compliments of the Deep State.
Why would Netanyahu call Trump Israel’s best White House friend ever? Is he just making "a hollow assertion not backed by facts"? Probably not. Bibi’s assessment most likely had something to do with Trump doing these top ten factual favors for Israel:
1. Radically reversing US policy by pulling out of the Iran-Nuclear Deal and re-imposing tough sanctions on Iran, Israel’s number one enemy.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
3. Disregarding the UN Resolution 2334 that Israel’s settlement activity in occupied Palestine constituted a flagrant violation of international law and had his Secretary of State Pompeo formally declare that “the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se, inconsistent with international law.” Settlement building proceeded full speed ahead.
4. Signing a proclamation that stated “the United States recognizes that the Golan Heights are part of the State of Israel”.
5. Blaming Palestinians for the impasse in negotiations and drafting his own peace plan “The Deal of the Century”. Netanyahu enthusiastically agreed as it would have effectively stripped millions of Palestinians of their rights and further entrenched Israeli occupation and control. The Palestinians weren’t keen on it.
6. Pulling out of UNESCO
7. Withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council that had always been highly critical of Israel’s record.
8. Siding with Israel against the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank.
9. Cutting U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority.
10. Continuing to send billions of U.S. dollars in military and other aid to Israel.
The Deep State not only runs policy on Israel, it runs policy on everything that actually matters. Politicians are simply interchangeable front men – puppets that ALL play along to get along IF they want to get elected and stay in office. But, according to Bibi, as far as Israel is concerned, Trump is the G.O.A.T.
I know they all must go and touch the wailing wall. What’s that all about? Why are christians putting their hand on the wailing wall. Do Christians not know their history, or is that all been forgotten or forgiven?
Just a head's up, for those who don't know, 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.
So when Trump makes his entrance to 'Sympathy for the Devil' by the Rolling Stones, and all those clueless people are chanting "MAGA, MAGA, MAGA" it is fealty and devotion to the Lord of Darkness.
Here's another one for you Celia. Do you think its a coincidence that Diddy exploded the same week the Prime documentary on Prince Andrew and the facts of the civil suit brought by the 17year old girl against Epstein and Prince Andrew, came out because the girl, Virginia Giuffre Roberts, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. And from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
Not surprised at all. And Elon Musk's mom is an open and proud satanist. I am leaning towards believing he is as well, with his $7000 baphomet costume - the pic of himself in it was his first X avatar. He wants his neurolink project to flourish, he's luring people in with promises of freedom etc. What bullshit. No billionaire with his kind of power wants the little people to flourish. He just wants us to open our wallets.
They have had this in the works for well over 100 years, yes. They destroyed healthcare, making it deathcare. That took a good 120 years. And that's only a tiny example of the long-range plans.
In the video (great on btw) they show the Bavarian boy, then a flash of a boy in a modern suit, who is the modern boy and what is he doing with his hand?
Thank you. There is not one area of all of this that is not co-opted by evil. And it is very sad to me seeing Christians especially fall SO EASILY for satanic tactics. Of all people, they should be aware. They have been tempted and have easily caved. Reading the gospel of Luke right now and reflecting on what the devil offered Jesus - to rule all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus said "no." His kingdom was of God, not of men. The most cringey mass-blasphemy was these big mega pastors laying their hands upon Trump as the anointed one. What the actual hell.
Great Substack! Excellent points! Thoughtful discussion and thanks for including so many links… making the information easily accessible to all.
Rudy was a buzz-kill. I'm surprised the 'Left' didn't go after him. He really should not have been up there saying those things.
It was extremely disappointing, bordering on deeply offensive, and that's the nicest thing I can think to say.
"They" may have used Rudy Giuliani's crisis management center in WTC-7 to run the show on 9/11/01, at least the local show, and imploded all the evidence, along with the Enron inside-trading evidence accumulated there, at 5:20 PM, while the evening news was playing the scroll from earlier that day.
How could he have NOT been complicit, at least in the cover-up?
I recall over two decades ago seeing footage of Rudy and entourage on 9/11 doing a fast walk away from the towers with someone , possibly Rudy, vocalizing they had to hurry because that building was coming down in (20?) minutes. That told me then that he was in on it.
Coverup. He's far too stupid to be let "in on it". He's about as dumb, and wilfully so, as Larry Silverstein who was too ignorant to know that he shouldn't have said they "decided to PULL it" , a controlled demolition phrase. My guess is that Siliverstein knew enough to be complicit in letting the Mossad team in to rig the blast and I'm guessing Larry called Rudy to warn him and that's why he and his Emergency Management team ran out of the 23rd floor headquarters so fast that they left half eaten sandwiches and steaming cups of coffee to be discovered by those two guys that arrived late. Politicos and stooges like Rudy and Larry know enough to know not to know too much, It ain't healthy. Now in his dotage Giuliani believes what he has to believe – it's as twisted and pathetic and contemptible as that. And it's disgusting and it's frightening. Because those Likud psychos have nuclear weapons.
Taking orders is different from "stupid", I think.
They know they are protected while they carry out their orders.
Mossad was the lead team that placed the explosives that brought down the WTC towers on September 11, 2001. (I downloaded the FBI report on the "dancing Israelis" so don't be telling me I don't know) That was a secret that could get even a big shot politician killed. But now it's that weird thing called an "open secret". So many people know it and yet the politicians at the top got to the top by pretending not to know it. Just like a previous generation pretended not to know who arranged to hit the Kennedy boys.
It's not real ignorance or stupidity or even insanity. But ultimately wilful ignorance leads to all three of those politically, economically and socially fatal mental illnesses. Power in Washington seems to have become the power to obey bosses.
It's still not permitted to say that factual truth, that Israel's covert agents blew up the WTC. Because the implication of it is that Israel took over the US government and is still calling the shots.
So the State Secretary of the USA – Tony Bliken, step son of Sam Pisar, Robert "CIA-MI6-Mossad agent" Maxwell's family lawyer – owes loyalty to his family above the loyalty to his country? He sure acts like it!
Problem is that the second most powerful nuclear armed nation on earth is being led like a dog by a tiny gangster narco-state because the gangsters that run it have nuclear weapons and yet they refuse to be under the orders of Washington.
It's a gangster culture from Tel Aviv to London to New York to Washington. But now the Godfathers in Tel Aviv are so sure they have played America for suckers that they are openly mass murdering civilians with US donated bombers, threatening to launch nuclear missiles and vowing to mass murder all of the natives of Palestine and as much as telling Washington to shut up and play ball because they are a bunch of schlepers. They are letting their soldiers murder unarmed civilians in hundreds using bulldozers to crush them to death – apparently because the IDF officers think that's fun. CNN has had to report it. Because it was all over the internet already. Because it was testified before the Knesset back in June.
So that don't smell too good as they used to say in the movies.
Nuclear World war Three would result if Whoever-the-fuck-thinks-he's "Israel" launches one of those nukes they don't have – which they have but don't have because stooges like Giuliani and Blinken can be made to say and believe anything. For a price, a damn cheap price.
So is Donald Trump going to put on the dog collar? I am worried about it because I live way too close to a a primary target city. So is Miriam Adelson the boss because of $100 million? If she is I'm worried about the world, like everybody ought to be because everybody is on GROUND ZERO! HELLO!!!
For amusement I'm going to go Bill Clinton on you with his infamous the meaning of "is" except I will substitute the word "in" for is.
"In"-on-it here means partway in; in just enough to be a compartmentalized tool/patsy/stooge, taking orders from those who owned/own him.
Rudy's owners, broadly speaking, are the same group to whom he paid fealty in MGS two days ago.
And one of their clan it seems is this "you-are-dead-to-us" woman who with her late husband have donated over $100 million to Trump.
How much of a sucker and a schlepper and fool is America now? Are all of us people in the American empire, in the Nuclear Security zone – and that means Canadians like me too – really going to sit like pigeons on a hot wire while a New Holocaust is done right in front of our eyes? Not secret like the German Nazi Holocaust was, OPEN because now there's the internet! Human collective consciousness and collective unconsciousness – with all its primal fury – was never so real, never so empowered and yet unbridled, as it is now. And there is now the means to extinct the human species. Is a hundred million measly, inflated, near worthless American dollars enough to buy extinction?
We are being desensitized on many fronts. One example: More genocide in Gaza masqueraded as Israeli self-defense on any random day say the back pages of the newspapers, if at all. Response: Gee I hope that won't push the price of gas any higher. Puerto Rico gets insulted by the same camp who supports the SOB president who refused them emergency relief after much of that island's infrastructure was ruined by two hurricanes. Sexual innuendo in MGS by a fish out of water comedian who didn't belong on stage on a presidential campaign. And then Musk and company insult Harris by calling her the C-word. But the loyalists just roar approval; it doesn't matter what their idols say or do. You want decency, dignity? Go to a museum.
Obviously I was and I am extremely upset to hear that Giuliani made such remarks. I haven't listened to them. Apparently the gist was to the tune of, "We the Trump Team are with Israel and so are you and no matter how loathsome Israel wants to behave we are going to LOVE it even more than we love America because Israel IS America even more than America is America."
Yeah. I'm emotional about it. Did Giuliani bump Kamala Harris up just enough points so that the election will be tight enough to be plausibly fakeable? Because until I heard that Rudy G said that I thought Mika Brzezinski was talking nonsense about "hate" but then I heard about Rudy G.
Why would Trump allow Rudy to say that shit? Basically saying that if you thought Miriam Adelson had bought Trump and bought all of you 75,000 supporters you were RIGHT! Or did Trump not have control over Rudy? I don't know which is worse!
I know that I don't have a vote because I'm Canadian. And I am pretty sure a lot of 'Motor Voters' who are no more US citizens than I am WILL vote. And I hate that thought and blame Biden's handlers. But if I did have a vote I honestly do not know who I'd vote for. Maybe Jill Stein.
And I hate to feel this way. And I hate even more that I am justified by the facts to feel this way.
I love Rudy Giuliani‘s politics and he is a tremendous patriot and great leader for conservatism, but the thing I despise about this man is, he is a completely Zionist supporting Jewish supporting shill ,and thus his speeches often seem like they are about promoting war crimes.
I too wonder who in the RNC vetted Guliani's diatribe.
Celia questions whether 10/7 might have gone differently under Trump's watch.
If Trump had told Netanyahu, don't do it (stand down and facilitate the slaughter) would he have listened?
10/7 was the false flag rationalization for the subsequent murder campaign against the Palestinians. The Israeli military stood down for 7 hours while Hamas carried out their brutal slaughter. Retired Israeli military individuals have said as much. Last year I saw on Michel Chossudovsky ( globalresearch.org ) that there were close ties including money transactions between the Israel prime minister and Hamas.
"The Israeli military stood down for 7 hours while Hamas carried out their brutal slaughter."
Hannibal Directive: The Red Sea Pedestrians took out their own people.
It just occurred to me that had I more accurately put Hamas in quotations "Hamas" then we wouldn't have had this exchange.
If I'm understanding you correctly than that's a twist I hadn't heard yet. Do you have more information?
I do not believe you when you state, " that's a twist I hadn't heard yet."
This was all over both MSM and Alt news, however briefly on MSM.
The "relationship" between Hamas and the Israel govmnt was considered null and void when Hamas won the Palestine election in 2006.
I must have blinked the moment that "news" was delivered.
mo might have missed it.
Not errrrybody is a news junkie. Far from it. Some people actually play vidya and some even have dogs and a family.
OTOH, I think the vast majority of the leftist intellectuals who have made a career of this topic argue that it was the Hamas people who did it. They leave some room for the hypothesis of friendly fire, or that the IDF were shooting at the wrong crowd. Which is a bizarre hypothesis, anyway.
What you bring up, the HD, is possible, but difficult to prove.
Asa Winstanley is now under arrest for his reporting.
He's been neutered. The left doesn't care about him. He's an embarrassment too, he should just be led out to pasture.
Thank you Celia for being you…seeing the world in a rational sensible way and willing to express what you observe so cogently.
The 3 Abrahamic religions all have cult/ occult sects within them if one does their due diligence through research. Most are touched by the New age movement in some form or fashion. Think for thyself. I don’t do the mystical thing.
Celia, I love your instincts. In the midst of merriment and glee, Giuliani's words were a long fingernail screech on a mega maga chalkboard. To hear the crowd applaud genocide and hate is demoralizing. Trump likely supports Giuliani's message. For this reason alone I did not vote for him. In my absentee ballot from abroad I wrote in Thomas Massie.
You voted for Harris then. Wasted vote. You have no idea what Trump thinks or will do about the mess in the Middle East, or who he supports. Giuliani isn’t very smart many times, and this was one of them. Good luck with your vote.
That is the same party-line argument I've heard since 1988- essentially, vote for the lesser of two evils. Perhaps, one is not incorrect to wonder whether a vote for the lesser of two evils is a vote for evil, nonetheless. And this post's discussion didn't even cover Trump's role in shepherding (and continuing to push) the genocidal Operation Warp Speed injection. Votes are free- no vote is "wasted."
But, all the best to you.
Picking the lesser evil…
“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt
Cool, hadn't heard that from her.
And continuing to call it the "China virus." FFS, it's the Fauci "virus" if it's anything. Outsourced final steps for the junk long in the making -- the needle.
Agree. Wasted vote. Not the time to crawl up on high horses is it.
I would love Massie for president. But I'll wait until he runs to vote for him.
Massie - wish I'd thought to do that!
Your an idiot!!
The Mossad had a major hand in 9/11 and that Big Lie that has radically altered the entire globe continues unchecked. I find it next to impossible to even begin to participate in the charade we see today with that huge foundational lie going unchallenged. A society build upon lies simply will not stand.
Duck Cheney as mossad I like it
Prove it.
Crawl back over to Conservative Treehouse or Fox News where your style of willful ignorance is appreciated.
Genuine patriots who have done some actual homework know the ugly truths about 9/11, and nothing Jim prints would be accepted by you anyway, so proving it to you would be impossible.
I like the conservative treehouse. Sunshine!
Ironically, the piece I provided was done by Fox News. But I’m sure it won’t sway his opinion towards truth.
Good place to start.
When Rudy G points to some group as responsible for something, it's a signal to dismiss who he is accusing and consider other more likely possibilities.
The voodoo Trump presidential limousine in Nov 22, 1963, style leaves me speechless.
It seems many large crowds will cheer most anything a person at a podium says - if they have been on a cheering roll for awhile.
Although, Kamala Harris seemed to get both cheers and boos as she spoke after Beyonce left the stage (when most at the stadium in Houston thought they were going to hear the pop singer give a concert).
Catherine Austin Fitts is saying the quiet part out loud - the war is a land grab, and a disproportionate response to Oct 7th.
Much like whole covid scam was a smokescreen for the biggest asset theft in all of recorded history
You are right ... and Catherine Austin Fitts is spot on. A great lady proven so by refusing to cave and paying the price in the litigation wringer that 'they' threw at her.
Balfour announced in 1917 the upcoming land grab...made manifest in 1947...and has continued to this day by what Norm Finkelstein calls "the lunatic state."
There are no more proportional responses on either side. If Mexico had floated into Austin and murdered 100,000 Americans, which is the equivalent population sized death toll, I am quite sure a proportional response would be laughed out of the public sphere. It is a war for survival. Those get nasty. Lawn chair intellectualism describing proportional responses are irrelevant to those who are receiving incoming rockets and watching their family members in the south getting raped and having heads cut off. Nope, it won’t end until one side cries uncle and truly stops fighting for good. That may be another 100 years.
No one in Israel got their heads cut off you goof.
Netanyahu is on the record providing support for Hamas. The Zionists need Hamas, or their entire program fails.
All orchestrated by the Zionist terrorist state of Israel no less against its own citizens. There's something about the genetic inbreeding, and deeply pathological culture of the nonSemitic Ashkenazim Zionists that founded Israel on rape, murder, pillage, and plunder to be the world's largest state sponsor after the U.S. that makes it an outlier in the world as the most pathological society in the world. It must be genetic, and cultural.
How about upping the ante to a million or two million (maybe more) for the death toll from the Endless Wars? And throw in C-19 bio-terrorism and the death toll maybe in the tens of millions? And then all the Death Shot injuries?
Oct 7th was a false flag for that very reason (land grab, genocide) seems a reasonable assumption based on evidence.
Can someone please remind me, what is Trump's reason that Americans must support Izrael on it's Nazi death march to conquer the Middle East?
Peter Thiel?
Thank You for weaving a multi-faceted narrative rather than a One-Sided Rant❗️When will the USA 🇺🇸 return to being a country:
“Of the People, By the People, For the People “❗️
Said the man who destroyed it. Said the man who had no Constitutional authority for forcing the continuation of the Union with the States that wanted to secede.
Oh, the irony.
Lincoln. The Great Centralizer.
In the American joke that is the punchline
Pretty sure it was the Democrats who held that 1939 Nazi Third Reich fundraiser at Madison Square Garden - which is why Trump chose it, no doubt. LOL. But lest we think Trump is a good choice, just wait. It's all engineered. Just as they all are.
Nailed it.
All this useless debate... Energy that would be much better spent steeling ourselves for what's to come.
I watch the Trump mania with both understanding and despair. Who doesn't want out of the last four+ years of a crisis-a-day? But how can so many still not see that we've been deceived on multiple levels? How does anyone believe this "election" isn't just a show meant to placate Americans and distract them from where their attention should be focused?
My biggest concern is all of this worship of Elon Musk, whose main goal is to get us all hooked up on Neurolink. I mean, seriously... how easily duped people are, all the while calling others the duped ones. It's just so tiresome!
Yup. And how are they learning about how to hook up the brain? Monkeys! They torture moneys. They prod their brains. And you can bet they are using humans too.
It's sickening. And unsurprising considering the approval of death jabs for 6 month old babies.
Human and animal lives are of no value to the monsters.
There was a lab for many years on Plum Island, off NY state, where reportedly terrible experiments on animals were done. I read that it was being shut down only to find out that a new and larger "lab" is being built, in Kansas, I think. State of the art torture facility.
Anyone participating in constructing that place knowing what its purpose is has no soul.
Yes, the Musk idolatry is ridiculous. But it also applies to many others, including the now well-known doctors still on board with the "covid" lie (Kory, Malone, McCullough). They'll admit the jabs are bad, but "covid" was real. Same thing with Musk. He's (ostensibly) for free speech & human rights, but wants to chip our brains. Elevating these guys to hero status is what happens when people use MSM as their news source. There's no excuse for people not to dig deeper and spend time researching.
Agree completely. Covid was first and foremost a scam. It does not exist. People just started reporting flu that went deadly because now it had a new name and people were zeroed in on it - due to the global marketing campaign. I got a glimpse at the marketing campaign in early March 2020 and knew at that moment what a massive scam they were pulling.
Bingo Mary / Sue.
Me too. But, what the hell r we supposed to do?
I feel like it’s one big show and all of them including Trump are actors playing a part. A live real time soap opera for the masses.
It's Zionists like Rudi Juliani who are the New Nazis. Really depressing that his rant wasn't challenged by any of the all-star MSG cast. Not good.
YOU are awake Celia! What a great commentary! Thank you!
At 61, this is the first year I haven’t voted for a POTUS. I voted for Trump twice. I cannot vote for him for moral, and spiritual reasons. I do not support Israel, or the genocide of Palestinians.
Operation Warp Speed, and vaccines is another reason…https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/ (from 2020)…
It's so queasy and strange that the vaccine holocaust is erased at these events.
It really is. It tells me that just like the Democrats, Republicans are fine with anything their candidate does. Not a good thing.
That’s a big 💥BOOM💥🎯 Mary!
YES! there are no differences in which side of the BORG coin one chooses in 'Murica.
I'm also not so sure that the BRICS will facilitate the changes they would like to manifest.
This fact is so baffling to me. I can see the carnage of all kinds of health problems, and the people killed under hospital death protocols and everyone just soldiers on as if nothing happened. They won't go get any more shots though. The hockey games now all feature grotesque segments about cancer kids. Millions dead in this country, millions injured and lives shattered and we just shut up and take it.
"The hockey games now all feature grotesque segments about cancer kids."
Also claimed Holocau$t survivors (Game 7 Stanley Cup), and pimping the military, in a league run by Shlomos.
It's the Big Mind Wipe. Why do so many find being deaf dumb and blind so appealing?
What vaccine holocaust Celia?
If you are referring to Rancourt's 17 million 'extra' deaths in the 3 years following the unprecedentedly low death year of 2019 then it's been thoroughly debunked: by me.
It is embarrassing to suggest the all of these extra deaths (I make it 10 million but whatever) in 3 years were not caused ageing (as a population ages more people die, lockdowns, junk food, gym closure etc etc or the fact that 2019 was such an incredibly low death year.
The vaccines kill people and make them ill- but i deny it's a holocaust. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-what-does-it-show?utm_source=publication-search
It’s the vaccine for me. I don’t care about Israel or Gaza.
Caring for humanity I thought was our greatest service.
Condemning people to death is rather death cultish.
Democrat nominee Bill Clinton accepting the nomination for President at a Nazi rally in Madison Square Garden in 1992. https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1850919374065926628
Thank you Celia! And thank you for including a link to the Mike Adams podcast. You can’t advocate for children’s well being and stay silent or even encourage US funding of genocide and brazen massacres and psychological torture of children in Palestine.
Rudy clearly said what he did in hopes of persuading any independent Jewish fence-sitters to vote for Trump if they really want to defend Israel against its enemies. Whether it's MAGA doctrine is really not the point. The point is NO ONE becomes president of the U.S. without the backing of the Israel Lobby (in all its forms) and wealthy Zionist donors. The fact is President Trump was the biggest friend of Israel since President Johnson. He'll march the U S. into WWIII to "defend" Israel just as fast as Harris would. These are tremendously precarious and dangerous times for the whole world.
That's a hollow assertion not backed by facts. Trump didn't do much for Israel. He knows how to play the game. After all he developed properties in NYC which is crawling with Ashkenazim nut jobs. The deep state runs policies on Israel. Trump simply played along to get along.
Well, Dennis, I stand corrected. After four years of President Trump, in January 2020, Benjamin Netanyahu made a similar statement to mine but he described Donald Trump as “THE best friend that Israel has ever had in the White House”. (Emphasis mine.) Wow, Bibi thought Donald was even better than Lyndon who, after JFK was eliminated, radically reversed U.S. foreign policy, turned a blind eye, and allowed Israel to develop their nuclear arsenal! Yes sir, JFK was dead set against a nuclear-armed Israel, as was his brother Bobby. Didn’t work out well for either of those courageous men – compliments of the Deep State.
Why would Netanyahu call Trump Israel’s best White House friend ever? Is he just making "a hollow assertion not backed by facts"? Probably not. Bibi’s assessment most likely had something to do with Trump doing these top ten factual favors for Israel:
1. Radically reversing US policy by pulling out of the Iran-Nuclear Deal and re-imposing tough sanctions on Iran, Israel’s number one enemy.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
3. Disregarding the UN Resolution 2334 that Israel’s settlement activity in occupied Palestine constituted a flagrant violation of international law and had his Secretary of State Pompeo formally declare that “the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se, inconsistent with international law.” Settlement building proceeded full speed ahead.
4. Signing a proclamation that stated “the United States recognizes that the Golan Heights are part of the State of Israel”.
5. Blaming Palestinians for the impasse in negotiations and drafting his own peace plan “The Deal of the Century”. Netanyahu enthusiastically agreed as it would have effectively stripped millions of Palestinians of their rights and further entrenched Israeli occupation and control. The Palestinians weren’t keen on it.
6. Pulling out of UNESCO
7. Withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council that had always been highly critical of Israel’s record.
8. Siding with Israel against the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank.
9. Cutting U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority.
10. Continuing to send billions of U.S. dollars in military and other aid to Israel.
The Deep State not only runs policy on Israel, it runs policy on everything that actually matters. Politicians are simply interchangeable front men – puppets that ALL play along to get along IF they want to get elected and stay in office. But, according to Bibi, as far as Israel is concerned, Trump is the G.O.A.T.
I know they all must go and touch the wailing wall. What’s that all about? Why are christians putting their hand on the wailing wall. Do Christians not know their history, or is that all been forgotten or forgiven?
Just a head's up, for those who don't know, 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.
So when Trump makes his entrance to 'Sympathy for the Devil' by the Rolling Stones, and all those clueless people are chanting "MAGA, MAGA, MAGA" it is fealty and devotion to the Lord of Darkness.
Is that why they're rebranding to 'MAHA'?
Here's another one for you Celia. Do you think its a coincidence that Diddy exploded the same week the Prime documentary on Prince Andrew and the facts of the civil suit brought by the 17year old girl against Epstein and Prince Andrew, came out because the girl, Virginia Giuffre Roberts, testified that she was taken to Mar-a-Iago by Ghislaine Maxwell, and “recruited from Mar-a-Iago” to have sex with Prince Andrew. And from Mar-a-Iago to Epstein’s island is a boat ride.
Alexander Acosta is the corrupt U.S. State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!
And what happened to Acosta as a result???
In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!
By President Donald J. Trump.
Not surprised at all. And Elon Musk's mom is an open and proud satanist. I am leaning towards believing he is as well, with his $7000 baphomet costume - the pic of himself in it was his first X avatar. He wants his neurolink project to flourish, he's luring people in with promises of freedom etc. What bullshit. No billionaire with his kind of power wants the little people to flourish. He just wants us to open our wallets.
Oh yes Real Mary, and Musk of course is Bloodline. Swiss 'Haldeminn' on his mother's side.
And is smiling and lying just like all the llluminati performers. And putting it right in everyone's face.
Just like Chelsea Clinton wearing her upside down cross necklace and Tweeting to the Church of Satan!
Hiiding it right in plain sight.
Have you seen the Denver New World Airport murals???
Right in plain sight! They even signed it!
The llluminati THEMSELVES, showed us exactly what they are doing to the world, and who wins, as per the Prime Directive.
Hiding it right in plain sight!
PS. Note in the 3rd panel the little triumphant BAVARIAN JEZUIT boy, and his exotic-looking girl friend. Look like anyone we know? ;)
And that was 1995!
The Evil are loooong-range planners.
They have had this in the works for well over 100 years, yes. They destroyed healthcare, making it deathcare. That took a good 120 years. And that's only a tiny example of the long-range plans.
In the video (great on btw) they show the Bavarian boy, then a flash of a boy in a modern suit, who is the modern boy and what is he doing with his hand?
The boy is Prince William, and I don't know what he is doing with his hand. Thoughts?
If you're interested Un-Silent, Grace Powers, who made this video, has other break-it-down videos on who really runs this planet, and how they do it.
I thought that was who he might be, I just couldn't remember his name. Thanks for the link.
Exactly, and what's with this "dark MAGA" and "goth MAGA" stuff? MAGA is supposed to be the people of light and truth not darkness,
Thank you. There is not one area of all of this that is not co-opted by evil. And it is very sad to me seeing Christians especially fall SO EASILY for satanic tactics. Of all people, they should be aware. They have been tempted and have easily caved. Reading the gospel of Luke right now and reflecting on what the devil offered Jesus - to rule all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus said "no." His kingdom was of God, not of men. The most cringey mass-blasphemy was these big mega pastors laying their hands upon Trump as the anointed one. What the actual hell.
Speaking of the cringey Real Mary, how about that fake assassination attempt and Rev 13.3!
I wish David McGowan was around to break down the Trump assassination attempt, that's for sure. I don't know Rev 13.3, please enlighten.
I don't know Rev 13 either other than the beast receives a fatal wound and is miraculously healed so who could ever war against the beast?
It was popular after the soooo staged fake assassination attempt.
Personally, I never consented to being governed. But If you feel compelled to vote, consider this.