Great idea, Celia! Citizen correspondents all over the world filing reports that won't be filed by the captured MSM ... and then sending them to you so you can distribute them to a wider audience.

Anything that allows us to get around the "gatekeepers of the news" is a wonderful project. Everyone start sending Celia your local stories (and photos)!

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Love this venue and idea, Celia. Enjoyed seeing and hearing the grassroots crowd. AOC is just an actor put where she is to stir up activists.

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deletedMay 24·edited May 24Liked by Celia Farber
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I don't like Trump at all & don't support any candidates. You, however, may have TDS.

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Interesting, as a foreigner, the "Election" In the USA. But essentially meaningless in the scheme of things. Far more relevant are the Banksters and their cartels and the Reserve status of the Amerikan dollar. After De-dollarisation, the USA shall have to act like a nation run by grown-ups, not a petulant Gerontokakistocracy.

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AOC is utterly ridiculous. I agree. But I just listened to a three-hour compilation of 2020-2022 "COVID" insanity put together by George Hobbs, who hosts a great podcast called "The Fact Hunter." He featured a bevy of Donald Trump jab-supporting pieces in there. It's really distressing, to put it mildly. Makes it hard for me to look at Trump as anything but a member of the club, playing his role to move forward their agenda.

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Is Celia the best journalist of our modern age? Who else: Smedly Butler, Fletcher Prouty, Harry Franck... but that's a different sort of thing.

I hope this project gets off the ground, because Ms Farber has a fully established credibility that, hopefully, will only draw similarly credible people.

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Fantastic coverage of the rally and great new direction.

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This is great. Thank you.

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Great idea Celia! This was great getting someone on the ground giving a TRUE report of what is a the going on.

Good luck to you!

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not that it matters, but I see people with legitimate grievances, a sense of camaraderie and enthusiasm- subtly /not so subtly being channeled/led down the garden path...

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I like the vivid exposure of AOC, and the total reveal of the (long running) lie that all Trump supporters are racists, white supremacists, or even just white.

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This is a great idea, I for one love it.

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I kept wondering...why did the frisbee keep getting bigger and bigger???....

...And then it hit me.

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I Love this idea…takes the pressure off you to always be ‘churning out’ content…and we get to hear from others, whom we didn’t know or what they have to say!

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George Carlin stated in a famous rant "When you're born in this world you're given a ticket to the freak show, but when you're born in America you get a front row seat!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkTeZLiNCoM&t=10s Sad to note but he never achieved greatness due to his irreverent G-d denial and foul mouth! But in other dialogues he dismisses American democracy (and I suggest other similar political systems) as an illusion; the illusion of choice! "You have none. The game is rigged, the table is tilted" but people still vote with the flimsiest reasons for believing that change can come about! I knew at 17 when I first heard it and instantly acknowledged the fact that there can never be change within a system as it changing it would be an act of political suicide. I posted over 15 years ago that "America is fomenting civil war and home and World War abroad" and the chickens have come home to roost as WW3 has already started, in case you hadn't noticed!

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Carlin was IN.THE.BIG.CLUB.

Get the potato out of your tailpipe.

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So... what big club?

Was that supposed to be a link?

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May 27·edited May 27

Not a link.

Carlin had a routine:

"It's a Big Club...and YOU ain't in it."

But George *was* in the club, but implying, TO YOU, that he was not.

"If you know their name, they're in the game."

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I am aware of the "Collective Waste Zio/Globo/Homo BORG Organized Crime Syndicate", but i surmised the words in link colour as a big reveal of some sort.

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May 30·edited May 30


...sometimes it does weird graphical stuff.


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(just like Edith Bunker)

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Potato in your tailpipe

The “potato in the tailpipe” prank is a popular joke where someone inserts a potato into a car’s exhaust pipe, often with the intention of causing chaos and amusement. But what actually happens when a potato is stuffed into a car’s tailpipe?

The Results

According to various sources, including Reddit and car enthusiast blogs, the most common outcome is that the potato will either shoot out of the tailpipe or get propelled out of the pipe as the engine starts. In some cases, the potato may not even make it out of the pipe, but instead, the car will stall due to the blockage.

Potential Consequences

While the prank may seem harmless, it’s essential to remember that tampering with a car’s exhaust system can be dangerous and potentially illegal. In some jurisdictions, inserting objects into a car’s tailpipe can result in fines, penalties, and legal consequences.

The Verdict

In conclusion, the “potato in the tailpipe” prank is more of a comedic stunt than a serious prank. While it may provide some laughs, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and avoid causing damage to the car or putting others at risk. So, if you’re considering trying this prank, make sure to do so responsibly and with caution.

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May 24·edited May 24

Quite a newsworthy event. Good coverage. According to The Daily Mail, this is the first time in forty years that a Republican Presidential candidate has visited the Bronx.

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