Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

i find this TDS to be the weirdest thing. i lived and worked in NYC since the early 80s and Trump was a classic NY colorful character. my costume shop made the mini maternity wedding dress that marla maples carried around in her suitcase on the chance that he would marry her. he would attend the Broadway Easter Bonnet Competition and would donate money to the AIDS charity. the crowd went wild when he came out on stage. sure, he was a bully and a bit crude, but it's NY- you gotta be tough to make it there and everyone loved him for it.

rosi o'donnell went to his wedding. my friend had thank you letters from him.

then he had the nerve(!) to run for president. how dare he?!!! the same people who were invited to his wedding, who designed costumes for his casinos, who saved his thank you notes for bragging rights suddenly hated him with a rage that was beyond anything i've ever seen. i watched it happen. i didn't understand it then and i don't understand it now.

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It shows the power of lies spewed by propagandists and via propaganda. And the weakness for so many to fall for it. And the decrepit government schools that do all they can to ensure people cannot think critically. And the need to "belong," the third of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It's tribal, and the lack of clear thinking shows it.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

I can't help the feeling that, again, it's "all theater" and we're supposed to applaud like the seals we've been trained to perform as.

No one should love--or hate--Trump. They should see him for what he is. Another player in the club we ain't in.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

Exactly. Most people like Trump now, save for those who’ve always hated him. But so many old Dems say they’d vote for him this time. I get it- he’s the only one that comes close to sounding sane. But that’s not the issue. It feels like a set- up and his vaccine stance is no coincidence.

I don’t have contempt for Trump and there’s no one else to vote for. But that doesn’t mean he’s also not part of the cartel, not just another actor in this staged game. I don’t hate trump at all and certainly not like many people do. But I don’t trust he’s what we think he is.

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still considering Kennedy although he is with the Zionist. still hearing around if I can write in Ron Paul, the only politician I still trust some.

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I will agree with you 100% on that last sentence Ingrid. Ron Paul gave me some hope that a moral, sane man could participate in this clown show.

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I think he's unusually sensible and more real than people give him credit for.

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Yes, fine, great-that is the role he is supposed to play. But he didn’t rise from nowhere- he’s another cog in the ruling class wheel, well scripted to appease the majority and settle us back down before we get too angry.

No one gets a seat at the table without permission, much less relentless press and fake prosecutions for more than a decade now. You’ll notice nothing ever really comes from it- it’s all scripted drama where our hero barely escapes but then rises up from ashes every time.

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Mick that is an excellent remark. I am not rich and I dislike trump and have for as long as I know of him. When he was president I could get healthcare though, under Obama I had to pay a fee because I could not afford health insurance - can you imagine. Under Biden I lost insurance again until 65, and now I am on SS. So there were differences. But on the whole, I think they are all puppets on a string and unless we manage some way or another, to cut those strings, things will go as directed by the invisible masters of the game, which we may never find out who they are

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I had <some> hopes for Bobby K. but after he came out vehemently for Israel I lost interest. Something didn't feel right about that interview he did with Krystal (?) -- why couldn't he have taken the middle road, at least, on that horrible situation?

One wishes Trump were all that Maga people would like him to be.

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I probably saw that same clip where he went all Israel. That kept me pondering of a way to write in Ron Paul. I probably will vote but if it is impossible to write him in I will leave the pres blank. I know that can be done because I did it before. There is too much off with trump to vote for him. And the resident, well, you know what is wrong with him!

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

I drew a laser focus Celia on your query "why do they think they're going to get away with this?"

I immediately went back into my memory, bank and vividly recall a commentary made by Catherine Austin Fitz on one of her blogs when she's discussing the series Yellowstone. For those of you who have not seen the series which is excellent in the first couple of seasons, there is a beautifully portrayed group of evil ranchers, referred to as the Beck Brothers.

They are an evil nemesis, who do everything in their power to gain a hold of power and literal confiscation of Kevin Costner's characters, ranch by doing everything they can to make his life miserable to include, but not limited to: poisoning his cattle, kidnapping his grandson and simply wreaking havoc in many other ways. A dramatic denouement occurs when Kevin Costner's son, a former special forces, soldier corners one of the Beck brothers on the toilet completely defenseless while the sun is fully armed. Before the coup de grace the son simply queries: "why did you do it?" (referring to all of the trauma and evil deeds that they promulgated against Costner and his family.). The Beck brothers, response is clear, cogent and unequivocal: "because no one ever fought back."

Well, I would be the first to admit that often the pen is mightier than the sword………… however, we must acknowledge the fact whether we express it verbally, or not that there are a lot of things worse than death, namely, slavery, and the abdication of what we know to be true and pure and good and honest. I have never harmed another human being in my life. I have never been in a fight. I have never struck another human being. However, I will not go gently into the Good Night without my "sword" at the ready if need be. We are currently surrounded and subjugated by psychopaths who are of the opinion that we will not fight back.

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that's amazing.

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Excellent narrative.

I have done the things you reference you have not.


Vietnam 1966-67.

Keep your sword handy.

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Semper Fi and thank you for your service leatherneck !!

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Much appreciated, Aloe.

Thank you.


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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

You're right, and so are the psychopaths. The time to fight back has passed. We are being ushered into slavery, our rights are being taken away daily, at an alarming rate, laws are ignored, the Constitution is being trampled upon, they're poisoning us through food, air, and water, burning us out of our homes, and the list goes on, but no one I have talked to is willing to quit going to work, quit paying taxes, surround a corrupt politicians office and drag them out of it. It seems as people go blindly on thinking everything is going to go back to normal, and it's not. They're going to collapse society, money, and everyrting else. Imagine the power of everyone understanding elections are fake and not voting, shutting down society, taking away the money they use to poison us, fund their fake wars, etc. We sre frogs in a pot of water and it's already too hot to jump out. And yes, I've done these things, but it doesn't matter, the time has passed. If one doesn't know God, it's a good time to start because He is the only one that will fix it at this point, but there is far greater suffering ahead before He does.

It's like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, "we didn't love freedom enough to fight."

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

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Not so sure over here in Europe. People are fighting back. It's taking time and the resistance is pretty benign at the moment but I don't think the tipping point is that far away. Whether it's too late or not I don't know but the stars (to some a stepping stone to the Divine) work in our favour. I'm going to remain optimistic because the other way doesn't work.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

You can't legislate morality, as people used to say. Which I find timeless, accurate, and true. People either tap into their consciences (or not). We all know Right; we all know Wrong. Currently, traversing a dark phase where people think spirituality is a ha-ha, doesn't-matter-any-more story. Without a Spirit connection, morality (values) fly out the window, and we see the culture slowly start to morph narcissistically across the spectrum. In real time.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

There are probably not many people like me, who have both strong support for Trump, and at the same time, very high criticism of his mistakes and predictable failures.

I look at him like a talented athlete who landed a huge contract with a team to compete, then fumbled the ball, and ignored good advice which set the team back time and time again. He played defense in the social tabloid world of public interest then struck out on the playing field. He sort of reminds me of the poem about the "Mighty Casey, who struck out" after wasting his potential, and letting down his supporters. The "Art of the Deal" doesn't work with criminals Donny.

I could go into a "play by play" of every STUPID thing he did, but I would have to list some of the things he did right as well.

Trump plays the crowd well. He is a great "cheerleader," but he lacks the skill-set for law enforcement. It is really that simple. For a guy who hired people on his show "The Apprentice," Trump hired complete buffoons to handle delicate and critical tasks. Let me name a few: Jeff Sessions, Bill Barr, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Rudy Giuliani, Alex Azar who backed Fauci, Jerome Powell, etc. Finally Amy Coney Barrett, who cost him the election and winning support in the Supreme Court.

Donny wouldn't listen to Dr. Scott Atlas during the COVID heist, and let Fauci ruin and poison the country. When Trump sings that stupid song about the "Woman and the Snake" I think of him as the woman, and Fauci as the snake. There were a lot of us who tried to warn him.

Yet I am not giving up on him. I don't think he is an "insider." I think he is getting the ass-kicking he deserves for being a narcissistic blow-hard, who Speaks LOUDLY, but carries a little stick. (The opposite of Teddy Roosevelt)

Here is the bottom line. Trump needs to get humble before God, and his country men. He needs to quit trying to do things "Donny's way" and PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to finding out what the Lord wants him to do and then DO IT!!! He needs to admit he was wrong with Fauci's sorcery and a lot of other things he was warned about. King Saul in the Bible, played to the crowd instead of obeying God, and it cost him his life! I want to see Trump avoid that dilemma for the world's sake.

Get in the GAME here Donald! Your job is not about "public relations". It is TOP COP and Law Enforcement and binds you with a sworn oath to preserve our Constitution!

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I think he was intentionally trying to get people to realize and to show them what a liar the Fraudster is.

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Not sure I know who you mean as "he" and the Fraudster? Can you be more specific?

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He is DJT and Fauci is the Fradster.

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Ahh, Yes. Trump did in a haphazard way accomplish that. There were a number of us in the Rethinking AIDS group, who would have gladly helped Trump expose Fauci before he and Gates fatally poisoned millions of people. There was plenty of evidence to convict them both, had both HHS and DOJ done what they should have.

I guess that I am more in agreement with Machiavelli's approach to western politics, where he advised the young upcoming Prince. "It is better to be feared than loved, if you can't do both."

Obviously, these criminals in D.C. didn't fear Trump, and played him that way.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

As rob Henderson has coined It’s “A Luxury Belief”.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

Well, it is not entirely rich people. Most of my old friends in NYC hate him--but, hating Trump has always been a NYC pasttime--though paradoxically, they were fascinated with Ivana and loved it recount sightings of her. And oddly, I know a lot of musicians--a lot of aging punk rockers--and almost to a tee they hate Trump. Odd because technically punkers are supposed to be anti-establishment and yet they are entrenched in mask-wearing Covid paranoia and a rabid dislike for Trump.My husband detests the Smiths, whom I have always adored, and so, of course, with pride I point to the fact that Morrissey has been one of the few sane voices out there. But I am intuitively quite convinced that an MKUltra operation was launched via Facebook that targeted prosperous aging white women, in particular, but also caught a few other psychological profiles up in the net--as every relative, every friend of the relatives all of whom are on FB (isn't there a joke about how that's who uses FB and why the youth don't is that there are too many grandmas on it) are all old aging prosperous white women who are raging anti Trumpers and rabid LGBTQXXX supporters. I had maintained a friendship with an ex-boyfriend--in NYC in 2000 we had adamantly voted against the carpetbagger Hillary. In 2016 he rabidly supported her and became insanely abusive toward me for supporting Trump--so much so that I severed the friendship, I really felt back in 2016 that FB was responsible. I have seen nothing to disabuse me of this notion.

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It's all very well having laws, Celia; but, sadly, they're not much use if the authorities are not willing to bring prosecutions and/or if the courts are corrupt and politicized, and if we are not all equal before the law. American justice has become a pretense only - and barely even that these days.

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But it is one of the branches of government that still occasionally functions. Not seeing that in most of our legislative bodies or executive branches.

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Well yes, it has still to function occasionally in order the maintain the pretense.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

Nuland is retiring 🙏🏼🙏🏼 can we all celebrate? 🙌🏻

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

Both she and her neocon war criminal husband deserve to be in the prisoner's dock at The Hague.

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In limited areas of the country I believe your analysis is accurate - I’m guessing that you live near or in one of them.

I think outward neo-liberalism is more of a way to identify individuals who lack the ability to critically analyze complex situations. A skill which is just as equally not required in the Ivy leagues as it is prohibited within the confines of the DNC.

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Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

thank you- there were also some very good discussions on this website https://www.youtube.com/@judgingfreedom Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom with scott ritter, aaron mate, and many more- very interesting- i spent the afternoon listening to them dissect the ruling and the ongoing insanity in the ukraine and gaza

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"Trump contempt is for the rich and privileged."

Very interesting.

Do those contemptuous people still believe that Trump and Putin did something together to steal the election from Hillary?

Sometimes I wonder how it is possible that they put so much pressure on a false story like that and then they stopped it 2019, and everyone forgot it ever happened. It was because of that sudden stop that I thought in 2020 that they would stop all the pandemic B.S. after the election in November of 2020. I was wrong about that. They never stopped this other narrative which really destroyed Trump.

It's impossible that the rich and the privileged ever realize or admit that we are going through a democide, as long as it doesn't affect their treasures. The very urgent story of James Thorp and the babies will not be listened to by the rich and privileged. They will do anything to not know, and Alexa will protect them.

Scott Schara says that "you don't realize until it happens to you." That's very deep and depressing.

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Amen! He is elite against common people and common sense. It is truly a class war.

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Well received summation of the Donkey melt down. TDS well reflected in the response from the CO SOS. And Colorado elected her? Nice job.

I discontinued anything Fox after it called the AZ for Biden in the 2020 election. FLUSH!

BUT, this was a good discussion. Jesse set it up well for Gutfeld to close.

As an aside, I was watching the video of Rob Schmitt 's Newsmax show this morning. He made a comment that Newsmax owner , Mr. Ruddy, is advocating for the passage of the Ukraine aid package.

Yo, Ruddy. FLUSH!

From the beach...


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Thanks for sharing. Gutfield is spot on.

The very idea that J6 was even painted as a insurrection is a huge stretch. TDS is real. Created by the media. 9-0 you can not remove an opponent

Off the ballot. Let the voters decide, not some uniparty that would like to make decisions that don’t include the will of the people.

Ok there’s Hope that our experimental constitution republic is still alive! Play ball let the game be decided by the players. Trump not charged or convicted of insurrection which was not an insurrection.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Celia Farber

And now -- just announced -- the people in Europe just got issues their EU digital IDs. LOL. They say it's not mandatory but you'll need it for everything. Eventually they will be on their knees, thanking Trump.


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They tried that in 20-21, didn't work,. And I don't think you'll see much uptake of a volulntary scheme.

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We shall see how they resist. No guns, and being taken over by migrants.

“Despite not being mandatory, it will be required for things such as applying for certain jobs, applying for college, go to the doctor, asking loans, etc.”


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