🧛 175-year-old vampires, who insist on 💉💉💉 injecting a massive dosage against their doctor's advice, run the risk of speeding up the aging process! F.A.F.O.
You don't have to worry about what your are looking at ! Just look at it and there is no other way to explain it : This is blatantly a demonic piece of shit showing who THEY really are! THEY CAN'T HIDE ANYMORE! That is all!!!!
“ Edwin Arthur Schlossberg was born on July 19, 1945 in New York City to Alfred Schlossberg and Mae Hirsch and grew up in an extended Orthodox Jewish family.[1][2] ”
You mayby (surely) in my humble opinion, RIGHT . THEY are, at this time, allowed to show who THEY really ARE. Just say it OUTLOUD!!! THEY just try to diminish your deep inner righteous self divine entity, knowing for sure that if you FACE THEM OUTRIGHT, THEY KNOW YOU WILL 100% DEFEAT THEM!!!! That is the main reason, in my humble opinion. I REALLY take an immense pleasure to confront THEM where ever l find myself in any confrontation with this FUCKERS, and surely, THEY are EVERYWHERE!!! Be. Strong!! God bless.
I'm giving the simple answer. There are only 2 kingdoms. One carries the blessing and the other the curse. One leads to life and one to death. They chose the curse.
Hi there. Burnt to the ground? By whom? Not having inside info of the logistics pertaining to all the unspeakable horror associated with adrenachrome, I can only conjecture that maybe the supply chain has experienced a major chokehold in this new administration.
There is a theory going around that says the fires in California were intentional to stop the flow of underground child trafficking and the flow of adrenochrome in Hollywood. Now adrenochrome is actually mentioned in written works from the 50's. Gained popularity with the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' where it is mentioned. Blood sacrifice has been a thing for a very long time though.There must be something to it because it 's mentioned in recorded history and the Bible. Plus, even the story of Jesus and the crucifixion is all about the power of a innocent blood sacrifice. In the occult, spells are more powerful if you have an innocent/pure/willing sacrifice as well. One thing I have noticed about the evil of Hollywood, and real evil in other areas is that it is an arrogance that likes to 'tell' on itself. Pride. So if one pays attention, you'll see it . The movie 'Monsters Inc.' by Disney is telling about(names are changed to protect the guilty and so you don't catch on) the purpose for child sacrifice. Heck, the statue of 'Baphomet' has a male and female child with it. Those are the sacrifices for that deity. Now contemplate this: we only see, hear, smell within certain set bandwidths. Certain insects and animals, fish can access other bandwidths. So why do people think that nothing can exist outside of our preset bandwidths, including entities(doesn't matter if you want to refer to them as 'demons', or 'devils' or 'aliens' or 'spirits'. Those words have preconceived notions/pictures associated with them, that's why the word 'entities' is better). Energy is real in wave form. Could not there exist an 'entity' outside of our bandwidths that thrives off our human energy like food to exist? The movie 'The Matix' offers that thought. An average human puts off about 7 mvs( I have a Trifield Meter that I can actually measure this if you hold it). Younger people put off more 'energy'. And depending on the individual, it actually extends out from a person 1-2 or more inches(also have a tool to measure that also). There is a reason that many truths are merely disguised as 'fables' or 'sci-fy', or 'stories', or 'mythology', or 'conspiracy theory'. So people don't believe them. If I remember correctly, President Trump has stopped more child trafficking than all previous presidents combined. The 'Sound of Freedom' with Jim Caviezel, he mentioned adrenochrome and see what happened to him. Why would it matter so much if not true? But also, what better way to turn public perception against a foe than to associate them with pedophilia. There is a reason that the numbers of missing children is OBSCENE. And yet, very little is being done about it. Sorry so long a reply but necessary to relay the thought. Hope I helped.
I'm with you throughout the entire overview except I hadn't heard/read the fire theory to deter child trafficking hypothesis yet. They began January 7, nearly 2 weeks before Trump was inaugurated.
I'd wager that the Palisades was a hotbed of adrenachrome users but burning down their houses doesn't strike me as a significant deterrent.
The traffic flow reduction as much as 95% at the southern border to me is a more logical explanation of how the supply may have been stifled.
One website supposedly tracked aerosolized nano aluminum chaff, known for its incendiary properties, originating from Area 51 that was being meteorologically pushed via "scalar" technology. Much like chemtrails but via a different delivery mechanism. There were many contributing factors that enabled the degree of devastation and when considered en masse no doubt make the case for high probability sabotage. The evidence overwhelmingly suggests this was premeditated long before the event.
I believe greater plausibility is that Newsom and friends facilitated the firestorm to fulfill the wishes of his Globalist owners to then rebuild the ruins into 15-minute cities
I personally believe you are right that it definitely was premeditated to 'build back better'. No clearing of underbrush in all those valleys any fire person knows that's a recipe for disaster. Fuel for the fires. There's actual reports and video of people dumping gas and gas cans in different subs to help facilitate the destruction. Plus, many of the insurance laws in California were changed just this past year. The 'theory' of the fires presented was just one thing I had read in reference to adrenochrome. 'Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon' by David McGowen is a great one about Hollywood and the music scene. Eyeopener about the evil in Hollywood.
Of course, absolutely. There is so much more going on that the numbers of missing children is so obscene with little being done about it. I do not know the truth about adrenochrome, just theories/thoughts through common sense/logic. It doesn't matter for what reason though for the large numbers, it'sevil non the less.
That rag mag has always based itself on the false premise that celebrities lives and other elite people's lives matter more than yours and mine and normal people. And that is used to debase us and propagandize us.
When I was growing up, in what seemed to me the oppressive Boomer 1970s and 1980s, my mother and all of her friends read People, US, Parade, and even Star Magazine and the Enquirer, what seemed like every week. For me, yes, it did seem to be an oppressive narrative push by CIA Hollywood destroying the minds of those around me. The lack of a strong male presence (my dad left when I was 9) certainly made this impression and its impact on me far worse. But I did indeed feel this deeply when I was a young.
Over the years I watched SNL go from being a really funny platform filled with comedic geniuses to a pathetic show with mediocre talent. That’s when I stopped watching it about 10 years ago. Now that it’s become a voice for woke libtards to spend their Saturday nights alone and miserable, I’d rather watch one of Celia’s Saturday movies.
I watched it when it began 50 years ago. It was real satirical comedy then. I quit it cold turkey about 20 years ago. It now is only a caricature of itself.
And even at its inception, there are some skits now that shock me if I revisit. Such as a thread of pedo humor, which they still indulge in. They had a series of skits with Gilda Radner and Buck Henry as pedo babysitter. We laughed at pedophilia! I think I believed SNL was brilliant when I was a kid because it was different. However, I also remember starting to get bored with it quickly & preferring SCTV, because they were so much more clever and the topics didn't make me feel queasy.
I hadn't thought about this for decades. But once you said it, I remembered it. I watched SNL as a little kid when it premiered--and I probably quit watching it by my early 20s. But yes, now it seems incredibly disturbing,
I only realized this after checking out a few of the early episodes a couple of years ago - yikes. Of course, everything sick was funny to me as a teen, but now I was sorta taken aback. Wow, we laughed at pedophilia!
True. I'm not sure if I laughed or not. I do remember laughing at Belushi--the Samurai deli owner. I liked the killer bees, the cone heads. I liked Gilda's Roseanne Roseanna Danna and Father Guido Sarducci. I also like Bill Murray as the boyfriend to Gilda in whatever those skits were called. But I also sensed the decadence underneath, if that makes sense. There was a strain of darkness that disturbed me.
it got too blatantly homosexual for my tastes nearly 30 years ago with the Ambiguously Gay Duo shorts... they'd already started getting behind the Establishment too much four me to handle by then too.
I really enjoyed their fake commercials even through the 1990s though. the yardapult trash disposal was great.
There’s an 89-year-old down the road from me. Very religious, but practices what she preaches. (Rare!) Though she’s been through hell and Back, always walks around in the hot sun (no car), she looks 20 years younger than these two. And she has no money. You decide.
My point being the elders within many traditions have always known that wickedness ages you...I would be careful if I were you in that regard. Just look at the elites and see for yourself.
Around 2021 or so, I was at an art opening in Soho for Edwin Schlossberg. He looked robust if not a little overly fleshy. Caroline was fluttering around like it was party in her home or something, oblivious to all the strangers like me who weren't part of her social circle -- and like me doing their best to not gawk at her.
At one point Caroline passed directly in front of me and I took the opportunity to outright stare at her for the second or two she went by. I was shocked by how wrinkled she was. I mean unusually wrinkled, even under heavy makeup. Every public photo of her is surely photoshopped to hide the deep wrinkles. Wrinkles can be seen, for example, in this People photo, but from what I saw a couple years ago, though, that People photo too would have to be a retouched one.
In the streets of New York I've run into up close Teddy Kennedy, JFK, Jr., Rory Kennedy, and Jackie. I remember thinking how none of them had Caroline's level of wrinkles, which actually made me wonder at the time that if it was not genetic per se, what could cause such wrinkling? Little did I imagine before her political positions became more widely known that she might be as much of an old prune sourpuss on the inside as her outer visage displayed.
i saw Jackie at a Broadway opening, late 70s, she was magnificent, glowed from within -- i remember reading she ate unborn lamb to achieve just such an effect.
I met Jackie at the Opera, where I worked in 1988. She was there for the ballet, and was late and was having to wait right in front of my bar for the Manager of the Met to let her in. I have to say that it was quite a moment. She was very petite, very pretty and intensely charismatic. She smiled at me. I couldn't think of anything that I could say that wouldn't sound stupid. I had been reading my book at the time when another bartender elbowed me to point out that she was quietly standing in front of me. She seemed vaguely amused by that.
just found this — about fleece on astrakhan hats — "the most desirable astrakhan is from a lamb two weeks from term, for which the pregnant ewe is killed. Horrific."
elsewhere — "the Astrakhan hat, made from Karakul sheep with distinctive looped fur."
Every now and then forces briefly come into the light of day, which are then quickly forgotten by the public, because there are a number of very effective dynamics going on that repeatedly show their effectiveness, such as the current euphoric happening in social media as a result of 'saviors' who have entered the political stage. Time will have to show us whether they really are 'saviors', but at this stage of blinding euphoria it is not done to say this too often. We have had it so hard and so much misery has happened, that we all deserve to celebrate now. That this could also be a strategy is consistently ignored. Every party pooper is almost by definition classified as the wrong side. In so-called more normal times there is always room to think and communicate about phenomena such as politics, geopolitics, who the real power grabbers are, etc. We often came to the conclusion that politics has no real power and decision-making power at all and that it handed it over to the supranational power networks decades ago. But because we are now allowed to experience on a daily basis, through the 'saviors', how decisively the evil that we have had to deal with, especially in the past four or five years, is being dealt with, has such an impact on the state of being of the population that there seems to be no room for that alertness among all these awake people, for which everyone in the new media was so famous.
It has now been almost a month since Trump was inaugurated and a dossier can already be compiled with information showing, for example, that the most important bribed media still exist, that there is again a lot of investment in vaccines, that the 'saviors' do not say a word about Agenda 2030 or the CBDC, that there is a lot of investment in our future digital prison / AI, etc. Are these all actions that belong to a savior or is this also a tactic to mislead evil? In any case, the euphoric public does not seem to think about it . . .
Yes, when you see maha think haha when they appoint people like John O’Neil to serve as assistant administrator at hhs. Whitney Webb has published details of his previous work promoting biotech experimenting on us for profit.
'What could be causing Edwin Schlossberg to have such a de-vitalized, indeed cadaver-like visage?' Sold his soul - he's basically the walking dead.
Yep. And it looks like it is infecting their son too. His behavior is bizarre.
His son looks like him. Nothing of the Kennedys!
Quick! Get the crucifix ✝️ and some garlic!!
🧛 175-year-old vampires, who insist on 💉💉💉 injecting a massive dosage against their doctor's advice, run the risk of speeding up the aging process! F.A.F.O.
Yes after all the advantages this son got, he is unfocused. He should join the military!
One of Celia’s great sentences and why I love her writing. He is DISGUSTING! I get lizard vibes from looking at that picture 🤮
and he most certainly took the vax
Just a fucking Nosferatu Vampire POS!!!
You don't have to worry about what your are looking at ! Just look at it and there is no other way to explain it : This is blatantly a demonic piece of shit showing who THEY really are! THEY CAN'T HIDE ANYMORE! That is all!!!!
I don't know.
If so it ain’t working. Isn’t it supposed to be a youth serum?
Mainly a stimulant, I think, but vampirish, at any rate.
Or he didn't have his today!
He looks like a pretty bright-eyed corpse, which is unnerving.
“ Edwin Arthur Schlossberg was born on July 19, 1945 in New York City to Alfred Schlossberg and Mae Hirsch and grew up in an extended Orthodox Jewish family.[1][2] ”
Is anyone surprised any more? 😃
In the East it's always Standard Time.
I think it's only recently they can come out in daylight without bursting into flames.
You mayby (surely) in my humble opinion, RIGHT . THEY are, at this time, allowed to show who THEY really ARE. Just say it OUTLOUD!!! THEY just try to diminish your deep inner righteous self divine entity, knowing for sure that if you FACE THEM OUTRIGHT, THEY KNOW YOU WILL 100% DEFEAT THEM!!!! That is the main reason, in my humble opinion. I REALLY take an immense pleasure to confront THEM where ever l find myself in any confrontation with this FUCKERS, and surely, THEY are EVERYWHERE!!! Be. Strong!! God bless.
Bird flu!
He's an 80 year old man. He's old. Do you kick old dogs, too?
Yup, if they need further tenderizing before the feast. 🌭
So you kick your granny too ?
The reason is that beauty comes from within. Ugly does too.
Truer words have never been said.
Amen to this!!!
Most certainly.
Show me a real photo of yourself.
They both look like cadavers to me.
Exactly what I thought - cadaver.
I'm giving the simple answer. There are only 2 kingdoms. One carries the blessing and the other the curse. One leads to life and one to death. They chose the curse.
The two kingdoms are Canada and America. 😜👍 Orange is the new passport.
Deicidal curse.
Both of them have aged in a horrific manner . Look at his eyes .
Hate Will age a person faster!
Riiiight ! Overheard at the schlossberg crypt: Dear, where did we put the adrenachrome and how come we can't get any more ?
Because where they were hiding it an now their hideouts are burnt to the ground? Just a thought.
Hi there. Burnt to the ground? By whom? Not having inside info of the logistics pertaining to all the unspeakable horror associated with adrenachrome, I can only conjecture that maybe the supply chain has experienced a major chokehold in this new administration.
There is a theory going around that says the fires in California were intentional to stop the flow of underground child trafficking and the flow of adrenochrome in Hollywood. Now adrenochrome is actually mentioned in written works from the 50's. Gained popularity with the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas' where it is mentioned. Blood sacrifice has been a thing for a very long time though.There must be something to it because it 's mentioned in recorded history and the Bible. Plus, even the story of Jesus and the crucifixion is all about the power of a innocent blood sacrifice. In the occult, spells are more powerful if you have an innocent/pure/willing sacrifice as well. One thing I have noticed about the evil of Hollywood, and real evil in other areas is that it is an arrogance that likes to 'tell' on itself. Pride. So if one pays attention, you'll see it . The movie 'Monsters Inc.' by Disney is telling about(names are changed to protect the guilty and so you don't catch on) the purpose for child sacrifice. Heck, the statue of 'Baphomet' has a male and female child with it. Those are the sacrifices for that deity. Now contemplate this: we only see, hear, smell within certain set bandwidths. Certain insects and animals, fish can access other bandwidths. So why do people think that nothing can exist outside of our preset bandwidths, including entities(doesn't matter if you want to refer to them as 'demons', or 'devils' or 'aliens' or 'spirits'. Those words have preconceived notions/pictures associated with them, that's why the word 'entities' is better). Energy is real in wave form. Could not there exist an 'entity' outside of our bandwidths that thrives off our human energy like food to exist? The movie 'The Matix' offers that thought. An average human puts off about 7 mvs( I have a Trifield Meter that I can actually measure this if you hold it). Younger people put off more 'energy'. And depending on the individual, it actually extends out from a person 1-2 or more inches(also have a tool to measure that also). There is a reason that many truths are merely disguised as 'fables' or 'sci-fy', or 'stories', or 'mythology', or 'conspiracy theory'. So people don't believe them. If I remember correctly, President Trump has stopped more child trafficking than all previous presidents combined. The 'Sound of Freedom' with Jim Caviezel, he mentioned adrenochrome and see what happened to him. Why would it matter so much if not true? But also, what better way to turn public perception against a foe than to associate them with pedophilia. There is a reason that the numbers of missing children is OBSCENE. And yet, very little is being done about it. Sorry so long a reply but necessary to relay the thought. Hope I helped.
Thanks for the generous reply.
I'm with you throughout the entire overview except I hadn't heard/read the fire theory to deter child trafficking hypothesis yet. They began January 7, nearly 2 weeks before Trump was inaugurated.
I'd wager that the Palisades was a hotbed of adrenachrome users but burning down their houses doesn't strike me as a significant deterrent.
The traffic flow reduction as much as 95% at the southern border to me is a more logical explanation of how the supply may have been stifled.
One website supposedly tracked aerosolized nano aluminum chaff, known for its incendiary properties, originating from Area 51 that was being meteorologically pushed via "scalar" technology. Much like chemtrails but via a different delivery mechanism. There were many contributing factors that enabled the degree of devastation and when considered en masse no doubt make the case for high probability sabotage. The evidence overwhelmingly suggests this was premeditated long before the event.
I believe greater plausibility is that Newsom and friends facilitated the firestorm to fulfill the wishes of his Globalist owners to then rebuild the ruins into 15-minute cities
I personally believe you are right that it definitely was premeditated to 'build back better'. No clearing of underbrush in all those valleys any fire person knows that's a recipe for disaster. Fuel for the fires. There's actual reports and video of people dumping gas and gas cans in different subs to help facilitate the destruction. Plus, many of the insurance laws in California were changed just this past year. The 'theory' of the fires presented was just one thing I had read in reference to adrenochrome. 'Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon' by David McGowen is a great one about Hollywood and the music scene. Eyeopener about the evil in Hollywood.
Don't you think it's possible that many of those missing children have been organ trafficked?
Of course, absolutely. There is so much more going on that the numbers of missing children is so obscene with little being done about it. I do not know the truth about adrenochrome, just theories/thoughts through common sense/logic. It doesn't matter for what reason though for the large numbers, it'sevil non the less.
"People Magazine Worst Of The Worst. CIA Snake Media. Everything It Publishes Is Designed To Undermine Real Life."
I have felt this deeply for my entire life.
That rag mag has always based itself on the false premise that celebrities lives and other elite people's lives matter more than yours and mine and normal people. And that is used to debase us and propagandize us.
It’s the main source of political news for all those dumb bitches who used to pass notes in Civics and history class 🫣🙄🤣
The cover always over promises and the articles under deliver. It’s like trying to survive by not eating and just drinking sugar water.
You mean adrenochrom blood
Like every fat credentialed soccer mom you know!
Me, too!
You have felt deeply all your life about PEOPLE MAGAZINE?
Okey. Dokey.
When I was growing up, in what seemed to me the oppressive Boomer 1970s and 1980s, my mother and all of her friends read People, US, Parade, and even Star Magazine and the Enquirer, what seemed like every week. For me, yes, it did seem to be an oppressive narrative push by CIA Hollywood destroying the minds of those around me. The lack of a strong male presence (my dad left when I was 9) certainly made this impression and its impact on me far worse. But I did indeed feel this deeply when I was a young.
My mom reads "People".
I tell her it's a blatant pharmaceutical ad with celebrities paid to tell their stories about their new disease or mental "health" issue.
AARP is also a pharma zine.
I told Aarp to quit sending me my membership cards. I will never join that commie org.
I joined AMAC instead
Same here. 👍
"cadaver-like visage"
Not taking enough boosters?
Surely another booster or 2 might do the trick - REAL cadaver.
Over the years I watched SNL go from being a really funny platform filled with comedic geniuses to a pathetic show with mediocre talent. That’s when I stopped watching it about 10 years ago. Now that it’s become a voice for woke libtards to spend their Saturday nights alone and miserable, I’d rather watch one of Celia’s Saturday movies.
I watched it when it began 50 years ago. It was real satirical comedy then. I quit it cold turkey about 20 years ago. It now is only a caricature of itself.
And even at its inception, there are some skits now that shock me if I revisit. Such as a thread of pedo humor, which they still indulge in. They had a series of skits with Gilda Radner and Buck Henry as pedo babysitter. We laughed at pedophilia! I think I believed SNL was brilliant when I was a kid because it was different. However, I also remember starting to get bored with it quickly & preferring SCTV, because they were so much more clever and the topics didn't make me feel queasy.
You are correct, and yes, I preferred SCTV.
I preferred Carol Burnett
I hadn't thought about this for decades. But once you said it, I remembered it. I watched SNL as a little kid when it premiered--and I probably quit watching it by my early 20s. But yes, now it seems incredibly disturbing,
I only realized this after checking out a few of the early episodes a couple of years ago - yikes. Of course, everything sick was funny to me as a teen, but now I was sorta taken aback. Wow, we laughed at pedophilia!
True. I'm not sure if I laughed or not. I do remember laughing at Belushi--the Samurai deli owner. I liked the killer bees, the cone heads. I liked Gilda's Roseanne Roseanna Danna and Father Guido Sarducci. I also like Bill Murray as the boyfriend to Gilda in whatever those skits were called. But I also sensed the decadence underneath, if that makes sense. There was a strain of darkness that disturbed me.
Same. I really enjoyed all of those. Belushi's "Joe Cocker" was spectacularly funny as well.
I remember when it was “must watch TV.” Hard to imagine now there was ever such a thing.
And funny as a crutch in the paraplegic ward!
it got too blatantly homosexual for my tastes nearly 30 years ago with the Ambiguously Gay Duo shorts... they'd already started getting behind the Establishment too much four me to handle by then too.
I really enjoyed their fake commercials even through the 1990s though. the yardapult trash disposal was great.
Yes, there are brilliant comedy pieces amid the propaganda and trash, but the propaganda slowly took over.
I admit I did like "Pat." We never did figure out what gender he/she was. 😄
Can you imagine that skit being played in today’s political climate? It would never fly…
That was the point of that slippery slope skit!
It looks like Carolines 50th anniversary of 40. Wow she is only 67?
Evil really does a number on people.
There’s an 89-year-old down the road from me. Very religious, but practices what she preaches. (Rare!) Though she’s been through hell and Back, always walks around in the hot sun (no car), she looks 20 years younger than these two. And she has no money. You decide.
I wish I lived next door to her!
Your point being some people age better than others? So what?
My point being the elders within many traditions have always known that wickedness ages you...I would be careful if I were you in that regard. Just look at the elites and see for yourself.
You’re a gem. Not
Around 2021 or so, I was at an art opening in Soho for Edwin Schlossberg. He looked robust if not a little overly fleshy. Caroline was fluttering around like it was party in her home or something, oblivious to all the strangers like me who weren't part of her social circle -- and like me doing their best to not gawk at her.
At one point Caroline passed directly in front of me and I took the opportunity to outright stare at her for the second or two she went by. I was shocked by how wrinkled she was. I mean unusually wrinkled, even under heavy makeup. Every public photo of her is surely photoshopped to hide the deep wrinkles. Wrinkles can be seen, for example, in this People photo, but from what I saw a couple years ago, though, that People photo too would have to be a retouched one.
In the streets of New York I've run into up close Teddy Kennedy, JFK, Jr., Rory Kennedy, and Jackie. I remember thinking how none of them had Caroline's level of wrinkles, which actually made me wonder at the time that if it was not genetic per se, what could cause such wrinkling? Little did I imagine before her political positions became more widely known that she might be as much of an old prune sourpuss on the inside as her outer visage displayed.
i saw Jackie at a Broadway opening, late 70s, she was magnificent, glowed from within -- i remember reading she ate unborn lamb to achieve just such an effect.
I met Jackie at the Opera, where I worked in 1988. She was there for the ballet, and was late and was having to wait right in front of my bar for the Manager of the Met to let her in. I have to say that it was quite a moment. She was very petite, very pretty and intensely charismatic. She smiled at me. I couldn't think of anything that I could say that wouldn't sound stupid. I had been reading my book at the time when another bartender elbowed me to point out that she was quietly standing in front of me. She seemed vaguely amused by that.
Ugh. The preborn lamb
"... i remember reading she ate unborn lamb ..."
Unborn lamb. And also veal, but not just any veal ... I heard she liked to eat FETAL CALF veal. Ugh!
What is unborn lamb? You mean like a lamb fetus ?!!!😳
just found this — about fleece on astrakhan hats — "the most desirable astrakhan is from a lamb two weeks from term, for which the pregnant ewe is killed. Horrific."
elsewhere — "the Astrakhan hat, made from Karakul sheep with distinctive looped fur."
they both look like walking undead... time for a new set of skinsuits on those reptiles
I’m sure they are vaxxed and boosted to the max!
He’s either a cardboard cutout or living with her is more odious than one person can possibly bear alone.
Every now and then forces briefly come into the light of day, which are then quickly forgotten by the public, because there are a number of very effective dynamics going on that repeatedly show their effectiveness, such as the current euphoric happening in social media as a result of 'saviors' who have entered the political stage. Time will have to show us whether they really are 'saviors', but at this stage of blinding euphoria it is not done to say this too often. We have had it so hard and so much misery has happened, that we all deserve to celebrate now. That this could also be a strategy is consistently ignored. Every party pooper is almost by definition classified as the wrong side. In so-called more normal times there is always room to think and communicate about phenomena such as politics, geopolitics, who the real power grabbers are, etc. We often came to the conclusion that politics has no real power and decision-making power at all and that it handed it over to the supranational power networks decades ago. But because we are now allowed to experience on a daily basis, through the 'saviors', how decisively the evil that we have had to deal with, especially in the past four or five years, is being dealt with, has such an impact on the state of being of the population that there seems to be no room for that alertness among all these awake people, for which everyone in the new media was so famous.
It has now been almost a month since Trump was inaugurated and a dossier can already be compiled with information showing, for example, that the most important bribed media still exist, that there is again a lot of investment in vaccines, that the 'saviors' do not say a word about Agenda 2030 or the CBDC, that there is a lot of investment in our future digital prison / AI, etc. Are these all actions that belong to a savior or is this also a tactic to mislead evil? In any case, the euphoric public does not seem to think about it . . .
take the wins. fight like hell against the bad, if/when it comes.
Enjoy the crumbs.
“I think I have enough ammo” said no one ever!
Yes, when you see maha think haha when they appoint people like John O’Neil to serve as assistant administrator at hhs. Whitney Webb has published details of his previous work promoting biotech experimenting on us for profit.
Jim O'Neill. John O'Neill died in the Twin Towers. Head of Security for Port Authority.
Blown apart in the controlled demolition, eh??🙄🤬🤬
Yeah. Another good man, wasted. Decorated Viet Nam vet.
Thank you. This comment section was making me nauseous.
So much childish hatred. God Bless.