Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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She's just moving on to her next chapter, like Uncle Tony, Aunt Rochelle, Sister Jacinda, Cousin Andrew Cuomo, and so many others who served their cause well and can sell their memoirs for millions.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks Celia. Really helpful compilation of links.

Heartbreaking to see and hear Gonzalo Lira again.

Humorous (in a crass way) to read Blinken's Disneyfication of Victoria Nuland. Cluelessly deranged, he seems.

Slowly, slowly, yet not as slowly as in previous eras, the facade is crumbling - and - more and more are becoming aware enough to recognize it.

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So hard to see Gonzalo...Followed him back in the day for his financial insights.

I do hope the resignation of this savage, psychopathic, murdering, power hungry freak 𝑖𝑠 a another sign things are going our way.

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'Toria should be in solitary confinement for crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, she most likely will be behind the scenes in the dc swamp.

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Putin would probably be willing to trade Victoria Nuland for all the other Americans he is holding in Russian prisons, and to paraphrase her, it would be worth it.

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a bunch of lunatics is ruling the world. the lunatic of Canada, of France, of the US, and lots more. Are there no people with brains left? well there is Ron Paul, because of his splendid brains he probably was prohibited to ever come to rule the country. what a difference he would make.

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She been in the business of killing since the Bush era! She'll come back through the revolving door sitting pretty on Lockheed Martin board...

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Mama is running for the hills. Perhaps with a counterfeit passport and lots of cash.

Yes, her Ukraine foreign policy will be studied.

" Here Is What You Do Not Do."

And Tony, the winking , blinking and nod dupe of the Kenyan? Well, he thinks he is part of the chandelier overlooking the world. But, his bulb has been distinguished due to incompetence.

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Where's that special bottle of wine I've been saving?!

I wonder if Blinken made certain his son was wearing high heel spikes on Halloween?

Next on the list should be John McCain's warmongering buddy, Lindsey Graham, who worked with McCain to arm the Ukrainian NeoNazis against the people of Donbas.

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Just savor (for a short moment) the distant rattling of Toria sabers as they run off to find a new bogeyman. If you think the Nuland’s of State are bothered by this mere setback, you will be let down. There are Georgetown graduate-minions galore waiting to spring-butt their way to a new and exciting foreign entanglement somewhere at least 6000 miles away. After all, you don’t get your SES IV without at least some risk, right? Long live the golden shield of bureaucratic shame!

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Nuland will become NATO's next leader.

A promotion for sure.

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Blinken’s statement was either the product of a comic genius indulging in some serious irony or a delusional lunatic. The odds favor the latter.

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Thank you, Celia and all. Rich stuff.

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Oh hey it's Victoria "Fuck the E.U." Nuland! What a surprise! Keep an eye on the rock she scurries under! Robert Kagan no doubt with open arms. Words. Can't. Describe. PNAC & the Scuttlebugs!

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I would not read too much into her leaving.

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