A couple of hours ago I listened to the 40-minute-odd Füllmich gave in German to a Swiss TV station, Bittel. Previously I had listened to Viviane's accusations. I am as fluent in German and English as Reiner is. In the past both have sent me personal emails. Füllmich's explanations are coherent and convincing. Viviane has a long history of being chaotic. I fear, Celia, you have here been opinionated. The board of their party, Die Basis, has demanded Viviane's resignation.

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Paul, you are presently closest to the truth of anybody here. Please tell us anything you know or discover. When you say you fear I have been opinionated, do you mean too opinionated? I'm open to criticism, and admittedly clueless about this story.

"Viviane has a long history of being chaotic." WHAT? Who then, chose her for this critical role?

Please keep posting whatever you learn Paul. And thank you.

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As so many of you have thanked me for saying I’d try to put something together on this sorry tale, I have now late at night in deepest France (Celia: are you still in Spain?) come up with what may be a slightly garbled report. It is not chronological, but what I remember from listening to the extract of Reiner’s interview (about 40 minutes), the full interview being two hours and covering other topics such as what has been happening with the class actions.

I may like to correct or complement parts of this later, or just reorganise it, and there will be some repeated narrative, but it will give you an idea of why I was irritated at Celia being too quick off the mark with her assessment. I have been listening again, but not checked my memory on everything.

This is all exceedingly intricate. There is the story with the gold, and the story with the loans. And other stories.

According to Reiner, Viviane is chaotic, i.e. disorganised. She failed persistently to attend to essential tasks. For example, there is Viviane failing to empty the letterbox, so extreme that once there was a final demand threatening the bailiff for an unpaid invoice. Then, later depositing the gold in a bank safe, it transpired that Viviane's identity card had expired, which nearly put paid to the handover for deposit. Mail and phone calls, including from donors, went massively unanswered in Berlin. She was asked repeatedly, and failed, to hire someone to attend to affairs in Berlin. She had there only a female friend from her schooldays who was unable to cope with the quantity. This is why Reiner's lawfirm stepped in. The public turned to him in Göttingen when Berlin failed to respond. So he got a lawfirm employee to answer the emails and phone calls. This was mostly what his invoices were for. Some were for travel expenses, with him going to Berlin weekly.

Twice Viviane went at night with her boyfriend Robert (presumably Cibis of Oval Media) to a home where the gold was and demanded the gold be handed over. First it was to a female friend (known to all) and later it was the bookkeeper. Each phoned Reiner (I think in the USA) to ask if this had been agreed, which of course it had not. At the bookkeeper's Viviane hugged the very small children, but then lost her temper when the gold was denied her. This traumatised the children, and the bookkeeper's wife, who was recovering from cancer, needed therapy the days after. Reiner says this demonstrates her lack of empathy.

Viviane was short of money to live on, and Robert's firm was in financial trouble, with him having difficulties in paying his staff on time. This, although he had received a lot of funds in donations. His other activities were not generating any income. After this incident the bookkeeper refused to keep the gold at home in his safe (i.e. strongbox). Viviane demanded it be transported to Degussa (a bank and precious metals trader) in Berlin (which is where her identity card was found to have expired).

They had bought the gold because of fears that the authorities would seize or freeze the bank accounts. Gold can be kept at an undisclosed location and therefore safe from seizure. As it happened, the value of the gold increased significantly.

Viviane, with a degree in economics, signed off the accounts having taken cognisance of the fact that the invoices from Reiner for legal services were de facto for handling the correspondence from the public, or rather for handling customer relations. Now she has feigned surprise and outrage that all this money has been paid to Reiner's lawfirm. She complains that Reiner did not use the ausschuss email address, but it was the public who sought his lawfirm out for information since she had failed to set up mail handling in Berlin.

Viviane took out an agreed loan of €100,000, but has only repaid €70.000. She claimed she had had to liquidate savings contracts in order to repay the €70.000, but Reiner claims he has seen the papers that in fact she used the advance for their joint book. There was someone else involved in this book (I did not understand entirely, or maybe it was not spelt out, perhaps a ghostwriter). This person turned out to be fraudster. (This seems to me to be a loose end in the tale).

Reiner also took out a personal loan from the ausschuss. The loans were contracts. This had the advantage of being a legal safeguard. My understanding is that the purpose of the loans was, again, to remove the money from the danger of seizure by the authorities, but I am not certain of this. Anyway, Reiner's loan was always secure because he used it to replace mortgages on his house, which he is selling, and the value of the house vastly exceeds the amount of the loan. It would be easy to repay the loan quickly if needed since he could tap into other finance against his collateral. But Viviane has no collateral.

Reiner accuses Viviane of making false statements. He is especially displeased that she has made all this public. She had no legal right to bar him from participation since they are/were jointly responsible for the ausschuss.

Reiner is also critical of her contributions to the debates. She speaks in a long-winded and unfocussed manner (Something I can confirm. Pity the interpreters!)

Reiner claims that four psychiatrists/psychologists have diagnosed the behaviour of Viviane as that of someone who had a traumatic childhood and is "borderline" or a sociopath. She fails to realise how others will perceive her actions. Derogatory inferences were made from how she dresses.

What Reiner did not address much in the excerpt (it may be in the long version) is the role of Wolfgang Wodarg in all this. This also puzzles me, Paul. Reiner again praises Martin Schwab, the best lawyer he knows, and this relationship seems to be intact.

One point that Reiner has made in a separate communication I am privy to is that he does not believe for an instance, as some have alleged, that Viviane is controlled opposition.

Reminder: I have written the above from memory, so it is not excluded that some parts are not entirely correct.

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Thanks for your insight.

This leaves me wondering... why would Wodarg recommend Vivianne?

Is Reiner's silence about him indicative of something?

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Thanks so much for this summary.

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Wasn’t Reiner’s loan something on the order of 700,000? It’s quite a sum. The optics of moving donations into personal real estate property aren’t great. Whatever the ‘truth’ that comes to light ends up being, this doesn’t look good from either side, really.

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Right. My understanding is they were afraid the assets were going to be seized due to the increasing totalitarianism and use of financial institutions to persecute dissidents, so they chose options (gold, real estate) that would be less vulnerable to infringement by the state as well as inflation. Reiner invested it in his property, which he is selling, so he will be able to repay his loan as soon as that occurs. I agree it doesn’t look good, whatever the intentions.

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The fear of having resources seized by the state is real, no doubt. It just doesn’t make sense to put it into personal assets. No firewall, nothing. It’s rather poor judgement, and is just asking people to draw up in their minds the worst picture possible. Sigh.

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While Viviane took €100,000 as a loan, but has only been able to repay €70,000 and acc. to RF lied about where she got the €70,000 from, namely from an advance on a book which she does not now have the funds to print, and not, as she claimed, by liquidating savings accounts.

The reason for the loans was the same as the reason for buying the gold. Several figures in Germany (and Austria and Switzerland) (medics raising the alarm against masks, forced vaccination and so on) had had their bank accounts frozen, entirely illegally, by govt intervention. It was feared that this could happen to the ausschuss funds. So some was hidden in gold, which can be hidden at private addresses. Some was lent out, with proper formal loan agreements to Reiner and Viviane. Reiner has substantial real estate (his house), the value of which vastly exceeds the amount of the loan. He used the €700,000 to replace existing mortgages on the house. Through this device, the funds were kept from any potential govt seizure. He would easily and quickly be able to make the €700,000 available if need be, for example by reinstating the mortgages. Unlike Viviane, he has collateral. V. and her Oval Media boyfriend have money problems.

So why did they turn up, twice!, at the homes of trusted collaborators (a female friend trusted by all and the ausschuss bookkeeper) late at night! demanding that the gold be handed over?

Yesterday (Tuesday) I listened yet again to the full 2 hr interview (including a replay of Viviane's statement) that Reiner gave to BittelTV in order to be certain that I am not distorting anything.

My personal verdict is that, from the very beginning, Viviane failed to pull her weight, failing to attend even to minor administrative tasks, altho it was she who was on the ground in Berlin and she was implored repeatedly to hire help. Altho technically she is a lawyer, she does not have a functioning office and is ignorant of new developments like secure email in the field.

It is evident that she suffers from severe mental problems resulting in such behavior as we have witnessed. If your life has never led you to have close contact with such people, thank your lucky stars or your good instincts which have kept you from them. The mildest verdict that could be given for her outburst, wrecking so much, is that it was out of character. But by Reiner's account this was in line with a chaotic character.

At the outset Reiner could have known nothing of this, and took all - Viviane, Justus Hoffmann and Antonia Fischer - on trust, the important thing being to press ahead with the investigative project. The latter two departed for two reasons: they were interested solely in the adverse effects on children, and not in the other (associated) themes. Secondly, they often failed to attend and contributed little. It came to a dispute with Viviane and Reiner who, as the two formally in charge, threw them out.

As for Wolfgang Wodarg, it seems that he, like many of us, has something against lawyers as money-grabbing. It did not occur to him that there is only 99% who, as the comic adage goes, "give the rest a bad name".

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Thank you for your careful corroboration, Paul, which aligns with my intuition and interpretation of the evidence as well. Before anyone even mentioned borderline personality disorder, I told my husband I think she may have that, and then you mentioned it in your synopsis. I don’t believe she is a sociopath as she does genuinely seem to care about these issues, but she does exhibit the symptoms of BPD (https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/borderline-personality-disorder and https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/borderline-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20370237). If she is suffering from mental illness, I empathize with her but also understand this personality type can cause enormous pain and destruction to those who live or work closely with them.

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Thank you for this incredibly helpful synopsis, Paul.

Are you saying Viviane's boyfriend is Robert Cibis? Not that IMDB is the most reliable source, but it says he lives with a French lawyer named Claire Vexliard. I am hoping he is not involved with Viviane as I really don't want to see OvalMedia to get dragged into this drama, too 😣

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In the long interview Reiner gave recently to BittelTV he said that Viviane's partner for a year has been Robert Cibis. (I also know of a Paul Cibis.) He said that Oval Media has been in financial straits, with delays in paying staff. He said that Oval Medai had received substantial funding directly from donations and from the ausschuss. (I will re-listen, but am 99% confident of my understanding). Further, that this was Oval Media's only source of funding because the other projects do not generate income.

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Thank you for clarifying, Paul, and I am very sorry to hear OvalMedia is embroiled in this debacle, too 😿

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I may go through Reiner's statement again and summarise it in English, but I need a little time for this, also in order to get it right. One point I can answer right away. My understanding is that Wolfgang Wodarg established the contact between Reiner and Viviane at the outset, when there was realisation that something had to be done. The two would have taken each other on trust and only got to know each other, for better or worse, as time progressed.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

My first questions would be, who is Wolfgang Wodarg and why did he recommend Viviane? Are you suggesting she was a plant?

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Ok. Found him here - https://www.wodarg.com/english

Yes, I recognize him from sometimes being on the interview panel with Reiner and Viviane. Die Basis party guy. (?)

Although he has some minor questions about viruses being causative, he remains a vaccine proponent. That brings up questions with me.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I had no idea Wolfgang still likes vaccines.... that’s not good. And I really liked him.

From what I understood he is the politician who revealed the swine flu fraud in 2009 (and averted the plandemic of that time). He seems to have a solid background and I have a hard time believing he would have been bought off this time around. But then again, my world has been turned upside down a lot for the past 2 years.

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Like. Yes, Kyle, anyone who still believes that ANY vaccine is beneficial, raises a red flag. SIDS/SADS, anyone?

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Kyle, I highly recommend watching the documentary “Trust WHO” (https://rumble.com/vst4qy-trustwho-documentary.html), in which Wolfgang’s efforts to expose the Swine Flu scamdemic are featured. He has been exposing and fighting corruption for a long time, and that is why he immediately recognized the earmarks of deception when COVID came along.

I suspect that, like most of us, Wolfgang’s faith in traditional vaccines has been shaken over the past two+ years, so he has likely reevaluated his position or will eventually if he hasn’t already.

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Thanks Margaret. Lots of good information in that.

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He did very good things exposing the previous attempt to do what they finally managed to do in 2020. I have a lot of respect for him.



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When Jane Burgermeister was scheduled to appear on The Alex Jones Show with Rebecca Carley, (i dont know the year) she said that at the last minute, it was sabotaged, and that in her place, they had Wolfgang Wodarg on instead.

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Why am I not surprised.

Thanks for mentioning that.

She was on top of the death-by-flu-jab program more than 12 years ago.

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at the end of he day..WHAT, PRAYTELL, HAS ACTUALLY BEEN DONE AGAINST the genocidal agenda??

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Admittedly, not much so far. However, millions have been awakened to what's really going on, which has led to a huge decline in the uptake of ALL types of jabs. That all bodes well for more change down the road.

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Thank you for your insight ! I was searching for such a comment and hoping to see one, to maybe get a better understanding of Reiner's 40min talk... because the A.I generated transcript isn't doing it any favors, and I just don't understand why he didn't make another video about all this in a better english format. Hopefully it's on its way (or even better, it's already out there and I didn't see) !

Edit : I see you provided a great summary ! Thank you SO MUCH again !

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I immediately searched for what Reiner had to say. German is my first language (albeit rusty from lack of use) and came away from that interview feeling much like you. I perceive it as an all too human power struggle playing out, and am grateful for the perseverance of the committee in continuing to bring out the all the ugly truths over the duration of this Plandemic.

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Thank you for this. I'd not have seen it otherwise. I have passed on the link to my small circle.

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Thank you for breaking this story, Celia, as I have been trying to get to the bottom of this ever since Reiner was silently evicted from the committee.

If this tarnishes the heroic work of the CIC, it would be absolutely devastating as what they have amassed is of historic importance.

I had the honor of being interviewed by them in July (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation). While I cannot speak to the allegations, my gut instinct based on my interactions with them is that Reiner has been wrongfully accused.

Reiner was highly engaged, inquisitive, and carefully taking notes during our interview. Viviane was so preoccupied and outright rude that a commenter at one post of the video joked about trying to figure out why she hated me and suggested it was my hat 😹 I tried not to take it personally because her behavior made no sense, and yet it was odd that she was nice to the other guests both before and after.

While I was writing this comment, I think I figured it out! At the beginning of my presentation, I thanked the committee for their work and specifically praised a speech Reiner gave to a London protest. I think it must have been my praise of Reiner that pissed Viviane off and caused her to behave that way!

Wolfgang was a gentleman and seems level-headed. I would be curious to get his take. I do hope this can be resolved peaceably as too much is at stake.

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Margaret, I am drawing a blank. I just don't know what's going on.

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Whatever has occurred, it does not diminish the important work they have done exposing and documenting crimes against humanity since they launched the Ausschuss in July 2020.

I had previously reached out to a mutual contact to see if she had any insight into what was occurring but haven’t heard back. I’ll reach out to Reiner directly but suspect he is absolutely inundated right now.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I agree with your take on Reiner and Viviane, having watched many of the interviews. During their marathon sessions, it would have been almost impossible to hide their true selves. Reiner has been very consistent throughout. He definitely overshadowed Viviane, both in presence and intellect, but also in connecting with their guests. He was the hero of the show; she was probably not the heroine she would have wanted to be.

As to Wolfgang Wodarg, to me he comes across as a doctor who is more open-minded than most, but not enough to question the virus theory (on which most of his career was built, I would assume).

I found it interesting to observe over the course of months how Reiner gradually woke up to what is going on; he became more of an archetypal warrior, less of a mainstream lawyer. That is one reason I kept following their sessions. It happened slowly, in my view, but it did (contrary to so many people I know). Viviane seemed to only want to dip her foot in the water; I didn't really see her evolve much in these many months. Her static "image" would confirm that. Some rabbit holes appeared too deep and dark for her and Wolfgang.

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"He was the hero of the show; she was probably not the heroine she would have wanted to be." So so true.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

My inner voice tells me that Vivianne Fisher is wrong and that Reiner is saying the truth. Also when I test. The first time that I saw Vivianne Fisher, I had a big Red Warning light flashing on the dash board, way to speak. Danger.

I remember your interview Margaret. You were standing up.

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"The first time that I saw Vivianne Fisher, I had a big Red Warning light flashing on the dash board" SAME ! And soon, pretty much everything else about her made me angry and worried about her being such a prominent face in all this :(

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Please note, what I write here can be assessed only by those who have first listened to her and then afterwards to him.

Regarding Fuellmich: I never idealized him. So I am not easy to disappoint.

Also, when there are large sums of money sitting around, why not make them work.

An additional advantage to a hardworking and inventive team member (not any team member but an especially proactive and important one), does not per se hurt a less inventive team member who does not have the imagination and initiative to do that. Also, even this is not what happened - as she too made some portion of the money work for herself. And he stresses, both behaviours were done legally correct.

Regarding Viviane:

His characterization of her as the eternal girlie who switches roles back and forth between child and competent economist as suits her purposes is perfectly corroborated by her very vague insinuations in her accusatory video. It is very damaging but also with no concrete substance if you pay attention. Lots of flowery speech but leaves much to the imagination and as he correctly says, seems to invite for a fishing expedition.

I found her contributions to the sessions, and style, always a bit rambling and not well articulated.

One thing about her, she has been wearing the same 1990s girlie hairdo plus the identical cut girls blouse in each session for over two years. Beyond the aesthetic aspect (people are entitled to dress as they please, I normally don't mind), it made me wonder all the time. (Didn't make me expect anything of what has happened now, of course.) Just had displeased me in a vague way. And how he now characterizes her, seems spot on and complements the picture.

To sum up my reaction:

I am not saying he is a saint. But I don't expect him to be! I am certain that he has done much more about coordinating 'lawfare' against state overreach in various countries than she has nor would be able to, from my observation of her and his (perceived) potential.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I felt similat aversion to Vivians dresscode, so much so that I saw on her a woman from 3rd Reich wanting to procure as many children as pissible. i also listened to Reiner , who had to be reprimanded by the interviewer several times to remain objective and not insulting. Reiner did himself a great disservice , which I would say is really stupid

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I found the Swiss interviewer condescending (I am Swiss myself and German is my mother tongue - the translation into English contained errors). It's not up to him to determine how his guest expresses himself. The Swiss have a need to be non-confrontational and diplomatic; it's part of the national value system. Germans tend to be more straight up and don't tiptoe around, which I personally find refreshing.

When someone gets attacked personally in order to be discredited, I can understand that the pot boils over. Especially after over two years of what I assume must be intense pressure, exposing pieces of the plot and parts of the cabal. Yes, Reiner could have answered in a cooler, more professional manner. At the same time, he has allowed the human being to shine through all this while, which is what makes him likeable and not appear like another slimy lawyer, but a human being with a beating heart and values that he holds dear and stands up for. I cannot imagine that he is in this for the money. There certainly are easier ways for a lawyer of his caliber to earn money.

For Viviane to wash the dirty laundry (if that's what it is) in public seems both unprofessional and counterproductive to her supposed cause. If she truly aims to accomplish what she and the Committee say they want, it was a terrible move. However, if she wants to destroy the sand castle she built, she did great! Speaking of professional, her convoluted manner of speaking (from another era , like she stepped out of a Thomas Mann novel) is on the annoying side. Same for her image. As a professional, being on videotape, one has to consider one's physical appearance, which is a large portion of the communication. Her WWII look is strange for a lawyer in 2022... Her allegations, sent out to the world, don't seem to be about solving a financial issue - that could and should be done in a different manner - but about taking someone down. Someone who got more attention and respect, and who probably did more of the heavy lifting as well, from what I, as a viewer, can tell.

I guess like with most noble causes, we have to look beyond the individuals at what their work accomplished. Even though we haven't seen the massive court case(s) most of us wished for, the Corona Committee managed to chronicle in a quite thorough manner the biggest hoax and Crime against Humanity in history. That is something of tremendous value, if there are going to be any future generations that could learn from it...

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I totally agree on nearly everything you day: vivians dresscode, her desire to destroy Reiners reputation, yet I mudt agree wirh the swiss reporter trying to avoid this discussion turning into a mudthrowing event. Reiner would be more convincibho if he stopped questioning Vivians sanity no matter how deserving it might be. I am Swiss myself And my mothertong is German. But having lived in Uk, I know what a civilized discours may look like. Some of Reiners audience will understand

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It's not the interviewer's prerogative to decide what is the right tone for an interviewee to use, is it? If he wants to balance the information provided, he can also interview Viviane. Then the audience can make up their own mind. Not because he tells the interviewee what he should or shouldn't say, or how. That's what I found presumptuous. Especially considering the obviously strong emotions a public attack like Viviane's caused, not just with Reiner, by the way, but also with the audience, as we can gauge by the many comments. (Not to mention that in court, a lawyer would question the other side's sanity, if that helped make his case.)

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I am not taking sides because don’t know either of them and I have no way of knowing the facts. In the back of my mind I don’t trust anyone but, unless I have some sort of more solid knowledge, I never dismiss anyone who is performing good works. Although I know there is such a thing as controlled oppositions, knowing if someone is controlled or not is exceedingly difficult to ascertain with any certainty. In these difficult times we must be guided by spirit of unity or we will soon be find ourselves divided, Balkanized and atomized into utter ineffectiveness.

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amazing comment. I feel a sense of impending ruin, because of all this. So many accusations within our ranks. It's like hell.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

With all due respect, Celia, that's what you're intended to feel! Impending ruin. Just as your feelings of the "truth movement" being shattered. That's the goal, whether the main goal or not, it is one of the intended results. Resist! There is no need to feel this way and that feeling, which results in thoughts, which results in manifestations eventually, will be a huge boost to what the Globalists are pulling off. There are far, far more of "us" than them and our collective confidence, determinism, and love for each other and all of the life on earth will be the deciding factor. Don't be distracted and disillusioned.

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Agree!....the 1st casualty of war is the truth.....the fog of war.....Never never never give up.

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Is there a substacker that writes for Hell? Just curious.

Appreciate Country Bumpkin's advise. Everyone knows this is an uphill climb while for decades, the bad guys having been building the hill we have to climb. Sure would like a short cut or alternate path.

Katherine Watt https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/a-poll-about-county-prosecutors is another resource of information; not necessarily a road map--there are no road maps to tackle the forces that are trying to dismantle life and kill us.

I am a Jew, but I have always found this inspirational, "We are not divided all one body we" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa_qE3hpVas

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Maybe I am a child, because I do expect a Nuremberg 2.0.

But then again, (infiltrating demons aside) maybe that’s what makes America so great, we all come here with childlike wonder that anything is possible, and underdogs actually can win…

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Were the first Nuremberg trials effective???

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Meh, that’s beside the point. Nuremberg is just a colloquial term for hanging the bastards.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

But did most hang or were they promoted?

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Haha I think they were sent to USA to develop NASA, and the crazy Gene splicing stuff... There may be an obscure documentary on YouTube about it. I recall watching, the Docu.showed that the USA had removed all the creepy medical documentation from Mengele.

There is also a firsthand story somewhere about a camp survivor who’s best friend was taken in for study...

She was allowed. To visit her friend after a while and they were devastated together as when the survivor saw her friend, she has a full beard and was crying. LOT of those creeps were assimilated into Higher Education facilities in USA...

It may possibly be found on internet.

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It’s called Project Paperclip. The Nazi scientists were recruited by the US for various projects

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Thanks for taking the time to clarify! 👍

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Mengeles supervisor was promoted . He is the one who designed the formers experiments

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I’ve only just learned about this and only know what I’ve read from you Celia. Just a couple of points. First this is a European investigation. Reiner has stated again and again how totally corrupt the courts are there. Makes success all the more fleeing. And by drawing up a strategy that would lead to some romantic notion of a tribunal seems like a recipe for failure. And in the grassroots situation like they were in, discord is inevitable when you’re chasing after a well oiled machine funded by narcissistic billionaires who have been plotting for ages.

So I must turn to the glass half full consideration. The work that this committee has done is invaluable in the overall scheme of things. It’s brought in hundreds of hours of testimony and millions of us who represent the injured public got a chance to be part of a make shift grand jury. In those hearings so much information and horror stories have been revealed providing us all with a much clearer picture of the elite cabal’s MO. I feel we are just getting started.

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A sad day. The "court" was never more than a historical repository of evidence and testimony and still is regardless. I for one value everything I heard and saw.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Sounds like another distract with a media f show again.

Who cares about this drama there is no virus and no covid19.

The facts and the science cannot be and should not be covered up by emotional showmanship/ conflict.

I have no idea yet what she accuses the lawyer of but he is no hero to me as he submitted testimony that there was a coronavirus that causes a new disease "covid19" in his documents to the court = IE spread a controlled opposition narrative .

Please stop looking to the media for truth and hero's .

My advise stop believing non sequiturs, lies, or getting sucked into the media dramas/ distractions and without your belief, attention and participation in it their narrative will weaken.

Just the facts: There are no coronaviruses, no viruses and no covid19.

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RemovedSep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022
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Haha Just the name "corona" committee rings an alarm .

No corona. No real committee just a " coronavirus/covid is real" controlled opposition org.

"Legal" is part of the problematic system.

The Court's are the Govts.

There is no justice to be in it.

Very few cases won( its good a couple did ) , if the corporations courts were not all corrupt, all cases against something without any proof wouldve be won.

Its the belief in viruses that keeps it going , much like how kids believe in monsters under bed until they look.

I'm more interested in focusing on the truth .

There is no battle with the truth.

Its there and everyone can choose it. It simply comes with the choice of fear or love.

As with the truth people would not have to live in fear and believe in lies, it would solve a problem with a dysfunctional corporate medical sy$tem , prevent the same past mistakes from reoccurring over and over.

No matter how much you want revenge ( + keep the us vs them )/punishment( that you call "justice" that is an eye for an eye ) it will not help people learn (or know).

This is part of the collective insanity .

There is no uphill battle .

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RemovedSep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022
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I'm a realist, I am not cynical at all... so its a bit weird that you said that.

Do you think about the psychological effect or the mind game of going on about "uphill battles" for the truth?

I dont think its the truth.

There is no battle with or for the truth .... are you fighting one in your mind?

How can there be for the truth is unchangeable and undeniable .

People who are in the darkness cant see the truth they are blind to it, fighting with those that are in the dark in error does nothing for the truth, as the truth remains unchanging and needs no defense.

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Just shared with an ally , and my friend said: "Someone's gotten to her[Viviane]" re the article link-- what bothers me is the tone and inference in the line about the Nuremburg Trial 2.0 never materializing. This trial potential is not a slam-dunk event, when/if it can occur. We are at the cusp of many revelations that appear to be materializing...and nothing is going to happen overnight.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Here we are again with personality splits and accusations that tear apart our combined energies, momentum and genuine unified progress against these world-wide atrocities. This is so redundantly familiar and agonizing as we have to sort though it all, and yet it has to play out as it seems to separate the wheat from the chaff. The key thing here is FORGET the personalities and STICK with the ultimate goal. We are winning!

Regardless of Reiner's ability or failure to provide the magic "silver bullet" there are a MASSIVE number of other efforts now taking shape and effect. What Fuellmich was attempting is only ONE of now many other efforts. Let's keep this going! This is a direct attack on the CDC.

Check this out:: https://standforhealthfreedom.com/

I am reluctant to sign petitions and get involved in many of these organized legal efforts, but I think this one is on the right track. We need more of of what we see here.

I have been on a summoned grand jury before, and most of them are just pretrial showcases, floating trial balloons to gauge public opinion and/or avoid lengthy court trials. But the concept of We the People having authority to force prosecution, (when the legal system fails) is growing through a number of empowering coalitions.

This pertains the US, but is part of a much bigger international force. We need to keep going!

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I listened to Reiner's explanation in German. I am a lawyer. As a treasurer of a non-profit organization, I know that it is not enough that someone in the organization knows that you are spending its money, but the board has to approve it and that decision has to be put in writing. So, I find neither Reiner question, nor his answer: "Did she know it? Of course, she did" convincing.

I also know that money gets taken if it can be taken. No one has enough money, and everyone gets into financial problems. It seems that in this organization several people had access to their funds.

Second, why is important that Vivienne's office is not equipped for electronic filing of legal documents with courts, when as far as I know, no such filing has been done? Reiner said that courts were corrupt, but he could have made several attempts to file pleadings.

Third, it does not look good that Reiner calls Vivienne a chaotic girl with a curl and puffy sleeves and a lawyer without a law office.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

By their fruits you shall know them. Füllmich flaps his wings, causes excitement for the willfully intelligent masses. However, in the end - it’s been over 2 years - he has accomplished nothing of substance. That said, who has?

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There will not likely ever be again real gains or solutions via the courts or politics or exposure, but only through the masses going about their lives by building a new reality, their own communities, their own supply chains, their own resources, and their own systems, making everything the Globalists are doing completely null and void. You build anew making the previous system obsolete. It can, and is, being done. As long as people are "fighting" the system nothing will change.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Truer words have never been said. Quit finding a new hill to die on every day. The elites have an endless supply used to distract decent people.

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And they've been dying FOR the same hill for centuries, never were distracted for a minute... What we're witnessing is nothing but the great accomplishment of all the relentless work they've been doing ahead.

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This is not true.

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What, exactly, do you not believe to be true?

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Thank you for your reply Countrybumpkin. I posted my reply at the wrong place. I agree with your post above. It was about the other on : ¨Yet they refuse to look at and acknowledge the lack of proof of any pathogenic virus existence which would hasten the demise of this current scam and all those upcoming that are and will be based on the same premise. They are willfully supporting the opposition by just such willful ignorance.¨ I don't believe they are supporting the opposition.

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Thanks for the clarification. These forums can be confusing at times.

The reason I say they are supporting the opposition is this: when they knowingly speak only half truths, leaving some of the lies unchallenged, the people that trust them will also believe those lies, thereby continuing in fear and following the orders of the evildoers. And make no mistake, these doctors and other professionals have no excuse to not already know and studied the full scientific evidence on viruses. By not speaking out they are indeed helping the opposition fulfill their goals.

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I'm clearly not Bill, but I want to make sure I understand your comment/question in relation to Bill's post.

I did not take Bill to say that there was no corruption or malfeasance nor that it wasn't being exposed and that people were working diligently to do just that. What I understood him to mean was that not only has Reiner yet to be fruitful in his endeavors, understandably so, but that no one else really has either and I believe there never will be any significant justice just as there hasn't been in the past, regardless of the crimes committed.

True, there have been some wins in courts over mandates and the like, but that's just to pacify people and make them believe that indeed there is still justice in the system. It is of no great consequence.

The system is set up for the end game, not the little battles.

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He is not working for the government. He stood up and tried to do something. You mix things. I cannot believe all those sad comments here. And you Countrybumpkin, what have you done?

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What have I done? In what regard? Have I spent my days gathering proofs of crimes by the most Elite? Have I filed petitions? Have I picketed or protested?

No, I have not. Have I attempted to spread the truths that have been hidden from us intentionally for millennia to anyone that will listen? Yes. Have I answered questions from people and provided information and helped people personally in any way possible? Yes. Have I been building community and local supplies and providers and connecting people with others that can provide various resources? Yes. Have I kept learning and sharing what I've learned? Yes. Have I taken even further steps to be totally self sufficient and teach others how to do the same? Yes. I have provided information to others on how to really be sovereign, what their natural rights are and how to assert them? Yes. Have I shared how they can and should keep their businesses open and stand up to tyrannical orders? Yes. Do I support all of those that are disseminating truth where possible? Yes. Do I think that going through the courts will bring any kind of justice to the real perpetrators or stop the continued efforts of them to overtake the world? No. Have I studied the true history of civilizations and the origins of true health and wisdom? Yes.

What is it exactly that you think an individual should be doing?

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Well you have done a lot!! Thank you for that.

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I've spent countless hours watching Reiner Fuellmich and many of his interviews with experts in multiple fields via the Corona Investigative committee during the last two years. Reiner strikes me as a man of integrity. He comes across as sincere, genuine and likeable. However, I've always been sceptical about the path he's taken regarding justice for the Covid scam - and Nuremberg 2. It always seemed too good to be true, too fantastical. A long shot - and a long drawn out process to bury us all?

I fear that it's been a 'false hope horizon' for anyone seeking truth and justice. Has the 'Freedom Movement' been carried for a ride? Was it just a way to distract us all, drain us of energy - and ultimately something to be ambushed and scuppered by the Deep State? It seems so. Hope I'm wrong.

I was very unimpressed with how Fischer, Fuellmich and Wodarg dealt with the virus / no virus question, which made them look like establishment or narrative gate-keepers. Then I noted that Fuellmich apparently has links to the Open Society, which raised more questions and deep suspicions.

I've become increasingly suspicious of many of the prominent 'players' in the 'Truth Movement' - such as Malone, Desmet and Fuellmich - but I remain open-minded in the fog of war. Recently there was the Poornima Wagh story, which went sideways. I note how others seem quick to embrace the likes of Malone and Desmet, yet I remain suspicious and unconvinced. It seems that we're being carved up by these distractions. Hope I'm wrong.

Meanwhile, the totalitarian juggernaut drives on relentlessly. The Machine is making mince-meat of us all. Many of us are being isolated and exiled.

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Nigel, what is your conclusion about Poormina Wagh? I felt the takedown was in some way not done right. It was not sound. It was disturbing. Even if they were right. The no virus movement is absolutely loaded to the gills with enemy operatives both in human and spirit form, trust me on this. And I do vote 'they are correct.' They can be correct and also have shitty ways of dealing with fellow human beings. If I ever told everything I know, many names would change color.

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The takedown may have been brutal and unforgiving but, of course, the global stakes are extremely high. I do trust you and your instincts regarding enemy operatives, Celia. I also share your feelings on the horrid ways some people are treated. Sadly, in war - and we know we're in a world war - we all get carved up, trampled over or buried.

My conclusion, sadly, has been that the evidence clearly suggests that Poornima Wagh is a fraud. She doesn't have any PhD qualifications, never mind two. They were not traceable. To my knowledge, she never came forward to counter the allegations and her reactions in response to reasonable questioning (such as the name of her PhD thesis) were wholly inadequate and very suspicious. Her silence speaks volumes. She needed to speak up LOUDLY if the allegations were false - and she didn't, as far as I'm aware.

Re-listening to one of her interviews I got the clear impression of someone who was an imaginative liar. Body language, patterns and phraseology suggested something was off, just not right. Her whole story was just too fantastical, too good to be true (as I believe Dr. Kevin Corbett said in one interview). We all wanted it to be true, which is why many of us were initially fooled by her, myself included. We needed some good news. I was initially overjoyed, cheering her on - but I sank like a stone later on hearing the tenacious sharpened allegations.

The best lies are easily sold to those who want to believe them.

I was really deflated and saddened by the whole saga. If she turns out to be a reclusive superstar with FOUR PhD qualifications, or even one, I'll be the first to update my personal assessment and pleased to apologise for any misunderstanding. I'm just frankly expressing my personal views on the basis of what I've assessed in the online media reporting on this, which has been rigorous and vigorous, if not ruthless.

I note that the interview with Poornima Wagh is still up on Dr. Lee Merritt's website. I was waiting to see if it was swiftly removed or if Dr. Merritt commented on this topic in order to clarify things. Maybe she knows the full hidden truth?

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There must surely be a good reason why Dr. Merritt has left the interview up on her website. I think she said in the opening comments of the interview that it was the most important interview she'd done so far - which gave even more gravity to the interview. I like Dr. Merritt's maverick nature. We need people like her who think outside the box. I hope and trust that she'll address this topic at some point soon.

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She made a follow up video about the Wagh controversy, did you see that one? Part of Merritt's thinking is that regardless of the degrees she has or doesn't have and why things went as they did, the information she gave was quite accurate and corroborates what is already known. At least Merritt is one that is not afraid to change her mind as evidence is shown to her and not afraid to speak out publicly. If only the other "truth movement" doctors would do so, like Mercola, Tenpenny, Northrup, etc, as well as those such as RFK, Jr and Bigtree. They have to know the information because Cowan, Kaufman and Bailey has contacted them with their challenge, to no avail.

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Yes, I finally discovered it at truthcomestolight.com. It explained a lot. Dr. Merritt (to her credit) gave very generous and charitable latitude to Poornima Wagh. No doubt she recognised her like-minded maverick spirit. Although I think she conceded that the criticisms regarding her lack of verifiable qualifications were probably correct but didn't want to shoot her down, preferring to move on instead.

As I would have expected of Dr. Merritt, she gave expansive reasoning for her thinking on Wagh and the whole war on open scientific debate. She's very conscious that there are Establishment forces trying to shut people down. Their video conversation illuminated and articulated the whole Convid debate on scientific fraud, which is probably why she's left it up on her website. It's thought-provoking - likely to wake people up.

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IMO, Malone and Desmet are not on the side of truth, honor and justice. Quite the contrary. Neither are many, if not most, of those in the so called "Truth Movement". There is absolutely no excuse for anyone of any intelligence and resources to continue to uphold the narrative of a pathogenic virus and yet they do. People say it doesn't matter but it most certainly does! This whole farce was based on fear of just that, and it will happen again and again because it worked. It will no longer work when the masses know the truth about viruses. It will force the Globalists to rework their plans. It certainly won't stop them, but they will be sidetracked and have to rethink their next steps.

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The core problem is corrupt MSM propaganda which props up the Dystopian False Narrative 24/7 without any end in sight. Until the media corruption and distortion is resolved we're stuck with a giant iceberg of lies and deception that will not melt.

I agree with you that anyone upholding the fake narrative is not on the side of truth. Malone and Desmet appear to be a clever PsyOp to hijack and 'own' the 'Truth Movement' counter-narrative. They're too smooth. Cuckoos come to mind. The double-act of Malone and Desmet on 'Mass Formation' psychology is suspicious and not at all convincing to me, yet many people seem to warm to it. Indeed, they lap it up because they need to believe it.

Psychiatrist Dr. Breggin's views on Malone and Desmet are interesting (breggin.com). I find his alarming concerns resonate with me. Trojan Horse? He's asking the right questions and aligns instinctively with freedom, truth and sovereign individuality.

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Why can't he just be a guy who wrote a book that struck a chord?

All these attacks, they cost as much as they cost. Do we wind up purged of "fakes" or just totally demoralized at the end of the day? I don't like "takedowns." Just let people write and do what they write and do and don't shoot them down. Unless they are the enemy.

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I hate the division as much as anybody else but I think it's important to voice our sincere concerns, even if we seem to go against our own 'side.' I notice that many people do resent even reasoned criticism of some of our own players. They're reluctant to even perceive certain evaluations and possibilities. Question Everything in times of cognitive dissonance!

It is confusing and demoralising but it's even worse to be deceived all over again and lead astray. If we all speak in blind unison we become just like the groupthink of the totalitarian enemy enslavers.

Just because some of us express unpopular concerns and criticisms does not mean we are collapsing our own united front. We have to be strong enough to consider all angles. I keep an open mind even though I dare to criticise some who appear to be on our own side. If all these people are genuine and true to our cause of freedom then they will endure any criticism and shine even brighter.

To sincerely criticise people is not to take them down but merely to question real concerns that should be fairly and clearly answered - and discerned.

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Ditto. I don't understand why so many cannot tolerate exposing those that appear to be on the side of truth and discovery, or even just, as you say, voice opinions. An awful lot of very touchy emotional beings out there it seems.

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He may have struck a chord, nothing wrong with that. Even propaganda strikes a chord because it cleverly contains some truth and resonating themes - yet it also distorts and screws the overall message outcome.

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That is ABSOLUTELY true! Even Jon Rappoport wrote about this very thing, noting Desmet. I find it a bit interesting that Celia is having this reaction, especially knowing she normally reads Jon's articles. Maybe age and experience also has something to do with how people react.

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Well stated and I agree wholeheartedly. Half truthers are non-truthers in my opinion and purposely, or perhaps some out of ignorance, lead people astray which feeds into the plan of the Globalists, doing their work for them. I just have no patience or sympathy at all for any of them. Dr Breggin is sharp. Always has been, at least for a few decades.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Author

Jesus Country B. Desmet is not a scientist! He's a European philosopher and author. Who cares?

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Apparently a whole lot of people! That was a response to part of Nigel's comment about Malone and Desmet. Rappoport did a very good article on him and his theory, just as he has on how important the "no virus" science is. If you don't care about Desmet that's great. I wasn't speaking to anyone in particular just expounding on Nigel's observation.

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I don't NOT care about Desmet. I just don't think it matters what he thinks about the virus-no virus issue since it's not his field. How come nobody ever brings up The Perth Group? I am so confused.

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And by the way, think how many care what Bill Gates says and he is not in ANY of the relevant fields.

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Most of us are newcomers to the debate (thanks to the Convid Plandemic). The Perth Group is likely only known to those who've been on this trail for years or decades. There are presumably two camps - Pre-Convid and Post-Convid.

Malone and Desmet are running away with the ball - rugby style - using 'Mass Formation' psychology.

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Perhaps that is the defining factor for much of what I'm seeing.. I've been privy to the virus lie for a good number of years among many other, (actually all I'd venture to say), of the lies of the past and present. Back then, however, it was much more difficult to gather information because there was no internet and even when it did come into existence it was still many years before I could get it where I was being very rural. I guess in some ways that's also a detriment because it's also very easy to get all of the intentional misinformation. Too many have a lack of real discernment or maybe it's just a lack of motivation and focus that keeps them from searching long enough to find the truth.

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Not sure who "nobody" is that you refer to, but Cowan and Kaufman and Bailey have all mentioned the Perth Group findings.

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How good of them.

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Yes, it's good to resonate with a few others and find reassuring agreement on some less popular concerns. It feels very isolating to speak out (amidst groans) 'against' aspects of our own freedom movement, to voice genuine concerns. We know divide and conquer is a weakening force - but so is distraction and diversion. We have to stay agile and alert.

I've become aware, particularly during this year, that we seem to have entered a higher level of propaganda sophistication. 'The Machine' has moved up several gears. Our discernment is being stress-tested to even deeper levels - whilst we're all feeling exhausted and so sick of it all.

When I first heard the 'Mass Formation' and 'Mass Psychosis' terms being used by Desmet and Malone, like many others, I started adopting them as it was some relief to define and apply a popular descriptive term to the madness going on. Interestingly, I first heard Desmet speak about totalitarianism via Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigative Committee. Was the stage being set for us?

However, more recently I've started focusing more closely on the details, especially since hearing and reading Dr. Breggin's direct concerns and Dr. Jane Ruby's criticism of Dr. Malone. Now I'm reluctant to use the term 'Mass Formation' as I sense that it's possibly a deceptive trap, as Dr. Breggin strenuously points out.

It lets the evil predators off the hook, excuses them, blames the populous and distracts everyone through captivating soothing 'psychobabble' and structured conceptual thought - away from their righteous gut instinct anger at the raw propaganda machinery and government agendas. It deflects energy and focus. It reminds me of freedom marches apparently being deliberately led astray by infiltrators, being sent down dead-end side routes around town into police traps.

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As Rappoport notes, it is always the individual that makes decisions. Always. If it wasn't wouldn't all of us be in this "mass psychosis"? And if this deadly virus, (and all of the others), exists, why are humans even still existing as a viable species? People react, and rarely respond. Most have been dumbed down and become lazy. They could choose to change and make the effort to stand up, learn, and respond but most do not. That's their choice, not a mass formation. It is, as you note, more propaganda. Again, turtles all the way down.

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I liked Reiner Fuellmich. I let things slide regarding his understanding of SARS-CoV-2 and viruses since he isn’t a virologist (like Stefan Lanka) or a research psychiatrist (like Andrew Kaufman) or even a rebel doctor (like Tom Cowan). He was doing what he could on the level he could understand. I was grateful for that… for a while.

I watched the “interview”-discussion the three of them did (including Wolfgang Wodarg) with Andrew Kaufman and Stefan Lanka (whose connection conveniently-for-them disconnected for most of the session), and my appreciation for the committee pretty much disintegrated. They were rude. They couldn’t understand common sense things that even I, as a curious peasant, could understand. They didn’t listen or appear to even try to understand. It was painful to watch and hear.

I have very limited internet access other than e-mail and reading articles (not enough data to watch anything here at home unless I go sit somewhere, like a library) so now rarely watch anything online and I knew nothing of this issue until just now. I have no information other than what I just read here. But what I can say is that I did not get a good feel about that woman, and if she treats Reiner now like she treated Andrew Kaufman in the interview, it won’t be pretty.

I would also add that with my cynicism and skepticism in general, I don’t doubt much of anything when it comes to corruption, abuse, deceit, etc. I have experienced and seen too much.

So, while I hope Reiner is innocent of this accusation, I will wait and see.

My son recently put me onto a situation in Florida where a man has been accused of murder, yet all the ample evidence points to his innocence. A journalist wrote an extensive article about the situation, showing from multiple sources and angles how he is innocent, yet the injustice system has condemned him to death. What I realized in my reading and feeling from his perspective is how difficult it would be for me in that situation to know that my name was being smeared. That what people would forever think about me after I died was false. My reputation would be ruined. That is a heavy burden to bear.

In regard to Reiner, the accusation already smears his name, even if it is false. Sad, but true. Now people, like me, will hesitate to mention him, recommend anything about him…. Making a false allegation/accusation is very, very low. I would like to think people wouldn’t do it, but unfortunately, they do, and people’s names, reputations, families, and more, are irreparably hurt.

If Reiner is innocent, I hope and pray his name will be cleared and that the accuser will receive the punishment for the crime she accused him of (as per biblical standards). If Reiner is guilty… let the punishment fit the crime.

One thing that has been bothering me for quite some time is that instead of trying to find the truth in court, it is a “game” of wits, half-truths, and suppression. All sides should be looking for the TRUTH of what happened, who is guilty, what they would want for a just punishment if that person would be released in their neighborhood or if it was them or their family who had been harmed by the guilty party. I DON’T GET lawyers who will try to get guilty people off on a technicality, knowing they murdered or raped or robbed or _______ someone. What if that had been done to their parents or wife/husband or child? Would they want someone else subverting justice at their expense? Makes me so mad…

Money and wealth can be very tempting. When donations are flowing in and there is plenty and more than enough to cover expenses…

I have also heard of women making accusations against men because the man wasn’t giving them the kind of attention they wished for. Who knows…?

I guess we will have to wait and see how this shakes out, but sadly, sometimes the truth DOESN’T come out. At least not in our lifetimes. I hope it does.

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I never actually watched that Kaufman/Lanka episode. I should have. I don't think people who think viruses "exist" (language is not their great gift, on either side) and those who say they don't exist should talk to one another. It only bums everybody out. And they never, but never, see one another's point of view. Nor would it stop the genocide to reveal the truth about viruses in a holy scroll from Golgotha. The genocide exploits technocratic virus simulations and does not require any virus to "exist' to do what they do. Am I saying it's a straw man? I'm saying it's not The Holy Grail. This thing is not about "science" at any level. It's about something very difficult to put into words. But I try!

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Celia - I've been interested in the virus debate. Last week was a really worthwhile conversation on Good Morning CHD - The very credible Mary Holland is investigating!


I think "we're" getting somewhere, not sure where :)....but somewhere more enlightened.

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I disagree. Not only do the "viruses exist" people refuse to talk after looking at the existing science in any rational and intelligent manner, but it has nothing to do with language. Pathogenic viruses do not exist, period. If people understood that they would not be fearful of every Tom, Dick and Harry that says another one is on the way and then do everything they are told to do, including take incredibly toxic shots. It absolutely does require a virus exists for them to do what they do. Or at least the belief that they exist. No one is afraid of a simulation if they realize it is a simulation. They believe a lab created "virus" is just as deadly,, or more so, than a "real" one. And neither one exists. Are they creating toxic weapons? Of course. But staying home in masks and giving up your businesses and not going to Thanksgiving dinner and taking shots will not stop any of that. It IS about science! Now, is that going to stop the Cabal? No, of course not. But what it would do is give people the confidence in their own ability to see through some of the bullshit and realize that this has all been towards the one world government agenda and total control.

Maybe you need to also read Dr Mark Bailey's recent report where he goes through, step by step and point by point, the entire virus explanation and the whole shebang on virology. It's very comprehensive but easy to grasp.

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All they need to do is “show us the virus.” They won’t because they can’t. There are monetary rewards out for proving SARS-CoV-2 exists. (I would like to see someone compile them into one list.) No one has claimed the prizes. Why? There is only one reasonable answer. If anyone could do it, they would. It’s free money, just waiting for someone with evidence.

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Unfortunately, there's no room for the middle-view: yes, viruses exist, Corona does not.

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Unfortunately, there is no science throughout history to present day that has proven that to be true. You're correct. There is no room for middle-views. Truth is truth and facts are facts.

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For some reason, for 3 months, I had unlimited data during January - March 2022. During that time I watched and listened to just about everything I could find of Andrew Kaufman’s interviews and presentations (among other things - the trucker event in Canada was going on at that time as well). This was after listening to ALL of David Crowe’s The Infectious Myth podcasts (except one due to bad language which I turn off immediately … and it wasn’t David) between about April and June of 2020.

I think I get what you’re saying. The science doesn’t matter to the ones pulling the strings and manipulating the people. They will make up any stories they want to get the results they want. But for the PEOPLE, the scientific evidence DOES matter because that is how they will be able to overcome their fear of the virus bogeyman. Then what’s left is to be afraid of the people who are doing this to us. (Who I believe are puppets for a far greater evil than any human entity - the enemy of God Himself.)

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Here, here's the word Celia: Evil.

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The link I was looking for, thank you !

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Agree with everything you have stated. I never cared for Vivianne nor that other man that sat in on the interview with Kaufman and Lanka, etc. They were dumber than dumb and as you say, rude. It was a show, but for whom and for what end?

There are so many who SHOULD already know that the virus does not exist and be speaking that loud and clear as that in itself would shut this farce, and all future ones based on fear of viruses, down in a heartbeat. This includes Tenpenny, Bigtree, RFK, Jr, Mercola, Krisch, et al. There is no excuse and as much as I despise saying it, there has to be ulterior motives, maybe not the same one for everyone of them.

Attorneys' first allegiance is to the State, then to the Court and lastly to their client. I found this out from someone who had decided not to take the Bar exam on the advice of a Judge who made it clear to him just how the system works. He has been helping people for decades with what he knows but is not a practicing attorney in a court system for that reason.

And yes, I know personally of a woman, (well a minor by law), who made false accusations toward her step father because he would not allow her to stay out all night and engage in seriously risky behaviors. The court did NOT dole out justice and never even obtained the legal physical evidence they should have attempted to attain to prove guilt. The man has thus far served 15 years in prison. I've known him and his family for decades and know the situation. It does happen and it happens more and more because the courts allow and encourage it by their actions.

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Not surprised. Viviane Fischer can go to hell.

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I know what you mean.

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I would prefer Reiner goes there.

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Yikes, what an awful occurence, and thank you for telling the story. I'm kinda in shock with the revelation of theft levelled at Füllmich. I tried to read the translation and found it to be incomprehensible, will read what Paul Charles Gregory provides. As others have commented, Füllmich seems an honest, industrious kind of fellow, bent on informing the world of whatever it is the committee discovers. I was really disappointed when I realized that there likely would be no Nuremberg 2, yet am hopeful that some of the small victories will continue.

Füllmich may be forever smeared, which reminds me of MIiler's The Crucible, and John Proctor declaring that all he has is his name.

On the other hand, why would Viviane Fischer make a false claim?

It's all so strange.

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