One of my close family friends has been subject to the wicked persecution from J6, destroying a lifelong career and all his life savings. Remember, the city attorney of DC has filed an equally malicious tort case against all the J6 POWs to bankrupt them alll. The same city attorney never went after Antifa and BLM for burning up the city in summer 2020. But then, that was deep state sanctioned violence.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

I went to see a BLM protest in DC in 2020. There were huge tables with food and drinks. They asked me whether I wanted chicken or pasta.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Yes. I did laugh!

Way back in high school our "Gridiron" Football team had a black running back that loved to egg us on for not adopting his preferred definition of himself! He told us, "If you can't treat me square - I calls ya Honkies, you can call me "Nigger", as it is just a mispronounciation of 'negro'."

Then, "My mum and her sister are NOT 'ho's. They are executive companions (wink)!)

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What did Steve Martin say almost 50 years ago:

"If ya can't take a joke, F*ck ya!"

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Mar 4Liked by Celia Farber

Am truly sorry.

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Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Celia Farber

I struggle greatly to believe that Trump (and Carlson and A. Jones) is (are) NOT in “the club”—however we wish to define it. I just do not believe it is possible to rise to their level of fame without being totally compromised and doing the bidding of greater actors. The entire Trump affair seems to me to be a way to intentionally distract and waste resources while millions suffer and die. A nihilistic shitshow like everything our controllers orchestrate.

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We must assume that there are good people in high positions. And no, they don't have to be perfect-- which of us is?

I do not adhere to the Sage Hanna club dictum wherein everyone is compromised or stoopid except for member's of Sage's club.

What do we need to happen? Quite simply, we need humanity to wake up, in a big way, to the deep corruption pervading the highest levels of politics and to stand up and say, no more. This corruption is sustained by the censorship and propaganda machine. More and more people are beginning to see through that machine even while others are still hypnotized by it and deeply committed to the propaganda-- think climate change pseudoscience.

A "nihilistic shitshow"? Wouldn't that be exactly what they'd want us to think? That there's no way out?

Hell, no.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

I would agree that more is coming out about all the grift--but still never in the mainstream, and, what does it really matter if those in control are past the point of caring what we think? Trump is the only "hero" out there. Like out of a Marvel series--it's almost ludicrous. We're only allowed one, and my gut tells me he belongs to them. To fully understand the deep forces at work is to understand the complexity of their game.

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Well said. I totally concur.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

Sage is an absolutist, if he/she/CIA is even a real person behind it. Whatever, the Stack pushes the margins and some things would not be discussed at all without it. I don't believe any public figure gets to be public without paying some dues and so none are to be trusted without due skepticism. Where I disagree with Sage et al is that so what if someone has skeletons in the closest if they're telling you the truth on the subject at hand? If a dozen compromised actors each give a limited hangout you as a thinking being can start to piece together the picture.

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Why would there be no way out? Of a nihilistic shitshow?

Whatever it IS only came into existence and perpetuates thru mass participation and cooperation in all the corrupt systems - political, government, financial, healthcare, education etc. … none of it would exist otherwise … that is what needs waking up to … that awareness, and then acting on it … more, enough of the masses owning the role they play and their responsibility (ability to respond), to create change … via where they choose to put their energy, participation, cooperation, support, focus.

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I'm pretty sure Sage Hanna is a CIA operation.

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LOL, I doubt it--all he does is expose the intelligence agencies--how does that play well for them?

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Sage is a she. And you sound a lot like her. Birds of a feather. No wonder you are defending her.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

Nope. Sage is a guy. I can't remember his first name right now. It's something like Darren or so.

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No, she is a male. His real name is Derrick Blanton. You're out of your depth, Smith. I don't mind exchanging opinions but you'd better know your stuff if you're going after people. You don't know much, that is clear.

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Could be, I don't really have much interest in the ramblings of CIA sockpuppets, so yes, you may be right. You would know. Do you both work out of the same booths?

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Hear, hear!

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Absolutely. These guys speak our language for a reason. They say "some" of the things we want to hear so we can feel we're getting somewhere...but we ain't.

"Everything is in place and nothing can stop us now" Day Tapes 1969

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It's so perfectly scripted it's insane. I can hear the millions of sighs of relief every time he opens his mouth.

I used to lose friendships over blue/red politics. Now I am losing friendships because I question the almighty hero--there is not a single runner up--he has been curated to be the one and only savior. Sound familiar?

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

I completely, however reluctantly, agree with you. I want to feel good forces are winning too, but I've smelled a rat for a long time now.

His vaccines stance is the linchpin. I don't see how there is room for "maybe he'll expose it later" hope, because it is still killing millions--how is that ethically ok? And of course, the others millions of deaths you mention. All on cue, perfect timing.

To understand the power of those in control is to know deep down that no one gets a seat at the table, much less this much press, unless they are already vetted and part of the cartel.

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You have a narrow channel of thinking things through. Is the President the expert on all things? Or are their different departments and experts running affairs. Trump knows that each division is accountable for their expertise. So, who are the vaccine experts? They are the ones to be held accountable ................ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not Trump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

Nice little paper bag you’ve found comfort in. It’s the “departments” fault, is it? Even 4 years later, poor naive Trump is still a victim.

People say crazy things when you threaten their god.

It’s kind of gross you give him a pass for OWS, —-then, but certainly also now.

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No, I did not say Trump is the victim, I am showing you reality. So why are their departments and other people around? Oh, you think only the President need to work and have an expert opinion .............. I forgot, your thinking channels are very narrow.

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“Catherine’s Ramblings” is an understatement.

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So you think a POTUS lives the lives of all around him/her? And must know when experts in their fields for decades with other POTUSes, tell the truth or lie? Each expert has their own responsibility and should be accountable. Trump showed with his own handling of the Scamdemic that he chooses personally not to take the advice of the experts and people could follow that. People knew he did not trust vaccines. How was he at that stage, when the world was still believing the lies, man alone suppose to clean up the evil? There is much more involved than just sitting somewhere and pointing fingers like you do!

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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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He is a business man and gives people opportunities to show what they can do. The US is one gigantic business - he cannot be everybody - perhaps the judge got a second chance. Would you want one if you can contribute better in a next round? We do not know the circumstances - if being the POTUS is so simple and easy, you go and do it!

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Mar 5·edited Mar 6

What’s your excuse for him NOW? No one gets where he does by accident, Catherine. Wake up.

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I do not need waking up - I know that I cannot know everything, but one can observe and try and make sense. So you think USA is better off now than when Trump was POTUS? Remember there were no wars then ... also and he even met Kim Jong Un. I haven't seen a POTUS in my lifetime doing all that he did? So go somewhere else with your pettiness.

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RemovedMar 6
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Yup it is a big Club...A general Consensus is rapidly forming among the Intelligent and Morally aware, that our Civilization is on an accelerating path to destruction, mainly because Criminals appear to be in control and the Law has taken the wrong side, the basic fact is that WE allow them to act in OUR name, because WE fear the personal cost of defiance. This means (agree or not) WE are all Complicit in their crimes, to the extent of OUR non-defiance !!!!

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I agree.

I never watched Alex Jones. I don't care for his delivery. But what drew the line in the sand for me was his selling Info Wars face masks.

To each their own, and health freedom absolutely.

But the masks? Nah.

Wish I could take all this politics seriously but I don't. Very clear to me that it is ALL smoke and mirrors. No matter what side of the aisle.

We have lived through, and are living through, mass murder and injury from the lying liars of cvid and those horrendous shots. And as a nation we are focusing on bogus lawsuits and illegal wars.

Nothing new but horribly sad just the same.

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Somebody ought to have been making masks with the disclaimer on the boxes on them, explaining that masks cannot protect against airborne viruses.

(Whatever 'viruses really are. Personally, I've been, for quite some time, been leaning toward apparent spread involving incidental exosome exchanges bearing warnings that the body needs to cleanse, which process requires adequate nutrition which is increasingly rarely present, with so much more of our available 'nourishment' inadequate and containing a widening amount and variety of toxins, so that some have a much harder time attempting this and may die as a result.

(Which would explain why high-dose IV. Vit. C and the like can cause such rapid cures, even for those thought to be 'at death's door.

(As well as why Hellth Canada is working to stop Canadians from being able to obtain vitamins or natural health products that they can have no authority to ban people from obtaining by handing all natural nutritional and medicinal nourishment out of humanity's grasp to give to pharmafia genetic engineers.

(Denying humanity natural foods, supplements and herbs is so insanely obviously destructive and unconstitutional that I lack words that do not involve swearing. Then again, the same thing for other damaging and anti-health measures, including public masking, known to cause conditions conducive to illness, including bacterial pneumonia and fungal infections.)

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There may be competing factions in the club.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

I absolutely agree with that.

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Who knows about Jones. He could have started off as one thing and ended up another. But weird doesn’t begin to describe him. Carlson is an obvious tool, literally born and bred.

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The case of the billion dollar settlement to Sandy Hook families for

'hurt feelings' is a bit suspicious. Firstly, he never said much that would have

caused them harm. And secondly, there is more than enough evidence that he was right about the Sandy Hoax that could have been brought to light in an actual trial.

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Yeah, not that I followed it, but from the little I saw it was obvious it was no legit trial.

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And he did not defend himself that much in that trial.

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Yes, just like the Fox News settlement with Dominion.

There is no way Dominion could have objectively proven that they suffered any financial losses from something a commentator said on a TV broadcast. There is no way Fox's lawyers would have rolled over and coughed up $750 M without even going to trial on a case they could have won.

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Yes. And in reality, Dominion and Fox are owned by the same entity.

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Yes, if any money actually changed hands, it was some kind of

money laundering operation. I would like to see the ledger.

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Exactly--makes the headline news and all is forgotten. None of the many Trump prosecutions have gone anywhere either--so far, he's survived them all. Jones is a prop. The only point of that was to ensure people believe the Sandy Hook hoax. The truth got way too much traction.

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Show us where you have ever criticized Mitch McConnell. You appear to specialize in attacking our friends instead of our enemies. Suspicious. Sockpuppet?

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Or perhaps, "realist." Stop buying into everything you are sold. You should never be hanging on to one man as if he's the only chance for redemption.

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The only thing real about you is your CIA paycheck. Whose hanging on one man? I'm not even a Trump fan. I would rather RFKjr. Even Tulsi Gabbard. You are either suffering severe TDS or you're a CIA sockpuppet. Which one?

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What you fail to see is the bigger picture, still selecting characters and talking points that have been pre-selected for you.

It's a strange thing to accuse someone of working for the CIA, unless you are in the second grade, esp when the person you are accusing is stating that things in gov't are far worse than you even realize. Why would a CIA operative try to convince you that we're all bad and not in favor of citizens?

You'll need to work on your comebacks.

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Once again sounding like a typical CIA sockpuppet. The harder you try, the more obvious it gets. Funny how similar you sound and how similar you behave to the No-Virus types. People who have fringe opinions like you have, are a dime-a-dozen, but very few are so persistent about something that people really don't care about, I could see making the odd comment here and there but your fanaticism betrays your true agenda.

Here's an article written for you:

Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny. Stand Down … So You Can Stand Up

Margaret Anna Alice


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Sounds like more CIA poisoning-the-well strategy. In this war, and it is a war, our enemies have overwhelming power, they hate us and want to subjugate or even kill us. So we need all the friends we can get, anywhere we can get them, even if they aren't Mr. Perfect. Be pragmatic not perfectionist, be a realist not an idealist.

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Trump is just another stooge. God.

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You're missing my point Kyle. It doesn't matter. At some stage, deep truth starts to leak forth. SCOTUS just opened up the whole piñata.

Jan 6.

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With all respect Celia, this psy-op is ---at least possibly ---much bigger than we know. If Trump is party to it all, which I reluctantly think that he is, then SCOTUS just reaffirmed that psy-op. People have much more information now, all of it is tracked, and the forces in control need to keep up or they will lose the game.

Those of us that "know the truth" are being funneled into one place in order to control us. If Trump were really this dangerous, he would have been gone long ago. He gets MASSIVE press--that is just the first clue.

That the vaccines--which he know so well was/is a DOD op that has killed millions --are not allowed to be discussed honestly, is the linchpin. In poker, that would be Trump's tell.

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Agreed. You and I are on the same page here.

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With respect, so everything in your life is explained with a psy-op!

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It is? Because I don’t trust Trump? Don’t be a baby.

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Why am I a baby, because I do not look through your psy-op glasses? And can observe and think critically? The psy-op thingy is a handy tool to make everything suspect and now with A 'non'-I (how can artificial be intelligent?) the sky is the limit in telling lies as truth. The truth always show up with time, though. And there is a day of reckoning and there are still people with consciences. And there is a righteous God who asks for accountability no one is going to escape.

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I se you’ve got it all tied up, do you? And you’re not going to let anyone upset your Apple cart. Throw a fit, that’ll show ‘em.

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Those nine stooges? What piñata is that? January 6th - that Trump set up - before he left the idiots that listened to him to twist in the wind and rot in jail?

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Do you really think it's Trump's fault that January 6 prisoners suffered cruel and inhuman treatment for their fabricated crimes?

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Yes, not exclusively. But he was the main player in the farce/psyop that was his presidency that culminated with that awful joke dubbed “the insurrection “ by Newsspeak creators.

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I’m curious to know just how you think Trump set it up? Because he called a rally in DC? Anything else? Why would many people (including Alex Jones) leave where Trump was speaking and head to the capitol? Folks came along way to apparently hear him speak and then shortly after he begins, leave.

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There was nothing real about the Trump presidency. He was selected like they all are. January 6th was just another act in the play. Obviously, he isn’t the playwright; he’s in theead role. The script called for a gathering that day and for some of the assembled (witting actors and not) to be encouraged/let in to the Capitol. What actually happened therein is anybody’s guess.

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Yeah, that's why our Bankster Overlords are going to incredible lengths to get rid of him. They would assassinate him if they were sure they can pull it off without blowing their cover.

You need to give up on the notion that everyone must be perfect in your eyes. Because the only person on Earth perfect in your eyes is you. That is not a winning strategy. You sound like a total narcissist.

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It’s not about being perfect. I can’t make you see. I get it. They have allowed him to tell some obvious truths. And the other part of the dialectic is insane on its face. But Trump is, always has been, and always will be one of their stooges. They aren’t trying to get rid of him. It’s a stage play, it’s fodder for the Telescreen, it is pro-wrestling. Come on, eight years have passed. Reassess.

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You can't see it because you are delusional. My suggestion, quit the drugs, clear your brain and then you may learn to think straight.

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You know, if you’re going to resort to the last refuge of the social media scoundrel you should at least not give away your poor reading comprehension. I wrote, “I can’t make you see.”

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When in fact it is you who can't see or else you're just another CIA sockpuppet. Which one?

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The world is not what you think it is.

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Any productive, believable operation weaves in some truth. Otherwise, it would be game over.

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LOL they are not going to incredible lengths to get rid of him. They are advertising that they are going to incredible lengths to get rid of him. Through courts, and investigations, from which Trump miraculously always triumphs, to the great applause of all of his admirers, all dovetailing into the biggest victory just before elections.

The one thing that is incontrovertible. He has been in the mainstream press---blue and red alike, on fire, since 2013. Not a single day where he is out. Given platforms on CNN! When the deep state/bankster overlords don't want you to know someone, there are plenty of way to quiet them. Keeping them out of the press is number one. Do you really think the Atlantic/CNN and NYT are promoting Trump (supposedly in a negative way) 75x a day because their readers demand it! Stop it!

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Nice CIA propaganda. You sound more and more like a sockpuppet. Quit being a stooge of the Globalitarian Misanthropists. Show us where you criticized Mitch McConnell. Come on show us. Where?

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Well, I could respond in a variety of ways, but I think you're just a ding dong, so I will leave it at that. You'll never grasp what is really going on. Enjoy marking your ballot and believing you are "winning."

Never underestimate your enemy, especially when it is funding by the money you earn working for them.

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You claiming that means zip because you know zip. Quit pretending you are some kind of expert when you are really just some dumb intern being paid to spread CIA disinformation.

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I don't think they hire 57 year old interns. I could be wrong.

It's just my opinion, Smith. Stop being so insecure. You can disagree without insulting people like a 3 year old.

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This is all for show.

He was never convicted for insurrection.

So it never should have been able to done by Colorado etc.

I feel bad for people like my dad who thinks that they're really after him.

If they were really after him, remember JFK?

But I'm not worried about Trump. But he worries them, which is wonderful lol.

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I would add to your point Rob that Trump was never CHARGED with insurrection, which collapses their whole insane argument.

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Don't worry JFK may happen yet. They know it is a risky strategy because they may be exposed. When they are exposed there will be a hot war.

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Anyone who believes the election was stolen doesn't know the Enemy.

The llluminati don't allow mistakes.

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You have violated the black pill act of 2044.

You are not allowed to tell people that elections are really

Selections, presented to you as you chose it.

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"You have violated the black pill act..."

I LOL'd Rob!

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Did you mean "was stolen" or "wasn't stolen"?

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"anyone who believes the election was stolen"

Anyone who knows the election wasn't stolen already knows the Enemy.

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He meant what he said. The "stolen" act was all for show. To make you feel part of the smart club, because you knew that Biden didn't win by 11 million votes. But they need Biden in there to do the things that no one would ever believe Trump would do, and to sell those Operation Warp Speed injections to the blue crowd who would have never taken a "Trump vaccine." They needed 99% compliance on the death shot, among many other things like Ukraine, Gaza, border, etc.

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No it was stolen and I know the enemy. Forget "Illuminati", think the Financial Elites. Watch "All Wars are Banker Wars".

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"Forget "llluminati", think the Financial Elites."

Smith, who do you believe controls the Financial Elites?

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RemovedMar 4
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No SaHiB, I posit that the llluminati, the 13 bloodlines that actually run this planet, don't allow mistakes in the unfolding of the New World 0rder.

The CabaI's QAnon Scam is designed to keep the pink-pilled believing that there is a two-party political system running America and that imaginary White Hats are in control and Trump is going to save us.

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I think they make a lot of mistakes.

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Where? Where have they screwed up?

The New World 0rder is unfolding exactly on schedule. Where did they screw up?

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9/11 screwups, a few I listed above. There Ukrainian proxy war is an abject failure. Their plan to bleed Russia to death on the Ukrainian battlefield (a copy of their Afghan strategy) has already failed. They are being exposed.

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It depends on how you view it. 9/11 screw ups? Everyone still believes Al Qaeda did that. And it got them the Patriot Act which obliterated our constitutional rights. I'd say it was a 100% success story.

Ukraine was successful in laundering billions of tax dollars and funneling them to ...the right people. It was never the plan to "bleed Russia"--that's just another media lie. You are believing the media lies and going from there--you need to dig deeper.

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New Coke.

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"Don't allow mistakes"?!? They are walking screwups. Incompetent. Every plan they make is full of holes and often backfires. Just look at how dumbass their 9/11 operation was. Planes disappearing into little holes in the ground. Buildings collapsing in seconds for no reason whatsoever. Building collapse announced 1 hr before it actually did collapse. Hijackers who are never videotaped in spite of hundreds of cameras in the areas they traveled. Flimsy planes flying through heavy structural steel like it they were made of paper mache.

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You see the mistakes--95% of others do not. That is a success story for the bad guys. Scream all you want--they don't care.

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Not dumbass at all - that's just a reflection of very deliberate Revelation of the Method and it worked a treat. 90% accept the nonsense while 10% don't - all according to plan - and the 10% that don't accept it have still got it wrong because there was a separate propaganda campaign to ensure that they believed in the death and injury when in reality 9/11 was the biggest demolition job of all time dressed up as the biggest Anti-Terror Exercise of all time further dressed up as a real terror attack.


What is the standard protocol for demolitions?

Full evacuations of the buildings and surrounding area ... and that's exactly what happened on 9/11. While they can propagandise and coerce thousands of health professionals to inject people with toxic substances on the back of over a century of fraudulent science there is no basis to propagandise and coerce demolition crews to completely abandon their professional standards and ethos and only partially evacuate buildings prior to demolition. (The plane crashes were faked of course so right off the bat no one died in a plane crash.)

Most importantly though, psyops are about mind control using magician's tricks, not doing things for real - doing things for real - unless wanted of course - is antithetical to how psyops work. They're all about mind control. They didn't want to kill people on 9/11, they only wanted us to BELIEVE in their deaths.


"The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."

Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.


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I see it as both a kind of contempt and a limitation. It’s all part of what I call Alternative Intelligence (AI). It’s what they program us with. It is full of wholes and obviously ridiculous. That is its weakness and an opportunity for us.

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"That is its weakness and an opportunity for us."

Yes, they handicap themselves enormously by TELLING us the truth underneath the propaganda ... but we let them run away with their handicap ... as they know we always will and that's why they implement their "handicap". If more people called them out they wouldn't be handicapping themselves, of course.

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Uh, Nope. Nice word salad though, I'll give you that.

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Uh, Nope. Nice assertion with no argument, I'll give you that.

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Trump is going to save US...ARE YOU SERIOUS !!!!!!

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where did you read that?

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Let's hear you talk about Mitch McConnell. True evil. What's with the obsession about Trump?

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QAnon? Hahaha!

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I’ve said this in a handful of places, and it’s uncomfortable and elicits ugly questions, but I’ll say it again.

As an autism parent, who has experienced firsthand not only the malevolence, but the gaslighting perpetrated by the medical and pharma establishment on our children and their families, I only listened to Trump in 2016 when he said he would investigate vaccines and autism.

But then he didn’t. He became quiet and many of us were quite disillusioned.

But then…Operation Warp Speed (which might not have meant a vaccine at all). And Trump initiated the demolition of the vaccine cartels without ever firing a single shot. He just put them out front and played dumb and let them absolutely hang themselves.

It’s ugly. And it’s immoral, given the damage it caused. And I hate the ethical implications of such a war tactic as that.

But my kids are incredibly debilitated. And I work in a special needs classroom where their numbers are increasing at an alarming rate. This vaccine mess isn’t just about the carnage we’ve created today. It’s about the future of humanity and its ability to even survive the onslaught of damage perpetrated on children.

Cue the anti-Trump stuff, and the rage at the immorality of the damage done. But more parents are declining anything in a needle for their kids. Much, much faster than decades of trying to scream about it from the medical freedom movement was able to accomplish.

And we’ll probably never know if that was intentional. Most people won’t think it was. But it was effective. Time will tell.

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Trump pushed AstraZeneca. The non RNA jab. Pence was the Point person for Trump for Covid. Was the info presented to the President accurate? Did the NIH know what the Pfizer trails really showed or was the info presented the altered version? Add this to the list of truths we Americans want to know.

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Of course Trump knew about the genocidal vaxxines.

My GRANDMOTHER knew about the genocidal vaxxines!

In 2009 Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura and Dr Rima Laibow told the whole Conspiracy Community, and anyone else that was paying attention, that the EviI were developing a genocidal VAXXINE. Not a genocidal virus, a genocidal VAXXINE.



Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because the Crown COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.



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THIS ^^^^^. And you are right--he knew. He had met with RFK Jr. before his first term, which is curious in and of itself, and he knew it all.

My kids too. Not with autism but with life threatening "viral-induced" asthma caused by the regular vaccines. It's how the people in control fund all of their operations.

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AL, I feel your asthma pain.

I found the most effective asthma treatment to be homeopathic Ambrosia.

And MUST HAVE Himalayan Salt Inhaler with Eucalyptus essential oil. And I also diffuse Eucalyptus essential oil in the bedrooms at night.

And no meat, eggs or dairy during attacks because they contain arachidonic acid which further inflames the lung tissue causing swelling.

I wish you and your family all GOOD HEALTH!

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PS Al, I really recommend green-juice detoxing, or chelating, all those heavy metals in the kid's vaxxines...out of them. It will really help.

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Thank you - we have done one round of detox through a Ki Science protocol. Not easy with kids.

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Thank you! I had not heard of this before!

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"I had not heard of this before!"

Of course not, its NATURAL healing, and we all know how Big Pharmaide feels about NATURAL healing! ;)

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Yes I guess I meant I’ve seriously gone down that road also and still hadn’t heard of this. Thank you!

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Let’s hope there will be, in our lifetimes, full reveals about JFK, AIDS, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Covid, Ukraine and Oct 7 in Israel, etc. ‼️😸

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Will somebody with a huge semi truck please run over Keith Olbermann?

Then run over him one more time for good measure?

Is he not the epitome of the most disgusting, ignorant, brainless, tactless, poorest excuse of a human being ever?

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How about run over all the LIARS twice in both parties after they have been tried!

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Obama’s CIA Asked Foreign Intel Agencies To Spy on Trump Campaign

The revelation that the U.S. intelligence community, under the Obama administration, sought the assistance of the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance to surveil Donald Trump’s associates before the 2016 election is a chilling reminder of the lengths to which the Deep State will go to protect its interests and challenge its adversaries. (The Five Eyes countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.) This bombshell, reported by a team of independent journalists, exposes a dark chapter in American political history, where foreign intelligence services were reportedly mobilized against a presidential candidate.

The alleged operation against Trump and his associates, which predates the official start of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation, is a stark example of political weaponization of intelligence.


The Supreme Court unanimously agrees that former President Trump cannot be removed from state ballots without an act of Congress, which must follow Constitutional due-process. Only Congress, not the states, can disqualify a presidential candidate under the Constitution’s “insurrection clause.”



Not satisfied to let the Supreme Court-enforced Democratic process play out, House Democrats are now preparing legislation to try and keep Trump off the ballot.


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Alexander Acosta is the corrupt US State Attorney who let Jeffrey Epstein off with the LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER in the state of Florida for sex crimes, and made the SEALED secret deal with Epstein so that Epstein's crimes, and NAMES, would never be made public!

And what happened to Acosta as a result???

In 2017 Alexander Acosta was appointed the 27th States Secretary of Labor for the United States of America!

By President Donald J. Trump.

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The story was that the CIA told everybody to go lightly, as Epstein was a protected asset, above their pay grades.

Political corruption?

"I'm shocked, shocked..."

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Yep John, I'm sure that's the excuse they make for all those Deep State, globalist Rottchild banking executives, CabaI spawn, Skull&Bones, Goldman-Sachs secret society frat bros that Trump appointed during his administration! ;)

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Keith who?

Regarding C19 , yes, 45 should come clean.

He was manipulated by Pence, Fauci, Brix and Redfield. As soon as 45 mentioned Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, the shit hit the fan and it was a downhill slide from there. He was lied to and he should say that and name the dark faces that were trying to embarrass and humiliate him. It was they who did the lying and caused the crisis and unnecessary deaths and national dysfunction.

J6. Entrapment by the federal government and Pence knew, coward that he is.

45 should simply cut to the chase and he should do so soon after Super Tuesday.

Things are beginning to unravel for the Donkies. The braying will be loud and consistent. Keith who?

They always accuse us of what they are doing. Their playbook is torn and tattered. They know it. And we know it.

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He could start by not taking victory laps for Warp Speed.

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I keep hearing people like you say, he should "come clean" re C19 and the shots which continue to kill people by the millions. What planet are you on? The time to do that was yesterday, and he's still not done it. Think, think, think. He says everything perfectly right, except for that. And do not give me that "naive" BS and him being the victim of "dark faces." He knew then and he certainly knows now. But you're ok with him not only staying silent, but touting these injections as "miracles" and attributing them to "saving millions of lives?"

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In his defense, he did recommend hydroxychloroquine.

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Hydroxoychloroquine and Ivermectin were Trump's 'PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY'.

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Still a limited hangout considering this was a DOD op from t he start and it only further embeds the idea that covid was "real" as opposed to another op.

But that was also 3+ years ago. Now we know everything about these deadly injections. HCQ doesn't quite make the grade anymore.

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My friends and family members were reporting that they had experienced the strongest flu-like symptoms of their lives. I am not sure that there was not anything there. Perhaps, some toxins were sprayed.

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Yes, I had the same experience in Jan 2020 before I'd ever heard of covid--and remember very clearly thinking that "this is different." I do not know, my my gut says exactly what you mentioned--it felt like a poisoning.

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Its that heinous flu that everyone got a few years ago, that lasted 2 weeks of hell, then recovery, then comes back for another 2 weeks, or longer.

PLUS 5(G) radiation!

Wherever they crank the 5(G) the C0vid numbers soar.

It is beyond miserable, and the vaxxinated clearly get 'C0vid' far more than those who WEREN'T vaxxinated for it!

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Trump is a tool of the controligarchs, whether witting or unwitting... he's the great divider - the perfect tool for a divide and rule/creating social discord/turning the populace against each other/ psyop....and it's going swimmingly.

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Check out the real dividers: https://darkfutura.substack.com/p/americas-super-elite-disconnect

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And the "real dividers" use tools to accomplish their goals...

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Unless you think in terms of institutions, you will not hit the bullseye. Plainly put: Trump is not the great divisionista you style him as.

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Whew! Now I can finally sleep at night knowing the deep state's pick for '24-'28 (DJT) will be installed.

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"(Nobody better, moments like this.)" Man knows how to celebrate fully, for sure.

"There will be, I believe, in our lifetimes, full reveals about JFK, AIDS, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Covid, Ukraine and Oct 7 in Israel." May it be so. I'm in my 66th year. Love to see it before I take leave.

After reviewing a very frustrating result from last Thursday's hearings with the Pennsylvania Dept of Agriculture versus Amish farmer Amos Miller (Amish farmer, provider of raw milk and cheese for consumers), I'm glad for this good news. Thanks for posting.

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Yes and PA is usually so good about allowing raw milk to be sold in grocery stores. I'm surprised at how tough on raw milk farmers the PA Dept of Agri is on them and raiding their farms, destroying perfect good and healthy food. Better they allow the farmers to have a sale. I think anything that purchasers want should be available to them. If people don't want to buy any milk from commercial dairies, but do want heavy cream that's not ultra-pasteurized they should be able to get it and not have to drive over an hour to buy it from Amos Miller's farm. Though if I was going out to Lancaster, PA and knew I needed milk and other stuff his farm sells, I certainly wouldn't hesitate to go.

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This outcome was obvious since "states" do not have the right to cancel a federal elections. It's all theater of distraction and triggering.

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Yet it seems that a majority of the population open wide and swallow.

/none so blind ...

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I know. People are mostly greedy.

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Why do you think then the Colorado lawyers began this ridiculous case? Stupid? Instructed and bribed?

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Yes yes and yes. Theatre Sonja, so people are emotionally distracted, become angry and they create a “movement” for more trump support.

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Another false flag was the destruction of the Maine, (February 15, 1898), an incident preceding the Spanish-American War in which an explosion sank the U.S. battleship Maine in the harbour of Havana. The tycoon R. Hearst used his newspapers to spread pro war and anti Spanish sentiment propaganda.

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What has Trump done over the last 4yrs other than aid the globalist agenda?

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