May 16Liked by Celia Farber

I have been eating mostly grass-fed beef along with a low to moderate carbs from sweet potatoes, some rice, and some broccoli occasionally for well over a decade. I also fast for about 18 or more hours on days I am not going to be physically active. In my early 50's I have the muscle mass and body fat of a man in his 20s and I'm still very physically active. Several months ago I read a Mercola article about the bioenergetic diet being promoted by Jay Feldman based upon work by Ray Peatt. Mercola says he went to this diet and it was amazing. The diet is based upon the philosophy that our bodies and brains run best on glucose, not fat and ketones, which are reserved for times of famine. I am always willing to try new things, so I listened to all of Jay Feldman's podcasts, started eating apples, grapes, oranges, orange juice, potatoes, maple syrup, rice, etc. along with my meat, as recommended by Jay Feldman (in moderation at first). I put on about 10 pounds of fat, started having brain fog, indigestion and joint pain again, regained the short fuse I had when I was younger, and generally felt like shit. I'm back to an almost carnivore diet and I feel great again.

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May 16Liked by Celia Farber

I’ve been following Mercola for about 10 years and I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s not the same person as he was just several years ago.

He’s changed opinions on things he held dear a long time ago.

I think someone got to him.

I still get his posts everyday but they don’t hold the same importance to me as they did in years past.

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Mercola has changed, yes. It's not trivial.

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Apparently all of the stress of being called a disinfo spreader surrounding Covid, being de-banked, etc. caused him to start seeking the counsel of a psychic medium who calls himself Kai Clay. Under Clay's advice he fired his sister and others from the company according to a lawsuit filed by his sister. I read that in someone's Stack, but I don't remember who. Maybe yours? Here is an article about it.


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Thanks for the link. I heard something similar.

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I read that he now has a questionable guru of some sort that is “guiding” him (occurring before or after his divorce). Something feels off with him. I can’t recall his explanation concerning the end of his necessary content time vault...the nefarious simply don’t suddenly stop an attack against someone of his statue.

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May 17Liked by Celia Farber

A researcher at Queensland Univ used to chat with me for hours about their two year study on diabetes type three. Think diabetes type 2 mimicked in the brain - hence dementia or at least the symptoms thereof. One thing that he said stopped the progression of dementia from in their both animal and human studies - consumption of animal fats and nutrients - the B vitamins esp B12, proper proteins and essential fatty acids including a proper blend of omega 3 to omega 6 and short, medium and long chain fatty acids. Yes. there are certain other foods, coconuts and certain mushroom types that were also beneficial he claimed.

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Celia Farber

I just read a substack column by Brian Cates, the political writer, about the food crisis in America. He focused on the food industry's processed fake food, and GMO grains, versus what our ancestors actually ate.

He shows how we have people who are overweight and well-fed, and at the same time malnourished and hungry! They have been poisoning us for decades. GMO seed oils, GMO grains, sugar from GMO sugar beets, highly addictive snack foods, sodas and fast foods.

They want us dead. Do not comply.



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Dave I read it, it's execllent. I will cross post it. Thank you. I hate sugar.

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Fabulous Celia as ever. Wonderful. The very interesting thing for me is how much more spiritually courageous I (anyone) can be when we fix our diet, which for me is basically carnivore. Eating a proper human diet enables us to transcend fearlessly, like our aboriginal ancestors, who saw life and death as an inevitable transitional joy to be embraced. We live, we die, we perhaps live again if we choose. Lighting the dark. Laughing at the devil. We are energies, vibrations. Love that we die, and live free from fear.

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Yes Alan, so true!

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I've spent many years (and most of my adult life) exploring this topic. The simplest answer re proper diet: No GMO'd foods, whether animal-vegetable-fruit. No pesticides. No toxic heavy metals or radiation. Healthy soil conditions, and so forth. Following WW2, the Big Agra/convenience food monopolies were shifted into high gear. The Pharma/Medical (petroleum-based) human management program had the support of the Federal govt. We agreed to the terms of Chattel servitude as cogs in the production machine. Reclaiming our status as 'Sovereigns' is the task at hand.

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Super summary thank you. It's a soul thing, energies beyond the physical realm, and yes, "Reclaiming our status as 'Sovereigns' is the task at hand." I extend this to suggest we make our own realities. There are many traumatised sensitive angels (souls) whom we 'borrow' for far less than a lifetime, and for various reasons, including diet and addictions, they kill themselves (suicide is very poorly understood, and I certainly do not advocate it), perhaps because they prefer a different ethereal dimension, and who are we to judge another human being, especially the traumatised and sensitive 'borrowed angels'. Al Alvarez's 'The Savage God' (1971) still has not been bettered IMHO/experience as a study of suicide. It's an enormously powerful lens. Love and gratitude to you all.

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alan the thing won't let me "like" your comment.

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Beautiful and profound...yes.

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"Rikki Tikki Tikki mongoose is gone"...


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Love this song, and Donovan too!

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And Alfred E Neuman


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So true. Embracing saturated animal fats, dumping veg seed oils, and avoiding added sugars are key to improving mental and physical health.

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When I ate bread, pizza, pasta, rice and all the rest of the fun foods such as pretzels and chips , I used to play golf and panic that I couldnt walk 18 holes without having to find a bush, armed with toilet paper, to poop behind. Ever since i went 90% keto, meats, fats, coconut oil, butter, nuts and so on, my stomach is a rock. Never have these panic feelings anymore and I feel great. Lost weight as well.

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May 16Liked by Celia Farber

Gave up gluten and most grains about five weeks ago. I’m 53, menopausal with insomnia, hot flashes, joint pain, constipation and scary brain fog. Within two weeks of removing gluten I’ve been sleeping through the night, joint pain GONE, regular bowel movements, minimal hot flashes. My brain fog is lingering but I’m hoping with increased fat intake and time that will lift. The Standard American diet is a disease laden mess!

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Apparently the gluten issues may in fact well be roundup related in many/most cases..

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I completely agree with you. My husband can’t eat rice, wheat, most grains without immediately coughing.

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I'm puzzled by how anyone survives at all on the 'American diet'.... glad to hear that some people are finally rediscovering that healthy Food is our Best Medicine.

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May 16Liked by Celia Farber

Like most of our politicians? : ) Only wish they wouldn't survive (add in their alcohol intake as well), but unfortunately people can live without actually caring about their mental/emotional/physical health, and they perpetuate poor health society wide.

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it won't let me "like" this comment either. What is this now?

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It did. Sometimes there's a glitch and it doesn't take right away, or the like seems to disappear for a moment.

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"They" are aware of the importance of meat, which is why all the food animals are being slaughtered and are targeted for mass destruction.

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May 16Liked by Celia Farber

Please refrain from YouTube. Use Rumble instead.

If something is on YouTube I won't watch it.

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I have both, and I find many good vids on YouTube that are beneficial. Granted, they are part of Google, which is part of the evil deep state, and they censor many truth tellers. But there is a plethora of info there that is not on Rumble.

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With Linux, I never go to utube (Haram!) direct; instead, a convenient proxy called SMTube can be made use of to download first, then watch the video without any ads and other nuisance.

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It's not like youtube needs any money.

They pharm their users pretty badly.

They could just offer all their extras for free, even to unregistered users, and they would still be rich with ad revenue.

And they could, perhaps, reduce the number of ads and those evil public health terror attacks they do all the time, to make everyone's mental health improve substantially, at the expense of a little less revenue.

Yes, they turn mental illness into bucks. Yes, they're evil. No, they won't stop, they have to be destroyed, and I say this as an anarcholibertarian. Commies don't belong either in polite society or in impolite society. Commies suck at the quantum level. Commies are worse than fat-free skinless chicken breasts. Commies are they soy bean of humanity. Commies are so bad that they are not even a virus.

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Celia Farber

Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are deficient in the corn-based American diet, which leads to bipolar disorder in some people, tripling the incidence of bipolar disorder, compared to Norway and Japan, which get a lot of omega-3s from fish.

Grass fed cows create milk with omega-3s, while grain/corn fed cows do not.

Dubliner (cheddar-type) cheese and Kerrygold butter, from Ireland, contain omega-3 fats.

Why use any other? Values are best at Costco.

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May 16Liked by Celia Farber

Incredible! Thank you, Celia. Yes please. Bring it. We desperately need to hear this!

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May 17Liked by Celia Farber

Not the least bit surprise that Celia is on a proper human animal-based diet. Explains in part why she's a thoughtful, gutty lion amongst sheep. And healthy : )

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Getting there!

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May 17Liked by Celia Farber

Dr. Abram Hoffer (also a Phd in biochemistry) treated Schizophrenia with B vitamins & nutrition.

He made the connection of a pre-pellagra/dementia/schizophrenia connection that Niacin (B3) alleviated greatly. He believed this would change everything but Big Pharma has a stranglehold on medicine and his treatment competed with tranquilizers.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BRwF20RF9U At about 5:30 he states there are 4 things required to get people well:

Shelter (half of schizophrenics are homeless)

Good nutrition/food

Treat with civility, kindness, and respect

Orthomolecular medicine = the right combination of minerals, vitamins, & carefully used medication if necessary

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2pK_tiz9g0 Dr. J. Hoffer: Effects of vitamin C and D on mood and distress

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrdMHwIxFX0 Dr. James Greenblatt on a functional and integrative way to look at schizophrenia symptom management and recovery. He goes over Dr. Abram Hoffer's work.

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Thank you. I love Abram Hoffer, and I love Niacin.

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America ..and most of the world is a human feed-lot.

Fatten them up, dumb them down, make them sick, treat them with drugs, kill them in wars and culls, commodify the get fat get thin co-dependency commodification. Then die and sing Allejah to the gods they made.

Monkey! ...heal thyself!

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This is why I won’t buy American flour. I only buy 00 Italian flour and pasta imported from Italy. Herbs, olive oil and honey imported from Greece. These countries do not allow GMO foods.

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