Nicole Kidman is... not worth a moment of your attention. let alone getting into a tizzy.

I can believe she ate those poor creatures... as a publicity stunt.

let's find a way to support and promote local farmers.

eating well is the best revenge.

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I find it difficult to eat the bugs with my mask on...


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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

What makes population control so peculiar is their denial of the current reality in favor of a future speculative reality. It is never about present scarcity and starvation but always an assumed inevitable future scarcity.

When this scarcity continually fails to materialize on its own, they then move to produce it artificially since, after all, it was inevitable, right? Thus they become the authors of the dystopia that they pretend to be attempting to protect us from.

This type of eat bugs propaganda is a preparation for a future that exists only in the minds of the population control fanatics and might never come to pass without them deliberately creating it.

We have to conclude then that they want famine for its own sake in order to psychologically justify their self-apprisals as forward thinking protectors of humanity. It is a profoundly inverted and anti-human desire.

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Kidman. Cruise. "Eyes Wide Shut." Scientology. "Minority Report." They're part of "it," whatever "it" is.

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I saw this some time ago and was horrified to start with. They think a Hollyweird celebrity will be convincing, eventually. Would that be the Monarch method? Catherine Austin Fitts told a story of being in Australia at a gala of some kind where there was an intermission period for dining lunch experience outside at the Sydney Opera House. Fancy dishes were brought out for the guests. When her party saw that they were bugs, the entire table got up and left.

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Shoot, took me 50+ yrs to finally embrace guacamole. No damn way I'm eating "zee bugs." If they take all the real protein away, I think many angry people will just start eating the elite. Cannibalism of eiltes before consumption of zee bugs!

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

I know actors and a producer that worked in Hollywood. I spent a minute or two there myself. If you KNEW what some of these individuals were EXPECTED to do for so called "fame and fortune" you would be disgusted!! Their stories are vomit worthy to say the least! Selling their souls is an understatement. You leave your morals at the door. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING surprises me about that nasty corrupt business!!!

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Besides the natural revulsion most in the west feel towards the idea of eating worms and bugs, there is a scientific reason not to do so. Insects cannot be heated sufficiently to destroy the parasites they carry.

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Meat WILL be a staple for Klaus the louse, Harari, Tedros, Gates, Soros , Greta and all the rest, along with their private jet travel, private security behind fences , gasoline for their Ferrari's, natural gas for their beach front properties gas stoves and every single thing they take away from us. they are con men and the height of Hypocrisy.

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Mankind is notoriously full of idiots, and when idiots listen and take directions from "other" idiots, then you end up with utter stupidity, such as we are seeing here.

But, for those who choose to listen and to take direction from "God" instead, they always end up much healthier and much happier.

"Every living creature will be food for you. As I gave you the green plants, I have given you everything" Genesis 9:3

"But whenever you want, you may slaughter and eat meat within any of your gates, according to the blessing the Lord your God has given you"

Deuteronomy 12:15

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One striking memory of mine from childhood occurred when I was about 8 in 1973. We were in Billings, MT for Thanksgiving, shopping on the day afterward, in some ritzy little downtown shops (hard to believe now, but they had ritzy little shops back then). We were in a gift shop that had a lot of food items. And one of the things they sold were chocolate covered bugs. Ants, bees, and crickets. It was a moment of peak disgust, and they sold at a high price. I never forgot this but I never saw them for sale again. That's one element of Monarch--being sold a stinky turd as if it were a bon bon. Never mind that chitin is something that we don't want to ingest. At least one point of Monarch is that it takes something unpalatable, taboo, or otherwise unacceptable and sells you on why it is actually fine. It is attempting to break apart your morality and with that the building blocks of your ethos. It is trying to correct, 're-educate', penetrate.

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Oh it's much worse for poor Kidman. Her father was notorious Monarch SRA psychologist Antony Kidman, who died suddenly in 2014 when Fiona Barnett raised child abuse allegations against him and his Sydney pedophile ring


Nicole had a similar abuse-filled childhood as both Fiona Barnett and yourself, Celia. Her mind is not her own.

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‘Hitchen’s Razor’ could be also be aptly applied to the propaganda and lies around the COVID Scamdemic and the Jabs!

“Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor that serves as a general rule for rejecting certain knowledge claims. It states "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." The razor was created by and later named after author and journalist Christopher Hitchens (1949–2011). It implies that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim; if this burden is not met, then the claim is unfounded, and its opponents need not argue further in order to dismiss it. Hitchens used this phrase specifically in the context of refuting religious belief.”

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

The clowns, creepsters, and the captured are all falling from grace and quickly. They see the harms, the dying all around them. Today I listened to my local school board talk about the contest that the students have to build a meatball without meat. The infestation is pushing down hard in the schools with the ridiculous but that window is closing too. The narrative is getting dull and people feel like they are being manipulated everywhere.

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I perceive this as less than melodrama. It's pseudo drama, not worthy of noticing, not worthy of mentioning. Stop giving energy to stupid. We already know we can't fix stupid.

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Benny Johnson just did a video today on ritual humiliation; most recently, actor John Cena's as part of the Oscars: https://youtu.be/Z2a8rDtpOUs?si=fHgMr07j8bejIJHY

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