"Vera Sharav called me today and told me exactly how to extricate my soul from accusatory ghouls who should be nowhere near me." ...please, advise....I would be most interested....if you feel comfortable sharing... :)

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She said you do not answer them, make yourself available. Ignore. No interface. And also to shake it off and govern your self awareness. Know who you are and do your work and do not be baited. But this person I reference, he does not make contact with me directly. Still, it is communicated to me by others he harangues.

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Because you didn't even know of him for 20 years shows how useless he is.

By the way, why was it a shock to you?

You were fighting giants who pushed the frauds, of course there's gonna be these crazies trying to discredit you because they have no truth on their side of the story!

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"Know who you are" is awesome advice. You are a daughter of the King, this is why they hate you. Denounce them with authority in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Thank you......I have some around me, too...... I appreciate this....

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Are the people this person "harangues" in a position to take the advice that Ms. Sharav gave you? I am getting the impression that this person has professional access to these people (Otherwise, how does he gain access to them?).

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I am determined to learn from real experts.

Thank you, Vera!

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Raising frequency is really helpful too; putting up a frequency shield. I intentionally decide to spend at least 10 minutes absorbing pure love. I see it just filling me. I find the results amazing.

Interdimensionals messing with people was talked about by many, including Aurobindo and St Paul. It's been ongoing on this planet. Best.

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May 11, 2023
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I know what Rescue Remedy is. Do you know a reliable source that know how to make quality product? Its supposed to be a miracle.

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"Rescue Remedy" is one of numerous formulas in the Bach Flower Remedy line, who - I believe - are the only company to make this particular formula and named product. RR can be found directly thru the company, online, and/or at various groceries that sell organic foods (Sprouts, in my area). As mentioned, it comes in a bottled liquid tincture. I've also purchased RR gummy lozenges and chewing gum.

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I went to the Rescue Remedy site. They claim to be making the exact same Bach formula from flowers grown from the same grounds that Bach used. I ordered two bottles last night. Gonna give it a whiz and see what happens.

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The Bach story is quite amazing. Did you have time to read more about it on their site ? I keep a small bottle of the liquid & a tin of gummies in my purse. Good for outings into the public arena & for emergencies. Had a friend who gave RR to a car accident victim.

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May 11, 2023
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it is a cocktail.. look at the ingredients

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Satan is the chief accuser of the children of God. Master of mind games. Dictator of doubt. Destroyer of souls.

Submit to God, resist the Devil and he will FLEE from you.

Works every time. God's promise to us.

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Trauma is often not so much what happens in the moment, but what happens - or doesn't happen - in the aftermath of the initial assault. Case in point the events of the last few years and where we find ourselves today. The barbaric lockdowns, forced masking, mandated injections and 24/7 fear porn was horrendous and shocking and, depending upon your circumstance, profoundly painful. But it's the aftermath that counts. Is the pain and wounding acknowledged or ignored and dismissed? I find the current deafening silence by every talking head in town, the total absence of accountability, the "cone of silence" as it has been described elsewhere, this has deepened the pain and grief, the sense of loss, the trauma of the last few years. This is why the calls for amnesty have been so insulting, so extremely tone deaf, to us in the awake, critical thinking movement. Right now it's hard to see any of this changing anytime soon, and so it seems the deep and mostly unspoken trauma within our society will exist for some time yet.

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I tried to capture something of what you identify, here : https://open.substack.com/pub/writethevision/p/the-unceasing-trauma-of-now

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As I once suggested to you in conversation: St. Michael's Prayer. It is not just a mind trick.

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Thank you for the reminder.

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I once had an upcoming meeting of a terrible kind. Physical violence was the most probable outcome. Someone recommended saying a prayer to both mine and my adversary's guardian angel. I cleared my mind of everything I was going to say and asked for the words to be given me. It worked! I was calm and peaceful and surprisingly so was he. We reached a peaceful agreement very quickly. I'm not a hugely religious man but I have felt that someone is watching over me at times. I hope you find this helpful.

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this one?


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,

by the Divine Power of God,

cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

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Yes, that is the prayer to which I was referring.

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Just watched this 5 minutes ago and the host closes with St Michaels prayer. I closed my eyes and prayed along. https://rumble.com/v2n1v8e-martin-geddes-joins-patrick.html

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Great Mr. Black! People today, in general, have no sense of agency, or their innate and their developed self-power (from God of course---which is specific and not to be abused). They are slaves to apathy, acedia, comfort, convenience, cowardice, people-pleasing compliance, malignant forms of obedience, viz., obsequiousness, bodily gratification, passive entertainment, herding and silly forms of teaming up, laziness and all the vices. We absolutely need to become aware of the War that is being waged at very high levels (powers and principalities) along with the many players mixed among us in our daily interactions in society. Fortunately, we have friends not merely in high places, but in the highest places. Of course, that is not pass for avoiding the unpleasantries of the battles or passivity and quietism. We have hard work to do and we will get beaten up. But we will be deterred.

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Demonic possession is real, and common, IMO

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Have you heard the interviews of Jerry Marzinsky on schizophrenia, etc? Very interesting.

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I have yes. Very interesting.

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I was going to suggest the same.

Evil is real. The voices schizophrenics hear are not hallucinations.


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Just a note, it is important to separate cases of schizophrenia from diabolical possession (whatever that is). People can suffer organic brain disease due to various causes. For instance, sometimes a tumor can produce alterations of personality and behavior.

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Agreed. So many. Everywhere.

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There are traumas caused by abusive behaviors which are not typically categorized as malevolent. For example. An overprotective mother who never enjoys taking care and being with her child. A doctor or psychologist who always analizes and diagnoses you, or serves you with interpretations which don't ring right without fully listening to what you say. Someone who engages in sexual behaviors with someone else with no interest in developping an integrated relationship. What do these three situations have in common? Treating the other person as an objet: object of care, object of diagnosis, object of treatment, object of lust, object of criticism (in the case of trolls) etc There is no consideration whatsoever for the spiritual life sustaining experience of two subjects vibrating in a common experience, laughing together (parents and children), searching together (doctors and patients), dancing together the mystery of an encounter while accepting that neither one knows where it's going to lead, building together an understanding of the truth etc etc... So to me, a larger definition of trauma is the moment it dawns on you that you're being treated as an object instead of a subject. It's the moment you stumble in stupefaction with the absence of holy spirit in the interpersonal space, that is, the absence of bonding energy, joy, warmth, light, and total respect and trust in the godly mysterious guiding essence existing at your core.

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Interesting to ponder this vis a vis various traumas that I and others close to me have had. Thank you.

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Dear lady,

Any person who experiences what you have been through is pretty tough. If you didn’t begin tough - you surely are now.

Praying for you.

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trauma is caused by trauma

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fauxci is a venereal disease that keeps spreading

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Celia, I hope Vera can help you get to a place where that pathetic creep no longer has any power over you. Stay strong, beautiful soul!!

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Celia, if you really want to understand trauma, reading Alice Miller is essential. You might begin with "The Body Never Lies," "Banished Knowledge," "The Untouched Key," or "Free from Lies."

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Thank you Cheryl, I love Alice Miller's works and used to quote her often. Her son trashed her! Maybe he had a case I don't know but it was depressing. I would like to return to her works. I think she overturned Freud hands down so no wonder they erased and obscured her from history. Also, doesn't help she was a woman.

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As it turns out, early on in his medical training, Freud was in on autopsies of baby and child victims of sexual assault and began to write about it. He was warned to be quiet about it or his career was over. So he twisted what he was seeing and blamed the victims in his developing personality theory. Cowardly, he sold out. Sounds familiar.

I'll try to find some of Alice Millers works. I've been unfamiliar with her. Thanks.

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looks like Freuds daughter paid the price as well. and then there was his pedophille nephew apparently involved with madeleine mccanns family at the time and place of her disappearance

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I would also recommend Gary Sharpe's Articles on trauma, right here in Substack : https://open.substack.com/pub/garysharpe

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btw, Micheal Yon got me reading Joost Merloo, "Rape of the Mind" last week. So far well worth it.


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I just finished reading "The Rape of the Mind." It's excellent and should be required reading for anyone who wants to escape Mr. Global's reign of terror.

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Am liking Yon more every day even though he still sells govt line on 911.

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Not following the 911 comment- can you elaborate? I follow Yon and read all the famine books but not yet ROTM. What is govt line on 911?

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that hijackers flew planes into 2 buildings that controlled demolished 3 of them while controlled by a guy on kidney dialysis in a cave in afghanistan with a laptop and sat phone and that all it took was kerosene, office furniture, paper and aluminum to incinerate, melt and powder 3 buildings, 2 of which were specifically designed and built to withstand direct hits from fully loaded 707's at the time they were built. and on

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Thank you. I read it as 9-1-1 not as 9/11...

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May 11, 2023
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the comments he gets ripping him for it are hilarious too.

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MURDEROUS EVILs LIKE governmentally ill jihad atheist communist demonicrat pedo abominations and who wef nwo corrupt entities etc.,,,,

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I've gotta say, 20 years....THAT is one heck of a grudge. He's obviously a little, at least, unstable or you'd think he would have moved on.

God bless and keep you safe, Celia. In Jesus name. 🙏

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Thank you for this link...this woman is very worth listening to!

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I think when trauma involves a person, in addition to malevolence, you have betrayal...Many blessings on you Celia

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And what causes ill will? TRAUMA. And what causes trauma? So many life experiences, when our survival is threatened, as you are now, and even by "well meaning" caretakers who were themselves traumatized. As the saying goes, hurt people hurt people.

Do all you can to protect yourself, and at the same time, "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven." Wow!

At the root of trauma is the illusion of separation– separation from nature and our own true nature, from Spirit, from God. I choose to support the process of evolving out of this illusion, to awaken into what Charles Eisenstein calls the " New and Ancient Story– as we surrender to the truth that we are all brothers and sisters, all children of God. If we don't, we will eventually destroy ourselves and each other.

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Thank you George, but hear me: The next level of all this is the objected conversation about deep advanced infiltration. Do you know how far they go, creating false identities and splitting good movements? I know about 2% of it. George—I am working with a very good friend who is going public with his anti-bullying stance and rebuking the bullying, as step one. Christians rebuke evil. Then hand it to the father. It's for him to forgive. And then we ask him to forgive US.

When we ask the attacked to FORGIVE before we help them (as in say Naomi Wolf's husband did for her) rebuke we are helping God's adversary, by looking the other way. In my estimate. I know that Charles Eisenstein may not see it this way. It is perhaps a Christian stance--That evil is real and must be admitted and confronted. It was overturned by New Age and now post New Age Christians are overturning it back.

I am not unclear about praying for my enemies, though I am admittedly behind schedule. A Christian friend named Tim once made me pull over on the road in Accord to pray for the person I mention here. I didn't want to! But I did. "What do you think happened to him as a child, Celia?" he said. "I don't know!" I said. I did pray for him. But I ALSO have to remove myself from him. Have you read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin De Becker? It's a kind of survival guide for women that I can't rave about enough.

But back to the matter— I forgive them...

...AFTER I have rebuked them and gotten them away from the vital parts of the battle field where people I care about could be HURT by them. This is what my friend (Kevin Corbett PhD) has done. He actually rebuked it. I promise to explain, it's a very good development.

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