Sounds like they actually wanted to help their people.

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I know right?

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a couple of weeks ago, FEMA suspended activity in parts of NC because the poor babies felt threatened by the locals (gotta reinforce the myth of millions of raging MAGA supporters hell bent on destruction) https://thenationalpulse.com/2024/10/14/fema-says-it-wont-help-in-north-carolina-because-it-feels-threatened-by-locals

it gets worse: FEMA Helicopters Block Greenville Airport Runway, Banning Aid Deliveries to Desperate Locals https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/fema-helicopters-block-greenville-airport-runway-banning-aid-deliveries-to-desperate-locals/

and of course there's the matter of "preferred vendors" https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/dr-chris-martenson-reveals-a-pm-alleging/comment/71267926

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Exactly what is going on. It’s creating a civil war right under our noses. My sister buys it. She believes gangs of roaming MAGA will be in the streets shooting innocent liberals if Trump wins. She was serious. I had to block her yesterday. I could almost feel the spittle on my face in her rant text. Seriously TDS. She’s all jabbed up too. This kind of thrashing and keening in anger could be dangerous for her heart. If it goes the way she fears, I doubt I will ever hear from her again. Poor dear.

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First they messed with people (like your sister) through all the Fear Porn Propaganda of the Scamdemic & TDS, then they totally f**ked up their brains and their cognitive function through the EUA mRNA ‘shots’! Your sister appears to be an excellent example of this.

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Your sister should stay home, inside her house and yard, when the color-revolution marches start, for safety, though her friends may call her to participate.

When this went down in Ukraine (Maidan) the hired-snipers from Georgia shot the protesters and the police, to make sure that everybody was offended.

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F ails E very M iserable A ttempt

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Dems are losing the trend in this "swing state" now...

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Looks like the Spanish were much quicker to save people than FEMA was in HELENA

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Just think our tax dollars pays for the lack of care we receive.

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This seems like some kind of test run....will the PTB unleash another weather event in the US to cause chaos after the election??

How sad that so many people and animals were washed away....a weather event that happens this fast with no warning is very suspect...Helene 2.0

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Nice of them to save their people, the next question is why is the u.s. government flooding Spain now? To make it look like North Carolina and Tennessee was global warming? Warming that if by some magical chance were true would also be completely governments fault. Walking in shit is starting to get really old!!!

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I'm not so sure it's the US gov., it's the globalist's that have infiltrated all governments.

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Increible! Que desastre! Y porque? No tiene que ver con la naturaleza espanola, eso es un ataque politico. Reza por Espana.

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In Málaga too?

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What a contrast! FEMA refused to go anywhere there were not good open roads...when most of the area was either underwater or blocked by mud slides. Multiple ongoing reports of FEMA blocking help from private people and groups, and actually commandeering the supplies of food, water, medicine and other urgently needed things. Then FEMA would show up in the center of the areas with good transportation ...the towns, and brag about what a good job they were doing. The more one looks at how our government (under Biden but others as well) the more one becomes convinced that our government is the problem not the solution.

By the way, what about the weaponization of weather? All those mineral deposits there, waiting to be exploited...unfortunate that so many inconveniently located people are living on top of them.

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It's going to be a Smart city..shocker. Not.


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Wow, what a comparison to FEMA... #FiireFEMA

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Pobrecitos los Animalitos que no entienden lo que esta pasando….. Impresionate el rescate del Helicoptero de la Senorita con su Mascota en sus brazos ! Celia, gracias por tu excellente reportaje. Es ironico de que toda esta Semana eh estado preparandome Arroz a la Valenciana para comer, y ayer noche me compre un Vestido estilo Flamenco para modelarlo. Que triste todo lo que esta ocurriendo. Que Dios te bendiga a ti y todos tus seres queridos.

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So, this is being blamed on "climate change?" I wonder what the 14th century black plague was caused by? I know, climate change, Trump... and, of course, Jews poisoning the wells. (There were many massacres of Jews in the 12th, 13th, 14th centuries, and more, depending on what the catastrophe was.) I'm glad the Spanish people were trying to help the victims! It shows some real compassion. Not enough of that in the world, anymore.

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Remember the essay assignments in high skool? Compare and Contrast the government response to the flooding in Spain with the Flooding in North Carolina.

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Valencia Rescue Videos Continued: The Spanish Rescue Services Used NIGHT VISION CAMERAS To Locate Stranded People, Horses and Pets, Used Inflatable Rafts, Boats, and Helicopters Substack Celia Farber


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