Some days I am hopeful and optimistic. Some days not so much. It seems overwhelming what we are up against.

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👍 - being at war is extremely overwhelming !! I can only imagine the day we’ve overcome this insanity.

God bless yoUs ♥️

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Read the Last Battle , Chronicles of Narnia... its all in there... Further up and further in... souls of the light, the good, the truth, these will pass onward. Those so lost and bankrupt by the materialism, the things of the world.. well. They won't be there... lose the fear, acknowledge death and remember you pass ONWARD and UPWARD.. You do not want to be sucked back here or harvested... you want your divine FREEDOM.

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I unofficially stopped going to Walgreen a few years ago; now it's official!

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I hate Walgreen's.. but I still to to ONE.. because CVS has issues

ALL THE PHARMACIES complied.. remember that. ALL OF THEM.. Walgreen's mother company used to be BOOTS in England.. which is why I didn't like it but during the PANDEMIC is was the absolute WORST and I filed a report against my local Walgreen's because they turned it into a CLINIC. I worked in medicine and told them that their JOB was to DISPENSE PILLS: NOT GIVE VACCINES.. that was not even their training.. long story very very short.

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I would only go into walgreens to get a neti pot- but, of course, they only sell them in plastic...

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Some might consider it a love-crime.

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No, sad to say, but I think it's Natural selection and in the long run a good thing. We are all profoundly products of parenting.

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Auschwitz and Treblinka are now Walgreens and CVS.

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Since the allied forces eventually bombed the smithereens out of Germany’s infrastructure (roads & rail), likely starting in 1944, most of the Auschwitz & Treblinka deaths were due to starvation & disease/illness (typhus) as Germany no longer could even support its own. I guess your comparison is somewhat correct that US & British companies (Pfizer/Astra Zenaca) are definitely in support of another massive elimination program, this time using Walgreens & CVS.

Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard E. Harwood


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Oh, this is so inflammatory. But if you use your logic, you will know likely true. Because those 6 million deaths and the lies about it were USED to generate the state of Israel... of which ONLY the very conservative Jews are true Jews descended of Israelites. Remember your bible, only 144,000 will be left of real true Israelite Jews at the time of the Second coming. The ones ruling now are Edomites, the very very enemy of the Jewish Israelites... read the bible.. its all there.

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Most Jews in Europe and around the world didn’t even want to move to Palestine.

Here’s a good read explaining further.


Their lives were already in motion and they were mostly satisfied with their living conditions. Of course those encamped in Germany/Poland/Russia found themselves in a living hell crossfire. With Judaea declaring war against Germany (and therefore siding with Britain) created a no win situation for innocent Jews ( no different than Japanese Americans).

A great read called Conjuring Htler puts many thoughts into a historically correct perspective.

Very well researched and citations well sourced/documented.


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Walgreen's and CVS are both shills for big pharma. Besides the fact that, the last time I checked, they are still slated to dispense the extremely barbaric abortion pill. I guess they figure if they can't convince you to kill your child in-utero and give birth to your dead baby in the comfort of your own home, they'll encourage you to enroll in a clinical trial so they can exterminate your child a different way. Any parent that submits their child to a vaccine trial is a complete and total selfish, moronic idiot.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

I had a question for a cvs pharmacist about an over the counter product. After she answered my question she said, " has anyone spoken to you about a free covid 19 vaccine?" I said, oh, no way, two of my family members are dead from those and the rest of the family is having a bunch of bad health problems." All true, but the look on her face was worth it.

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Wished I could have seen it!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 9

Try it some time. It might not be true for your family but you could be my friend, therefore you could say a friend of yours. Plus, I like to throw out there, also, for the first time in medical history heart attacks are the number 1 cause of death for children. It's all true, and we're all called to spread the truth.

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Standing ovation for you, Steveo. My new best friend!

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CVS informed employees they must get the DeathJAB or no job. A woman just recently sued her employer (Blue Cross and Blue Shield) for firing her, for refusing the JAB, and won a $700K settlement.

I think this is just the beginning of a slew of lawsuits companies will be facing for forcing their employees to submit to the DeathJAB. Especially from the surviving family members of those that died.

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Please don't trust them, parents!


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👍 🙏 💚

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Thank you so much for your tireless work!! You are the best!!

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last part- 24. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission even though it knew it had never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission.

- When the FDA issued the Emergency Use Authorisation for Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine in December 2020, the FDA reported that there was no "evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person".

According to Pfizer's trial protocol, evaluating transmission was not an objective of the trial.

25. Despite admissions by Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla and Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb that Pfizer did not know if its vaccine prevented transmission, Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla warned Kansans on multiple occasions that not receiving a COVID-19 vaccine would affect the lives of those around them, thus implying that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine prevented transmission.

"I repeat once more, that this choice not to vaccinate will not affect only your health or your life. Unfortunately, it will affect the lives of others and likely the lives of the people you love the most, who are the people that usually you are in contact with." Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla CNBC, December 14th 2020.

"What I would say to people who fear the vaccine is that they need to recognise that the decision to take it or not will not affect only their own lives. It will affect the lives of others. And most likely it will affect the lives of people that they love the most, who are the people that they socialise the most with." John Micklethwait, Pfizer CEO Bloomberg, January 28th 2021.

- June 2021: "I try to explain to them that the decision to vaccinate or not is not only going to affect only your life... But unfortunately will affect the health of others and likely will affect the health of people you like and you love the most... When you try to explain that their fear could stand in the way of protecting their loved ones, I think this is the argument that mostly works. CEO, CBS News, June 15th 2021.

- November 2021: "The only thing that stands between the new way of life and the current way of life, frankly, is the hesitancy to get vaccinated, the people that are afraid to get the vaccines, and they create issues not only for them. Unfortunately, they are going to affect the lives of others and, frankly, the lives of the people that they love the most because they are putting at risk the people that they hug, they kiss, [and] they socialise with." Pfizer's Albert Bourla

- In December 2021, a Pfizer press release quoted Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla in a manner that again suggested that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine prevented transmission: "Ensuring as many people as possible are fully vaccinated with the first two dose series and a booster remains the best course of action to prevent the spread of COVID-19."

- Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb also represented to Kansans that Pfizer's COVID-19 prevented transmission: "And final point, I mean, some of the optimism is also being driven by growing science, suggesting that these vaccines, all the vaccines not only prevent Covid disease, prevent symptoms, but also prevent transmission. So they could have a dramatic effect on reducing the overall tenor of the epidemic." CBS News, March 7th 2021.

- In 2022, Pfizer partnered with Marvel to produce an Avengers-themed comic book that called individuals waiting for a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine "Everyday Heroes".

- According to one of the characters in the Pfizer comic book, "it's also important for entire communities to come together and help fight the threat". "And that's exactly what we're doing today!" says another character. As the group heads to the examination room to get their Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations, the first character announces, "The Avengers are doing their part to help keep us safe. Now it's time for us to do ours."

- One of the final pages reinforces the need for individuals to get a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in order to protect the community. "Everyday heroes don't wear capes! But they do wear a small bandage on their upper arm after they get their latest COVID-19 vaccination — because everyday heroes are concerned about their health. And they're people who choose to unite with their communities and do their part to help protect against COVID-19." See: 'Avengers Assemble! Teaming Up with Marvel to Illustrate the Importance of COVID-19 Vaccination' and 'Avengers: Everyday Heroes'

26. Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer's claims.

- Pfizer's view was that "misinformation spreaders" are "criminals" who have"literally cost millions of lives".

- On July 19th 2021, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb claimed social media companies had an "obligation" and an "affirmative responsibility" to prevent the spread of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation on their platforms.

- Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla called people who spread misinformation on COVID-19 vaccines "criminals" who have "literally cost millions of lives."

27. Pfizer worked to conceal and suppress material facts.

- On August 24th 2021, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb contacted Twitter to complain about a column written by Alex Berenson that criticised Dr. Anthony Fauci. "This is whats [sic] promoted on Twitter. This is why Tony needs a security detail."

- On August 27th 2021, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb had a conference call with Twitter employees to discuss Mr. Berenson. Twitter banned Mr. Berenson the next day.

- On Friday, August 27th 2021, Dr. Brett P. Giroir, who served as the Assistant Secretary for health from 2018 to 2021 and approximately one month as the acting FDA Commissioner in late 2019, posted to Twitter that natural immunity was superior to vaccine immunity.

- In response, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb reached out to Twitter's top lobbyist in Washington, D.C., to complain that the post was "corrosive", "draws a sweeping conclusion" and "will end up going viral and driving news coverage".

- The Twitter lobbyist forwarded Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb's email to the Twitter "Strategic Response" team, which "later slapped [Girori's tweet] with a 'misleading' label and blocked any ability to like or share the tweet".

- On December 11th 2020, the same day that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine received emergency use authorization from the FDA, a Zoom calendar appointment entitled "Vaccine Disinformation Response" invited personnel at the Department of Health and Human Services, Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies and Stanford University to discuss "a coalition to respond to COVID-19 vaccine disinformation".

Shortly after the December 11th 2020 meeting, Stanford University co-launched the Virality Project. For at least the next year, Stanford and members of the Virality Project pressured social media companies to conceal and suppress information about Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, including information about safety and efficacy.

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Great gallery of evidence. 🙏🏻

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Ive been collating data, research, opinion, perspectives, and zeitgeist across the globe, since December 2019, on SARS/MERS and this is one of the best summation pieces on Sarscov2.

If they were actually going to stop because "mistakes were made", they would have in July, 2021. That's when every red flag system pre2020 changes, would have gone off.😐

#thisisnotadrill #itsnotyou #itsthem #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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"The average IQ is 100 (no judgement) that means half the population is below 100 and it is not ethical or moral to get humans to understand they are being murdered by Pharmaceutical companies and their own governments." ⁉️😳

um... Celia... And Dr. Paul I suppose... what the HELL, exactly, is this?

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That's clearly NOT what Dt. Stoller meant. He is very clear, here:

Those of us with medical training who have not been captured or compromised have a duty to help those with little to no knowledge in this area to understand a war is being waged against them. They are the carbon the Greenies want to get rid of one way or the other.

Expose, expose, expose and hold these misanthropic COVIDIANS accountable.

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You pounced upon unclear language when the meaning of the writer was evident. Why? In any case, I edited for clarity.

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That paragraph threw me for a loop too, but Roy beat me to it pointing it out. And here we are!

Words have meaning. Were you offended when asked for clarification because it all seemed perfectly clear to you: just ignore what was being said in the first sentence because his true meaning came out in the second.......so obvious.....

If the way what is being written is causing confusion, or doubt is being created, as it was when two different messages were being given by Dr Stoller, then it is reasonable to for us, the readers and commenters, to respectfully discuss it rather than just make our own assumptions about what appears to be being said.

This is particularly true at this point in time when a lot of gaslighting and deceit is being put out from the medical profession and from social media of course. Nobody is above being questioned when some statement they made needs clarification. Not even Dr Stoller.

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also, i don't think he has the correct definition of average. isn't that "mean" that he has defined? help me out here math majors. we DO need to be clear about the meaning of words -- there is a huge push now to distort meanings, e.g., calling men women, calling women ovary-havers and other such crap.

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Sorry about that... 😥

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That phrase stuck out to me too. Still to this day I have to hold my tongue when I'm around my siblings and their families when it comes to the covid con. My trying to warn them not to take the shots caused a rift that took a couple of years to overcome. They are all I've got, and I live in fear of any of them succumbing to effects from the poison they so willingly took. And not a one of them is below average intelligence.

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It's been absolutely incredible, hasn't it?

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I am sorry. They loved the material of life more than the spirit of life... and God. I find many who embrace are Godless (atheists) others say 'agnostic' but alot are also faithful. In every case however, they seemed AFRAID ... and does not God command 'be not afraid'? I just know that I knew in my soul that it was wrong to pressure for something clearly marked experimental, and that in my core I revolted. I said, I'll take the death if it is that rather than submit to 'experimental' technology. Sadly many scientifically literate around me could not make the distinction... they jabbed. I see much death now and suffering, all due to it... and though I did not take this jab, I had to have rabies jabs and I much fear what was in THOSE...

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Thanks for pointing this out! I read the sentence three times and then gave up.

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RemovedJul 7
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It's the "it is not ethical or moral to get humans to understand they are being murdered" that I object to.

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Yeah, I didn't understand that either. But what he means is--we want to impart the knowledge prior to the murder.

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How is that a change of topic?

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RemovedJul 7
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I appear to have misunderstood...

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"I will go with: 'LIES

DAMNED LIES, AND STATISTICS' for $500, Alex.....!"

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"Some cultures?" which cultures? Intriguing explanation.....pardon my asking:

why did "some cultures" believe that it was important to gain the agreement of the animal about to be


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What are you saying? Can you please clarify your statement. Thanks!

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RemovedJul 7
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That was not what i was asking for clarification about. How are you so sure they even had a moral code from which their system of "ethics" derived? You are presupposing that they did, but since you are playing coy about which cultures you are referring to here, we have no way of checking your presupposition out.....but perhaps you consider that reality and truthfulness no longer are important and can be manipulated, just like statistics

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When will the KoviD criminals to be tried and punished?

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Never, they are protected by the dod and big harma

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I wouldn't count on that if I were them. People are seriously pissed! Being the object of state murder can have that effect!

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Walgreens, like CVS/Aetna, are part of the problem, not part of any solution on C19, vaxxes, etc. Since the HIV/AIDS debacle, 2001, 2009 and 2020, it is impossible to trust big Pharma again - as the Hippocratic Oath is not their primary goal, it seems, in the slightest.

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those children's parents might want to look at these results first: this is an excellent post- for some this will be the 1st time reading this evidence- for others, it will be a review of past atrocities

Dr. Carl Heneghan The Daily Sceptic 27 Jun 2024 The devastating charge sheet against Pfizer

We've extracted the main points from the Kansas City Attorney General's legal report on the case against Pfizer that we first mentioned in 'Due Process' — all quotes are taken verbatim.

This is a lengthy post, and we'd recommend having an anger management strategy to hand while reading. If you are making a comment, use the numbering to highlight which points you are referring to, and do let us know if we've missed anything.

1. Pfizer misled the public.

- In May 2021, Pfizer advertised to Kansans on Facebook about its "life-saving vaccines" and its "cures". Upon information and belief, Pfizer intended for Kansans to think of its COVID-19 vaccine when it discussed "life-saving vaccines" and "cures". Pfizer ran three different ads between May 4th 2021 and June 1st 2021 that received 165,000 to 190,000 impressions.

- Pfizer received emergency use authorisation for its COVID-19 vaccine in individuals 16 years of age and older on December 11th 2020.

- Pfizer received FDA approval on August 23rd 2021. From 2021 to 2023, Pfizer received emergency use authorisations in children from six months to 15 years of age.

2. Pfizer used confidentiality agreements to conceal critical data relating to the safety and effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine.

- Pfizer effectively had a veto over the federal Government's communications.

3. Pfizer used its confidentiality agreements with the U.S. Government and others to conceal, suppress and omit material facts relating to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, including the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

4. Pfizer used an extended study timeline to conceal critical data - the study was repeatedly delayed.

- Pfizer planned to provide researchers with access to patient-level data and full clinical study reports 24 months after study completion. Protocol C4591001

- Pfizer estimated that it would complete the study by January 27th 2023, but that estimated date fell back to February 2024 because of a late vaccination of a single study participant (out of 44,000 participants).

- Pfizer's control of the data allowed the company to selectively publish results for which the underlying data could not be independently evaluated.

5. Pfizer says it will make data from vaccine trials approved in the U.S. available 18 months after the primary study completion date. Pfizer, Data Access Requests.

- Upon information and belief, Pfizer has still not made its complete study data available to researchers.

6. The FDA did not make the safety and effectiveness data for Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine immediately available.

- The FDA denied expedited processing of PHMPTA's FOIA request and claimed in litigation that it would take 55 years — until 2076.

- In January 2022, a federal judge rejected the FDA's proposed production of 500 pages per month and ordered the FDA to instead produce 55,000 pages per month.

7. Pfizer destroyed the vaccine control group.

- Pfizer planned to follow COVID-19 vaccine study participants, both vaccine and placebo recipients for 24 months to monitor the safety and effectiveness of its vaccine.

- Once the FDA approved Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine through an emergency use authorisation in December 2020, Pfizer unblinded the study participants and offered vaccine placebo recipients the option to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

- Only 1,544 placebo participants had not received the vaccine as of March 13th 2021, just 7% of the original placebo group.

8. In its press release announcing emergency use authorisation of its COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer did not disclose that it had excluded immunocompromised individuals from its COVID-19 vaccine trials.

- Instead, in "Important Safety Information" in its press release, Pfizer noted that [i]mmunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.

9. Pfizer knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis.

- Pfizer maintained its own adverse events database that "contain[ed] cases of [adverse events (AEs)] reported spontaneously to Pfizer, cases reported by the health authorities, cases published in the medical literature, cases from Pfizer-sponsored marketing programmes, non-interventional studies and cases of serious AEs reported from clinical studies regardless of causality assessment.

- Upon information and belief, Pfizer's adverse events database contained more adverse event data than VAERS because it included both information in VAERS and information not in VAERS.

10. The United States military detected a safety signal for myocarditis.

- In early 2021, the U.S. military noticed cases of myocarditis in male military members occurring within four days of administration of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.When the Department of Defence reviewed its health system data for 2021, it found that "[t]hose who were recently vaccinated had a rate ratio that showed their incidences of myocarditis and pericarditis were 2.6 and 2.0 times higher compared to those who were never vaccinated".

- On March 3rd 2021, Israel's Ministry of Health contacted the CDC about myocarditis and pericarditis connected to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine: "We are seeing a large number of myocarditis and pericarditis cases in young individuals soon after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. We would like to discuss the issue with a relevant expert at CDC."

- Upon information and belief, Pfizer had knowledge of the medical reports in Israel related to its vaccine and myocarditis and pericarditis because Israel agreed to share medical data with Pfizer.

- At the time of Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla's January 18th 2023 denial of any safety signals, the CDC's website reported that "[d]ata from multiple studies show a rare risk for myocarditis and/or pericarditis following receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines".

- According to a leaked confidential February 2022 Pfizer document, "[s]ince April 2021, increased cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported in the United States after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), particularly in adolescents and young adults (CDC 2021)".

1. After Pfizer obtained FDA approval through emergency use authorisation to provide its COVID-19 vaccine to 12-15-year-olds in August 2021, Pfizer decided to study "how often" its vaccine may cause myocarditis or pericarditis in children by testing 5-16 year-olds for troponin I.

- Pfizer warned children participants that after receiving Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine,"[y]ou might get chest pain, shortness of breath, or feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering or pounding heart. You may need to come in to see the study doctor for further assessments if you have these symptoms".

- Pfizer press releases did not disclose an increased risk of myocarditis from Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine until November 2021. Posts falsely claim Pfizer "officially admits" heart inflammation is COvid jab side-effect in 2023.

- Upon information and belief, at the time of Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla's January 2023 representation that Pfizer had not observed a single safety signal related to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer was aware of a safety signal relating to myocarditis and pericarditis.

12. Upon information and belief, Pfizer also detected a safety signal relating to strokes.

- Days before Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Bourla denied any safety signal, the CDC's and FDA's "surveillance system flagged a possible link between the new Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent COVID-19 vaccine and strokes in people aged 65 and over.

- Although CDC later suggested a link was "very unlikely", an FDA study found that individuals 85 years or older who received both a flu vaccine and Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine "saw a 20% increase in the risk of ischemic stroke".

13. Pfizer's knowledge of a safety signal for increased fatalities

- Upon information and belief, Pfizer also detected a safety signal relating to deaths. As of February 28th 2021, Pfizer's adverse events database contained 1,223 fatalities after taking Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine.

14. Pfizer only tested the booster shot on 12 trial participants who were in the 65 to 85 year-old age range.

- Pfizer should not have represented that the booster was "safe" for 65 to 85 year-olds after only testing 12 trial participants in that age range.

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Yikes! So much fiction about C19 and vaxxes

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Was thinking earlier today that harming children is the worst expression of evil.

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Walgreens, CVS, good grief, you need to go to a real healer. not these crackpots.

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"The average IQ is 100 (no judgement) that means half the population is below 100"

This one always gets me.

No, it doesn't.

For example, if 80% of the people have IQs of 120, then 20% have IQs of 20.

Of course, I agree with the sentiment of the piece.

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Are you familiar with the standard statistical distribution? The bell curve?

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Yes. Now, did you read my example?

"For example, if 80% of the people have IQs of 120, then 20% have IQs of 20."

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That's not how a statistical distribution works.

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Looks like you "forgot" the word "standard" in your reply this time ;)

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What grade are you in?

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Yeah. Admit defeat and apologize and I may forgive you.

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This is what we need to do! Rite aid bought out our small town pharmacy and they too are just like CVS and Walgreens!! We all need to start printing these substacks exposing them and start taking them to the pharmacists and tell them THEY are responsible for these deaths and injuries for pushing them!! This is diabolical that they would try and get children, let alone anyone into vaccine trials!!! We aren’t being aggressive enough and with them, our doctors, the legislators, etc., because they just ignore it all. We gave a Senator a huge binder on all the injuries and deaths of the covid jabs last year and she was supposed to share it. Nothing. She was on the Senate Health Committee in our state and any proactive bills stopping what happened during covid are not coming out of their committee. Too much business and medical dollars flowing to their campaigns to keep the dangerous protocols and vaccine mandates in place. They all have blood on their hands.

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