Thank you from Canada!. PM Trudeau walked out of parliament , unwilling to listen. He is dug in and dangerous.

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Thanks, Celia. I have sent my concerns to the Canadian Consulate in San Francisco via email, and they have acknowledged receipt in two email notifications. This is bound to make a difference. Such a lovely place, Canada.

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Hi Gary, This is Michael from AoA. Did the same to Consulate in Seattle. So many of my friends of conscience fled the US for Canada during the Vietnam war. That Canada doesn't exist today. Trudeau, of all the world government officials is the most frightening of them all.

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I would highly, and by that I mean highly, recommend subscribing to Bibi's wonderful stories of Sandra!

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Thank you, Celia. I’m not sure if the author/publisher (Ken McCarthy?) has been alerted already, but the wonderful letter provided has the name of PM Pierre - not his oppressive (and other words I’ll refrain from using) son. Blessings to you and all the freedom warriors out there! 🙏🏻🛻🇨🇦♥️

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Thank you for noticing Daphne! I will let him know! Good catch!

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You’re so welcome, Bibi! As a former editor I actually adore proofreading 😆…I’m always happy to help anyone who needs it, especially to support the cause! ♥️

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Please take the TIME to read It's not my text, but because it's VERY IMPORTANT FOR US to know... I copied it to pass on to you...

"It is not Trudeau's choice to step down or to attempt to stay. It is the decision of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is a critical decision which will affect the entire world. This is not a battle for just Canada, it is a battle for the World. This is the first domino of corruption and if it falls, the entire plan of the WEF fails because all the corrupt dominos will fall if they are forced out of power. Leaving them in power really is simply a short respite for the People.

Frankly, the WEF cannot afford for Trudeau to step down. If he falls, Biden falls, Australia falls, New Zealand falls and all of Europe falls. Then the rest of the world joins in.

The sane world is crazy not to make Ottawa the hill they will die on and not give in. It is an opportunity unexpected. Probably an opportunity that will not come again.

The Truckers are truly the People's Army. Where else could you quickly assemble such a strong, younger Army to possibly confront the Globalist Tyranny Army? It is an Army everyone else can join and get behind. Half the Globalist Tyranny Army will desert them and join the Truckers if they appear to succeed in Ottawa.

Truckers can win, this but it will take support from everyone. There is a window of opportunity that will not stay open forever. Time is not on our side.

The WEF is not going to go without a fight or without having great fear that they will be smashed by this world-wide movement. Even then the WEF members will be sorely afraid of ending up like Mussolini hanging in the Milan Square and will fight to avoid that.

I think people greatly underestimate the overall importance of Ottawa and underestimate the difficulty of overcoming Trudeau. He and the WEF simply cannot afford to lose. I fear also that the People of the world cannot afford to lose in Ottawa. It will likely be the People's last battle if they lose Ottawa.

I do not agree that this is only about a non violent confrontation. I don't think the WEF will fold because of a lengthy non violent protest of a few thousand truckers. They have been working on this tyranny plan for 100 years. I think they will fold only if they are clearly weaker in strength than the People's Army. Whether it is non violent or violent confrontation, for either way to succeed requires great power standing behind the Truckers with obvious reserve waiting behind them. This means the WEF must act now before the People's Army grows too large with strong reserves. I expect action by the WEF soon to squash this uprising. This is not about Trudeau, this is the WEF plan in place around the world. Everyone must be ready to heavily support the Truckers and step into the battle if they are attacked."

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Possibly, but they may also use "the science has changed" escape clause. Declare mandates & restrictions no longer needed, which would only be a hiatus in instituting their overall techno-feudal world tyranny objective. After that they may release a more virulent virus, like the Marburg chimera coronavirus they reportedly have developed. They also are planning on a "climate change emergency" scam and a cyberattack scam. Quite likely a major war, i.e. Ukraine or Taiwan.

An EU leader privately admitted their strategy is impose restrictions & controls, wait to see how much public clamor there is, and if it is too high they just back off some, wait awhile, and then try again. The "Boiling Frog Effect" is the method that they have been using very successfully over the past 50yrs. Seems now, in their arrogance, they are getting more anxious. Malthusian Psychopath Parasites.

Funny all these groups who are constantly harping about "White Privilege" have no problem whatsoever with having a small club of Snarly Old Uberwealthy White Male Psychopaths rule most of the World, when white males are only ~8% of world population.

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I understand that nothing is set in stone. Each one of us has a view of the amazing story yet we must always remember that there is so much that we are not seeing. At least for us here at the Truth Barrier we know just how devious and cunning the dark forces are. I’m seeing that they are also a bunch of clowns and any people stupid enough to attempt something as absurd as the plandemic and the new world order are certainly going to run into massive pushback as they trip on their own shoelaces and fall on their face. I don’t know what is going to happen- no one does. But I trust the creator will provide all us who are thinking with our hearts and using our brains to care for each other. For most of my life it’s been clear that the divine movement is ongoing. Gonna be the greatest time ever to be alive. But maybe not for all.

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They need satellite phones as the government will soon cut off their cellular access.

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The greatest speech of our long walk and drive to freedom Tricia Lindsay : The biggest rising star in the patriot movement-the best speech of the year!!!! - Vaccine Liberation Army


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Michael: The worst, along with Jacinda Ahern in New Zealand, both of them graduates of Klaus Schwab's school for tyrants. The clown in Australia is just as bad.

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I emailed the San Diego consulate

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I just saw this and it's 930 pm east coast..I will call Canadian consulate tomorrow

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Thank you🙏❤️

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I started to watch Bibi’s rabbit tale. Very very sweet and heart warming. A nice escape and I’m sure would be great to read to children.

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Good stuff.

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Done and done.

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Sent. IMO it's best to use your own wording, and keep it short.

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Thank you Celia, email sent!

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