Even if it was a 'hoax' by Leo Taxil in 1885-1897, isn't is still remarkable that Taxil got it all right in 1897?!

"There's a sucker born every minute" is a quote attributed to P. T. Barnum but many say there is no proof he ever said it. But even so, there is a sucker born every minute. That is the primary reason we are in the mess that we are in today. And whether or not the Three World Wars letter was written in 1890 or 1970, it has happened and it is happening. The three Abrahamic religions have been the main tools of chaos and destruction used by the Secret Society network, whose motto is "Order out of Chaos."

The solution is humbling ourselves and coming together in love and unity to stand against the tyranny machine. No matter who said what years ago.

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Apr 4Edited

Here's a twist. It matters not whether the letter is authentic. It is flawed in another way, that being that the premise is wrong. We are already in the middle of WWIV / WW4. What?

Consider what happened after 9/11. The focus became a global war on terror, led by the joined at the hip U.S.-Britain war machine that included all the Commonwealth nations, NATO and other sympathetic nations. The terrorists were strawmen, ginned up by the said PTB. Loss of civil liberties, draconian laws, irrational mandates were quickly installed to create greater compliance by a cowed citizenry. But that was WWIII / WW3. Eighteen years later in October 2019 came Event 201 the ruse which was the bellwether for the soon to follow colossal global hoax now known as The P(l)andemic. Again the entire world was held captive to a false narrative intended to create more compliance through a genius artificial problem, followed by reaction-solution. In short, the perpetrators of last two world wars are the global oligarchs, their minions and captured agencies in government in fascist coordination with technocrats upon us, the gullible hoi polloi of the world with even greater loss of liberties.

How can one win a war when the enemy isn't first properly identified? With regards to that letter, we are caught up in a classic Hegelian Dialectic where the is it / isn't it, is not the real question, but a red herring. The real question is how much longer are we going to allow the deception and fraud to continue?

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We can all debate about what icebergs do to ships, but folks there one big mofo iceberg dead ahead. Did I say dead?

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It's also quite clear how his "prophecy" comes strait out of evangelism and a popular reading of Revelation. No need for Captain Pike to have been prescient, at all. [ and, yes, that was a jab at StarTrek] .

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Leo Taxil was a charlatan. Happy to take money off Masons or Catholics and happy to diss both. Didn’t he jump back to the Masons before he died?

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What I enjoy about you is that you are not willing to accept some explanation and walk away. In this world we have an epidemic of, shall I call it, expertism. We hear the magic word expert and stop and go no further. You have the gift of innate curiosity that makes you say "Hold on one second", and then actually proceed to do something about it. Its funny that of late it is mostly women who are doing this. Could this be the "women's intuition" that I heard about so often when I was growing up? Men seem to have become the followers. Women are asking the questions. Indeed, was it not the women who came to inspect the tomb while the men were trembling in the upper room?

Thanks for what you do. You make me think and investigate!

BTW Pike Interestingly has a monument... In DC.

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Thank you Todd. It's appalling that Pike has statues in this country. More than on. He is worshipped. He was an evil and dangerous man. New trend is to call such men enlightened geniuses etc.

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I thought the statue was torn down...seems that it was. I've used Pike's quote several times in my political rant...just to illustrate my disgust for all politicians...ALL of them.

"When the people need a hero, we shall supply him"

...so I was curious...

Seems the statue was wrapped in chains and wobbled before falling. I wonder how many protesters actually knew the significance...

The article said...

Toppled, warehoused, waiting: Confederate statue still in limbo in DC

The statue of Albert Pike, which stood right outside the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters, was defaced, torn down and lit ablaze during this summer's protests against racial injustice.

And maybe that quote is fake too...like everything else...except you. Always great stacks, Celia...TY

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Apr 4Edited

I agree with Todd re Celia not just accepting the explanation. Critical thinking is so lacking today even with folks who think they are "in the know".

Keep questioning Celia! Keep researching Celia and above all... keep writing Celia!

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This is why I will continue to subscribe to Celia's Substack. She is always questioning and digging for information. I very much appreciate her work.

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Yes, I've noted the large percentage of women who have "the balls" to address the vexing questions of the day.

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The letter was quoted by naval officer William G. Carr in his book Satan Prince Of This World.

They also say Voltaire's quote about knowing who rules over you is falsely attributed to Voltaire.

They also say vaccines stop you from getting Covid-19.

Remember this quote always:

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." ~ George Orwell, 1984

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You can trace a thread of this through the interaction between Britain and then US with radical Islam. To keep this brief, the British promoted Wahhabi Islam and the house of Saud as a foil to the Ottomans around when they were shifting their ships to gasoline. Wahhabism is a very intolerant form of Islam and some of their first major acts on the world stage were to engage in slaughters since they taught that idolater fellow muslims could be punished with death.

The Muslim Brotherhood had early ties to Nazi Germany and when the US absorbed the Nazi intelligence apparatus, the same Nazi officers now CIA assets worked again with the Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi, Muslim Brotherhood, Bin Laden and Pakistani ISI and the CIA all worked to train and arm muslims to fight Russia in Afghanistan.

Then after that war, suddenly, somehow, all CIA ties to those groups are miraculously gone...? Then 9/11 and the war on terror. Yet another strange twist occurs years into that era. The nearly non-existent Al Qaeda in Iraq (most violence in Iraq was Shia aligned Iran supported groups not Sunni Al Qaeda) suddenly becomes a very existent well armed ISIS in Syria. ISIS is covertly armed and funded by the US and serves a US interest in destabilizing Syria (and a globalist interest in causing a refugee crisis.)

So ask yourself, when did Al Qaeda and associated groups ever stop being US assets? Radical Islam serves to derail pan- Arab nationalism (see e.g. Nasser) which serves the Saudi interests but also the globalist, anti-nationalist interests. Radical Islam prevents unity among muslims so it serves Israel as well. You can look into who supported the rise of Hamas for instance.

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From my readings of history, the unification of Italy and Germany were very important events. Italy's unification took place at the same time as the American Civil War and there was indeed communication between the Confederacy and Italian unification leaders. So it's not a stretch to think Pike wrote a letter to the nationalist ( andthe most influential figure Youth movements in Europe at the time): Mazzini. I do not recall if Pike is mentioned in this though:


And here's an obscure book about the connections between Lincoln and Cavour - the man who unified Italy.


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Wow! Great bit of sleuthing well done.

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Great post (and research)!

Some things are "true" even if they're not necessarily "factual".

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Yes there’s a plethora of information regarding this subject, I suppose it comes down to “take your pick” as to what information backs up a particular narrative, not that we have a narrative my friend, whom or what to believe is a very subjective topic.

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Well done, Celia!

3 is at hells entrance.

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Leo Taxil btw jumped from Mason to Catholic and dissed both depending on where he thought that he could make the most money. Sounds somewhat like your Estonian source maybe?

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H G Wells The Shape of Things to Come references WWIII too doesn't it? And the biggest hoax story which everyone knows of is The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, isn't it?

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That (Protocols) was published by a good friend of both my father and my mother. Radical publisher Lyle Stuart. Jewish. Was it a hoax after all? My point is hoaxes and be hoaxed.

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The problem with stating that the Protocols is a forgery, which is the usual accusation and dismissal is that for something to be a forgery, there must be an original from which it has been forged. If you read TPOZ and remove the words The Learned Elders and The Goyim and substitute these for Demons and Human beings it makes perfect sense. It is in truth a variant of CS Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters" only the characters are renamed. It encapsulates the war of communism against the Church. If you doubt the veracity of my claim I refer you to the Congressional Record subject 45 Communist Goals. 1961? 1962? Available by a simple search on Google or Duck Duck Go.

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Peter, precisely. Maybe I was not clear but this was the "point" of my post. When I hear 'hoax' I suspect a hidden set of lies in all directions, seeking to shame the question itself.

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I got it. As you said "Methinks they do protest too much!"

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One take on the Protocols is that it's a forgery, of a book that actually exists in the library of the Grand Lodge Alpina, in Switzerland. There's no such thing as a Jew of the 33°. But there are a few Masons of that category. Nilius, who did the forgery was an anti-Jewish bigot. So it may be that he switched out the villains in the story, to conform to his prejudices.

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There is no designation "Jew of the 33 Degree" but there are/were plenty of Jews who are/were Freemasons.


Albert M. Friedenberg

Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society


In the U.S.

Jewish names appear among the founders of Freemasonry in colonial America, and in fact it is probable that Jews were the first to introduce the movement into the country. Tradition connects Mordecai Campanall, of Newport, Rhode Island, with the supposed establishment of a lodge there in 1658. In Georgia four Jews appear to have been among the founders of the first lodge, organized in Savannah in 1734. Moses Michael Hays, identified with the introduction of the Scottish Rite into the United States, was appointed deputy inspector general of Masonry for North America in about 1768. In 1769 Hays organized the King David's Lodge in New York, moving it to Newport in 1780. He was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts from 1788 to 1792. Moses *Seixas was prominent among those who established the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island, and was Grand Master from 1802 to 1809. A contemporary of Hays, Solomon *Bush, was deputy inspector general of Masonry for Pennsylvania, and in 1781 Jews were influential in the Sublime Lodge of Perfection in Philadelphia which played an important part in the early history of Freemasonry in America. Other early leaders of the movement included: Isaac da *Costa (d. 1783), whose name is found among the members of King Solomon's Lodge, Charleston, in 1753; Abraham Forst, of Philadelphia, deputy inspector general for Virginia in 1781; and Joseph Myers, who held the same office, first for Maryland, and later for South Carolina. In 1793 the cornerstone ceremony for the new synagogue in Charleston, South Carolina, was conducted according to the rites of Freemasonry.

The later history of Freemasonry in the United States shows a number of prominent Jewish names, but nothing corresponding to their influence in the earlier period. In 1843 the Grand Lodge in New York addressed a letter to the Mutterloge in Berlin complaining against the refusal of German lodges to accept registered Masons of the American Lodge because they were Jewish. Nonsectarianism in matters of religion has always characterized American Freemasonry, and regulations excluding Jews have not been part of their constitutions, though whether admissions policies have ever been restrictive would be difficult to establish. The apparatus of secrecy, ritual, and regalia which was a feature of *B'nai B'rith in its early years no doubt reflected the influence of Masonic practice as well as a desire to offer a substitute within the Jewish community.


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Regardless - 33° - is a degree of appendant body (Scottish Rite) masonry - not a degree of "Jew".

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As I said in the first sentence.

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But if you understood, the rest was but a pedantic exercise. Blue lodge Masonry and Scottish Rite aren't the same things. York Rite is open to Jewish people. Scottish Rite is supposedly not - though it may not be a rule that's always followed.

In any event - it's clear from the text, and the application of logic, that the Protocols are nonsense, if read without the key to understanding what was changed by the Russian monk, Nilius.

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The idea that Jews were barred from entering Freemasonry -and the Jesuits- is widespread and incorrect. That is all.

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and yes, good point.

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How could you possibly believe a guy wrote the words 'fascists' and 'nazism' in 1871 when those words didn't exist? You don't need more debunking than that...

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when did they exist?

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Nazi not until much later than most people realize. About 1945. And the terms origins were with the British. The Nazis themselves did not refer to themselves as Nazis. Also as I’m sure you know it’s very close to the term Nasi.

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I have to research this.

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Thank You in advance, Celia.


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See above, and here is a picture (gettysburg museum) of a Nazi party day badge with the dates 1860-1935.


This "debunk" is nonsense. Equally so is Juri's claim that the letter is to be found in Margotti's work.

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Are you for real?? I'll wire you 5 dollars if you manage to debunk your own post

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Are you for real?

You are the one who stated that the word was not in use at that time. I am pointing out that

- the party was in existence well before that time

- the word was in existence well before that time

So the only question remaining was whether or not the word referred to the party. And the answer is that it was not in common usage as such - but that would be irrelevant to whether or not Pike and Mazzini might have used it in this way since they were two of the people involved in bringing the fascist movement in Europe into existence. They might well have referred to it by this name, which might also explain why it later came to be the term used in the UK/US - put into circulation by the same group.

Separately however - there is no credible evidence (as far as I can tell) that the letter actually existed - so the matter is moot.

Juri's assertion that it's in Margotti's book is not true - and Juri has retracted this claim in an email to me.

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I seem to be slightly wrong as it had earlier origins but the Nazis didn’t like the term. The winners write the history though and so Hitler and co have been named by a word that they hated.


Odd how Nasi is so respected in Judaism but Nazci, which is more or less a homophone, is also a dumb Bavarian. And Nazis are reviled but that they themselves reviled the term itself.

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Speaking of fascism.... we're having a 'fascist white out snow storm', here in the northern hemisphere in Maine in the 'divided states'.

I would say the weather generally has been fascist.... the sky described as a 'continental cloud mass' overtaking a beautiful blue sky in a matter of moments.

Sun light exceedingly rare. The appearance of a blue sky accompanied by the playing of trumpets. The color so beautiful, so vaguely remembered, as to leave one awestruck.

(excuse the interruption by the dangler over insanity!!)


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Damned clouds.

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Damn those who think they know better and follow orders by the Ceaselessly Uncaring.

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Is that (Ceaselessly Uncaring) a Masonic Lodge?

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Yes,The Princess

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Pike calls it "extreme European nationalism", and the author of this paper( book) notates it in parentheses as what we now know as fascism and nazism. Of course, there _were_ no "nazis" until AFTER WWII.

Enough with this faulty argument please.

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which argument is faulty?

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The supposed letter, as it was posted by Celia Farber, doesn't use parentheses nor does it say "extreme european nationalism", however it does clearly use the words " fascists" and "nazism". So where's the faulty argument?

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Hi Ron

You're positing that Celia Farber's "letter" is itself a fake? And that the parentheses we clearly see do not exist??

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??? I think we're talking about different topics. I mean the supposed letter from Pike to Mazzini from 1871. The one that this whole Truth Barrier article is about and that's also mentioned in the title.

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Now I really want to have books and papers in my actual hand 😤

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The 1920’s

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Fascism existed in the 1920s. Mussolini for example was one and referred to himself as one as far as I know. Nazi though…. seems to be an invention of the British. Not in use until well into the 1940s and hardly any of the Nazis ever called themselves Nazis.

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According to Wikipedia: The first use of the term “Nazi” by the National Socialists occurred in 1926 in a publication by Joseph Goebbels called Der Nazi-Sozi (“The Nazi-Sozi”). In Goebbels’ pamphlet, the word “”Nazi” only appears when linked with the word “Sozi” as an abbreviation of “National Socialism “.

It appears that word stuck in the 20’s as a derogatory term for the party.

But I’m no expert.

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No nor am I. I’m quoting what I recently saw on the topic. It was not this (first hit on a search) but this nevertheless does seem to back it up.


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Maybe he had a time machine or he was psychic... 😂

Anyway great point and I kind of wonder why people ignore the glaring signs of BS.

Reminds me of the people who think nano bots or "spike protein" that make the shots dangerous....

Yet they ignore Occam's razor.... That the lipids were known to be toxic years before con-vid...

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Pike and Mazzini wrote a lot of letters and the point of my post is that a "hoax" can be created to discredit things they want to discredit. Nobody can talk about the Masons.

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Sure, let's talk about them!

They're real and did influence things for a long long time!

In digging into real conspiracies, one will find tons of red herrings in order to discredit the truth.

Let's throw out the crap people throw into the mix, like the letter with the terms Nazism and fascists as it has not existed at the time.

Ron has a valid point and maybe we would be helped by common sense to prevent assimilating disinfo.

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Except that those words did exist.

The Nazi party was founded in 1860.

Here is a picture (gettysburg museum) of a Nazi party day badge with the dates 1860-1935.


So perhaps you do need more debunking than that!

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From the Architects of deception(p.314):

"....According to the Russian historian Vasili Ivanov, Russia was trans-

formed, as early as the beginning of the 1930s, into a typically

masonic nation, which clearly showed freemasonry and socialism to

be branches on the same dark tree.

Vasili Ivanov described the situation as follows: "In order for the

masonic ideals to triumph, it was necessary to k i l l the soul of the Russian

people, remove the people from its God, obliterate its national character,

trample its mighty history in the dirt, dull the intellect of its young

generation and raise a new kind of people without a God or a native

country: two-legged wild creatures who, after being trained, would

obediently place themselves in the masonic cage." (A. Balabukhi, editor,

"The Occult Powers of the Soviet Union", St. Petersburg, 1998, p.


Now the USA is getting it, if you had any doubts, there is nothing new under the sun.

Look the letter is part of the plan. Its pure Anglo occultism , it is information for the initiate.(for those who can see) If you doubt symbolism is a thing . You will never understand this world of circles within circles. You should move on.

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I downloaded Juri Lina's book Architect of Deception from archive.org. The table of contents looks utterly illuminating. I can't wait to read the book. Thank you Celia for this contribution to our consciousness.

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The Illuminatis were German based and I don’t think that Pike was involved. They also wound up in the 1860s I think. So Pike having an Illuminati name doesn’t really ring true for me but I’m no expert either I’d have to add. Some Masons were bastards no doubt and I do wonder at the link between the Italian Masons and the Mafia. But overall I figure they get bashed a little too much mostly without a shred of evidence. And if they had this much power then all the billionaires would be Masons. I don’t think that they are tbh.

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Richard, the lodges were all over the world! Read the Lina PDF, linked, or just skim it, even. You will be STUNNED.

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They still are everywhere here Celia. There’s a lodge in every small town in Otago many of them still operating. But my thing is that for the most part (not exclusively) the Lodges are made up of the middle class and are servants to empire or dystopia not its leaders.

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There are many foot soldiers in masonry indeed, and most have no clue as to the true purpose of their organization. That does not mean that masonry is not one of the key power structures of empire, and that the rulers of empire are not also the leaders of masonry.

Masonry operates throughout all of society as a secret and subversive movement and allows control of society in a way which is unperceived, and therefore extraordinarily effective and powerful.

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And I am reading their history at the moment as it was one of the few choices of a book to buy in the Moscow bookshop that I purchased it.

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I strongly suggest you read the Juri Lina book Richard.

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You're referring to the Bavarian Illuminati of Weisshaupt. But there were/are others. And it's not clear that they were REALLY 'wound up', when that was declared to be the case. Weisshaupt had used his organization to infiltrate Masonry throughout the continent - and perhaps beyond. The 33° is exceedingly rare. Apparently one element of it is swearing an oath of 'strict observance' to unseen superiors - who would be your illuminati-types. There is an Order of the Palladium, for certain.

It should be noted about these subjects, that 'those who talk, don't know - and those who know, don't talk'.

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It's all in the Juri Lina PDF, linked.

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Juri cannot be trueted in my view. You have to double check every single one of his claims.

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It is very clear that they were definitely not "wound up" when that was declared to be the case.

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Italy clamps down on masons after mafia links exposed


The Secret Nexus. A Case Study of Deviant Masons, Mafia and Corruption in Italy


There is also a connexion between the Italian Mafia and Malta

Malta and the mob: how the Italian mafia came to view Malta as a second home


Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta aka The Knights of Malta is described as "an old-boys’ club for the European aristocracy". It was established by Vatican order during the Crusades and is directly descended from Knights Templar. The British Royals are members and former sovereigns of Malta.

SMOM has the status of a sovereign state. They are probably the ones running the show.

When not dedicated to charitable works, notable members of the SMOM "have been involved in fascist plots and CIA covert wars".


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All documented in the Juri Lina book. All history of Masons is suspect according to me except Lina. Because I have read his books. Official history is very very wrong.

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There is a facility in grouping all the Masons together, when it should be clear that there is a group with the group that should bear the most scrutiny, and even the blame. Like the Deep State within the great numbers of government employees, the mass of the others is used to give cover to the real culprits. This site seems to have a more historically balanced pro-mason feel: www.1723constitutions.com

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Thanks will have a look although your first link to the Times is paywalled.

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The Gist:

"Italian politicians will be forced to declare whether they are freemasons under laws being drawn up after revelations that mafia bosses are joining lodges to strike deals with elected officials.

The legislation is being proposed after police raids on the four largest freemasonry orders in Italy discovered 193 mob-linked masons on the orders’ secret membership lists in Sicily and Calabria, southern Italy.

The findings were published last month by the Italian parliament’s anti-mafia commission, which alleged that mobsters used secret lodge meetings to do business with politicians and entrepreneurs. Laws proposed by the commission would ban magistrates from joining the masons and compel public officials to say if they are members."

"Operation: Hiram" - investigation into Italian Freemasonry and the Mafia

Senator Giuseppe Lumia was quoted as saying, "There is a perverse relationship between the Mafia and capillary and sectors of Freemasonry in our country, but every time this button is tapped, there was, even in the media, a strange conspiracy of silence, even by the police. The mafias are powerful because of their ability to pollute and weaving relationships with other central powers, among them these secret lodges. The next Anti-Mafia Commission should investigate this connection with courage and rigour..."

Also this was interesting:

2003 - Reopening the inquiry into the 'suicide' of 'God's banker' has exposed links with the mafia, masons and Vatican fraud

Roberto Calvi, known as God's banker because of his close ties to the Vatican, was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge, central London, with a length of orange rope woven into a lover's knot around his neck.


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There were some clampdowns through history—all failed. All were just attempts. It is all documented in the Juri Linka book linked in the piece.

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Hitler clamped down on them in 1935 Celia. The lodges disappeared in Nazi Europe.

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You might find this interesting.

Untermyer was described as “Hitler’s greatest foe’ - and one of the kingpins of the US Israel Lobby:

"Mr. Untermyer urged the members of the Masonic lodges “to take warning from the fate of German Jews and not to repeat the tragic blunder they made.” He spoke of the persecution of the Masonic bodies under the Hitler regime and emphasized that the aversion to Masonry is based on the fact that Masonry teaches equality of all men."


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They did. The question is why. One theory is that the nazis needed to hide their origins - which were absolutely masonic (theosophy, thule society etc.).

And obviously once overtly in power, they can move/rename their operations into the public sphere. The same people are still working in the state secret/intelligence services - so they don;t necessarily need to operate as a privately funded subversive movement any longer.

For example I think a large part of what was once British and American freemasonry is now called MI6/CIA.

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Malachi Martin wrote the roman a clef novel "Vatican" c 1986. While others speak highly of the excellent prophetic book "Windswept House," I feel "Vatican" is the better book, revealing the Vatican between 1945 and 1980. Fr. Martin is a skilled, knowledgeable (and entertaining) writer who was around the Vatican for a number of years. Woven through this book is a fascinating examination of the Lodge and the relationship to the Vatican.

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nice find

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As for Icke, well if you’re going to look for conspiracy that’s a damned good place to start. Untalented. I’m no Musk fan but when he rang up (under a nom de plume) Alex Jones while Icke was on it he made them both look like complete idiots. Find who Icke represents and you’ll find some conspiracy. Most likely the British agencies I guess.

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I know nothing about this.

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Musk used a nom de plume but I would be extremely surprised if it wasn’t him. I think this is the show. Regardless of whether it was Musk or not he rang rings around those two idiots.


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ran rings.

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Great sleuthing!

The "hoax" claims to the Pike letter reminds me of the hoax claims to the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion."

Amazing how these "hoaxes" are coming to pass 100%.

I never heard of the Luna book before. Thanks for that.

I found a link that requires no sign-in/account, if anyone is interested:


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