Obviously it can't have been REAL, or the Secret Service are inept, which I can't believe. It's a terrific distraction from real news, however: our dastardly funding of Israel's evil destruction of Gaza; ditto for Ukraine; the regressivity of the taxes funding both; our middle class dying; vaxxed ppl dying; etc. etc. Plus, gotta keep everyone interested in THE ELECTION, because it will look really bad for them if nobody votes because they all understand how rigged the whole thing is, & that who's President isn't really that important anyway because Congress COULD do decent things IF it wanted to.

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All distractions, something big is coming.

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whats coming is transhumanism

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I believe it is already here largely. They want us to think transhumanism is some thing still off in the distance, but, if we take a moment to consider Moderna's website during the 'pandemic' contained verbiage, clear as day, something to the effect of: "there is technology in the mRNA shot that is something akin to a computer operating system."

Imo, they have some advanced tech in the covid jabs, preparing those who took them to live in a world that will soon become apparent. Meanwhile those who did not take them, will not be able to live in that world. A huge bifurcation point is coming.

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Have you followed those studying this? Darkfield microscopy of the vaxxed & unvaxxed blood?

Dr Ana Mihalcea, Cliff Carnicum, FM8, David Nixon, & others.

Look them up.

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That's wierd but, I think it's even gonna be worse.

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how so?

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not to mention the scariest of all, imho, the furthering meetings on 7/16-17 of the WHO's global pandemic treaty agreements. if this goes through will it really matter who's president? james roguski's channel contains links to all the docs. also an eye-opening chat w/mel K. and anti-globalist reggie littlejohn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IUx86pZh-k&t=1648s

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...or who's in Congress. Notice how Congress keeps giving away its power (& responsibility), but keeps collecting its wages & benefits....

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the WEF 'young global leaders' (gag) has "penetrated" (k.schwab's word) local and regulatory oversight. in many cases not elected but selected but look to see who has been the biggest donor to any campaign. i believe we need to come back to ourselves and assess what/who it is that we really trust to lead us on through this movie and beyond. hollywood has been exposed for it's dreadful predictive programming so now it seems the 'movie' has be made to been seen AS 'reality'.

what if, since we be getting more 'global' we the humans expand the concept for them to MHGA (make Humanity great again) so to at least go for it in whatever ways we can. who do we trust to know the difference between what elevates us beautiful humans (life-wish) and/or what serves to accomplish our sad and tragic (death-wish) demise. our species was put here to evolve to (or back to) our most realized human beingness. amen sistahs and brothas! LOL

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Trump is not protected by the Secret Service. He would never allow that. He’s protected by JSOC (Joint Operations Special Command).

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Not inept but compromised, see 1963.

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Well, yes, which is what makes the above-mentioned event "not real".

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Don't swallow too much of your own tail, or it will be hard to move forward in the world in this life.


The CIA brought CNN in in to get video of Trump's brains splattering, like the Twin Towers going down, but instead they sent out images of Epic-Fail-God-Saves-People's-Champion-Trump.

They are asking the referees of public opinion to disallow this fateful own-goal they scored, but the imperial court will now change.

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Either outcome would be made to work.

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But one outcome serves globalist elites and one outcome serves nationalist elites.

Nationalists are in ascendance in my estimation, not merely in the US, but Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Hungary, Slovakia, Vietnam, etc.

​ Andrew Korybko, In Defense Of JD Vance As Trump’s VP

​ The truth though is that Trump is paving the way for a successor who’ll carry on what MAGA has always been about on the foreign policy front, and that’s being tough on the US’ top rivals in order to decelerate its declining unipolar hegemony.

​ To be sure, the way in which Trump and Vance envisage doing this is by first alleviating the risk of World War III with Russia, which is a net positive for peace and would bring humanity back from the brink if it’s successful. The global systemic transition to multipolarity has also unprecedentedly accelerated so much since the start of Russia’s special operation that restoring the 1990s-era unipolar system is now impossible, thus meaning that MAGA’s foreign policy is really about responsibly managing this moment. The best that the US can now hope to achieve is to preserve its privileged position as long as possible through creative – and ideally peaceful – means. It’ll never enjoy the unparalleled dominance from the post-Old Cold War period, but it also won’t become a so-called “normal country” anytime soon either, let alone collapse in the near future like many in the AMC have predicted. A Trump-Vance presidency would be all about slowing the pace of its decline and regaining some ground wherever possible.

​ The difference between them and Biden-Harris is that MAGA wants to improve socio-economic living standards at home while keeping World War III at bay abroad while the Democrats care less about Americans and more about their fellow liberal–globalist elite even at the expense of risking World War III.​ https://www.theautomaticearth.com/2024/07/in-defense-of-jd-vance-as-trumps-vp/#post-164195

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Vance, formerly Bowman is about as deep state as you can get. Jim Thielr, David Sacks, AmplifyBio, all things you should start looking into. The fact that he picked someone who couldn't stand him, self-procleaimed "Never Trumper," bizzare. Between the potential masonic sysmbolism being displayed, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if Trump is the antichrist. We have to be open to all possibilities, seriously. Being very pro Israel, I'll see if he makes a peace deal and then breaks it half way through. Daniel 9 27.

Oh, and now "Race," is a hot political topic due to his Hindu wife.

And maga and bkah, blah, blah. The hand they just keep playing.


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Freemasonry ... The most elaborate gang-culture in the world.

The desire to enter the gang is a most fundamental motivation ...COWARDICE.

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There's no such thing as a free mason.

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It was Sheldon Adelson that complained DJT was not sufficently pro_israel. "Two women hired by private intelligence operatives to seduce and blackmail National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster after Jewish mega donors Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer complained to Trump that he wasn’t sufficiently pro-Israel." https://www.unz.com/estriker/national-justice-investigates-rising-republican-party-influencers-got-their-start-at-talent-agency-run-by-israeli-pornographer/

Which VP had to resign after their first term? You might recall (if you are old enough) that the President was also forced to resign and the U.S. ended up with an unelected President. I was a child, but I do remember that.

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Thank you for this info!

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Either way you look at it, it’s globalism. The difference is how and by what elite faction administer it. Agreed multi-polarity is ascendant but the actions of the hegemon forced it. I think intentionally. We will see the same globalist policies regardless of US leadership. Operation Warp Speed provides ample evidence of that. There were not, and will not be any structural shifts in the world. Central banks will continue. Some organizations will be shuffled at the margins to give appearances of change. Despite all the China bad, no one is going to start a war with China. No peer to peer conflict is tenable with today’s warfare technology. In fact they’re scrapping all the obsolete technology in Ukraine now to make room (profits) for the new stuff. So it’s easy to “prevent” WW3. They just have to get past that skirmish in the Middle East. Which coincidentally the nationalist and globalist seem to be okay with. Regarding Vance. I applaud bringing in the younger generation. About time. But Vance’s rise was enabled by oligarchs who definitely want input into how the globe is run. See Peter Thiel and Elon Musk.

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Nationalists? Is it wrong of team members to play to win, and for their side to cheer for them? Of course yes. But, just like sports, you follow the rules, and never hurt the opposing team.

So, we here in America are making cars, and we Nationalists should buy American cars ... the globalist elites don't want us to cheer for our team. We tell them to go eff themselves.

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NAH! ...It's all lip-service, AFTER THE EVENTS.

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High Priest Trump is now trapped in the event-horizon of the hubris that got him there and the dread of wanting to get the hell out of there.

The MAGA Cult rank and file, are simply the existential, hopeless hordes that think that their Waiting for Godot has finally paid off.

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Really ? No the "Maga cult rank and file" as you call them are not a "cult" - for anyone who cared for ex to observe the events of J6 - I know Celia was there - they are simply regular Americans fed up with a blatantly fraudulent election in 2020. Ok you proved you probably give space to the propagandist media, you haven't a hope of understanding the truth in that event.

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Are you saying that "regular Americans" are forgiving Trump for the scamdemic and Israel, because of J6?

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In 2022, I received the following from a new supporter of my work:

From Dan P.


Dan P.'s wife said there's a guy showing a film on the JFK assassination and I had always said that the Warren Comm. report was a poorly done hoax.   What we saw was Bill Cooper's "Assassin Unmasked".   It showed the film captured by Mr. Zapruder on his 8mm movie camera.  That's what got me into this movement.  Now millions have seen the Zapruder  film on TV or what they thought was the Zapruder film.  What they actually saw was a film of the film.  The original was shot on a screen and then filmed by another camera.  Everyone saw JFK, who had been hit in the throat, as he came into view from behind the road sign.  The camera zoomed in on him, but that 1962 8mm camera didn't have a zoom on it, but people were spell bound and never thought about that.  Why would they zoom in on JFK?  So you couldn't see the real shooter.

If you watched the driver's assistant you had to realize something wasn't right.  He had only 2 duties: Open the doors for the dignitaries and pull his gun and shoot anyone who threatens the president.  What SS agent Kellerman did was turn around in his seat and looked back past Connolly  towards JFK for several seconds. He then turned back to the front and never looked right or left.  The driver also didn't follow protocol.  His job was to immediately speed up to get the president out of the kill zone any time there is a hint of danger.  Instead, he slowed the limo way down and you can see him looking over his right shoulder to see if JFK is mortally wounded.  He then looks back to the front to make sure he is still in the middle of the road as he doesn't want to hit the curb.  He then pulls a very large gun up out of the door pocket with his left hand, turns and fires over his right shoulder.  You see the puff come out of the gun and JFK's head slams backward in the same frame.  That's why they created the film of the film so you couldn't see the shooter.  Folks were captivated and never noticed the use of a zoom.  They were never able to  change the direction of JFK's head movement in the film.  For every action there is an opposite  and equal reaction which tells you he had to have been shot from the front. 

There was also a photo taken by a bystander on the Cooper video, of the 2nd limo used in case of emergency and  on the photo you can see all the people standing along the street, the trees and the Book Depository. In front of the Book Depository there are several people standing.  A blowup of the photo shows Lee Harvey Oswald standing next to the BD door holding a soda in his hand.

I bought a high speed vhs copy machine and made hundreds and hundreds of copies that i gave to anyone who asked and some who didn't.  I was totally astounded when a couple of people who seemed rather intelligent told me they didn't see anything even though I replayed it for them.  These were the kind of people that when presented with anything they found too hard to digest would utter "Our government wouldn't do that to us".  Their denial makes you realize they are extremely fearful of abandoning their childhood teachings [brainwashing] about the nature of what they believed was their government.

I went down to Atlanta to meet Cooper at a seminar he was putting on and I got a copy of his film and a copy of his book call "Behold a Pale Horse" where he exposed a lot of what was going on.  Some of the things he was saying in the book seemed pretty far out and I recall reading a part where he said that big corporations were adding radio active waste to tobacco fertilizer to increase the rate of cancer among smokers. I thought that was a bit ridiculous and I threw the book in the trash.  My wife retrieved the book and said that that was something I could actually check out since all the farmers in our area back then were growing tobacco.

The next day I went to town to the emergency center at the sheriff's office and asked if they had a Geiger counter and if so, could I borrow it.  They said they did and wanted to know why I wanted it so I told them about Cooper's claim. They went and got a unit and showed me how to use it and let me take it under the condition that I tell them what I found.  I agreed and left with the Geiger counter.  They never even bothered to ask my name--only in a small town like Boone.  I went straight down to the FCX [Farmers Exchange] 2 blocks from the Sheriff's office.  I went in and asked if I could check their tobacco fertilized for radiation and the guy said 'go ahead its in the back room'.  I walked back there and started to run the unit over the huge stacks of fertilizer on pallets and I was getting 5 to 7 Milli-roentgen readings on all of them.  Just then the guy came back and said that i was testing regular crop fertilizer and not tobacco fertilizer that was in the next room.  I went back and started testing again.  This time I was getting readings of 12 to 15 M-R on the tobacco fert.  I also went to a wine store that was next door to my business and asked to check his huge display of cigarettes for radiation.  He and his customers were stunned when the counter started clicking away.  I also checked fields that had been used to grow tobacco and radiation levels were much higher [3 to 5 M-R] than normal background radiation [usually about 2 M-R]. I bought 400 copies of the book that was not well done because he was not a writer, but the information was quite incredible.  

When I met Cooper in Atlanta he had lost his lower left leg in an assassination attempt.  Mr Cooper would not back down.  He had a radio show where he exposed as much of the corruption he could.  I conversed with him over the years and I think it was in the late 90s I called out to him on his ranch in Mesa Verde, AZ and an Asian man, his father in law, answer and said "Bill no here" so I told him to call me when he got back. He called and told me about being awakened in the middle of the night by helicopters hovering over his property.   They went to the windows and saw men coming down rope ladders and they thought they were all going to be killed.  He said the copters came back an hour later, landed, and picked up all the men that were on the ground.  That was Bill's final warning.  I talked to him about a year later which was about a month before he was finally assassinated. 

I notice that the site you have been using is called truedemocracy.net and I wonder just how much this individual really comprehends.  This country was not founded on the principles of a democracy but a republican form of government.  Democracies have a history of crashing after a span of around 200 years and have been likened to 'two wolves and a sheep voting on whats' for dinner'.  It is all we have ever heard from the MSM who have never spoken about our origins. I guess its just part of the brainwashing we should expect from them.

Anyway, I thought I would give you my take on the JFK issue.

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Nice ..Vale Bill Cooper.

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Interesting, do you have a take on the Trump attempted assassination?

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Dear Karen,

People who I respect say that it was a hoax. Now, here is some incredible information about Trump's choice for VP: From a good friend named David in Canada



If you don't know who Vivek Ramaswamy is, read this: Vivek Ramaswamy accepted a full scholarship to College from George Soros. At the time, Vivek reported an income of $2.2 million for that year, so he did not need the scholarship. So Vivek is just as bought and paid for as any Democrat.

Comment by William Canevvari on 2023/8/25

and this:

Vivek is bought by Soros, period

Comment by Sandra Spencer 2023/8/25

God bless,

Arlene Johnson


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Ridiculous. This is rabbit hole creation the likes of which the ‘state’ loves to flit across your side of the pond. If you bite at it, you waste a lot of your time and get a rubber worm. If anyone thinks Trump could have been that good of an actor and reacted as he did to the shots, having people dead or almost so in the background, or even allowed it all to happen knowing the collateral damage would be horrible, you have a great mind for writing novels; go write a few. As for the rest of the story, and how it went down, well that was not a shit show, it was an intentional shit show carved out of a playbook that is decades old and intended to distract us from whichever real bullet from the real shooter was supposed to hit its mark. But guess what, sometimes the experts get it wrong, or in this case the expert shooters get it wrong and miss. Yes, bullets do sometimes miss. Who knows, maybe the real assassin wasn’t completely comfortable with the mission and missed on purpose, or maybe he/she was nervous about killing the one man who may, and I say just may be able to unscrew the giant mess the world is in now, maybe the shooter has kids and really doesn’t want them to grow up under totalitarian rule. Maybe the shooter was a Christian or brought up that way and had some flit with death on his trigger finger. There are many more exciting rabbit holes that could be considered and all completely unknowable but better stories. Nope; Trump was shot, and so were others. He was almost surely not shot by whoever wiggles around on the roof for everybody to see; see the audio track analysis from Mortenson on that. He is now has complete clarity where he needs to go with the rest of his life (and there are no time guarantees on that now), and we had better see that the state and most of the world definitely wants him dead rather than readjusting their world domination matrix into something more akin to freedom and prosperity. By the way, I don’t like Trump. He is a jerkoff most of the time. He has a big mouth and can keep it closed when he most needs to. But, he also cares about his family, your family, and all families. He has a mission in life, and the rest of us mostly don’t. He also is the only human being alive who is capable though force of will to get major things to happen everywhere. His jerkoff annoyance is also a super power. If the ‘state’ would actually help him rather than impede everything, the entire world could improve in the next 4 years. He will clean house at home, and that is no longer just an idle threat. SESs beware, your mortgages may become tough soon. Don’t chase this BS anymore, it is like a brain cell liposuction device.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Why so few people at the rally, generally there's 1000's at Trump rallies? All from the stock/repeated stills. Why did people just crouch down, and not run out? Why didn't people get hurt running away, over one another? How did they know there was no additional shooters, further threat? Some appear to be looking at their phones, or talking to the person seated beside them? Someone just fired shots at the President. One appears to be crouched down like it's 4th and goal in a big game. But not the direction of where the Preisdent is? Secret service took his shoes off to check for injuries, right then? Maybe. But let him stay back to get them and his hat? Why no blood on his hand, or shirt collar? Who is the secret service laying across protecting? Who's he pointing at, and why? There were just several shots fired at a former POTUS, and he appears to be protecting somone, why isn't his gun drawn? Why was cnn and covering it live, is that normal?

Oh, and definitely not an AR, I know. This 20 yr old kid that pulled all pf this off, snd eas so radocal thst hr had only postrd one nonsense video and rrcently registered as a republican, and knew how to hack a drone and take it down? His last name is Crooks? Thr photogs name is Anna Moneymaker?

I think this was a uni party production, written by "crooks."

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Well said. Gods Grace is playing. Thinking Trump will be bit Humbler. Thinking anyone who thinks this was fake has TDS, but the attempt was to humiliate

Anyone hoping to unscrew the catastrophic last 3.5 years.

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Sure. Drain the swamp just like last time. smfh

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🎯 A Uni Party Production!

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Or the Parties, outside the parties; that pull the strings of the Uni Party.

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That's the beauty of being able to see gang-culture at work.

You see it, and the existential cowardice of its members, and it reinforces your power to not be a gangster.

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I think what’s missing here from the conversation is WHY WOULD they stage this? When you realize what they gain by staging this, it’s almost a no brainer:


If we believe a fallacy as truth, we’re the ones doing the psychological damage on ourselves


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I began exposing why President Kennedy was assassinated in March 2, 2001 to internationally acclaim, but still too few people know of my work, because the public schools and universities are controlled by the very ones who wanted him assassinate, the Rockefeller Foundation. So see

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/1.html Why

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2a.html Photos of

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2b.html La Nacion documentation

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2c.html Who Killed Kennedy?d

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2d.html Witnessed died

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2e.html More gunners

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2f.html La Razon article

http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/2g.html Shot in the forehead

http://www.truedemocracy.net/s01/did.html Wanted to nationalize energy & eliminate oil depletion allowance

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td3/shadow/s81.html Signed EO 11110

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td2_3/68_dyk.html More Kennedy assassins-Jesuits

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td14/16.html Israel orders kill Kennedy

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td14/contents.html Quote on right side of the page

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td21/09a.html 3 More reasons why

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td22/16.html Last of 3 items; this is my Did You Know? feature.

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-28/21.html Death of Kennedy-Nixon resigned rather than facing impeachment

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-28/25.html Judges grill CIA lawyers

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-28/55.html 3rd item down; this is my Did You Know? feature

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-29/2.html Gerald R. Ford book on assassination

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-30/31.html CIA Lawyers to Face JFK Questions

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-30/51.html Key financier of JFK Assassination-Item 17 of Did You Know?

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/47.html 15th item-This is my Did You Know? feature.

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/16.html Dishonest presentation in The Atlantic

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/30.html More on EO 11110

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/34a.html Bay of Pigs 15th item-This is my Did You Know? feature

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj33/24.html Bay of Pigs, 1st item-This is my Did You Know? feature.

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj34/30.html Who carried out the assassination-Did You Know? 7th item.

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj35/35.html EO12608 replaces EO 11110 19th item-This is my Did You Know? feature

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj36/36.html Scroll all the way down to the very end to read about The Zapruder film inside story. This is my Did You Know? feature.

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Any truth teller such as you who have endured the manifestation of hidden forces has earned the right to question what goes on behind the stage.

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He is thé false flag expert.

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Ole has done very good work in the past. I think it is too early at this point to say definitively what happened. I am just now experiencing a lot of anger toward the deep state for this act.

I do not believe for ONE SECOND that this was a "staged event" by the Trump Team. That's utter fucking bull shit. A real man REALLY DIED, and the most powerful world leader nearly died.

THEY WANTED HIM DEAD! The global cabal's lawfare had failed to keep Trump from running, and failed to make him lose the support of the people. Their only option was to kill him.

They clearly used the "roof guy", Crooks, as the patsy. They clearly had worked with him to set him up to do this. Who had he been in communication with in a foreign country on his encrypted phones? Same old MK Ultra playbook. Did they use another shooter as well, like they have done before?


Thankfully they failed. Do not trust them to tell the American people the truth. They are not done yet.

Remember, Trump had survived several other attempts by the deep state to kill him. He is divinely protected, IMHO.

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Not buying that one Geezer. Too many variables to go wrong in that scenario if "they" really wanted him dead.

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It takes a lot to get you BREAKING INTO CAPITALS, Dave.

Exciting, isn't it?

I agree with you on this one. I AM buying it.

Someone wants him dead. Perhaps a lot of people want him dead.

But who are THEY?

I seriously doubt it is the Israelis. Trump has been great for the Israeli government.

But there is a list of potential THEYs who would be happy to see Trump dead, beginning with the folks behind the folks who keep imagining his assassination or execution. Has there ever been a public figure about whom so many of their fellow citizens have acted out death wish fantasies in public, on the stage, and or via the media?

I wasn't around when Marie Antoinette was being vilified in France, but since she was an Austrian, there would have been a considerable racist element in her heckling.

I also wouldn't put it past the EU leadership to mount a hit and mess it up. They are not happy at all at the prospect of Trump's return to power.

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It’s not naïveté. It would be naïveté to think that anything is impossible in our messed up political scene, but I cannot conceive of Trump knowingly, put himself at such risk, even though I’m not as certain that he would refrain from putting others at risk

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These kind of comments “even though I am not certain that he would refrain from putting others at risk.” We’ve researched him, read his books, watched him publicly and read many, many accounts from his employees so it’s sad you’d even repeat that, and this was before he became president! No, Trump wouldn’t have staged this and cause the loss of life of others. This is the lefts ideology and yet they get a pass for all the evil things they constantly do.

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Plus I’ve watched countless videos and with some of the people shot, so comments that there were no videos of the people shot is false! There are numerous posts being removed because they we were witnesses testifying to what they saw, but I watched them before their removal as many other people did. How anyone can trust the FBI in investigating this after all the unlawful acts they continue to commit and also against Trump like planting false documents at Mar A Lago. The SS failed and now they are saying the women weren’t even SS!! The way they acted I wouldn’t let them near a gun!!! He would have been better had he asked the patriots there to help him!!! And CNN decides it was the first rally they would record, who did they get tipped off about before a false arrest…..hmnn!! Plus the huge short taken against Truth Social on Friday was no error!!! Fortunately numerous people did screen shots of the short by the investment firm, and then why did Victoria Nuland comment before the rally that Trump wouldn’t be a problem with Ukraine!!! You mean the assassin herself making such a comment is of no concern! We already know Google manipulates and deletes data they don’t want kept online, and FakeBOOK will not post many truthful assessments of many issues affecting us today! Others are also doing good analysis to prove what happened. Obiden/Obama, Clintons, Bush and all the elites who have been in on the destruction of America have their hand in this!!! Trump didn’t need a boost over Pedo Joe, it was just like the crap when Hillary lost. The polls showed her winning…BS!!!!

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Nuland has her fat fingers all over this. Just like the Nord Stream Pipeline.

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Exactly!!! I remember when pedo Joe was bragging about taking out Nordstream and we know she would have been involved! She is one evil, corrupt woman! So after numerous comments from him on this, all of a sudden they were questioning who did it!!!

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So, in a reverse triple whammy, spy v spy episode, if it were not a deranged lone gunman, but planned by the Dems with TDS, it could be planned to be so inefficient that it would look like a fake assassination attempt and point at the Trump campaign seeking publicity and headlines ...

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something like that. I just don't see them as smart enough. unless they pretend to be stupid too.

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live exercise resulting in real corpses: NPCs had no idea that they were part of the game, nor did the victims. same strategy as the "covid" death protocols in nyc hospitals, march-april 2020.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Plus how many times has the FBI befriended young men on the anti-anxiety drugs and befriend them on the dark web and then they direct them to the crimes they wanted them to commit!! I’ve read detailed reports from people who were suspicious of various shooters and they compiled pretty telling reports that confirmed it.

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Remember Trump spent quite a while in wrestling and show business, both of which are scripted to engage the viewers into a false battle of "good vs evil".

We may never know the truth of what really happened as it's covered with contradictory stories and excuses.

However, we did see the propaganda machine use it to push for some "Jesus" figure.

Interesting enough, as I grew up in a Christian family, the antichrist comes and gains a lot of approval but is the false copy of what Christ was.

If Jesus were alive today, he would be a socialist, not a showbusiness business man who keeps on kissing the ass of the same banks and military industrial pharma complex that Jesus would be calling out as "money changers".

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Who’s saying Trump is Jesus? That would be enough to get all Christians exiting the Trump train!😂. Some people might have suggested divine intervention, but that would hardly be making him out to be a “Jesus figure”. Also, if he set this up, why not get winged on the arm. Getting shot in the head and miraculously surviving gives it a kind of Revelations flavor of the Antichrist, which some are actually pointing to. There is definitely no upside for him to be viewed as the Antichrist by his Christian supporters and without them he can’t win.

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The antichrist is mistaken as a savior.

He comes and offers solutions but manipulates people. I think revelations was saying that many are fooled by him. I'll see what happens next term but he kept the swamp going in his first term.

As for the shot to the arm instead, if it was staged, there would not need to be any bullets. He was in wrestling and it's easy to pop a blood capsule or use a razor to get blood.

Makes you wonder why they stood up after.... Against protocol for a photo op with a flag (upside down) added to the background 😂.

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Trump's own words:

"My hands were covered in blood"

"There was blood pouring everywhere, but I felt very safe, because I had God on my side."

It isn't more difficult than this to see Trump completely lies about what occurred. 'Pouring' blood and 'my hands covered in blood'. LOL Sure! I guess they had a Costco sized box of baby wipes in the dog pile of SS actors.

Also this, about the 'dead' firefighter -


Even Ole won't have a breakdown of the firefighter like I presented yesterday.

Make up your own mind I say, why wait for Ole. Pfft. Everything government offers is theater, but this was a real assassination attempt? Mmkay.

Americans - addicts for more, they LOVE this drama. they love not making up their own minds.

Much much more important, than focusing on an obvious staged event a week old - what was the purpose of the theatrical performance....? Focus up!

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I am thrilled that you have teamed up (or at least become associated) with Mr. Dammegard. I don't know if he is always right. But he always puts in the effort, and it is an honest, intelligent and informed effort, to separate the truth from the official lies and obfuscation.

Better one Ole Dammegard than a thousand CNNs and MSNBCs.

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To me, currently, it's a bit like the Covid virus: it either doesn't exist, or it was man-made and set free deliberately from a lab.

Cui bono? always gives the strongest answers:

On the Trump false flag side we then have, in order of strength: him, Israel, JD Vance, Russia, the Bidens/Kamala.

On the successful attempt side we then have in order: his most likely Republican candidate replacement and his her backers (Haley& the MIC?), Ukraine, Palestinian interests, Newsom/Kamala/the Bidens.

Some of them are most unlikely though to have what's necessary to pull either off.

Sofar, no plot rhymes fully with the known evidence, but nothing rhymes so little with it as the SS incompetency narrative.

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Barnett makes some very good points. I did see a video of the dead ex-fireman's body being dragged unceremoniously, and insultingly, out of the stand. I was shocked.

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Look again at the video. At one point one of the officers is literally holding just a pinch of the jeans with one hand. I don’t believe it was a real body. Dead weight body would be a lot heavier.

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I will be glad to look again. Do you have a URL for that video (I do not).

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Watch it on slow speed with sound off. It does have a visual of the dead man’s head. Creepy.

Of course the video pans to the front so you miss the doctor coming to help and the arrival of the deputies. Also the guy in the jeans and black long sleeve jacket (wasn’t it hot that day?) seems to be using his body as a shield to prevent some viewing.

I thought it seemed genuine at first but after looking at it again it seems very weird to me that they would carry the body like that.


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"The purpose of the fake "assassination attempt" is so obvious that even normies can see it."

I'm going to go with Miri on this one.


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